tv News RT March 22, 2020 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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strongest earthquake in 140 years and sees people from buildings on the streets the public service restrictions. on the week's biggest stories from. its borders to limit the spread of aids but france imposing this strict this measures. anybody who has also been told that the. system is to see. the. u.s.
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lawmakers push for a cross party rescue deal to save the economy as the. markets dealing with their worst week since the. 8 financial. with the top stories for the past 7 days on right up to the moment of elements well this is the weekly on r.t. international hello and welcome. we begin in croatia in southeast europe where a $5.00 magnitude earthquake and 2 aftershocks struck just north of the capital a 15 year old found in the rubble of a building is said to be critically ill in hospital several others are reported to have been injured in the streets littered with debris and with significant damage to several buildings the quake was the strongest in the region in the past 140 years among the damage you're seeing here. of the top of the wall of the spires on
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the city's iconic cathedral collapse there are also power outages problems with water supplies as well in some areas the quake so worried citizens come out onto the streets despite current advice to stay indoors to tackle coronavirus the christian army is set to help the city or come the quake's aftermath there we talked to zagreb resident as such who shared her experience with us. i don't have electricity in my apartment though i have to come to a part of my 3rd to be able to do now. and then i found that in my heart breaking i mean my bad who're thought went out of my apartment but you know when you are in this situation and everybody are thinking that you are not allowed to grow so what you are thinking what to do i think that
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would go out there and them are my neighbors were all in front of the building policeman were all thoughts that i've been watching what we were doing we'd be together in our room we keep this. horrible thing to ration this morning. have to be in a skeptical issue it's all moving everyone's thoughts at the moment coronavirus claimed over 13000 lives worldwide with the number of confirmed cases that more than 380000 italy reached the grim milestone this week surpassing china as the country to have suffered the most fatalities currently more than 4800 people on saturday alone almost 800 succumb to the disease at least shutting down all production of essential goods meanwhile the united states is now the 3rd most affected country in terms of infections the number 26 that i sent around half of which are in new york.
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well the european union sealed itself off to travelers from outside europe this week as part of wide ranging efforts to stop the spread of coal but 90. 2 limits to support of the various bubel we agreed to we enforce external borders by applying coordinates temporary wish to action of known we wish to action of essential travel to the e.u. folk preview it or 30 deuced well let's talk one country in particular from the entire nation of 67000000 people on lockdown army trucks being seen in the streets of parts while large numbers of police officers have been deployed to ensure compliance charlotta bensky reports now on the nationwide quarantine. france is now what. looks down the street raked look down that would be in school the government just talked about deploying 100000 police officers to set up fixed points
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to check people who are in their vehicles the word from the government everybody in france is to self isolate president mark one was incredibly clear when he came to the presidential address on monday night in fact the one thing that came through. in that process is that. we are at war the health war to be sure we are not fighting another army new another nation but the enemies that invisible and elusive. that decision came to the french took the calls to stay at home and self oyster late too likely in fact while balls and restaurants were being closed all around and many here in paris came out to the parks to picnic to meet their friends all to sit by the senate and do the same but. the
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government has announced new measures to limit new infections by limiting contact between people as much as possible to amplify the impact of this measures paris parks and gardens will be closed. the restriction these are really centered around self isolation to people who have been told that they can leave their homes for very specific reasons that could be too good for medical appointments it could be top up on food supplies or it could be to go for a walk for health reasons anybody leaving their property has also been told that they need to look at this in pakistan to just state why maybe even some of those reasons that i just outlined anybody who is cool flouting that law or he's cool with going out for a walk just socialize with their friends rather than for health reasons could face a fine of up to 135 years. old the message is
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clear stay at home these are containment measures similar to those in spain and italy all persons travelling must be able to justify their movements each person will have to carry a document certifying the reason for his. another casualty of the new stricter regime is the 2nd round of when is the collections which will no be postponed but many had already criticised the government for allowing the 1st round to take place while sproles was under a partial lockdown. the makris are pushing the limits you do not say to 67000000 french people stay at home for an indefinite period on saturday evening but then on sunday morning leave your house and put your health and those of others in danger if the health situation got this bad loosing thursday into day to the point of closing almost all businesses in makes no sense to hold these municipal
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elections they must be postponed because they cannot be held fairly. holding the municipal elections is completely incomprehensible and contradicts the measures announced by the prime minister i hope that the government will take responsibility and change its mind as the lockdown began and many played to this city possibly going to see some of the time to stay friends and family anything to want to be isolated to give this time to see here france this idea of self isolation is something that many people many people who live below the idea of not having enough social contact face to face for a 15 day period is something that they dreading in fact something else that they dreading is the fact that the government has said it's a 15 day minimum and that peace could be extended but many people here in france just have idea in their minds they're going to return to normal charlotte people
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ski artsy in paris during the time. for where they are brick originated the tide seems to be turning the country's reported its 1st domestically transmitted case but that was after 4 days without only the world health organization say other nations could learn from china's example we report later on how strict measures can make a difference. in the u.s. senate vote on a stimulus package later this sunday to inject stability into the economy after 2 weeks of plummeting stock muscly offs a bipartisan deal hasn't been reached yet but is reportedly getting close top congress leaders will get together for their final discussions later president trump revealed the initial plan on tuesday. by making shared sacrifices and
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temporary changes we can protect the health of our people and we can protect our economy because i think our economy will. back very rapidly one day we'll be standing possibly appear will say well we won and we're going to say that sure if you're sitting there we're going to say that and we're going to win and i think we're going to win faster than people think i hope longer a trillion dollar plus emergency measures on the table tax rebates some measures to help struggling small businesses one of the president's core ideas by the way is to directly checks to americans will go shares have also apparently agreed to boost paid sick leave a suggestion by the democrats which undermined a sticking point between them and the republicans the markets reacted positively to the news on tuesday with shares jumping slightly. mostly the market spent the whole week struggling with friday's closure marking the worst week since the 2008 financial crisis explaining what is going on in the world economy morocco's the of
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. unless you majored in finance everything that's happening may seem a little overwhelming what is going on why are markets melting down while the bankers whirling around like headless chickens in a few minutes with this monopoly set i'll explain why everything seems to be crashing and burning what the hell is a fiscal stimulus and why is everyone crazy about rate cuts 1st that said the pieces here are investors meaning millionaires you're middle class with modest savings your pension is here all of them have some money saved up these days you keep your money under your mattress you want to return it right interest a pretty good pension so you take this money and you put it in the banks pending how smart they are all how greedy they are they promise you x. amount of profit per month the banks then go ahead and loan out this money to
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whoever needs it they drive our entire economy the new hotel built in your city the new jet purchased by british airways the new hips the bar bill down the road from you your mortgage to buy your house comes from the bank so all this money goes into the economy to keep things running and here is how it runs every month these people make payments to the bank here every month the same payment goes back to the bank the bank then pays the investors the investors then put the money. into the bank this is obviously simplifying things but you get the gist of it it's a cycle it all works great while it works but then something unforeseen happens like a mortgage crisis or a pandemic virus clubs and pubs are to be closed along with theatres museums do
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sports centers and similar establishments and retailers with specific. suctions. now is the time to take extra steps we are ordering the suspension of all retail activities with the exception of groceries pharmacies and other outlets selling fancy goods. suddenly mass shut down quarantine factories businesses come to a standstill people lose jobs stop paying mortgages suddenly people aren't paying the banks back and the investors the markets your pension manager they start panicking that is their money stuck potentially lost they see the news pandemic they call the bank they say they want their money out pull my money out of the markets out of the dow jones out of b.p. out of up all the markets crash but the banks don't have it here is where the government step in before this mass panic and
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a run on the banks the government say the magic word bailout fiscal relief lots of words but it's the same thing the government pulls money out of thin air the money presses and gives it to the banks so that they can keep paying investors it's all pretend play they just simulating that everything's fine by printing ridiculous amounts of money and passing it back and forth between each other the real economy the factories in the businesses these guys are in quarantine and shut down but the entire point of this little show is temporary live this illusion has to work for a little while weeks months to allow the economy to recover to prevent the banks from going bankrupt and recalling all this debt to help these guys get back on their feet and start paying their debts back you don't need to be a new to the economist or an economist to realize how how fickle how fragile this
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illusion is the collapse of the markets is a clear. very profound statement the entire investment community which is not the small people who have a few shares i'm talking about the people who manage ancient bonds who manage bank yours and so on have a massive loss of confidence in the government of the united states or in the private economy to get out of this disaster we're running on borrowed time they can't keep printing money for too long or inflation goes through the roof money becomes worthless the illusion will eventually wear off even the most optimistic investors can only live in denial for so long and will realize that banks are living in a dream world then it all collapses see the world up until now has been weighing lives vs the economy for all the criticism and ridicule of the world through
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a child that they shut down everything sacrificed their own economy to keep the virus from spreading the west didn't the west ridiculed that dismiss china's response as incompetent they tried to keep the markets happy rather than the people safe and what they got america and europe is the worst of both worlds and economy on the brink of collapse and the death toll fast eclipsing that of china. infections are also blighting the corridors of power with senior lawmakers falling ill in several countries governments have been working on contingencies to make sure that wields it turning. there are far more politicians who have been infected than you would have by statistical chance politicians are overrepresented in the number of people that's
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. in believe yes casey people were thinking just about isolation and so on until today i hope we are becoming aware that we can't go in there you'll never. that coordinate that way we are all of the entire humanity in we seat in the same boat the big loser i think will be but i shall usually a nationality an atheist and there won't be in our country to isolate itself until of course we need to get an inch and odette like for example take europe we should act in a united to a shell pinkett job that week that great that street the mosques what they would eat what their bodies need and go on and so on i think that in this sense we should be shaped riyadh in the middle of that merely gati operation we should be i'm not
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here appealing to some kind of abstract sense of solidity even in our interest it germany now that's a look at it they may get an even stronger probably epidemic and go on and to want so it can think obviously that it is something that is demand from us but he cites it if we think as a national. step we'll get that big step back and reflect what this our mole go through life how should we change it because we should be aware of why i don't think it's not let's just go on gollum really and into the month it will be over baby in this epidemic. in the fall that i bet if they make that i think it's a logical look at the hospital and so one of the more i think that even when things go well that it doesn't normally it would not be the same normality ashton really
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relieved. we're going to change modes of life. slav void speaking to r t well choose the soul the world health organization's europe director urged nations to take the strongest action possible to fight the pond demick and said china had set a good example. the experience of china and showed that this thing. called buying if so should be distancing measures and. then. quickly and effectively and put events in fictions and say. with china turned a corner of this week on weapons they had recorded no new domestic infections for the 1st time since the break began that continued until earlier this sunday among 46 new declared cases all but one came from abroad china's tough response to contain the spread of the virus has been heavily criticized along the way but those
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don't quarter reports many countries are now adopting similar measures. remember when only china had to deal with the coronavirus the west had plenty to criticize about beijing's handling of the crisis back then when europe and the us didn't have to get their hands dirty. rights to strict measures should also be implemented with consideration to the public's willingness to comply with government control efforts now that the critics are in the same situation that china was in just a month ago it seems like they weren't creative enough to come up with their own solutions after the coronavirus ravaged europe governments across the continent started enforcing lockdowns people confined to their homes streets virtually empty just like in china at the height of the outbreak. gatherings family get togethers and social functions will no longer be from it it will come to meet friends in the park or on the streets will no longer be possible any elderly daredevils that venture out of their homes could face hefty fines or even
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a police baton and all the while militaries across the continent are mobilizing in switzerland it's the biggest since world war 2 and in france army convoys are becoming a regular sight in the suburbs. michael fauntroy. although it's not like they have many places to go the entire european union's closed its borders anyway and on top of that they'll be under the watchful eye of those dystopian police drones just like the chinese ones that frightened more than a few in the western media the country taking some extraordinary measures to contain this outbreak police are using drones equipped with a public address system to tell people to wear face masks and stay indoors that's the stop the spread of coronavirus and drones are flying up to people in public and yelling at them for not wearing masks in fact we're hearing of mask shortages drones soldiers lockdowns whatever communist china does it the western media loves
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to call it all off thora tarion ism but what even makes these measures democratic or not at a time of crisis shouldn't people be focusing on which measures are the most effective. well here in moscow the mirrors office has worn defied misinformation spreading across the internet regarding the mic the measures to contain it but mira has refuted claims that the capital's metro system would be closed or the the city will go into total lockdown and reassured people about the supply of essential products in shops retailers try to calm concerns by releasing video of their hoses some chains say they have supplies enough to last at least 8 weeks just in those areas alone i'm not includes the most popular items not are being hoarded the russian industry and trade ministry is assuring the public that grocery stores will remain open. the supermarket chains have reported an increase in demand
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for grains and hygiene products especially popular among russians is book week. checked out the situation of a large supermarket for us. panic buying has become one of the key manifestations of the coronavirus scare all over the world so now we've come to one of most schools largest retail stores parts of europe the ch'an chain just to get an idea as to how badly this thing is affecting the russians in fact we're in the very same store that had previously introduced so-called apocalypse shopping carts pre-selected bundles of essential goods for about $45.00 per cart it was a one time action but it turned out to be a clear success because those cards have been already swept and they're nowhere to be found but now let's have a look as to how well this particular end a very large store is stocked itself. first stop
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is well good old soap and the situation here is quite interesting because all cheaper ones they are gone like for instance here like 15 cents 30 cents by they are not making up the prices these are actual prices on the soap here they're gone but the more expensive stuff over here. in abundance in fact let me show you one thing you can literally if you are if you are in a panic situation if you are in a panic mood you can literally buy soaps in canisters like this is liquid soap 5 releases of liquid soap but we're going to be opting for something different something. so. particularly sensitive subject lately toilet paper while. any type of budget any type of skin there's clearly enough for everyone and i feel like
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a plenty at home but for the sake of the experiment let's get some why not. well this is trouble all right because we're in the poultry section and the well it's been ransacked there are people all around filming on their phones as well together with us what's going on here but the store has put up a reassuring messages reassuring sign saying essentially that the products the products are on the way don't worry if you haven't found what you wanted here it will be here we will restock it in the nearest future together with the supplies we're doing everything to maintain the needed stockpile. cheaper me like chicken or turkey more expensive mead like before the poor while it's gone just some of the most expensive stuff is here but here
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nothing. well judging by the amount of sweets next to me one thing can be said with certainty children are definitely not panicking and can be an example to us all. well this is of course just a symbolic cut it's not really serious but if i were to go all in and defy wanted to get everything that i needed for a nuclear winter scenario so to speak i would have had very very few problems with doing so and even with that said supply is have been talking a lot and posting photos and videos of their storage is really filled up to the brim with produce saying that there is literally no reason to panic that whatever oh whatever. shows that we've just seen well they will be filled up there will be back fully stops so right now it cloaks the appetite for panic buying here at least
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among muscovites is not that strong. or i thought as your last for us some more great programs get their start in moments and then join kevin on the team and 30 for all your latest local news updates to see you soon. as the democrats gear up to officially start their 2020 presidential primary it is fitting to assess donald trump's performance in office a report card of sorts where is he kept his promises and where has he come up short will any of this really matter.
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why why laughter. don't conform to really seal of so you might say. don't store what they key to post to a moscow also not to post the parts cook it does monkey using to. eat up all that you wished golf. we knew got told was about i'd say you're almost there so you see me your up at loggerheads with one of my people have no idea. i kneel all the results for you upon that send. me.
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