tv News RT March 10, 2020 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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we do. understand. says a suggestion by m.p.'s to reset his presidential term thus allowing him to run again should be 1st supported by citizens and adopted by the constitutional court also this price crash is the most since the 9091 gulf war after saudi arabia says it will slash crude rates to snatch market share from russia although there has been a rebound in the markets today also ahead. fires riots and death violence sweep cicely's prison is after the state strict response to the spread of the coronavirus and commonwealth for the u.k. army 3 years what they call the grave injustice of facing deportation from britain
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to costly and complicated immigration. that afternoon just gone for clock here in moscow you with r.t. international now off the wall street suffered its 1st automatic holton trading in more than 2 decades with stocks falling nearly 8 percent will markets do seem to be slowly recovering today and so is the price of oil which also went into freefall yesterday after a price war was triggered by saudi arabia. and in the u.s. the dow plunged more than 2000 points the worst one day point drop ever prompted by oil price war that stunned markets around the world we had a huge market event yesterday as a lot of investors repriced out all the shock and crash we start in markets and the 2000 point swing on the dow since the same for what happens today business news now
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starting with the crude oil markets as they try to bounce back from their worst day since 100921 when all the prices plunged 30 percent of what has been dubbed black monday in the biggest single day for since the 1st iraq war it was sparked by a spat between top crude surprise riyadh and moscow who couldn't agree on a deal on production saudi arabia says it is slashing gold prices to grab market share from russia and it has followed russia's refusal last week to back an opec plan to cut oil production to bolster its price moscow believing that would only benefit high cost produces in the u.s. well as a result all prices plunged along with markets although as we said they have rebounded slightly with more on quarter. just when we thought black monday was bad enough things have actually gotten quite worse we saw a huge dive by the moscow exchange index and the entire the index for the entire trading system of russia has fallen nearly 13 percent it's really it seems like an
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economic bloodbath really and we heard from the spokesman of the moscow exchange earlier talking about it. we see shows fooling prices changing every top russian companies also down and specifically the ruble fooling against the dollar the slide of the route has slowed since the stock market opened. now all this has obviously had a very negative effect on the ruble it's seen its biggest decline in value since 2016 but the finance ministry is saying that it has the situation under control and it won't it won't fail to carry out its budgetary obligations moscow also believes it's got enough reserves to wait out this crisis to the end and come out in one piece on the other side today we heard the kremlin's game plan. the russian economy development ministry plans to change the system of management of state capital investments i mean volatility on external markets a vast number of investment projects have been withdrawn from the pact of market
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fluctuations. the president has repeatedly said that the russian economy has the needed safety margin to absorb this temporary instability in the global markets is turbulence and volatility jury and france are already calling on saudi arabia to better coordinate with the international community on influencing these oil prices now as of now the next meeting between opec and russia is scheduled for march 18th so hopefully they'll be able to save their 3 year long streak of cooperation and prevent a deeper economic crisis from unfolding. ok let's bring in our economic and financial expert alexander joins us you very welcome thanks for coming on alexander what's your belief of what might happen next how long can the prices stay this low in oil before countries really do need to get back to the negotiating table. when i think you know it's 'd kind of
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chicken game nobody will want to surrender its position and this is what is very worrying because it's going go this way for months before there is a new round of. negotiations and agreement that is rich between the major producers between. russia and i think this is very worrying. not only for. russia but also for the. world as a whole because. there is a. market that is that wing down on the market sentiment and market sentiment in turn is weighing down on global growth prospects and intensified the. next few quarters. so strong who is in the strongest position then do you think
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alexander is. shell or saudi arabia at the moment in terms of he can stick this at the longest. well you know i think russia can live with annoyed by. 40 obviously. they will they are hit with annoyed by or that we'd be for a long time below 40 like in the 2030 range for example which is not sustainable for the country's public finances but i think sodium already you're obviously will be. will be hit more severely by these prolonged period of. low prices because they need to balance their budget with 'd no break even that is much higher than russia or breakeven it is $84.00 saudi arabia $80.00
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a. barrel and 'd also 'd the country is involved into a transformation program called vision 2030 with a lot of resources to. invest. in the economy and busy with this busy. crisis we will use oil prices that are very low sodium red you're obviously going to sustain this course of reform and transformation and it will be sooner than russia i think you. said alexander can you understand the logic then a saudi arabia because on friday they were saying you know they wanted production cuts to increase the price of oil and then just a few days later when we have them you know increase in production a considerable amount in the price of oil something that they want to keep up dives while they are up to a vote what's the logic behind their actions. well you know the logic
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is a show of muscle. basically they want to show that they have the muscles and that they are ready to. support of all the costs associated with this strategy which is quite a neurotic strategy in the long term but in the short term the they want to say that if the other producers like russia want to increase their production of oil we can show them that we can do it faster and in a much bigger way saw then we need to come back to the negotiation table i think basically 'd this is it. the longer this lasts the higher will be the costs of this strategy for so with your abs economy for its credibility and also for its relationship we do in the united states which is very important right now for saudi arabia in these very volatile geopolitical regional context
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so i think this is something that we do not last more than a few a few months actually there was there would be a negotiation. would it be enough to support market prices this is another question because what we see is that there is an oversupply on the market and even the agreement that was announced by opec that was proposed by the technical committee of a poker maybe it's not enough to support the market and to lift the market prices and whatever is beyond beyond 40 source will actually there would be more cuts that would be needed but on the other side this will be a counterbalance to buy u.s. oil producers so actually the equation is quite difficult to solve complicated definitely alexander great still she will have to leave it there that was an economist and financial expert alexander khatib thank you. found
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within the last hour or so vladimir putin has said that there is no need for snap parliamentary elections in russia he was discussing amendments to the country's constitution with lawmakers the president also rejected the idea of lifting limits on presidential terms let's get more details now on r.t. is more a ghastly every joins me in the studio just run through them the key points that were made by mr payton today in the well the the most discussed issue the most discussed topic that was going to be disc that was going to be talked about. was a potential reset of his presidential term there was also talk of lifting all presidential limits so in russia a president can only serve 2 consecutive limits or 2 limits overall. with with these leaders the changes to the constitution and these very far reaching changes in the establishment of a livable minimum wage for example restricting jewel citizens from running for
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parliament many many different amendments to the constitution that the government believes will help russia march into the future that were volved as a country especially given huge challenges. that the world faces today that russia faces places today and one of them was that one of the things the sky was an amendment to the constitution that would lift all presidential limits to which flag near putin said he doesn't see the point but. you should. be. in the long run our society should have guarantees that a regular change of power should the 2nd proposal means removing the restriction from any citizen and the incumbent president inclusively. future participation in the elections if citizens who support this amendment during the vote on april the
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22nd this option would only be possible. under one condition if the constitutional court gives an official ruling that this will not contradict the delusion of the constitution. so essentially vladimir putin said that he's against he doesn't see the point in removing term limits but he does see potentially if the people supported during during a vote in in april. a reset of his soon presidential term given that the constitutional amendments that are being made are so so so you know the across the spectrum the. big he will also came out against a potential vote an early vote early parliamentary election snap elections saying that if the people vote to give the parliament more power and this is essential what this constitution when all these constitutional amendments will do is that they will power the office of president and m.
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power the parliament so you know the vertical of power is being spread horizontally the people the members of parliament elected directly by the people will have a lot more say in how things are run in the country once and if these constitutional amendments go through. evasion i don't see a snap election into the parliament as something necessary to citizens head to the polls on the 22nd of april and vote for the proposed amendments to the constitution that will mean the 2 mandates will be confirmed people are the only source of power soon as they speak up this is he will be decided. the point of all these changes is to prepare russia full for all the challenges all the turbulence of the world. listed that he said look at the markets jumping up and down the price of oil almost hardening in days in near weeks he also said the explosive group.
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technology all the all the revolutions that russia's had you know it's time to look forward the next 3050 years mend the constitution to allow the country to evolve to meet all of these challenges to guarantee that the government is dynamic that there's always new blood coming into the government new leaders a new vision to make sure that russia can march march along with the times. to meet all the challenges head dog and to prosper persevered and to lead going into the future sure ok and we should also stress to the public have the final say on april 22nd when they go to a public vote for the market that was artie's marie gas there for the latest. now is the spread of the corona virus continues to affect the markets is least responded to the outbreak by putting entire country into lockdown with more than 9000 infections up more than 1500 on monday alone the country is the 2nd worst
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affected after china the number of deaths has risen in recent days to more than 460 . people i'm about to send a decree that we can sum up with the expression day of homes there will no longer be a red zone there will no longer be a zone one or a zone on or can ensure there will be at lee lee that is a protected zone. well amid the tight new restrictions uprisings broke out in a number of jails prisoners in bologna i have been writing since yesterday after they took over a jail and set it on fire in milan inmates were filmed on the roof top earning items and shouting freedom and then 16 tiny's died in clashes in the northern city of medina while in sicily relatives of prisoners gathered near a child there concerned that prisoners could actually be infected by the covert 19 virus prisons of portugal and to buy new groups which would have seen family visits
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suspended. citizens of the italian capital lined up in long supermarkets on monday evening after the country's pm extended the damages to the entire country meanwhile some italians were seen from the peak of yeah right in the north to sicily in the side. of the situations requires a strong sense of responsibility especially among the younger ones because for example i'm coming from the nato and probably will put myself in voluntary quarantine and i do not think it is the right time to go around exporting germs in case abrogate them in any case it is a question of respect for us and for others in particular because i am 25 years old but our family members our older. children really were in a situation where finding a safe place is getting complicated as the situation is already got out of hand therefore one hopes for is clearly that everyone takes on their responsibilities
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and that's appropriate precautions are taken both for oneself as for others. political analyst paolo if only believed use efforts to contain the virus how foreign shores so far. usually use a democratic country and the number of interests to be taken into account already the effects of the stock markets are very severe and therefore the government is trying to find a needle way between the containment of the virus and the economic needs but the 1st thing is the participation responsible decision if you don't see this it's this doesn't happen i mean the least no way to contain fires you have this confidence is and can intervene above the member states but even in this case we could pass a c.e.o. if you intervene in this emergency as being very vague. and
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just the sort of solidarity among states which has not been the see. the top publishing hage unsee hatchett is cancelled the biography by the film director woody allen i have a child sex abuse allegations the decision came after employees of the publisher. of the pan book woody allen has repeatedly denied all of the allegations against him correspondent khaled malkin has more in story. mayor of the me too it seems that book publishers in the united states are becoming book burners that's after hatchet decided to torch the auto biography of the u.s. comedy icon and filmmaker woody allen incision to cannes who mr jones was difficult one would take our relationships with very seriously and did not cancel books lightly now hatchett has previously published a book by a serial killer they have no problem with controversial authors however after their
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own employees staged a walkout they caved so what's the issue at hand allegations that woody allen molested his daughter and alan has denied these allegations for decades backing this up is ronan farrow woody allen 8 the son who happens to also be a me too a pioneer and a nother client of hatchet. i was disappointed to learn through press reports that hatchett my publisher acquired woody allen's memoir off to other major publishers refused to do so do not function the woody allen book my sister has never been contacted to respond to any denial or mischaracterization of the abuse she suffered at the hands of. now there have been 2 criminal investigations into woody allen and no charges have been brought against him but over the course of 2 decades he has received 8 oscar nominations as well as one of those prestigious gold statues well the me too movement has taken the shine off of his success now some celebrities at this point are worried that cancel culture has gone
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a little bit too far the hatchett decision to drop the what do you alan book makes me very uneasy it's not him i don't give a damn about mr allen it's who gets muzzled next that worries me i'm always afraid when the mob however small and well read exercises power without any count ability process or address the tritons me much more than the prospect of woody allen so to biography hits in the bookstores woody allen is not the only celebrity to have recently been cancelled let's find out what new yorkers think about this new climate i wouldn't have pulled it if i was them because so many other artists have done so many other crazy things and they saw things published so there may have been a tremendous amount of pressure to be politically correct whatever that means now a days social media is definitely. a place where things to have a style get a lot of the same time those allegations can also become true questions continue to be raised about what cancel culture really means and how far it should be permitted
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to go. r.t. new york a lot he said margarita simonyan is actually proposed helping to publish the film make his book saying it is a question of freedom of speech washing out a morning and a couple. seemed wrong. just don't call. me. yet to shape out just to. educate and engage with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. and spearing dramatic development only i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. watching our say knack u.k. army veterans from the commonwealth and international association of states for many part of the british empire have criticised what they call the grave injustice that they could be deported and pays from the ruling conservative party and i'm calling on the government to help form
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a service members with the complex and costly procedure is to stay in the country it's hard to imagine people more entitle to live in our islands than those who have fought to defend them we need to look hard at these cases and ensure we support those who should have been able to stay all along. this does seem wrong i hope the home office will rectify this quickly and save these former british soldiers from the trauma of court proceedings and further delay on the home office rules commonwealth that friends who have served at least 4 years in the u.k. armed forces can apply for indefinite leave to remain also known as settlement however many can't afford the procedures which can cost thousands of pounds and those who don't apply could be forced to leave britain a veteran told us that their treatment by the government is appalling. we should not be given these are the 1000000 application to the or more many additional troops. and it didn't read used to mean refusing me or if they
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were not. the armed forces from the from the carrier army it refused me from working in. which an right now i have. only one you see i mean there's room. for them and now that. i mean that's wrong. to do is mean that remain as in a country where the wife of a british soldier from south africa has started an online petition to make life long stay in the u.k. a free for all commonwealth veterans she shared her views on the story. they have so sad our country they have fought for our country i mean what has been the lebanese he's done 2 tours he's. streets and london after a terrorist attack take a taxi stand up and talk to any benefits or anything like that why have we charges such a ridiculous amount of money for them to remain in the u.k. propped it up done everything that's done we lived life to children and then it was
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come to redundancies and i was a bit worried that it's like i said oh ok really to start making sure we got money aside and the face just kept going up and up every year every day when they go up the risk of my husband and. me having to explain to my 2 young children if anything happened to him jenny's army career i think they need to re-evaluate the course. now that as we know significant irregularities in democratic primary voting including closed or relocated polling stations and extremely long queues in the united states and that's according to the league of united latin american citizens we got the views of independent news website the gray zone did say that the organization of american states should maybe investigate the claims. the u.s. must send an emergency election monitoring team to the united states to ensure independent scrutiny of
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a presidential primary that has been marred by clearly regularities and this is an highly discriminatory obstruction of citizen's right to vote in the united states what we actually have witnessed are major discrepancies between exit polling data in the democratic 2020 primary and the final computer count which is being conducted in a very opaque fashion we've seen in minority and poor communities people having to wait in line for 5 hours just to vote in the state of texas 750 polling places have been removed since 2012 that means there is one polling place for every $7700.00 people and this is particularly an acute problem in latino and african-american areas why are there no election monitors in the u.s. why does the oas only send election monitors to places like bolivia to falsely allege fraud and trigger military coups if texas or new hampshire or south carolina were socialist latin american countries the cia through the oas would have already
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installed a stick right wing government like that of janine anya is today in bolivia otoh which yesterday keys believe you socialist government of irregularities and by counting which led to even run this is having to step down after being told by his miter however a new top level u.s. study has found no evidence of election fraud in the form of bolivian leader who is now in political asylum in argentina says that the las stole the election. last year we won in the 1st row you know researchers and scientists are demonstrating that there was no fraud on october 20. 3 and let's not have any fear of dictatorship brothers and sisters we are going to defeat the dictatorship with democracy with the conscience of the bolivian people. and un human rights organization has expressed concern over the prosecution of dozens of people close
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to the former president believe it or is now headed by right wing conservative government led by janine and years who proclaim yourself interim president taylor reports. but libya was promised peace what i got was beatings bullets and a whole lot of bad. once boldly waving from the balcony of the presidential palace the self appointed interim president janine anya is now high it's from angry crowds who are chanting assassin killer traitor because the woman who promised peace they assumed the presidency with a midget a fact in line with the constitution and pledged to take all measures necessary to bring peace to the country has waged war on journalism politicians and on have very own people.
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there's a director of the state radio station was tired to a tree and humiliated for hours. an incident that was reportedly documented by argentine journalist mauro who was found unconscious in. home a day later with injuries to different parts of his body and who died 6 days later . the. various foreign ministers describe toll east containing their home address as telephone numbers family addresses and other personal information are being circulated viral facebook and other social media.
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it has also been publicly reported that the lifeless bodies of several people who were killed in the mess occurred disappeared allegedly after being collected by law enforcement officers and no further information has scenes been provided on them i guess as she's already cracking down on the violent supporters of the previous government but either way it seems it's easier to make promises of peace when you haven't had a taste of power yet managed to parity bang is quite likes the taste because despite promising not to seek election may she's decided to throw her hat into the ring off to roll now washington must be pleased it was off to roll in its support of the democratic regime change in the latin american country but it also considers itself the need of the free walled so surely such report.
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