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tv   News  RT  March 20, 2020 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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but. russia started kobe in $1000.00 vaccine trials promising to get results by the end of the year the country is also rolled out a number of measures to curb the spread of the virus we visit a moscow airport to see what's been put in place. there are 3 layers of good will control the little ride the passengers have to pass through there's the infrared camera there's a thermal camera and the passenger's temperature is it's a kid a brewery the blade. as the u.s. takes tough measures to tackle the corona virus outbreak the secretary of state blames russia for spreading disinformation over the pandemic. and last orders in the u.k. as boris johnson poses all pubs and restaurants and while the government scrambles
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to build and they just army staff face increasing pressure and abuse amid the coronavirus. there's a lot of. questions left on and on we need all the hope we can get. that evening and welcome to the program this is art international coming to you live from the russian capital for new year like news update this hour the number of coronavirus cases has now topped a quarter of a 1000000 a pandemic house claimed more than $10000.00 lives worldwide with over half of those deaths in europe alone the world health organization has become the 1st trials of a possible vaccine but it will be an estimated 12 months before it's available. i. russia has also started its own coded in
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$1000.00 vaccine trials the country does have $253.00 confirmed cases which is relatively low compared with the west but officials point to the strict measures taken early on to prevent the spread they include comprehensive checks at airports as my guest if has been finding out. welcome to sherry and that's in the airport where officials have invited us to reassure the russian public that they are doing everything possible to prevent the spread of the crude 19 virus here in russia now personally i would have taken them at their word and left it at that but juicy cools i was here last a month ago when strict travel controls just came into play i don't care for memories i did up in quarantine for almost 3 weeks.
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sanitation here is on steroids according to latest studies the virus can survive in various services for up to 9 hours so obviously they need to keep everything very clean. so here the frontline troops the medics the needs and greet the arriving passengers and russia monitor them pass them out allies them and send them to quarantine they're just heading to their desks a new jet has landed from europe. the slow science haitian specialists use thermal cameras on board they walk through the aisles pointing those cameras of passengers in their seats if the passengers
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a healthy they can leave the plane there are 3 layers of thermal control that all arriving passengers have to pass through there's this infrared camera there's a thermal camera and the passengers temperatures that they can a brood the blade. the they gave us mosques which is good we also have to feel out of for i don't know what's happening next they've checked us with thermal cameras i think they're doing the right thing. this is the baggage claim area they've just passed passport control at this 3rd the temperature has been taken 3 times 3 times already that they have been robbed for
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it was revealed to be who they beat in contact with whether they experienced ready with the infected. when passengers go through sheremeta for terminal f. they complete a form indicates impossible data for a number and address we check their flight can seat numbers give them a list of anti epidemic instructions and explain that they need to comply with these rules in the midfield they're going to check from they're going to take their add the good advise then they're going to check through it. takes web samples and 7 may have to get tested after that one of these people are going to be said to save quote the medics however at the stations day and night working in shifts while the infection may have slowed international travel to a trickle of its former self there are still thousands and thousands of people waiting to get back. here you can see the microscopic images of covert 19
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shown by russian scientists the country's health ministry says the 1st complete genome of the virus was a deciphered from a sample taken from an infected patient the majority of russian coronavirus patients are being sent to moscow and one aka hospital r.t. discussed the pandemic with the hospital's chief doctor and he explained why the virus hasn't spread rapidly in russia. most of. the situation in moscow is very open we get constant updates on the overall situation which are accurate the age ranges going up the 1st patients were aged between 30 and 35 people returning from the travels no it's the people who came into contact with them who are typically 37 and older so far we're not seeing an exponential spread of the virus this is no miracle its due to the tough measures in place moscow relating to contacts in corn team i see several ways this crisis might go if russia follows the chinese example
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then i expected to end in may or june but if russia sees an italian style response then it won't end till september the. u.s. secretary of state has slammed december mation over the corona virus outbreak my pump made clear who he thinks is responsible help often has the details as the united states struggles to cope with the outbreak of corona virus fingers are being pointed at russia china and iran for spreading disinformation related to the outbreak this is what we heard from u.s. secretary of state mike palm pale the issue of disinformation is there any particular locus for this decision or mission or is it disappears it's pretty diffused unfortunately but we've certainly seen it come from places like china and russia and iran but there are coordinated efforts to disparage what america is doing in an arc to video to do all the things the president tried to set in motion here no evidence has been presented to back up these accusations and now we've
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heard from the russian foreign ministry which has made clear that these accusations themselves are distant from asia as russia is not engaged in any decision from asian operations and such accusations are in effect dividing the global community and hampering relief efforts we're just as well accusations against russia over disinformation and thanks to. the coronavirus president europe and the whole world are a big disinformation and fake themselves let's take a look at the presumption of innocence if there are accusations you need evidence now avon's there can be any claims. it can be used as a part of such an aggressive informational competing in fact u.s. leaders continue to hurl accusations such as donald trump continuing to refer to it as the chinese a virus and to claim that china is somehow responsible for the outbreak because they hid information or somehow engaged in behavior that hindered relief efforts
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now this is donald trump and the response to his words from chinese officials if we had known about this a number of months earlier it could have been contained to that one area in china where it stood and certainly the world is paying a big price for what they did in the world is paying a very big price for it not for not letting them come out everybody knows that he. recently some u.s. officials have made insulting comments about china amidst the pandemic outbreak these comments none of the correlate with science nor with the decisions of the world health organization. triggered strong rage among chinese people we express nation the resoundingly demand of the global community seems to be for a united international effort to defeat covert 19 and end the pandemic now it seems however countries continue to exchange these accusations and that international tensions haven't diffused despite the fact that there is such
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a widespread call for united action to stop the pandemic. british prime minister boris johnson has come to pressure and finally ordered the closure of all pubs bars and restaurants after britons ignored official advice to stay at home it comes as the number of those infected with 19 is over 3000 with death standing at more than 180 and counting in the country but we need agreement between the 4 nations of the united kingdom or the devolved ministrations we are quick to be telling. tele cafes pubs and restaurants to clues. tonight as soon as they reasonably can you case health officials are introducing new measures by the day to cope with the pandemic where the health secretary drawing on a wartime slogan. we are writing to over 65000 nurses and doctors who recently
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come off the register recently retired or left the n.h.s. and saying that your country needs the n.h.s. and the n.h.s. needs you. england's top doctor and nurse have called out to former colleagues have left in the last 3 years to reregister to help tackle what they call the world's greatest health threat and 100 years also final year medical students will be offered temporary paid jobs. there are enough trained who are who are experienced to do to deal with with the issue with coronavirus patients they're bringing in student nurses they're bringing in retired nurses a lot of doctors and nurses were concerned that it wasn't. appropriate p p e e p s the protective equipment like mosques and surgical gowns and the base there is that cover you from droplets the protection that you have when you're dealing with queries isn't enough you're literally just hoping that you will test negative
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i mean these days tests come back 3 days $3.00 to $5.00 days is fair enough if they come back 2 hours 8 hours after they've been tested but the fact that we're not getting. the appropriate p.p.a. and the government is addressing that and i'm hoping they do address it quickly because it's just been then going to encourage the spread of the the disease if the nurses and doctors are protected and that would in further lower the stuffing levels. rize all the health worker we just heard from also says she was assaulted and racially abused recently on her way to an overtime make shift. out of nowhere and just elbows my wrist and pushes me to the side and then the female partner came from the right hand side who then started screaming racial abuse saying at least where whites you effing see and i code my nursing idea and i showed it said look
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i'm a nice we're now soon we're about to go into a shoot growing up here with different different color. of the experience loads of different types of races and this fear and anxiety are causing people to look for someone to blame and the asian the asian. people are getting victimized come into work and people i hear the other day i was just standing and someone told me to go home but china take the coronavirus with me definitely this this pandemic because i'd say it has it is definitely been instrumental in increasing the amount of racial abuse being. directed to the asian asian population and what the government has busy with the n.h.s. and trying to stop people socializing polly boyko went to have a look at the u.k. supermarkets amid a wave of panic buying. things you only see
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a global pandemic. story a pandemic is global as now there's no trolleys. was. just the one lonely trolley complete cattle. freaking out. people doing full. hearing for bridge. not funny any. one to catch up till. the conception is really. based fish and chips anyone. and all the meat you could not buy something ever has become a con of all here at home searching to companies diet and now there's no meat and loads of vegan stuff on the shelves where is the bread. nothing. to do you think you know either it will be. nothing in the frozen
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food section. or no way there is something there is a massive huge for the checkout so i thought it would be a good idea to go to a chinese supermarket. i was wrong waiting to get in there one in one hour. what to believe them for the 1st ok one in one out of 100 when. you are on there about every month you know. why did you come here oh no did you think you would be smiling if you argue that. with a 3rd day of total lockdown in france the police have issued more than $4000.00 fines for those who break quarantine rules a number of coronavirus deaths in the country has jumped to 372 and as people continue to breach the lockdown the french government has lashed out at citizens for not taking the situation seriously enough. when i see people still going to the
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park to get together or heading to the beach or to open markets they seem not to understand the message from the authorities a lot of our fellow citizens are still taking this too likely there are people who think they're modern day heroes by breaking the rules while they are in fact e.g. its. friends went into a 15 day quarantine on tuesday people are only permitted to leave their houses for certain specific reasons like buying basic necessities helping a relative or walking a dog anyone caught leaving without a written explanation is fined 135 euro. and ahead of the looming lockdown many persians packed their bags and started fleeing to the countryside. but many locals in the regions are now free of the virus will be brought right to their doors. reports. for many parisians the idea of a look down meant one thing only the holidays had come early and with that and
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those that could vacated the city before the confinement began but as parisians deserted their city on mass at their destinations they weren't exactly being welcomed with open arms i understand that presents wanted to go to the countryside but our ecosystem is fragile we must be careful we hold the present did not bring the virus read them specially since our hospitals here are small but regions who go to il durant despite being potentially contaminated do you think we have your hospitals no you have small hospitals which are overcrowded in normal times stop go into 2nd homes to flee who are your potential carriers in some rural areas signs have appeared essentially accusing parisians of spreading the virus others are concerned that those scenes we've seen of supermarkets and ransacked by desperate
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shoppers who are who are doing food could now be about to hit their communities some say that's already happened there are also concerns that if the forest does take hold in the regions health services will be overwhelmed and able to cope. there is clearly a risk of overcrowding for a local hospital we do not have an intensive care unit and we have to evacuate patients to the mainland concerned about the influx of people trying to escape the city so much sorties have taken action in one part of brittany all rental accommodation has been banned on 4 islands until the end of march warnings have also been issued to parisians reminding them that they are not on holiday things may not be about to get any easier 15 days of confinement already felt like a lifetime to many here in france but it seems that they're going to have to buckle
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in for an even longer journey the country's director general of public health has warned an extension will be very likely necessary jollity. r.t. paris. the world's biggest carmaker volkswagen is suspending production worldwide the company which owns brands like skoda audi porsche and got it built more than $10000000.00 vehicles last year more than any other car maker given the present significant deterioration in the sales situation and the heightened uncertainty regarding parts supplies to our plants production is to be suspended in the near future factories operated by group bronze. volkswagen's decision false alarm moves by other mass carmakers toyota b.m.w. and fia along with others have shutter their plants during the global health crisis in the e.u. alone the sector is responsible for 14000000 jobs jeffrey tucker editorial director
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at american institute for economic research so the global economy sees increasing pressure day after day. this is a kind of decision that the private sector has to make amends to some extent also the responding to demands to is for social distancing and and there's a lot of public pressure public sector pressure on private companies just to shut down which is in many ways tragic and i think there's going to be a lot of things to discuss after all this is over about who called for these shutdowns and why and to the extent to which there was actually in a kind of a rational calculation between the health risk and the obvious catastrophic economic costs of what's taken place in the world economy right now the pressure is growing by the day by the hour by the minute tour for the politicians to line up their decisions public policy decisions with the actual documented health risks.
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as israel battles the spread of coded 1000 with more than 700 cases registered the country's caretaker prime minister and his party have been accused of using the crisis to hold on to power after inconclusive elections 100 protested the anti outbreak measures imposed despite a ban on mass gatherings. as you can see people were carrying black flags as a symbol of a black day for democracy protesters were detained by police near the parliament building by shutting down the court system netanyahu has effectively postponed his own corruption trial parliamentary proceedings have also been. which opponents say stops them from pushing forward plan legislation against the prime minister netanyahu is also under fire from her bill and activists for approving emergency spy powers to stop the coronavirus spread. but the prime minister says the moves
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are essential to deal with the pandemic opposition groups and analysts warn their undemocratic we need to be very careful not to even approach the margins of dictatorship the 1st coronavirus dictatorship netanyahu lost the elections so under the pretext of fights in corona he's closed the israeli parliament ordered people to stay in their homes and this issue and lots of emergency decrees he wishes this is called a dictatorship that last week angered netanyahu son who lashed out at the israeli historian we ask of you in libya a columnist at israel's herrick's newspaper if not you know who is indeed getting political benefit from the spread of the pen demick in the country. that area always many aging this crisis is in quite a reasonable way i would show if these were the right measures in the same time he benefits a lot politically and he does anything possible to benefit as much as possible from
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this crisis 1st of all because spreading fears is 2nd and secondly because he as i said before seems to handle it and many people want to see him right now at the prime minister's office at least until this. crisis would be over and ought to lead to someone who is no experience and was never prime minister was never a minister running this crisis so he gets a lot out of it no though. the afghan government's reportedly ordered military operations to be resumed against the taliban on thursday the defense minister urged the militant group to declare a cease fire so i can concentrate all resources on tackling the coronavirus he also stated afghan forces would move from defense to active defense status. or heat there has been no decrease in enemy attacks today we instruct all our forces to adopt a more active defensive stance this means that there will be fewer limitations and
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wherever the enemy chooses to attack we will have the right to defend ourselves. that all comes less than a month after the signing of a peace deal between washington and the taliban their agreement was reached after more than 18 years of war included the complete with drawl of u.s. troops from the country a pledge to hold talks between the taliban and the afghan government as well as a prisoner swap of a couple was not party to the agreement. the contacted the afghan ministry of defense to comment on the situation and we'll bring you any response we receive when all political analysts mushtaq are him believes the deal was doomed from the very beginning of the negotiations well better sponsibility for the given situation must be shared by all parties are the moment right from the beginning of the peace process the americans have been pushing the of one government close to the wall on making them too big decisions in favor of the parliament at
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a time where the taliban have been trying to. do sure that as if they don't because the current state and they don't want to talk to the stupid situations it's a very delicately poised situation it can ease and it's quiet for a giant situation where the americans would have a deal with the taliban but it would be an interim agreement on the future of the country which leaves a gun treat a very much exposed to. the proliferation of the civil war that's been your global news update for this hour but don't forget you can always had to our website r.t. dot com for the details on all of those stories and many more. thanks. a dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells their bodies on the street many of them
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under-age. los angeles police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if you're going to exploit our child here in los angeles father we're going to come out you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight 6 trade. lashes and. the total morning of each week of the host for the team you're set it's not that it's some chances that always going against. them. you would call it just you know circle included at least they knew. that i was caught but i'm counting that in the scheme to show. which will be shirley's.
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threat to the south korean users tell them not to be come for. the money mr west imo sure. as initial rubbish to yes i'm in there for a tour at them. as a mark for you've got rid of georgia. let your mind that but it's. never the truth. that will.
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do it because you gloat no one 'd was going to have to use the insulin in your voice your odds of us have played above us moving this focus on the meaning you're fighting with and so much for. a little less fortunate about photos of multiplication. hello and welcome to. me sophie shevardnadze. with technology evolving at a cost makes speech and artificial intelligence is no longer just a hollywood dream as the crap out of it is
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a dangerous $1.00 will our lives still be real while i'm here in oxford university to ask all these questions to one of the most prominent thinkers in this field nick bostrom. nick foster it's really great to have you with us so you're a philosopher a year author who writes about what's going to happen to us basically possibly so one of the ideas that you put forward is this idea of vulnerable world right so correct me if i were wrong but if i get this correctly it's it's basically that humanity may come up with a technology that made doing this to extension and therefore we would meet computer surveillance well that might be an oversimplification but the vulnerable world hypothesis. is the hypothesis that at some level of technological development it gets to be said to destroy 6 basic things so that by default one civilisation
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reaches the level of development. we'll get that a state that. a couple of different ways in which this could be true one maybe the easiest way to see is. if it just because. at some level of development even for a small group or individual to cause must destruction so imagine if nuclear weapons for example instead of requiring these. rare difficult to obtain raw materials like plutonium or highly enriched uranium imagine if it had been an easy way to do it like baking sand in the microwave and you could have. the energy of that top down and if that had turned out to be the way things are then maybe at that point civilization would have come to an end then with surveillance from what i understand you can't really predict future nothing can when you can survey people and watch what they're doing but then they will be inventing things.


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