tv News RT March 9, 2020 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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oil prices plummeted saudi arabia values to step up production after russia's refusal to join an opec production cut it all comes in the wake of a collapse in global demand caused by theories of coronavirus also this hour turkey's president is in brussels discussing the unfolding migrant crisis the great border where tens of thousands of refugees remain in limbo and we speak to one many women who have been forcibly sterilized in south africa with knowledge without their knowledge she told us she only found out when she tried to get pregnant. for some reason for and no one believed in they just decided to move me no woman deserves to call to where i am
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a little bit and all going through it is when they believe they were alive. hello there you watching r.t. international where it's just gone 4 o'clock in the afternoon here in moscow now world oil stocks are taking a major hit today following the failure of crude producing countries to agree to production cuts as demand for oil falls amid fears about the coronavirus saudi arabia has now said it will increase and let's discuss this a bit further than i would on quarter he's following the story for us don't just run through then the latest developments brings up to speed on what's been happening today well indeed the markets have been taking a big dive since monday's opening asia's markets have been taking a plunge european and american futures are in freefall and oil prices have actually seen their biggest drop since the 1st gulf war in 1901 so not good news not good news. just line then i would say so will happen because it's been
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a sequence of events isn't yeah absolutely it all started last week last friday when opec held a meeting with russia to discuss an agreement about potentially lowering global oil production by 1500000 barrels a day now that was amidst a big drop in global demand linked to the global coronavirus hysteria and now moscow rejected this deal saying that these higher prices would actually give expensive american shale oil production an advantage on the international markets and the western media has already jumped in saying that russia's defense of its interest was the cause of this in suing economic crisis then just over the weekend saudi arabia decided to basically do a $180.00 it lowered its export prices to between $6.00 to $6.00 to $8.00 a barrel of oil in what has escalated into basically a price war between riyadh and moscow now there's a lot of speculation as to why they did that most likely to bring russia back to
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the negotiating table at the end of the day but some countries are unhappy france is calling on saudi arabia to coordinate with the international community on oil prices and some experts are calling this move an economic scorched earth policy on behalf of saudi arabia. we believe the opec in russia oil price war on equivocally still to this weekend when saudi arabia aggressively cut the relative price which it sells its crude blood the most at least 20 years this has turned into a scorched earth approach by saudi arabia in particular to deal with the problem of chronic over production the saudis are the lowest cost producer by far now these developments have put an end to 3 long years of cooperation between opec and russia on supplying oil to the world we have to remember that russia is the world's 2nd largest crude oil producer and it's unfortunate but by standing its ground moscow believes it will be better able to challenge the interests of u.s.
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oil. for russia's interests this deal is simply logical we giving up our own markets remove cheap arab and russian oil to make way for expensive american she'll and make it worthwhile for them now all this has dealt a significant blow to the ruble unfortunately throwing it to its lowest point since 2016 but russia says it actually has enough reserves to wait out the rest of this crisis and come out ok on the other side we've also heard from the opec general secretary who's been trying to calm people after these disappointing this disappointing news about the economy but want to see what game plan they have for the future because as of now the situation continues to deteriorate ok thanks don that is the artist on course there with the latest thank you. but we also spoke to and this was and he told us that riyadh in his opinion has made this mistake before . this agreement between the between the increase in oil production of the shelagh
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shale all altogether was some miscalculation on this it would use part probably have been learned from the mistake they made way back. maybe 56 years. on increasing production that harmed their economy today that probably they're making the same mistake i think even the u.s. will be harmed by this by this drawback but in the. i think. probably really negotiate their position of the need to bring stability to the market. now turkey's president is in brussels today in a bid to find a compromise to the unfolding migrant crisis in turkish border visitors come amid a deepening diplomatic standoff between ankara and athens that has left tens of thousands stranded at the frontier so let's get the latest on the story now pete oliver he joins us. do you think any breakthrough is likely today at this meeting.
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well us live on the line until european commission is celebrating $100.00 days in the post and they're going to be doing so with a potentially combative meeting with the turkish president mr de wine later on monday. what we're expecting to hear from the line after this meeting is pretty much what we've heard from her as she heads into it she's been saying that turkey must take back the refugees and migrants it told were able to cross its border and try and enter into the european union and that there was a real need for action from ankara to deescalate the situation. finding a solution to this situation will require we leaving the pressure that is put on the border and ensuring that the individual rights to ask for asylum is respected and it will require supporting both greece and turkey to
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deal with the pressure they are under. well for his part president sent a message to the greek government in which he said don't worry about these refugees and migrants heading to your borders open up your doors let them in because ultimately in the opinion of mr ed one they don't want to stay in greece they want to move through greece into other e.u. member states. these people will not come and stay in your country they will cross and will go to another european country why are you bothered us who told you to look at these containers this way who will open these doors that you didn't believe now i'm telling you open your doors to get rid of these birds and. well turkey's decision to tell migrants that they wouldn't try and stop them crossing into the e.u. has resulted in some incredibly tense scenes at the border that at times have
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spilled over into violence. well germany is the preferred destination for many of those trying to cross that border in the german foreign minister heiko mass has criticized turkey for what he sees as ankara trying to use these refugees and migrants as political pawns. europe's message to turkey is clear we believe in a fish sharing of the burden but we do not accept that people who find themselves in desperate situations should be misused as political pawns or the situation has
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led to demonstrations in europe both in favor of taking in more a future. isn't migrants aren't against doing just that the crisis in syria has led to and the increasing violence in syria has led to an increase in the amount of people crossing the border from syria into turkey however the word from the greek authorities as to just who they've arrested trying to make that crossing from turkey into greece is that the vast majority of those people are actually coming from afghanistan the country of course which has its own. currently deteriorating in trouble situation on the ground there following the breakdown of a truce with the taliban. ok thanks paige that was artie's peter of their forests with the latest. that scores a south african women were sterilized in public hospitals with that their consent revelations have come to light
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a new report we spoke to one of the victims who found that her uterus had been removed only when she tried to get pregnant 11 years late. 1st tour of the b.b. was too big and they had to perform am i c section and remember when i walk up i ask them why they have reached by mitch or my family then they explain their baby was too big and then 26 to make good engaged after trying for about 4 to 5 months. without me being able to conceive with any thought richard go see a doctor i really just thought it was just my land and fertility issues dr will prescribe medication i'll be fine and course there that's really lend that i didn't have to us at all i don't think there was anything wrong with me i didn't have any complications before birth and i didn't have any complications after birth for some reason for i'm known reason they just decided to move my uterus i'm seeing it and
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non-greasy in because as i'm sitting at this moment i don't know why i was leading this to realize that when i met with dr ed ridge who confirmed that he was in the procedure happened he also could not give me the answer all you could say to me was that they did the operation to save my life i don't want to live my life from white or the commission for gender equality investigated complaints from 48 victims south africa did see sterilization as a way to fight a child and hospital staff did for some of the women to sign consent forms according to the world health organization the country did suffer from the world's largest hiv epidemic and more than 4000000 women are h.i.v. positive according to the reporter legal sterilization though was carried out in 15 public hospitals between 20022005 the study was complicated by the fact that hospital staff there did try to hide documentation however the victim we spoke to
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says that she's not even a dr it positive. i'm not any positive our high. officers there are quite aware of this and i'll say this in camera they are quite aware of the practice and you know doing anything new i mean is being held accountable it seems like our doctors of the law i didn't the same in the end i couldn't have signed it because at that time i was a minor and my mom who was there with me all the time also didn't same in any consent form no woman deserves to go through what i am going through and why 2 are all going through it is literally little sister lives i do not want my daughter to be singing the same song that i'm singing today because it's time bearable with the pain that comes with this it's a it's unbearable and most of all rights. to my rights as a human being were very late ted my regret is a woman and ted my reproduction right were taken away from me and no woman ever in
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south africa should go through what we are going through what we have contacted south africa's health authorities for comment on this story more bring you any response they give in the meantime over health minister says that he does want an urgent investigation into the issue. attempt to curb the spread of coronavirus least the italian government has locked down vast why use of the north of the country the drastic measures were taken as the death toll in the world's 2nd worst hit country hit more than 360 however the restrictions have caused uprising in italian jails prisoners have been reportedly angered by new rules which have seen a suspension the family visits and most of a revolt was seen in the northern city of medina which left 6 inmates dead and sicily relatives of some detainees gathered near a jail concerned over a potential prisoner infection. so while this
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coronavirus has been raging for almost 3 months they spoke about everything except the prisoners this is unfair because in this building they don't even have a. right now an ambulance has just gone in and we have no idea why one of the ministers to be prompted all this people have sentences of less than 5 years have to be treated with deep in measures at home. still ahead for you it is 75 years since the u.s. bombing to tokyo in the deadliest day rate in history after the break we asked people in america and japan they whether they even know about what happened.
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our trial has got underway in the netherlands of 3 russians and a ukrainian accused in the downing of flight m.h. 17 the malaysian airlines boeing was blown out of the sky over eastern ukraine almost 6 years ago killing all 298 people on board the suspects are accused of transporting a missile system from russia across the border into ukraine where it fired the fatal missile russia day rejects the accusations and claims the investigation is biased from the netherlands his shot at the. it's a trial it's set to last more than a year 3 russians and the ukrainian are accused of helping to bring a book missile launch from russia into eastern ukraine where it fired the fatal shot that brought down the boeing 777 the 4 suspects are not charged with
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personally firing the missile the men all deny the charges international arrest warrants have been issued for them but they won't be here and will be tried in absentia some of those that we expect to be here are 13 secret witnesses whose identities are being protected and that's because dutch prosecutors say they face significant risks to their safety but even before the court has heard a single argument some are treating the trial as a story that already has no stone left unturned brushes probably involved and if involved they're probably going to cover it up 51 percent of russians and directly involved are right now it looks like it's russia's fault because. it's russia's fault i it's clear some don't need to wait for any court verdict to draw up their own conclusions russia claims this kind of coverage has a clear intention in the beer and media campaign has taken an unprecedented scale
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it shows how russia and its citizens are presumed guilty that is unacceptable it has been launched in the last few days prior to the hearings in order to compensate for existing gaps in the evidence and to conceal the attempts to manipulate the facts so that it fits with a chosen theory for the prosecutors say they have evidence that the book a missile system was transported from russia into the donetsk region of ukraine in the days before it was fired now russia says that's not true it's presented evidence that the fatal missile serial number can be traced all the way back to the 980 s. when it says it was transport. to ukraine then a member of the soviet union and it's there it stayed after the collapse of the u.s.s.r. but the joint investigation team into the mh 17 tragedy has russia says ignored what it believes is a crucial piece of the jigsaw russia was also refused full participation in the
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probe and as such says it will not recognize the verdict reached here by the court despite the fact russia was denied being a full participant of the joint investigation team since the very 1st day of the tragedy the russian federation has actively assisted the investigation and during the past year is conveyed to a dutch colleagues a large amount of data connected with the mh 17 crash unfortunately most of these materials were ignored by the joint investigation team this includes a test by the book manufacturer to try and pinpoint the location it was shot from. russia claims that test shows the missile i likely came from an area controlled by ukrainian forces but the findings were checked it by the j.i.t. with its report stating that russia and ukrainian rebels were responsible.
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we have established that the russian federation was complicit in the downing of m h 17 because they made available the weapon that was used to shoot down the plane we have all the material to substantiate. the official investigation also receive criticism from malaysia 43 malaysians died in the catastrophe which involved the country's national carrier but his forty's they were not given full access to essential information that was contained in the black box of the flight recorders while the country's now former prime minister has raised doubts. very beginning we see too much politics in the idea was to find old hold. in not all that. seem to be considered. to be on russia many relatives of those who were killed in the mh 17 disaster are expected
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to be present at the trial so this is a court case about finding the truth and perhaps finding closure for a devastating chapter of their lives some have already crane for not closing it skies over a conflict zone in the east of the country but whatever the outcome here regardless of whether the 4 men are found guilty or innocent nothing will ever bring back their loved ones. r.t. them. now today does mark the 75th anniversary of the us fire bombing of tokyo the deadliest air raid in history it resulted in around 100000 civilian deaths a number comparable to the atomic bombing of hiroshima later that same year but has come up and has been finding out it seems it is an atrocity many have forgotten.
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america's use of atomic bombs at hiroshima and nagasaki is common knowledge however there are other atrocities from that historical period that have slipped out of the memory monday marks the 75th anniversary of the united states launching bombing raids against tokyo. u.s. officials knew full well that many civilians would die and that did not deter them flying fortresses will be dispatched immediately to send the people cities of japan on fina that won't be any hesitation about bombing civilians it will be worn out the idea was to demoralize the japanese population by inflicting death and misery on an unimaginable scale the bombs that were used were incendiary and
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a city made mostly of wooden structures caught fire rather quickly you're going to deliver the biggest fine crack of the japanese have ever seen major general curtis lemay the mastermind behind the operation said that the victims were scorched boiled and burned to death the usa went on to use this tactic of massive bombing of civilian areas in both korea and vietnam 75 years later do americans have any knowledge of this atrocious act of war let's find out the vegas quality of rain and hiroshima and nagasaki where nuclear bombs are and what were to hiroshima noon actually it was the tokyo bombing raid in 145 that had the highest death toll is not the tokyo but you know the thing about we often don't think of the crimes committed by our own side during the war why is that because americans don't do anything wrong when wonderful we never torture anybody we don't waterboard which is the wonderful loving people who believes everything. the government tells us the
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people who decided at the end of politicians they just take it and say ok. we might lose a lot of civilians or whatever and they still do it because for damn powers more important than what than the people former us president barack obama visited hiroshima and nagasaki tacitly acknowledged differend this impact of using nuclear weapons there were some survivors however those who did not perish in the tokyo bombing raids have been widely ignored so i know about the bombing of tokyo on the north of the 10th of march but only from history books honestly i don't know anything about the bombing of tokyo i know the bombing of tokyo but i'm surprised that it's already been 75 years i was parents and grandparents never told us about it so we know we learned from t.v. and newspapers i don't think there's enough attention being paid to this in our education in japan. i know about the bombing of tokyo but i have forgotten the
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exact date but i think the media should tell us more about this tragedy not just about hiroshima and nagasaki. from a theoretical point of view i see why the americans thought this was a prize worth paying to end the war but personally speaking i'll never be able to accept this as 820-0000 people were killed including women and children on the only sad that very few people in the west seem to remember the suffering and innocent victims of that war it looks like the people there remember only these tummy bombs dropped on japan now there is no consensus among historians about whether this massive bombing was actually necessary in order to defeat japan however it is widely acknowledged that mass death and civilian casualties on such a scale should not be forgotten kaleb up and r.t. new york. that i just survey by the group the iraq and afghanistan veterans of america has revealed high levels of. it was sidle full of monks servicemembers
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study to show almost half have considered taking their life since joining the military around 2 thirds veterans who have killed themselves this all comes as no surprise that a to iraq war veteran and antiwar activist instant emanuel most of the veterans that i know i think have indeed had those thoughts and i think. your mindset changes quite dramatically. throughout your service said i think after being deployed and especially if you. had seen or experienced combat and i think. after those deployments and deploying multiple occasions i think all of this plays a factor in whether or not. better ins are more prone. to commit suicide to become violent to become addicted to drugs or alcohol people come home and lives in relationships and families are put under incredible stress because people are
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coming home and after having experienced all of those horrific things often turn to very destructive behavior to cope with those things. where almost 40 percent of it turns also to report a lack of job opportunities after they leave military service post military veterans say they face a loss of purpose they struggle with reintegration into the community and also normal social interaction health problems and getting treatment are also other issues since in the manual again says that getting active was globally would help. the u.s. government unfortunately is not doing enough the u.s. government has done more over the years the veterans administration is in much better shape today than it was 15 years ago when i 1st started using it but that's not because the government took it upon themselves to do it it's because thousands of veterans and family members of veterans stood up and fought for those things and
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of course the wars continue to go on so we need to deescalate all of the current wars we need to withdraw from afghanistan completely we need to withdraw from iraq we need to withdrawal from syria we need to withdraw from libya we need to withdraw forces from somalia and all over africa. and that would be the best 1st step if we don't the the best thing you can do for veterans is to not create more veterans. she's coming up to hop os 4 in the afternoon here in moscow that's how things are looking so far today we're back again intestines.
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russia and turkey negotiate deescalation regarding what is next for syria also the coronavirus is a time to start me thinking the impact of globalization. i'm after attention we're going underground i'm a dog you will escalating chances of a war in the middle east and of u.n. talks on syria libya and iran coming up on the show whose side is nato member turkey actually on we'll ask the country's former foreign minister yes or you have peace whether president other one stands when it comes to the new cold war is the
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chances of it turning hot rise in syria and as thousands of men women and children flee from war e.u. nations are involved in is the european union defying international law on refugees we ask the norwegian refugee council if the specter of coronavirus will be used next by the e.u. to support international law plus how can you liberal britain in the usa with your hospital beds but capita than russia or china hope to beat coronavirus we get the take of the permanent mission of china to the un thing yong on sanitizing the statistics of coded 19 all of the ball coming up in today's going under our 1st attack me after meetings with both u.k. foreign secretary dominic rabb and russian president vladimir putin and while deploying ground troops against russian and syrian forces in syria while sending soldiers to libya as he threatens to flood the european union with refugees even the mainstream media here is beginning to question which side to.
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