tv Keiser Report RT March 10, 2020 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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but 1st of all we need is the 1st ability of course and there are alternatives and we are well aware of that. type of government that is widely used in the world however these stage of flower of development which is where we can't really use it but just look at the countries with traditional parliamentary democracy look at what's going on there i'm not exaggerating for here is some of these countries you know they can't form a government we can't have it in russia it is unacceptable from russia and say. giving odds are the centers of power as such as security council or the state consul. that are not allowed to by people like giving them. a loan which some of the word here which some. but i think
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it would be wrong and it would be dangerous that it has nothing to do with democracy 1st of all and secondly it's going to cause a split in society i'm sure that mr who suggested that will agree that he is an experienced politician and for russia it will lead to split and the society that when you get to need to say interests of a dired and it will have tragic impact on the destiny of the country and on the destiny itself its people there were some ideas some suggestions to introduce changes to the constitution and to extend the presidential term of the current president and if people are going to vote for these amendments yes on a problem there is going to be and the whole russian vote in this case that dorothy of the president will be extended the costs of the due to the elections with the no alternative and i think we shouldn't do this see it is in sight for russia at any
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elections. any kind and. they always should have more options and more alternatives at any elections elections must be open elections must be compatible with the suggestion that was suggested by me is. we all have immense respect to her i would like to congratulate her once again on her recent birthday. but in principle in u. . you know where it is understandable that the 1st to exclude them now and to terms . with their president could be elected for. the idea like they is was voiced at my recent meeting with citizens people in st petersburg one of the better and suggests at exactly that i had said that i wouldn't want to go back to the soviet union times of course it was a probably not appropriate thing to say because during the soviet times we had no
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will action separate think was decided behind the closed doors or inside the party procedures or intrigue so we have a completely different situation now now you have to go to elections it's a different story and he would do more than the formally technically we could of. restrictions regarding pit terms and many other countries including the neighboring countries they have such provisions there is no restrictions for the number of terms that the president could be elected for and across the ocean in the united states of amendment to the constitution that tristrem the number of terms. it was only introduced in 1947 and only 9 in $51.00 it was. that it was ready fide by all the states 1951 it's not that long ago. from the historical perspective it was basically yesterday that you and i will
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explain but these but i and there are precedents of having more than 2 terms also in the united states why was that. great depression when the problem with huge. economic problems spofford t. unemployment you know back then that and world were 2 and under such a condition when the country is going through such problems such difficulties and in our case we have an average think for the collapse of the soviet union stability maybe is something more important and that must be prioritized as specially when the kountry is still facing a lot of problems but. it can then when political economical and these social areas video fade it. will help to create stability when the stadium is mature enough when
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it's not vulnerable for the outside authorities than of course that the change of power is necessary for the dynamics of the country's development. you know and we are not adopting this amendment for a year and not for a 2 year it's not even for a damn here is i hope we're talking about the long term about $3050.00 here so at least. there is a long term going perspective this is side it should have guarantees a regular meeting at sessions to power it will be provided we need to think about the future generations because i think it doesn't make sense to leave the number of terms from the constitution to leave this restriction from the constitution. second suggestion you can actually leave and you restrictions for any citizen
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including the current president and to allow you to participate in the elections in the future of course you are. open elections pre-election only if citizens are going to support such amendments and there are going to say yes' during the old russian boden 22nd april but of these here in principle these options could be viable but only on one condition namely if. constitutionally yes i can see fish in the record of the russian federation will deem that such a man been there is not going to contradict the principles and main provisions all the main law of the constitution so let's not forget that we are not adopting and you can we are introducing significant. but you are just part of amendments and i would like to emphasize that the changing
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situation itself because that still has potential that prove that salvation i think it shouldn't be not even to consider the matter of the presidential order so evil to federal assembly is going to. adopt madness agree to amendments that i'm talking about now. and it would. need to be sent to the constitution or e court of the russian federation through their assessment and through finishing my speech i would like to express my gratitude to the state duma deputies and to the members of the state federal council for it is productive work on them and men so i would like to thank the citizens of the russian federation for the support i feel it i have been willing to give for all the heroes that i've been working without such support it would have been hard to do anything especially in those difficult years in the early to thousands i know that we didn't achieve but everything that
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we have planned i understand also the criticism that sometimes as expressed regarding some difficult decisions that were made by the would like to assure you of that in my work i always thought exclusively about current and long term interests of russia in the national only i will only think about the will of our people. that's why i suggested to introduce all this amendments for the constitution to make it up to our people to. convene all russian vote and i would like to address russian people it is up to you it is your decision the way you do it and 22nd of. bets how it is going to be. despite average think we have done a lot to strengthen the country and i am sure that we are going to do even more at
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least until 2024 and then we'll see what's going to happen after that. ok just listen to president putin he was speaking to the state duma the country's lower house of parliament he was that that was part of the 2nd reading of amendments to the constitution has already been a 1st reading the 3rd reading is expected later this week and then all those amendments were put to the public in a public vote which will take place on april the 22nd he did stress all this was needed because it was in the strategic interests of the country in terms of its sovereignty it's tradition in its values and he says it will also expand the social guarantees for the population but as he said at the end there it will ultimately be the population that decides will be back with more or less just after.
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seem wrong. just. yet to shape out this day. and in detroit. trail. once on find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. so she and i as a nation from which mrs shifting to us and investors are at the. grocery i say oh she's a mother for from the floor with her betrothed improved for dear. your mom happens you know to try to. i was. upset.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true. is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the. forum made in the shallows. hello again i am the last few minutes that imitate and has just said that there is
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no need for snap parliamentary elections in russia he was discussing amendments to the russian constitution with lawmakers on the russian president also rejected the idea of lifting limits on presidential terms let's get more details and i'm going to ask the if joins me studio he was listening in what i what did you make of it what would you say were the key points that well this is this this is a speech by vladimir putin in front of parliament this is a very big year for parliament because russia is changing the vertical of power so it's that of a power structure you have more horizontal line because parliament is now being empowered significantly the presidency the power so at the expense of the president the parliament the representatives of the people directly elected by the people are going to be going into the future much more powerful and this is this is going to be written along with a number of constitutional amendments that are being put. through now by the president by the parliament things like things like establishing that marriage can
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only be between a man and a woman for example another constitutional amendment is that russia will never ever give away any of its territory which is you know a signal to the west to others that crimea is russian once once and for all and he also said that he sees no point in early parliamentary election of the had been a lot of rumors going around bloomberg for example they had written using their anonymous inside sources that there would be early parliamentary elections because the parliament was changing so much the russia would perhaps need a new parliament to take the reins widely putin came out and said that the parliament's fine as it is you know the people are competent the deputies are competent they can do their jobs so there's no point in having another staff election he also in this is perhaps the bigger point because just because he began
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this speech just before we had this parliamentary session we had a potential amendment that parliamentary had had proposed and that is resetting lad near putin's terms of his presidential terms this is his 4th term so the logic was that because there the changes were sweeping that perhaps it would make sense if allowed near putin's terms were reset so he could run again for another 2 terms which flood me of putin said that you know 1st of 1st all changing and changing power is good going into the future for future generations people want to see fresh faces people want the people need new new leadership new blood in government but he said if the constitutional court established the. constitutional court the presidential. to be reset then bad it's going into the future he wouldn't
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he would consider it he would consider perhaps running. that he was stressing more than one occasion evolutionary changes we're doing here it's all about released redevelopment of the country it's not about a revolution because the country's had too many before it's really making i think trying to make it clear to people this is not panic stations these are going to be gradual things that will be done that will help the sovereignty and the development of the country well he did say the constitutional changes are long overdue because he said look at the world things are changing so rapidly too fast sometimes to keep up with look at the global economy the shocks and the spasms that is going through corona virus which has left entire country squire n.t. we have huge instability in markets dow jones 'd jumping up and down the russian market 10 percent down just the world crisis which swinging you know hard in price in days there is an incredible amount of instability in the world technology is
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growing at a pace that is almost 3 hard to keep up with there are more challenges and more and more challenges going into the future you know you solve one problem you have 2 that appear i'm glad we're putin said to the grow into the future to evolve as you mentioned russia needs a dynamic a competent government that is close that that can work together and that can help russia evolve to meet these challenges and more importantly succeed going into the future he also said that russia needs a strong government a strong parliament that it capable of working together because he said look at europe for example there are governments there empowered that have been unable to form ruling coalitions for years. which leads to stagnation which leads to an inability to pass simple laws things that a country. really needs going into the future as you said
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a lot of challenges me putin sees going into the into the next years next decade yet he seemed to cram a lot into those sort of 15 minutes he was speaking he also stressed to you that you know in the past maybe people have identified the presidency of russia with one particular person he said historically that's always been the case but we do need to change that. what was he trying to get out there and how do you think that would help the country the point of like me putin was making was that there have been many revolutions in russia and generally they haven't ended well a lot of people have died there has been widespread chaos corruption the territorial losses losses in the economy it's been hectic every time there's a revolution people expect for the better but what they get is the opposite and he said this is new more appetite in russia for revolution but that doesn't mean the those in power have to be the scene people for decade after decade after decade.
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the balance you know of the right is the solution is always in the middle it isn't to the far right it isn't to the far left it's in the middle east taking into account everyone's views and taking into account that to evolve you need new blood which routes back to the to our 1st question and here vladimir putin says that with these new amendments of the constitution hopefully for the next 3050 years there will be a need to amend the constitution again he says that this establishes a horizontal plane of power where the people can elect deputies who will be much more powerful and where the presidency isn't as powerful as it used to be and going into the future these changes making russia much more dynamic spreading power across the power spectrum is going to help russia lead the way people. meaning in just watching this to them i just assume that these amendments are going to get
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rolled through now but that's not the case is it is going to go to a public vote and president putin made it very clear choice that will happen at the end of april indeed he stressed this multiple times that this is this is. at the end of the day up to the people to decide and many of the many of the amendments that he has proposed they have been seen as very positive by the people for example bagging officials from having citizenship of another country perhaps indicating a split loyalties it's the small things but things that generally russian support this is every reason to believe that. they will support these changes because you know after the break after donald trump and the election you never know how how it's going to end up nevertheless a lot of changes being pushed through by the government bloodline to be a putin and i suppose we'll just have to wait until april to see whether the people
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truly do support it thank you great thank you very much there was a ghastly of it. now in other news after wall street suffered its 1st automatic holton trading in more than 2 decades with stocks falling nearly 8 percent while markets do seem to be recovering slowly today a bit and so is the price of oil which also went into freefall yesterday after a price will wish triggered by saudi arabia and in the u.s. the dow plunged more than 2000 points the worst one day point drop ever prompted by oil price war that stunned markets around the world we have a huge market event yesterday as a lot of investors repriced out all the shock the crash restart markets the no 2000 point swing on the dow set the scene for what happens today business news now starting with the crude oil markets as they try to bounce back from their worst day since 1901. or prices plunged 30 percent or more has been black monday in the
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biggest single day for since the 1st iraq war it was sparked by a spat between top crude surprise riyadh and who couldn't agree on a deal on production saudi arabia says it is slashing oil prices to grab market share from russia it does follow russia's refusal last week to back an opec plan to cut off production to bolster its price of oil sky believing that that would only benefit the high cost produces in the us well as a result of all prices as we saw plunged along with markets although they have as we said rebounded slightly $1.00 quarter as well. just one we thought black monday was bad enough things have actually gotten quite worse we saw a huge dive by the moscow exchange index and the entire the index for the entire trading system of russia has fallen nearly 13 percent it's really it seems like an economic bloodbath really and we heard from the spokesman of the moscow exchange earlier talking about it. we see sharon's fooling prices changing every 2nd top
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russian companies also down and specifically the ruble fooling against the dollar the slide of the route has slowed since the stock market opened now all this has obviously had a very negative effect on the ruble it's seen its biggest decline in value since 2016 but the finance ministry is saying that it has this situation under control and it wants it won't fail to carry out its budgetary obligations moscow also believes it's got enough reserves to wait out this crisis to the end and come out in one piece on the other side today we heard the kremlin's game plan. the russian economy development ministry plans to change the system of management of state capital investments i mean volatility on external markets a vast number of investment projects have been withdrawn from the pact of market fluctuations. the president has repeatedly said that the russian economy has the needed safety margin to absorb this temporary instability amid global markets is
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turbulence and volatility algeria and france are already calling on saudi arabia to better coordinate with the international community on influencing these oil prices now as of now the next meeting between opec and russia is scheduled for march 18th so hopefully they'll be able to save their 3 year long streak of cooperation and prevent a deeper economic crisis from unfolding on course there are analysts we spoke to said the saudi arabia is playing a losing game. an observer of markets could see this coming the credit bubble blowing up again this is part 2 of the 2008 financial crisis you know it turns out russia's best had at that you know a lot of coal oil going you know russia's cost of energy is about $7.00 a barrel ok saudi arabia has close to $3.00 a barrel but russia has got no debt and they've been buying goal meanwhile in usa
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and america their cost is closer to $50.00 this will be the complete this arrangement of the american shale industry it saudi arabia and america are really that position that this international oil kolker game and i think russia's all the 3 aces the current situation clearly the saudis are to blame they have taken a move to use only benefits the only potential advantage in the general strategic michael valley in terms of is the surprise toddy arabia vastly increased production to create a huge price drop with potential for further price drops we're talking something some analysts fear prices could go as low as $23.00 a barrel which would be levels than the early ninety's and this move was solely precipitated by the saudi arabia simply because the russians did not go along with
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the previous proposal when in fact there was room for further negotiation what princella mind wants to achieve with this remains unclear because his oil production increase is also compromises the saudi states' ability to fulfill its welfare function and therefore to keep domestic stability working out international get back to the headlines and more stories just off. a fairly super cool porch with all the little tractor was and was new york at the song check the start one sure was for the cheapest we just like you feel and i'd missed these for a while for your program or not and i do it is mine done for cushman i will
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officially fess up with the show going to get us no. good answer so. yes. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or unmaidenly shallowness. down not once up. enough limbs off let down one by one the definition is enough i'm by any. one seeking any south. taking the eco city yes it did. and then you're just going to bring. me think i'm. going to let you know we're not beach. side is our. next guest feeling if one means i love this they know the deep but a lot of. them tokyo find it is going to keep going.
8:59 am
it does look like because did a piece of dancing cultural freezing cold the premise. time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability very important. transitions to sustainable transport sustainability space for man on a more equitable and sustainable world. they claim their production is completely harmless. it. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is just.
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understood. going in. the tomato using says a suggestion vi on page 3 says his presidential term thus allowing him to run again should be 1st supported by citizens an adult and by the constitutional cole also this. price crash is the most since the 9091 gulf war after saudi arabia says it will slash crude rates to snatch market share from russia although there has been a rebound in the markets today also ahead. fires riots and death violence sweeps italy's prisons after the state's strict response to the spread of the coronavirus and commonwealth trends for the u.k. army 3 years what they call the grave injustice of fate.
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