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tv   News  RT  February 23, 2020 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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this is. the. protesters in central ukraine attack a convoy carrying 72 people evacuated from china over the corona virus outbreak put in porn. and from president. makers call for a notorious. publishing . faces a growing health crisis caused by vast quantities of electronic from around the world dumped in landfill sites. the u.s.
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is. working with the telecoms but with china poses a bigger threat than the united states we ask people in new york to. probe the u.s. . having. access to. broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our team international. to have you with us as we recap the week's top stories the president of ukraine vladimir's lenski has voiced his anger over the hostile reception given to evacuees returning from china over the corona virus outbreak riots broke out as a group of ukrainians were driven to a hospital and put in quarantine none of those passengers actually had tested positive now the clashes left a 9 police officers and one civilian injured. right
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0. you. actually. you know we always say that ukraine is europe to be honest at some moments like medieval europe unfortunately let's not forget that we will human beings. flight from the chinese city of war han where tens of thousands of people have been infected landed in the ukrainian city of on thursday and before that roadblocks were set up in other regions of the country following rumors of more quarantine facilities being set up parties down quarter reports say some new people moved into the neighborhood they came from the epicenter of the deadly coronavirus pandemic perhaps you'd be worried or angry but it would be hard to match the anger brewing in ukraine to just that situation was.
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for the past several days ukraine has seen violent clashes across the country scores of policemen have been injured by locals throwing bricks riot police have been called in to disperse angry mobs and it's all because the ukrainian authorities tried to do a good deed for the international community they accepted with open arms a number of their countrymen and foreigners trying to flee by plane assuring the public the passengers were 100 percent coronavirus clean an important detail when ukraine itself has yet to see a case of the disease a quarantine zone was even set up at a health center in poltava just to be sure but the protesters did all they could to stop that plane from landing and when that failed they started blocking roads until riot police removed them by force.
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the bus has made it to their destination in the end but there on welcome reception wasn't exactly what kiev expected. this is one of the greatest disappointments in my life i'm disappointed in people in the moral conduct. this is a disgrace for the whole world to see i'm truly ashamed ukraine's protesters don't seem to be up for a game of russian roulette with the coronavirus. a russian shock artist who was granted asylum in france is now under investigation lawmakers are demanding lansky be sent back to russia probably and skeet was earlier arrested for posting explicit videos that brought down an ally of president micron artie's dubinsky reports. your dad probably is a political refugee here in france but it seems even he is too hot to handle with
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these latest allegations even members of my own party and are calling for him to be sent back to russia to. get this guy out he's a political refugee he behaves like the 1st thing to do would be to put him on a plane streets of russia and he will see with mr putin if you can do this kind of crap this comes after the latest scandal involving pawlenty ski this follows the dissemination of videos and photos on the internet last week of benjamin a key ally of the president back on his former spokesperson now linsky and his partner were taken by the police and they were questioned in regards to those videos questioned into invasion of privacy and broadcasting videos of a sexual nature without the permission of the person who is in those videos the interior minister here in france has said he should face the full weight of the law
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if it did you feel casting certain videos without the consent of the author or subject to criminal sanctions in our country resulting in a substantial fine and 2 years imprisonment and these offenses must obviously be prosecuted it is a matter of respect for democratic rules and this is not the 1st time that pawlenty ski has been headline news here in france he was recently accused of brandishing a weapon a knife or to a new year's eve party and of injuring 2 of the party goers at that event further back he was also found guilty of setting light to the doors of the bank of france in the basti area in fact he is currently serving a suspended sentence for that criminal act in france and that comes after a series of stunts that he pulled in russia of a similar. criminal nature. russia
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it's sometimes difficult to be and. yes especially for one makes a political declaration out of his art that's the case of that poverty and we already know and he's just been arrested for setting the door of the former k.g.b. building on fire. so it's not clear where the pov linsky will be sent back to russia chucked out of france or whether he will face the music a on those possible criminal charges what we do know is that his political asylum
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here has become an embarrassment to the french authorities. a major health crisis is unfolding in ghana caused by electronic waste around the world old cell phones tablets and computers are dumped in a vast landfill and burned releasing toxic chemicals known to cause diseases including cancer. don't you fall would. do anything. noble to deal with such as you said to be so i've gone from the margins for the guards think it
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was simply was put through the small one in my head my head because he did indeed they've. done this already from the european union. for that of a leader a. few 100 of them. like going and going to. convict trying generation no transfer. to my child and my.
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i regret drake did before you my pledge will be improvements under these and in the cards and make your proud the prima city you know not for. we contacted both the. president's office and the environment ministry for comment neither have so far responded to our request. u.s. speaker of the house has urged europe not to work with while way nancy pelosi claims that the chinese tech giant poses a major security threat and that it's 5 it g. technology could be used for spying parties came up and comets. now that the impeachment debacle is all wrapped up guess who's going to europe in order to promote one of the trumpet ministrations key policies it's the speech ripper herself nancy pelosi the speaker of the u.s. house of representatives is urging european countries to drop plans to use while away as their 5 g.
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carrier for the benefit of a few corporations you cannot sell the privacy of the people of your country down the river as i said before it's like having the state police write the chinese state police right in your pocket you see nancy pelosi just cares about your privacy odd that she's one of what edward snowden called the gang of 8 key figures that are overseeing surveillance in the united states this far and snowden he did and there on the in the in disagreement with you he did violate the law in terms. of releasing those documents we don't know i understand. i understand odd timing as well it's just been revealed that the cia was the secret owner of a swiss company that was offering people encrypt people's privacy was compromised because the cia had a backdoor what the u.s. government speculates that china might be doing they have been caught doing themselves while the e.u.
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might be more apt to listen to a top democrat then to the donald it seems they still aren't buying nancy's song and dance her euro 2 were is a flop. well we will be able to. exclude like we've said so in the district of texas. so we decided to ask people what they think of this supposed danger of china spying on them are they more afraid of china spying on them or the american probably us and i'm not so much worried about. china i'm worried about anybody having. access to our data. be more. ready to spy on you know in the chinese it could come from anywhere in the world u.s. . you can you would guess just in the u.s.
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given say the alignment of interests for the u.s. probably you know well the u.s. as far as i'm concerned. if you. don't know trump along with them it's a common pattern of human behavior sigmund freud called it for objection nothing drives us crazy or thinking that someone else might be doing that nobody thing that we know we are doing ourselves. artsy new york. israeli forces shot and killed a palestinian man near the gaza border fence on sunday before sending an armored bulldozer into the enclave to retrieve his body video of the incident has provoked an outpouring of anger a bit of warning you may find of the images upsetting oh. come on.
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my. own according to local media 2 other palestinians were also wounded by israeli fire as they attempted to recover the body the i.d.f. said the victim along with another alleged terrorist had been planting a bomb but hamas which controls gaza said that he was on art the israeli defense minister praised his soldiers and the link of the situation. i backed the i.d.f. which killed the terrorist and collected the body this is how it should be done and this is how i would will be done. israel has a policy of retrieving the bodies of suspected palestinian militants although the practice violates international law we spoke to a human rights advocate. about the latest incident in gaza he told us it shows extreme cruelty on israel's part it's yet another proof of how israel in general treats palestinians including treating the bodies the always looked about last
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year's as inhuman and this is evident not only in this is in the in this case in thousands of cases what we have seen on t.v. suggests that they consider us like animals israel is not free to use whatever force they have even in the case of a military operation but rather according to international law there are large 2 to use the level of force that is the proportionate to the attack there was no eminent threat just this level of force used to use bombs being they could have used at least lethal force against the. palestinians this 2nd issue the harsher treatment the cruel treatment how they use bulldozers. grabbed the body and they held the. t.v. on cameras that we in general how they treated us that yes this is any human
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illegal and immoral. turkey russia france and germany have agreed to hold crisis talks next month on the conflict in syria is in the province syrian government forces are locked in a deadly battle with turkish backed militants. thank you sir which supports so-called moderate armed groups has recently flooded the region with troops and equipment it was in response to a syrian offensive in the last terrorist stronghold in the region considers the province strategically important for its security and there are reported fears that syria's forces could advance further towards turkish held safe zones now the russian and turkish president spoke on the phone on friday to amend tend to uphold a previously agreed deescalation deals meanwhile the un warned all parties to reach
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a cease fire. and flash point to the syria conflict is also seeing lawmakers in the u.s. push for a diplomatic response against syria and russia with an estimated 900000 people displaced by the violence at the same time though american military officials do acknowledge the complexity of the situation in italy admitting that the province has become a haven for extremist factions easily proven seems to be a magnet for terrorist groups especially because it is an ongoing space in many ways the raw variety of groups there all of them are a nuisance and menace in a threat to hundreds of thousands of civilians who are just trying to make it through the winter or us don of takes a closer look now at how several world powers have been tangled up in the italy but conflict. post-race coming to shove and syria turkey and the us russia israel and multiple militant factions all skirmishing in the country and previous
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motives for warring fading into oblivion. it's time for assad to get out of the way. we have won a good study says we've beaten them and we beat them badly all that is a thing of the past now as new goals vividly take shape the latest fighting in ad lib is a mere accessory to the geo political connotation is global and regional superpowers
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sparring with each other for dominance ideological and moral borders are blurred with turkey a nato country teaming up with terrorists to push syrians out of their own province. the operation is imminent. we will not leave it to the regime which is not yet understood our country's determination on this issue and those who are encouraging it committed to making it live a safe place for. the people of the region at all costs militants shamelessly boasting turkey provided a.p.c.'s coming on mosques covered by turkish artillery fire russia's air force joins the party together with syrians repairing the onslaught as. moscow officially asks ankara to hold its fire and so it does to prevent militants from moving deeper into syria into su $22.00 of the russian force
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at the request of the syrian command have carried out as strikes against the terror groups this allow the syrian troops to successful the ripple all attacks but turkey is not alone in this fight while jihadi groups are doing the bloody bidding on the ground washington cheers from over the atlantic that a very good job or say ship with president her was the fact is that he's fighting on it let be doesn't want people to be killed by the thousands and hundreds of thousands the united states will continue to coordinate with turkey on diplomatic approach is to restore a cease fire to the it live deescalation zone and achieve a pullback of assad regime forces to the 2800 so she ceasefire lines the u.s. has its own stake in the syria war and it has its eye on very particular and well predictable prizes from geo political dominance to well oiled we did
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leave so just because we're keeping the oil we may have to fight for the us it's ok i like the oil yet a nother act in this conflict israeli jets routinely hit targets on syrian soil it's clear what israel wants to to weaken iran's influence yet another power playing its hand and this massive and messy political gamble unfortunately for the people of syria since 2011 their country has been used as a chessboard on which the syrians appear as pawns and it's somebody else's geo strategic chess board in particular the united states and its allies basically tore syria apart partly designed to topple the. secular legitimate government in syria the sovereign government the government recognized by the united nations partly to topple that government and partly to claim different parts of syria for themselves
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syria has an important place in geo strategically and geographically in this resource rich region of the middle east it also has oil so yes what we've seen the tragedy of syria the tragedy of the so-called civil war is actually a proxy war by international players using the syrian country the syrian battlefield as a proxy battlefield. with it leave the focus of the conflict to other parts of syria are beginning to get back on their feet as a vital highway between the capital damascus and aleppo officially reopened in the last 24 hours for the 1st time in 8 years it follows a successful syrian operation to exert its dominance in the greater aleppo countryside cars and buses were seen back out on the road which connects syria's north and south. france has witnessed a 67th weekend of anti-government yellow vest rallies in lille there were clashes
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with police. riot police used tear gas to disperse activists who fought back with rocks and smoke bombs around 1000 people were involved in the us since october 2018 the yellow vest movement has been holding weekly demonstrations over falling living standards here is a look at some of the footage from leo on saturday. at the same time
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a man of my crown was in paris attending the opening of an international agricultural show where he was meeting with industry representatives a group of yellow vest activists turned up to that event and began heckling the president accusing him of being a dictator god. was. god. erica drew a one of the social movements most prominent figures was among the villains protesters he tried to approach micron before he was forcibly removed by security and subsequently taken into police custody. i wanted to express my dissatisfaction to emanuel macro and we've been trying to talk to him for months but it's difficult he only talks to people who are happy with him not the other way round and here we are people who are unhappy with these 5 years and we are not even able to approach him president later promised to meet with representatives of the yellow vests after many months of refusing to do so r.t.
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france spoke to one of the group's coordinators about the incident. well this is yet another manifestation of the authoritarianism of this government i mean eric dreher like any normal citizen had bought a ticket and gone to the international agricultural show it's fine that their mood and went around the crown i would even say this was a rather mild reaction given what we have been facing for the last 15 months we've been persecuted in a way that no other previous social movement has been the yellow vests are the 1st to become an object of such persecution obviously bothers people and they want to show that he's not right and then our address was detained and taking out of the whole list was part of the democratic debate in our country. but with mccrone it's all come to an end. now for something completely different to russia's far east where runners from around the world have been braving subzero temperatures and
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biting winds and a half marathon with an unusual twist. here's a nice couple it doesn't matter how old you are what interests you how running in the office and brings you together. all right cool runnings indeed that does it for me call a break he'll be here in let's say about 33 minutes just over that with a full looking fresh look at your news at that this is art international glad to have you with us.
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the chrono virus now has proven this point because even though all supply loan supply lines are choked and deliveries of critical parts are not happening stocks are still stable or going higher because it's fed by cheap money right it's all cheap money that cheap money is is created out of nothing to create the simulation going. join me every thursday on the elec simon shore and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. the russian state television propaganda machine propaganda outlet propaganda tools we are in an information war.
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we can change the world tomorrow. we use an old you tube videos the west russia today it's the longest network. pusher brushes russia russia and russia today's. show will be over there which means russia to go and i really have to join the to see you then on r g. 4 are so proud and still. are just going through a number. why have you not shut down our t.v. on you tube it's a propaganda machine mr walker. action
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are tense here we're going on the ground as a landmark freedom of speech case in a london court could decide whether nato nation journalists and their editors are to be arrested all around the world coming up on the show the united nations special rapporteur on torture and arbitrary detention tells us about dirty tricks by british authorities against the world's most famous publisher julian a son who revealed u.s. u.k. war crimes to the world as the persecuted wiki leaks founder fights extradition to a secret court in donald trump's usa and amongst the billions on earth helped by
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revelations of wiki leaks against the powerful what about what it told us of the international not cortex trade we talked pills powder and smoke and how imperial control the board and coercive political control at home are refracted by a brutal war on drugs illusion killing millions all the civil coming up in today's going on the ground but 1st the world's most famous publisher and arguably the entire freedom of the press to reveal war crimes is on trial today the london court just 12 miles from the studio after years of alleged u.k. torture in december mation even so-called mainstream news outlets that have attacked this channel and been responsible for an arguable attack on truth since 911 and before getting worried about this week's alleged u.k. persecution of julian assange. well if you watch a lot of the coverage of this story today on television you likely came away with the understanding that julian a songe is some kind of russian spy who's in trouble tonight because he stole classified documents from the u.s.
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government that is not true it's factually incorrect said.


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