tv News RT March 1, 2020 9:00pm-9:30pm EST
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turkey releases for employees of russia news agency of the journalists who had been detained on saturday and questioned by police. in greece police clash with migrants add to the turkish border after gives the green light to asylum seekers hoping to reach a degree you in an apparent bid to pressure nato into backing its offensive in syria . it has been a long week for joining us his supporters within the 1st phase of his us in their face now complete during the hearings the wiki leaks founder was kept in a glass cage and. interact with his lawyers we hear from one of the. couldn't take part in the court process this is inconceivable how can a person be in court without being able to interact will communicate with his
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lawyers who are representing his interests. and residents of towns in northeastern france accuses the belgian neighbors of illegally dumping tons of garbage across the border. broadcasting live from our studios in moscow recapping the week's top stories with our weekly program this is our international. and for employees of russia news agency in turkey have been released after questioning the editor in chief along with 3 others were detained in. on saturday this follows nationalists trying to break into the homes of 3 student employees. we spoke to him. head of the sputnik turkey office in. a group of about 20 people came directly to each of our aim. at their residential addresses they shouted threats
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and accusations against them after our colleagues went to the police station to report the incident we could not then reach them for many hours however according to the place their phones had not been taken from them right now we want to know how this crowd of nationalists found out the addresses of all our employees their names and names and the story did not end there today a group of police officers arrived at is down below office as well as to the editor in chief of sputnik turkey now the police are making copies very employees hard drives as i understand it our articles on the turkish problems of time served as the basis for the searches in the recent events i want to say that we will now take measures to maximize the securities of the employees working in our office or to saskia taylor has been across the story and she spoke earlier with my colleague harvey because he has been grabbing headlines in recent days have seen those pics of migrants flooding across its border but this is another story from that it's been slightly over a note saying 3 journalists who work for russia's sputnik news agency in ankara
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have been released now off to several hours in police custody and that's because after questioning no reason was found to hold them for. which and they actually went to the police of their own free will because they wanted to file a complaint about an alleged attack that they've been victims to in that own homes on saturday and after that nothing was heard from them until now of course which understandably sparked concern from moscow we call on the turkish authorities to intervene provide safety to employees of the russian media and ensure that all circumstances are clarified it's also said that the editor in chief of the istanbul bureau was also detained by police and what some are calling a flagrant violation of media freedom it's now being confirmed that he too has been released and that happened it is also thought to have searched the offices of that bureau you mentioned some. attacks in their own homes or your son's quite sinister
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what details do we know about those well it's alleged that they were not spontaneous attacks but rather a coordinated fact and that they were instigated by turkish nationalists there are some reports saying that these nationalists gathered outside the private homes of these 3 journalists some of them even allegedly broke into them and they were chanting nationalist slogans and they also according to some stories versions they allegedly accuse these employees of betraying that country because they work for the russian news outlet but why would that be such a still a t towards these 3 wall unfortunate some in turkey are blaming russia for the deaths of dozens of tucker soldiers and in a syrian asteroid recently that's despite the fact that i'm quite as come out very clearly said that we know that the russian air force was in no way involved it's also worth mentioning let's quickly listen in to another motive that was suggested
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i condemn last night's threats and attempted attack against 3 turkey sputnik journalists outside their homes in ankara also concerned that they were reportedly detained today. as you through g.'s to ensure the safety of foreign correspondents now the article in question is one in which 19th disputed referendum in the now tucker province of the toy is discussed with some suggestion that potentially it was rigged by the turks but i do want to say that that has not been confirmed as a motive for these attacks but it is briefly was just saying that this is unfortunate not the 1st time the sport has faced problems in turkey back in 2016 for example the news website was temporarily blocked by the country's telecom regulator as this latest turn of events would of course be keeping an eye on it and see how it all plays out turkey's not a model country regarding. own journal. thousands
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have been thrown in jail. others dozens remain in exile because they know that they too will be imprisoned if they do go back so the fact that they also do it to foreign media is not surprising there is a vienna convention regarding the attitude towards diplomats and most countries respect. and boys and better to us about for journalists it's not so clear and reporters are usually working a domestique of there are host governments and if the media cannot operate just because their country of origin is now. with the other country that's very wary some and perhaps turkey has something to hide. sticking in the region athens is deploying extra soldiers to its border with turkey in
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a bid to prevent refugee refugees from crossing into greece that's as thousands continue to mass on the frontier tensions have escalated over the weekend with clashes erupting between police and migrants following turkey's decision on saturday to open its doors to europe. oh. god 0 7 god love. him in my mind this is me go away during one country.
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well turkey has seen a growing sea of migrants crossing its borders after a decision to step up its intervention in the northern part of syria despite a deal reached with the e.u. in 2016 turkey now says it will no longer restrain hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers on its territory from reaching the e.u. meanwhile greece says it has blocked some 10000 migrants from illegally crossing its border but thousands more remain massed along at the greek government has accused turkey of using the migrant surge to pressure europe over the syrian conflict a spokesperson for athens called the development a threat to the national security of the country the escalating situation now poses the toughest test for greece since the 2015 financial crisis middle east analyst.
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believes now that the refugee problem will not end as long as fighting continues in syria. what. turkish authorities want is some cover for they operate sions immediately they want europe to become a stakeholder 4th their operation in europe saying apparently that they want to make sure that no more refugees would cross the border between syria and turkey and that in a sense just defies for them arming the likes of just as mr. against the syrian army provided and school saluting the problem rather than solving the problem because the only way this problem is going to be solved by sea rather storing it's you know territorial integrity and people going back to their homes as long as there is fighting and there will always be fighting as long as there is a bit of syrian land outside syrian government control as long as there is fighting there will always be refugees. the 1st phase of join us u.s.
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extradition case wrapped up in this week the decision on whether he will be handed over or not will be reached in may when further hearings are scheduled now the prosecution argued that knowingly put hundreds of lives at risk when he published troves of classified u.s. military files without read back to names and other sensitive information washington claims that following those leaks in 2010 sources disappeared in iraq afghanistan and iran the ricky leaks founder is also accused of encouraging the whistleblower and army intelligence analyst chelsea manning to hack the pentagon's computer network now a songes defense team has sought however to counter those allegations buttressing their case with previously undisclosed information let's take a look they claim that the publisher actually warned then secretary of state hillary clinton about the leaks so as to ensure the safety of the individuals whose names appear to be documents they have also stressed that songes activities are
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protected by the principles of press freedom and his lawyers have strongly rejected the assertion that he. courage manning to hack the pentagon furthermore they say extradition would undermine their client's health now during the hearing assad was held in a glass cage he was also prevented from talking to his lawyers we heard from one of them. well up until. a songe was in a grave condition before court but during the extradition proceedings that got even worse he was being held in a see through a room without any access to his lawyers while he was being delivered to this room he was handcuffed 11 times he underwent a full body search twice and went through 5 different rooms before he finally entered the court moreover a songe couldn't take part in the court process he was deprived of any kind of interaction with his lawyers but he tried to reach out to be by passing a piece of paper through a gap in the glass box he was being held in and he was told off by the guard
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because of that i mean this is inconceivable how can a person be in court without being able to interact or communicate with his lawyers who are representing his interests. throughout the week julian assange has supporters have been protesting outside the court claiming the case is a test of fundamental press freedoms and called on london and washington not to shoot the messenger. into go on the net admitted and in chose the many straw the body had been for the release of why aren't we discussing the harm that was released there was revealed by the releases of which it is in 20102011 why aren't we here talking in court about the war crimes yes as a nation of innocent civilians by the military the slaughtering of reuters journalists. that is what we should be talking about in a courtroom in this country and in america you know you say what why is everybody
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here today they're here because they don't believe bank stream narrative we spoke to a politician broadcaster and former british m.p. george galloway about concerns surrounding the freedom of the press. to then a songes a friend of mine and that's not the julian assange sitting in the courtroom this man is mentally. physically shrunken and how could it be otherwise after a whole decade of this cruel and unusual punishment who will volunteer to be the next julian our son who are all received evidence which checks out as being true of high crimes and misdemeanors by the us government or any government for that matter including our own and then report it to the public they're all bad they would have to be either foolhardy or extremely brave because if they did so they're on
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a very high risk of ending up in a bulletproof box in which ground for facing extradition and the rest of your life in prison in the united states trust me but want to have a chilling effect on free journalism in the world it will have a killing effect. tons of the garbage from belgium is being illegally dumped across the border into france and the mountains of trash have left locals fearing for their health care to charlotte basically picks up the story. this may look like part of a landfill site but it's not all of this waste has been dumped here illegally we're just a few miles from the border with belgium and luxembourg and the french town of all cool moo 9 is one of many struggling to cope with what you can see mountains and to mountains of garbage that have appeared since october in nearby
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it's a similar story trash both household and commercial has been dumped under the cover of darkness city. at 1st we thought it was regular waste but it turns out people are illegally dumping their washing machines. they are throwing everything away. yes but here we see it's far more serious we have. the made around $200.00 tons of waste it's enormous as far as the pollution we don't know what's inside it could be tons of who knows what type of products chemicals. we don't know we see cleaning products plastics but more could be hidden it didn't take long before calls track down where the waste was coming from what if we did i was looking through the trash piles and piles of it it all had signs of being from the same place we searched and found out it was from on turnip. and that if so here's
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an invoice is it and. then you know it says sent her so there. when the company was contacted it didn't any knowledge of illegal waste dumping but the local resident jessica told me that since that statement the fly tipping has continued it's being described as a dumping on an industrial scale and you can see why back in redone the local fisherman's association is also concerned. on the water source or close to this pollution so there could be a problem because it could affect our pond this is the 21st century there are designated places to put waste like this it's an acceptable and people are doing this and regulated the mayor's office says the cost of cleaning this up is beyond its means you know and if you're also on
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a financial level for us this is impossible to solve we have a small community of $1000.00 people it would cost the equivalent of the whole annual budget to get rid of this. a criminal investigation into this problem with cross border dumping has we know you print and customs agents have stepped up their patrols now in 2017 they reported 7 metric tons of waste like this was illegally trafficked into france in 2018 that shot up to 130000000 metric tons now although there are no figures yet available for 29000 it is clear that this issue is escalating the communities here are fed up of being a dumping ground for of the people's waste they want more regulation and are calling on the e.u. to step in to solve a problem that some believe europe's open borders are helping to facilitate
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charlotte didn't ski for r.t. in most out of. germany has lifted a ban on the commercial practice of euthanasia but critics fear the right to die will now be exploited for profit and he's bitter over takes a closer look. almost 5 years after it was banned the highest court in germany has ruled that blocking assisted suicide is unconstitutional and making its ruling on wednesday the constitutional court in culture is said everyone has a right to live and a right to die article 217 of the german criminal code outlawed euthanasia as well as the advertising of the services what this ruling from the constitutional court means is that that's being overturned and not only could companies offer euthanasia but that advertising for the deaf could also stop being seeing the thinking behind wednesday's court ruling is that this will allow those in extreme paying and
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suffering from terminal illnesses to end their lives on their terms however senior voices within palliative care are warning that this could perhaps only to the normalization and indeed the commodification of suicide in society now the facilitation of suicide for the sick and tired of life is turning into a normal service anyone who allows you to nature will sooner or later make it compulsory to die especially in this society is economize designers knowledge of experience across all other countries shows that supply creates demand immediately following the ruling politicians are asking what situations this will be allowed in also what the commercial implications will be for companies wanting to get involved in the euthanasia business i want clear rules about when medical assistance in particular is allowed and when commercial offerings are excluded it is perfectly normal for people who have a terminal diagnosis to feel suicide in fact some of the studies show that i have
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80 percent go through a period of depression with some sort of sidle thoughts and so what we should be doing is trying to find ways to assist those people in getting through that period and actually. adding their lives rather than promoting assisted suicide newton says so we would be extremely worried about any commercialization all round of the process or indeed promotion that would lead to many fine reports people feeling that their lives were not worth living and actually ending them prematurely highest people here in berlin what their thoughts 'd are on the ruling of whether this is right for germany it's not a commercial thing dying it it's something that needs care security he needs. yet professionally i think there are certain things that you cannot sail to people like it's not a business you before yes i know want to commit suicide but i'm suffering i want to
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end my life you cannot do that to pay for it seems to me there was very bad incentives there if for example that advertising was actually targets people who were already having a hard time it could lead to people considering suicide more strongly i don't disagree with the physician assisted suicide just because like there are certain aspects that are beneficial for it but in terms of the advertising i could go either way like a really it depends on who is in control of that promoting this kind of fings for me is that a progress currently within a year of belgium the netherlands looks a book and switzerland all allow assisted dying but with germany set to joy in the concerns are about that what is one of the most sensitive subjects could be set to become a business opportunity peter all over. 4 years after they lost the white house to donald trump the democrats are still paranoid about russian collusion and even suspect their own bernie sanders is now being targeted
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by the kremlin or used on quarter as unique commentary. good news comrades our agent bernie sanders is doing better than we expected in the primaries are planned to have 2 agents fight over the presidency operation hammer and sickle is a go but we have one problem some in the democratic party establishment are becoming savvy to our strategy vladimir putin thinks donald trump should be president of the united states and that's why russia is helping bernie sanders get elected so he'll lose to trump it doesn't help that just last week western media published information about our top secret operation exposing the connection between agents trump and sanders with our center in moscow as you learned tonight and today yesterday the day before is going to have we're going to war help coming from learn to be prudent. for help for one or 2 new one somebody who didn't
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think can be from at least age and trump was able to follow orders i admit nothing deny everything and make counter accusations it was highly exaggerated. and frankly i think it's disgraceful and i think it was a leak from the intelligence committee our house version and i think that they leaked it i think probably shipley good agent sanders on the other hand really dropped the ball he panicked and that is the ugliest thing they're doing is they are trying to cause chaos the trying to cause a truth in america it's an ugly business and all of us have got to say sorry you're not going to do this in the selection and again is present in the united states. you will not interfere in our elections the order was to deny sanders deny but he broke under pressure blowing the cover of our moscow back to bernie bros i design these people they are not part of our movement all of us remember 2016 and what we meant what we remember is efforts by russians and others to try to interfere in our
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election and divide us up. i'm not saying that's happening but it would not shock me the center has good reason to believe agent sanders has been compromised we're losing control over his actions and he's praising our strategic allies too openly you know when fidel castro came into office you know what he did he had a massive literacy program it's not a bad think it's only a matter of time before they discover the interview agent sanders gave to profit i mean r t what effect do you think you can have on your voters it was so close here in iowa well i just hope that people take a hard look at the real issues impacting their lives to make matters worse we may have a mole in our midst how else could the footage have been leaked remember when the comrades recruited sanders at the new year's party of 1908 bernie spent his honeymoon in there in soviet russia i mean i think if we're going to go back and forth about who's more in the tank with russia it's a really hard one between barney and rob we have made too many tactical blunders as
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it is and western pundits are already undergoing a campaign to discredit our agent obviously we know the russians are continuing to try to choose our next president like they chose our last president the russians don't want me to be the nominee who spent a lot of money on bots on facebook and they've been taken down say biden is a bad guy the no one biden rule in politics pick your opponent and putin and trump are picking their opponent the happiest person right now it's about one in 15 moscow time this thing is going very well for gladly approach i promise you they probably stay up watching us right now how you doing our rivals already know too much comrade commissar i think it's time to extract our agents. that does it for me and the weekly this hour be back at 6 o'clock moscow time that's in about 35 minutes with another look at your weekly stay with.
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us. the world is driven by a dream shaped by the curse of those great. military thinks. we dare to ask. time after time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important it's accelerating transition sustainable transport sustainability stay number man at a more equitable and sustainable well. they claim their production is completely harmless followed this need to. get.
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it done does not the companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is 2nd eldest does he want anyone else i need much insist on will mean listen we didn't dream and einstein theme then the best understood superman and. is now gone for good is due to noise double musical number 2 the pretty one when you have no kids of you to play during homing phone and don't going to. see it in all the good that you need done episode that of all who signed up for the almost impossible culture in the uk at the click of a on the day him all day long strip mall. etc as we just said i would hope you all
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as he would have loved and that is not natural to fight isn't. something to multiply. and to of all to clean your own personal son some of it to go up to see joe go to shows some. goals to the world put him into his national commission alicia 4 years of school with the most from. the new commodity for example food for the supernatural mission or ghost.
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welcome to front running 2020 with max kaiser and stacy are over at a bevy of special guests right here in fabulous hipster brooklyn i'm feeling it so stacy this episode is all about student deaths and the students of course are the millennium goals and generation z. they like the candidates promising to get rid of all the student debt there's $1.00 trillion dollars in outstanding debt today in america that is up from 300 $63000000000.00 in just 2005 joining us to discuss this dr michael hudson professor steve kean and randy roller professor steve kean of course you talk a lot about debt and in fact increase the rate of increase of debt what do you think
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of that number $363000000000.00 in outstanding student loans in 20051.6 trillion today doubling every 2 years which is a huge right of growth that simply comp be sustained indefinitely and that's whether by the students themselves coming on board well by the windows it's a huge increase in the private debt load on the economy and it's falling on the people who earn the least money and it's setting them up for being on the able to participate in the rest of the economy lifestyle which is also driven by did so i think is one form of it is going to basically a. student debt is going to make it impossible to keep posting household debt so the financial sector is eating itself i'm so old i remember the 2008 financial crisis how and after recall the sub prime debt bubble up and we have this global meltdown the student debt is already bigger than the subprime debt bubble now it's all the signs go shopping.
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