tv Politicking RT March 24, 2020 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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you know. the writers it's going to be severe larry but i don't think we quite know the extent to be yet we don't know if this is a true week shutdown of the year 2 might strike out of the economy but wonder if it's one or the other for working men and women in the cut this well you know by 58 percent of workers in this country are hourly wage workers this is food service workers retail workers none of those people are getting paid they're all filing for unemployment insurance we've got a whole industry of independent contractors get your purse there are going to be able to get paid and can't get on climate charts and we just see if low down in the rest of the economy right now we've got school loans being we've got businesses closing and so it's important to provide relief as quickly as possible to individual workers who are affected as well small businesses
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is it going to get wars before against better you know larry unfortunately i think it's going to get much much worse and i think depending on how long this goes on it'll tell us what the recovery the problem out to many. 100 will live a check to paycheck small this is this country generally operate with a very slim profit margin so they can probably withstand worse small businesses maybe you know a week or 2 of disruption but boy this goes on for a month or so i'm worried that a lot of the small businesses will never recover and then there's this rupture and throughout society whether it's you know school kids not working whether it is just the help the long term health implications of thousands are potentially millions of people being sick you know i'm just like everyone else praying for that public health crisis to get result and then we'll deal with the economic damage at the end
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. you're advocating a one to 3 month economic shutdown what it what does that entail well actually look i here's what i don't know it's all one or 3 much ident here's what i do know is that this is a public health crisis and we need to result the public health crisis 1st before we deal with any kind of. assessing what the economic recovery should look like so right now what i would do is ensure that workers get money in their bank accounts so that they can bike rosaries that they can pay that rat small businesses again even if forbearance on their low lease payments and then i think in general throughout the society we look at all the different ways that we end up put off some of that debt that people have to pay every month again whether it student loan debt auto debt card debt just the basic nature of it we can kind of keep some sense
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of financial ability until this public health crisis eases up and when that happens we can then consider broader bailouts to other larger companies someone who is shown out in this mostly i guess is governor cuomo of new york would you agree with that and conversion lee how effective has the president. why i think the real superstars larry in this public health crisis have been the governors i'm thinking not only governor cuomo governor inslee in washington state governor newsome and california even governor pritzker in illinois and really fully you know the the front line of response is stable officials who have to make it difficult decisions about business school who have to deploy their public health officials. help monitor this situation and shown remarkably
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stable competent leadership it does stand in stark contrast to the gets a frantic attitude that this president has shown you know for 2 months he basically this is this here is this a crisis better deal than 80 and if the jets that people stay in their homes now i'll be wavering in that suggesting that maybe the academics is too severe and continues to kind of fall back on his old tactic whether it's blaming his own and. attacking the media spreading false information about a potential cure when the president would be well served to do is really just to take a step back and trust the career experts in his administration's to make this decision and he's talking to a lot of the cruise industry and how important that is and important it is to save
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it but there's having other there from flags they're not roads that in america. you're absolutely right larry look at before we point large corporate bailouts whether it's the cruise industry or the airline industry and hotel i want to think 1st about american workers i want to think about those people who are trying to figure out how they're going to make their rent payment at the end of this month i'm thinking about small business is the mom and pop deli in the longer matt in the and and the diner those are people we should be helping at right and once we get past this crisis we can then assess what are the larger companies that we should be helping out. the cruise industry certainly employs a lot of people as you point out these are not they're not flat or i headquarter in the united states but they do employ a fair amount of people and they should certainly be considered for relief but so
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should so many other industries in this country but again let's focus on the workers purse and small business. how do you think the business community is reacting how they do and why i think they're struggling i think they're struggling because you're getting mixed messages from the president in the absence of federal guidance consistent federal guidance what you see is a kind of a patchwork of 50 states making decisions and in many cases a lot of mayors making decisions as well and that's a very complicated environment for businesses to react to presumably like in the airline industry you see huge drops off drop offs from their businesses right now and you do wonder at some point i how much longer some of these companies could say going in so this is a very tough environment and sent in many ways much more challenging than the 20082009 financial crisis
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overall how's the president doing. well i certainly wouldn't give him a 10 out of town it's a great insult you know he certainly has been engaged but i do think the challenge is he's be really pressed the conferences that he's getting are just not helping at all. at least making claims that aren't true that require other people who's in this ration to bend clarifier i.q. the answer of use it more as a political exercise of how he can make himself seem as good as possible attempts to attack his opponents you know they said he's a waste of months of our response effort by dismissing the seriousness of this crisis and unfortunately far too many people of his followers still continue to minimize the seriousness of this because they're remembering the president's comments from earlier earlier on
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where you think of extending the tax deadline to. july 15th from april 15th. york think that makes a lot of sense and i think there are federal agencies that a lot of other steps that are noteworthy whether it is putting a hold on a foreclosure whether it's missing back student loan payment but already your help because what you want to do is to create some measure of financial stability where we're at right now so that they just get through every day so that is good food on the table you don't want to put any additional stresses or certainly any additional debt payments onto them until we start to get is it back up and running it yet do you think the business community is in general or acting well what i think they're trying to is that as i said i think this is a challenging environment for a that and i think you know they are making the decision they need to make but i do
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think that there are there. are riffraff program. a lot of our people suffering right now so. these are challenge running ready. lame anyone at this point for their conduct. do you think joe biden should be seen more should he be active in a way as he's expected to be the democratic you'll be i have be the nominee for president should he be more vocal and open now. where he is starting to be again this week during a shadow rethinks talking about the president's response that run a virus and what he has potential president will do you it is one of the challenges right now because in an environment where you bought more parts of the country under a lock on. to a big campaign event he certainly any bet your press conference all like press
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office became shape and the supporters you can't do race are. a point at which he can do that again but at this point the best thing he could do with what he's trying to do which is it continue to push out his plan for what he would you what do you think of the baby present briefings of the president does holding you know larry i don't think they're helpful at all let me say this i think it's helpful when we hear from the vice president in the corporation efforts of the federal government i think it certainly helpful if you're from medical experts like dr fouts you but i don't think it's all cool when the president gets up there and he basically a recent version of his campaign rallies where he feels the need to raise our performance to attack his enemy and to this belt false information i really wish these briefings were left more than a handful of the experts said of the president. or slow as always thank you so much. thank you larry. we'll be right back with
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tariff long russian airlines. from donald trump in 2016 to tulsa gobert in 2020 there is part of the electorate their response they can tie war anti interventionist rhetoric and in fact there is evidence this significantly helped get trump elected but the fact remains the establishment is keen to downplay and even demonize any candidate who questions to support the doxies why is this. join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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welcome back to politicking our donald trump's daily appearances at the white house press briefings on his administration's response to this pandemic helping or hurting let's talk with someone who's attended some of those briefings he's bill press progressive political commentator host of the podcast the bill press pod and he's in our nation's capital bill press i know you're not his biggest fan. of so s a b c news poll showed that 55 percent of those surveyed approve of how the president is handling this crisis are you surprised at that not really surprised larry i think 1st of all that's a factor of the fact that donald trump is on national television every day giving
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a briefing from the briefing room with the surgeon general and the vice president and the head of the mud and whoever else he brings together that day. and i think that has an overall impression on people that this is a guy in charge it's a serious crisis and this is a guy in charge. i do believe however that as things go on and things are definitely going to get worse. people may start to question is all this just talk or is the guy really in charge and is he really getting things done do you consider him a wartime president. by definition we're at war against this virus yes and. and he is a wartime president here but here's what i find lacking and i'm not trying to make
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this political of all i but you and i know. over the years at a time of any serious crisis we all the american people look to the president for leadership you are you and i remember ronald reagan when the challenger for the challenger disaster bill clinton oklahoma city george which differ september 11th barack obama mother emanuel down in charlotte and sandy hook up in connecticut and so people are naturally looking to the white house right now for dollar trump or better ship and i find i fear that what they see for the most part is a confusion and an in adequate response i mean we last 2 months when donald trump total denial about how serious this crisis what we knew about it in early january it wasn't until last week that he. announced an emergency
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declaration and said we're going to take this seriously and fox news trail right behind the acting like a was a hoax all right according to yell iowa the posse of the mayor of new york the president won't i'm sorry go ahead what fox news i think has a lot of answer for. ben smith in the new york times a couple of days ago laid that out that it's not just that some of the talk show hosts like particularly sean hannity and laura ingram. we're calling this a hoax saying of the dead are responsible for that what the democrats were saying was more dangerous than any virus and basically just dismissing the whole thing which of course donald trump was doing too that nobody. called up you
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know the new laughlin murdoch who's the new head of fox news nobody called these people at these hosts up and said hey this is a public health problem you know put politics aside and just talk about you better take this seriously i think we're all grateful i record carson our old friend from c.n.n. tucker carlson was the one who was saying this is serious guys you got to stop just making fun of it and he went down tomorrow largo so he could talk to tropic got trampled trump aside and took ottoman to changing his tune in on this i mean tucker carlson may have ended up saving a lot of lives. because trump listen to him thank god. the mayor of new york bill de blasio said he had the president of lift a finger to help his hometown and he said of the president doesn't act pay more die who could have lived otherwise what do you make of divisors criticism.
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well i think that's a little too strong frankly you know the the the president has been talking with the governors he has particularly been talking with with andrew cuomo and new york is one of the hot spots you know it's california it's new york it's illinois that's where most of the cases have been sorry washington state and new york and california for most of the cases that then now new york leads in a number of cases that have been tested and people found positive but the president has sent this medical ship up there he has sent the 1st c.d.c. medicines to new york to be tested. so i don't think he's ignored new york but overall i think we have seen in this country the leadership
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has been coming from the governors and the mayors. i mentioned any new york you have a new some from our california our own governor of california jay inslee up in white interstate gretchen whitmer out in michigan these are the governors to been really taking the most serious and the most forward steps gina rimando from rhode island as well you could go you could go down the list and i was in the briefing room the other day larry when somebody asked the president if he were going to buy some masks and buy some testing kits have the federal government do that and send them to the states and the president said no that's up to the governor as he said and i'm no shipping clerk but simply he's let them take the lead and i think they've done a pretty good job we're doing a pretty good job. bill i saw you at the white house with the press crew ask a question over the weekend was your impression and having been there what's your
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impression as to how the president is handling this and what that daily briefing is like. well larry it's a rather bizarre i have to tell you 1st of all you understand there has not been a white house briefing by the press secretary since march leben 29th in over a year and now suddenly the briefings have come back and the vice president is in charge of the task force so the announced the briefings every day this is going to be a briefing led by the vice president on the latest in the fight against the coronavirus and yet every day it's the president. and takes the podium and gives his own introduction and his own should build a lot of it just kind of rambling 1st and then he introduces other people and then
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to ask questions the problem is there's a lot of talk but a lot of it doesn't add up i mean the president keeps bait keeps talking about the fact we're working on a vaccine and so keep hope alive but the vaccine in the health officials tell us won't be ready for at least a year then the president says we've got these new medications that are being used for rheumatism now we think that our work on coronavirus this could be a game changer and then dr pouty steps up to the podium right after the president and says slow down these things are not tested we got to start some tests and it'll be maybe it'll be months before we know whether they work and then the president says up into these companies and they're going to turn around and they're going to start they're going to make ventilators starting today and then the reporters call the same companies after the news conference and the companies say we don't know
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anything about this or it will take us months to to recalibrate so there's that i just have to say there's a skepticism among the press corps that what we're hearing from the podium every day and i've been to 4 or 5 of these briefings is not necessarily what the point of this where there's a big difference between what we hear in the briefings. from people on the ground in the states and what we hear from the governors do you think that joe biden should be more visible. i definitely think joe biden should be more visible i think think that that opportunist i think we need leadership from both sides on this issue number one number 2 i think that is a big contrast between what donald trump failed and what joe biden said he would
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have done had he been president now he can go out there and whole big rallies but there's no reason it donald trump going to hold a job i think and hold a news conference if joba donald trump can come out every day in front of the press corps in washington then joe biden who's just up the road in wilmington he could come in maybe not every day but he could certainly come for and say here's what's here's what i would do here's what we need to do here's what i propose i think joe biden is missing an opportunity by staying huddled up in wilmington delaware do you fear the election could be postponed for a while. you know there's a lot of talk in washington about the dollar from my postpone the election i think that's all b.s. it's like to use a real word but i don't know i'm not i'm not worried about their personal. i mean we're we're in deep deep trouble if this thing is not behind us by november number
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one and number 2 my understanding is that constitutionally the president cannot delay the election even if he wanted to so i think people ought to just relax on that front cool their jets on that front somehow we'll get through the rest of the democratic primaries and maybe everybody will vote by mail. and then and there may or may not be conventions that's a different thing because that's in july but i think by november will have an election everybody will vote and maybe the best person wins. optimistic or pessimistic about all of this bill i prefer to think that i'm realistic meaning i think the real reality is that things are going to get worse and i'll tell you why i say that. my
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son one of our sons is the medical director of a clinic up in bend oregon i talk to him every day about this he tells me they don't know how many people have this virus in bend oregon because they don't have an up tests and they can't do enough testing and that's true across the country so today it's like 35000 people in the in the united states reported cases 35400 and $800.00. that's that's just a fraction of the people that have this virus we do not know because we haven't done the testing so realistically this is going to get better but in the long run i'm up to mystic that we'll put this behind us just like china has put it behind us so the south korea so in singapore will get over this and. we'll bounce
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back like we always have bill i thank you very much for joining us under trying circumstances always great having you with us. always good to join you. we thank bill press for his time today and we thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or don't forget to use the politicking hash tag and tweet me at kings things and that's all for this edition of politicking. aeroflot russian airlines. i'm
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greetings and sal you take. one simple tweet ladies and gentlemen with one tweet the president of the united states of america laid bare to us all the true nature of the majority of our elected officials and their corporate handlers just 10 minutes from midnight on sunday the 22nd 2020 donald trump the brand name in chief tweeted out in all caps of course we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself at the end of the 15 day period we will make a decision as to which way we want to go. affectively telling the people of this country and the world that he is possibly rejecting the social distancing and stay
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at home korn to use that every health professional and infectious disease scientists has told us would save us and our hospitals from total catastrophe and why why would the president reject these potentially lifesaving recommendations you may ask because it's the economy stupid yes like all good tinpot weakling wanna be tough guy leaders trump and a host of others on capitol hill and wall street are suddenly sounding a new call to arms that we must sacrifice our elderly and our own personal hell so that we can save their oso precious economy here is lieutenant governor out of texas dan patrick telling fox news as tucker carlson that he and other older americans are ready to literally fall 'd on the coronavirus sword take a listen that we can't lose our whole country we were having an.
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