tv News RT March 2, 2020 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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because. it's midnight here in moscow headlining this path slowly clearing for u.s. democratic hopefuls now as 2 candidates they meet. people who judge dropped out of the race for the 2020 presidential election. coming straight up other news we're tracking this morning taliban says it will resume operations against afghanistan's security forces after the country's president refused to commit to a peace deal between the u.s. and the islamist group again details on elsewhere. i developing story the last couple of days greece warning tonight of a threat to its national security as turkey allows thousands of desperate asylum seekers to master the a country shared border athens is accusing ankara of exploiting refugees in pursuit
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of its political goals. and yet another developing story happening right now israel sees its heart and deliver a working government. either so lots to talk about life martin to nationals world news center here in moscow my name's kevin irwin great to have you along here for half an hour taking you through the latest as reported from russia around the world 1st the democratic race to take on donald trump in the 2020 presidential elections picking up pace there's headlines to tell you about there ahead of the so-called super tuesday though it's been far from that for 2 candidates case in point candidate amy clue suspended her nomination she says she's now out of it and it comes very soon after pete booted judge also bowed out let's get the latest from caleb maupin in new york
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city hey caleb so a 2nd drop out so very soon after booted judge why. well march 3rd super tuesday is the day in which 14 u.s. states and one u.s. territory of american samoa vote in their presidential primary and just ahead of that vote we have 2 major contenders suspending their campaigns dropping out of the race and at this point amy clothes shar and pete are no longer in the running they are not running for president now already we've had amy clover shar endorse joe biden. is expected to do that as well let's review these dramatic developments right before the big day. out a lot of people predicted i wouldn't make it through that speech and then they thought i would make it through the summer and then i wouldn't make it to the debates but here i am headed into super tuesday. come here and asking for your vote
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humbled by the knowledge that for so many that vote was won through strong through blood through sweat through tears and for some within living memory now this is interpreted by many as showing the weight of the democratic party throwing itself behind joe biden in an effort to stop bernie sanders the democratic socialist from vermont who seems to be quite popular and doing well now donald trump the u.s. president was certainly not afraid to give his analysis on social media as he always does this is what trump tweeted in response to the dramatic move thank you every. is out all of the super tuesday votes will go to sleep you joe biden great timing this is the real beginning of the dems taking burning out of play no nomination again. so $415.00 delegates are at stake when voters go to the polls in 14 different us states for super tuesday to gas their vote in the
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democratic primary about who they would like to be the nominee of the democratic party to run against donald trump in november and at this point remaining in the race we have michael bloomberg we have u.s. u.s. senator former vice president joe biden and we have senator bernie sanders so 3 big major contenders in the race remaining people are looking ahead to march 3rd super tuesday as people all across the united states 14 different states will be voting on picking the nominee so quite an exciting turn of events people didn't see this coming people wonder what will indeed happen when people go to the polls across the country you know caleb coverage for us is so is how much of these things they whittled down and interesting turn of events as you say tonight thanks very much well for one set of votes coming up to another set of votes is just. israel next polls have closed in israel in what's been the highest election turnout in over 2
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decades voters headed to the polls for the president a 3rd time we don't really exit polls put the healthy position is not yet clear whether or not we'll have a commanding majority in the knesset looks like not of the moment but let's get a clearer picture of the middle east correspondent paula sleep. very early indications show doing very well maybe unexpectedly well but not enough to go it alone by the looks of it. well this is a big surprise that as you correctly say the initial exit polls put the willingly could party with some 5 parliamentary seats ahead of the rival party the blue and white party headed by a former army chief now the city is good. for the likud party but it does mean it forces at least one seat short of being able to form a coalition majority the other surprises the high voter turnout these elections saw more voters than the last 21 years and this is despite concerns about the coronavirus there are 5 and a half 1000 israelis who are currently in quarantine they voted at 16 special
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voting stations and there was also the big concern about voter fatigue these are the 3rd elections that are being held in the space of just 11 months and when i spoke to people at various voting stations and many of them told me they feel disillusioned with the whole process some even went as fast as say they felt disgusted which is a word that was echoed by the country's president ruben rivlin. she hurts me a lot to see that we've got into this situation because it cost so much money this is a country that's trying to keep its head above the water in the current global economic environment. i think the situation is a disgrace i think have an election is for the times is a lot about our politicians we are in the situation where no one is willing to compromise we are forced to go to the polls again and again i believe we are headed for a force election so it's not about. the situation is not the best it's on the other we're trying to remain optimistic i would personally like to see
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a unity government i want to see cooperation between the parties because at the moment according to the polls there are no other options. now the political stalemate that has existed for the last year has been between the country's ruling likud party and the main rival the blue and white party headed by benny gantz there has been little movement in terms of how each party has done over the past 3 elections and the only difference between these elections and the one that were held last september is that in november the country's prime minister was indicted and ingenue review american president donald trump and now it's his deal of the century that hasn't been able to eat. to weigh at the fatigue that many israelis have felt something that the country's president has pointed out. to be your view or it was always a day we consider to be a celebration of israeli democracy and i must say that today i feel most sense of celebration only a sense of hard shame for you the citizens of israel we don't deserve another
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horrible election campaign that deteriorates into such filth like the one that ends today. now there were protests that were held against the country's prime minister netanyahu before these elections at the same time it's not clear how exactly he'll govern assuming he becomes the next prime minister while he's actually facing criminal charges in court he has been playing quite hardboard he has said that should he win again he'll end next all the jewish settlements in the west bank and also a large chunk of land that is known as the jordan valley in the occupied west bank of course this has just made arab voters and we've also heard from palestinians saying that these initial exit polls so that this is a vote and a nod towards annexation we won't need to wait for the final results to come out still but certainly the 1st indications are that the country's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is going to be very happy yeah and as for guests a little iran will be more clear i suppose by to morrow morning late tomorrow
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morning i guess that's the idea is the middle east correspondent to get more insights on the vote in israel going to go to ramallah and talk to mr for barghouti is the head of the palestinian thanks for coming on over the chance to speak before the or be on the scenes thanks be live with us so you're a early thoughts about this is really good news as we heard from our correspondent there for benjamin netanyahu despite everything has gone through and is about to go through controversially it seems the public still buy what he's got to sell if you get me. unfortunately. unfortunately this is showing that this was a vote for racism for racial discrimination against palestinians for a occupation and for a system of apartheid in israel they are supporting the proposed plan for an exciting no less than 60 percent of the west bank which means killing the very last opportunity of 2 state solution this is very dangerous and at the same
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time very disappointing because it shows that the situation in israel is a complete shift not only to right wing policies not only to racism but also to right wing populism and this is very dangerous although it also shows that there isn't really much big difference between netanyahu and dance when it comes to discriminating against palestinians. a lot of people say with everything he's gone through and has been thrown he's been in power you know no one and often is not you know the 6 is very much lately he's always been controversial but lately it's been extremely heavy accusations against him he can be very tied up shortly with the trial coming up but nonetheless it seems to be that the people gave the thumbs up it was seen as a referendum on his performance and it seems the broader public in israel gave in the thumbs up despite what you think about it tonight do you think he's going to make a parliamentary majority in the day or not was he going to be a coalition. he's
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a big manipulator of course one has to say that he received a big push from his friend trump american president gave him a big push by announcing the road plan the road map. his own peace plan which is the deal of the century as they call it which is nothing but a document written by an attorney self in my opinion everything in it was written by an attorney oh in 1904 to pose the possibility of peace and the possibility of 2 state solution. has given him bush and regardless of the fact that the man is indicted. for the cases against him including corruption mr rust regardless of that he got all these votes because he managed to change the narrative from discussing the fact that he's indicted and these accused of corruption you made it a case about nixon calista and territories and consolidating the system of racism one has also to note that he probably received
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a very large support from 750000 illegal settlers who are in the occupied palestinian territories and that by itself is a show of how far israel is going in the direction of extremism and the basis politics aside if you can for a minute looking at a practical level you just highlighted everything that is facing the corruption scandal the trial eccentrics that's going to physically take up a lot of time and effort how you're going to govern the country successfully if he is so tied up doing this so. well 1st of all he will fear is probably he has now the largest vote of course in my opinion he can manipulate and steal one or 2 votes from the other camp and thus get a majority the big question here will be about the legal system in israel will they are allow him to form a government while he is indicted going to courts or not that is something that the israelis additionally system will decide but in my opinion if we look at what's
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happening in israel and see the zionist movement behind all these parties it seems that they want to keep netanya and they want to maintain him and they want to support his policies which are going to be very destructive to the possibility of peace in the streets of the good sea had a policy initiative thanks giving you your take on it obviously is a lot of people israel tonight be putting their back behind them but we'll see how it turns out and that i think would be clearer tomorrow or later on tomorrow when the final votes come in they're counted thank you for now have a good night's. thank you no news came in from afghanistan earlier on afghan police say at least 3 people were killed and 11 others wounded after an explosion near a football ground in the eastern province of cost no one's come for to say they were behind it as of yet but worth bearing in mind earlier on monday the taliban said it would relaunch operations against the kabul government after president danny refused to commit to the terms of a peace deal between the u.s. and the islamist group. the reduction in violence has ended now and operations will
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continue as normal as part of the us taliban agreement or mujahideen will not attack foreign forces but the operations will continue against the kabul administration forces well that part stipulated that kabul would release 5000 taliban members from prison in turn the group pledged to free 1000 government detainees it was supposed to pave the way for direct talks between the 2 sides but president garnier said that the swap cannot be a precondition for intra afghan peace talks casting doubt on the viability of the plan for its part the us has promised to withdraw its troops from the country over the next 14 months subject to the taliban's compliance with the deal now despite monday sept backs it seems donald trump's intention still seems to be the same as well we're getting out we want to get out we had good meetings with the taliban. we are going to be leaving and we're going to be bringing our soldiers back on we've been there for almost 20 years it's a long time we've done
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a great job in terms of getting rid of terrorists now it's up to other countries to get rid of those terrorists i would caution everybody to to think that there's going to be an absolute sation of violence in afghanistan that is probably not going to have a spring are going to go to 0. looks at whether hope securing a lasting peace in afghanistan were indeed misplaced. 18 here is $1.00 trillion dollars over $150000.00 dead for rough gonna start in the u.s. the road to peace has been long bloody costly but a new dawn is on the horizon and it's being hailed as a victory this is for peace on the ground. the deal signed by washington and the taliban has promised to bring to a close what seemed and on lending a war times many thought it wouldn't happen the deal has come off to 18 months of
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pulling and tugging of head shakes and walking away but in doha the paper was finally signed and it seemed to be one of those rarest situations where in parties involved were happy well almost all because apparently someone forgot to ask the afghan government what its take was spoiler a lot it's got a few concerns the in could barely dry it on the deal when the afghan president vetoed a key cause the release of 5000 taliban militants as part of a prisoner swap. there is no commitment to release $5000.00 prisoners i have shared this with dr kelly this is the right and the decision of the people of afghanistan they have requested it it could be included in the agenda of the interim afghan talks but it cannot be a prerequisite for talks. now this is not a side note to the deal it is in fact to the condition on which intra afghan peace
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talks will start of each to their full threatens to bring this entire thing grinding to a halt president gone his reaction there shows how washington has missed the point here that signing that piece of paper is ironically the easiest part and the promising prisoners which on yours is as unhelpful as dropping demands that the taliban officially recognize gandhi's government gun grabber. and was not even invited to the negotiations and when they participated not only participated. not as a government but presented as ordinary afghans and that in itself is a very significant indication of how the situation was developed president gunner said this we have been fighting. for about 80 to 90 percent of the battles have been waged by afghan troops or very simply. means that well paula bonn or anybody else have to deal with the government so this is
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maybe one of the hurdles many murders down the road but let's not forget the u.s. is an old hound pretending to be the peacemakers even when it's cause the mess in the fast place and with an action just around the coup want to trump probably wouldn't be against adding to his eye make great things happen rhetoric sure has middle east deal of the central small bus them boom and kim jong un isn't quite ready to step away from his nuclear rockets but trump got his photos and it seems he's already eyeing up his next money shots be meeting personally with taliban leaders in the not too distant future. and we'll be. very much hoping that they will be doing what they say they're going to be doing they will be killing terrorists when in doubt sign a deal pose for a photo then crown jewel south victor leave others to figure out the logistics
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tried and tested. now i spoke earlier to me told me those believe indeed that afghanistan is facing enormous challenges right now. i think often to sum up your fischel is here to work nationally and internationally and even be how thin it is in a state of law but instead of confusion you know no one is in a position to really figure out how things really pan out in the east of gumby many challenges at that street. the past one as we were talking about by britain there is one major issue about it's already 1 putting will process up or track 2nd issue of whether the ballot ban has been a dam and won't be talking to be up on government ronnie administration that's going to challenge the little groups that backed him up the major you sure that's going to challenge it would process here are definitely challenges ahead of us and boards chair legs are sore c.d.'s which if you provide school would be
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a success. it's exactly 20 minutes past the hour now and yet another developing story to brief you on the e.u.'s border agency frontex says it's been put on a high alert and will be deployed extra support to greece which is seems thousands of asylum seekers attempting to make their way to the country from turkey following an intensification in fighting in syria is italy a province turkey now saying it can no longer accommodate millions of refugees and it opened its borders with the e.u. greece though standing firm it says it's unwilling to accept those newcomers and insists it will turn back anyone attempting to enter the country illegally in addition to crossing the 2 countries land borders there's many migrants as well we can report trying to reach greece by boat in the past day and a half with over a 1000 people making it to the eastern region islands controversial monday this video emerging purportedly showing a greek coast guard vessel intimidating maybe it's full of refugees how scary must
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that be firing warning shots into the water around them and so tragically separate instal a child drowning off the coast of los force when an inflatable boat overturned. here's a look at how the crisis that is unfolding the last 40 and out was. c because. i. was always going to run to the greek territory who would be the rest. and in my mind this isn't me go away of entering one country.
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but the very latest we have all this unfolding situation comes from the turkish lead a mistake the president saying that at the moment as it stands hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants of cross the border from turkey towards greece or making their way into wards greece he says that will eventually become millions the doors are now open now you will have to take your share of the burden hundreds of thousands have crossed soon it will reach millions well here in germany the state of bavaria is paid expressing their well the happiness with turkey they say that is just attempting to try and squeeze more money out of the european union and that they are using this current wave of migrants and refugees says they will attempt to blackmail the european union we need to create political solution it is clear that
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we must not allow ourselves to be blackmailed by turkey that's a sentiment that's really been echoed in greece athens has suspended all 'd asylum . ations for the next month at least greece the greek government anyway says that turkey is using these refugees and migrants as pawns in an attempt to gain more diplomatic power turkey's decision to to allow their these refugees and migrants to the wards greece came in an increase in violence on their southern border with syria as fighting increases in northern syria. turkey says they just can't handle the sheer numbers of people that are currently seeking refuge in their country but turkey that actions in opening their border well that goes against the 2060 deal that they struck with the european union in which case that turkey would
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accept to millions of refugees in exchange for financial aid now the french president stepped in saying his country is willing to provide help full solidarity with greece and bulgaria france is ready to contribute to european efforts to give them rapid assistance and protect the borders we must act together to avoid a humanitarian and migration crisis the european council president charles michel is expected to visit the region very soon alongside the greek prime minister to assess what's going on on the ground as europe tries to get together its response to turkey's decision to open its borders to refugees and migrants in a situation which is beginning to look increasingly similar to that which we saw in 2015. different story from europe next there's been a backlash against sexual minority rights in poland now we're a 3rd of municipalities and a clear themselves l g b t free zones show dubinsky looks at how the move clashes with the wider use
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cornerstone ethos of shared european values. in its simplest terms the idea of the e.u. is one of many countries working together under one umbrella towards a common landscape yet you don't have to scratch far below the surface to find divisions what seems to be becoming more clearly etched is the divide between the west and the east in the latest round of disconnect between the values of the east and west the focus has turned to l g b t rights anti l g b t sentiment has been on the rise in poland.
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now in poland nearly 100 minutes a pull on local governments have a claimed himself to be free from l g b t ideology covering an area that some say is up to a 3rd of the country it follows a come pain by poland's ruling norton justice party which declared this type of ideology was an invasive foreign influence that undermines traditional values the european commission has been quick to react we cannot allow the distribution of algae b.t.i. free zones take us or the adoption of. resolutions and not feel responsible for the next phase where physical attacks that take place even if they are then carried out by other people one french town was so incensed by the backward nature of anti l g b t rights after 25 years of being twinned with the polish town it's taken drastic action and suspended ties francis committed to combat things human rights violations based
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on sexual orientation. we cannot accept that the ties that unite us through an oath of winning should be tainted with the position taken by. but in poland there is real concern about the promotion of l g b t ideology of the shore for themselves too much these people the people have been round all the time and they didn't boast about it i did a child can grow up in a normal gay family have to fathers are 2 mothers have a good indication travel around the world know languages and they're good and interest and very soon as you to your children grow up in a family of a fire their mother i know this from my own experience one recent poll found the biggest threat concerning young polish men was the l g b t movement and gender ideology and it's not just an issue in poland but
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a recent festival in croatia residents were filmed cheering the burning of an effigy of a couple. of the annual review by the european of the international lesbian gay bisexual trans and into sex association also accused several other countries of growing official hate speech by government officials countries singled out included belgariad the czech republic hungary and slovakia in hungary for example it said that there was a decrease in the social acceptance of homosexuality. the eurobarometer 2019 found that hungary was one of a handful of e.u. countries where the social acceptance of l.g.b. people has decreased since 2015 following both garia and gary were also the least
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supportive of legal gender recognition or 3rd option gender markers some have to score i this disconnect between east and west in e.u. states as being a king to still having an eye in curtin and while the e.u. is currently facing off with an internal battle over its budget in the often wealth of breaks it perhaps the real problems it faces a far more in cranes in the cultural differences of its member states. ski. in paris. so we got time for here do remounted check it out see the color of various social media for so much more from 247 stories features just have your say on the stories and come to. back in just over half an hour with the latest from the arctic international news room but for now and next programs are lined up in your part of the world but after this break.
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