tv News RT March 13, 2020 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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you buy stocks off there was dropped into the 987 crash as president trump makes the bungled oval office address failing to reassure investors that the coronavirus crisis is under control. but the pandemic is proving to be profitable for some as companies and con artists cash in on people's growing unease . and as the greek island of low spots records its 1st infection local spirit they won't be able to cope well contending with an overcrowded refugee camp . if it gets like you to it will be doomed because the only not only has one hospital the splits like with. a lot of people here now you don't know we saw.
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a warm welcome to you you're watching r.t. international with mina karan our top story global stocks plunged on thursday with a number of markets seeing their biggest share price crashes in decades in the u.s. the federal reserve moved to pump in emergency loans to ease the strain as investors panicked over the impact of the coronavirus pandemic the bench barked out jones industrial average fell 10 percent in a single day marking the biggest decline since black monday in 1907 other major american industries also closed significantly lower donald trump gave a rare oval office address to the nation but failed to calm investors nerves about the economic damage kovac 19 is causing. this is not a financial crisis this is just a temporary moment of time that we will overcome together as a nation and as a world. and today's been buffed the last week out of expense analysis to try and
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not pound what stock market when it comes to is heading as well as $1000.00 and a factor at play is oil which is seeing a price drop on supply i say. this is the beginning of the greatest financial crisis in u.s. history to financial crisis of us of 2008 will pale in comparison as will the severity of this recession the summer when we look back to these numbers it's going to look really grim i think where i differ with with my friend peter is actually think it's possible that we could get out of this thing pretty quickly come the fall in the winter i think peter has a bit of an apocalyptic view talk about the coronavirus that's not the problem no the coronavirus is just the pin the debt bubble is the problem it doesn't matter the coronavirus can be cured the damage is already done the debt bubble is imploding you know if it wasn't a coronavirus it would have been something else this volatile has been looking for in 3 years and it finally found one the us has done everything wrong this stimulus
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package is is is utterly pointless the this is just government officials trying to make headlines and make news and do what they think they're supposed to do but it means nothing in the fiscal stimulus would mean nothing but i think we're faced with with the short term deflation as we've seen from from virtually prices and everything from financials to oil to the fiscal stimulus is going to make the situation worse the u.s. is broke they do is no money to stimulate the economy all we could do is print money we're going to crank up the printing presses we're effectively dropping money from helicopters but if the coronavirus does anything it's going to reduce the supply of goods so after this initial decline in prices prices are going to go up because there's not going to be very much to buy the supply of goods is going to go down meanwhile the supply of money is going to go through the roof. transatlantic travelers are also being dealt a blow after donald trump announced a ban on foreigners flying into the u.s.
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from most of europe from late late on this friday a public figures aren't immune to the risks neither the canadian prime minister is self isolating for 14 days after his wife tested positive for covert 19 following a visit to the u.k. and around the world more than 130000 infections have been registered with the death toll now at 5000 countries are counting down on people mixing in public schools and workplaces of being shattered and major sports fixtures postponed but with anxiety spreading just as fast the virus is providing opportunities for the unscrupulous as challenged by the ski reports from paris. with panic in short supply over coronavirus hearing from some enterprising individuals well shysters to be more precise have been concocting a variety of scams to make a quick buck now we're all well aware that the 1st line of defense against the virus is total watched her ends when you're out in the boat touching everything
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from. 2 handrails to picking up things in short it's a bit difficult to run into a bathroom to scrub. every time well thank goodness of course those little travel sized bottles of hand sanitizer to fight those nasty germs and that is of course if you can still find eddie the phones don't stop ringing this morning we have the schools the town halls the public transport company everybody wants gel we are under siege with demand far outstripping supply the cost of one jail exponentially increased the problem was considered so serious the french government stepped in to you that today will take care of the degree regulating the prices of hierarchical the jails the number 'd precaution for men. is to do on a face mask a tiny bit of cough covering your mouth and is this season's must have it seems the
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face mask took over paris fashion week so if you have the money instead of paying a couple of euros for one you can spend thousands if you like except that the type of mask available over the counter or even from a renowned fashion house is pretty useless against the virus that's at least according to the french government which at the same time is requisitioned all stocks and production all flasks for the next few months reserving them for health workers and those who are infected but the scammers have a new ploy france has you probably know a wolf famous ban or fully covering your face in public that's mainly aimed at conservative muslim women but some tricksters have twisted it to their advantage dressing as police officers they've been told getting chinese visitors to paris who
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were wearing face masks telling them that they had broken the law and had to pay an on the spot following these students were 1st stupid 150 years and finds most policeman for having broken the law that bans complete face covering in public spaces police investigation found the d.'s police were pretending to be police wearing a mask for health reasons is absolutely not illegal and then there are those trying to pick on the weak and the elderly in the district around bordeaux there are reports of people selling door to door decontamination services for a snip at 1500 euros these con artists use a pressure washer to do a little bit of cleaning that's not all they're up to this type of canvassing allows these crooks to enter your home. check the presence of valuable objects for the presence of an alarm system or perform if they have the opportunity
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a robbery by trick the majority of the victims of robbery or elderly who are physically weaker tell your loved ones to take precautions and the scams it seems gaining momentum the french national consumer and fraud office says it's received thousands of reports over dealings we're talking everything from magical lumps with disinfecting properties to empty barbarous purify is the simple and most effective method to stay virus free is something that we should all been doing anyway and that is our early washing our hands with soap and water it's that simple so remember to kiss well physically as we've been told not to be used as such but the acronym keep it simple stupid and don't get cold. r.t. paris. the coronavirus crisis is posing unique difficulties for one of greece's smaller outlying islands one case has now been registered on low spalls which is
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host to a densely packed with a few g. camp where more than 20000 a living in die conditions evangelos tips as has been speaking to some of the islanders. i'm standing here in front of the refugee camp in the list reece we're about 20000 refugees are held in an area that was initially built for 2000 people the area is not the best when it comes down hygiene in the conditions are not the ideal for people living in such a small area but now with the spread of coronavirus around the world a lot of the people are concerned he went around and speak to the locals to see what the had to see what a fear of a virus like that spreading among the innocent. if it gets like italy will be doomed because the island only has one hospital it is good of they managed to isolate one or 2 of those infected. coronavirus one of the feel unloved infection spread further you can imagine what will happen to. them there will be many issues
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and they will be big the virus is likely to spread very fast it will merely be maria that's affected but also mightily the whole island of lesbos will be in trouble i have family on the island and of course i'm afraid we have our homes our farms our jobs there's so many bad things about us but it us who are dealing with this issue but as the locals are raising concern about such a belief virus on the island. love thing of those cases have been confirmed here at camp but as we went around at least 2 refugee swore living in this camp for many many years now we have a different opinion. of a lot of people here you don't know we saw somebody told me that 2 people have it. but they're not even treating me nobody's paying any attention but the virus is already here even if you are in the hospital it does not help much because you
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cannot be cured you know i sleep in a container with other people. because of it 19 effect is rippling through the u.s. election process to democratic presidential hopefuls joe biden and bernie sanders go head to head on sunday in another round of debates though under serious restrictions not only is the debate being moved from arizona to washington d.c. there will also be no studio audience is one of the moderators has also pulled out of a medical concerns as the candidates themselves sanders who is now behind biden on delegates says he isn't it is momentum. donald trump must be defeated and i will do everything in my power to make that happens on sunday night in the 1st one on one debate of this campaign the american people will have the opportunity to see which candidate is best positioned to accomplish that goal
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so to saunders's loss of momentum is being blamed partly on his campaign stadia to get enough disaffected young people out to vote it's kind of open explains why the last day of democratic primary voting did not go too well for bernie sanders and now many voices are calling for him to drop out of the race and clear the road for joe biden however sander says he is not willing to give up just yet now sanders says his campaign actually has the upper hand over his rival when it comes to the youth but it is not just the ideological debate. that the rest of the is with. we need the generational. one or 2 in the future you need to. preserve the future oh country now the polls confirm what bernie sanders says young people
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like him more than they like joe biden and one of the goals of the bernie sanders campaign is to get them more involved in the electoral process but it's not as easy as it sounds how we've been as successful as i would hope in brigham young people and the answer is no but why young people aged 20 to 35 approximately adds up to roughly 60 samant 1000000 people if they all signed up to vote sanders would have quite the edge but they haven't done that turnout among younger voters remains comparatively low some blame the procedure for registering to vote for the 1st time for students who are going to school in another state registering to vote can get quite complicated some said that the electoral college and the party primary process is very confusing and complicated and the quality of education on civic matters is quite low we decided to talk to some younger people here in new york city and find out why the numbers of young people going out to vote is so low did
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you vote in the last election now do you plan to vote in the upcoming primary vote maybe. navy better believe it why might you not vote. it just doesn't make sense that the public's opinion doesn't even matter when it comes to a presidential election now why do you think a lot of young americans don't vote. cause it doesn't make any sense to close the most to the tons of the. people sometimes the lines are really long but. not as long as adults do that's what younger people just either don't think it's important as or so when people voting or they just. i know. well i feel like a lot of them probably think that their vote doesn't make a difference as what i hear from a lot of my friends who can vote so that's probably the devil is what happened last election as well i don't think they feel that their voices heard it is one of the reasons that i don't think that they really understand what a difference it makes in our democracy today are you going to vote for sanders or
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biden. sand is to keep that to myself i guess i like both of them i go to. buy the same thing as i stand right now is leaning more toward sanders now the sanders campaign has been reaching out to younger voters with catchy slogans and internet memes some say this could hurt him with older voters who don't like the resentful towner radicalism coming from the sanders campaign on the other hand it's the younger generation struggling with historic levels of debt and lack of health care who have the most to gain or lose people in my age group younger and older than me like you want people like are working a lot or the rest school or or both they just don't have time for politics and there's also a lot of political apathy student debt but it's also. health care and it's jobs there's a 3 main thing to a lot of people in my generation you know generations there's almost no future for us a lot of these people who might bite him just want to keep things the way they are
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of all the people the older generations they have their pensions they have this and that they don't see anything already being in our i mean no i have to most people think that all the military actions that the u.s. has done in the past 20 years has been justified that's right it just gives people even to a lot of middle upper middle class liberal types bitin reminds them of things or everything was fine and back to normal even though for the one or more overwhelming majority of the population of the us things weren't normal for people worst. struggling to get by. if bernie sanders does eventually drop out of the race the democratic party's in finding might put crucial votes at risk come november's election one american t.v. pundit drew fire online for suggesting she'd rather ways to vote than play along with the party establishment maneuvering against sunders. i don't think it's terrible for progressives. to vote for trump i think that's nuts i would never do that i don't know her donald trump either but you can we live line. here we go
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crystal ball saying she will leave it blank in november what an absolute hack this is a really great example of why the privilege inaction with all that on the line crystal ball one of the biggest grifters on the scene is using her platform to advocate for trump's reelection just wear a maggot hat and be done with it. the behind the scenes soap opera playing out in the democratic party has been a gift to a lot of the us news coverage of us during suggestions that support for saunders well only helped get trump reelected with among senators backers are digging in the accusing his critics of being more than a little self-serving. i will absolutely not a forward for biden when they try to get into it by saying you must be privileged not to be impacted by trauma spouses remember they're trying desperately to hang on
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to their privileges which they will never ever extend to you the d.n.c. may have just gone triumph reelected make no mistake of biden who is totally demented excites no one and has 0 good pauses to offer is the democratic party candidate trying will win reelection all of these are republican party and russian hashtags don't buy into it they're trying to prevent bareness supporters from supporting joe biden so the trump wins in an election he has no chance in legal or media commentator lionel's there is that but if saunders is supporters son joe biden party leaders only have themselves to blame. there is a sizable faction and always has been or for the last 2 elections who supported bernie sanders who don't like the fact that bernie sanders has been shown he's been moved out of the way for the 2nd time in a row now they're being told listen shut up vote for the party vote for
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a vote for vote how you're told to listen to your elders and what they're doing is they're saying wait a minute this is not my idea of voting remember the lesser of 2 evils is still evil they know they're going to get screwed again and then you have other pundits who somehow have established themselves as being the voice to be the progressive activism or democrats who are saying no if you don't vote for joe biden you were violating your oath and they're saying 1000 year old i'm voting my way that's what's happening. at the finest tracking apps is sold to help people keep infections that bank may turn a program we had concerns that that also perhaps gathering a little too much private data. this budget we talk about trump he's going to demystified so political space if you
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weren't clear before like these folks are no better than us so you know i you know you can reach out to friends say you know take responsibility maybe run for office at the end of the day you know i don't see how we've we've allowed a system where these people get away with you know misrepresenting us why not step up and do it yourself. so it seems wrong. why don't we just don't call. me. yet to seep out just the. active. and engaged with equals betrayal. went on any find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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welcome back tech companies have been looking to step up their role in halting the spread of covert 19 various apps have been developed to highlight the increasing risks but critics fear it's at the expense of users privacy america are a couple of examples for you one application asks for your postal code but goes as far as to ask about personal hygiene hop is while others get people to publish their virus like symptoms and create a map of high risk areas based on that data but all that use of personal data could fall foul of e.u. laws which heavily restrict which medical data can be gathered for instance it's illegal to use location data in any way to track someone who is sick employers also can't take random temperature readings of their staff and they can't gather other
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digital information and unless medical professionals are involved now we've been discussing whether data privacy can take a back seat when it comes to exploiting tech to tackle the. if ups can be made to work in that way where data is anonymised and we can have a service that provides some form of utility to the general population then there is real potential here to to provide a service that would be absolutely necessary in this kind of occasion if people are worried about being surveyed by the state and that's too late the state is surveying everybody and so are private corporations embedded in the state so we take a really security 1st approach that there's no reason why you can't keep the data secure and there's no reason why you can't abide by g.d.p. our dispose of the date data once the. virus is over it is potentially a very a useful tool for dealing with a pandemic like this because we've got all of this communications infrastructure which was not liking during the black death for example which was allow us to act
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collectively to protect ourselves it's all a bit hurried we don't have a single focus on a single up we don't actually have the permissions structure we're not able to identify accurately the people who we actually need to track and actually some of the security in the privacy provisions haven't been put in and minded about and if we're going to rush this then the chance of it being secure and everything working accurately is very unlikely to be a sufficient we do need laws to protect the citizens but that those laws us to be russian have realistic and in the situation like this if you can you can just basically people are being asked to volunteer information about where the been and what they've done alicia to be any problem in offering the phone to you know legitimate medical personnel so that they can use it to help them fight this crisis . a judge has ordered the release of u.s. army whistleblower chelsea manning from jail in the detention no longer serves any
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purpose manning it attempted to kill herself on wednesday. manning's appearance before the grand jury is no longer needed in light of which her detention no longer serves any course of purpose the court further finds that enforcement of the accrued conditional fines would not be punitive but rather necessary to the course of purpose of the court's civil contempt order. my link is still recovering in hospital it's unclear whether manning will be jailed again if she fails to pay the fine she's been in prison since may of last year for refusing to testify against wiki leaks before a grand jury earlier we spoke with a lawyer and activist kevin zeese here believes the legal process used against manning is fundamentally unfair. but this whole case is a injustice and a violation of her basic human rights these secret grand jury system in the united states is very unfair it only allows the prosecutor in the room with the jurors no
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defense lawyer no defendant only hear one side of the story that's what manning is protesting really signals where the trouble illustration is going when it comes to julian assange and wiki leaks they already have an indictment against joy. they are not supposed to use the grand jury for the purpose of gathering evidence to prove that but it shows to me that the government is not very confident about those they have or that indictment they want more. than a few places on earth where a sense of identity is more keenly felt that in jerusalem in the east of the city though there's fury among palestinians living there at how washington refers to them in a new human rights report they describe as our presidents or non israeli citizens middle east correspondent paula slater has been gauging reaction in the city. what's in a name a lot if you live in east jerusalem and a palestinian but washington has decided to simply ditch the palestinian identity
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of those who live here in east jerusalem the state department now considers them arab wizard and or not an israeli citizens the move has infuriated many with palestinian leaders saying it's an attempt to wipe out their national identity it's just a minute as it stands means nothing to us and by the way. that means nothing. us out of the people of the palestinians when i say i'm pretty soon going in some places they don't like. they want us to say we are israelis and if i am palestinian who is trying to say anything this is our land our country our state the state of palestine by monday leave this national freedom fighters here. give rights to decide. and he says it's hot air this land is for the arabs it's our land we were born here in israel this is east jerusalem
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which israel captured in the 1967 war it's late it makes the area and it moves that is still not recognized internationally more than 360000 palestinians or non israeli citizens live here most of them hold israeli residency permits the very few have israeli citizenship they've long sought to make this area the capital of the change in american terminology comes amid increased wrangling over the contested city the american president donald trump's middle east plan says that you recently should remain the softened capital of the state of israel for ever. r.t. east jerusalem a political analyst in me or an intel of a face to slim's palestinians could have more political leverage in israel but that would mean accepting israeli citizenship. the residents off. the palestinian residents could claim israeli citizenship and in that case they could
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vote in the elections. and flip the government from netanyahu to his adversaries but. choose not to do it choose to remain loyal palestinians and this is where they clash with both the government and the. united states has. used various terms in order to describe isro the west bank and the gaza strip you can. look it up throughout the years it has changed. thank you for joining us here on aussie international we're back with the latest headlines in 30 minutes from fever.
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a pandemic the world faces the additional burden of an oil market collapse this comes at a time when demand for crude was already low some are calling this the ultimate perfect storm how this all ends the stance. greetings and sell you take. well my friends kobe had 19 is now officially a pandemic according to the world health organization and in response on the rising number of cases crisscrossing you know.
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