tv Redacted Tonight RT March 7, 2020 4:30pm-5:01pm EST
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they spent the 5 days before the contest trashing bernie sanders in every way they could come up with i don't know about you but by the end of it even i was pretty sure bernie fathered a love child with fidel castro and the lyme disease it was august was by tuesday most much of america thought bernie was actually just like a coronavirus wearing a larry david skin suit. so the media trashed sanders while simultaneously crafting the narrative that he was going to win every state that way when he didn't win every state it looks like he learned from him. but in fact he's like 60 delegates behind joe biden right now but still how did joe biden do well when he had little money almost 0 ground game a horrific record more sexual harassment claims than a male brought salesman and a lack of control of one of the dogs all. to do wow
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well let me tell you a little bedtime story called how to manipulate a primary election let's start with voter suppression kids in one of the biggest states with one of the biggest delegate prizes pre-election day polls were showing that bernie sanders aided by hispanics burst into the lead in texas. so what do you do if you are the democratic establishment and the hispanics are messing with you. according to the guardian they closed hundreds of polling sites making it very hard for minorities to vote and statistically speaking hispanics are hard workers who have to you know show up to work meaning they don't have 3 hours to stand in line 7 at a polling place counting out because the guy behind them burks into the back of their head and when they finally get to the front of the line they don't have another 30 minutes to convince the poll worker that a provisional ballot is not the same as a regular ballot and it wasn't just in texas here's real video from
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a los angeles polling place this past tuesday sir good right here through the roof with the bells and seems a good. view of. that guy is absolutely right a real ballot is counted the election or maybe the day after a provisional ballot could maybe possibly be counted 3 weeks from now but more likely will disappear into a puff of smoke and that's why california poll workers were told to hand out provisional ballots like their day they were free condoms in a high school take one take 5 take used to it in time you never know how many times you might want to feel like you vote it. that's right folks super tuesday was rigged for her pleasure. take your time on some of these i'll wait. i'm pretty sure i use that same joke couple years ago but it was worth it i think it
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was worth it i have to write hours every way yes why do you have to go so hard on me get it hard on a fire don't go there you know there's. so i broke. as you may recall i did a segment a few weeks ago warning. everyone in california that if they were independents or no party preference then they would need to say the secret words democratic crossover ballot or they would not be handed the right ballot sure enough that happened to a lot of people this past tuesday in one e-mail i got a guy said he had to argue with the poll worker for several minutes and actually point to the pile of crossover ballots that were hidden under the table before he got one what happened in california was not an accident many poll workers were instructed to hand people the wrong ballots and it was designed to suppress the
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turnout of bernie sanders voters so even though bernie won california he would have won it by a lot more if everyone were allowed to vote this same went down in 2016 and it was a cluster with the sanders campaign filing a lawsuit to try and get the ballots counted so the california democratic party had 4 years to fix the car start and they did nothing oh wait never mind if they actually did do something in the past l.a. county boaters had many more polling places available taking away tons of polling places so everyone standing a lot that was your over all done with your grand fix we're going to solve not enough people getting their right to vote by removing polling places that's right try to fix the termite infestation by go and learn to release hundreds of bed bugs . with ticks on their backs that you don't so to sum up on super tuesday
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bernie sanders campaign was up against corporate media propaganda the d.n.c. establishment aligned against him including buddha judge global jock pedo rorik michael bloomberg i think even mcdonald's play land indoors joe biden. corporate money flooding into stop it huge voters. oppression especially against minorities independents and young people and i didn't even get into the black box voting machines that magically always go the way of the warhawk wall street play thing if you like puppets those are the machines for you. sanders movement was and still is against all of that going up against all of that and yet he's only behind by 60 delegates are you kidding me this guy is like rudy or the karate kid or the mighty ducks oh i just die you die. there you go.
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for a boot. but that's not what our dumpster fire corporate hack filled media would tell you they would tell you joe biden is the comeback kid after a mere 30 years running for president 3 times he's finally ahead in a primary however don't get upset there was one massive win this week but he started with my headline tonight i'm retiring this is the last hardball i miss and b c o m a o the yes there was this guy rub it on myself here. i say let's bring up the big board there we go you know some people have gear heads on their wallets. i am talking heads. and now let's add our latest in their latest victory their way. they. feel like orgasm while eating ice cream come you're from washington d.c.
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the ballad of bases redacted a nice. well i only take the news from behind the corona virus keeps ramping up its quest to decrease the number of humans on the planet i mean think about it if you were a virus when you want to get rid of the people always dump and purell all over your family i mean i'm not sure it kills them but it has got to be gross and sticky for them. anyway when this virus 1st started we probably should have dealt with it by saying. how can we help how can we make sure this runs smoothly so that fewer people get sick and die both in your country and in our
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country instead we've dealt weather like this. that's actually the secretary of health and human services. so now corona virus is spreading in america and we're trying to stop it with our health care system it's like trying to fight a lion with a crazy straw. that in fact the miami man receives a $30.00 to $100.00 medical bill for testing after figuring he had the grown virus over a $3000.00 because he was trying to help the void a pandemic great now will have half of america putting their coronavirus test on layaway while they work a few more shifts meanwhile at their 2nd job they're spreading it to every uber passenger they pick up yeah don't worry america 6 more months over time at your 3rd job and then you'll have enough money to find out you have coronavirus then that
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would be like christmas in july. or so there's an idea just just just spitball whose idea how about the government cover the costs of the tests. they. did the same way they. cover the cost of every goddamn bomb we drop they don't wait around to see if we can afford to wait around for every burger cook or our dog walker to save up enough to obama still billions in afghanistan now they just do it and no one asks how you going to pay for that when it comes to killing right that question only comes up when we want to help people the outlet in these times went back to the 1st 10 democratic debates and found there have been 21 debate questions about paying for social programs 0 about paying for war and this isn't just
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a presidential race right this is and everyday conversation if you if you say we should give people health care give people housing make sure everyone is fed and everyone learns how to read and everyone knows how to properly pack a bowl or roll a joint or make sure everyone is really good at saks instead of the. instead of their sexual chaos we have right now. i mean honestly how many of us find ourselves saying who. told you moving in that direction was a good. point is if you want to do anything positive then everyone says you're going to pay for it i'm probably going to raise my taxes aren't you. but if you say you want to explode some people want to close a vital include overseas the money's always a problem i know a guy i've got an idea of the military and to do all the good things then we'd have the money right let's deploy bloodthirsty jarheads in the inner system yesterdays to teach kids to read and write. then no one would ask how you pay for
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it use blackwater troops armed with lockheed martin weapons to run a free daycare for poor families then it'll be funded out the ass free elderly care staffed by seal team 6. but others if you still think they're. let's see how long they can handle change grandpa's diversion while he yells raise truly and grandkids also that. there was life today. in a completely different news story partially thanks to climate change there are massive swarms of locusts destroying the crops in entire regions of pakistan but luckily as the b.b.c. was reporting china could deploy 800000 ducks to pakistan to help tackle swarms of crop eating locusts yes then the mighty ducks caught. back.
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you know how much you have to pay for a callback like that on the black market. i think this is exactly what we should be doing helping our neighboring countries by sending in adorable animals you know why stop with locust want let's really cool off mexican gang violence by standing down on production puppy dogs. no one could be that violent when there's baring at a lot of baby bulldogs. if you truly want to save lives filled the pentagon with all bill will you indorse hampsters. i mean they can't go about their day to day bombing when you're up to your knees in the door have to deal with that of course there is one problem with this story the 100000 that the b.b.c. many other outlets told us china was going to said is. not for. this missoni a magazine points out no chinese government program dedicated to using water fowl to fight the past exists. well i think i speak for every global citizen when i say
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why the. chinese user university professor pointed out ducks rely on water but in pakistan's desert areas the temperature is very high. i know they do things jill said you know 100000 dogs die in the pakistan desert might not help the. situation. the article also points out that just one square mile of these forms which are many miles can have 80000000 locust in it and an army of dogs could need more than 20000000 which means very are not enough to. well i think eyes pretty for every global citizen when i say let's make some more. movement on other climate change and big companies are scrambling to make a lofty climate promises jet fuel guzzling delta airlines and fossil fuel pumping b p are vowing to go carbon neutral microsoft and ikea have pledged to go further
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and actively reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the financial giant black rock promises to put climate at the heart of all of its decisions i'm not saying don't celebrate these corporations if they stick to those goals but at some point we may have to address our economic system that puts us in a death spiral to begin with ikea can proudly say they're going to cut carbon emissions but it doesn't count if you're still selling entire living room sense that will be thrown out in 2 years because they were made out of cardboard scotch tape and hope. you are really fixing the planet are you they created a model of furniture ownership that we wipe away every 2 years like an actual sketch that's not sustainable it just the guy 2 years ago my grandmother had the same living room set since prohibition. nowadays we're all shocked if someone has
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the same couch since friends was on television ikea is a success because we live in an economic system that demands constant consumption that's why every 2 years you or your i phone switches over to like i hand crank the operating system i've refused to buy a new a phone for 3 years and it just inform me the other. they have taken wednesdays off . unfettered capitalism values nothing other than short term agreed whether we're still alive in 20 years not abort it doesn't care and i don't care but sure keep charging people their entire life savings to get tested for a pandemic see how that works for you we have to go to a quick break but i'm going to perform live in new york city this weekend as well as flagstaff and tucson arizona and washington d.c. tickets and details are redacted tor dot com it's part of the tor the new book bullet points and punch lines which you can get at least camp book dot com.
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the question is i was banned what do you do with global economy that relies on justin time to livery of parts and services mostly from. wages china is interrupted by a global pandemic and can't be overcome with more money printing that's the big question . is do 15 when she could not do that but when you get to.
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it was very. cold this him it's a new app and it's introducing a controversial feature that allows people to report crimes by live streaming videos on the platform but some say it encourages racism vigilantism and paranoia here of course is shown one with the phone naomi campbell on. the right although we have an incident in a street in new hampshire out of a deal no male driver live in wearing navy blue and black colors which should never ever be combined. there is something beyond your word in the middle of an interview or right find this it is an ample is way better when it was originally introduced it was called vigilante was inspiring see in the launch video the apple learned random people to crimes in progress on their phones then go out running to
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film it's totally not going to stop the assault but it's a great way to get some cardio it. i only jog when i get an alert someone is getting mugged at a nearby 711. this country's in saving i mean i'm in great shame watch what happens when things to vigilante they can't be done. our hero 6 got there just in time to hold up his phone. and then he was shot 13 times because that would pull the pull the 1st video up for you and through of a silver there's a good look it says good look on the screen yeah yeah i know go fight crime good luck. they should have said break a leg. but don't interfere that ruins the video let the crime speak for itself that's what makes good cinema also sound when you're running out the door
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after a man with a bloody hatch it grab a boom mike. oh god so so everyone gets a snap and then they think punisher is that others are no no no it's more like bruce wayne. that's why apple hold the vigilante app and 2016 former n.y.p.d. had bill bratton said the app would scare people and encourage others to interfere with investigations it was great to see a police officer take a moral stance like that but then citizen formerly vigilante hired him and works on the board of the app also a former n.y.p.d. communications director worked as an executive for the app so citizen c.e.o. said police departments initially hated his app but perception has improved since that. isn't it interesting how the police evolved on this issue because they're playing a boatload of money you can evolve that way. now called citizen just reported
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911 calls here it is. like a chance to crime and corruption technology makes sources such good to see this album urges you to avoid crime but now thanks to the apps partnership with law enforcement you can also film if you want to. who wouldn't want to capture that magical new york moment of a violent woman threatening people with a hammer then he doesn't want to get it when i am or this doesn't improve quality of life if someone is mental issues should we work to get them help rather than just film them like it's justin bieber even though we're you know it look look clean crime is all time historic low we need an extra hand to look for it i mean look at all the crime i down 2 men to just today on the streets of d.c. incident here on 14th street 56 voted for michael bloomberg in virginia
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now lets me know how my comments on wrong too much too good looking to be in d.c. this place is really suspicious. last week they're watching me in d.c. would see pack the truly horrifying conservative political action conference where right wingers of all stripes get together to celebrate the victims of the policies they support to get the real story we sent redacted correspondent andrew he filed this report. every year at the gaylord convention center in national harbor maryland america's right wing unites for the conservative political action conference this year the love was palpable for the commander in chief donald trump even though in person he was kind of stiff but i have to say doing what i have to say that. please for more
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years even beyond the president the passion young conservatives have for the rest of the trump family is hard to resist i like john jr he's good mommy is beautiful because more my age so i got to go with her right now i agree with you there are there are other well i mean the law is a little too old but still too old for. me for may not for donald thousands of conservatives from all walks of life from businesspeople to entrepreneurs to owners of businesses all gathered to celebrate the president's many many accomplishments especially the ones on the border there were crowds being b.-l. as of the lead tito's that's the truth they pander they use they use this whole this whole thing on the borders as a crutch what's going to hold steady or a crutch or a wall exactly you know and i'm all for the wall build that wall and as the lovely lady mago reminds us the white house under trump and pens has been as safe
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a space as any for the l.g.b. t.q. community did you know that president trump is the 1st republican president in history to acknowledge pride i'm not a fan of pride i think these celebrations are out of control and very vulgar and they need to rein it in a little bit but he did that and also admit by acknowledge she brought them into the white house and they had kind of a soiree he told somebody was making out with mike pence from what i hear oh very funny no they did not have a soiree but i know the president is not a homophobic president doesn't care if you're gay he doesn't care about anybody this year's conference however wasn't just about president trying to put the very future of the nation conservatives hold so deep. the theme of the conference was america versus socialism socialism socialism it was pretty clear which side most of the attendees preferred in terms of countries what do you think is the greatest country united states of america because. it seems
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like you know if i can you know what just left at the bag well you can use mine for a you got to give it back there and i love this country yes because. i want a flag pin. your right and i have a 5 and i and i mean i had him. in a moment of stuff i could bring ok but you i mean you are wearing green you could have maybe done red white and blue even though some of them did benefit from a little free stuff of their own he gave me for free are free that sun and some kind of like socialistic now i know what i want to pay for one kitty this made me question their real devotion to america but also made me question in the case of former wisconsin governor scott walker the truth behind his reported record on lunch governor walker how many ham sandwiches have you eaten today. i didn't want for lunch i'm going to bone but you did i want for breakfast right i had nothing
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for breakfast i had nothing so you will be a ding a ham sandwich and as i correctly will see what you're going to miss out on your streak. because. as far as the democratic presidential candidates though it wasn't the billionaire backed ones who conservatives seem to be worried about conservatives underestimate bernie at your own peril because even though there's the chance that we could just destroy bernie and win 49 states bernie's getting a lot of crowds ok and that's you know people laughed at trump they even laughed at reagan i'm not going to sleep on bernie but as freedom loving conservatives they know that they can always be the left through clear eyed and rational debate. reporting from national arbor maryland i manors lee with redacted to not.
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really a headline from the future in 2 days you'll read a. bloomberg offers every american a 6 figure non-disclosure agreement to never again mention his run for the presidency. and in one week you'll learn democratic establishment hoping they can get biden into the white house before any more u.s. troops tragically leave afghanistan. and you may have heard from continues one of the dumbest ill equipped fights against a pandemic in history so wednesday you'll hear. trump recommends nation protect from virus by putting your head inside plastic bags tied around now that's your job or you get every other sort of you tube dot com looking back to the night tell your local and tell your local independent bookstore there carry some copies of bullet points and punch lines it's my new book it's got an intro by jimmy door and
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a complete. i'll be instructed to call to shut up what they kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grandma. and he write me this bird thinking if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing. but i've never seen trauma like. women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished than the offender and almost 10 year career. were chosen very invested in and i gave to sex offender who was not even going to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of charge of whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or one. of
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. dozens of people are trapped under the rubble of a hotel in china which was reportedly housing suspected one of virus patients in all the world health organization warns it is too early to hope for an end to the outbreak by summer. also this hour u.s. media give billionaire michael bloomberg a kicking 1st squandering astronomic songs on his philbin to become the democrats runner the white house. and spanish students condemning plans to give parents the final say on whether children should take sex education classes we debate a so-called parental veto. disapproving throughout the world the early good quality age appropriate relationships indication does.
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