tv News RT March 12, 2020 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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because here. we need to be reached. turkish airlines. a.p.m. 1st and i right now here in moscow hi there in the headlines former army intelligence analyst and will supply chelsea manning is in hospital for attempting suicide in jail she's been refusing to testify further in the u.s. government's wiki leaks probe will bring up to speed tonight on what's going on elsewhere. a year later is lambaste president donald trump's decision to suspend all air travel to the u.s. from 26 countries stressing that the coronavirus pandemic requires a coordinated international response. and experimenting with explosives in britain could be lawful after the supreme court clears a man of terror related charges we discussed that ruling that. you know it was
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just experimentation it was just learning as the supreme court said you know self learning to disagree you know we were talking about an individual in a shared with explosive being he was also make initiators and detonates is. why this is arts international with me kevin 0 in here with the headlines from a world view center for the next great t.v. company who stick around for the full 30 minutes to 1st the nurse mentioned imprisons us army was so blown chelsea manning is recovering in hospital tonight after attempting suicide in jail she was due to appear in court on friday manning's been in prison since may now for refusing to testify against wiki leaks before a grand jury saskia taylor got more on the developments from the word guarantee of our chief correspondent. but it was allegedly a very very close run thing because the gods when they found her she was hanging by
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a sheet in her cell unresponsive unconscious and blue already blue they got their entire unfortunately the they took her down administered 1st aid she was still breathing they rushed her to the hospital and then i think is now 5 there is no danger to her health she she's responsive she's talking to her lawyers and unfortunately for you to appear in court tomorrow a day after you know a near death experience ms manning is still scheduled to appear on friday for a previously calendared hearing she remains unwavering in her refusal to participate in a secret grand jury process that she sees as highly susceptible to abuse her actions today evidence the strength of her convictions as well as the profound harm she continues to suffer as a result of her civil confinement simmered just talk us through what's happened what's led to this moment as sentence initially which is many years over a decade was commuted by barack obama said 7 years so chelsea manning was jailed
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over the last she has been a seesaw for chelsea manning a very unpleasant one so last year she was ordered to testify before a grand jury a grand jury is a panel of citizens who have been called by the state to investigate whether a crime has been committed and what to do about it whether to prosecute or whether to let it go and the court ordered chelsea manning to testify before this parable about her ties to julian assange and wiki leaks about the documents that she had handed over in 2010 something that she says she has already done so she said to the judge no i won't do it this is you know this is the government abusing the law in order to go after whistle blows to go after journalists to muzzle them to shut them up which is something that chelsea manning doesn't want to do she further says that
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this is a she has already testified she has said what she had to say earlier on attempting to corus me with a grand jury subpoena is just not going to work. i will not cooperate with this or any other grand jury the questions are the same questions that i was asked before the court martial in my. 78 years ago it there's nothing new there's not they're not asking anything new they're out there there's no new information that they're trying to get from me in fact that the questions are very much the the same things that i've gone over the judge didn't like that at all so he ordered her to be indefinitely detained incarcerated behind bars until she talked she was let go for a few months then ordered back to prison until she talked furthermore there's a 5 as well a progressively larger fight every day at this point she's been fined a $1000.00 for standing by her principles censured and you talk there about how
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it's been a kind of tough a few years probably an understatement i mean we know she spent such a long time in jail 7 years before then back again in march 29th i mean have human rights reacted to their son and what what has been the reaction of those there's been all sorts of reaction from from of variety of organizations from rights groups from journalists unions and many organizations have come out and said what is happening is simply unacceptable the u.n. says that what the united states is doing keeping her president and she says what's the what they want to hear is essentially torture continued detention of manning is not a lawful sanction but an open ended progressively severe coercive mentira mounting to torture and should be discontinued and abolished without delay the practice of coercive depreciation of liberty for civil contempt involves the intentional infliction of progressively severe mental and emotional suffering for the purposes of coercion and intimidation and the order of judicial authorities obviously she
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tried to kill herself so the pressure must be getting to and you know no matter how no matter how strong someone these how how how set by their principles they are incarceration in these huge winds and the pressure it all builds up. we spoke with lawyer and activist kevin zeese he believes the whistleblower will never give in to pressure from u.s. officials but this whole case is an injustice and a violation of her basic human rights the secret grand jury system in the united states is very unfair it only allows the prosecutor in the room with the jurors no defense lawyer no defendant only hear one side of the story that's what manning is protesting so i know her and she's a very strong person but obviously it's a lot of pressure but i think she's more likely go out of that gel dead then testifying she is not going to change your opinion she's made that clear and that's why this friday the judge should end this injustice and release or this is
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a violation of u.s. law by laser international law and needs to come to an end really signals where the trouble illustration is going when it comes to julian assange and wiki leaks they already have an indictment against julius onj they are not supposed to use the grand jury for the purpose of gathering evidence to prove that indictment but it shows to me that the government is not very confident about the evidence they have or about that indictment they want more. the e.u. is sharply criticized president trump's decision to suspend most travel from europe for 30 days in response to the worsening coronavirus crisis the blocks leaders on thursday defended the measures they've taken to tackle the pandemic and stressed the need for international coordination reporting from berlin next is peter all of a. but with the world split over the best way to try and deal with the coronavirus
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that continues to spread what we're seeing is a spotter merging between your leadership and the u.s. president donald trump this is after the president announced a ban on travel for foreign nationals from within the zone in europe to the united states apparently in a move he made well without consulting his allies on this side of the atlantic the president though says it was necessary to keep new creations from entering her sure's we will be suspending all travel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days the new rules will go into effect friday at midnight the coronavirus is a global crisis not limited to any continent and it requires cooperation rather than unilateral action the european union disapproves of the fact that the u.s. decision to impose a travel ban was taken unilaterally and without consultation with donald trump to
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ban comes after the world health organization declared coronavirus to be a global pandemic but the more you look at it the more it seems well pretty arbitrary really those nations that it involves of the 26 that make up the shame game so it doesn't include the united kingdom it doesn't include ireland there's absolutely nothing to stop somebody say flying from here where i am in berlin over to london and then on to the united states saying somebody can fly from paris to dublin then on to the united states then when you look at exactly who it involves it only involves foreign nationals so u.s. citizens and those with permanent residence can still travel from these countries also those married to u.s. citizens or permanent residents the parents or guardians of u.s. citizens of permanent residence under the age of $21.00 the same goes for siblings of those that fit that criteria plane crews. so ship crews as well arriving in the
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us they're not covered nor on members of foreign governments it does seem incredibly convoluted it does seem like it's going to be a bit of a nightmare to enforce if it's actually even enforceable putting news that it was announced that's hit the european economy pretty hard we've seen the markets tumble with stocks fall to their lowest in the last 4 years but while e.u. leaders are increasingly unhappy with the actions taken by the us president there's also infighting within the e.u. over the best way to handle coronavirus and also how to handle those member states hardest hit by this virus concern over the coronavirus is running at fever pitch in the e.u. right now it's now caught up in the corona virus panic sweeping the globe major concepts and sports events could well be canceled in an effort to stop the spread of the corona virus so i think it's a very impactful business down productivity but also limiting travel tourism and
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large public events as new cases reported in europe a huge buy good piece is italy italy on lockdown the sweeping quarantine affected order of the population italy could be justified in moaning a lack of unity from their neighbors earlier this week the italians pleaded with brussels for more help rome should not be left to handle this crisis alone this is a crisis that requires a global 1st and foremost a european response we are thankful to the european commission for its positive engagement but it's time now for the e.u. to go beyond engagement and consultations with emergency actions that are quick concrete and effective while the european commission announced a multi 1000000000 euro aid package for member states to help them deal with the crisis there was no specific date for italy announced leaving the hardest hit in europe to rely on the hardest hit in the world for the aid they say. sorely need after get that eats we supported china during the most difficult times of fighting
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the potomac now we also want to stand by the italian people although china still has a large demand for medical supplies we will step up our efforts to export urgently needed materials and equipment to eataly literally told us of protective clothing face masks gloves and all important lifesaving ventilators from china are expected to be in italy by the weekend meanwhile the e.u. nations can't decide what to do with italy with some fencing themselves off from their beleaguered neighbor if we focus what we don't want things to get out of proportion as you fly because it needs to be useful and because this is only the beginning of the epidemic and if we take disproportionate measures they will be unsustainable in the long run and there's counterproductive i sincerely believe that these out there decision european carbonation is much more efficient after that confinement postcodes are more efficient measures requiring patients to be
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responsible and stay home quarantine measures are much more efficient. and if you're expecting that powerhouse of european politics uncle or merkel to bring some calm to the current situation you'd be disappointed the german chancellor is expecting things to get worse before they get better but a muslim 1st in the us if you will start we have to understand that the population have no need to the virus there is no vaccine so far no treatment experts say about 60 to 70 percent of people in germany are likely to be in fact it if the virus continues spreading. the cost more people will die here to perhaps recognising the disjointed response from the european union the chancellor also called for solidarity and unity between the member states but all the e.u. members were left only impressed i don't want to comment on most of. in germany although i believe that such statements rather cause panic in any case we have
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adopted strong measures for such worst case scenarios to be out of the question with the coronavirus in trenching itself in europe so it seems is division in how to tackle it peter all of r.t. . well as the coronavirus crisis team so much in italy our team at an emergency room doctor there to learn more about the difficulties facing those medics. the night was very exhausting just like all night so over the past 2 weeks around here we saw dozens and dozens of people of varying ages that arrive at our emergency room with coronavirus like. ringback
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it's clear that if the community doesn't follow the restrictions on the numbers continue to rise at a certain point our ability to help people will reach its limit. ringback approximately 40 patients that are waiting to be admitted will be the same problem which is coronavirus like you know. coming up here on out international this evening after suffering another blow in the late as one of the us democratic presidential primaries said it's a birdie sanders is vote to stay in the race not given up as of yet more after the break.
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we have to realize we are all living on a small fragile space ship together and it's really no different than a bunch of people in a harsh environment trying to rely on each other to survive we we are interconnected on this planet we rely on each other or who are around the world survive as a species. but as we talk about trouble he's gonna demystified this whole political space if you weren't clear before like these folks are no better than us so you know i you know you can reach out to friends say you know take responsibility maybe run for office at the day you know i don't see how we roll out a system where these people get away with you know misrepresenting us why not step up and do it yourself.
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again it's international live from russia tonight with me kevin i would next story for you and in i'm president to move britain's supreme court has found that experimented with explosives can be legal itself was cleared rather of terror related charges 22 year old shares copeland who's diagnosed with autism was arrested in 2018 of to making homemade bombs and conducting experimental explosions in his backyard he was initially charged with 6 counts of possessing information likely to be useful for an act of terrorism copeland was earlier handed a 22 month prison sentence but now was mentioned as being cleared of the more
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serious tara charges as a matter of law personal experimentation and self education are lawful objects we discussed ruling with david low he's a former police officer and also senior researcher and human rights lawyer. obviously every case is different and we have to look at the fact of each case and this case the explosive substance that this 22 year old at that time perhaps even younger had made in in the unit in the garden shed in his house was just less than 10 grams of that substance my main question is why would anyone want to have explosives in the 1st place you know i look at it from from the aspect of terrorism this country the u.k. faces a terrorist threat from 3 fronts the islamists the extreme far right the neo nazis i don't lessons to give give give in this defense of experimentation and and education but i think this over use and over expansion expansion of terror fences i think this is a good at least
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a good 1st step to say that no not everything where you see explosives or where you see something we don't quite understand what that person is doing or what their motives are it doesn't mean that they're they should be treated as a terrorist suspect the fact is that you know terrorism legislation has to be why when you're investigating you want to prevent with the small plate you want to prevent an attack from happening just because someone has in their possession you know any amount of any explosive substance doesn't mean that they should be guilty of a criminal offense or a tariff fans because of his condition he might have died you know it does cause a person to become antisocial perhaps he was withdrawn perhaps he was an introvert he wasn't able to join the army as he wanted to because of this condition you know it was just experimentation it was just learning as the supreme court said you know self learning i mean if anything perhaps it's a benefit but i don't see any harm that came from it i have to disagree you know we were talking about an individual in a shared with explosive when he was also make initiators and detonators and i want
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to know why would anybody just want to have explosives on their own property there's no legitimate reason it's like with firearms moby thought issues in the past we've introduced legislation to protect the use of firearms we know why he was doing what he was doing now of the. again another case where someone's trying to hide it we're not quite sure of someone's motives then they would question uninvestigated in a different way but the whole point is that it can be an innocent pursuit it can be an innocent hobby it can be just for self learning as that is not impossible to me it's the legal point of the fact that you have these explosives and ok that could be a defense but with the 2 dissenting judges you need to lawful purpose and that's what they said and i agree with the. us democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders says he will continue campaigning despite a fresh loss in the primaries to rival joe biden they go head to head in the next t.v. debate sunday. donald trump must be defeated and i will do everything in
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my power to make that happens on sunday night in the 1st one on one debate of this campaign the american people will have the opportunity to see which candidate is best positioned to accomplish that goal sound as lost in it's been partly blamed on his own tug votes his many of whom believe their voices are no longer being heard and that maupin reports. the last day of democratic primary voting did not go too well for bernie sanders and now many voices are calling for him to drop out of the race and clear the road for joe biden however sander says he is not willing to give up just yet now sanders says his campaign actually has the upper hand over his rival when it comes to the youth but it is not just behind your logical debate. is what. we need the generational.
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one or 2 in the future you need to. preserve the future oh country now the polls confirm what bernie sanders says young people like him more than they like joe biden and one of the goals of the bernie sanders campaign is to get them more involved in the electoral process but it's not as easy as it sounds how we've been as successful as i would hope in brigham young people and the answer is no but why young people aged 20 to 35 approximately adds up to roughly 60 sand 1000000 people if they all signed up to vote sanders would have quite the edge but they haven't done that turnout among younger voters remains comparatively low some blame the procedure for registering to vote for the 1st time for students who are going to school in another state registering to vote can get
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quite complicated some said that the electoral college and the party primary process is very confusing and complicated and the quality of education on civic matters is quite low we decided to talk to some younger people here in new york city and find out why the numbers of young people going out to vote is so low did you vote in the last election now do you plan to vote in the upcoming primary vote maybe. navy better believe it why might you not vote. it just doesn't make sense that the public's opinion doesn't even matter when it comes to a presidential election now why do you think a lot of young americans don't vote. cause it doesn't make any sense to close the most the defense of the. people sometimes the lines are really long but. not as long as the votes maybe that's what younger people just either don't think it's important as are so many people voting or they just. i know actually i can tell yeah well i feel like
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a lot of them probably think that their vote doesn't make a difference so he's as what i hear from a lot of my friends who can't vote so that's probably the devil is what happened last election as well i don't think they feel that their voices heard as one of their reasons and i don't think that they really understand what a difference it makes in our democracy today are you going to vote for sanders or biden. sanders like to keep that to myself i guess i like both of them i'd go so to. buy that i think as i stand right now is leaning more toward sanders now the sanders campaign has been reaching out to younger voters with catchy slogans and internet memes some say this could hurt him with older voters who don't like the resentful towner radicalism coming from the sanders campaign on the other hand it's the younger generation struggling with historic levels of debt and lack of health care who have the most to gain or lose you know there are so many factors involved with young voters that are unique to that demographic line is that often. maybe
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their 1st time voting so registration and voter id laws that number of factors that can influence turnout such as the fact they might have classes. voting days its own typically skewed to turnout for young voters to be lower in the united states you have to go through a few hoops to be able to vote. you know most people consider those hoops to be in place to depress turnout overall we have election days are working days so that means working class voters students who have classes to go to people who have mobility challenges to get to polling places maybe because of on places really far from their home all of those voters are going to turn out at a lower rate because physically voting is harder that. well us if i'm out so much more on a story of course a calmness a main site all by any of our various social media is going to touch the. 7 minutes past 8 in the evening here in moscow my name's kevin only but with more in 33
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a start simply. don't forget that. oh heck no. repatriation scheme will get the rest in 7 years. though of the separate kaiser. time after time called parisian to repeat the same mantra sustainability very important it's accelerating transitions to sustainable prize board sustainability stay number man at a more equitable and sustainable well. they claim that production is completely harmless. it. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is something i'll just keep going to.
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be doing any minute and then we understood superman. readings will sell you taishan. from having to sit through a donald trump joe biden debate on cognitive decline now a very very real possibility to the coronavirus still on the rampage across the globe things my friends things are looking very bleak these days so bleak that even the 2020 olympics appear to be in jeopardy is the quadrennial gathering of the world's greatest athletes representing their respective nations on the grandest stage of the mall is facing not one but 2 potential threats this year not only is there now very real talk of the games being postponed due the global effects to
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contain and due to the global efforts to contain the corona virus but now greenpeace yes greenpeace is reporting that like a zombie in the 3rd act of a 2 bit horror movie fukushima may put a dent in this year's olympic games i kid you not the nuclear disaster of 2011 has clawed out of the ground once again you see despite japanese prime minister declaring that the fukushima situation was under control back in 2013 greenpeace is reporting that 7 years later there still remains a nuclear emergency at the nuclear plant and surrounding areas how bad is it well according to greenpeace as recently as december of last year they had detected some spots with radiation levels as high as $1.00 micro sever per hour when measured on the metal on the meter above the surface and that tepco the company who operated the torrijos nuclear facility is.
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