tv News RT February 29, 2020 1:00am-1:31am EST
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hopes for peace in afghanistan where the u.s. and the taliban are expected to sign a deal to end america's longest war. plus the family of u.s. air force veteran a former drone operator and whistleblower brandon bryant starts a fun runs fundraising campaign to get him released from jail as he faces charges of threatening city officials they claim the charges are politically motivated. and researchers at mit say a report alleging fraud during the bolivian election fall short on evidence president evo morales left his post amid mass protests over the supposedly vote violations.
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you're watching our 2 international coming to you live from the russian capital where it's just turned 9 am welcome to the program. u.s. and the taliban are poised to sign a peace deal which may bring washington's the longest war to an end the deal is expected to be negotiated on saturday or in the coming days what the u.s. initially protected as a major success has now outstripped 4 presidential terms are to scale up and look back at the years of war. back in 2003 u.s. officials were telling a story of success when it came to afghanistan listen to donald rumsfeld we're at a point where we clearly. major combat activity to a period of stability and stabilization and reconstruction. activities but 17 years and 4 presidential terms later one of the great powers of military history is about to sign
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a peace deal with the taliban warlords they've been fighting all this time and the peace treaty looks an awful lot like outright surrender so 1st we have to be realistic and proud of our gains but our generals have determined that this war is unlikely to be won militarily with tremendous additional resources all sides are tired of fighting for the past years you've heard nothing but reports of progress u.s. officials were singing a happy song and also replacing one another we're making progress right now an array of areas that are critical to our combined success with afghanistan the progress is real and importantly that progress is sustainable make no mistake the progress there i think is very rolls myself. and it's very substantial 2016 has been a significant year for afghanistan and progress has been made but this was all just hype documents reveal interviews with people that were actually on the ground and the material ironically labeled lesson warrant seems to present
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a narrative of the u.s. defeat in afghanistan the operation is described as a self looking ice cream cone u.s. official. giving reports of progress we're telling bold faced lie the problem is there is a disincentive really to tell the truth we have created an incentive to almost require or for people to la there's an odor of mendacity throughout the afghanistan issue and i know congressman connelly has heard me talk about this years ago mendacity and who bruce the original plan was to defeat al qaeda and afghanistan and overthrow the taliban that was sheltering al qaeda all of that was arguably achieved but then washington moved on to the nation building phase that a cost of billions of dollars and at that point it starts to look like no one had a clue what they were doing would trying to do here we didn't have the full goose
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newsham the would ruin the taking the reason fundamental gap in distancing of the front and over the stated objectives an overreliance in the military and the lack of understanding of the resources necessary and then the drone started flying many instances of success were recorded on that front but in many instances things also went terribly wrong. somewhere along the way it seems like some folks have just had enough in the coming months all announced the next phase of our drawdown and by the end of next year america's war in afghanistan will be over needless to say it was not over a trillion dollars spent and over $4000.00 u.s. military personnel and contractors killed and at this point the taliban still
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controls a little less than half of the country and under the new peace deal the taliban will be part of the new gulf. they'll be in the government just like they were you know before the u.s. invasion back in the eighty's i was in charge of of military affairs for the middle east back then i could have gone over i could have i could have rented a motor scooter and i could have driven all over the middle east in relative safety you don't do that today i don't think you can identify any particular thing that we have done where we can say this is a real achievement this has really brought about a change for the better in some way and they talk about you know it's so difficult to get out and all of that. the best way to get out is to leave the anticipated deal follows a weeklong reduction and violence agreement between the 2 sides the succeeded and
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reducing hostilities however afghans view the expected peace deal both with skepticism and hope we heard from locals. it was sort of like it was me this peace deal will be permanent not like before i wish this peace deal of been signed 10 years ago thousands of our people were killed many more wounded disabled and also many women were widowed. killed we're happy about the u.s. style of the peace agreements but i wish the species deal had been signed when the u.s. came to ghana stern but now it is also not too late we're told the taliban to stop the conflict you want the us to leave our country as soon as possible. push out into the us we will be happy if the deal brings peace but i wish this peace deal had been signed 10 years ago because back then most of our brothers and sisters hadn't lost parts of their bodies and they were well i myself lost my leg in a bomb explosion so. we're gone both the set and the
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conflict so that we have guns and live in peace we were born in war and we don't want to be healed by the war anymore. the u.s. invasion in afghanistan began in response to the tragic events of $911.00 it was aimed at defeating al qaeda and toppling the taliban which harbor the terrorists okayed us founder and leader was killed in a u.s. operation and pakistan in 2011 washington still has thousands of troops deployed in afghanistan tasked with preventing terror we spoke to a 911 survivor who says the war could and should have ended years ago. well mixed feeling number one because as a survivor of 911 we when they're looking for osama bin. and action with the taliban was basically that they were supporting al qaeda both the same time you know we killed osama bin laden many years ago we should have been
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having this occupation for so long as a survivor i didn't need these actually we didn't have remember when we were going to war we went to places we were in you know gary stern and then we went to iraq and iraq didn't have anything to do with 911 and they tried to hold us the idea that the they were actually people we walked with that he wasn't so this seen way over what we're doing right here in afghanistan we were in the year we don't main purpose that main purpose was a change of a survivor i won the award to win not only because of the people that we lost one of the people that were killed in the process because there were many civilians that were killed in afghanistan do we know our occupation of that country. over to the u.s. state of montana where a total of 4 city council officials have now asked the prosecutor's office to drop charges against whistleblower brennan bryant he lifted the lid on civilian killings
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in u.s. overseas drone operations air force veteran had been charged with threatening city officials and a you tube video and is currently in detention over the past few months he's attended multiple city council meetings criticizing the way tax money is being used britain's mother though claims his incarceration is part politically motivated she's launched a campaign and the hope of raising $100000.00 for his bail. my son is the u.s. air force missile over who broke the code of silence on the drone program now he's in jail in the county detention facility he has no criminal record and yet he is the held on $100000.00. under detention he's isolated from this family and his friends in terms medically made indeed an emotional support animal. brian served as a u.s. air force drone operator from 2006 to 2011 having left the military he began
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exposing cases of what he alleged to be civilian deaths resulting from american drone strikes right claimed commanders often prioritize the elimination of a target over accuracy resulting in innocent people being killed in the process as revelations won him a german whistleblower award in 2015 and also intice a debate over the use of german air base by american drones here's how brennan described his experience to us back in 2015. i actually talked with a lady whose husband. was killed whose has been in brother was killed in a drone strike or talked to or face to face and she asked me why her husband and brother had to die and they weren't bad guys and i just looked at her and i said i i don't know and that's not really the best thing that i can tell someone who is asking questions about why someone that they cared about was killed and they
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need to know the answers and the really true hard answer to say is that i'm sorry that. the mistake happened and i'm doing everything that i can to prevent further mistakes from happening. authorities say bryant was arrested on a felony charge after he had allegedly exhibited threatening behavior during city council meetings and on top of that he threatened to eliminate its members and the video however former f.b.i. agent and whistleblower colleen o'reilly says bryant's current predicament is connected to his past revelations. this does seem to be more retaliation for his having spoken out about the drone operations and the fact that they were killing innocent civilians more so than what he's now done typically with the whistleblower they look back in your personnel files 1st to see if there's anything bad that they can use to discredit the messenger and if they can't find anything bad bad in
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someone's background or personnel file then they wait for the whistleblower to make a small error or mistake and i guess the draw was a blow or are in a fragile emotional state already as you can see with all the veterans they suffer from p.t.s.d. and we know from many other cases retaliate ing and persecuting was of lors that that seems to be the standard oh the government is in perpetual war and so the war goes on for ever that means that even if you speak out even years ago and if especially if you continue to speak out about the wrongful actions in the war crimes it's going to continue this is not to negate the fact that brandon certainly he erred if he made any threatening remarks or comments he certainly should be corrected in the should receive more treatment but i don't think he should be
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punished the way he's being punished. researcher that america's mit university have found out a report into irregularities during the bolivian election didn't provide sufficient evidence of election fraud to spark mass protests which led to president evo morales quoting a report was made by the organization of american states and it looked at the bolivian general election result of november when there was a break in voting and it appeared more else was significantly in front of his rival the report on irregularities and claimed the election results were not accurate one of the mit researchers jack williams explained what made them doubt the findings. we. wanted to specifically look at the portion where they claim that there is significant difference in the results following the interruption and then also in the last 5 percent of results of the unofficial vote count. during this process me and my colleague were unable to find the evidence that the oas had created here
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results are out there and you know having an effect on the world without any methodological or even like even just the code that they used to produce the results that they created we find it extremely difficult to naturally find the breaks that they found and then used for their results so really we would we would really appreciate if the oas would share their. both their methodology and then also if they could share what they used to produce this report that had such a large effect following the release of the oas report some media outlets spoke of election fraud like it was a proven fact and audit indicated there was a clear manipulation in the country's elections last month accusations of irregularities in last month's presidential election was rigged the american states put out a report saying that. the whole shebang actually. jack williams again believes the media and opposition use
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the oas report for their own ends. the statistical claim was the one that was able to be tied to the results and to claim the results that were being presented were illegitimate and that's what the opposition party and that the media has also used to justify the people knew that there was problems with the oas research but maybe didn't have the technical expertise to would center for economic and policy research had released a report prior but it had not gained much traction among especially the media so i think they really wanted someone to evaluate this and take it seriously. it seems online fund died another death this week. shares her thoughts on internet killjoys and their latest bout of awoke outrage. day diary what a wreak of distressing stories there's new evidence suggesting that back in the seventy's buddy was great fun to sis such
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a disappointment on his visit to india donald trump managed to vadim every single engine was that came his way and alexandra because there cortez were $580.00 sequined dress during the day but the thing that really got my anxiety levels peaking was this tweet to be so. that someone somewhere is drawing lines to shoot joyousness of these people is a saying to hold these bullets. should be kept as far away from cultural power as possible joyousness is this a joke this is a classic case of conservative debbie downer is waning on our parade this is so literally no evidence to support it so unfair yes ok the university of arizona is basically begging students to run each other out if back or being. triggering insensitive well you got it i know some would say that fosters an environment of
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paranoia censorship and soul sucking depression but i just don't see it yes school in seattle said easter eggs should be renamed springs fish is a spring spear hunt count me in i possibly think it's got a real fun ring to it. little to lose it really. but you're going to leave me out of the. i'm sure i did read about how now it's not ok to expect people to turn up on time because in some cultures time is a fluid concept who knew i just heard all the people who signed up for this lesson and witness in time to get the most out of it all so they could have the decency. tell mr robertson enough to walk up such a sweat and. also slightly killing the vibe of all the walls fashionistas
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a compound down on hoop earrings no longer for white people apparently so gone of those carefree days when you saw him today long hair in the gentle worship and the wind and ok not the best news for you argent a poet is out that because oxford university did cancel plopping but why are people making such a big deal about it there are loads of other ways to show your appreciation like. jazz hands super fun but wait on the culture appropriation. we've got a problem. still to come a new study has found that minorities are twice as visible on u.k. television screens as on britain's streets details and a few ticks. the
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republicans have a reputation as knowing more about money than the democrats but the democrats are always very confusing and so bernie sanders is just out of a tradition he's talking about socialism which again is a it's a it's a model based on a comprehensive bald. non existent theory about money. what hope to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. some want. to go right to the press this is what. 3 of the more people. interested in the war.
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welcome back a new report in the u.k. has found that minority groups are being overrepresented in the media black asian and other ethnic minorities have twice the presence on t.v. than they actually have on the streets of britain the same also applies to the l.g.b. community tele for c.e.o. claims its main goal is to reflect modern diversity and its output all the b.b.c. says they are pleased to represent minorities on screen adding that more needs to be done off screen her critics say it's gone too far grow barring diverse characters to reflect demographics or will. you know what else is over represented on t.v.
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for hate for white people that's even worse. there are 4 characters here well 2 have to be nonwhite and one must be gary the country isn't 50 percent nonwhite and a quarter again. we put the issue up for debate with new york observer columnist andare walker and human rights activist peter tatchell. this highlights the ludicrous idea of having quotas for everything i genuinely believe that in television like all the rest of life you should have the best people for the job but you know what if you can have quotas that when the white middle class heterosexual mad represented then you've got to throw somebody else out or we don't have a quota system in british t.v. there are attempts and have been successful attempts according to these statistics to redress the marginalization exclusion and clicked the past decades and i think that's a great thing to celebrate because it does show that we are a more accepting understanding inclusive society this is about normalizing the fact
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that we live in a diverse society this is not about diversity it ought not to be about diversity what it should be about is the best person for the job television is bad to tell humans so you pick the best guy for the job or the best woman for the job who acts in the best way all the social change that peter tatchell is talking about all of this let's get a gay person because the guy you're black person has a black it's just a load of 970 s. i'm certain that all those black and gay actors are chosen not because of their race or sexuality but because they have to be good actors we need to fight discrimination we need to ensure that people who are disabled or gay or black are not discriminate against but the idea of just let's just pick this person whoever they are just in order to fill a quota is that all doesn't so pretty and everybody's doing the right are pretty good after you get a piece of pizza i love you to pieces if you're out of date. and what is seen by some as a landmark free speech case an appeals court and the u.s. has ruled in favor of the you tube and its parent company google any censorship
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lawsuit filed by conservative media company prager university. addressing the 1st amendment claims the panel held that despite you tube's ubiquity and its rule as a public facing platform it remains a private forum not a public forum subject to judicial scrutiny under the 1st amendment. in the lawsuit praeger you claimed you tube violated the 1st amendment by barring the company of its right to free speech after some of its videos were deleted from the platform for use she suggested that youtube should be viewed as a public forum and blame them for false advertising as a platform that supports free speech the company believes their clips were banned because of the conservative nature of the content but the court rejected the claims after the court's decision google the parent company of youtube also stressed that there was no political bias involved and that praeger use claims were meritless but prager you maintains that the tech company has become dangerously powerful. sadly
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it appears as if even the 9th circuit is afraid of google we're not done fighting for free speech and we will keep pushing forward this is a significant decision because the effect of it is that the court of appeal is stating they had social media companies such as google and facebook have arrived to make a decision. walt people are going to be exposed to the reach of those companies is unprecedented but we ducked read today it's not been an equivalent in imposition of responsibility the response of course is that those companies will be able to control the political agenda so in order for this to change the rule would be a need for additional laws to be to be brought in in order to ensure
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that social media companies are not placed in a position where there are effectively controlling the entire political system. that's a global news update for this hour but don't forget you can always head to our website r.t. dot com for the details on all of those stories and many more. nuclear become a battleground in the us in vermont people love demanding the shutdown of a local plant from yankee is right now my focus because it's a very dangerous prayer power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limits this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on where's the power in this country where is it going is it
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moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is or powerline with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in the very real ways. a struggle. the point is should we actually be charging for it because this is when we charge for things it's because it's a benefit to the person who's buying it and that's the audiology to education about 30 or 40 years ago but the perspective of education was originally that education is a benefit for saudi in general i wouldn't want to live in a saudi without doctors or engineers happen without economists. saying it of being a profit benefit ignoring the public means that we're ignoring that the skill bias we need for a sophisticated society and putting the burden of that skill on the individuals and what we've turned it into is just now the trying institution of higher education
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become a form a version of a real estate scam that is not the bisons for a functional. you know you don't do 50 noise you could number 2 the volume when you get to go home until and don't get a feel. good that you don't know that of all the use in the city. well since i was in the market for trick or younger. people should know. that that is minutes and i will find a pretty long way to drive this not to find out a titles or. something to motivate to you all to see perceive your side some of it to give up your job to go to shows.
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because people will put a big business school these are you sure there's a girl with the most are we. going to pull for the supernatural because. it has been the worst week for the stock market since 2008 this is a boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss and i'm christiane washington coming out find trillion dollars have been wiped off the stock market this week well break down global markets where they stand for the week and where they're headed but what is happening with the crowd a virus if the disease coming under control or is this just the beginning and we
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take a look at why you hacky in the quest for a better longer more efficient life you will not believe what some silicon valley leaders are doing to trick their bodies into running at top performance so much to get you on this very busy day let's get started. and we begin with another bloody day for wall street down another 1000 points and yes we have now seen the worst week for markets since the 2008 financial crisis wiping out as christy just said 5 trillion dollars from global markets i'm going to. again wiping out 5 trillion dollars 'd in one week we're going to break down global markets and the horrific week they just had in just a minute but 1st let's get you caught up on the very latest with the corona virus which of course is blamed as the catalyst for all of this so here are the latest numbers more than 83000 people in at least 53 countries have been infected and of those more than 2800 have died outside of china the largest number of deaths is in
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iran at 34 where that country has seen a huge jump in infections to ron had already canceled friday prayers at the capitals of 23 of around 31 provinces u.s. secretary of state might pump aoe says that the u.s. has offered to assist iran with medical response over in south korea they have the highest number of infections outside of china at $2337.00 and while china seems to have gotten some control over the spread of the corona virus it is italy that appears to be a central point for spreading the disease as italy now reports 650 cases and 17 deaths switzerland has canceled its giant geneva car show mexico has confirmed its 1st case of corona virus 2 min in mexico city and one of siena loa those 2 had recently traveled to italy and reported the contract of the virus there mexico is now the 2nd latin american country to register the virus and the largest city on the african continent lagos' which has a population of over 20000000 people has also reported its for.
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