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tv   Politicking  RT  March 12, 2020 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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wonder the world. understands it turns it. doesn't taste this is a remarkable quote from einstein and it has so much to do with today's stock market volatility and the coronavirus all working at the same time and showing what compound interest is all about. the chinese government says it's corona virus infection rates have stabilized but can the world trust those claims asia x. what gordon chang weighs in on this edition of problems. welcome to politicking i'm larry king as the corona virus outbreak worsens in italy japan and the united states china where the pandemic began says its new infection rates have stabilized and the rest of the world trusts the information coming from
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this chinese government as begin with gordon chang asia x. wait contributor for the daily beast he's in new york what do you make of china's claims you think they've stabilized that gordon. there we don't really know larry because there is now extraordinary information control and the infections to 6 deaths statistics that are coming out of beijing actually support chinese rulers see jim ping's policy of getting chinese workers back to their job sites so it's sort of suspicious now i think that maybe and on where this started maybe they've stabilized but we also know that there are clusters in beijing and some other cities and so cute very well have in these other locations a new virus outbreak but you know as i said because of what beijing has been doing especially putting journalists in jail and all the rest of it we absolutely do not
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have very much of an idea still can we is says how being is handling this. well we know that for 6 weeks from december 8th when the 1st corona virus patient was diagnosed to january 20th when he made his 1st public a knowledge moment we know that the communist party hid information about the virus that allowed it to spread around china and indeed to skate china and around the world so that is damning of his his policies the real problem is he's now gone back to the secrecy and because of that it's very difficult for us to assess what's going on but i don't trust those numbers and we really won't know for quite some time how do you think the impact of the corona virus will tip the global economy into recession. i think it's already
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happening larry you know we're seeing for instance china in february was in a contraction i don't know if they'll be relabeled to recover much in march but we have seen in places advanced societies like south korea italy you know they just shutting down large portions of the country that's going to occur in the u.s. as well so i think that you're going to see a recession coming now it needn't be a deep one but nonetheless economic activity is coming to a standstill in many locations. so many of the goods we buy say made in china is that going to change. i think it will change for certain goods so for instance pharmaceuticals we have this extraordinary dependence on china they supply 8080 percent maybe 97 percent of antibiotics and the compounds used to make anti-biotics. that can't continue in this is being viewed as a national security issue also protective medical gear gallons masts gloves i think
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that probably we will start making some of that stuff ourselves because we realize that we're critically dependent on it and china has threatened to cut that off you know if you're looking for common goods the stuff that you find at a big box retailer that stuff might not change but i think that ultimately we are going to look at items run down the list and see what's important for our national security and for the health of americans and that type of stuff needs to be made here would countries better positioned to deal with the fallout from the from the coronavirus the united states or janet of china. well right now it's the united states and the reason is that president trump at the end of january imposed the quarantines and travel restrictions and that has bought us some time china didn't do that and so their society right now is crippled so
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we're in a much better position but we could end up in a much more in an emergency situation if we don't take restrictive measures right now and you know overall just sort of saying that there still is a window but it's a narrow window and we've got to do something more restrictive which we don't want to do of course but we're going to have to do that if we want to avoid millions of infections and people are talking about millions and millions of infections here. do you think china is the china leader who's have a better understanding of the virus than the president trump. probably they both don't have as good a standing as they need you know though the difference is that president trump is in a democratic society there are a lot of people who are now driving america's response to this because president trump as an executive is just charged the vice president you see the leaders of the
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national institutes of health the c.d.c. they're the ones who are working on this i think sieging thing probably is he's on top of the chain and that cheney has really developed over decades to prevent information going to the top in many cases so i'm not so sure that c. jumping knows exactly what's going on but he should. and he so there's different problems in both societies who will help both in his asian has the clear this is a pandemic how do you define pandemic. pandemic is a dumb achin separate continents that's the garden variety definition and we've had a pandemic for weeks and weeks now but the world health organization was slow to actually declare it which they did on wednesday they were also slow to declare an emergency situation about a month ago so really the world health organization has been really inexcusably
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slow in doing this and many people believe as i do that they've been slow because china has been pressuring them to make sure that the world remains open to chinese travelers and to travel to china as well as not to give china a bad reputation so the world health organization has a lot to answer for and when this fire is subsides i think that they're probably going to be a lot of pressure to change the w.h.o. and to sort of try to break that link it has with beijing gordon chang as always thanks for your time today. thank you so much larry. joe biden is coming off of another round of huge wins of the democratic primaries but bernie sanders says he's still in it to win it what impact wallace have on the race moving forward for this i'm joined by patrick murphy former democratic member of congress from florida chairman of the political nonprofit group fugitive forum
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foundation he joins me from flawed before we talk about the primary. how do you how do you rate patrick the way president trump has been handling the coronavirus. well as a democrat i guess it's hard for me not to be biased and traditionally times like this were never partisan this was never republican or democratic issue you just want the nation in the people to be safe but when the president and many people in his party start mocking something that is so unknown in really new to the world it calls into question if they're really planned and prepared for this and i think you're seeing that volatility in the markets play out because people are worried that we don't have a commander in chief that's even taking this seriously much less prepared for it so i wouldn't give this a passing grade and i think i'm in the majority of americans i actually saw
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a poll that said 49 percent of americans do not approve of this while 43 percent do approve of his handling of the coronavirus. he's accusing the democrats politicizing it. democrats you know want the nation to be safe they want a president who's going to take this safely i always would say it's better to be you know sort of are prepared and really hope for the best here but we need the necessary procedures in place we need doctors and medical experts really setting the advice of what we should be doing here the president was sort of jokingly saying just a couple days ago that you know he could be a doctor he sort of laughed about of the humor stands this so well that it was you know it's a perfect response almost as perfect as this letter to the ukrainians i got him and peter i mean i always thought he was trying to be funny and joking it was such a mockery of what's happening right now so there are currents aren't trying to
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politicize this they're just trying to say we just want someone at serious that's going to take this serious because people will and will continue to die in our country and seniors like in the state of florida we have so many are in harm's way with this if not taken seriously so let's just take this serious let's not make it partisan issues like this should should be above partisan nonsense if you ask me. with what's your take if that a primary votes this week is joe biden a cinch. i think so and especially with the way democrats do it with proportional voting there is no massive sort of a landslide a movement that will happen from here on out and if you look at the next 4 states that we have coming up they're all states that hillary clinton won therefore it's probably safe to assume that joe biden will win those next 4 states and big states like florida are next week so i expect that that margin that delicate margin in the delegate margin of the sort of victory to increase for vice president joe biden and
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i think the pressure will continue to mount on senator sanders to. suspend his campaign and really unite as a party and i think that something different in this election in 2020 verse 2016 where i don't think bernie sanders even knew how dangerous donald trump would be to to this country and wanted to keep that movement going he was very passionate about it he's got a lot of strong beliefs which we do over spectum for but now he knows what he's up against and how important this is and i think he hopefully understands in his heart of hearts that uniting this party getting his supporters behind what i would almost say presumptive nominee joe biden is is more important than anything else and he could probably play a very important role in that future administration of joe biden hopefully as you know if he were to win and helping to steer some of that policy that he believes in . what do you make of this by turn around with a counting i'm out
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a couple weeks ago and now he's the favored. you know it's it's remarkable i mean did quite a few things sort of you know happened all at once that i don't think could have been orchestrated any better and i think the campaign would probably even admit you know there was probably a little bit of almost walk in there the way it all happened in the timing of it but their plan from the beginning to their credit was that south carolina was their state they knew they weren't going to you know do great in iowa new hampshire nevada but south carolina was where they're going to turn things on and the way the other you know sort of candidates split the other states and were competitive in the we had voting malfunctions and it all just sort of lined up and when candidates started getting out and almost and you know back to back to back supporting joe biden that created just a momentum and it was almost like there was a lot but the within the democratic party that hey we need
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a candlelight joe biden who is a steady hand who can defeat donald trump who is going to to carry the issues that we care most about to center stage and not going to be a risky candidate like bernie sanders in my opinion would be. bad to say what they will have more politicking right after the break. better of a long russian airlines. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make among comparable good uses like a jackhammer good drill down to find the true news with rick sanchez because it's
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time to do news again and question more. better if long russian airlines. with the coronavirus now officially declared a pandemic the world faces the additional burden of an oil market collapse this comes at a time when demand for crude was already low some are calling this the ultimate perfect storm how this all. plays against.
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go back to paula. again i'm talking with patrick murphy former democratic member of congress from florida currently chairman of the political nonprofit group future of forum foundations and he is joining us from miami. give me give me your analysis of what a biden trump race would be like. well there's no reason to think that this won't be a nasty you know election coming up i mean the trend has been that the elections are getting more and more partisan that that there is more negativity that there's more name calling in the mix the president has already come up with you know a nickname for vice president biden will probably continue you know with these sort
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of middle school drabs i can't imagine what these debates are going to be like with someone with as much maturity and tenure sort of in public service as joe biden up against donald trump who is almost regressing in his 4 years in office with the attacks and claims that he's making so it's going to be nasty you know i am pretty confident that vice president biden is going to do the best he can to stay above the fray to talk about the big picture issues affecting the people of our country talking about you know the middle class talking about job security talking about economic stability climate change health care all these important issues. and if he has to get in the mud he's not afraid to throw punches were necessary and stand up to donald trump but i think that's why a lot of voters have every come around to support him so strongly because they know that he is able to walk that line so well. to put question why is bernie hanging
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around and biden is the nominee do you expect bernie to. campaign with him of his full strength. you know bernie sanders has in many ways started a movement already he is speaking to so many. americans that are frustrated right now and we've seen movements like this quite frankly around the world this isn't just unique to united states and many ways a lot of the supporters of bernie sanders are similar to the voters of 2016 people i'd feel washington isn't working for them that they want someone with a totally you know different view that's going to kind of burn the place down and that's what would burn he has been offering i think there are some policies of his that that you know are definitely worth talking about and considering and some issues that he brings up that we need to address do i agree with his solutions typically not but nonetheless there are people that are angry out there and for
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good reason in many cases do i think he's going to get behind the vice president you know suman he moves forward and continues to get more delegates and looks to be the nominee i want optimist larry i can't help but think he's going to do that eventually he took a lot of heat in 2016 for not getting behind secretary clinton in a stronger way to help her win and look at the result his folks didn't show up to support hillary and some of them even actually went over and voted for trump i don't think he wants out on his record again in a little bit different from the 2016 race he knows joe biden well they've been friends for a long time i think there is a search. the amount of respect the 2 of them have for each other they see each other as both genuine people that are in this for the right reasons doesn't mean they agree with all the policies and solutions but they respect each other and at the end of the day bernie sanders wants what's best for america he wants
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a democrat to be in office and i hope that him in the vice president former vice president joe biden can come together with you know sort of a treaty on how they unite this democratic party how they unite this country rise above the fray and take on donald trump in november that rick as always thanks for your time. yes thank you the 1st coronavirus related lawsuit against the cruise line is been filed by a florida couple who allege not enough was done to limit their exposure to the virus so the couple have a case for us says we're joined by criminal defense attorney and legal analyst trent copeland due to the flood to residents of the case against the cruise line look i'm i don't mean to be harsh and my sympathies go out to anyone who's stuck on a cruise ship at this time quarantined not able to see their family and there for 14 days. but i am just reminded of
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a line from james carville your friend who who said some years ago you know you drag a 100 dollar bill through a trailer park you might just find anything i feel like if you drag $100.00 bill across the deck of a cruise ship these days you might just find anything including a lawsuit i mean i just can't believe that this couple and again my heart goes out been stuck on this ship believes that the cruise line should somehow be held responsible and negligent for and considered to be negligent because the cruise line did not know more than the federal government so what is an act of god you know bodies no soup is available nobody is to blame but it is look this is a pandemic of of extraordinary proportions the cruise ship had no idea when they when they took those passengers on of the the magnitude in the depth and the breath of what this virus was going to do the cruise ship just simply did not know what
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this couple want is for the cruise ship to have been liable and responsible for telling them in advance what the c.d.c. didn't know but the federal government didn't know what the world health organization didn't know where i'm just not really sure that this lawsuit goes anywhere with this current of i was wearing is the lawsuits possible i mean i measure they'll be many trial attorneys we use a gun maybe you get evidence where you see the possibilities shoot might occur here if there's any daylight the daylight comes from where there is a crew ship that knows or should know that they have infected passengers in infected crew infected crew members and not withstanding that knowledge they refuse to tell the passengers who are coming aboard that they be placed those passengers who come aboard in in jeopardy in risk by putting them in the company of those passengers or or crew members and they and they expose them and their. early to
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a race but larry that's a huge if the idea that a cruise ship would would be so negligent so grossly negligent seems hard to imagine i think the federal government said and believe me the state department just issued just last week edict that indicated that they're not even encouraging people to continue to take cruises so if you do this you do this at your own peril the drone risk what about personal injury lawsuits against noshing homes or hospitals same concept. if they knowingly place elderly or the people who are in their care in risk in danger by exposing them unnecessarily to people who have been exposed to the virus then that's a problem i mean look we're seeing just even as we speak. states the end c.w.a. other organizations are taking risk and in going to great peril to themselves financially simply say look let's not have large crowds in areas in arenas where people congregate so that we can reduce we can minimize the risk of this happening
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so look i think that has to happen i think nursing homes look i don't expect that they'll take the temperature of every person who's walking through those doors i don't expect that they're going to swab every person with that with a virus swab but they should take reasonable steps and when they don't i think that may open up liability for some of those places city of custom mesa california is suing the government to halt the transfer of corn gene cruise passengers to a state on facility there when you make it that i think like you know the f.a.a. controls the air space the f.a.a. controls who can fly in there that the coast guard controls with cities and local municipalities who can come in cross into their borders so it's fully within their rights i think they'll be some litigation as to whether or not they over expanded their reach i think there will be some issues relative to whether or not they had the specific authority in the absence of the federal government giving the city of costa mesa those guidelines but i think it's well within their rights people want
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to be safe people want to feel safe and they don't want to be exposed unnecessarily to the virus on a large scale another area president trumps reelection campaign is showing c.n.n. for defamation the lawsuit alleges c.n.n. of publishing a libelous opinion piece on its website about rushes in for everett's to influence the united states election or you may get a lawsuit. so apparently president trump believed that this lawsuit the basis of this was an opinion piece in the c.n.n. dot com apparently he believed that it was so defamatory it was so damaging to his reputation his campaign's reputation that he had to wait 9 months to to file a lawsuit and to ask for a retraction so forgive me if i have some cynicism about whether or not this is real the 2 problems a lawsuit of this one he waited such an extensive period of time to file the
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lawsuit and it seems to undermine the credibility of his argument that there was damaging defamatory that he had to file right that's number one number 2 the problem is this is an opinion piece this is in the op ed section of the c.n.n. dot com articles and so the idea that you can chill 1st amendment free speech and you can do that by simply filing a lawsuit against the article against the writer of the article against c.n.n. is absolutely outrageous and look what i think this is it's a campaign ploy i think it is an opportunity for president trump and his campaign to try to chill to try to because jack and muzzle any articles any writers who would say something against him what's what's really more i don't think he can he can bully c.n.n. the new york times the washington post but who he can bully who his campaign can impact are the small writers the writers who write blogs it's the mom and pop
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operations it's a small newspapers those people can be bullied and those people can be chilled in terms of what they write about him and i think that's what this is all about harvey weinstein 23 years. tough sentence but larry let's think about this in the in the over the course of 2 decades harvey weinstein had been accused of sexually assaulting sexual harassment sodomy abuse rape of over 80 people in those various categories the idea that this judge gave him 23 years is tantamount to this judge saying look you can spend the rest of your life in prison and what she's essentially saying is you may not have been i think she said this on the record you may this may have been your 1st criminal offense but this isn't your 1st offense generally and so the reality is i think that this is
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a case that will stand up to appeal i think that harvey weinstein is going to in law likelihood spend the rest of his life in prison and i think given what the magnitude of the charges were given the breath in the extent and the number of women who accused him of these sexual improprieties this is probably a very very fair and equitable resolution that looks like it actually could catch probably it's probably thanks trent is what it was you bet and thank you for joining us today on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things don't forget to use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking.
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editor of long russian airlines. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make among come from good news is like a jackhammer good drill down to find the true news with which because it's time to do news again and question more and. better of long russian airlines.
11:59 pm
put clothes from our eyes tiny or no one said that compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world he who understands it turns it he who doesn't pays it this is a remarkable quote from einstein and it has so much to do with today's stock market volatility and the coronavirus all working at the same time and showing what compound interest is all about. with the coronavirus now officially declared a pandemic. the world faces the additional oil market collapse this comes at a time when demand for crude was already. calling this the ultimate perfect storm.
12:00 am
the u.s. strikes iranian backed militia facilities across iraq the operation comes in retaliation for wednesday's attack on a coalition base that killed 3 soldiers. former army intelligence analyst and whistleblower chelsea manning has been released from jail this comes just a day after she attempted suicide she has been refusing to testify further in the u.s. government's wiki leaks probe. and e.u. leaders to lambaste president decision to suspend all air travel to the u.s. from 26 european countries stressing that the coronavirus pandemic requires a coordinated international response. so she will be in the studio next hour to.


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