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tv   Front Running  RT  March 8, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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our life time you know it has lately evolved to more like occupying certain countries in kind of a desperate attempt to stabilize problems that we've created i think we have to consider that a lot of it comes from the evolution of what the condition of the world was in 1905 after the 2nd world war our intentions were not always wholly bad and probably still are not wholly bad but they have become distorted in perverted and it certainly doesn't help that so much of our gross domestic product is now dedicated to the enterprise of the him big u.s. warfare yes seems like the war is definitely the number one export for the u.s. but i would posit that stomp as anti war and this is one of the reasons why he's being attacked by what's called the deep state of the deep state is the war state and he's always been kind of anti war when you think about that dr michael hudson. the question is what kind of war you're going to have and in
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a democracy like the united states there's only one military strategy that you have and that's to bomb a no democracy can field an army to occupy you can have a few people there but you can't really occupy there are no ground troops if there were any attempt to really occupy a country you'd have something like the vietnam war protests in the country would go against that so no american wants to go to war they want to drop bombs and they want to bomb the civilian centers to make the civilians so angry the fellow overthrow the government so you can't really say that it's a humanitarian war this is the kind of orwellian rhetoric you have so you have a democracy that can only be. and there are all sorts of and so eerie results of that the people don't discuss i found out in the 1950 s. 1960 s. 1970 s. the entire u.s. balance of payments deficit was military the private sector. of america just
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exactly in balance the entire deficit is military so the question is how can america arrange a world monetary system where other countries fund the balance of payments deficit to enable america to maintain 800 military bases and all of the military operations that they have so when you talk about going to war you're talking about . creating a international monetary system that actually is a tributary system very much like what rome set up with the provinces so to america the rest of the world europe especially. asia africa the 3rd world countries are provinces to fund the american military control of other countries and because we can't have our own draft we have a foreign legion which means it supports basically saudi arabia and the wahhabi crazies and that's the 2nd aspect of war why do we go to war because we view the
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key to economic growth as oil and energy we go to war is vice president cheney said for the all that's why they invaded iraq for the oil that's why trump says the one thing we want syria we really don't want to go to war with russia we want to just control the oil. and the gas lines and the pipelines through afghanistan so the military is really an extension of controlling of world energy and oil and to prevent any attempt stopping global warming it's really a war for to maintain global warming under the control of the united states let's follow up on that because tom did say that just openly in plainly forget all the people and helping the kurds and that's us we want the oil so it's not the anti-war stance the rhetoric he says it's the fact that he's so blatant about it i think especially the democrats they like to have. higher social thing that we want
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to have transgender bathrooms in libya or we want women's rights in iraq or they justify their warmongering for that but toasty gal bird she called hillary clinton who is the ghost haunting the democratic primaries the democratic election she called her the queen of warmongers so is it possible however now that it's become more transparent now that we have social media and during the forty's and fifty's and sixty's the lead up to vietnam it used to be able to be easy to hide what we were doing a lot of people didn't know we were bombing over there are ready for years before we officially declared war on me and i'm so a lot of these things like we hear from the people of libya now we hear from the people on the ground in syria and an independent journalists go there so do you think back in change she think psychologically the population jim do you think this could change for the money else and see that they're against these wars i think all the dynamics of geopolitics are going to change in ways that we're not expecting
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and me you know my read of what's going on is that as usual we expect everything that's happening now to continue exactly as it has and i don't think that's the case at all i think that what we're going to see is that the world is going to become a wider place again rather than a smaller place and that the various geo political regions of the world are going to be much more regionally centered and it doesn't necessarily mean there's going to be less conflict but it's going to be a very different thing and what we're seeing now in the middle east and central asia which are places that couldn't be farther away from the united states are really expressions of the ending of that old era of you know let's say the you know the post vietnam to the 2015 era of how we conducted ourselves in the world and a lot of this of course is michael who. pointed out it's connected to the condition
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of the dollar and the global economies effect on it and its effect on our own relations i do want to point something out though. a lot of the imperial activity that's gone on has also been directed against our own citizens for example we are in new york city and you can't fail to notice the tremendous level of prosperity in new york city right now i'm amazed actually compared to my childhood in the 1960 s. but remember what we're seeing is really the results of financialization of the economy and what we're seeing is that all of the asset stripping of the fly over states in the midwestern rust belt all that those assets have been removed financial laws and re centered and concentrated in a place like new york city so our own citizens have suffered as much from imperialism as the other people in the world that candidates who are anti-war get very hated by the media and i do notice if you tune into m s n
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b c is the democratic media you see ads for boeing or a lockheed martin the number one in 2 of the defense contractor is why do lockheed mar and boeing and raytheon advertise on the cable news or that's a good question it's a little hard to imagine because the average joe who's watching him as n.b.c. is not he's not going to go look for a contract with way theone you know they're selling war who knows maybe they're trying to attract shareholders you know well it's feels to me like they're rewarding rachel maddow our anderson cooper or you know selling the war to the population to take their product the product is what they're selling more than war they're product like the f. 35 it's really like buying 100 year old wine and the wine will be sold at auction and somebody'll by a try to drink it. well it's all gone sour and then no this isn't one for drinking
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this is wine for trading these arms that they're making are not arms are fighting their arms for producing and armaments makers have factories and outlets in every single congressional district in order to get congressmen and to fight for employers it's one of the few manufacturing sectors of the economy that is probably less efficient than the other manufacturing sectors because of seymour melman showed way back in the 1960 s. arms makers aren't after profits in the sense that cutting costs and selling it at a markup they have cost plus now the cost plus contract for arms means you want to maximize the cost of producing absolutely everything which is why you have a $5000.00 toilet seat no the problem is that you have engineers the truck try to maximize the cost there is no spillover for domestic industry that all of the technology that the arms industry makes can be duplicated by japan or china or
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other countries wanted to minimize cost instead of mix of my costs so you have the arms industry is one of the major reasons seymour moments said that america is losing its industrial advantage because of the idea of cost maximisation instead of cost minimisation right while with that we have to get a break and when we come back let's talk about the deadliest weapon of all the us dollar go away. as a nation subject to b.s. and put it on. as it is for from. the children.
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nature monopolies you know to try to get away from. this because of global was going to have to pull troops in so that in your voice you just of us have looked like your boss in a movie in the sports lead you to play mean you're fighting for the life like a. little less fortunate photos of multiplication.
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and very well welcome to you you're watching us inside. time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important. transitions to sustainable prize board sustainability stay number may not be more equitable and sustainable while. they claim their production is completely harmless. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is the 2nd eldest.
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back to front running 2020 maximizers day sir but what do yeah the deadliest weapon of them on the us dollar stacey we're going to talk about the u.s. dollar as a deadly weapon against the world's countries to force them into obedience we're here in brooklyn we're talking about the economic policies and the platform of tulsi gabbert has been anti-war she is of course millennia old generation the millennial have been paying they've grown up with never ending war since 2001 across the river here in manhattan we've been nonstop war we've spent $4.00 to $6.00 chilean dollars on these foreign wars of course we have no money for our own
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nation but let's talk you both have mentioned the u.s. dollar what about the fact that the u.s. dollar is used as a weapon the fact that we own the financial grid they all commerce and trade basically has to settle through the new york fed michael hudson you've written about this you've written about the super imperialism if the u.s. dollar is no longer the one sole reserve currency in the world if there are alternatives to the swift financial system how much power does the u.s. lose well the dollar is a free ride in the sense of what happens when the u.s. runs a balance of payments deficit all of these dollars that it's are turned over ultimately to the central banks of europe and china what do they do with the dollars there's really nothing they can do except either buy gold or buy u.s. treasury securities because some troll banks don't usually buy stocks they don't buy bonds they buy treasury securities and so most of the u.s.
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domestic budget deficit is not funded by americans it's funded by foreign central banks refinancing america's bug balance of payments deficit that's recycled into the purchase of treasury secure. the fund the domestic budget deficit now if to the extent that foreigners are not doing this americans would have to finance their own budget deficit now what trump is doing is very helpful in saying you know this is a wrong system we want to make russia and china and iran and other countries independent of the dollar so they're not really doing it because they've sort of followed the american neo liberalism but i'm going to help here that i'm going to impose sanctions against them and threaten to cut them off from the swift system which is the bank clearing system we can just come in and cut off their bank credit at any time we can pull the plug on the electrical fine bank settlement system
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whereby one bank sends money to another when you're right a check we can force them into independence from the united states' economy and if he were a enemy of american imperialism he couldn't be doing a better and more wonderful job in making china russia iran ultimately europe all independent of the american dollar so that they have their own mutual currency clearing system which is what the shanghai. defense organization has created and. now russia china are dealing in their own currencies domestically and essential late there is no way that america can finance its war spending which is the budget deficit except now from europe and other 3rd world countries which are now being so oppressed by the international monetary fund and the austerity programs that it's squeezing out more money to pay the american bondholders. centrally america's
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isolating the whole rest of the world and saying in effect we know we're poison go your own way that's trumps policy and one tulsi gabbard said in just a very minor way she said to. act right so there's tons of dick lobel ization dollar as a show and seem to be a hallmark of the trump administration you talk about the connection between the dollar and oil and of course that's a quid pro quo they're going back to the original $971.00 bargain the petro dollar as it was introduced so it's a petro dollar is severed of best no longer how we measure the global economy and that relationship no it really is the largest purchaser of my book super imperialism was the defense department in the cia and defense department gave an institute where i work a contract for me to explain how this free ride turned when and so i went with herman come to the white house and we were told that they've told us so many arabia
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and other oil exporting countries you can charge whatever you want for the oil the more you charge the more iraq companies make but the condition is you have to recycle all of the earnings into the u.s. bond market and you can buy stocks too you can't buy control of a given company but you can buy a 1000000 shares of every country and company in the dow jones leverage right i understand that but now with this new paradigm it seems as though that is breaking up a little bit and these countries are going their own way their dollar rising china will countries that oil countries are told you know if you don't do what we say you know 30 rock could be overthrown in 24 hours ok russia is just as big an oil producer asked saudi arabia they have totally ready dollar eyes a china is certainly seeking ways to deal dollar rising gas prices they already are not i enquired away near eastern countries so that would mean you have a world multi-polar in terms of the currencies dollar exact dollar is dollar rising
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as we're talking about then the deficits in the trade imbalances that you speak of they lose the ability to have foreigners fund us wars is what we're saying and if the u.s. and us on this own wars suddenly that's an item that deep. well are not going to want to accept because you have inflation right that's exactly what president putin says in his speeches and what foreign minister lavrov sergey lavrov says they've spelled it out you can read it on johnson's russia list somehow all of these speeches are most cited in the in the mainstream press and it's all very explicit oh you have to do is read what they're saying and what the chinese are saying my 1st book translate into china was super imperialism and i was made a professor there to explain how this works to the chinese there used to be a concept called mutually assured destruction and of course that was between the u.s. and soviet union and they could both destroy each other so we can't use a nuclear weapon because they'll use it against us with the us dollar it was only
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like a suicidal destruction like only once can you weaponize the us dollar because alternatives would erupt so do you think we're going to see a world where there is a whole bunch of different alternatives to the us dollar and if so what happens domestically how does that blow back domestically what does the us look like if our dollar is not a weapon that we can be the hallmark of the kind of transition that we're going through now with that we called the globalization is that it produces a lot of disorder. and disorder as we know is non-linear in other words it produces all kinds of effects that people aren't prepared for and don't understand and you put that on top of the fact that the movement of currencies and values which are very abstruse things are among the ideas that are least understood by the public
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and in fact probably our leaders as well including our leaders in banking and right now we see that in the united states with a great deal of. would be about whether we want a cheaper dollar or $30.00 and we don't really don't. no which way we want to go or what we're going to do about a bit behind all of those arguments is the great specter of the enormous amount of debt that we're piling up in the meantime because of the basic proposition that we can't afford to keep running america the way we've been running it on the basis of our actual revenue income and the the wealth that we produce it was not this common theme that is money is dead so only money we owe ourselves and that they think scepticism and there is who is the way and who is ourselves the we that owe the money or the 99 percent the ourselves we owe it to or the one percent so the 99 percent owes it to the one percent that's basically the principle of the private
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sector debt in terms of the government debt the united states never intends to pay off its debt that's the key this is not. there is a liability this side of the balance sheet and that's either the banks or it's foreign central banks but the united states is never itself going to impose the kind of austerity here that the international monetary fund which is run out of a small office in the basement of the pentagon implies imposes on latin america and other countries to create i.m.f. riots so the idea that we could continue along that path indefinitely is insane because you know we're really reaching the kind of hockey stick inflection point that want to follow up on that because our debt is owed to china obama did the asia pivot it certainly looks like trump is ready to go to war in china we have the democratic party all the candidates except for tulsi gabbert are ready to go to war with russia do we see a hot war if somebody like tulsi gabbert doesn't get it and china and russia are
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minimizing their holdings of the dollar they've been cutting them back only for what they need to stabilize their exchange rate almost all of the growth in russian and china reserves is spent in gold not in dollars they've been avoiding it every country needs dollar. and foreign currency to trade and the us they buying our bonds yes they do that's what i mean they they've sold off their foreign reserves do not include treasure they've been scaling them all back regarding war there's no way in which america can win a war in russia they may say look let's just test let's agree let's fight in germany and london you know america doesn't care if europe's wiped out there what rumsfeld called a dead zone the euro zone so i don't think they'll fight each other they'll decide to fight in europe or asia or some 3rd countries not their sort of a mutual agreement to wipe out each other's proxies not each other is there a generational war brewing in other words the response to dead selling money we
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ourselves is the correct response ok boom or another this is a meme that's out there as they x. and millennial is really realizing that they boomers have loaded them up with debt and ecological destruction is in a mostly a generational thing even beyond the 99 percent of one percent is about this new generation basically inheriting a handful of nothing no not at all because the boomers are as much and are is much in debt. when the millennial is the fault and student loans the parents of kotor slime and they're broke and have to go back to work instead of living on social security it's the financial sector against the rest of the economy and that's what you're always talking about on your show and that's what the mainstream says you must not talk about who owns the dept to whom it's really the financial sector and the one percent that is polarizing the economy and taking all of the g.n.p. growth for itself not leaving anything for the rest of the economy well following
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up on china and keeping with the china theme trump has introduced in the 2020 department of defense budget the space force china is also announced a 10 trillion dollar economic zone between here and the moon is space go. to be the next frontier of war and if so how do you even get anti-war about it well it already is kind of the next frontier you know we've been developing all kinds of things you know beginning with just a lot of g.p.s. stuff that helps you guide weapons to where you want them to go but you know i kind of think that this is going to end up in the same place where musk's journey to mars is going to go which is to say it ain't going to happen that before we get to that point we're going to have such enormous financial problems that are going to convert into geo political mess that disorder that you know it's really not going to happen despite the wishes in the fantasies of many people who are paid to do
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that why do all these you know on my skin jeff bezos why do they want to go to mars like what's up there a lot of government funding. right well that's going to do it from running $22.00 and they only show you will still be able to see in outer space well that's going to do it thanks for watching mass casualty stationery but until next time by all. kinds of financial survival today with about money laundering 1st to visit this industry difference. this is a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up for something if you're something in america something overseas in the cayman islands these banks are complicit in the kleptocracy just after didn't fall and say to do some serious. ok let's see how
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we did well we got a nice luxury watch. for stacey beautiful jewelry and how about. luxury bill again for max you know what money laundering is highly illegal here so much guys of course. time after time called parishioners repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important to excel or a transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay number man at a more equitable and sustainable well. they claim their production is complete the hamas does need to. look. into compass numbers and got it into something companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is 2nd eldest does he want any minute i need money skipping the system moves and news to me doing the
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nieman i'm stunned seemed to be best understood superman. is now gone for good to do 50 point good number to the 41 with no kids to get to the doing home and phone and don't going to. see you did all the good that you did done up and that of all who signed up for the only supposable call since i was in there i'd have to trick our younger to him all day long. as it is with us and i don't think we're pretty all that he would have loved and that is not a natural fight to fight is a. message to malta and to you all to see the person do something good of it to get up and off also go to shows.
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because the world put him in his national commission a little there's a fool if it was true. you knew what the call a cologne the political or the supernatural mean or ghost.
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in the stories that shapes the week greek border police clash with asylum seekers at the front here with. spent on the front line as thousands scramble for each that you. have to watch the front. we were trying to fill we've stopped. being schooled. by looks like a mystery person. but the song is now leading the race for the u.s. democratic presidential nomination following the all important super tuesday with the amount of. hype from knows that there's a growing belief the establishment has already showed its preference. also this.


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