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tv   News  RT  March 23, 2020 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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i was trying to recall right now there are a. hello there are military and you're watching in question broadcasting live from our team america national headquarters in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from all around the world watching right now let's head to our top story that's code 19 of course and it's constant ripple effects around the nation and the world the total number of infections worldwide now topping over 370000 with about $16000.00 deaths today china still leading the way with 81000 cases followed by italy hovering at about 59000 and the u.s. rounding off the top 3 at 42000 cases now taking a closer look at this nation with reported deaths hovering at about 550 cases now
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in an effort to fight those rising numbers here in this country the u.s. national guard has been activated to 3 of the hardest hit states new york california and washington state now almost half of the u.s. cases about 20000 of them are all in new york state alone now several states have issued a stay at home orders for its residents with some even ordering non-essential businesses to shut their doors this means stay at home and avoid going out as much as possible unless it's absolutely essential now current restrictions include the 3 biggest cities in the country new york city los angeles and chicago now overall the policy is going to affect millions of people so here in the nation's capital republicans and democrats all clashing in the senate as the coronavirus rescue bill fell short of the votes needed to advance on sunday night they're back at it today debating on that bill while debating the bill present. trump and the coronavirus task force
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team gave their daily briefing where they emphasized america will not remain on lockdown and looks forward to getting society back to running as usual take a listen we also have a large team working on what the next steps will be once the medical community gives the region the ok meaning the ok to get going to get back let's go to work our country wasn't built to be shut down this is not a country that was built for this it was not built to be shut down. my administration continues to work with democrats and republicans to reach an agreement on an urgent relief bill for the millions of american workers and small businesses and large businesses that were badly affected by the medical difficulty that we've had. artie's fair and from zach joining me a little earlier here's our discussion. he actually signed an executive order that
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prevents hoarding and any price gouging of supplies needed to fight this virus also there is been an about face with trump actually monella who last week called himself a quote wartime president against an invisible enemy that was one of the things now trump seems open to standing down some of the stricter guidelines like social distancing staying the cure can actually be saying that the cure can't be worse than the disease now this is trump is being bombarded right now by projections of up to 30 percent unemployment rates while the economic growth rates are dropping by 30 percent but task force aides say that trump hasn't made a final decision yet on lifting those social distancing guidelines because health experts right now are saying that they are still needed monella so all this while you know all this going on you have the senate voted down again corona virus relief bill any word yet if if something can get through soon so earlier today the 2
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trillion dollar economic rescue package it failed again 4947 this after it failed to get the votes sunday night because it was at a standstill 47 to 47 was that vote now congress has had time to work this out because this bill was actually introduced by senate majority leader mitch mcconnell last thursday but you can see that now there has been a wrench thrown into the mix because you have house speaker nancy pelosi and her fellow democrats they've released a counterproposal that's more than a 1000 pages long so some fun reading there they're calling this the take responsibility for workers and families that now pull his is the current senate bill drafted by republicans puts corporations 1st not workers and families but some elements in this new bill already exist in that bill that the senate is still trying to work out so in this new democratic bill corporations would not be allowed to use any taxpayer money for stock buybacks it would boost unemployment ensure. and strengthen child tax and earned income tax credits and inject $40000000000.00 into schools and universities now it would it would direct payments of $1200.00
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this is looking at the republican bill now 1200 dollars to each and every american $500.00 for each child $350000000000.00 toward small businesses which would push billions toward hospitals in the unemployment insurance system along with a $500000000000.00 program for businesses states and cities now democrats say that this $1.00 trillion dollars rescue package that doesn't go far enough to get health care and unemployment aid to americans and it gives a $500000000000.00 quote slush fund for corporations when that money they say should go to hospitals medical workers and supplies however republicans say the economy needs to be revived otherwise it could just send the u.s. into a massive depression that could be impossible to get out of so one of the reasons that actually this bill fell short sunday night is you actually had 5 republicans you know that were not present because of self quarantine which now has posed the question should senators be able to vote remotely well president trump says that he sees no problem with it as long as it's a certain amount of time until we finally get out of this coronavirus crisis.
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now what about what's what's going forward i mean we know that some of the people quarantine for example was rand paul right. did that obviously that probably impacted the vote and i think a lot of people also want to know fair and if he was asymptomatic why was he tested so here is one of the things that i actually forgot to mention too with this new bill a lot of people are saying that this is actually a big power move brought forth by speaker pelosi to get something done. but when it comes to rand paul a lot of people are saying that you know why wasn't he tested and he's actually facing a lot of backlash especially on twitter you know he was tested because they said that to believe that a lot of people that he was in contact with might have tested positive as well one of those people who was actually just tested him along and his wife vice president mike puns. tested negative but they want to have tested rand paul and it's one of those things where they're saying that why is it that is that a congress to be
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a senator can write a test with his showing no symptoms whatsoever but you know you had a dad who was like new york my daughter has 104 degree fever and i can't get her a test it was a lot of backlash is exactly the anger coming from the american public towards politicians on capitol hill so are there any similar to similarities rather between what's coming out of the democrats and the republicans yes so one of the things is actually the amount of money that each of american would get it's just one of the things that's in both of these bills but again it's all about the age old argument between democrats or republicans corporations versus people so you have regrets republicans trying to also throw some last minute stuff in these bills to try to get them you know pass through knowing that they haven't passed before so it's a tit for tat here ok real quick bottom line are people going to get checks and when can they get it so actually most americans again would get at least a $1000.00 but they're still talking about different brackets for example if you
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make less than $65000.00 or 75000 but u.s. treasury secretary steve he says that his department would be responsible for either sending out the checks via mail or direct deposit if hypothetically let's say a bill gets passed within that least this week americans could actually see money starting april 6th well yeah all right so we'll see how that goes verizon's i thank you for following this very complicated issue right now. our while the impact of the coronavirus is being felt across the country it has left a wave of uncertainty here in the nation's capital where businesses have been forced to close and across the country unemployment numbers have skyrocketed rachel blevins continues our coverage on code 19 with this report. as the united states prepares for the worst of the coronavirus hundreds of thousands of businesses have been closed and boarded up like this one behind me resulting in massive job loss that experts warn will have a devastating impact on the u.s. economy while residents are ordered to stay home and practice social distancing at
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all costs the increasing list of business closures and layoffs are coming at a major cost to the u.s. economy from popular clothing stores famous restaurants to historic easy and the national push to halt all gatherings of more than 10 and the boarded up businesses here in the nation's capital are a reflection of what is happening across the country with stocks falling and unemployment numbers skyrocketing in response to the latest calls to the economy the president of the st louis federal reserve is warning that national unemployment could hit 30 percent higher than it was during the great depression and 3 times more than the 2007 to 2009 recession experts are now warning that the shutdown from the coronavirus could cause a layoff like the united states has never seen before they note that while the worst month for job losses during the financial crisis was 800000 in march 2009 forecast for april 2020 range from 500-0025 1000000 while cities across the u.s.
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are moving to protect residents by expanding debility for unemployment insurance offering financial assistance for businesses and stopping evictions and utilities cut off many americans of war not will be newly enough that they face life without a paycheck and i have 2 kids at home i got to take care of a few them and get through this we don't know how long when you have no idea how long that will be how can you predict if you will make it shelter in place orders are being put in place across the nation from philadelphia to dallas here in washington d.c. the attorney general shared his support for the move and said he believes it would reduce the spread of coronavirus and keep residents safe but with millions of americans staying home is the closure of all non-essential businesses implemented. be impacted the coronavirus many worry that its impact on the economy is only just beginning reporting in washington rachel. and florida is among the states being hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic as the cases there continue
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to grow american made relies a lot. some are criticizing the state's governor for not doing enough to stop the spread r.t. correspondent john hardy has the latest for us from miami. well the case is here in florida continue to increase sharply that's the bottom line to give you an example last week milling around this time there were roughly about 150 cases of confirmed cases of corona virus here in the state of florida well today right now at this moment as we speak the state is reporting 1171 confirmed cases that number continues to grow and one number that i keep looking at very closely are the number of pending tests and there are more than 500 at this point more testing is being done slowly but more of the drive through testing locations have been set up particularly here in south florida so as that continues expected that the numbers are going to continue to increase dramatically said last week in the city of miami
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and miami dade county but it could shut down all non-essential government operations and then the order was given for all non-essential businesses to close we're talking about bars and nightclubs also the city and county parks and beaches have all been shut down that basically happened throughout last week from about tuesday on now the restaurants that do remain open are open only for takeout and or delivery you're not seeing anybody going in and sitting you know and having having drinks and having cocktails or having dinner in the restaurant so that is not happening here one of the problems in miami and basically throughout florida particularly central in northern florida has been keeping people. sickly has been getting them to self isolate keeping them off the beaches out of the parks. basically in self isolation some parks particularly here in south florida in the miami area have been crowded over the weekend we really saw that
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a lot of parks as crowded as i've ever been walking paths in many areas especially overrun with teams of joggers and people who you know even out there with personal trainers people doing yoga that kind of thing there was also the controversy of course speaking of last week and the video that went viral of all those spring breakers in south beach basically partying away with some defiantly saying that they continue to party regardless of the coronavirus well miami dade county tried to basically put an end to that by shutting down the bars and nightclubs and ultimately the beaches throughout the county though some say that wasn't done quick enough and it should have been done a lot sooner there's also controversy here over the weekend mill about the party boats and yachts still taking groups of people out on biscayne bay i saw a numerous ones on saturday doing exactly that also to one popular sand bar off my beach that was essentially packed with people partying in some areas shoulder to shoulder in response the mayor of miami dade county closed their marinas and boat
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ramps to try and stop that from continuing florida governor rhonda santos though has not issued a state wide order closing the beaches instead essentially leaving it up to the various cities and counties even today he said he doesn't think a mandatory shelter in place policy would be good for the state one thing he did do though and this just came out a short time ago is that he's basically saying if anyone is traveling from new york to florida then they will be required to have a mandatory 14 day self quarantine ok so that order was just put through. at this point though as far as not basically giving the order to close all the beaches taking a lot of hate. that he continues to with at this point one lawsuit being filed against the governor of the santos demanding that he close all the beaches and that it wasn't done soon enough but so far miami dade broward and palm beach counties here in south florida have all essentially shut down today
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a group of more than 75 emergency room doctors nurses and physicians physicians assistants here in the miami dade area issued an open letter to the residents of miami dade county policing with them to stop going out to stop going to the parks to stop going out and basically fraternizing and basically dismissing the threat of this disease saying that this testing ramps up quote the number of confirmed cases will explode it is a dangerous threat to all of us and quote i know about to just mind blowing john that people are just disregarding all of us john how do you live for us in miami thank you. next more cocaine $1000.00 coverage from 2 of the hardest hit states in the country a full report coming up and then later at the sports h.q. regina hamm highlights the wild grand final in australia top women soccer league we'll be right back.
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journalists and audience alike dare to question more. and over in california there is a troubling trend that has a lot of consumers up in arms are to correspondent natasha sweet has more from l.a. . even though there are laws against price gouging some stores are taking advantage of the situation and now $1.00 liquor store in fresno was fined $10000.00 as a result as people are scrambling to stock their houses up with food water and cleaning supplies some businesses aren't playing by the rules super liquor store in fresno was fined $10000.00 for allegedly attempting to sell bottled water around 4 times the normal cost and the same thing is happening in los angeles city officials are looking to bring attention to stores driving up the prices of items in high demand like bleach and hand sanitizer city attorney mike faiers says los angeles
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city prohibits price increases ever more than 10 percent during an emergency he says quote no retailer no seller can sell a good service medical supplies and so forth for more than 10 percent more than they sold the item before the emergency according to his office staff came across 21 liter containers of hand sanitizer for $140.00 they also discovered 8 half gallons of bleach for a whopping $100.00 similar stories are being reported from around the country some even online retailers offering toilet paper for $10.00 a roll and facemasks for $40.00 even major online retailers like amazon and e bay have implemented policies against price gouging the only problem some of these listings are post. faster than they can be taken down further legislation to combat price gouging was introduced in the house last week california is one of the hardest hit states with 30 deaths and more than 1600 confirmed cases of covert 19
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now president trump has activated the u.s. naval hospital ship mercy in route from san diego it will be docked in los angeles for those not infected with copd 19 this will free up existing hospitals for those with the virus according to l.a. mayor eric are said this will become the largest hospital in the city with more than 1000 beds this will allow health care workers to focus on krona virus patients while increasing the amount of much needed ventilators now there are other major changes happening up and down the coast of california beaches in san diego the scent of monica pier and beach parking lots in santa monica have been closed hoping to better enforce social distancing reporting in los angeles suites r.t. . and let's turn to new york where there were that number there the coronavirus cases is the highest in the country officials bracing for that rap an influx of patients when the virus hits its peak they say in
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a matter of weeks artie's trying to chavez continues our coverage on covert 1000 from new york city. state officials sounding the alarm in new york of our andrew cuomo issuing an emergency order mandating all hospitals to increase their capacity by 50 percent as they prepare for a dramatic surge in coronavirus patients in the coming weeks this as the number of coronavirus cases in new york continue to climb there are now more than 20000 cases statewide including 5000 new cases new york city has become the epicenter of the outbreak with more than 12300 confirmed cases they see it is an upward trajectory i see it as a wave that will break at one point in the question is what is the point of the break already. hospitals across the country are reporting a surge in coronavirus patients and a looming shortage of critical supplies like ventilators and masks mayor bill de blasio saying hospitals have only a number of days to get critical supplies before doctors will be unable to save
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lives of those who might otherwise survive over the weekend the president approving a major disaster declaration requested by governor cuomo the order that brings the national guard and approximately a 1000 medical beds to new york this as officials look to turn hotels into makeshift hospitals and large event spaces for hospital supplies storage but you have to reduce the spread of the range of the virus the rate of spread of the virus you're not really going to control the spread but you can reduce the rate of the spread so you can handle it in your hospital system the javits center which is home to auto shows and trade conventions now it's 1800000 square feet of space transforming into 4 temporary hospitals with a 1000 beds and then elaters other sites include state university of new york campuses at stony brook westbury on long island and the west chester convention center meantime the governor continues to call in the federal government saying
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it's time for president trump to inforce the defense production act to order manufacturers around the country to produce more protective equipment for health care workers reporting in new york treated each other as r t. r the u.s. has unsealed criminal cases against 2 former officials at venice well as state oil monopoly american officials say this is part of a new round of charges and sanctions against the government prosecutors also charge a businessman associated with a subsidiary of the company better known as. and u.s. secretary of state my pompei o has landed in afghanistan today in an effort to end the political crisis that has stalled u.s. efforts to end the war there pale met with afghan president ashraf ghani and got his chief rival abdullah abdullah who have been a locked in a power struggle since afghanistan's september elections. right let's head over
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to the world of sports with regina hamm women's professional soccer has wrapped up its season down under in australia who did we crown the new champion it's actually a pretty familiar name but close doors wouldn't stop the grand final of australia's top women's soccer league as it came down to one goal deciding the newest champion it was all smiles and waves for these ladies but that was gone the moment the ball hit the pitch 15 minutes in melbourne city captain stephanie catley sending a dangerous cross across the these of the goal to break open spring her team is pretty happy about that cali just attacks in the box him until is all over bledsoe just catches the ball in her glove and ends up being an old gold and silver is not going to let themselves be shut out sophia where the cross in the right corner stopped by kathleen's are i promise she is ok city f.c. trying to find any sort of offensive action a break ironically let's go shall take the shot but it's blocked by larry williams cleared off the line really carpenter matilda's just completely fall apart by melbourne city and the premiers keep their unbeaten streak as the clock winds down
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shutting out sydney f.c. one nil with the in melbourne city of the 1st westfield. to lift the trophy 4 times i'm so excited i'm sure to have my words stadiums though are without fans for pretty much the norm in australia's top men's soccer league but that didn't stop an upset game for the newcastle jets on their home pitch and the stadiums with no fans that just seemed to boost news castle jets at all 1st chance against melbourne city f.c. cross shot from conor o'toole 3 done in done with that beautiful bicycle kick no good though but it still is an impressive attempt but he's not happy so the jets answer back to stop time nick fitzgerald take in the past both. his former side he slams are crossed over no dice footwork they're just too little too late jets up one mil after half time melbourne city looking to drop even fine for in very his header for the equaliser does. teammate's close your firm no one else is there the host looking for goal number 2 and it's a bomb of
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a shot from stephen or got to vic just can't get there he's going to fall behind it's a beautiful group just held the lead to upset 2nd place melbourne city to one and likely the last game for a while as the football federation of australia postpone the rest of the season. and with many sports impacted by the current of ours it's a great time to see the future athletes pick up the mantle and no one does that better than this young boxer 8 year old. showing off some pretty impressive skills on social media calling himself the future of german boxing he trains with his dad on the job that is uppercuts his dad is actually a pro boxer. is a w.b.s. champion with 12 knockouts to name and a 150 record young high fees looks up his dad as a role model for his training and sees american muhammad ali as an idol when asked why he thinks sharing his sport with the world of social media in this time is so important a few says because when everything is bad the world needs something to stay together. and he's absolutely right you're seeing sport as we know it is not quite
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the same so a lot of people are taking to social media see young there he's pretty impressive i think i would get knocked in the face with that little guy and you see a lot of other people the social media there is a video of a room by and a broom saying that this is the new curling you know people are getting inventive and i think that's the future going forward have to be creative i mean we're in the new norm we don't know how long we're going to be locked in this new norm but seeing young kids like i mean just rocket wow i mean we can pull him back up but look how fast this kid is impressive i don't think he he doesn't ring out of i wish you could see i know but he's moving faster there you go he's there going a lot faster than any of us are you know that's the beauty he's getting now he's being active and get having a dad a pro boxer that is going out and that doesn't hurt either right but like he's good you set a very cool think you for that regina ok that's it for. yes right now but you make sure you keep up with everything in question at all times by downloading our brand
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join me every thursday on the island so i will be sure and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics for those those i'm sure. i'll see you then.
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this is a boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss. stay over here in washington and coming up markets reacting quickly as the federal reserve makes aggressive moves to help the struggling economy. already helping iran as pressure to remove thanks continue to mouth we have a packed show for you today so let's go and dive right it. firmed cases over the coronavirus continue to grow rapidly and the world has now surpassed 350000 and factions and the death toll past 15000 the spanish government is expected to.


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