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tv   Going Underground  RT  February 29, 2020 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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universal basic. and more courage up with what's front running this sunday exclusively on r.t. . hopes for peace in afghanistan as the u.s. and the taliban sign a deal to end america's longest war thanks to remove all of its troops from the country in the next 14 months after almost 2 decades of conflict and thousands of lives lost. my parents clashed with greek police on the country's border with turkey house off the anchor and down state would no longer prevents rescue teams from heading to europe. and the french government announced it will push through a controversial pension reform by decree passing palomides a move is prompting a new wave of protests in the country in. about an hour from now my colleague docking there takes you through the big events this state this week coming up next an arts international though it's going underground well in the u.k.
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and ireland it's sputnik 1000. returns or we're going underground after a week in which the whole world watched an alleged travesty of justice in a london courtroom the extradition trial of julian assange wiki leaks coming up on the show it was wiki leaks that revealed secret u.s. cables detailing red cross allegations of indian torture in this week of violence flared in the capital delhi after donald trump addressed hundreds of thousands of supporters of prime minister narendra modi in good drugs will investigate with a multi-billion dollar weapons deal but no means for global stability with professor. peace in syria on the road to damascus we go to aleppo ahead of thursday's summit which we heard a woman putin as president assad supporters deter victories against what they claim
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a british backed al qaeda troops plus one south carolina primary day are conspiracies like the one against bernie sanders. revealed by wiki leaks repeating themselves we asked greg to last successful in his landmark legal case dr weil massive vote pushing with a democracy is dead in the usa baltimore coming up in today's going underground of 1st there have been allegations of a deliberate lack of coverage in the u.k. of arguably the journalism trial of the century around the world though julius on his fight for freedom in a london court has made headlines including in india where journalists found time to cover the wiki leaks founder is playing to mit's donald trump state visit joining me now from northampton massachusetts is professor the jaipur who has been following signs of sectarian violence in the world's largest democracy am doos message in support of a songe was read out by pink floyd founder roger waters in pomona square this week thanks so much for jay for coming on before we get to the multimillion multi 1000000000 dollar arms deals in india with the donald trump your reaction to the
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trial here in london you know the fact is that journalists like you and i who cover all the destruction of countries or an immense debt to people like julian a science nobody believes you until you have hard evidence and they give it to us and i think really that's the reason why the us sure look you know determined to get assad to humiliate him to destroy him it's to sort of what the story of walk crimes and torture back into the bottle and make this a story about somebody demonized in such a criminal way my feeling is that he's not going to get anything like a fair trial and it's really quite a shame for journalism in general you might have to remind us actually there was a wiki leaks us cable showing the international red cross met with u.s. officials in delhi about warnings of detention and torture by indian authorities in cash when one learns these things when the leaks come we know it's happening i mean
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we don't need these leaks in fact we have people on the record talking about how they've been tortured but it hasn't done enough to show. take this government particularly against its quite criminal policies against certain docketed populations ok what i have to say they deny commission did come on this program to tell us that there is no arbiter detention or torture currently being meted out in kashmir as you can imagine that's the indian government's position that's as good or what your understanding of what happened in delhi away from all the media coverage of trumps a visit to good giraffe i mean the fact is that for the last 6 years the population of india is being put under enormous what we in india call communal stress a communal is the word used to describe sectarian differences sectarian tensions sectarian violence so you know the more the government has prosecuted of far right
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and the muslim agenda from the 1st when it came into office and this skating set of pressure put on indian society erupted last year in november and december when the more the government push for what they call the citizenship amendment bill and then the citizenship amendment act this was an incredibly discriminatory piece of legislation that suggested that only non muslims who live in the neighborhood of india are welcome to india if they're discriminated you've got to understand that india has a population of 200000000 muslims the bin wasn't tended to engender fear in the hearts of 200000000 muslims and all those who think that the b.g.p. and its parent organization officious decoders says that their agenda must not go forward what it actually provoked in the b.g.p. miscalculated was mass protests across india from
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a silver id of communities not just indian muslims arguing against the citizenship amendment back against the test says be should be agenda and any. and in late there have been several sit ins led mainly by muslim women and what's happened is b.j. politicians have arrived up people used language such as by a bullet sent them and so on they have not been arrested they've not been prosecuted and they've basically door dick got a political people to go out on the street and create violence this is not the 1st time we've seen gunfire against unarmed protesters and i'm sure to not be the last time most i think egregiously the central government that's more these government could drools the delhi police the b j p denies it's discriminatory against muslims that it's targeting muslims that you know the media this week has been talking not about that so much it's been talking about the amazing pictures that we got from our ground but obviously from
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good drama when trump said he was going to sell $3000000000.00 whether weapons to india what do you make of what position modi is in because some are saying actually rather than being a great powerful that list leader he's being outflanked by washington by don't trump and the old imperial divide and rule between china and india trumpet ministration as bush something they did cause that indoor pacific strategy the idea of the into pacific strategy is to your japan australia india and the united states into a you know a real alliance against china particularly china's bedded road initiative morgan stanley says that china by 2027 will spend about $1.00 trillion dollars on the bed and road initiative so the united states government is trying to draw countries with small grants saying if we give you for instance $500000000.00 through the
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millennium challenge corporation you then have to come on us side and not have links with the chinese bed at road initiative. well it does that the japanese and the australians both have sort of each you know in story from the united states because they understand that the role of china and asia is quite vital china is you know in a sense unifying is yes very hard to stay out of that mr moore the on the other hand is quite comfortable being the subordinate ally of the united states government is india now fundamentally broken 410000000 in poverty according to the un it's sending rockets to the moon obviously more poor people in the india than the whole of sub-saharan africa and just these a congress party fighting over hereditary leadership is it fundamentally broken is the new light in the tunnel well the light in the tunnel is the fact that you have hundreds of thousands of people on the street protesting the b.g.p.
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agenda i think the problem is a similar problem in many so-called democracies are not time these are sort of places where mass politics is being corrupted by money has been corrupted by the manipulations of whatsapp and so on that's a serious question the united nations for instance should impanel a commission to discuss money and democracy it's not just a problem in india it's a serious problem in the united states in the united kingdom and in other countries which you know pretend to have a democratic country or democratic process i should just ask very briefly obviously pakistan was not happy about the arms deal given the worst attacks on the mainland united states emanated from the pakistani border with afghanistan and of course saudi arabia do you think trump is putting the united states of power peril as pakistan views this multi-billion dollar arms deal with its ineffective enemy set me up on the nuclear armed line of control i mean i think that there's a lot of lines being drawn around this china u.s.
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axis pakistan certainly is a deep part of the chinese betancourt project the united states is trying to cut a deal. enough got to stand to bring a brawl u.s. government in power there this is something that the buggiest on his don't want they don't want to bring us through indian government in kabul they don't be outflanked you know this is all a very dangerous kind of politics this is not a politics of peace this is a politics of belief and the united states by so closely allied with india by trying to eliminate pakistan as much as possible is just fanning the flames in southern asia around the hindu kush region professor of egypt thank you well while julian it's on to fight for freedom in london with the leaks continues to challenge nato narratives of chemical weapons use in syria but as nato nation media looks the other way providing to promote the narratives of syrian rebels president assad supporters are claiming you victories against what they say a u.k. u.s.
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backed al-qaeda in their country joining me now is iranian scola professor mom and miranda who's been traveling on one of the most important highways in the middle east from damascus via it live to aleppo thank you so much for coming on the show you've been driving up one of the most important highways what is it like because nature nation media is only full of stories about russian syrian air strikes killing women and children in hospitals and schools on mass what sane person is going to believe that the white helmets that are based and have nothing to do with their nostra up front with al qaeda with. me can only be there with their permission and i have visited places in syria where the white house mitts buildings were right beside al-qaeda buildings and front of it had to hear a sham a keep rebranding themselves and they have different names but. across this region
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the white house minutes have been working hand in hand with out what the united states wants and what western european countries want and we can hear huge if. explosions right now is this country to be weak and divided because their policy is to strengthen the israeli regime at the expense of regional countries well you're on the road to damascus retreat damascus and aleppo the u.n. is saying a 170000 a sleeping rough in it live as they say i think you can hear the bombs around you which again the television here in nato nations is saying is russian and syrian air strikes killing women and children did you see any evidence of it i don't know about the numbers but what i can say if the united states neighboring countries saudi arabia and others were not aiding al qaeda this would have been over a long time ago this resistance that they're putting up against searing arm the
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syrian army and its allies can only have taken place with the help of these foreign actor so for them to be fearful of the general population is utterly hypocritical they have brought about this devastation no one is more responsible for the cities and the damages and the deaths and destruction that we've seen in syria then the united states government whether under obama or trump and their european and regional allies and client states your understanding is that aleppo is free i understand you've been up to aleppo as well yes right now where to the south of aleppo alongside the highway right now i can hear explosions as i speak the people in the city are in a much better situation than they were before overwhelming majority of the syrian population on the syrian side they are not important for the western media or western governments because western regimes have sanctioned this country they're
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preventing fuel from getting to the people there's a huge shortage of of gasoline when it comes to the overwhelming majority of the syrian people there's no. empathy but when it's people who are trapped on the al-qaeda side of the fighting it's apparently it's the government's it is syrian government's fault for fighting al-qaeda you mentioned sanctions there while there are claims that easy you nato nations sanctions against iran disturbing any attempts to get to grips with coronavirus back in your home country are you hearing what's happening back home everyone safe yes everyone that i know is safe but it is interesting that the persian language media that's owned by western countries are funded by western countries like b.b.c. persian a persian to each of our persian and the saudi channels like iran international among others they're all spreading rumors and misinformation to create fear among iranians and it's really disturbing the way in which western governments are using
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their persian media channels to carry out psychological warfare against the iranians all those major link stations deny that investment thank you. thank you after the break it's south carolina primary day but is the real election story greg the last school trickery to reveal a conspiracy to destroy democracy in the u.s.a. we speak to the author of the best democracy money can buy all the civil coming up on pot joe going underground. in the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of northern ireland that was coordinated loyalists attacks particularly catholic population in belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes come up with strike and put these attacks was a p.r. you see the police actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it
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they were active participants in the burning of coal streets in belfast at the time more than a 100 innocent civilians were unloaded as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and of the currency which the collusion was involved in some of those cases that killers would lead to be named into the noun gang i think it went to the very very top i think if the phones cross the water where all the taste and you thought was going on and give the go ahead.
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welcome back at south carolina's trying to choose its democratic presidential candidates for 2024 years after the dreaded 60 results so hillary clinton win in controversial primaries exposed for corruption. by wiki leaks but does bernie sanders only have to dodge democratic party dirty tricks this time around joining me is the author of the best democracy money can buy greg palast who's on skype in pasadena greg thanks for coming back on before we get to south carolina the significance of your victory in georgia in terms of what it means for the 2020 alexion. big stuff the federal court has ruled that as that the governor of georgia formally secretary of state who's guy in charge of voter rolls. a guy named brian camp and in 2018 he well frankly them but it bluntly he stole the election from a black woman named stacy abrams and i needed to find out exactly how he did that he removed are you ready for this half
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a 1000000 voters from the voter rolls most of them black people young people and. remove them from the voter rolls is a very american thing is called the perch and that made him governor of georgia now the federal courts have said he's got to open up his files and tell me exactly how he did this because it's a federal court this will mean that all over america while i'm doing my investigations right now for the guardian newspapers of britain. that they're going to have to open their files and say how they removed voters in the past 2 years 17000000 people have been removed from the voter rolls and there are all kinds of crazy kaka mainly reasons and i'm going into that this is one way that america maintains kind of a white majority control without removing millions of voters of color young
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people. pretty hard for donald trump to get reelected this is one way that the g.o.p. hopes to keep the that is the g.o.p. is the republican party and the way that they hope this is to stay in power. people who know no they are one of the great investigative journalists or time but i've got to why did it take so long for such a story to end up in the court i'm not sure whether they're appealing for this actually to be firmly confirmed confirmed that this kind of gerrymandering this kind of fraud on this scale is taking place. yeah well it always takes time because of the unlike the european press in our team you know there's american press is not too interested in talking about the fact that american democracy is has all kinds of problems we still have problems with allow a but why why would they not want to talk about it they said they want to talk
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about no democracy in venezuela or over libya well you know americans have this great mythic idea which we grew up with as an american in school that we have a great democracy greatest democracy that we're all everyone gets to vote and and so because we have this self created myth it's very hard to talk about where we fall down from the myth and so and that's one of the difficulties for me is that investigative report because i'm saying look we're removing literally millions of people black people hispanics asian americans and young people right now from the voter rolls make it impossible or incredibly difficult for them to vote and it's not something that americans like to talk about because we like to think of ourselves as the great democracy but we still have these incredibly painful.
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failures of our democracy by removing people we don't like and removing their right to vote ok well tell me now about the allegations you're making against the kansas official kris kobach the connection to trump although of course we invite crisper go back on the show to refute your claims you believe and you say he was closely tied with trump on racial voter suppression techniques. yes a guy named kris kobach of kansas and i like to say jokingly if you don't remember kris kobach of kids is the kate a he developed systems a one system call cross-check there are other systems where he is organizing amongst all the republican state voting officials dream move voters of color from the voter rolls of black people who tend to vote democratic tend to vote progressive they like birds sanders he doesn't want them to vote of course because
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hey that undermines the possibility of the reelection of his buddy donald trump don trump tried to put him in charge of a a commission that would look for voters who are voting illegally now in america if you voted illegally you go to jail for 5 years so basically you know what does it because it was going to 5 years just to cast a vote in the prison so kris kobach of kansas worked with this guy brian kemp of georgia and and about a 3rd of the other voting officials in america you may be surprised to learn the people in charge of the vote and counting the votes are partisan officials democratic in california republican in most of america and so you literally have political hacks. who are in charge of counting the vote it's something it's very very hard for european or other people the world to understand that basically you
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have political. parties and officials who are in charge or actually counting the votes determining who can vote where they can vote it's a strawberry system that's led to a return of lot of the restrictions especially on black voters and latino voters asian voters young voters. well we invited the russian ambassador to london to see whether he can read refute what you said about russian democracy obviously kris kobach would say he's never been in the k.k.k. but let's move to california even though everyone else is wrong about south carolina today you obviously we know from wiki leaks the dirty tricks by the d.n.c. against bernie sanders what are your concerns in california because i got to tell you the l a times is trumpeting redesigned voice vote ballots new touchscreen devices they spent $300000000.00 on making 2020 a great occasion. well i'm kids you know a lot of people are concerned about
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a new computer touch screen voting we call pray push and pray you push through you push a button for your can they pretty good that they'll count it but i'm even more concerned about a much deeper problems in california in 2016 hillary clinton ran against bernie sanders and 8w8w people in california 8300000 people voting for president but only 67000000 votes were counted 1300000 votes were disqualified it's heard for any one in europe to understand these were being disqualified votes in california which controlled completely by the democratic party. they removed they disqualify the 1000000 votes of people who are not registered democratic party now
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i understand in california if you don't have to be a democrat to vote in a democratic primary so you have a huge following for birth standards especially among students who are who ever for whatever reason the side not to register in the democratic party they have the right to vote for in the democratic party and there are laws but they don't count the votes they come with all kinds of reasons to block those voters and this is a problem that's going to come up on super tuesday california is by far the most important state bernie sanders is the favorite of most kalpa people in california here in the gold state where i'm i'm speaking here from the golden state and especially prop you are not only among young people. but among the hispanic voters the mexican americans and others you're saying that this is all about suppression i
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got to tell you i had a super tuesday the day bernie signed it is not talking about what you were talking about he's not talking about wiki leaks and what it showed in 2016 where you're saying a 1000000 votes disappeared he's talking about russia he's saying that he doesn't want russia or interfering and far from it being about clinton's vote and and i suppose the d.n.c. getting a bit of payback now because the m s n b c o's chris matthews compared his success recently and in a way that could be seen is appalling and anti semitic but he why do you think this is talking about russia not about the investigations you were doing that and what wiki leaks revealed that's what's being covered i will say that that last time berger sanders ignored the fact is vote was stolen from him because he said he does not even want a real even want to elect on trial and i understand that but this times did hold a press conference not much covered in the press saying. in the state of
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california where he's very popular especially among hispanics who call. birth uncle byrd one 3rd of all voters here by the way are hispanic a white people in california are the minority very briefly now greg for those watching in california this episode of going underground i understand you're advising all californians to screenshot the on screen voter card when they have to reregister to vote right well what i'm asked what i'm suggesting is because the democratic purred. they must by law allowed non democrats to vote that's 5000000 people in california and most of those are bernie supporters the people who are not registered as democrat but are independent voters attend to support bernie sanders and so they have a right on election day for the 1st time in california history to really registers
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democrats and i'm suggesting that if you want to vote as a democrat that you reregister for the day i'm not saying you should vote for a democrat i'm not saying you should vote for sanders or biden or anyone else but all i'm saying is you if you really want your vote counted tell a democratic party that you're a democrat than will count your vote we have a big problem the guy in charge of counting the votes is the secretary of state of california his name is alex vidia he is a very partisan democrat and he is a big supporter of joe biden so he's not very interested in counting votes for burger sanders i'm sure you know this and i'm sure he denied that and say that was impossible probably not as last time you know i got to have you who are you who do you think is going to get south carolina south carolina 3 very close race between biden and sander sanders is is picking up
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a great deal of african-american votes with your the main voters in south carolina so we will see it's going to be tight and tough race. greg thank you. thank you very much that's it for the show will. begin about britain's future relationship with the largest neoliberal trade building. but you've got a big. to a. to.
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the point is should we actually be charging for it because this is when we charge for things because it's been a benefit to the person who is buying it and that's the audiology education about 30 or 40 years ago but the perspective of education was originally that education is a benefit for society in general i wouldn't want to live in a society without doctors or engine is happening without economists. saying it of being a profit benefit ignoring the public means that ignoring that the skill bias we need for a sophisticated society and putting the burden of that skill on the individuals what we've turned it into is just now the china institution. that is not the functional society.


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