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tv   Keiser Report  RT  February 18, 2020 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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from. more than a 100 doctors from around the world signed a letter condemning the british government's treatment of julian a silence. it's revealed a young sex trafficking victim in the u.k. didn't receive any support from the all 4 seasons of the case ended up in the high court. and facebook boss mark that the books they social media giants need more regulation from governments to tackle harmful contents. and for the latest on these stories head to our t. dot com a stay with us now for the financial news and the kinds of reports. max
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kaiser this is the kaiser report well we learned recently that you don't need workers to make the stock market go higher than our learning banks of the coronavirus but you don't need products either you just need money printing wow cool stacey yes because as we have said over and over and over here on kaiser reports bad news is the best news of olive course you would think that a pandemic would hit stock markets and of course there was that those a few headlines saying oh coronavirus are coded 19 this is called technically or medically you know they said well this ought to hit stock markets because it's going to hit globalization is going to hit commerce it's going to hit trade so every time somebody says this could be bad or do they say oh of course jay pal at the u.s. federal reserve he's going to cut interest rates he's going to flood the market
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with money the kind of problems that this week but here is the headline coronavirus rally continues s. and p. 500 index at yet another all time high there used to be something called a business cycle where you know the labor for example if their cost would get too high then the central bank would step in and they would take an action to cool things down exciter but this environment is a one trick pony no matter what the news is good news bad news i mean it doesn't make any difference the question was was the coronavirus going to be bigger than the ability for central banks to print in excess of what the estimated cost was that was almost the equation from day one so the fact that it's a pandemic you've got all this infection you've got for. 3 shut down it does hasn't shut down the central banks of one of the central bankers like jay powell came down
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coronavirus that would be different but he is insulated so therefore there will be no end to this rally i might add by the way we are in mexico city so welcome to mexico city this is where we are we were in cannes kuhn just the last episode we're now in mexico city by the way max also performed last night at the big queen embassy here in mexico city you can go to their facebook page you can go to twitter look them up big queen embassy in mexico city and you'll find his stand up rate there it was amazing they also gave me this big coin necklace made of real mexican silver so you know speaking about this bed and the fed printing money so we're here having another pandemic around the world and the top 0 point one percent who own most of the shares they're rallying they're happy they're excited because and a bad news for the people is good news for them and in fact jay powell says it has
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been a particularly good time to be at the top of the income spectrum of course he would know well it's a tax you know printing money is a tax and if you make the analogy to the middle ages and feudal lord stay would tax people and till they are you know living in a service and here you have a minimum consumption requirement as long as you're spending 5 or $10.00 a day on plastic or plastic food or junk or what have you you can you can maintain your status as 6 an indentured servant of the jay powell in the central bankers and they they will just continue to disrupt your existence by printing ever more money it will be interesting however as if there's ever any knock on effects because one thing we've seen is that we've just seen money printing and money printing and financialization so the likes of boeing don't actually have to make planes that fly anymore they used to be. their specialty now it's no longer their specialty same with general electric used to make turbines and all sorts of well airplane jets you
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know the engines so they used to make things like that and general aspect became a financial company in collapse but we'll see if we actually need any of the shipping containers coming from china with goods and services right like to my point there that was bowing out of unions at these companies to protect workers' wages but they got rid of all they don't need workers to keep printing money and say ok well east of the products without boeing is saying we don't make products either we will make bad products in the fall out of the sky and kill people but we still get the bailout money every single day we just don't buy the dividend to our corrupt crony capitalist shareholders of course we go well actually the plane crashes those were huge tragedies for the family involved but it does extend this financial ised service economy because there's a lot of work there for lawyers for insurance executives so that also adds to g.d.p. in that sort of way now at the bottom outside of jay powell you know jay powell by
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the way i think is he's the wealthiest ever central banker and the modern era he was worth $100000000.00 when he stepped into the job i'm sure his share portfolio has maybe doubled their chip will that just like we've seen with mayor bloomberg but u.s. household debt exceeds 14 trillion for the 1st time and why is that well that's because of all the inflation of jay powell printing money but giving it only to a very select few those the top of the income spectrum that he gives the money to they're doing well their portfolios are doing well their housing portfolio is doing well all that stuff is doing well for them and thus raising the cost for everybody else who goes deeper into debt you know i haven't been saying a little my favorite songs from years gone. jump like a band with a job who could do that do your own bells money printing plantation you live in america serve yeah. so share price you know so debt levels go higher and higher and it goes exactly you could probably put
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a correlated chart between that and the money printing from the fed you could relate that to the inequality happening because there's an absence of jobs because apparently this is what will economy all these cars are driving around behind us here in mexico city this is the angel of independence i don't know how they're either being built or fueled but one day it's all just going to stop another thing about south the bottom you know 99 percent of the population lives is here in interesting story that relates to mexico and the united states utah sends employees to mexico for a lower prescription prices utah is paying public employees to travel to mexico to fill their prescription medications and a program aimed at reducing the high cost of prescription drugs so why is utah going through this elaborate so the neo liberal ok neo liberalism what it does is it takes away what you know used to be provided with one simple utility like
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function from the government and add all sorts of contracts then and sub contractors and all sorts of paperwork and coffee paperwork and administrators and things like that so here is that or just having the government negotiate prices they send these people onto a flight thus risking catching the coronavirus by the way send them to mexico to get drugs why because in most other countries national health programs negotiate lower drug prices at large scale and sometimes refuse to cover the most expensive ones meanwhile patents generally run much longer in the us than other countries allowing for monopolies drugmakers also often point to the high cost of creating a drug to bring to market so the mexican government negotiates these prices on these drugs for their. citizens the u.s. won't do that because that's communism in their mind but they'll send their own
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patients all the way to mexico to get the same price is right and you know you have a politician there mitt romney and he's a private equity guy from bain capital and so he is over there and he's ok with his citizens having to travel to mexico to get cheap drug prices why because he's part of the capitalist class in the private equity class does profiting from the misery of people who are in utah he's a guy who profits from the abject misery and he's now the darling of the left because he made a grand standing speech against trump recently so right now these are hollywood you know social justice warriors they're out there at the awards ceremony pumping their causes they they love rick mitt romney well indeed in a nearby state nevada you have the unions there fighting with hard very hard with vicious ads against and campaigning against bernie sanders because they're saying they don't want medicare for all because they the union have amazing that health
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care this is a union utah state workers half of the union workers in america are actually state workers rights they employees so here you have union workers having to fly all the way to mexico to get their drugs otherwise like they highlight a case of a woman who's a teacher who otherwise she wouldn't be able to treat her arthritis she flies here to get the medicine and then flies back to the united states so this is what is considered cadillac amazing plan in america right this cadillac plan is just a normal plan for most g. 20 nations most industrialized nations on a plan that america because there's to be a cadillac plan so i think this could be the basis for a new civil war except this out of north versus south is going to be the teamsters union versus the teachers union teamsters versus teachers and america's civil war to no taxation without. getting my flu jab well but what i'm saying is it's not
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even normal and the rest of the world in the rest of the developed world a cadillac plan is what everybody has and it means that you get to go right to your neighborhood like within walking distance there's a local doctor and a pharmacy where you could get a normal priced pharmaceutical product in america they're cadillac plans the ones they fight tooth and nail and to the death for this is what they're fighting for it's like i love this plan i have to fly to mexico to get my medicine and what if planes are grounded that month what if there's a coronavirus what if i can't go get it what happens for that and what if she can't what if quarantine it would have mexico and she can't go there what happens then like this is a this is the sort of precarious situation you're put in through this neoliberal crazy structure health care is a machine right or not it's in america do we allow health care become an instrument of a program against the poor is that a good idea mitt romney genocidal maniac. well so they cover this woman and level
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and she had never owned a passport until last year and now $62.00 she is a frequent flyer traveling every few months to tijuana mexico to buy medication for rheumatoid arthritis with tickets paid for by the state of utah as public insured so again this is kind of a works program for boeing all the boeing jets and need to fly people to you know mexico again like. over and over the president every single senator every single congressperson they're running for office they're championing why they're bombing people around the world to bring capitalism and democracy free this is not capitalism capitalism should be more efficient and should deliver efficiency it is totally in a fish and to fly somebody for 44 hours from utah to to walk she has to cross the border she lands in san diego drives across the border in a special bus. designed for people who are americans fleeing to get some help some
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pharmaceuticals so this is not out of the ism they say it's capitalism but this is totally inefficient all think of all those middlemen in this situation of her just having to get some medicines for her rheumatoid arthritis no capitalism and competition so in the case of the airlines they would have to provide a service that wasn't government funded and they have an incentive to provide a service to study getting free government contracts and free government money right well this is more like soviet times but the soviets learned their lesson when will america ever learn all right we're going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way. i can't show you my face but i'm going to teach you must store. was sentenced to
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death. charged with capital murder even though he didn't have the gun didn't pull the trigger didn't intend to kill anybody magine living in your bathroom for the week with the son of a 23. i felt it had to serve to be. confined within 4 gray walls. choosing. to leave things room. the world is driven by a dream shaped by. saying . we fear to ask.
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welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max keiser time now to turn to jose arad reagan as long. time friend of the kaiser report but on many times one of our most valued guest was a welcome back thank you very much once against america now in mexico city i was talking about mexican wrestling matches i have a smack down now he would be. going to get a smack down could hardly wait we'll talk about that a moment but 1st let's talk about the fact that you are the director of block chain land at the bag a talent land event coming up in april in guadalajara there's going to be tens of thousands of people attending will tell us about this oh say yes this year i'm the
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director of blocked in atlanta which is one of the stages let's say lands in town and that's what's that and then it's the biggest intrapreneur should business and tech event in latin america last year we had $62000.00 that then these are in the 5 base and we have over 5300 people working hack a thons and also challenges from front companies and we broke a world record of the biggest. so 4 class in the world with i.b.m. and we also had an attempt to the biggest math class we didn't achieve that but we did achieve the biggest one and we're going to announce soon our new guinness record attempt wow so this is all about tag all about. yeah and so this seems like it's how does a plan to the mexican economy as a whole it seems like this is the key to get to choose reinvigorating the whole economy yes yes this is the 1st contact for many people in technology business and
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we have like blocks in line we have 10 stages one of the mains stages we have for example is business land where you can find different companies banks financial institutions. and business development companies and we also have for example other interesting for a lot of people like gamer land which we have almost all the brands and old games coming over with us and we also have developer land and we have tenants for old type of content so we have those are creative when that you have your you tube or or you or doing something creative or you're the site or so we have 10 different events and less year during the event over 1800 hours of content were created through all the stages so we have the vents running for 5 days 24 hours with thousands of people getting to know different communities different people from different countries companies what they're doing working hackathon challenges and also some of them having their 1st contact in their life to different companies to
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different technologies and we also try to bring many know vade of new technologies and new companies and to show people what things are happening in the world graham in the sizes anonymous right 5060000 people as comparable in size i guess to burning man festival in the united states that's well down and a lot of people migrate there every year it's quite a phenomenon but it doesn't have the really focus on tac that this is really tech specific can only travel all over latin america we were in argentina brazil uruguay mexico this new generation is dow embracing technology and bitcoin as a way to develop some sovereignty jar after the many decades of let's call the financial occupation for what it is you know the u.s. dollar and america has been financially occupying latin america for decades does
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that message resonate with this new generation is that what's part of this yeah definitely i mean people are using different systems that you speak. and then so then you speak about the next generations about how they're not using banks for example how they're using different technologies and how they're using technologies that normally other generations aren't used to so we have content for all ages and we even have content for kids that are in elementary school for example we have a good island which is the length for people that are in elementary secondary school that. want to have this 1st contact or interested for example in robotics or interested in programming or in video games or hopefully block change so we try to bring content from the simplest type of content to the most innovative to the most complex for everyone to have something to get out to get out of the advent one thing to change probably life for their career what they want to do and maybe start
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being an entrepreneur or starting a new project and also getting to know i mean you have so much interaction with all those people from all different contexts and all different disciplines that you can even start a team there and start a company oh right they sell that's kind spontaneously erupt just within the mix of all this talent in talent land yeah companies can can can come up and. stacy will be there yes and i think i'll be speaking there and there should be a pretty big crowd and i have been talking a couple 1000 people yes we have a main stage which we have 2000 people seated plus we have. around and the event to stream them recorded like that's year over 4000000 people full the event during the week and yes we're going to have max and stacy in our in our main stage and also in blocks inland so our other guests like tom bass that was with us also last year and main stage and also in blood and then different people and companies
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that are well known here and latin america in the world like for example we have beats so we're going to have. the cred we're going to have going to have the french for our escape we're going to have some new mexican exchanges to for example doubtless we're going to have the become n.b.c. bar which is where we did our recent great to meet right i recently made up a bit coin embassy bar this is a fantastic really location in mexico city and the vibe was incredible i mean this people in mexico city now are so pumped up about they call it it's amazing this is just really getting so much excitement and traction and you know thanks for that organizing that and so you're our kind of thoughts about how this goes forward as talent land go forward like what's the one of the what's the plan going over the next few years with this yeah so once we have created this event and we
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have been doing it for for now 3 years one of the plans so we want this to expand to other countries and have more people have this interaction and have this type of events for everyone to get to know what is going on the world with business with technology with developers and all this different metrics for people to get involved so we are planning to going to let in america and europe in the in the next month some will we there will be an announcement about the countries that we're going and also bringing like that when we did the media independent events of chain and so also creating events. with the land and with all the content and with all the people there are coming in are being allies and all the communities it's also the biggest reunion of community some. hundreds of communities over there so we try to bring everything together and once we have that we also want to do
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a specific events for example for books inland for more people to get involved with this technology some to see that was just the beginning the transfer of value but now it's a whole new were. old an industry that it's being developed something that we have talked and missions in the last years that is now being created and constructed. some photos of the event right so there's actually a look at the main areas there there are tents set up just a status of 10 yeah there are $8000.00 people that stayed sleep over the tent right 8000 people and so it's like woodstock meets burning meets some intergalactic medo technologically savvy. i mean. well let's let's kind of change scares for a 2nd so says we last spoke you now have a new president and mexico house what's going on there who is this guy what's happening so well the president now has been for over a year his name is. sort of or he is. from the left this party here.
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here started making some changes some of them having some well see you know others who have been some well seen up till now despite old economical and politico this issue in mexico has had some financial stability which is good. we still need to see what they are going to be the impact of all this social programs that he is proposing because well money has to go out from somewhere it doesn't magically appear so jamie diamond says it can print all the money you need to bail out any bank you want doesn't dissolve false they can do it but we know the consequences of doing that so. there must be a balance and if you just turn on the printer we know what happens and you know we've no other country surprised that you have 2 forms of socialism we have banking socialism where they just print money and give it to the bankers then there's
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a political populace all still has a war you print money and give it to people. as a cursory review a look at the. yes you would say well the people are the ones that are the economy and they're the ones that buy stuff every single day like gas and cars and holes and they have to buy furniture that seems like the real economy if you just give the socialism version like lloyd blankfein loves this idea banks just giving him billions of dollars for sitting on as and doing nothing all day he would tend to buy ski chalet or apartment buildings that society basically dead money just silos of paper that go nowhere and we've had this kind of socialism for the rich now for a decade in a huge way and we can see that in the money velocity number which is sitting all time lows the money just doesn't go anywhere so if you had to pick between giving money to deadbeats like lloyd blankfein who don't spend it they just hoard it in a paper warehouse and do nothing with it and he talks all day and says stupid
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things or you give it to people who buy stuff like houses and furniture and cars and gasoline and which one would be better oh there's been at least a way to put a better is to put it into more hands the problem is the way that you do this so. that both transparency corruption and also taking those funds for other means is one of the constant problems when you have this so show programs going on so there is still a lot to do and also bends i mean the intentions are good the execution for me is not the best one there are there could be other ways to do this they have done various programs with the aim of accelerating the rick to beat in the economy it hasn't worked out and it doesn't work out in the next months and next years we probably going to have a problem but if this actually starts putting a sparkle on people to start working to start saving to start being in trooper
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nourse we could have the beginning of open new growth but up till now this hasn't been seen but but but. if i understand correctly the some of these programs extend to wider portions of the population not just let's say monetary systems for the elderly but it expands to other sectors of the economy at a rate that's higher than the minimum wage so would that disincentive eyes people to actually do the kind of work you need to get the economy growing to generate the tax revenue to pay down the debt and that's also $1.00 of the perverse incentives that you give out when you give out other people's money you know people are happy because they have money so they're going to vote with you but on the other side you create this perverse incentive so if i have a kid and i'm going to get a higher income that's working 8 to 10 hours a day i well i am going to have 12345 kids and the government will pay me anyways
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and that could be my income so that also creates this perverse incentive and we're going to pick it up on part 2 that's ok ok i know you're busy mannering salamander . that's going to do it for this edition of 3 for with me max kaiser cease to think our guest is a roger i guess if you were to catch us on twitter as kaiser report said i stand by you. and we're going to fulfill the repeated promises. to the people. there we will box to. pretty well.
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now you want to. know. all. coming. the atlantic alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 global security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often washington in brussels by virtue of important foreign policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests or fade into oblivion.
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this is the one business so you can't afford to miss i'm christiane i am sarah montecito then here in washington you know very special show for you today in the fight for 510 years china while away technologies continues to be right in the middle of facing accusations of stealing trade secrets and allowing back doors to give the government access to user information and eternity the chief security officer for the usa joins us in the studio for the full show to break down the security concerns the effect on trade and what it has done to the business there's a lot to get today so let's dive right to. u.s. pressure against chinese telecom giant huawei continues to grow the trump administration is considering blocking all trip supplies now to huawei the u.s. department of commerce is dropping changes to its so-called foreign direct product roll which restricts.


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