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tv   News  RT  February 24, 2020 5:00am-5:31am EST

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is here. to be reached. being described as a far reaching and historic trial for journalism wiki leaks founder julian assange begins his u.s. extradition hearing in london where across it throughout the day. as coronavirus cases spike outside china moscow denies accusations of a descent from ation campaign that's allegedly undermining the global response to the pandemic. and israel exchanges fire with a militant group in the syrian capital and in gaza after the i.d.f. shot dead one of its members of the border fence to move his body to the bulldozer .
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the global headline news 247 this is r.t. international from moscow and call it right welcome to the program being described as an historic hearing wiki leaks founder julian assange is currently facing the opening proceedings of his potential extradition to the united states this week will see the arguments presented before a 2nd session in may where both sides will lay out their evidence it could be months before the judge makes a decision if the case is ruled politically motivated songs could be released his father meanwhile has claimed the case could have overarching consequences for journalism in general. the torture of julian. mills of the nation's read. all of those records. is what will happen to journals. publishers and public. if this extradition this political extradition julian assange. his
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success hundreds of supporters turned out in central london at the weekend including veteran british walker roger waters fashion designer dame vivienne westwood and former greek finance minister got to start a farkas correspondent saskia turner looks at how a song has found himself closer than ever to extradition. hero or enemy number one you decide either way judy in the song has become a name and a face recognised all over the wild and not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death penalty want to do it illegally shoot the son of a. terrorist he should be treated as an enemy combatant was her 6 was wiki leaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service by defending surely i'm not sure we define a dome or sacred rights the 48 year old australian put a target on his back when he leaked a truth of classified u.s.
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documents langue bad views of power at the very highest levels with the u.s. justice department hot on his heels and saw him sort of side him in london's ecuadorian embassy the 7 long years before suddenly and unceremoniously being dragged out by british police. or iran or a stab in the back and perhaps coincidence that aquittal is bank account had just been credited with a 4200000000 dollar learn from the i.m.f. where the u.s. has huge sway so from the full rules of the embassy to the 4 walls of a jail cell as someone who was taken to london's belmarsh prison and handed an exceptional sentence in britain bail violations seldom need to prison sentences they are generally subject only to find. by contrast was sentenced in summary
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proceedings to 50 weeks in a marksman security prison clearly a disproportionate penalty that had only a single purpose holding asuncion long enough for the us to prepare the espionage case against him his lawyer had just 15 minutes to prepare for the trial which itself also just lost it 15 minutes betrayed by ecuador feeling let down by the legal system a songe now claimed his fundamental human rights were under attack he was put in solitary confinement for up to 23 hours a day the u.n. and rights groups were in disbelief and some feared for more than just his freedom we have real concerns on the evidence currently available that mr assad could die in prison the medical situation is there or by urgent there is no time to lose against this backdrop is it surprising those suspicions swaddling around the extradition trial especially given the u.s. u.k.
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treaty clearly states no citizen can be extradited the political purposes which many tame at the says and while washington says this case is strictly about national security it seems queen elizabeth the 2nd didn't get the memo. i must tell you however that is a constitutional sovereign majesty acts on the advice of him ministers and remain strictly nonpolitical at all times this is therefore not a mess that you wish the queen would intervene if the u.k. kowtows to its allies request might be dealt not just a life sentence without parole but even the death penalty if washington to side step out on the charges in the future that's if it finds a willing jury which apparently will be a problem. you receive a trial by jury in alexandria virginia the natori is espionage court where the u.s. tries all national security cases the choice of location is not by coincidence the cases are always tried in front of the same judge behind closed doors and on the
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strength of classified evidence nobody has ever been acquitted in a case like that that is a prearranged affair a show trial to make an example of julian assange the point is to intimidate other journalists global outcry human rights the law the right to a fat trial turns out there all week adversaries in the face of a government who will fight tooth and nail to keep a lid on it dirty secrets of the un special rapporteur on torture who just quoted that tells today's going underground that the its own case is a battle for freedoms. during the sun is not a whistleblower he did not leak information it was illegal publishing he was leaked to him so u.k. authorities here they basically deciding on whether a show trial should go. absolutely yes i think this is not what it's about whether this show trial should go ahead because there's not going to be nothing else than
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a show trial in the u.s. there's no chance is going to get a fair trial it's not just about 2 innocent this is really is a bottle over press freedom over the rule of law of the future i would say even a democracy. the number of coronavirus patients located far from the deadly epicenter in china has suddenly spiked italy put emergency measures in place over the weekend with 150 reported cases and 3 deaths if europe's 1st major outbreak on iran has the highest number of deaths outside china with officials there raising the number to 12 earlier this monday if there it is in italy cancel the carnival in venice major sporting events were postponed to the entire towns and communities were put on lockdown in asia cases of infected patients surged in south korea on monday with another $161.00 people confirmed ill taking the total there to almost $800.00 the government also temporally shut down religious movements and also a cult whose members make up a sizeable number of the known infections. meanwhile the united states is accusing
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russia of spreading alarm and coronavirus conspiracy theories. by spreading disinformation about coronavirus russian malign actors are once again choosing to threaten public safety by distracting from the global health response. the u.s. state department claims thousands of fake social media accounts are advancing so-called russian talking points the messages apparently label it an american biological weapon being used to wage an economic war on china a counseling back to russian proxies are also being accused of undermining the global response more on that now from daniel hawkins. it's hard to find almost any modern day referendum election or protest movement that hasn't been tied in some way by government officials intelligence reports all media outlets to russian meddling it seems virus pandemics are no exception to the rule russia's intent is to sow discord and undermine u.s. institutions and alliances from within including through coercive mind influence campaigns the smiths the allegations as
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a deliberate smear campaign it will be hard for most of us to find out what exactly russia is accused of the answer apparently lies in the report prepared for the state department's global engagement center strictly not for public viewing which details evidence of russia's alleged bad behavior and if one compares the charges against russia in the secretive report to what moscow has actually done you get 2 very different pictures. of. well if it's conspiracy theories u.s. officials are looking to find looking closer to home could do the job u.s. officials publicly cast doubt on official information coming out of china and some
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later retracted allegations that the corona virus outbreak actually came from a chinese bioweapon lab were quick to emerge stateside just a few miles away from the 3rd market is china's only bio. safety level for super laboratory research as human infectious diseases they have lied consistently about this virus to me a senior administration official told me that the united states does not have quote high confidence in the information coming out of china at this point the w.h.o. has called for all sides that take extra care with trading barbs and the chinese envoy to the u.s. has warned of the damage inaccurate information can cause the 2900. responses being accompanied by a massive info demick an overabundance of information some accurate and some not that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it so very harmful it's very dangerous to stir up suspicion rumors
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and spread them among the people for one thing and this will create panic friend. racial discrimination as you know phobia well despite the warnings at least the u.s. officials can in their own way look on the bright side of the situation and take the positives from the global panic the fact is the does give businesses there yet another thing to consider when they go through their review of their supply chain so i think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to north america this is a wake up call for an issue that has been latent for many years but is critical to u.s. economic and national security we cannot necessarily depend another country's even close elyse to supply us with needed items from facemasks to vaccines some would say u.s. officials are doing a good job of undermining their own institutions without russia's help. russia
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serves a very important purpose in and american politics these days rather than analyzing its own problems and trying to figure out how the you know how they arose and how to fix them americans find it much easier to blame someone else and that target is usually russia the us just the us intelligence agencies feel that they they can only benefit if they attack russian accused russia of various malign activities but i believe i don't believe russia has any any desire or any interest in spreading this information about the corona virus because. if you spread this information that causes that that allows the the disease to spread all the more rapidly and russia is vulnerable as well so why would russia want to burn down it's own house. israel has shelled gaza around the syrian capital in response to as trucks carried
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out by a palestine based militant group on sunday night this video reportedly shows the moment a number of strikes hit the targets in gaza leaving 4 wounded israel's military claims it had operatives from the islamic jihad group in the region while ever in damascus weapons facilities and training sites were hit by missiles another flare up in the region came after the israeli defense forces shot dead a man from the same jihadi group on sunday the i.d.f. then angered locals by removing the body with an armored bulldozer from the border fence beware that you might find the following video of the incident upsetting. who . did. not come out. on. your own here on my ass i'm sure your. on line. calling to local media reports to other palestinians were wounded by israeli knife fires they attempted to recover the body the i.d.f.
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said the man along with another alleged terrorist had been planting an explosive device conflicting accounts say the man was unarmed the israeli defense minister praised the soldiers handling of the situation. i back the i.d.f. which killed the terrorist in collected the body this is how it should be done and this is how it will be done. israel often retrieves the bodies of suspected palestinian militants but it's a policy slammed by various groups we heard from a human rights advocate. it's yet another prof of how israel in general treat specialists in years including 3 think their bodies what we have seen on t.v. so just that they could see that us like animals israel is not free to use whatever force they have even in the case of a military operation but rather according to international law there are lives to do you level of force that is the proportion of the hardship due to the cruel
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treatment. by the way how would be sure that we generally held its feet but as to yes this is any human illegal and immoral. acts the former head of the anti islam english defense league is in russia on a lecture tour called the rape of britain stephen you actually learn who goes by the name of tommy robinson 1st came to prominence for organizing controversial demonstrations last year he was jailed for contempt of court after harrison defendants outside a sex abuse trial it was a case where the police withheld the race of the accused over fears of inflaming racial tension robinson was part of a push to expose multiple child rape gangs largely run by pakistani men in towns across england the since being banned from almost all mainstream social media sites he was challenged by oksana boycott the latest edition of our worlds apart. speaking about the topic of your talk correct me if i'm wrong it's titled the rape of britain i know that you are prone to generalisations but isn't that you broad
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and threatening of a statement in my writing discussion or talk about islam but muslims in general know if i like how can you talk about islam and not talk about muslims in general or to islam as an idea it's a book it's an idea to criticize that i did practice by muslims but if. but if i criticize christianity i'm not and so in or taken for every christian i'm picking for the ideas so when we see the right levels that we've seen in our country and from a population muslim i would make up 2.2 percent of the british population they are responsible for 84 percent of the convictions of these talks this type of right you know i'm another muslim myself but i am married to a muslim and i know for a fact that islam imposes very strict limits on x. your marital sex not to mention rape victims say it's racial religious the perpetrator says racial religious religion religious the qur'an and the scriptural support and justifies the charges against them is simply not true it is true the
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$950.00 s. the british forces used rape and kissed ration to put down uprising seen kenya they paid compensation to the victims a few years back what did cast if i mean to throw around that kind of labels to anyone who is connected to the british state no it wouldn't go on not for in those accusations that anyone connected to is you're referring to them as muslim they were muslim writers but that i don't know how is it different from the british rape is that because these men are muslims and the rapists and they reckon young children and their those men were also british and there were very few them because i know everybody i have no problem with you label in those people who commit what about as british rapists or you are you don't have to show you know what i mean they really are talking about generalisations here got about 10 rows i'm talking about islam people have to get the understanding that islam is not the mohammed its founder and we have a right to criticize and look at his life because when you look at his life and you see the pillaged he did he write his name his wife's daughter your violin seen in most all the books mr i didn't even know most of the most of what i've known fees by the way but most religious people do not take their scriptures literally these
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days. this is a team from moscow to head the stony and mother who says she's been forced to flee to russia accusing the authorities for failing to take sex abuse claims against her daughters seriously the stories next after this. seems wrong. to me to get to shape out these days you can stick to it and engage with it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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what politicians do. put themselves on the line. they get accepted or rejected. so in one of those present. some want to. get it right. it's like the korean people are. interested in the why. they should. and the stony woman says she's had to flee to russia to protect her daughters she's claiming asylum after her husband was acquitted of sexually abusing the children is a story. that's set up its ability my older daughter started scratching her face i
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would ask her why do you scratching yourself you should hurt yourself and she would reply oh mom i feel guilty about what dad did to us then we went to a psychologist after several sessions she told me the girls are telling the truth about what they want to it's a classic reaction on a fin surface and has taken her 2 daughters to russia to keep them away from their norwegian father she accuses him of molesting the girls something he strongly denies according to her it started back in 2012 in norway when the girls were raised one and 2 but in the us where when our younger daughter was born she offered to be their older daughter i need something from the bathroom so iraq turn without knocking i opened the door they were not washing the not even in the bath they were just standing there naked and i went on to describe the horrific details of that incident who is from a star india obtained a story in passports for the girls and took them to her homeland but the husband hired a lawyer filed for custody and won the. right to see the children for
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a week every 2 months and i was legally unable to prevent him from taking the children to norway the other way or by years after the 1st trips the children would come back and tommy would be naked with dad or where we slept naked with dad in the same bed sometimes the older one would wake up screaming but for a long time i couldn't the to myself what was happening and made 2016 he once again brought the children back from a weeklong stay there i saw a very strange scene when we were saying goodbye i asked my daughter whether they played like that when they are in norway and my youngest one said yes. after that on a went to the store and police on a criminal case was opened she says a gynecologist examined the girls and found evidence suggestive of abuse the father was then arrested and charged on a visit to the psychologist who gave some advice on how to get the truth from her own daughter although that was a survey of all the psychologist said i needed to talk to her in the home environment and when she started talking it was a nightmare she told me that her dad tickled there that it was painful but later at
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the trial they cues me of teaching my children what to tell the investigators and social workers despite the girl's testimony the star new court said there was insufficient evidence to convict your stay in france or us and so he was acquitted he then sued his wife and in 2018 managed to win custody of the children mr finster us and denies all the allegations against him my father was accused of doing something to a 1314 year old started losing it that's the leverage that my father was like that i have to be like that i'm a launched a legal appeal and turned to human rights groups for help but she was unable to overturn the ruling in january this year yourself in service and was due to take the girls to norway. so on a decides to flee to russia taking the girls with them now being looked after while on his asylum claim is being processed. donald trump has accused the democratic party of trying to ruin the chances of one of their own ahead of the election the
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u.s. president says congressman adam schiff has been leaking information to the media suggesting the bernie sanders is being backed by russian meddling. i think what it could be. very very very rarely and it sounds to me like the least likely. because they don't want her to represent sounds like it's. over again very. well shift denies he's the norm of us intelligence also accuses donald trump of spreading false claims as to bernie sanders he's declared war on both republicans and democrats the bald senator described his campaign as unstoppable and so far he looks on course to take the party nomination and the veteran politician successes not only called the political establishment already but apparently the media too. i think it's a little late to stop them and i think that's the problem the game of it is pretty much over reading last night about the fall of france in the summer of 1940 and then general reno closer to churchill and says its over. saw the security at
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another emphatic victory in the u.s. state of nevada the vote count from sunday put him long way out in front of his 3 biggest rivals political analyst charles will tell said saunders surge to the top is putting the democrats in a difficult position. the democratic establishment understands that a democratic socialist is never going to be president and states in the next bite say 50 years he's in a unique position actually to alienate the democratic moderates and inflame trump supporters to come out and force even more so into 2020 than they did in 2016 in their stomach rats are the weakest field i've seen in my lifetime. as britain bids farewell to the european union one thing that arch breck such as can't wait to see their passports changing color after decades of burgundy they will revert to blue one of the most symbolic separation statements many though are pointing out the irony of where the post directed passports are being made.
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by returning to the economy blue and gold designing the british passport to once again be twined with our national identity. the irony these blue passports are made in poland. the gift that keeps on giving. passports that's made in the factory. company oh the irony the fact that this is being lauded as a big thumbs up brags that the color changes but the opportunity and potential has
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been restricted in this case the represent economic harm. and limited horizons. ok that's it from a thanks for watching kevin owens got your next off the world news including the latest on julian assange his opening extradition hearing that's in just over half an hour from now. nuclear so become a battleground in the u.s. in vermont people are demanding the shutdown of a local plant from my yankee is right now my focus because it's a very dangerous oh no claire power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on where's the power in this country where's it going is it
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moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is for power lie with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in very real ways our struggle on r.t. . join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. direction or times you were going on the ground as a landmark freedom of speech case in a london court could decide whether nato nation journalists and their editors are
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to be arrested all around the world coming up on the show the united nations special rapporteur on torture and arbitrary detention tells us about dirty tricks by british authorities against the world's most famous publisher julian asuncion who revealed u.s. u.k. war crimes to the world as the persecuted wiki leaks founder fights extradition to a secret court in donald trump's usa and amongst the billions on earth helped by revelations of wiki leaks against the powerful what about what it told us of the international not cortex trade we talked pills powder and smoke and now imperial control of board and coercive political control at home or refracted by a brutal war on drugs illusion killing or maiming millions all the civil coming up in today's going on the ground but 1st the world's most famous publisher and arguably the entire freedom of the press to reveal war crimes is on trial today the london court just 12 miles from the studio after years of alleged u.k.
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torture in december mation even so-called mainstream news outlets that have attacked this channel and been responsible for an arguable attack on truth since 911 and before getting worried about this week's alleged u.k. persecution of julian assange. well if you watch a lot of the coverage of this story today on television you likely came away with the understanding that julian a songe is some kind of russian spy who's in trouble tonight because he stole classified documents from the u.s. government that is not true it's factually incorrect saying so it's not a defense of assad's right here to promote him or excuse any number of things he said over the years that we disagree. with quite a lot but just so it's clear whatever his sins a songe did not steal documents from the united states government he did not hack the d.n.c. servers he didn't break into john podesta g.-mail account there is no proof that he is working for the russian government or ever has worked for the russian government assad has never been charged with any of that and wasn't today no matter what they
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tell you grudging defenses of assad by outlets like rupert murdoch's fox news the statement they did b.b.c. and form a wiki leaks partners the guardian new york times among others perhaps emerging because they realize they could all soon find themselves in court for merely reporting on the crimes of nato countries well i'm joined now by the united nations kneels meltzer who wants answers from boris johnson's government about britain's role in what defenders of a zionist say are attempts to eliminate him in london's belmarsh prison special operator welcome back to going undercover if we get to issues around the court case that will it's crown court to build a crown court. hearing from people from the labor party pretty mainstream now coming on board to support julian a son is what you have been saying since your report it's the alleged persecution of judaism's becoming more mainstream i think that's a fair assessment i'm actually surprised to see.


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