tv News RT March 10, 2020 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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because here. we need to be reached. could potentially run again for president if the public votes for new changes in the russian constitution next month. world markets recover slightly after their biggest crash since the 1991 gulf war the nosedive was triggered by saudi arabia slashing crude prices in a bid to snatch market share from russia also to come. by as riots and death violence sweep cicely's prisons after the state's response to the spread of the coronavirus.
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even you're watching r.t. international. hasn't ruled out staying in power if that's what the people want the suggestion was 1st made by an m.p. is the duma discuss potential changes to the constitution however the president said it would be up to the people to decide in a public vote next month and would also have to be approved by the constitutional court got more details from moderate gas the. soma reported that mr putin say exactly well he's speeches address to the parliament was basically a summary of why this is needed why these constitutional amendments are necessary he also address the number of points additional amendments that the parliament had come up with among them was an amendment that would potentially lift the constitutional limit on the number of presidential terms anyone president can serve here blog me of putin was asked whether he supported it. to which he replied no.
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for the long run society should have guarantees that the regular changes. we need to think about future generations will do should i consider it inappropriate to remove from the constitution. the number of presidential term look he said russia has had its fair share of revolutions upheavals changes in power you know every time people expected something better to come of it and every time what they got was the opposite of corruption mass deaths it's been hectic not only putin says there's no no more appetite for revolutions in russia but people want change and this is you know this is inside every one of us we want you blood and he says the point of a limit to the number of times of personal concern is to make sure that there's new ideas new faces coming into the government all the time taking russia to
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a new level evolving helping keep up with the times but allowed me a putin was also asked on another potential constitutional amendment of the reset of his presidential limit so so potentially allowing him to serve another 2 terms given how wide reaching these constitutional amendments are they're changing almost every aspect. of life for russians and here's what that we're putin had to say potentially that. the 2nd proposal means removing the restriction from any citizen and the incumbent president inclusively and allowing their future participation in the elections if citizens support this amendment during the vote on april 22nd this option would only be possible under one condition if the constitutional court gives an official ruling that this will not contradict the laws of the constitution is worth mentioning is that vladimir putin didn't say whether he would run for. if the
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constitutional court deemed these potential amendments regarding resetting his presidential terms as legitimate as legal you know that's still up in the air and how do you think the public would react to this then if they had the chance to vote on what people people are doing to react differently i mean largely of putin's support his support levels his poll numbers way up he still has majority support an overwhelming majority support but he this is his 4th presidential term ease 'd an old face and he said himself that you know new blood is needed new faces are needed in government people people want new people want evolution. in the year again people would be voting only on whether flag me putin is allowed to run for another 2 terms this is a whole host of issues and the moments that people will be voting for a new livable minimum wage establishing marriage as something union between
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a man and a woman beating parliamentarians potential candidates with jule citizenship for running from running for high office so these are this is a huge array of changes and likely a putin here says that they're absolutely necessary that was the gist of his speech to parliament because times are changing these are troubled times nevertheless that is his take on how things will turn out it is entirely another whether russians agree with him and the vote is next month in april and that is when people will decide ultimately whether they believe his words whether they believe that these amendments will make for a better tomorrow. now after wall street suffered its 1st automatic holton trading in more than 2 decades in stocks for the needy 8 percent world markets do seem to be recovering because ring slowly today so is the price of oil which also went into
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freefall yesterday after a price war triggered by saudi arabia. and in the u.s. the dow plunged more than 2000 points the worst one day point drop ever prompted by oil price war that stunned markets around the world we had a huge market event yesterday is there a lot of investors repriced out all the shock the crash restart markets are no 2000 point swing on the dow it's the same for what happens today business news now starting with the crude oil markets as they try to bounce back from their worst day since 1901 or prices plunged 30 percent of what's been dubbed black monday in the biggest single day for since the 1st iraq war it was sparked by a spat between top crude surprise riyadh and moscow who could not agree on a deal on production or saudi arabia says it is slashing oil prices to grab market share from russia and it follows russia's refusal last week to back and plan to cut oil production to bolster its price believing that would only benefit high cost
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produces in the u.s. well as a result of oil prices plunging along with the markets as a result sorry they both of those plunged but they have rebounded slightly as we said russia's energy minister had this to say about the situation. unfortunately opec plus partners are side is that they're meeting to reduce all of this adoption by the end of the year point $5000000000.00 sharon said we did not consider options of course this led to the fact that low consensus was reached the extension of the agreement and starting from april 1st all countries should have the opportunity to independently determine their production policy on that yesterday so a very strong decline in world markets and accordingly through prices this was primarily cause book that appeared on the weekend saturday am co that offered its consumers an additional price reduction however today we can see that markets have partially recovered sharing about 7 percent growth see how the situation develops
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but seems to me that the panic that took hold yesterday. already pushing subsided into the market now. that you've been honest we spoke to say that they thought that saudi arabia is playing a losing game. server markets could see this coming the credit bubble blowing up again this is part syria of the 2008 financial crisis you know it turns out russia has the best hand at that you know a lot of coal oil going you know russia's cost of energy is about $7.00 a barrel ok saudi arabia has close to $3.00 a barrel but russia has got no debt and they've been buying goal meanwhile in usa and america their cost is closer to $50.00 and this will be the complete this arrangement of the american shale industry saudi arabia and america are really that position that this international oil kolker game and i think russia's
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all the 3 aces the current situation clearly the saudis are to blame they have taken a move to use only benefit the only potential advantage in the general strategic mikey of alien terms is the surprise taddeo arabia vastly increased production to create a huge price drop with potential for further price drops we're talking something some analysts fear and prices could go as low as $23.00 a barrel which would be levels than the early ninety's and this move was solely precipitated by saudi arabia simply because the russians did not go along with the previous proposal when in fact there was room for further negotiation what print some mind wants to achieve with this remains unclear because his oil production increase is also compromises the saudi state's ability to fulfill its
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welfare function and therefore to keep domestics. the beauty. well is the spread of corona virus continues to affect the markets is least responded to the outbreak by putting the entire country into lockdown with more than 9000 infections up more than 1500 on monday alone the country is now the 2nd worst affected after china the number of deaths to you has risen in recent days to more than 460. i am about to send a decree that we can sum up with the expression day of homes there will no longer be a red zone there will no longer be a zone one or a zone 2 on our peninsula there will be at least at least that it is a protected zone. i mean the tiny restrictions uprisings broke out in a number of prisoners in bologna i have been writing since yesterday after they took over a jail and set it on fire in milan inmates were filmed on top of the rooftop that
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items and shouting freedom and 16 taney died saving clashes in the northern city of medina while in sicily relatives of prisoners to gather never jail concerned that prisoners could be infected by the covert 19 virus prisons are also reportedly angered by new rules which have seen family visit suspended meanwhile citizens and italian capital lined up in long queues supermarkets on monday in the south. now this isn't your relations requires a strong sense of responsibility especially when the younger one because for example i'm coming from the meadow and probably put myself through voluntary quarantine and i do not agree it is the right time to go around exporting germs he's added get them in any case it is a question of respect for us and for others in particular because i am 25 years old there are 3 other members are over there but. unfortunately we are in a situation where finding a safe place is getting complicated that the situation is already out of hand and
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therefore what one hopes for is clearly that everyone takes on their responsibilities and that's appropriate precautions are taken both for oneself as for others. it is part of a phony believes that these efforts to contain the virus have fallen short. usually use a democratic country and the number of interests to be taken into account already the effects of the stock markets are very severe and therefore. the government is trying to find a middle way between the containment of the virus and the economic needs but the 1st thing is the participation responsible decision if you don't see this it's this doesn't happen i mean the least new way to contain fires that you have this confidence is and can intervene above the member states but even in this case we could pass a c.e.o.
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of you to intervene in this emergency as being very vague. and just the sort of solidarity among states which has not been. the top publishing hedge and see how much it is constant a biography by the film director woody allen if a child sex abuse allegations the decision came off or employees of the publisher walked out over the planned book woody allen has repeatedly denied all the allegations against him a correspondent kind of mock him as more of a story mayor of the me too it seems that book publishers in the united states are becoming book burners that's after hatchet decided to torch the auto biography of the u.s. comedy icon and filmmaker woody allen this isn't cannes who mr bones book was difficult one we take our relationships with very seriously and to not cancel books lightly now hatchett has previously published a book by
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a serial killer they have no problem with controversial authors however after their own employees staged a walkout they caved so what's the issue at hand allegations that woody allen molested his daughter and alan has denied these allegations for decades backing this up is ronan farrow woody allen the son who happens to also be a me too a pioneer and a nother client of hatchet. i was disappointed to learn through press reports that hatchet my publisher acquired woody allen's memoir off to other major publishers refused to do so do not function the woody allen book my sister has never been contacted to respond to any denial or mischaracterization of the abuse she suffered at the hands of. now there have been 2 criminal investigations into woody allen and no charges have been brought against him but over the course of 2 decades he has received 8 oscar nominations as well as one of those prestigious gold statues well the me too movement has taken the shine off of his success now some celebrities at
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this point are worried that cancel culture has gone a little bit too far the hatchett decision to drop the what do you alan book makes me very uneasy it's not him i don't give a damn about mr allen it's who gets muzzled next that worries me i'm always afraid when the mob however small and well read exercises power without any count ability process or address the tritons me much more than the prospect of woody allen so to biography hits in the bookstores woody allen is not the only celebrity to have recently been cancelled let's find out what new yorkers think about this new climate i wouldn't have pulled it if i was them because so many other artists have done so many other crazy things and they saw things published so there may have been a tremendous amount of pressure to be politically correct whatever that means now a days social media is definitely. a place where things to have a salad is a lot but at the same time those allegations can also become true questions
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continue to be raised about what cancell culture really means and how far it should be permitted to go up and artsy new york. city's editor in chief margarita simonyan has proposed helping to publish the filmmakers book saying it is a question of freedom of speech washing our face that i have read that is if you bet friends from the commonwealth on snow lawn petition complaining about what they call a grave injustice. we'll have a look at what they're unhappy about just after the break. point adoption is driven by banks failing and countries failing and now in lebanon they've got a huge crisis and of course big points come to the rescue. is your media a reflection of reality. in
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army veterans from the commonwealth an international association of states forming part of the british empire have criticised what they call the grave injustice that they could be deported and pays from the ruling conservative party and calling on the government to help former service members with the complex and costly procedures to stay in the country. it's hard to imagine people more entitle to live in our islands than those who are forced to defend them we need to look hard at these cases and ensure we support those who should have been able to stay all alone this does seem wrong i hope the home office will rectify this quickly and save these former british soldiers from the trauma of court proceedings and further delay on the home office rules commonwealth utterance you have at least 4 years and k. armed forces can apply for indefinitely to remain also known as settlement however many can't afford the procedures which can cost thousands of pounds and those who don't apply could be forced to leave britain
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a veteran told us that their treatment by the government is appalling. we should not be in these are the made an application to the or more many occasions. and it didn't really used to mean refusing me or. the armed forces from the carrier army it refused me from working in. which an right now i have. only one you see i mean there's room. for them and out of that. i mean there's room. to do is mean that remain as. the wife of a british soldier from south africa has started an online petition to make a life long stay in the free for all commonwealth veterans she shared her thoughts on the story. we have so sad our country they have fought for our country i mean what has been the lonely he's done 2 tours he's. streets and under nafta
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a terrorist attack they take taxis they're not entitled to any benefits or anything like that why have we charges such a ridiculous amount of money for them to remain in the u.k. pop to death done everything that's done we lived life to children and then it was come to redundancies and i was a bit worried that it's like i said oh ok really to start making sure that money aside and the face just kept going up and up every year every day when i go up there is my husband and. me having to explain to my 2 young children if anything to help him get his army career i think they need to re-evaluate the course. that we're over in the united states there have been significant irregularities in the democratic primary voting including to relocate polling stations and extremely long that's according to the league of united latin american citizens we got the
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views of the independent new site the gray zone he did say that the organization of american states maybe should have a look at the claims. the u.s. must send an emergency election monitoring team to the united states to ensure independent scrutiny of a presidential primary that has been marred by clearly regularities and this is an highly discriminatory obstruction of citizen's right to vote in the united states what we actually have witnessed are major discrepancies between exit polling data in the democratic 2020 primary and the final computer count which is being conducted in a very opaque fashion we've seen in minority and poor communities people having to wait in line for 5 hours just to vote in the state of texas 750 polling places have been removed since 2012 that means there is one polling place for every $7700.00 people and this is particularly an acute problem in latino and
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african-american areas why are there no election monitors in the u.s. why does the oas only send election monitors to places like bolivia to falsely allege fraud and trigger military coups if texas or new hampshire or south carolina were socialist latin american countries the cia through the oas would have already installed a stick right wing government like that of janine anya is today in bolivia well in october the yes to the keys previous socialist government all the regularities and counting which did lead to even morale is having to step down after being told to by his military however a new top level u.s. study has since found no evidence of election fraud in the form of believing leader who is now in political asylum in argentina says that the us stole the election. last year we won in the 1st row you know researchers and scientists are demonstrating that there was no fraud on october 20. 3 and let's not have any fear
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of dictatorship brothers and sisters we are going to defeat the dictatorship with the mark. with the hardships of the bolivian people. the un human rights organizations expressed concern over the prosecution of dozens of people close to the former president live there is now headed by a right wing conservative government led by janine and yes who proclaim to self interest president taylor has more to tell. but libya was promised peace what i got was beatings bullets and a whole lot of. wants boldly waving from the balcony of the presidential palace the self appointed interim president janine anya is now ha it's from angry crowds who are chanting assassin killer traitor because the woman who promised peace. i
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assume the presidency with the middle of the fact in line with the constitution and pledge to take all measures necessary to bring peace to the country has waged war on john and as politicians and on have very own people. was. the director of the state radio station was tied to a tree and humiliated for hours. an incident that was reportedly documented by argentine journalist mauro who was found unconscious in his home a day later with injuries to different parts of his body and who died 6 days later . various foreign ministers described whole east
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containing their home addresses telephone numbers family addresses and other personal information are being circulated viral but facebook and other social media . it has also been publicly reported that the lifeless bodies of several people were . killed in this occurred disappear allegedly after revealing collected by law enforcement officers and no further information has been provided on them says she's only cracking down on the violent supporters of the previous government but either way it seems it's easier to make promises of peace when you haven't had a taste of power yet and to parrot lead bang is quite likes the taste because despite promising not to seek election may she's decided to throw her hat into the ring of to rule now washington must be pleased it was off to rule in its support of
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the democratic regime change in the latin american country but it also considers itself the need of the free walled so surely such reports of brutality would deserve at least a slap on the wrist no. silence for as good as silence to the killings to the beatings to the tear gas a diluted let's all be well behaved and it's not a one off pass why was the indignation when hundreds of human rights activist left wing community leaders were killed in colombia when there was peace killings in brasilia neighborhoods all when the president was allegedly linked to drug traffickers there wasn't any or it was hard hearted best and what do they all have in common all the countries are run by right wing governments who only have nice
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things to say about donald trump latin america has long been washington's playground from panama to guatemala from venezuela to grenada washington has been keen to strong arm in sympathetic leaders and it seems that once that in human rights be damned. are they watching out so you could have a company tonight but back again at the top at. a time of the time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability very important it's accelerating transitions to sustainable prize board sustainability stay number man at a more equitable and sustainable world. they claim their production is completely harmless. because.
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it builds on the boots on the companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is again i'll just want any minute i need much. since i'm in a new business we don't want anyone and einstein themed understood so when. this is the kaiser report you know if open to the point adoption is driven by banks failing and countries failing and now in lebanon they've got a huge crisis and of course big claims come to the rescue stacey max we're going to
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get into lebanon but 1st i want to have some show notes here we are still in los angeles it is the busy suburbs where they did film brady bunch so you have a lot of leaf blowers you do have garbage man you have all sorts of stuff and we have flights going overhead as people are trying to flee the coronavirus apocalypse we're also going to try to flee the coronavirus apocalypse and so you may see us recording soon from home because if we can't get out if everybody is quarantined it could be a situation where we're just like live streaming on periscope for the show for the future cool here's an headline from lebanon that happened in the past week and a half while the markets were tumbling while everything was going chaotic and that is distrust in lebanese banks spurs big coin boom more lebanese are embracing the don't tory asli volatile cryptocurrency as the country's economy founders so this was an al-jazeera english and they looked at after years of being knowing about bitcoin it was only when their country banks started to fall apart when their
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credit default swaps suggested there's a 99.5 percent chance of them bank going bankrupt and banks introduced the same thing that we saw back in 2011 with cyprus and they had the balan's 1st they had the the limit on the amount of money that you could withdraw so in lebanon we saw something like $4050.00 a day that they're allowed to take out and they focus on a guy name are who asked for a surname to be withheld. he says he is not standing around helplessly he is trying to move what is left of his savings out of lebanon via a financial instrument meant many in the country have not embraced until recently big coin quote suddenly everything turns upside down and all.
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