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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  February 19, 2020 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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billions and i think that you know not being able to measure civilian casualties or not actually going in to investigate the civilian casualties is a huge problem one because it totally be legitimized us as a nation but also if we're going to continue carrying around this democracy everywhere all the time banner as a leader it's going to be extremely problematic for people to follow along and actually stand by 5 us in that when we're literally going in places not only creating graves but also literally maiming and killing a lot of people women children all of these individuals who have absolutely nothing to do with the wars that we are actually taking part well and to me it's also one of those self-perpetuating pigs like if you don't properly investigate and hold accountable for one civilians are killed in a manner that is is you know flip it for lack of a better word words kind of like well so what they're the mission took priority so some civilians were killed that just creates another generation of people who don't like you and when you're out there fighting supposedly a war on terror well that's a great recruitment tool and guess what the u.s.
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blew up your brother exactly and i think that that's you know but more of the long range view because you're also thinking about the individuals who are left behind so it's the families that are still surviving who have lost their children the families who are still surviving who have lost people who had absolutely nothing to do with the conflict they were in and it again it raises the ire of those individuals but now you have generations that are upset with you because you've been literally taking out whole families and in many cases nothing was ever done about in these people aren't even acknowledged exactly i mean a little like this in 2017 new york new york times magazine investigation of nearly 150 u.s. led coalition airstrikes targeting isis in just iraq just iraq they found that one in 5 of the coalition strikes resulted in civilian deaths that was a rate that was 30 times more than what was acknowledged by the coalition now that's a big discrepancy and i understand why this report was put together because it's like when you see discrepancies like that that's not like clerical errors that you know where you got 31 times it's just the new york times that's a big. absolutely
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a and in this case i would even call that a discrepancy like there are certain things or just flat out lies and i think that when you have a number that is that large and so different from what was originally reported it showcases a few things one lack of honesty and integrity in the reporting process but also it raises the ire of the fact that you're trying to hide something because any time when the count is so much larger i think that it's owes us something about what our military forces actually feel is required for us to know. that when these numbers come out and when you see these huge differences you also have people that start to question the mission you have people that start to question the reality and you have people who start to question whether or not you're actually going in for the things that you said you were going in for especially if it was a mistake sometimes casualties do happen in war it happens more often than we would like to admit to but on that same token when they do happen for you to act as though they didn't or to diminish the amount i think is extremely wrong we often like to pretend that our hardware. capable of killing anything but the that's
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ludicrous to think a smart bomb isn't actually about smart it's still dropping a missile on a building in the city there's going to be casualties especially when you're fighting the wars that we fight and you know in the skirmishes that we choose to put ourselves in at the end of the day i've always about making money they don't want you know the civilian cost of casualties because of that actually gets in the way of the profiteering that you see in war and why a lot of these wars are started in the 1st place and increases the level of protests the level of people who are actually interested in the people who advocate against it because most people cannot stand on the sidelines when they know that innocent people are dying you know they cannot. cut because the food stamps housing medicaid welfare and social security are all parts of trump and the republicans were on the poor whether those on the right are creating work requirements literally taking food from the mouths of babies by attacking the program or creating script wireman and mounds of id documentation just to maintain eligibility
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for public assistance it's clear being poor in trump's america is your fault and the government is not here to support you in any way. despite the truck administration's braggadocios rants about the strength of the economy there are still thousands of working poor living from paycheck to paycheck trump's answer figured out unless you're an american former president trump routinely flies in to rescue the farming industry meanwhile demonizing the working poor and families on public assistance. ask yourselves why why is welfare bad for families but good for farmers after labeling obama the welfare and food stamp president a title laden with class and race a new window it's no surprise trump implied harsh penalties for those already suffering but if you're going to be a hateful grinch at least be consistent president trump routinely flies in to rescue the farming industry and he's demonizing the poor and families on public
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assistance. and a long list of policy blunders trump the tasking levied billions on foreign products specifically goods from china the boomerang effect hit american farmers hard they raise holy hell and in states trump needs to win to secure the presidency in 2020 trump responded by giving direct payments to farmers truck farm aid is larger than the auto bailout during the great recession the total package comes to $28000000000.00 with a b. meanwhile the president continues to nickel and dime public assistance programs while republicans keep amplifying the false welfare queen narrative and reserving their classes hatred towards low income people of color they have conveniently found a form of welfare they love and the white faces to go along with this movement that's powerful that's part that's interesting because to me this looks like one of those things and it's clearly you know. i want these people to vote for me i want to i
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want to brag about these regions i'm helping so guess what i'm going to dump a bunch of money into those regions and as we were talking about earlier today we're not talking about poor mom and pop farmers out there struggling to get by the . systems you're talking about the money he is pouring into these areas we're talking about big corporate farming absolutely and i think that that's a very important thing to know there are a lot of people self included who do feel for the individuals who are running family farms and we know what happens with a lot of the environmental issues that have caused their crops not to yield and it totally devastated entire communities those are. at the farm that this president is saving he's saving large corporate farms and to the tune of billions of dollars because when we think about this in context of president obama working to bring back the automobile industry this is a lot higher in terms of the team than the form that we saw in that and that time frame the other thing is this president continues to demonize the poor specifically poor minorities but with that he does not often talk about the actual budget
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allocation that goes towards the social welfare program it is less than 8 percent of the overall federal budget while he continues to slash left right and sideways this is not really you know alleviating anything in terms of our budget crisis when we're looking at how much we spend on military spending which i think that you talked about several times but also just ensuring that our people who are the working poor people who are in between jobs people who are working multiple jobs in the good economy they are able to stay afloat it does not make sense that we would have a president who continues to make sure that he is taking everything away from them at the same time a president who stands by and supports tries to win rhetoric motherhood but takes food out of the mouths of babies when he destroys the wic program i want to you know when you look at like this kind of corporate. welfare but when you're pumping all this money into the big corporate farming industry isn't the basically welfare
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that's exactly what it is these are taxpayer dollars this is government assistance and for a republican party and for conservatives who largely stand on the government should not help people who are going through troubles with situations this is a very interesting turn to take if you're going to have that stance where we help no one because we don't really care pull yourself up by the bootstraps we're not telling that to the large corporate farmers and i think that it goes back to the fact that a lot of those corporate farms are in areas where the president president trump definitely needs to win in 2020 he's making sure that the lobbyist of those large corporate farms and the elected officials are. there had been backing and he has by and large created this echo chamber that says it is ok to funnel money into these farms meanwhile neglecting many of the individuals who are also on food stamps medicaid in those same areas so he's acting like any any normal every day politician that he was supposedly ran against all those years ago because to me when you describe that sounds like every other like corporate sponsored politician
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give money to give a bunch of handouts and money to the people that get me elected the people that spend money on my campaigns and then ignore the people that can which is kind of the m.o. that we've seen in u.s. politics over the years the interesting thing about this too is that the farmers he's giving this to these big corporations they're now becoming super dependent on these handouts nearly 40 percent of projected farm profits last year came from the trade deal 40 percent of their profits are making that up i mean what are they going to do if that means they just lost 40 percent of their business exactly and there's absolutely no way the president can keep it going about when the only reason that a huge influx came was on the back of something that he created himself in terms of the terrified with china so he decided that now you're going to shovel this money back in because there was so much pushback like they were threatening to not they were threatening to actually not take part in his reelection campaign and not to vote for him and i think that at that point he decided to dial it back see what he could do when he was willing to write checks and this is this is an example of
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gross welfare this is one that they don't think was was a necessity this is something that's not needed they are going to be fine again these are large corporate farms this is not the same as your mom and pop farm and by and large when we're taking this into context of a party and of a leader of a party who has demonize welfare in so many ways and even extending it to social security disability these are literally people who have been injured or people who have mental health and lots of people who have a lot of other issues who are able to work every day and he slashing their budget to budget to pay off the big corporate. course every time every time art as we go to break lock watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the toughest to come of our social media and be sure to check out watching all the podcast available on spotify awful music and everywhere it was your favorite for the pod you can also start watching the hawks on the map in the brand new portable to be app bailable on smartphones and through google play and at the apple app store by searching portable coming up environmental journals or joins us to discuss the
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latest moves to beef up the oil output oh yes the controversial because the access pipeline got out want to stay tuned to watching the hawks. i 1st heard about wiki leaks you know songs from. helicopter footsie in iraq. i think that down at the people who remain in the u.s. military who have never forgiven him for it this guy is a traitor a treasonous and and he has broken every law the united states illegally shoot son of a. story to have. independent journalist with his computer and
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still seem to see who is what crimes and to a global audience. the idea of developing an anonymous digital truck bombs and applying it to a media organization that is what he makes that was the 1st. i didn't the toy anticipate that he would be for a short while world time and run one of the world's most powerful news organize a show with your. standard founder julian a song in the sun. and there was a great deal of jealous in the mainstream towards him particularly why won't he be more like off seem. mean feces on the walls. smile. we have julia. in solitary confinement in the prison for terrorists away team that
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has a life the person the person. i don't want to see him die in prison. and i think that's what he's facing. israel media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being that. way. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or remain in the shallows. we're still in an era of resource colonialism again this is a big risk and the one big thing that could really inhibit the kind of electric vehicle revolution that a lot of us want to see is if we can't resource the battery components in a sustainable ethical way then it's not going to be a successful revolution. it
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looks like our old nemesis the dakota access pipeline is back in the headlines again hog watchers yes lending in our news feeds like a bad case of reading today old white castle hamburgers energy transfer partners the dallas texas based owner of the over 1100 mile long underground oil pipeline is now hoping to get this to double the capacity of the pipeline to as much as 1100000 barrels daily to meet the growing demand for oil shipments from north dakota and is seeking permission for additional pump stations and not only the code but i want to
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illinois to do it and they believe that they can do all this using the head a just trust us it'll be foreign technique of environmental safety testing. i heard that b.p. used that same technique back in the gulf oil spill this comes on the heels of a new white house proposal to revamp and rollback of the national environmental policy act or netbook which generally requires environmental reviews when industries decide to discharge potential pollutants into the air or water or more major proposed projects like highways or pipelines pipelines you say joining us now to discuss these stories and more is environmental journalist extraordinary steve horn steve thank you as always. good to be back in for having me so to break it down what is energy transfer partners up to now regarding the dakota access pipeline that we saw so many protests and so much controversy over the last time it was written outlines. yes so this news got a little bit buried because $29000.00 was so much about introducing the american
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public to the presidential candidates and of that the hoopla around that but as that happened in the middle of 2019 energy chancer partners and now as you introduced that whole notion of doubling the capacity of the pipeline they call it quote unquote optimization and so that will be as you said $1100000.00 barrels per day of oil moving through that pipeline and just to talk about how significant that is. back in shape our that oil comes from north dakota right now it's producing $1500000.00 barrels per day so we're talking about over 2 thirds of the capacity of that field to go through that single pipeline and you also mention it but that's an interesting side note it's not clear if the federal government will make this company go through another needs or you are not right now all that's happening is at the state level in those various states due to the pump stations it's going through a similar process through the different public utilities commission and i will say
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that it's not for lack of trying that activists try to get this on their radar and for example i was my piece pointed out 8. teen different candidates were approached about their thoughts in the democratic party about the dakota access assamese a sion and you know what if they thought this is something or important what optimization if they thought that something that should go through the candidates all responded in various ways what happened though is that video wasn't really picked up by very much of the broadcast media and so in my piece that is sort of reviewed that and also the big find of my piece is a look at this pipeline is 1st and foremost an export pipeline and that's pretty clear from looking at the documentary record in the pipeline crosses over 4 different states the dakotas i was an illinois what's been the reaction to this proposal from the state governments in their constituents. well it's still under review in all of the states except for one of i think it's i believe it's south
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dakota which gave it the green light and so in iowa in particular what's interesting is the county in which the pump station pump stations i should say are based that that county basically said look if this is a completely new proposal you had to come back and explain the totality of the impact of this could have the what the what's interesting is any chance a process can do that county called story county iowa and they said we're just notifying you that this thing could will go through there as a courtesy they use that word in their letter with their attorney saying that there doesn't need to be any further review but we're letting you know as a courtesy that count the county turned around and said actually there has to be a holistic review of this so that's a big sticking point right now in iowa and i think that hopefully my piece will be informative and in regards to talking about hey this is an export pipeline right now they're in discussions with the maritime administration through the trump ministration they're also lobbying at the disclosure show and the talking about in
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their investor calls that this is definitely an export project in the making and i think that has all kinds of. things different. well we were sold about this pipeline at the beginning correct of that there wasn't supposed to be an export pipeline in them in the sense that they're they want to use it now. right except for you know the thing that was interesting the timing of the code access tipline of course even the original one is it came one year after the obama administration did the export ban on oil and of course even the original one it connects to the dakota assets connect another pipeline that brings it all the way to the gulf coast very close to where exports could take place so i think already exports are happening there although a lot of is being refined down in the gulf coast where by the way there's all kinds of environmental justice and packs for refining that oil in those frontline communities so it's already happening a little bit i think but i think what analyses show is look at the documents is the
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rest of the oil that would go to this pipeline would be 4 x. 4 and the way that they sell it is the new narrative for the industry is that they used to say energy independence now for example energy has a partners calls it quote unquote energy security so they don't even i don't even know like what how what that means for exports and but i think there we're talking about it this is for there's all kinds of geo political purposes for the oil above and the just what you speak all the energy and the time in the of the moment you call something security that everyone gets on board who keeps a safe you know. i want to talk about there's nothing in regards to the national environmental policy act what exactly is the trumpet ministrations seeking to change and how how was the trip to the station suddenly able to accomplish this you know kind of out of the blue zones are going to was quite expecting them to do so we jump in and say our role in this back. yeah well that was a nice 5058th anniversary of need to celebrate the birthday of this bedrock
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environmental law the tribe of ministration said we're gonna basically this to raise the law and get rid of analyses of climate impacts of different projects like potentially the one that we're talking about right now or as you mentioned highways other pipelines and right now this month there already last week was hearing in denver in which many environmentalists showed up climate activists showed up and voiced their concerns about that and then next week in washington d.c. on tuesday the 25th there will be another hearing and those are the 2 hearings that are scheduled to kind of for people to engage in this actually the reason why they're able to engage on this ruling is because of need of a public hearing process but potentially there will be a lot less of these public hearings in kind of public outreach on projects going forward if if this rule proposal by jump in this ration goes through but it doesn't there's still a long way to go and it could still be court court challenges to it and all that so
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it's still a long way from coming to fruition and steve how would these changes affect poor communities here in the u.s. and is there any opposition in congress. yeah well i think that that's really crucial so underneath one big component of it is an environmental justice review and it's as a source told me for some reporting that i'm doing sometimes it's the only chance for poor communities or people of color to really engage with the federal government on the impacts that projects could have and sort of without this this is just the key avenue that we no longer exist maybe they can still go to congress and voice their concerns about it but in terms of in terms of the regulatory apparatus provides that one avenue where both through public comments they're written and through public hearings that people of color and all kinds of people people impacted by projects can come forward voice their concerns and those concerns under federal law under under that law have to be taken under consideration as the
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regulatory process plays itself out well steve i'm going to say thank you so much for being diligent in your reporting on these issues because without people like you would never even know about them and they just keep rolling through thank you so much for coming on and illuminating our audiences to these to these issues always a pleasure. absolutely thanks a lot for having me. how do you ever want to your friend partner or family member have more feeling be able to empathize share your pain or even recognize that you haven't. the folks closest to us might not ever get there but thanks to the wonderful world of technology robots will that's right bokes robots are currently being developed that can feel both physical pain and empathize with the pain of their human counterparts as side by as it sounds this is not a drill an engineer at a soccer university in japan has design touch sensors and a robot system name that this robot resembles a small child it can convert emotional expressions just like humans essentially
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should this robot see its full potential it could allow for a new wave of engagement and intelligent design are you ready for there are you ready for emotional robots who are we don't have enough emotional humans already on the road and it's well what i'm saying to is that they're doing this because they feel that if they can figure out how a robot can feel pain that it might not choose to obliterate us unlike a robot apocalypse basically that could be very true but also like one of the things that we recently come to know is that robots are being used more and more in terms of medical advance mistress so they're taking in place of in certain instances a lot of doctor procedures so it would help for them to be able to recognize a body so it could void well resolve i guess that is our show for you today emotional robots remember everyone in this world about told we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am tyrone ventura and i'm in the keep on watching all those hawks never great being in there everybody.
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eh. eh eh. eh eh. eh eh. eh eh eh.
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oh. please. list celebs. playing. very well now continue watching us in such. i can't show you my face but i'm going to teach you must store in 9093 this man was sentenced to death. they could charged with capital murder even though he didn't have the gun didn't pull the trigger didn't intend to
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kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for the week with the son of a $23.00. confined within 4 gray walls funds he was in hot turn on to help him to leave difference room. the atlantic alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 global security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often in washington in brussels by virtue of important foreign policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests or fade into oblivion. kind of financial survival job today was all about money laundering 1st to visit this castle just a different. oh good this is a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up here maybe something in your
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something in america something overseas in the cayman islands or do we do all these banks are complicit in the kleptocracy we decided to give mccall its a camera to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got a look at a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry and how about. luxury automobile again for max you know what money laundering is highly illegal here for a watch kaiser of course. yes not pretty you know the moon but in your circles modesty. you know. the one you look for clues a little maybe it's going to do more when you. look. at. the white a good bit of produce you're already in the new series you know but you know maybe it seems the choice. to be. that.
1:00 pm
he's president says it is just a matter of time before his country don't use a military operation on the syrian. something he's described as being worst case scenario. destroy the man pays a visit to the songs in jail and call on the u.k. government to stop his extradition to the u.s. and made concerns about the health of the wiki leaks primed. easy exhibiting saunders of disorientation. he did tell us about being kept in severe oscillation and ongoing loss a lot of that aside the u.s. hires of representatives speaker nancy pelosi bourne's europe and the security risk of working with.


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