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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2020 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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new hospital for coronavirus patients is being built on the outskirts of moscow as russia stricter measures to halt the spread of the virus or respond to the level of panic in russian supermarkets. particularly sensitive subject lately toilet paper while. any type of budget any type of skin is clearly enough for everyone. in the u.s. several states announce they found postponed primaries to contain the corona virus spread through the democratic national committee warning of possible penalties. 19 aggressively spreads across the u.k. a nurse that claimed she was racially abused while on her way to work. these couple
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. has come in physically and verbally abused me very. thanks for joining us this is r.t. international. the number of confirmed cases of corona virus has now reached 219000 worldwide with the death toll now at almost 9000. region though where the pandemic started reported no new cases on wednesday the world health organization and started testing a new vaccine against covert 90. you know. russia has registered 148 coronavirus patients with the majority of those infected
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located in moscow so also now registered its 1st death an elderly woman with preexisting medical conditions the authorities are gradually implementing stricter measures to prevent the massed spread of the virus as seen elsewhere among the actions taken by moscow is restricted entry for foreign nationals people who enter the country from abroad must go into quarantine for 2 weeks schools they'll be temporarily closed from march 23rd and gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited in more detail says r.t. guest the of. what is going on how has russia been this lucky well it hasn't this isn't luck this is what happens when you take a pandemic seriously and early rather than as in europe avoid doing anything until it's too late. thanks to swift measures we've taken in advance of both federal and regional levels in the 1st weeks of the worldwide epidemic
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outbreak we managed to restrain the massive and i would like to emphasize that massive infiltration and spread of the disease in russia this isn't a declaration of victory there are no winners here and there are new illusions that the virus will somehow skip over russia the point is to give the country time time to prepare to save lives as the outbreak began moscow dedicated a brand new hospital just to treat coronavirus patients but china's experience taught the world a number of things one hospital isn't enough 'd 'd 'd. authorities in moscow are trying to follow in the dragon's footsteps china's star
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hospital has been a wreck to just outside of moscow not for lack of beds now but to make sure that there isn't a lack tomorrow the plan is for a hospital town with its own sewage system and water filtration systems in its own little countryside an exclusion zone we have learned that it is possible to contain to control this pandemic look at hong kong south korea japan even china but you've got to do it right the prevention and control measures have been implemented rapidly. from the early stages in we've 100 of the key areas of you bay so the current overall national epidemic measures were taken to ensure that all cases were treated and close contacts were isolated and put under medical observation 1st europe did almost nothing to limit the spread wouldn't restrict travel no serious quarantine instead when it became obvious that they had left it for too long they threw up their hands and said most of us would get it anyway now
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that the citizens angry demanding answers they admit that they mishandled it still in defiance of all logic and reason they've managed to shovel some of the blame onto russia we notice that it also becomes an mounds of this information from outside of the e.u. among others also from russia or from providers reach are based in russia or at least some how to draw kremlin sources they allege russian government backed this information campaign based on 80 internet means which they won't show us over the course of 2 months which is about one piece of disinformation a day for comparison i get about 15 chain texts from my grandmother every day detailing a new magical cure for the corona virus and it's extraterrestrial origins i should
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probably warn her the european union may launch an official inquiry into how pensioners are in on a dis information conspiracy whereby they said silly text messages and chain that is to their grandkids or we could call it what it is incompetent european bureaucrats who bungled an epidemic allowed thousands to needlessly die and now looking for a scapegoat. must come as office has. warned about misinformation spreading across the internet regarding the pandemic and the measures to contain it this includes post saying that the russian capital will go to total lockdown and that there'll be a shortage of essential products in the shops or retailers responded by trying to calm concerns they've released these videos of their warehouses some chains of said that they have enough supplies to last for at least 8 weeks and it includes the most popular items that are being hoarded says ministry of industry and trade is
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assuring the public that grocery stores will not close. supermarkets chains reported an increase in demand for grains and hygiene products especially popular among russians is buckwheat standoff checked out the situation at a large moscow supermarket. panic buying has become one of the key manifestations of the coronavirus scare all over the world so now we've come to one of most schools largest retail stores parts of europe the ch'an chain just to get an idea as to how badly this thing is affecting the russians in fact we're in the very same store that had previously introduced so-called apocalypse shopping carts pre-selected bundles of essential goods for about $45.00 per carts was a one time action but it turned out to be a clear success because those cards have been already swept and they're nowhere to be found but now let's have a look as to how world this particular end
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a very large store is stocked itself. our 1st stop is well good old soap and the situation here is quite interesting because all the cheaper ones they have they're gone like for instance here like 15 cents 30 cents by they are not making up the prices these are actual prices on the soap here they're gone but the more expensive stuff over here in abundance in fact let me show you one thing you can lose. really if you're a if you're in a panic situation if you're in a panic mood you can literally buy soaps in canisters like this is liquid soap 5 releases of liquid soap but we're going to be opting for something different something so. particularly sensitive subject lately toilet paper while. any type of budget any
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type of skin there's clearly enough for everyone and i feel like a plenty at home but for the sake of the experiment let's get some why not. well this is trouble all right because we're in the poultry section and the well it's been ransacked there are people all around filming on their phones as well together with us what's going on here but the store has put up a reassuring messages reassuring sign saying essentially that the products the products are on the way don't worry if you haven't found what you wanted here it will be here we will restock it in the nearest future together with the supplies we're doing everything to maintain the needed stockpile. cheaper me like chicken or turkey more expensive mead like before you pour
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while it's gone just some of the most expensive stuff is here but. nothing. well judging by the amount of sweets next to me one thing can be said with certainty children are definitely not panicking and can be an example to us all. well this is of course just a symbolic cut it's not really serious but if i were to go all in and defy wanted to get everything that i needed for a nuclear winter scenario so to speak i would have had very very few problems with doing so but even with that said supply is have been talking a lot and posting photos and videos of their storage is really filled up to the brim with produce saying that there is literally no reason to panic about whatever whatever m.t.v. . of that we've just seen while they will be filled up there will be back fully
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stops so right now it looks that the appetite for panic buying here at least among muscovites is not that strong. u.s. president on trump hours announce that he's invoking wartime powers to force industry to tackle the covert 19 outbreak it comes as businesses across the country have fallen into crisis and one in 5 households reporting lost work will be invoked in the defense production act just in case we need it the words if you will know what it is it can do a lot of good things if we need it must sacrifice together because we are all is together and will come through together meanwhile 5 states in the u.s. have postponed their primaries amid the cove in $1000.00 outbreak but the democratic national committee has issued a warning that hasty changes to the primary process could result in penalties on
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the scale of modern explosives. all of society hunkers down in the face of a global health pandemic the democrats have decided to point fingers and play the blame game this crisis is going to demand more from all of us more from an administration and a president that has been far too slow in waking up to the scale of the challenges we now face i have been incredibly frustrated and concerned by the trumpet administration's missteps and slow response to this crisis so far the trumpet ministration has made a serious of false promises about the country's diagnostic capacities spreading confusing on true information about the availability of tests for the general public and so to hear the leader of the federal government tell us to work around the federal government because it's too too slow is just it's kind of mind boggling to be honest now there is no question that donald trump is taking this very seriously as a public health crisis we're asking everyone to work at home
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a possible postpone a necessary travel and limit social gatherings to no more than 10 people by making shared sacrifices and temporary changes we can protect the health of our people and the d.n.c. is very happy to call out donald trump but their own political goals are not on hold 5 states have canceled their presidential primary votes and now the d.n.c. says that there could be consequences each the 1st determining step must take place by the 9th of june if the state violates the rules on timing or any other rule that could be subject to penalties including at least a 50 percent reduction in delegates we advise states to follow the recommendations of local health officials and prioritize health and safety of all individuals that's right the democratic leadership is now demanding that senior citizens and everyone else drop everything rushed to the polls and vote in the democrats' primary risking death in some cases now if you don't do it they say they will make
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you pay no small. sense of entitlement there in states that have had their primary vote the turnout has been rather low big shocker at this point all public gatherings movie theaters restaurants are shut down so why not the polls exactly it makes sense to close this down i mean that's just the you know any of these voting centers that would just simply be a centers for transmitting disease and it's the responsible thing is then to say look we can postpone this if basically they can postpone it will the way up to late may have all the put all the remaining primaries on on some day in late may and that's it it's certainly a much more sensible policy than the holding primaries now when everybody's so anxious about the virus i think that they are thinking entirely in terms of the general election i mean the democrats have absolutely desperate to defeat donald
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trump they want to wrap this up as quickly as possible before all of the public has a chance to change its mind the rules across america are changing in the face of the coded 1000 health crisis but one thing certainly remains the same the only set of rules the democratic national committee plays by are their own and they demand that everyone else play by them as well caleb mop and r.t. new york. still to come u.k. hospital guidelines say dying people say goodbye to their loved ones over skype for you the story of a. seemed wrong. just don't call. me. yet to shape
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out just being educated and engaged equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only closely i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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in the u.k. the spread of the corona virus has picked up pace with more than 2 and a half 1000 people now infected on the pandemic also appears to be having a negative impact in other ways the british nurse claims she was assaulted and racially abused on her way to work on the shirt he had was dashed the reports. it may come as no surprise that the n.h.s. isn't exactly thriving what with being on the forefront of the fight against coronavirus staff shortages not enough funding and even a lack of clothing for medical stuff professionals make it harder to help save lives but those were predictable evils was less than anticipated is then a phobia towards people who are treating patients but it happened to the n.h.s. nurse who was allegedly racially abusing itself at just experience something that really opened my mind with today's society so i was coming up from the train station just minding my own business usually get out through the barriers and to
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come to work as a nurse. and these couple who. just come and physically and verbally abuse me from my race and it gets worse she was attacked on her way to a hospital for overtime shift to help her colleagues cope with the outbreak every really to come together you know any chance is struggling my goodness we have a new start no doctors no nothing people who need to wake up and realise that this virus is not an excuse to be racist or to discriminate against everyone period the sad reality is as the fire sort of originates in china and spreads across the globe so does panic and xenophobia for instance the singapore and student was assaulted and loved by teenagers who punched him in the face screaming we don't know what you're coronavirus in our country he shouted i don't want your coronavirus in my country you think this is et well no a vietnamese all of us drop quite exhibitor earlier this month the u.k.
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arts are because of fears that she would spread the virus the coronavirus is causing much anxiety everywhere unfairly or not asians are being seen as carries a virus your presence on the stand would unfortunately create hesitation on the part of the audience to enter the exhibition space i apologize for this and hope we can meet and perhaps work together in the future these. case in the u.k. are just the tip of the iceberg across the pond in new york and none of these an asian person on the lecture just are standing next to her and want. to leave. germany and it's not only open aggressions our people are now turning up their noses to asian cuisine and culture and asian people in general are being avoided and wiki pedia page has even been set up dedicated to covert 19 incidents of racism with governments and international organizations now mate entering countries a cautioned against actions that promote stigma or even discrimination in line with
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the principles of our top story of i h l the coronavirus epidemic a sort of a disturbing wave of prejudice against people of chinese and east asian if the city and i call member states do their utmost to combat this and other forms of discrimination it seems increasingly true that in times of crisis and strain bring out the western people the idea that any racial integration these is something which we hope when out of the 2nd world war well our record has been that in a surge of anti chinese racism the consequence of the 'd mislabeling in the midst. of this. ringback country for the lack of. 'd a lack of ability to mobilize society to maintain 'd a system about health care and correlated support reflects well badly on the
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government of the government 90 percent i think you censure the people work together and use racism as a tool to divide and rule and much more important the administration comes bonsa quality to make sure both the stock at work. which are multi-racial the more people are treated equally. also in the u.k. dying patients are being told to say their last goodbyes to their loved ones over skype is part of new guidance for british hospitals these guidelines are reportedly designed to help medics stem the spread of the pandemic the size the farewell recommendations the release document discourages family or friend visits in person to critical care areas some find the new tips distasteful it's an issue we put up for discussion. so on the face of it these guidelines and they are guidelines these are rules might seem distasteful and they might seem harsh of course but we have to be mindful of why these guidelines been put in place this is not about stopping the
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husband of a wife they've been together 50 years from saying goodbye to his wife for example this is around the extended family i speak for a time when a child the was the big health scare that's when i was a senior sister in the renal unit and in those days you know i'm afraid to say it our priority was treating our patients not the visitors you can use up these valuable staff time on relatives you can't have a situation where you still got other patients treated in intensive care units some patients in intensive care units have 101215 or more people who want to visit them and we can't allow that to happen at the current time because of course that's putting those individuals at risk but also providing huge vectors to disseminate this virus we all took for granted as personal liberties they're all going to be taken away and i'm afraid we are there to treat sick people and it is really sad it
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is really probably only going to be confined to people on the i t you we have got to look at it from individual ism and we have to look at the heard of course we would want that patient at home the reality is for intensive care patients that is almost always not possible in that they wouldn't make it home these decisions are absolutely best left to the clinicians they're the ones who are in charge of the treatment you're looking at $60000.00 patient days on an intensive care unit on the best case scenario clinicians understand they understand how important relatives are but i'm afraid i do have to keep saying it's the herd is more important the staff are more important than individual feelings that we do not want to think about the worst case scenario we're preparing for the. best in the intermediate case scenarios the worst case scenario is going to hugely challenge our n.h.s. and really redefine the way we use health care services not just during this crisis
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but for many years to come there after. an old computer purchased on e bay by a group of german cyber security experts for just $100.00 has turned out to be priceless because buried in its data was a step by step guide on how to use one of the country's air defense systems. we've discovered something exciting the german army hasn't lost any of its classified data or anybody or the bar in question claims the laptop contained a set of instructions on the use and maintenance of an advanced anti aircraft system the documents also guidelines on how to destroy that system so that enemies wouldn't be able to deploy it the unit in questions currently in the arsenal of the national army it was 1st introduced almost 20 years ago and is still serves as a defensive barry of a military personnel against low flying enemy bombers and helicopters missiles they can reach targets up to 6 kilometers away the german defense ministry admits there
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might have been a mistake in destroying the old computers. the old computer is used for the fences have all been decommissioned and sent for recycling with orders to raise or render existence storage media usable it can be assumed that america during the recycling of the computer in question it's very embarrassing if the laptop was really quite old it was running windows 2000 the dot on it that about time cybersecurity wasn't as big an issue as as it is today and putting it into context it was at the lowest classifications but none of that's an excuse this should not have happened hard drives are usually taken out of military computers before they're sold on and the hard drives are destroyed separately this clearly hasn't happened here there is a danger posed definitely because it's giving away some of the technical background to the air defense system and people don't realize how much that can survive for long periods of time and short cuts are taken in the disposal of certain equipment that makes it. fantastic for it could be germany's enemies in wanting to look at
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ways of potentially country these are defense systems. i'm staying with r.t. to national in the bubble of course stay safe hope to see you and hopefully. everything of collapsing against the dollar. so how long will that last probably not a long time because. as we've seen during brain woods or through the plaza toward of the 1980 s. there's going to have to be a global coordinated sit down to rearrange the global 4 x. market rearrange the global currency grid and the dollar is not the thing they're going to have to match against because that runaway balli when the dollar is what's causing this deflation and that's what's causing the global depression part 2.
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to stand up as initial subject to get some investors put on oh i say oh she's a month for for you to go forward to the trip to improve. your mind that but it's. never too true. because. it was because the global world was going to have to pull to seize it you know what would you do is give us have looks like a bunch of us moving in the sports lead. and you fighting with the sofa cushion. on the left coast about 4 to 6 months because of the south.
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and markets are back in the red as the number of cases of the coronavirus eclipsed 200000 this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss bridgeboro in washington coming up markets are back in freefall despite proposed stimulus measures so where do we go from here we bring you expert analysis and the outlook for stocks moving forward and did a drop in travel the aviation industry has been slammed and now so many factors are asking for a bailout we'll break down the harsh beating the sector has taken we have a back pack show today so let's go dive right in. the u.s.
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markets have taken a nosedive again wednesday as the circuit breaker was again triggered in the afternoon causing a 15 minute halt in trading on wednesday alone pointed to its lowest level in 18 years and there's a lot to get to here there's so much news so let's go ahead and bring in 2 bucks co-hosts christiane who joins us from los angeles kristie to break down this wild day on wall street. certainly it's like a recession repeat of earlier stimulus measures the bounce was short lived at the selloff continues wednesday with fears of deflation now suddenly and now this is the 2nd dead bad bounce that we've seen as monetary policy fail to reassure investors of a recovery the as n.p.r. and down are off by more than 6 percent amid an unprecedented volatility with the s. and p. triggering another 15 minute halt at 1 pm the indexes have swung more than 4 percent in either direction for 7 consecutive sessions now there tuesday's call. topping the previous record set in 1929 now this volatility is destructive towards
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the integrity and confidence of the market and the dow is now trading below the levels of one president trump took office in 2017 corporates are now is chilling clear signs of stress as companies like fed ex general mills and airline slash profit outlook for 2020 secretary menuhin warned that unemployment rate could hit a depression era of 20 percent in the absence of government intervention the sell off in equities is broad based indiscriminate of traditional safety sectors however there are a few bright spots on the heat map today walmart c.v.s. and walgreens are up citing bulk buying of consumer staples and pharmacy products and netflix was slightly up this morning before giving up gains as a quarantine has forced many americans to stay at home with nothing to do but stream content or entertainment as a panic sells from algos accelerated the slides we're seeing tremendous dislocations in the market that don't really make sense the old mantra touted for the last 10 years of buy the dip is broken as every papa.


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