tv Watching the Hawks RT February 18, 2020 10:30am-11:01am EST
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change the way. out you tube videos that. are supposed to be a. net. plus your brushes russia russia russia say. but i will show. you the way which is russia today and i'm really happy to join you say you've been on our team. were so proud and will. are just getting the number. why have you not shut down r t on you tube it's a propaganda machine mr walker. greetings
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and salyut patients in the world of international politics and big business my friends information is king especially for intelligence agencies like the cia and the n.s.a. and it's the cia's ravenous thirst for intelligence and control no matter the cost of what lines are crossed it was out the heart of the recent revelations coming out of switzerland regarding the cold war's biggest manufacturer of encryption devices . a joint investigation by the washington post and german public broadcasters e.d.f. has revealed that crypto a.g.t. the world's leading manufacturer or crip to logical equipment during the cold war
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whose clients including included over $120.00 governments around the world was a front company owned by the united states central intelligence agency whoa discovered through a secret 2004 cia historical document and in a 2000 a oral history by german intelligence the operation was considered to be the intelligence coup of the century by taking over the manufacture of the devices this allowed the cia and n.s.a. to rig the crypto agee's products so they could easily break the codes and have access to a client's encrypted messages and guess what the cia wasn't just some silent donor either according to the post to most employees except executives at the highest levels the agency controlled nearly every aspect of kryptos operations presiding residing with their german partners over hiring decisions designing its technology
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sabotaging its algorithms and directing its sales targets. the cia's own historical documents even bragged. about the extent of the of the ugliness involved saying quote foreign governments were paying good money to the us and western germany for the privilege of having their most secret communications read by a least 2 and possibly as many as 5 or 6 foreign countries so if the cia owned the top and corruption company in the world up until 2018 it makes you wonder what other companies do they secretly have their hands in and that my friends is why we are always watching the hawks. you want to go on a city street you want to. do so you'd like to see the crisis joyce state and see a little slice grace suggests least systemic deception is the late show
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which is so. welcome i'm going to watch it with. an island a measure that is incredible wow look at this i mean from the cold war all the way up into 2002 in the cia along with german told the centrally ran the biggest and corruption company in the world giving them access to tons of people of governments foreign governments and businesses and banks. secret messages that they encrypted this is incredible it is incredible but not surprising i think of this on the vein of this guy is going to always be blue the sun's going to always come up in the morning and go down in the evening and stars are always going to be in the galaxies and with all of that we're always going to have with the i.a.e.a. that gets information by whatever means necessary and i feel like this is par for the course for what the cia is designed to do at the end of the day we have a lot of we have a lot of national international interest and when it comes to the cia i don't think
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that there is in there is an international or subnational act or organization that they. bill is off limits and it is impossible to have one that is purely that is purely non-negotiable and one that will not take months we know this is story plea that the cia have been known to pass through has been known to acknowledge that later on that they have given money to certain to certain entities but also that it is very hard to be someone who is an isolationist within this field i think that for the cia it is all about getting the human intelligence it is all about getting the geospatial intelligence it is about making sure that you have all the most up to date technology but it's also about knowing how to get into places that you normally would not be able to get into and i think they do this sometimes in very shadowy ways ringback this is not surprising it's not surprising but do you think it crosses the line though because when you look at no one knew they own the company employees who are going out selling products for the centrally tainted products on one hand they are damaged products that we couldn't give those foreign
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governments the cryptology technology or their products that will allow us to easily hacked into them is that dangerous because there was one employee that was kidnapped by iran during this period and they were questioning him to see if he was a traitor or not you know but these employees have no idea they're working for an intelligence company doing this that puts people in danger it does post certain levels of difficulties and i think that that's a very that's a very strong point to bring up i think that it's also important to acknowledge that again the cia through its processes takes in takes high level risks and those who are associated with it when you come on you know that this is supposed to be of the most in secrecy but also that there are several things that could be detrimental to happen to you but also those around you should any of this information week i think that for the cia and for us to maintain the strength that we have as a nation in terms of foreign intelligence there are certain measures that have to be taken that aren't necessarily things that most people would consider above board
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. and that's where we'll disagree because i don't believe we should i don't buy. i don't believe that of we're going to hold ourselves to a level of accountability and a level of look at how great we are look at how free we are that we should be allowing our cia to go secretly by major businesses around the world and then act as like oh no we don't but it's basically a front company for them so i strongly disagree with that because to me that's like i get you want to get intelligence i understand that but they're also getting intelligence from people who are who are supposedly our allies it wasn't of them going after you know russia and china during the cold war they were getting intelligence from greece they were going to televisions from spain. they're pulling from all of our friends to let me in life to know what the right hand is doing and i think that for the united states there is a strategic advantage to also knowing we are allies aren't we are allies are engaging with because that might not always be very very open information and i think that allies sometimes make these subnational agreements to the best interests
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of themselves and it might not how it might not be in the best interests of the the allegiance of a that was i want to throw this in before we change topics to one of the employees who is an electrical engineer worked there for 16 years he told the post you think you do good work and you make something secure and then you realize that you cheated these climbs and for those employees that no concept of this i think that that was truly dangerous and on ethical to put them in a situation like that let alone buy in a company overseas and keep it under wraps makes me wonder what companies they might own now especially in point the finger like huawei in places like that smile . the united states has blanketed its racism with impunity and equal opportunity anyone who looked spoke or worship differently from the dominant euro centric culture became a target native americans african-americans muslim americans and japanese americans all took a hit 120000 japanese americans were held in internment camps during world war 2
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their crime nothing more than their last name and heritage and true american fashion let the apology to work again. this thursday nearly 78 years after the 1st internment camps were filled california's legislature is slated to approve a resolution formally apologizing to the victims r t correspondent 70 or has more on this story. thursday will mark the 70th anniversary of president franklin roosevelt executive order 9066 which has been celebrated for years by japanese americans as a day of remembrance but this year california lawmakers are set to vote for a resolution that would formally apologize for the imprisonment of japanese americans during world war 2 and this resolution is expected to get approved and already has governor gavin newsom's and doris menow this bill h.r. $77.00 was introduced by assemblyman alamo dodd sushi
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a democrat from california and coauthored this with 6 others and really paints a picture of california's anti japanese culture which goes way back in history and that's because it does a resolution is not just about world war 2 during pearl harbor but it also mentions how the california alien land love in 1913 which made land ownership for japanese immigrants legal and also in 1943 joint resolution by the assembly that also states senate called for the forfeit of u.s. citizenship by residents who were also citizens of japan so it basically took us citizenship away from japanese dual citizens now it also goes further by calling out u.s. army general john allen devitt for telling california politicians shortly after the pearl harbor attack of that the japanese in this country have more arms and
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ammunition in their presumption that our own armed forces which was a convincing argument that. that are more than 120000 japanese americans into camps during world war 2 and you know as some women she said that he really pushed for the bill because he wanted california to lead by example and while our nation's capital is hopelessly divided along party lines and president is putting immigrant families and children in cages in fact that was the exact comparison award winning journalist and historian paul de de re and 0 made on interview today in question take a listen and i think it's interesting to know that dylan meyer who is the chairman of the director of the board that was responsible the authority that was responsible for building these camps when i ought to be head of the bureau of indian affairs had pioneered the terminations policy to try and recognition of native tribes and native for reservations and to disperse the native american
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population into the cities of america causing tremendous tremendous problems i think you see also what's happening along the border with mexico is that native properties being condemned and taken over by the u.s. military or to build their wall for the trump administration is another way you see that and this measure is also co-sponsored with california assembly republican leader. who also was inspired by the migrant children held in u.s. custody over the last year lastly i want to mention that california has had a very dark and unjust history not just against japanese americans but also against chinese americans in fact in $1879.00 california passed a chinese exclusion act prohibiting chinese from working for the government or any business incorporated in california plus gave powers to local governments through move on wanted chinese citizens and although to $870.00 naturalization i granted
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citizenship rights to african americans it is specifically denied the same right. it's too chinese for watching the hawks i'm sorry to happen. is a tough story especially because it is a better late than never you know for california say look we're sorry that we you know made that mistake and threw everybody into camps back in 1400 so you know this is really. it when we think about issues like this typically the federal government takes their notes from the states and what we've seen in california is the exact opposite when reagan in 1988 actually issued an apology for at the federal level and issued money to be spent on the families who actually were in the internment camps the ones that were still till a lot so it's very interesting to me that california just thought about this 2 day ronald reagan obviously in the california it would have made more sense for california to have jumped on in 88 still late but not 2020 it's it's interesting
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too because i think the reason it's important to look at stories like this is because it is happening right now where we don't want we won't pretend it's not normal what do you think is happening along the border when you take people and put them in a confined space and separate mothers and children and families and all that that some term that is a concentration i'm sorry it's a concentration of people and i think that this actually may be one of the linkages to why 6 why the express interest has come up in california right now think that produced something that was very interesting when she talked about specifically why california was different because it wasn't the japanese americans were only in california or that they even had the largest concentration of japanese americans actually hawaii did at the time in hawaii did not did not know the entire process to the extent that we saw in california they went above and beyond in terms of actually removing almost all of their japanese american population and again these are people who were for the most part over 70 percent american citizens at that
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point you know you know these are people these were people who weren't really a threat but again you know ok pro harbor happens and the more that happens we lose our minds don't think logically be. because we make decisions out of fear and patriotism which are too dangerous places to make decisions from throughout history you've never really seen a whole lot of good come from saying i'm going to make a quick decision about this group of people or these things like that because i'm scared and i love my country that will be seen these america idiology occur decade after decade whenever there is a imposed threat or the thought of an imposed threat america has a habit of outing certain groups to operate typically those groups don't look like your average white american and they do it very well and they codified in law and over time these populations not only are a lot less trusting of the american government is it shouldn't be one of the other interesting things is that it causes a lot more to hold down the road one of the major issues with this one was that the census bureau at the time actually illegally used its data in terms of its local the locations of a lot of these families their residences and were actually pushing that to law
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enforcement so the u.s. census bureau was one of the reasons a lot of these folks got rounded up which is now why a lot of people are opting out of the process and only want to do the census but interesting interesting point all right you are it is going to break clark watchers don't forget to let us know what you think it proper to cover on our social media be sure to watch in the next the podcast available on spotify because everywhere you listen to your favorite or not so favorite you could also start watching the hawks on the man through the brand new portable t.v. . on smart phones google play and the apple app store by searching for a boat to be coming up my friends the burghers the verdict is in the u.s. government's case against the 4 activists who occupied the venezuelan embassy last spring and embassy protector a.v.m. klein joins us next to discuss state to watch.
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all right welcome back from that lovely break look for those of us who've been following the incredible story and court case of the 4 activists who occupied the venezuelan embassy last spring much to the chagrin and anger of not only those supporting and working with juan why don't his attempts to remove venezuelan president nicolas maduro from office but also his u.s. backers here in the white house and state department and law enforcement and it goes on well the verdict has come in and it ended in a mistrial yes federal judge beryl how announced a mistrial after the jury could not reach a verdict on the case against the 4 self-proclaimed embassy protectors adrian pyne kevin zeese margaret flowers and david paul who occupied the embassy under the permission of the venezuelan government for more than 30 days last april before being forcibly removed last may by u.s. law enforcement the 4 were charged with knowingly and willfully obstructing resisting in interfering with a federal law enforcement agent gauged in the performance of a protective functions authorized under section $37.00 of the state department's
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basic doherty's act of $956.00 sure we're all familiar with that act the penalties for that charge are right over there based were one year in prison and up to $100000.00 in fines that was a piece this mistrial comes despite many roadblocks rulings and legal hurdles thrown out before activists by both the judge and prosecutors on the case joining us now to discuss the trial the hardships and what comes next is embassy protector edge and finally driven pleasure to have you back on the show. so i got to start mass mistrial how do you feel after seeing your case and in the mistrial and what does this murder verdict mean for you and for those who were. ordering your cause and what got you there in the 1st floors sure well i mean of course we were delighted with this outcome because given. the way that the courtroom was rigged against it was unlikely that the jury would have been able to come to a verdict of innocent because they were not permitted to hear most of the facts in
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going into the case so we were really glad that. some of the jurors really sort of saw through the scale on the part of the government the lies and we're willing to hold out. that you know we're willing to say yeah there's some doubt here there's some reasonable doubt but the mistrial means for us obviously that this iteration of the case is over but the government can still decide to start all over again and so we are facing that possibility we have a hearing believe on the 28th and so we'll see what the government plans to do at that point. but will you remain innocent as we always have been right now. from your perch watching this was an expeditious 4 day process did you have any inkling during it that it was going to end in a mistrial you know my attorneys told us that you can't try to read the tea
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leaves. you're always wrong and yeah i mean we had no idea one inclination that we got was that 1st of all that it was a really smart jury they were asking really good questions they were paying very close attention to all of the flaws in the government's case and to our own attorney's arguments and so those questions gave us hope because we really we saw that they were taking it seriously and that they were taking their duties as jurors seriously and then you know the fact that they took longer the. presenting the case took it self to deliberate also gave us another inkling that something was going on there so that. really it was we were we were prepared for the worse because that's really what the government has set up for us they have prevented us from i mean
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like i mentioned last time i was here the trial the court room was this fantasy world where one guy do was president of venezuela that reality exists nowhere else in the world except for that courtroom and so and not being able to explain to jurors who were very confused about why we were inquiring glad i was embassy you know really made it more difficult and that was because of a lot of the hurdles that were kind of placed before you and your defense team you know you you women with the defense of. venezuelan government asked us to be there we had permission from them to be there sensually you know what do you feel were the most difficult of those hurdles i mean i know the judge at one point especially made the ruling that donald trump can just decide whoever gets to be president of whatever country legally here and that's what the law will recognize here but if he says the doctors suddenly the prime minister of england. has to go by that. we learned in the process of the case is that that is in fact the legal precedent so
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it it's not it's not a law that's like a statute but it is legal precedent says that donald trump can designate making mouses the president of france and that the courts cannot contest that and so that was really the law that defined the court room scenario that we were in and we were not able to speak a word of the fact that that was a fiction so given that fact given how constrained our trial was we were really really grateful that the jurors saw through all the lies. host in this trial where do we go from here do you think that the u.s. is going to take this case up again. well i mean it really we have no idea where hoping they don't obviously it's a tremendous waste of u.s. taxpayer dollars to i mean this was a lot of resources went in to this case on the part of the trump government and you
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know they were really trying to make an example of us and those are wasted u.s. taxpayer dollar research says you know just like there's millions of dollars that are being spent to prop up this puppet would be dictator our way food us to fair resources you know it's time for our money to go to to better causes and for the government to stop prosecuting people who are in fact fighting for social justice and against us empire and to me it's that's what gives me a lot about this case and i was so happy just kind of see that mistrials at the end of the day whether whether you are against the cause you're fighting for for the cause that you're fighting for at the end of the day you're practicing your 1st amendment rights. you know that's what really you were doing at the end of the day when you strip everything else away and all of the other stuff you're in there saying i disagree with my country's policies regarding this and i'm going to express that is not i mean really and to me that goes right against the 1st amendment against the 1st amendment but also we were there by international law we
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were there completely legally we had requested and received permission from the venezuelan gov or the elected venezuelan government to be there its foreign soil it was illegal of the united states of the state department to break the vienna convention and enter the embassy and arrest us and causing serious damage to the property which remains empty to this day trash collecting around it wraps running in and out i mean this is supposedly the embassy the whole operation was to give it back to go i don't know who had never to vecchio his quote unquote ambassador who had never had it in the 1st place but and they never went back and then after they way you know everybody voted off and then they haven't returned the boarded up i mean and this is this was the state department liberating the venezuelan embassy in fact it was a coup it was the u.s. directly you know with the like stormtrooper operation taking over venezuelan
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territory maybe not to say that was truly fascinating and i thank you very much for coming on and definitely keep us updated with what happens with the case and good luck moving forward thank you so much dr. the funny thing about conspiracy theories is they can be exhilarating along the same and cultural phenomenon it completely and utterly false such as the case with the bermuda triangle theory the $125.00 disappearance of the s.s. catastrophe whose ship wreck claimed the lives of 32 people created many theories over time from go ships and pirates to the lost city of atlantis but none permeated more than the bermuda triangle theory with the recent vessel discovery. this theory was the bunked as the ball carrier never actually made it to the band but florida appears to be the fight of the tragic devastation and the remains of the paint ship . wow wow ok so they're saying that this particular i love the bermuda triangle written about it so they're saying that this particular trip ship was never
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actually part of that whatsoever that old mythology in the war surrounding it not at all but just like all good folklore it's always great to have a strong snow where you trust we know no more than i do the loch ness monster heard on with our wares to paul i'm going to make you believe these things by the time you know moving forward imo i'm going to win you over it's going to be a tough. call but all challenges worth fighting are tough i will win you over in the bermuda triangle all right that is over here today and remember everyone in this world we are not told that we are loved about so i tell you all i love you as well but.
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this will come with another move. in your circle as mother see. you know. when you watch the blues a little in the north wind there. the winding good sort of when you you know if one of your sins that you know that you know seems to trace. the. the kind of good intentions of architecture. in christian and maybe even 40 years ago. is simply evaporated to the north sea at the time the pressure will supplant.
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calling they starve unions at these companies to protect workers' wages but they got rid of all they don't need workers they keep printing money and say ok well these are the products without boeing is saying we don't make products either we will make bad products not fall out of the sky and kill people but we still get the bailout money every single day we just don't buy that give it to our corrupt capitalist shareholders of course we've got. a. really. good. thing it's going to. be here you.
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move. more than 100 doctors from around the world 'd side to join the lancet condemning the british government for its handling of the gin in the sauce case claiming he's been subjected to psychological torture in the prison. it's revealed the young sex trafficking victim in the u.k. didn't receive any support from the authorities until the case ended up in the high court will hear from her lawyer. completely unacceptable that someone so vulnerable and someone so at risk of trafficking was not provided with the support of the accommodation that they seek desperately need and. out of this prime minister just to trudeau calls an emergency meeting after activists bring parts of the country's railway system screeching to.
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