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tv   News  RT  March 10, 2020 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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is here. to be reached. the price crash is the most since 1991 gulf war saudi arabia says. they snatch market share from russia the live coverage from the stock market just a moment. as italy starts a nationwide lockdown on travel and public gatherings there is violence in the country's prisons over rome's response to the spread of coronavirus. the e.u. turkey stalemate deepens as they fail to agree a migration to leaving tens of thousands of refugees stuck at the border.
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for good morning to you thanks for joining us here on r.t. international. wall street has suffered its 1st automatic halt in trading in more than 2 decades after stocks fell nearly 8 percent shares were spooked by the biggest collapse in the old price since the ninety's before rebounding slightly saudi arabia stepped up its price war. google or more market share crazy right here in your money pretty much a chart of the oil price crash exacerbating some of the fears so then a real rout on the stock markets not seen since the height of the financial crash more than 10 years ago the markets slumping heavily. or prices plunged to 30 percent on what has been dubbed black monday in the biggest single day full since the 1st iraq war it was sparked by a spat between top crude suppliers rhythm moscow who couldn't agree
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a deal on production. so the arabia says that it will slash prices to grab market share from russia after opec proposed output cuts in response to fall in demand due to coronavirus concerns but moscow disagreed noting that that would simply give an unfair advantage to u.s. crude producers. let's go live now to our own cordy's at the moscow stock market markets not long opened up how the russian stocks wrecked it. well neil russian investors are still reeling from yesterday's horrific market crash that a lot of them are calling black monday now after the freefall of american and european futures the collapse of the asian market and the biggest drop in the price of oil since 1991 many russian investors and economists are expecting a bloodbath. oh stock market may face the blood bush if things don't
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change markets are witnessing it could hysteria right know even taking into account russia's refusal of opec's proposal. now all this has obviously had a significantly negative effect on the ruble which has experienced its biggest drop since 2016 in value but moscow actually believes that it has enough reserves to wait out this crisis to its conclusion and come out in one piece on the other end and today the kremlin revealed its game plan. the russian economy development ministry plans to change the system of management of state capital investments i mean volatility in external markets a vast number of investment projects have been withdrawn from the pact of market fluctuations. and like you said before neal saudi arabia tanked its oil prices over the weekend which of course has a negative effect on the world's 2nd largest oil producer russia but it also hasn't made france very happy paris actually said that it wanted saudi arabia to work in
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closer communication with the international community on stabilizing those oil prices as for u.s. shale oil it's also been negatively affected by these low prices because of its high production costs now right now the next meeting between opec and russia is scheduled for march 18th so we're going to have to see if they'll be able to save their 3 year long streak of international cooperation on supplying the world with oil still cool to reporting for us thank you. and well analysts have told us that saudi arabia is playing a losing game. an observer of markets could see this coming the credit bubble 'd blowing up again this is part syria of the 2008 financial crisis you know it turns out russia has the best hair at that you know a lot of coal oil going you know russia's cost of energy is about $7.00 a barrel ok saudi arabia has close to $3.00
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a barrel but russia has got no debt and they've been buying goal meanwhile in usa and america their cost is closer to $50.00 and this will be the complete desperation of the american shale industry saudi arabia and america are really that position at this international oil corporate game and i think russia's hold on 3 aces the current situation clearly the saudis are to blame they have taken a move whose only benefit the only potential advantage in the general strategic macchiavelli in terms is the surprise toddy arabia vastly increased production to create a huge price drop and with the potential for further price drops we're talking something some atmosphere prices could go as low as $23.00 a barrel which would be levels than the early ninety's and this move was solely
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precipitated by the saudi arabia simply because the russians did not go along with the previous proposal when in fact there was room for further negotiation what print some man wants to achieve with this remains unclear because his oil production increase is also compromises the saudi states' ability to fulfill its welfare function and therefore to keep domestic stability. as the spread of corona virus continues to infect the markets at least responded to the outbreak by banning public gatherings with more than 1000 infections up more than 1500 on monday alone the country is the 2nd worst affected after china number of deaths has risen in recent days to more than 460. i am about to send a decree that we can sum up with the expression stay at homes there will no longer be a red zone there will no longer be a zone one or
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a zone 2 on our peninsula there will be at least at least that it is a protected zone with the latest restrictions uprisings broke out in several jails besides demands for improved conditions prisoners have reportedly been angered by new rules which have seen a suspension of family visits and this footage here shows a group of inmates on the roof of the sun but tory prison in milan burning items and shouting freedom the most severe revolt was seen in the northern city of moore to know which left 6 inmates dead all in sicily the relatives of some detainees gathered near a jail concerned over a potential prisoner infection. so while this coronavirus has been raging for almost 3 months they spoke about everything except the prisoners this is unfair because in this building they don't even have mats right now an ambulance has just gone in and we have no idea why one of the ministers to be prompted all this people have sentences of less than 5 years have to be treated with different measures at home. we discussed the prison protests as well as italy
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and europe's response to the coronavirus crisis with political analyst pilar a phony who believes that the efforts have so far fallen short. definitely they are in the prisoner's interests but of course d.c. is so used to to outcries within the christians and try to get the permissions to return home at least don't really so be says quite so disturbing events measures to be increased in the prisons because of course the inmate somebody close the child earns the possibility oh. i'm straight it means they're. all this out pricing is. not actually not just definitely. this is a bit of far mismatch in the provisions that don't mean doctors but on the other hand they say say them in italy is a democratic country and there are
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a number of interests to be taken into account the e.u. has confidences and can intervene above the member states but even in this case because passage of the e.u. to intervene in this emergency as being very vague. calling just the sort of solidarity among states which has not been seen. top publishing agency has cancelled a biography by film director woody allen over child sex abuse allegations that decision came after employees of the publisher walked out over the planned book woody allen has repeatedly denied the allegations against him picking up the story for us our correspondent kill him open. mero of me to it seems that book publishers in the united states are becoming book burners that's after hatchet decided to torch the auto biography of the u.s. comedy icon and filmmaker woody allen. to cannes who mr jones was difficult to
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take. very seriously and did not cancel books lightly now hatchett has previously published a book by a serial killer they have no problem with controversial authors however after their own employees staged a walkout they caved so what's the issue at hand allegations that woody allen molested his daughter and alan has denied these allegations for decades backing this up is ronan farrow woody allen the son who happens to also be amy to pioneer and a nother client of hatchet. i was disappointed to learn through press reports that hatchett my publisher acquired woody allen's memoir off to other major publishers refused to do so you do not function the woody allen book my sister has never been contacted to respond to any denial or mischaracterization of the abuse she suffered at the hands of. now there have been 2 criminal investigations into woody allen and
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no charges have been brought against him but over the course of 2 decades he has received 8 oscar nominations as well as one of those prestigious gold statues well the me too movement has taken the shine off of his success now some celebrities at this point are worried that cancel culture has gone a little bit too far the hatchet decision to drop the what do you alan book makes me very uneasy it's not him i don't give a damn about mr allen it's who gets muzzled next that worries me i'm always afraid when the mob however small and well read exercises power without any count ability process or address the tritons me much more than the prospect of woody allen so to biography he's in the bookstores woody allen is not the only celebrity to have recently been cancelled let's find out what new yorkers think about this new climate i wouldn't have pulled it if i was them because so many other artists have done so many other crazy things and they saw things published so there may have
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been. a tremendous amount of pressure to be politically correct whatever that means now adays social media is definitely. a place where things to have a salad get a lot of the same time those allegations can also become true questions continue to be raised about what cancel culture really means and how far it should be permitted to go up and r.t. new york. he's editor in chief margarita simonyan has proposed helping to publish the filmmakers book saying that it is a question the freedom of speech. took isa president was in brussels on monday in a bid to find a compromise to the unfolding migrant crisis at the greek turkey border the visit comes amid a deepening diplomatic standoff between ankara and thins left tens of thousands stranded at the frontier with well here's our europe correspondent peter olivia. well there was no joint press conference between the turkish european sides following this meeting it fell to the european council president charles michel and
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the european commission president. to meet the press she said that this meeting was a good thing essentially because it showed that there were still lines of communication open essentially one of the positives that she was taken was that turkey and the e.u. can still sit down and discuss things even if it does seem that all they can do at the moment is agree to disagree today's discussion focused on mapping the areas in which we can work both in the e.u.'s interests and in turkey's interest and indeed as you said a lot goes back to the e.u. turkey statement of 2016 which remains valid turkey's decision to tell migrants that they wouldn't try and stop them crossing into the e.u. has resulted in some incredibly tense scenes at the border that at times have spilled over into violence.
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to repeat commission president was asked a question by a turkish journalist about the actions of greek forces at the border these turkish journalist accuse greek forces of using excessive force against refugees and migrants underly and said that human rights have to be respected but also so did the integrity of borders and the use of excessive force is completely inacceptable and any action of the authorities has to be proportionate to the european border. have to be respected and the human fundamental rights for example the right to ask for asylum have to be respected to both go hand in hand so where does this leave us
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ultimately the deal that was in place is dead and the new deal hasn't been agreed to yet there may well be some negotiating about what goes into a new deal expect the turkish side to perhaps raise the issue of visa liberalization something they didn't manage to get into the $26.00 team deal there's also talk floating around about the turkish side asking essentially for more cash how much money that would be and in what form it would ultimately be paid well that is all part of these discussions that are going to be going on as i said no deal in place at the moment these talks hopefully will lead to especially from the european side they will be hoping that happens leading to a new deal being in place. from stay with r.t. to stick around more news coming away after this short break.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to the world of politics sport i'm sure. i'll see you then.
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the longest established latino organization in the u.s. the league of united latin american citizens has warned of significant irregularities in democratic primary voting including closed store relocated polling stations and extremely long independent new side the gray zone and war group code pink of jokes that if the organization of american states is so concerned about voting irregularities on the continent they should 1st monitor the us itself. the u.s. must send an emergency election monitoring team to the united states to ensure independent scrutiny of a presidential primary that has been marred by clear regularities and the
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systematic and highly discriminatory up struction of citizens' right to vote in the united states what we actually have witnessed are major discrepancies between exit polling data in the democratic 2020 primary and the final computer count which is being conducted in a very opaque fashion we've seen in minority and poor communities people having to wait in line for 5 hours just to vote in the state of texas 750 polling places have been removed since 2012 that means there is one polling place for every 7700 people and this is particularly an acute problem in latino and african-american areas why are there no election monitors in the u.s. why does the oas only send election monitors to places like bolivia to falsely allege fraud and trigger military coups if texas or new hampshire or south carolina were socialist latin american countries the cia through the oas would have already
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installed a stick right wing government like that of janine anya is today in bolivia and a top of the oas accused bolivia's socialist government of irregularities in vote counting which led to this is full civil removal in a military coup though a new top level u.s. study has found no evidence of such fruit in the form of believe in leader who's now in political asylum in argentina says the oas stole the elections. last year we won in the 1st round now researchers and scientists are demonstrating that there was no fraud on october 20. 5th and let's not have any fear of dictatorship brothers and sisters we are going to defeat the dictatorship with democracy with the conscience of the bolivian people. the un human rights organization has expressed concern over the prosecution of dozens of people close to the former president living is now headed by a right wing conservative government led by janine and his who proclaimed herself
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interim president in morality his absence so ask it taylor has the story. but libya was promised peace what i got was beatings bullets and a whole lot of bad luck. was the. once boldly waving from the balcony of the presidential palace the self appointed interim president janine anya is now hajjis from angry crowds who are chanting assassin killer traitor because the woman who promised peace. assumed the presidency with a midget a fact in line with the constitution and pledged to take all measures necessary to bring peace to the country has waged war on john and as politicians and on have very own people. in.
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the. director of the state radio station was tired to a tree and humiliated for hours an incident that was reportedly documented by argentine journalist sebastiano moro who was found unconscious in his home a day later with injuries to different parts of his body and who died 6 days later . the. various foreign ministers described whole east containing their home address as telephone numbers family addresses and other personal information are being circulated viral but facebook and other social media . it has also been publicly reported that the large flares bodies of several people
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who were killed in the mess occurred disappeared allegedly after being collected by loan for. officers and no further information has been provided on them imus says she's already cracking down on the violent supporters of the previous government but either way it seems it's easier to make promises of peace when you haven't had a taste of power yet manda parity bang is quite likes the taste because despite promising not to seek election may she's decided to throw her hat into the ring of to rule now washington must be pleased it was ofter all vocal in its support of the democratic regime change in the latin american country but it also considers itself the leader of the free world so surely such reports of brutality would deserve at least a slap on the wrist no. silence or as good as silence
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to the killings to the beatings to the tear gas a diluted let's all be well behaved and it's not a one off pass either why was the indignation when hundreds of human rights activists and leftwing community leaders were killed in colombia or when there was a sarge and police killings in brazilian neighborhoods all ringback when the one juror and president was allegedly linked to drug traffickers there wasn't any or it was half hearted about best and what do they all have in common all the countries are run by right wing government tourny have nice things to say about donald trump latin america has long been washington's playground from panama to guatemala from venezuela to grenada washington has been keen to strong arm in sympathetic leaders and it seems that once they're in human rights be damned. and you u.k. streaming services slapped
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a warning label on the old episodes of the b.b.c. classic dr who says move follows complaints that references to asian people in an episode from 1977 are racist in question titled the talons of wing cheering has a white actor made up to play an east asian character the words used in the programme to describe his appearance of being branded an acceptable. it is really hard to watch because yellow face is so unexceptable now when you are somebody who is cool in your childhood as i have been it is so hard to hear that word and not feel immediately a trigger reaction of how wrong it is we put this issue up for debate with commentator a new york observer columnist under a walker. i think actually we should have access to films and videos and t.v. programs that were made in the past even if they include content that might be deemed offensive today now the bigger problem of course is that brit box which has been launched by the b.b.c. and i.t.v.
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has not been very successful and that's partly because it's removed a whole swathe of programmes that's pretty people might want to watch because of wall to remarks that might seem off color today when andre talks about using himself as a cultural counterpoint upon which we are to measure things i'm for one i'm getting sick and tired of having rightwing pro tory pro far right male journalists of commentators telling black people that muslims whether they should be offended or chinese people with it should be offended a white thespian being made up in yellow face and then using offensive language which would be as a sense of his for any other cost or creed i mean we haven't we just made a piece of television that actually does include a little bit of racism where most says that white males should not be allowed to comment on the it's not a show or this issue that actually is a place of road and i said i'm sick and tired of where i mentally and i feel like i
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want to leave i believe it's a family got to be fair and balanced about this this is old school comedy it's a little bit out of date when you watch something like alf garnett to me the joke was that being a great sixty's a bit ridiculous and the bit silly but at the same time you see something with sacha baron cohen today and if you look at it his character bharat part of what was funny about bharat was that he had ridiculous outdated views of jewish people he was a massive founds he said well it's so cool you know caricature of a ridiculing it is an important part of comedy that i would stand by in terms of yeah this is you do this in the end and where this isn't this isn't about it i will as i go at how exactly the amount of money. as far as brit docs is concerned they can't buy this kind of publicity not really you can get this kind of coverage however you know these are outdated and we do need better systems in place it's all very easy to talk about the past in negative terms but progress is the nature of
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progress is that people in the past will seem to be backward well they are a little bit backward compared to ours but i think there's no harm in being able to watch those programs anyway. ok up about with updates for you on our top stories in half an hour in the meantime don't forget you can check out more news stories by going to our web site. that's geysers line it looks like i will face a little girl i. know you could take it easy this is a central perk support diet good news i don't call them right now so stop the good .
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good food descriptions sound up the tasing even for the owners so how to choose the pet food industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out that food may not be as people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems it's a huge of a democrat problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets last treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making it a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research.
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the readings of the salutation. who would've thought even today in the 21st century with all of our knowledge all of our are within our know how the world would once again be in panic mode over one small little teeny weeny organism so small you can't even see it with your naked eye yes the coronavirus is still globetrotting and making headlines my arc watchers of nations around the globe hope to slow its role italy just inactive one of the largest ever attempts to restrict the movement of people in a democracy with a lock down of a northern region affecting them almost 16000000 people and israel got in the game announcing a 14 day quarantine for all international arrivals not just people traveling from countries with major outbreaks meanwhile back here in the good old us of
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a our congress one full panic mode because not only is wall street still tumbling but the coronavirus made a surprise visit to it was once the republican party's safe haven the conservative political action conference or c. pac yes now thanks to its cameo it's the pac the coronavirus has forced us senator ted cruz to self corentin for 14 days after he briefly shook hands with the sea pack carrier. but coded 19 sounds like come on irene isn't the only small little virus leaving bodies in its wake and making headlines these days no blackwater zone former founder erik prince is back in the hot seat after a new york times investigation uncovered that the war profiteer helped recruit former american and british spies for a secretive intelligence gathering operation that included infiltrating democratic congressional campaigns labor organizations and other groups considered hostile to the poor.


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