tv News RT February 19, 2020 4:00am-4:31am EST
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australian m.p.'s visit julian assange in jail and call on the u.k. government to stop his extradition to the us warning about the wiki leaks ponders deteriorating condition. easy exhibiting songs of disorientation. and ongoing loss allows you to cite. also this hour u.s. house of representatives speaker nancy pelosi warns that you against working with huawei running china's tech giant to meet your security threat she doesn't however mention her own reported role and mass american spying including on leaders we ask people in new york and london whether china or the u.s. is a bigger surveillance threat over both the u.s.
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anybody having. access to our data. and billionaire michael bloomberg is set to take the stage at a democratic party presidential election debate for the 1st time i meet criticism from the main rival that he's affectively buying votes. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our to h.q. in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. australian m.p.'s have called on the u.k. government to stop julian assange just extradition to the u.s. they visited the australian citizen in the london prison where he's being held head of an extradition hearing. easy for your belief that someone who is so bright and overnight so probably. should be rewarded for facing extradition and sitting down for these few nudge in one town called computer. very crucial.
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for the show. very concerned about you both you strike governments one of the lawmakers that visited our son george christensen told us about the wiki leaks founder is deteriorating condition. spike in this wake with professor mills mels of the u.n. special repertory on torture. who come to the opinion of along with a number of medical experts that julian assange was exhibiting the symptoms of psychological torture visited julian assange. and are going to say there's nothing that i saw or that actually. discredited what those doctors and what mils muliaina said he is exhibiting signs of disorientation. he did tell us about being kept in severe us alive and ongoing us a lot of good aside technically within belmarsh prison the conditions of the
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subject to apparently. but when you kept by yourself for 20 to 22 a. day with that minimal human contact you're effectively oss alloted so all of that has led to a case of depleted state of health for julian assange i don't think it's fair or told to extradite an australian citizen. at of one foreign country into another foreign country to face charges for what for reporting on the facts. that those doctors around the world also condemned the u.k.'s handling of the case warning of songs as being subjected to psychological torture in jail as our guest just mentioned more than $100.00 medics signed a joint letter urging authorities to take action also called on the australian government to intervene to protect its citizen as the 4th such letter from doctors . meanwhile the guardian newspaper has published
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a feature article on plans to tackle media repression penned by the u.k. government's envoy on press freedom amar clooney how one key detail has been left out clooney is links to julian assange arguably the most high profile media repression case in the world today clooney proposed to sanction all those who take part in jailing journalists for their work including ministers and prosecutors but says nothing about the fact that no such action is being prepared for the treatment of the wiki leaks founder the article did not even mention that clooney was actually a songes lawyer in the 2015 swedish extradition proceedings against him many have been angered by the guardian's convenient a mission congratulations are in order to the guardian's patrick wintour who's managed to write a whole article on global media suppression without mentioning the phrase julian assange the foreign office will no doubt continue to be delighted the u.k. currently has julian assange has looked up at the behest of the us because he
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exposed war crimes the guardian publishes an article on press freedom failing to mention this unbelievably and unforgivably no mention of julian a songe journalist and broadcaster neil clark believes the a songe case is simply too shameful for the u.k. government to bring up to the journalist apparently apparently not 100 percent sure but apparently didn't see the need to actually raise the raise the case of the most famous persecuted journalist in this interview about the persecution of this massive elephant in the room it's quite extraordinary 'd how anybody could write an article about the persecution of journalists without mentioning. a subject for the establishment this whole case now is a big embarrassment. if you did a song it's either someone who could be attacked or too big to be. a way to get talking about it in this context press. is
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a non-person you know journalist being persecuted oh let's talk about a cup she's official any countries that that's fine but not what we've actually got . just a few miles away down the road with us back at the jail for doing journalism. on a trip to brussels the u.s. house of representatives speaker has warned allies against while away and simplicity insists the chinese corporation is a major threat to security and should be barred from developing 5 g. telecom networks in europe but pelosi mentioned nothing about the far more wide scale and proven u.s. global surveillance network are to scale up and explains. now that the impeachment debacle is all wrapped up guess who's going to europe in order to promote one of the trumpet ministrations key policies it's the speech ripper herself nancy pelosi the speaker of the u.s. house of representatives is urging european countries to drop plans to use while away as their 5 g.
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carrier for the benefit of a few corporations you cannot sell the privacy of the people of your country down the river as i said before it's like having the state police write the chinese state police right in your pocket you see nancy pelosi just cares about your privacy odd that she's one of what edward snowden called the gang of 8 key figures that are overseeing surveillance in the united states is far and snowden he did as you know on the inmate in disagreeing with you he did violate the law in terms of. releasing those documents we don't know i understand. i understand odd timing as well it's just been revealed that the cia was the secret owner of a swiss company that was offering people encrypt people's privacy was compromised because the cia had a backdoor what the u.s. government speculates that china might be doing they have been caught doing themselves while the e.u.
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might be more apt to listen to a top democrat then to the donald it seems they still aren't buying nancy's song and dance her euro 2 were is a flop. while he will be able to continue in crimes and will not be excluded in flight she believes in such numbers destruction to texas to see so we decided to ask people what they think of this supposed danger of china spying on them are they more afraid of china spying on them or the american probably us and i'm not so much worried about china i'm worried about anybody having access to our data to be more. ready to spy on you to the chinese it could come from anywhere in the world over us. again you would know if i guess just the us given say the alignment of
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interests from over the us probably you know well the us is far as i'm concerned. you can't have that i don't know trump along with them it's a common pattern of human behavior sigmund freud called it projection nothing drives us crazy or thinking that someone else might be doing that naughty thing that we know we are doing ourselves. are to see new york artie's boom bust spoke to while away usa is andy purdy who notes the u.s. has been spying on the whole world for years not least while way itself you can watch the full interview at r.t. dot com but for now here's a quick preview. it was interesting the u.s. government says that the declassified the information so we welcome the opportunity to see what the evidence is but we really have to look at this in the broader context of the ongoing geo political dynamic between the u.s. and china the u.s. has some major issues with china and right now the u.s. wants to hurt china so badly that they're going to hurt america in trying to her
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way and that's really a shame you look back some years ago when i brought snowden revealed information about the u.s. program prism and about the 5 year campaign of the u.s. government to spy on operation shop giant where they monitored all while we network for 5 years and could not find any improper communications and in the prison program they found that the u.s. government used for example cisco equipment to spy around the world most recently the washington post crypto a.g.d. a swiss company that turned out is controlled by the cia so they've been monitoring encrypted communications of all the countries in the world except for china and russia so the fact is it is important to recognize the role of the equipment vendors and the telecom and mobile operators there is a lawful backdoor by the telecom the mobile operators that is triggered by lawful action by governments such as the us government of china government we don't have that access we don't control that data. for us presidential hopeful michael bloomberg will sell his media empire if he
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becomes president an announcement came ahead of the latest round of democratic debates being held on wednesday in las vegas bloomberg well for the 1st time face rivals who criticize the billionaires massive spending on campaign ads it's estimated bloomberg has splashed out more than $400000000.00 on television radio and online ads that's 10 times more than current party front runner bernie sanders . for comparison spent around 325000000 on his whole 2016 campaign my colleague and her farm are discussed voters views on bloomberg campaign with legal analyst jennifer to master libertarian presidential candidate are going viral and political analyst dakota lily. if i could start with you. says that bloomberg is buying is that a fair comment i do think it's a fair comment even if you look at the rules that the d.n.c. has instituted this is a complete change of what they've done so far this complete you know this late
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runners coming into their campaign spending $400000000.00 with perhaps he's spending so much money and so that he can make up for the fact that he doesn't have any real grassroots support but i think it definitely amounts to vote buying it's not so problematic that bloomberg of spending money on his own campaign the bigger problem is the d.n.c. what rules is the democratic national committee democratic national committee making with superdelegates and with everything else because the way the d.n.c. seems to be operating is that you're allowed to run for president play if you have the money or if we at least approve of you it's not against bloomberg it's not it's not his fault that he's need to spend this kind of money because that's the way campaigns are the bloomberg campaigns views would be massively unpopular with a lot of the democratic base and a lot of the american people and by fixating on this sort of minor non issue i mean in politics you ought to spend as much of your own money as you want to by trying to get people to fixate on this non issue the bloomberg campaign is effectively
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distracting america from the positions that bloomberg holds that are at odds with the majority of both the democratic base and the american people this is a very unpopular person with very unpopular opinions according to the democratic party base and also the general population he's polling you know i haven't seen one poll where he's polling above 5 percent this is really showing the corruption of the d.n.c. what there is nothing illegal about what he's doing but i think really that's part of the larger indictment of the american political system more than anything else as well as the rules of the d.n.c. as has been stated that this is an indictment that was a perfect description of the american political system of course you can look at the republican party a lot of republican candidates had a. a lot of money back in 2016 and yes donald trump spent his own he was not favored to when he was not going to when hillary clinton had tons of funding between hollywood between lots and lots of billionaire billionaires so the american people could still vote but that also raises the question when there are lots of
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different candidates within one party like we're seeing with the d.n.c. and i think the american people deserve to see who the candidates are and what their actual viewpoints are and how they stand on things democrats and republicans they control the presidential debates they change the the commission on presidential big debates has changed the debate threshold the do everything they can to keep 3rd parties and independents out of the debates and you can see this in the way that they mistreat any candidate. that opposes a massive military overage so they've shut out sanders jabbered all the 3rd party candidate to oppose it the united states is definitely an oligarchy and i think that most of the people the united states know there's a lot of these people who voted for obama and they're voting for trump but both of these people received plenty of money from fossil fuel companies from banking institutions from financial institutions from all these different entities but in a true oligarchy not much has been done about it. british and vajra mental activist group extinction rebuying and has vandalized the long of
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a cambridge university college they claim invest in fossil fuels 3 of the activists were arrested with others in custody no dear tutor reports digging up the lawn of a world renowned college stopping traffic and a whole week of protests is this a way to gain support this is normally one of the busiest roads right here in the center of cambridge but as you can see it's pretty quiet today apart from the music playing behind me a mask because extinction rebellion have blockaded this road but what do the locals think about this is just fine it is an absolute thing with us and. so all they're doing is a nation people they're not getting anybody on their side of this they just annoy people. trinity college is ties with fossil fuel companies investments of around $9000000.00 pounds or what's driving the anger of the activists trinity college has invested $9100000000.00 pounds in oil and gas companies the most of any of the 45
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oxbridge colleges they are complicit in the climate and ecological crisis trinity college responded with this the college respects the rights of free speech and nonviolent protest but draws the line of criminal damage and there's liaison with the police and the police have had to control the upper. the right to peaceful protest wished. police have a duty to facilitate needs to be balanced against the other responsibilities of the police to promote public safety maintain public order prevent crime and protect the rights of others but how has the actions of the group encourage the poor is this the moment where extinction rebellion muses sympathy very laudable return truth for . the really inconvenient. books they don't want they want to do right therefore they should crack up and go on but that's over half of what should happen after coming here to cambridge today it's clear that there is of them in
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a situation between the protesters and locals a full week of disruption and rebellion in the rich. still to come a top german official hit out at both left and right wing parties but the rolling christian democrats deepening crisis details on that after the break. is your media a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation whole community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura made in the shallowness. the nobility of horror the kind of good intentions of a traitor go to earth and crescent and maybe even 40 years ago a friend of simply evaporate to see the nazi compressor of the 5. in the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of northern ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks particularly catholic population in belfast tens of thousands were
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forced to flee their homes come up with strike and put these attacks was a p.r. you see the police actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of full streets in belfast at the time more than a 100 innocent civilians were unloaded as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and the take rates which the collusion was involved in some of those cases that killers would later be named to the enemy getting i think it went to do very very top i think if he crossed the water where all the tastes and you thought was going on and give the go ahead. welcome back a top official from germany's ruling christian democrats has blamed both left and
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right wing parties for its failing support there's been a massive voter backlash to the c.b.s. alliance and a key regional election with the anti immigrant alternative for germany party it all over has more. the times a set for changing for angle of a christian democratic union party with their good at our announcing that she will step down as party leader and it she doesn't want to be considered for the election if chancellor next year it means big changes have to be made but instead of getting on with making those big changes some in the c.d.u. party leadership are pointing the finger of blame at both poles of german politics saying they're to blame for the c.d.u. suffering if do you benefits a little from what the left party has been saying for 30 years maybe did everything is bad they can reap the benefits of that now will protest voters have gone to the f.t. the the bar coal into danger where the c.d.u.
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allying themselves with the right wing if they ultimately toppled. in an attempt to bring some stability to the central german state the left party proposed putting in place former minister president christine liebknecht of the c.d.u. until new elections can be held to reader is far from having stable conditions which the absolute majority of citizens want the proposal of appointing the big nectars transitional prime minister sees to open a nonpartizan way this is acceptable for the democratic parties in this parliament great problem solved not quite a situation that came about after the c.d.u. broke promises not to allying themselves with the right wing could only be temporarily solved if they were to break all the promises not to align themselves with the far left leaving the ruling party in a damned if they do damned if they don't predicament the situation in chile is very complicated for the c.d.u. it can only do so because the path of its electorate. one sue have
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a clear message began to be a deep and they're not providing that while another part of the electorate. well they would much rather not. vote for a party that is in line with what is going on behind the scenes. for the successions regular mirco and some people say that she has damage see the. grossly and that the party is now in a death spiral because of. politics with angle of merkel's preferred choice of party leader taking herself out of the running the future of the christian democratic union party is currently a 4 way race and with uncle americal set to remain in the role of chancellor until late 2021 the real question has to be will whoever gets the job of cd
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chairperson be willing to play 2nd fiddle to the chancellor until then especially after having watched a case performance doing just that if they weren't then well perhaps reigning over germany's 2nd longest serving post-war chancellor could well come to an end sooner than she would have expected with elections being called early peter all of a r.t. early now we bring you some world news in brief starting in iraq where security forces have stepped up their crackdown on mass protests. police have used tear gas to force thousands of people from the central square in baghdad iraq has been gripped by mass unrest over government corruption sense october of last year demonstrations have continued despite the resignation of prime
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minister and. in the u.s. hundreds of homes have been flooded in the state of mississippi after torrential rain these are the latest pictures from the city at. bridgeland forecasters are predicting further downpours and authorities in the state capital jackson have urged hundreds of residents not to return home until they get the all clear. and passengers have begun departing a coronavirus hit cruise ship mord off the coast of japan after 14 days of quarantine hundreds of passengers and crew had been infected on the diamond princess in the biggest cluster outside of china yet there are now been more than 70000 confirmed cases of the outbreak worldwide. lastly we bring you some breaking news this hour the turkish president has announced that the start of the military operation in the syrian province of it live is quote only
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a question of time recep tayyip erdogan added he's been dissatisfied with talks with russia on the situation in the area clashes between the syrian government and armed groups occupying the province have been going on for months now russia's military earlier said that the reason for the instability in the region is turkey's failure to fulfill an agreement with moscow and to separate the moderate opposition from terrorists who have been attacking government help positions. if all the stories haven't quench your thirst for news head over to our web site r t dot com for countless articles and interviews thanks for tuning it. that's geysers financial. they say money the balance of. climate change this is the central plank support dying a common kind of problem right now so i stopped. the
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atlantic alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 global security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often washington in brussels by virtue of important foreign policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests or fade into oblivion. after a tense year we're going underground 48 hours after syrian forces liberate aleppo from al qaeda linked militants and as the u.n. security council once again turns to the country whose government u.k. pm boris johnson said in the past few days he wants to overthrow coming up on the show as the war against nato out there and isis forces finally been won we go to
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damascus to ask one of syrian president bashar al assad's top political advisors with a mission and made coronavirus walk away and we did conspiracies the translator for a chinese paramount leader deng xiaoping defends the superpower of the 21st century against accusations that china is losing its information military and economic war with nato force of all going with today's going on the ground talks between russia and nato member turkey in moscow we can go straight to damascus i'm joined by skype dr famous political advisor to the syrian government. thank you so much for coming on the show why is it taken you so long deliberate. al qaeda linked groups there in your country there are so many terrorist. live who came across did and in the last 2 weeks we have been live in a big annual general part of through or at. many villages
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many places and on still around me has secured and pull that has been sitting in on 2016 to get at least subject to dual misses and. the mystery which is cool down the tubes sham which is it better is the to deny this and we are determined to liberate libya and the test of syria trouble is better is it and occupiers every brawl cust on the media in nato nations claims you are killing women and children a 1000000 women and children of the numbers that are being quoted on say c.n.n. john a foreign news the b.b.c. here 80 percent of them women and children your actions over the past 10 weeks of cause that and not only the v. from the syrian and russian warplanes killing all these women and children i
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actually action wish to end he had to see what lies happening and know what an added pull in order to pull an inordinate lib and deceit and what these terrorist left behind then left a black. belt all dead not does all but did all of the stones and the wall that showed that they are job that the dad i had that it was shot that dead that branch of al qaida and that they're out there is what is amazing action if that if it does i'm this didn't add me. all that it comes down wrist anyway in syria they want to speak about killing civilians and get. in women and children while they never mention that 1000 that tens of thousands of martyrs who had killed by the missiles of that terrorist do the western governments support these terrorists
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do they like it that the their one dead to prevent i mean i it's beyond my understanding that l. all that the only one that there is out of the feet did that pompey you all or or weston or root of piano push others called for stopping the syrian army because civilians are being killed it is that died when civilians out being saved it is that died when women and children and fact it is and institutions being saved through terrorism ok but even if one except the boris johnson donald trump a backing al-qaeda linked groups and damascus al-qaeda linked groups still have children what about the children in these groups that your saying that your liberating is the no alternative but for them to be killed in the liberation of these areas in our lead the big said that is so is there
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