tv News RT March 21, 2020 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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much because. if we surface its deadliest single day during the pound it with $620.00 light troops. in neighboring france police officers threaten to quit unless they're provided with better equipment to protect them from the virus. becomes the latest car giant a whole production amid the pandemic is the health crisis puts more jobs at brits. and you're saying this is accused of insider trading after they made big profits selling off that stock had.
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their good morning thanks for joining us here on art. of course we start with the latest news on the pandemic the corona virus has now claimed more than 11000 lives world wide with the number of confirmed cases hitting 275000. starting with italy which is suffered its highest number of coronavirus deaths in a single day this was on friday with 627 people losing their lives in all the pandemic is now killed more than 4000 italians in the region one of the worst hit provinces the large scale loss of life has put a strain on funeral homes some comment or you have said that they may not be able to take any more coffins because of a lack of capacity. obviously this situation creates an abnormal amount bringing
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us to an emergency phase making us very likely to hold for a few days in order to be able to recover some space. also forced to use our premises dedicated for the final farewell as you can see this farewell room has become a provisional space. in mollett italy remains on lockdown soldiers patrol the streets of palermo sicily they were deployed to help local police other cities and regions are also considering calling in such army patrols about. infectious disease specialist set of a lockdown needs to continue in order to prevent a full blown catastrophe. epidemic is a dramatic and we are facing a very big epidemic we should keep very strict measures. down in order to reduce the risk spreading the virus at the same extent that in the
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center in the in this one part that of italy so you have to remember especially in the north the reason a shortage of birth shown such as a physician nurses are able to face of these epidemic very few infectious disease experts are available now a day and that is a hole so the fact that a considerable number of health care worker has been contaminated in the not working optimistic view is a defective it day by day that he's a constant percentage of the increase of the new cases in respect of the total number of our target our goal is to reach as soon as possible the level all below 10 which means about the transmission as the us. celebrated it and we can look at it did if you share it with
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a little more whole. paid tribute to the doctors and nurses on the front line of the battle against the deadly virus applause was heard from balconies across the capital on friday night. over $12600.00 cases have been confirmed in france with $450.00 dead all regions are now affected despite a nationwide lockdown involve a police officer enforcing that law down have their own safety concerns and threatening to strike a deal. as millions of people in france saw in confinement there is a core group of workers who are continuing the daily grind including police officers.
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yet many continue to fill out these regulations despite hefty fines and the risk of being locked up in jail. if. the authorities are tearing their hair out over france's citizens normal compliance with the confinement restrictions. there are people who think they're modern day heroes by breaking the rules while they are in fact. when i see people still going to the park to get together or heading to the beach or to open markets they seem
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not to understand the message from the authorities a lot of our fellow citizens are still taking this too likely but as they blame people for not abiding by the rules the authorities themselves are being accused of not taking proper care of those. placed on the frontline unions theory is that the ministry of interior hasn't provided offices with basic equipment such as face masks so much so the biggest police union has warned its members will walk out unless such things are made available there is no reason why we should be victims of a government failure to plan we want to carry out our duties to their fullest but need to be able to guarantee our own safety if the police themselves become contaminated all strike who will monitor the streets seducer security officers police and other people who are. in the country will need to be protected all this process
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does not distinguish between police medics and other citizens we're not even sure that we police officers not potentially infecting people when we do our checks so we need another pretext quitting and to keep our safe and other so. if the police get infected who will be able to keep the peace to morrow as ford says quarantine drags along each day the list of what citizens can do is being tightened the police are called part of keeping order here if they walk out if an infection takes hold within the ranks thrones could face an uphill battle to carry out its plans in the war on code 19 so much even ski r.t. powers. the world's biggest carmaker volkswagen is suspending production worldwide the company which owns brands such as skoda porsche began to build more than 10000000 vehicles last year more than any other car producer. given
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the present significant deterioration in the sales situation and the heightened uncertainty regarding parts supplies to our plants production is to be suspended in the near future at factories operated by group bronze volkswagens decision follows similar moves by other carmakers toyota b.m.w. ran no fee at and this have shut their plants steering the global health crisis in the loan the sectors responsible for around $14000000.00 jobs. pandemics causing huge problems for the u.s. job market to the country's unemployment rate seeing one of the largest spikes on record u.s. labor department has reported several 100000 claims filed geoffrey took a editorial director at the american institute for economic research agrees that the global economy is under severe strain. because there were internet i don't even think economists have that but it's not recession start fresh and it's it's it's own imaginable levels of of shock and the data are going to it's like that.
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and give you a clear prediction what the unemployment numbers are going to look like that we're going to be seen soon but i almost certain that millions have already lost their jobs and this just cannot go on much longer without dismantling everything we call civilized life it just it just cannot go so the pressure is growing by the day by the hour by the minute for for the politicians to line up their decisions public policy decisions with the actual documented health risks which are becoming ever clearer as testing has is going on. u.s. senators have been accused of exploiting their privileged access to information about the pandemic in order to make a quick buck after they made big profit selling off shares before the markets plunged among them richard burr head of the intelligence committee he reportedly sold stocks worth up to $1700000.00 he denies the accusations amid calls for him to
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resign him open as the story. richard burr u.s. senator and head of the senate intelligence committee reassured everyone that the us government had the coronavirus situation completely under control here is what he said back in march luckily we have a framework in place that says put is in a better position than any other country to respond to a public health threats like the coronavirus his words sounded quite calming especially from someone who receives daily briefings about the spread of the coronavirus although a few days earlier he was telling a group of wealthy donors and constituents of a very different story here's a secret recording of richard burr speaking at the capitol hill club and. she is. probably. even offered
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some advice to his wealthy friends every company should be cognizant of the fact that you may have to travel you may have to look at your employees and judge whether the trip they're making to europe is essential or whether it can be done on a video conference why risk is needless to say accusations are now flying that richard burr used his capitol hill inside info to help out his pals financially you remember when the stock market tanked right and tonight stock market futures are pointing to a higher open after the biggest point drop in history the dow losing more than 2000 points today and lot of investors repriced that a little shy of the crash we stored in markets in the 2000 point swing on the dow fears over the coronavirus leading to the biggest point drop in history today well richard burr was pretty well unaffected because the gun loaded up to 1700000 dollars of u.s. stocks just a week before the plunge now he says this is not because of any insider information he had overnight solely on public news reports to guide my decision regarding the
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sale of stocks on february 13th but calls for his resignation are growing. as into tam and sent to bergen private briefings about coronavirus weeks ago then you know how bad it would be he told the truth to heal spouse adonis sure and the public that we will find that he sold off 1600000 in stock before the foam he needs to resign senates a bush should resign and prepared to spend some quality time with a federal grand jury that maybe there's an honest explanation for what he did if there is he should share with the rest of us immediately otherwise he must resign from the senate and face prosecution for insider trading but richard burr is not the only capitol hill to well or to make some slick stock market moves at just the right time.
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now all of them are saying they had no control over these investment decisions they're also emphasizing that this was just good luck they had no insider knowledge well looks pretty bad especially for senator burr and laughlin who are pretty well connected of course senator byrd the chairman of the senate intelligence committee he was privy to you know secret briefings on the coronavirus and what the response to the coronavirus was going to be and how bad it might be all of that would be a problem for him as for the senator from georgia she has a nother problem and that her husband is the chairman of the new york stock exchange presumably pretty well connected and she's on a committee that oversees the health industry the bigger picture here is that we
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have public servants we have members of congress who are using their power into. not only in stock trades the problem is that the government has too much goodies to give out so it's impossible for some of these people to resist a minute ashville crisis americans want their political leaders to be solving problems managing the issues and getting things done it seems like they're certainly doing that but on a more personal level caleb martin r.t. new york. we want us to state my pompei i was accused several countries including russia of spreading false information about the pandemic i'm sure disinclination is there any particular locus for this decision for missionaries a few pretty diffused unfortunately but we've certainly seen it come from places like china and russia and iran but there are coordinated efforts to disparage what america is doing. to do all the things at present trying to set in motion here
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because there's no our accusations against russia are disinformation and takes about the coronavirus president europe and the whole world are a big disinformation and fake themselves let's take a look at the presumption of innocence is there archy's asians you need evidence now evidence there can be any claims miles where it can be used as a part of such an aggressive informational complaint earlier donald trump placed the blame for the spread of the coronavirus china's door alleging that the situation would now be better he'd known about the virus earlier the president argued that the world is paying a very big price for beijing suppose it in activity but joined in the blame game accusing china of putting lives at risk. the chinese foreign ministry spokesperson took to twitter to lash out at those accusations demanding pump aoe stop lying she noted that china's efforts had actually saved lives citing the world health organization. until war activists can study things that washington's accusations
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follow a long running path and blaming others for their mistakes while the whole world's been looking at without admiration at the way socialist countries such as china and cuba have handled this and. the us administration has been exposed completely as an apt in dealing with the corona virus trump has discovered that the easiest most least controversial way to deal with a problem in the us is simply to blame it on russia or china. so it's come this out russia has declared a state of high alert over the coronavirus pandemic will be looking at how citizens still monies to enjoy the cultural scenes despite.
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all the little bit messed up bio d.n.a. in some way over. i'm not sure it is such a quick thing you know i'm sure you look better now than when he had. well it's nice of you to say so but i went when i was 25 and wasn't so great. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safer. i salacious community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true. is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. orem even the shallows. russia has more than 250 confirmed cases now of coronavirus with 50 registered in the last 24 hours the government has announced a state of high alert in the country's regions among the actions taken by moscow is restricting foreign nationals from entering the country russians who enter from abroad must go into quarantine for 2 weeks gatherings of more than 50 people have been prohibited from schools and universities and switch to remote learning what he's done of investigated the impact on the country's cultural scene.
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right now we're. playing for his. greatest musician. this is the record. this is. what story he's playing in front of hundreds of empty seats. most disappointed society has been completely shut down but it. just. gives equal than 2 horses on this course of. history coming home seasons and this is just the 1st. many holes will be broadcast live
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online for millions to see for anyone with a hunger for classical music. to the sound satisfied which i wasn't sure which was good but it is very important to feel that life goes on i'm sure that soon will be playing to packed auditorium zoeller the world so i dedicate this concert to everyone who loves cross commutative i know that music heals and real music can cure any adversity or disease so today's concert is antiviral. there's literally no ticket that can get you into this manual count what it took us to get. our passport . press card the mask and body temperature and frankly it's bittersweet feeling because from time. discretion for to most of the stops playing my hands just automatically like a knee jerk reaction. and you want to start clapping and realize how stupid that would be normal but it's double edged you have to imagine the you're being heard by
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a huge number of people that's not so easy because it's impossible to replace the live in e.g. of a packed auditorium i hope that i will feel virtual pull. the most cool for monica cademy is not alone bringing the classical music relieve to the masses via broadband during this outbreak new york's met oprah or pro the berlin philharmonic society and others are all up there making up the good company all of them underlining one particular truth during this covert 19 pandemic well stay whole and good things will come to you. for those who prefer a little light reading marvel has introduced a new comic book series supposed to be representative of the times the reaction online however has been less than positive some readers taking issue with what they see as being the satirical level of work of the new characters so her thoughts her
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latest quarantine diary entry. diary it's day 756 of my quarantine i have cleaned every car but looked out of every window and watched every and i mean every film and series on netflix so i've been left with no option but to turn to comic films not my usual thing but desperate times and i'm so glad i took that leap because in these times of life threatening pandemonium marvel house welcome to the wild exactly what we all need snowflake and search space are the twins and their names are very similar to screen time fast off how imaginative all those names snowflake unsafe space must have taken a serious brainstorming session so these twins are black or white nowadays is so passe that both hyper malton culture i mean who is
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a snowflake with cropped blue have are and matching their tod is non-binary of course they are i'm saying space is a a big burly man and little hot pink shorts why not the part of a series called new warriors so obvious between shooting out snowflakes and creating full fields to protect against unkind enemies these twins would leave the enemy quaking in its boots but apparently not everyone agrees with me the marvel new warriors are so badly designed i genuinely thought they were parodies of stuff as many the minority characters in the main cast as possible series. oh good lord snowflake in say space actually part of this crew marvel even the ninety's is way better than what you're bringing out now for the new warriors at least marvelous producing toilet paper during this corona crisis with the new warriors now these 2
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are just the latest jewels marvels added to its growing diversity crowd with my sisters in arms are also harold the decision to cost a woman as captain marvel back that whole thing had a real rough times a child and all the flashbacks we see there's a horrible man telling her she caught this and then one even told her to smile. about smarmy smile. that. i don't know about you but violent as a result for any unpleasant situation it strikes me as a very positive and empowering message in real life the actress pretty lost and is super malou too i do not need a 40 year old white dude to tell me what didn't work for him about a wrinkle in time rival d.c. comics also isn't lagging behind they went big with the all female birds of prey and light hearted film that delves into fun topics like misfortune ie tears all man
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down and day 5 women even when that clearly unstable. i'm shocked that it flopped at the box office but i mean we all know who's to blame . i'm sure lots of pieces on my birds of prey is under around at the box office but let's be real here it's sexism you expect me to believe that birds of prey is doing poorly for any reason other than sexism everyone keeps blaming their marketing but nobody dares to name the real culprit sexes than of course force have . gender reassignment but mans cost you will need a nip and tuck and while no one has a clue what form ball and james bond will take on next time so. changes to forward to well what do you most about this whole vocal movement is how you gonna
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make it is i mean i don't know about you diary but to me it doesn't feel forced and old there's no whiff of political agenda. here it's just hollywood really caring about diversity. you're watching on t.v. things become pretty old but with the. last 10 or 15 years removed there are big data where so much of our reality of our environment in our society is governed by experts interpreting data and now thanks to coronavirus this is all being stripped away it's all nonsense coronaviruses now
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bring it back to america some intuitive sense of self-reliance is going to be a difficult adjustment don't talk. industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells inabilities on the street many of them under age. police reveal a taste of the daily challenge if you're going to exploit a child here in los angeles they were going to come as you would see officers going undercover as 6 customers to fight 6 trade.
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markets continue their slide as we draw the week to a close this is the one business show you can't afford to miss friendship or in washington coming up it has been a roller coaster week for markets but stocks are still trading far below where they were a month ago straight ahead we bring in blue bus team coverage to break down the trajectory going forward and in the wake of the outbreak the hospitality sector has taken a beating and now employees are beginning to feel the brunt we fill you in on furloughs and the fate of workers during this crisis plus auto sales are struggling due to the pandemic and could put the u.s. n.c.a.a. in jeopardy we take a look at the future of the north american trade and how the pandemic has slammed the auto sector we have a packed show today so let's go and dive right in. and the corona virus continues to spread globally as thousands are still being infected by the pandemic officials
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report there are now more than 250000 cases with over 110000 deaths europe is still the epicenter of the corona virus now surpassing. death toll at least $1000.00 people have died in spain with a total number of infections at almost $20000.00 italy's death toll has also risen in the last 24 hours to more than $3400.00 surpassing china's deaths brazils cases more than doubled in just 2 days with more than 621 infected and 7 deaths it's the senate move to approve the state of emergency over the pandemic the united kingdom also is taking measures of its own to help its citizens and it steps. voice floating around. the edges most of. all the good that we all. do with all these
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regimes we could be 10. 10 copies of those risk rules to use. this. goes. to more. of the stress that we group the situation. so we could relax any of these measures as president donald trump said he's not considering a national lockdown but is limiting nonessential travel on the u.s. and mexico border summer the one taken with the u.s. canadian border. we're working with canada and mexico to prevent the spread of the virus across north america very closely you heard what we did yesterday with canada is a joint comprehensive effort in collaboration with our neighbors. to measure and all of those measures.
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