tv News RT March 21, 2020 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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italy suffers its deadliest single day during the pandemic with more than $620.00 lives lost on friday. plus in neighboring france police officers threaten to quit unless they were provided with better treatment to protect themselves from the fire us. volkswagen become the latest car giant to halt production amid the cove in 1000 outbreaks of the health crisis but ever more jobs at risk. and some u.s. senators are accused of insider trading after they sold off their stocks just before the recent crash.
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a very warm welcome to the program on this saturday evening at 8 pm here in the russian capital let's get started with your live news update. first we have the latest numbers on the corona virus which has now claimed nearly 12000 lives worldwide the number of confirmed cases now exceeds 290000. italy suffered its highest number of corona virus deaths in a single day on friday with 627 people losing their lives and all the pandemic has now killed over 4000 talents in ph and one of the worst hit provinces the large scale loss of life has put a strain on humoral homes and some criminal route have warned it may not be able to take more people into lack of space. and oversee this situation creates an abnormal amount bringing us to an emergency phase making us very likely to hold for
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a few days in order to be able to recover some space. force to use on premises dedicated for the final farewell as you can see this farewell room has become a provisional space. as dramatic as this iteration in italy may currently be there still some room for some positive stories one doctor from the city of bear comeau who like thousands of his colleagues across the country is battling the disease recently became a father for the 3rd time. i was on duty in the covered 19 ward when my wife who herself had previously tested positive for the corona virus went into labor but i still tried to stay in touch with her as much so i could and i heard from her until the moment she was taken for a c section my friends and colleagues from the hospital she was at let me know as soon as my daughter anna was born they told me both she and my wife were right my biggest fear at the time was that my wife would have a risperidone crisis during the delivery and would end up in intensive care
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fortunately that didn't happen we were very lucky my little girl was tested for covidien 900 and the result was negative we will tell our daughter that she was born in a very difficult time for europe but that she was holding out like a real warrior and we will tell her how much we love. meanwhile as adelaide remains on lockdown folgers are patrolling the empty streets of palermo and physically they have been deployed to help police other cities and regions are also considering hauling in army patrols about check out and fractious disease specialists believe the lockdown needs to continue to prevent even worse the task of. the epidemic is a dramatic and we are facing a very big epidemic we should keep very strict measures will lock down in order to reduce their literary skills reading the virus at the same extent that in the center of things in the in this one part that of the so you have to remember
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that is pressuring the north the reason a shortage of person in such as a physician nurses able to face of these epidemic very few infectious disease experts are available now a day and that is a hole so the fact that a considerable number of health care worker has been contaminated and they are not working up. the mystic view is a defective that day by day the constant percentage of the increase. in respect of the total number of the target our goal is to reach as soon as possible the level or below 10 which means the transmission has celebrated and we can look at the did who share with
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a little more hope persians have paid tribute to the doctors and nurses on the frontline of the battle against the deadly virus applause was heard from barclays across the capital on friday night. more than $12600.00 cases have been confirmed in france $450.00 dead all regions are now affected despite a nationwide locked out of french health system is under a lot of strange strain and a french union shared with r.t. for a statement from one medic who volunteered to work with her on a virus infected patients. my 1st day in intensive care for coronavirus patients. on tired 12 hours in closed premises i want to share my feelings today i've seen terrible things and i've never in my life seen such images
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. i've seen people in critical condition are called. because of everything that could take care of yourself take care of your family friends until everyone. meanwhile police officers enforcing the lockdown in france are threatening to strike they claim they don't have the basic equipment needed to protect themselves from the virus are to charlotte n.c. reports. as millions of people in from own saw in confinement there is a cool group of workers who are continuing the daily grind including police offices .
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yet many continue to fly out these regulations despite hefty fines and the risk of being locked up in jail. while. the authorities are tearing their hair out over france's citizens known compliance with the confinement restrictions. there are people who think they're modern day heroes by breaking the rules while they are in fact. when i see people still going to the park to get together or heading to the beach or to open markets they seem not to understand the message from the authorities a lot of our fellow citizens are still taking this too likely but as they blame people for not abiding by the rules the authorities themselves are being accused of not taking proper care of those they placed on the front line unions are furious
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that the ministry of interior hasn't provided offices with basic equipment such as face mosques so much so the biggest police union has warned its members will walk out unless such things are made available there is no reason why we should be victims of a government failure to plan we want to carry out our duties to their fullest but need to be able to guarantee. our own safety if the police themselves become contaminated or strike who will monitor the streets seducer security offices police and other people who are pulled law and order in the country need to be protected out of this parse does not distinguish between police medics and other citizens we're not even sure that we police officers not potentially infecting people when we do our checks so we need mosques and other pretext for equipment to keep us safe and others. if the police get infected who will be able to keep the
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peace to morrow as force is quarantined drags along each day the list of what citizens can do is being tightened the police are called part of keeping order here if they walk out if an infection takes hold within the ranks sones could face an uphill battle to carry out its plans in the war on code 19 so much even ski r.t. pairs economic ramifications of the virus are starting to hit major companies the world's biggest carmaker volkswagen is suspending production worldwide the company which owns brands like scott adi and porsche but more than $10000000.00 vehicles just last year given the present significant deterioration in the sale situation and the heightened uncertainty regarding parts supplies to our plants production is to be suspended in the near future factories operated by a group bronze. that decision follow similar moves by other auto manufacturers
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toyota b.m.w. are not and are among those who have shut their plants during the crisis in the e.u. alone the sector is responsible for around $14000000.00 jobs in the latest episode of artes boom bust automated expert the car coach mourn fix the auto industry will take a long time to recover from the difficulties caused by the crisis. for the auto industry a global basis we're looking at a huge impact with every single manufacturer pretty much shutting down production we're not just talking about high end cars but every day cars we've already seen a huge negative downturn when it comes to china they're off by about 80 percent so far for the 1st quarter but that may change they're starting to get back on line but here in the u.s. we're looking at last year's sales at 17100000 cars. is recommending and they're stating there are some around 14900000 we have not seen a downturn like this since 2008 this is going to impact a lot of us because if you look at the dow jones half of it is impacted by the auto
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industry either by a supplier or something that supports the auto industry so this is going to be a huge impact and it's going to go a long time for us to recover. i don't to be too doom and gloom here but we have had guest after gas telling us we are already facing a recession maybe even a depression is coming will all of these auto manufacturers the giants will they make it out of this crisis or we could see consolidation what is going to happen moving forward. so i think you're going to see some consolidation it makes sense that companies partner to share technology to share platforms to share drive trains everybody makes it to a leader turbo engine if more people start sharing that technology what that's going to do is allow them to make it personalized when it comes to the vehicle the features themselves so i think you're going to see a lot of consolidation i don't think we're going to see them going out of business but the impact to the stocks is going to be a long time to turn around there's also some talk about the auto industry wanting to delay the implementation of the u.s.
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embassy a trade deal known as the new nafta do you know what's going on there. yeah the u.s. n.c.a.a. supposed to start on june 1st but everyone's now off no one's working and so this is a problem so they can't get the regulations in place so they're asking to push it back to delay because that's going to make 75 percent of cars being built here for north america using north american components which is good for restarting the industry but we don't have the regulations in place so they're asking to push it back just a little bit supposed to go in place june 1st and that all depends on this pandemic and how long it takes for us to start recovering. the pandemic is starting to show up in the u.s. job market figures for the country's unemployment rate seeing one of the largest spikes on record u.s. labor department has reported several $100000.00 claims being filed recently we spoke with jeffrey tucker editorial director at the american institute for economic research and he warns that the global economy is under severe strain. because there were not i don't even think economists have agreed that it's not recession it's not
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rushing it's it's it's unimaginable levels of of shock and the data are going to it's like that i can't even give you a clear prediction what the unemployment numbers are going to look like that we're going to be seeing soon but i almost certain that millions have already lost their jobs and this just cannot go on much longer without dismantling everything we call civilized life it just it just cannot go so the pressure is growing by the day by the hour by the minute or for the politicians to line up their decisions public policy decisions with the actual documented health risks which are becoming ever clearer as testing has is going on. a number of u.s. senators have been accused of exploiting their privilege access to information about the pandemic to make a quick buck after they sold off
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a large number of shares right before the markets plunged among them is richard burr he's the head of the intelligence committee and sold stocks worth around $1700000.00 but he denies the accusation of foul play amid calls for him to resign him up and has the story. richard burr u.s. senator and head of the senate intelligence committee reassured everyone that the us government had the coronavirus situation completely under control here is what he said back in march luckily we have a framework in place that says put is in a better position than any other country to respond to a public health threat like the coronavirus is word sounded quite calming especially from someone who receives daily briefings about the spread of the coronavirus although a few days earlier he was telling a group of wealthy donors and constituents of a very different story here's a secret recording of richard burr speaking at the capitol hill club and.
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she was. probably. even offered some advice to his wealthy friends every company should be cognizant of the fact that you might have to alter your travel you might have to look at your employees and judge whether the trip they're making to europe is essential or whether it can be done on a video conference why risk is needless to say accusations are now flying that richard burr used his capitol hill inside info to help out his pals financially you remember when the stock market tanked right and tonight stock market futures are pointing to a higher open after the biggest point drop in history the dow losing more than 2000 points today and lot of investors repriced out a little show off the crash we start in markets in the 2000 point swing on the dow fears over the coronavirus leading to the biggest point drop in history today well richard burr was pretty well unaffected because the gun loaded up to 1700000 dollars of u.s. stocks just
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a week before the plunge now he says this is not because of any insider information he had overnight solely on public news reports to guide my decision regarding the sale of stocks on february 13th but richard burr is not the only capitol hill do well or to make some slick stop. market is at just the right time. as into tam and sent to bergen crowded branchings amount coronavirus weeks and then you know how bad it would be to tell the truth to him spouse adonis showing the public pay to be refined that she sold off 1600000 before the film he needs to
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resign senates a buzz should resign and prepared to spend some quality time with a federal grand jury that maybe there's an honest explanation for what he did if there is he should share it with the rest of us immediately otherwise he must resign from the senate and face prosecution for insider trading now all of them are saying they had no control over these investment decisions they're also emphasizing that this was just good luck they had no insider knowledge he looks pretty bad especially for senators burr and laughlin who are pretty well connected of course senator byrd the chairman of the senate intelligence committee he was privy to you know secret briefings on the coronavirus and what the response to the coronavirus was going to be and how bad it might be all of that would be a big problem for him as for the new senator from georgia she has a no other problem and that her husband is the chairman of the new york stock exchange presumably pretty well connected and she's on
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a committee that oversees the health industry the bigger picture here is that we have public servants we have members of congress who are using their power and position not only in stock trades the problem is that the u.s. government has to my. goodies to give out so it's impossible for these for some of these people to resist a minute ashville crisis americans want their political leaders to be solving problems managing the issues and getting things done it seems like they're certainly doing that but on a more personal level caleb mopp and r.t. new york meanwhile the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei o has accused several countries and clipping russia of spreading false information about the pen demick. issue of disinformation is there any particular locus for this decision or mission or is it. pretty diffused unfortunately but we've certainly seen it come from places like china and russia and iran but there are coordinated efforts to disparage what america is doing and activity to it to do all
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the things that present trying to set in motion here because there's well accusations against russia disinformation and thanks to corona virus present in europe and the whole world are a big disinformation and fake themselves let's take a look at the presumption of innocence is their occupations you need evidence with no evidence there can be any claims moreover it can be used as a part of such an aggressive informational competing earlier donald trump place the blame for the spread of the coronavirus china's door alleging that the situation would now be better if he'd known about the virus earlier the president added that the world was paying a very big price for beijing suppose that an action pump a 0 join in the blame game accusing china putting lives at risk a chinese foreign ministry spokesperson took to twitter to lash out at the accusations demanding that pump stop lying she noted that china's efforts have actually saved lives citing the world health organization anti-war activist ken
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stone things washington's accusations follow a long running pattern of blaming others for its mistakes. while the whole world has been looking at without admiration at the way socialist countries such as china and cuba have handled this pandemic. the us administration has been exposed completely as an apt in dealing with the corona virus trampas discovered that the easiest and most least controversial way to deal with a problem in the us is simply to blame that on russia or china. still ahead if you're looking forward to binge watching a lot of shows during quarantine you may be disappointed explains why after this.
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as the democrats gear up to officially start their 2020 presidential primary it is fitting to assess donald trump's performance in office a report card of sorts where is he kept his promises and where has he come up short will any of this really matter. is you'll media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or a maybe in the shallowness. welcome back many people facing quarantine at home will probably turn to video streaming services to help pass the time but can they cope with the spike in demand and will you be left disappointed artist play book a husband finding out. self isolation is where being on ist is as much about spending time with netflix as it is about saving your ground law from coronavirus. catching up with your favorite shows that are only getting one to 10 to guilt free . definition but as we're all settling in to this warranty. stream of thought on brand which are on animal videos.
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methinks and you tube have let us all down this certain concern that the volume of netflix and chilling which is about to take place will break the internet very juicy less streaming quality by 25 percent just when we needed the most guys pornhub is offering its premium content for free now that its customers. and for those who prefer a little light reading marvel has introduced a new comic book serious that's supposed to be representative of the times the reaction online however has been less than positive with some readers taking issue with what they see as the satirical level of walk mists of the new characters saskia taylor shares her thoughts and her latest quarantine diary. diary it's day 756 of my quarantine i have cleaned every car but looked out of
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every window and watched every and i mean every film and series on netflix so i've been left with no option but to turn to comic films not my usual thing but desperate times and i'm so glad i took that leap because in these times of life threatening pandemonium marvel has welcome to the wild exactly what we all need snowflake and search space are the twins and their names are very similar to screen time fast off how imaginative all those names snowflake unsafe space must have taken a serious brainstorming session so these twins are black or white nowadays is so passe that both. morton culture i mean who is a snowflake with cropped blue have are and matching their todd is non-binary of course they are i'm saying space is a a big burly man and little hot pink shorts why not the part of
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a series called new warriors so obvious between shooting out snowflakes and creating full fields 'd to protect against unkind enemies these twins would leave the enemy quaking in its boots but apparently not everyone agrees with me the marvel new warriors are so badly designed i genuinely thought they were parodies of stuff as many the minority characters in the main cast as possible series. oh good lord snowflake in say space actually part of this crew marvel even the ninety's is way better than what you're bringing out now for the new warriors at least marvelous producing truly paper during this corona crisis with the new warriors now these 2 are just the latest jewels marvels added to its growing diversity crowd with my sisters in arms are also herald the decision to cost a woman as captain marvel back that whole thing had a real rough times of child in all the flashbacks we see there's
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a horrible man telling her she caught this and then one even told her to smile. about smarmy smile. back. i don't know about you but violence as a result for any unpleasant situation strikes me as a very positive and empowering message in real life the actress pretty lost and is super malou to i do not need a 40 year old white dude to tell me what didn't work for him about a wrinkle in time rival d.c. comics also isn't lagging behind they went big with the all female birds of prey and lighthearted film that delves into fun topics like misfortune ie has old man down and day 5 women even one that clearly unstable.
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i'm shocked that it flopped at the box office but i mean we all know whose to play . you expect me to believe that birds of prey is doing poorly for any reason other than sexism everyone keeps blaming their marketing but nobody dares to name the real culprit saxes than of course force having a gender reassignment but mans cost you need a nip and tuck and while no one has a clue what form bond james bond will take on next time so. changes to afford to buy one really i love most about this whole vocal movement is how you can make it is i mean i don't know about you diary but to me it doesn't feel forced at all those who wish of political agenda signaling here it's just hollywood really caring about diversity. a much criticize u.s. based election monitoring organization has reelected its secretary general sparking
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concern of continued alleged misreporting grow as a former your going on foreign minister during his time as secretary general of the organization of american states has called into question a number of elections and latin american countries at odds with washington including the most recent and bolivia. i want to denounce to the bolivian people and the entire world what is taking place as you know brothers of the press which is a coup to tone or against a democratically elected government.
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was a can franco bolivia's former ambassador to brazil told us reelection is a dangerous sign for the continent. i think that the real action of micro means more tragedy for our nations he does not represent the needs of our peoples overcoming poverty and injustice in achieving development he represents the interests of us imperialism for some time micro was a supporter of social groups that suffer from poverty and injustice but unfortunately he could not stay true to those principles something happened and he lost his principles and bowed to the interests of the us gov not. at all for this hour news wise but if you're looking for more it head on over to our website r.t. dot com for countless articles and interviews thanks for telling.
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what you all need each of you straight and answer what has your thinking. when regional. but the. distances to it was it. was below if you were to look at the birth of. the nation. the beach that. a little. a little idealist colored new yorkers love wish to persuade use the use of but i too would worship at which the long. run it interested me for a full year plus a police to waltz.
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