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tv   Boom Bust  RT  March 25, 2020 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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a pause in credit payments so that the lord will be prolonged without any punishment any additional longer interests and i call upon banks to work. harder to ensure that small companies interpret nears and individuals can rely on these guarantees people have no income they should not feel that they are in a deadlock we should not be. taken hostage to loans. i call upon the government and the parliament to speed up their work on introducing these changes to the legislation. the small and medium sized companies micro companies especially if they work in the field of services are today constructed by any number of difficulties orders are shrinking the income of their revenues are going down we need to charge of these companies so that they will continue working
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sustainably and will not have to fire anyone it is our primary task and i call upon every. lawyer in the country that we need to ensure stability on the labor market there should be no increase in unemployment that the government is ready to help businesses to make that happen. those sectors of the industries which are affected the most by this troublesome. demick we will apply for the measures small and medium sized companies. which will be giving them. an opportunity to pay their taxes later including v.a. t. will pay that after 6 months as for micro kompany this. is super them to you and also they will not need to pay even surance fees for the same amount of time as for
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loans. small or medium sized companies and micro companies car finding themselves in dipping. will be able to pay their loans. in time after 6 months bierria i call upon the government of the central bank to adopt additional measures to ensure. that crediting and lonely schumann's is continuing on a sustainable basis that can be done through subsidies and governmental guarantees companies and factories which are now in a difficult situation should be protected from bankruptcy that is why a period of 6 times we introducing a moratorium are the bankruptcy applications as well as. the comp when you measure is related to the collecting the data from such companies that is going to help those who are most affected also the government is instructed
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to monitor the situation 24 seventh's when needed with these measures can be expanded and the number of the category of companies involved can also be changed expanded but we need to do our best to support people's income specially those people working at small medium size companies the these companies need to have additional resources to. be resilient and for that we need to. google or worth the insurance fees for them is down to 15 percent. but if that will be applied to salaries which are higher than the minimum wage level. if the salaries at the level of the middle botia lower than that than it will be the same 30 percent when used in this stuff. and again yes looking east
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it's not for a couple of months i think. it's not an anti-crisis measure that's a long. planned will go this way will be creating additional stimulus to the companies to increase salaries of their employees. and you so much for insurance premiums now. another measure all the. dividends. well shorten the interest go into all shuras wrote of russia should be just. subjected to fair taxes and this is why bridges today have many human kind of these schemes existing to optimize your flows facing the tax of 2 percent only while people look at have to pay 13 percent of income tax that is a huge disparity this is unfair. that is why those who would like to take their
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money their dividends outside of rush hour to put on for your council will be introducing a new tax of 15 percent on it. that will require of course certain amendments to the double taxation agreements that we have some countries and the government easy to work out it you but if our foreign partners refused to accept these terms then russia will these agreements unilaterally and we'll start with those countries who see the majority of resources taking out from russia. because that is a blow to our economy. secondly in many countries of the world what if we take people and their money their investments in the. stocks. and shares in your blog they are paying taxes for them we don't have such
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a tax and that is why i suggest that the people who investments. are bigger than $1000000.00 rubles should be paying tax on the money they get from the level of 13 percent not the deposit not the investment but the money they get from their interests but you would like to stress that this is going to be applied only to one. of the bank clients while all the other terms and conditions will remain at their current level they're one of the most profitable today if we compare them to any other country in the world in these measures or the harley but we need to do that we all the additional that you haven't used the budget gets from these 3 measures will be directed at financing the families with children or. families who lost their
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jobs or those who are on medical leave. because the us citizens of russia all of the measures which have been taking that will be taken in the future will work they will be affected if we. work. together if we understand all the complexity of the situation if the government the people will work shoulder to shoulder if we do our best of will do everything within our power. then we will do it we need to be responsible for ourselves for our families of those who need our help our support but. the larger the that is the cell or dare issue that we need and the society is defined by that solidity by that readiness to come to others help that is how we respond to
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these challenges. with us thank you for your attention we've been watching the president live address to the nation much anticipated dealing with covert 19 the affects of it just to. taylor and 2nd but the big news that's come out from is the fall in the same kind of thing that's happened in the u.k. recently there's going to be a locked only here but essential employees from march the 28th till april the 5th. of evidence that was going to be on the front line of this and told all russians and people living here to not underestimate what is going to come ahead let's go over to saskia taylor now and some from moscow she was listening yeah. good news for people. to give minimum wage if they're made unemployment dispose help for people in their families the children wouldn't go to kindergarten but it does suggest that russia is going to be heading into some tough times the next few weeks
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here so i guess what i have to say in a bit more detail. well of course it was a much anticipated address to the nation so everyone was sitting very eagerly listening to exactly what he had to say especially as it was called last minute so we knew it was something serious and it was something that we did all have to pay attention to that were lots of rumors about what it was going to be about but i think we all by and large knew and suspected that it was going to be about corona virus so just to briefly run through as you quite rightly said he thanked all the medical professionals who are watching on the frontline of the fight against coronavirus he said that tireless work is something that deserves of course the utmost respect and praise he said that yes of course russia has taken preventative measures for example shutting up border with china back in january banning entry to foreign individuals but whatever you say russia was an enormous country with so many borders with so many different other countries so he admitted that it is almost impossible it's just not feasible to expect virus not to seep across in some
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form now one thing that is interesting is he talked about the referendum that is due to happen on the amendments to the constitution that was currently planned to take place on april 22nd he said but obviously in light of the current global pandemic it's just not feasible that that's going to happen so they are going to postpone it he says we will see to what late today i'm going to speak to medical advisers and will determine that at a point in the future the other key thing that happened is he said that from the 30th of march until the 5th of april it will be a non working week he said no one in russia will be watching except for people in critical services that includes people who work in the medical community government administrations banking and municipal authorities and he essentially expressed his hope that this will help at least slow the process resolve the situation because of the last thing that we want to see is the type of development dramatic development
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that we're seeing in countries like italy in spain in the u.k. . hey now one thing one aspect that really took up a large part of that address was the economy and very rightly noted that of course the whole global economy has been dealt a really heavy blow as a result of this covert 19 pandemic so he said our primary responsibility is to ensure that people in russia remain financially stable and the businesses feel supported so there were a whole number of measures taken very concrete but things right people who are currently on social benefits they will automatically be extended so you're not going to have to go to somewhere and get a stamp from here and get another piece of paper it will automatically be given to you if you're already eligible families most families will be given a monthly an additional monthly some in order to help them. that's also the government is going to work overtime it's doing all that's what accelerated so that
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no payments are caught up in the system up and there's a delay so everyone is getting the money that they need and when they need it he says that obviously we need to sympathize and we need to support particularly small and local businesses because they really will feel the heavy blow of this so he's giving them certain concessions so for example he said they shouldn't feel hostage to loans and and he's going to give them starting to spite our they can pay their taxes a bit later but he said primarily the task here is to ensure the stability of the country and he said obviously will be following the situation 247 will be amending it if need be and he ended on a very strong note he expressed his absolute confidence that these measures will bring results and he said if we are all joined in solidarity in the face of this challenge then he is absolutely sure that they can beat this pandemic together and
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it really on the whole was a very comprehensive set of guidelines we know that things. so influx you know numbers up and down borders opening and shutting and here it's so clear that there were measures being taken very clear that the concrete twin sure not just the physical health but also the economic health of russia and all of its citizens. things from a lot of help for a lot of people but also telling russia to say to brace brace what's come up over the last over the next couple of weeks thanks for but you for more later as our coverage of this whole coronavirus thing continues brought back out from russia reporting on events worldwide as countries continue to work tirelessly to fend off this deadly virus on the way a little bit of good news ahead of the pack here china's city of rule of course where this outbreak began at the end of last year and now with news of a plan to lift quarantine measures there for next month.
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trade and investment have become magic spells to conjure economic development. most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the in fast chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but what when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys secret summits all the environment. that means local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can be certain. the nationals are taking on the whole nation philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop
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oracle by implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a french company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage to democratic choice over trump corporate law joining us as we try to fund for the to. again amongst all the doom and gloom we're going to go back now to where the pandemic all began the chinese city ruined so associated with doom and gloom but police report put it to a light at the end of the tragic tunnel where authorities now say they plan to lift the lockdown measures on april 8th and getting back to some normality for
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somewhere at least traffic will be allowed into the form of virus epi center as it was. well locals will be able to leave the city if they are deemed to be healthy is why it's starting to revert back to normal life delighted to report to you numbers of new corona virus infections are dramatically decreasing in who bay province and around the country 2 of the unfortunate 47 new reported cases today none were found in woo han and china says all in fact were people who'd return from being abroad i.e. not local cases they're not local infections elsewhere in china code 19 related restrictions of already been lifted in a couple of other places as well or at least relaxed case in point the city of nanjing residents there are no longer required to wear face masks supermarkets getting back to a bit of normality and schools expected to resume in a few weeks 2 or ok well as the rest of the world shuts down at sporting events
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again case in point the huge olympics were spoken for a year in japan this showing a little glimmer of life again a bit of energy on the streets is a matter from that went ahead in southwest china deep safe enough runners had the temperatures checked before taking part it's mark the 1st event small steps of its kind since the outbreak in the country china expert joseph chang explain to us why he thinks beijing has been so successful here in dealing with the coronavirus detainee's authorities certainly have demonstrated tremendous mobilization power and. control. the region has been a boat in stand in medical services medical personnel from the people's liberation army and various provinces. and the problems at the same time the chinese people were very aware of the and those of
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the downy they had ample experience from the science at the dam me in 2 or 3 so these tools act as. contributed to a very effective to and very effective corentin and apparently this says. quarantine worked do look good at the moment that scientists of are very eager to demonstrate it's and has set a very good example to the world is system. is political situation is superior so good to hear some progress in china but of course not the case in so many other places around the world where the core of the population of the world's under some is a lot of the moment so china witnessing some positive results in its fight against covert 19 but countries in europe far from it this seemingly only at the door of their own battle against the virus and russia's going to come into it just now beginning to adopt some of the strict measures that china supplied there are
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a lot of these countries in europe on monday case in point british prime minister boris johnson outlined a lock down across the u.k. that range from non-essential shops closing and a ban on public gatherings of more than 2 people as we heard as well here in russia is going to we cough up until april 5th no one apart from essential employees will be working are to charlotte do penske looks at how the world is turning to china's methods to defeat coronavirus after previously of course naturally criticising beijing. there are drones monitoring the skies to see who is all know move we are being tracked so lauren force wind agencies can find us to check our papers i need r u d with me at all times i'm only allowed to go for specific restrictive functions my neighbors are ready to report any gatherings as this is now illegal when
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measures like these were being taken by china the world was shocked. the measures required to stop transmission completely maybe to socially or economically extreme there has to be a balance between protecting people's lives and their livelihoods now these are the decrees being made in democratic countries no socializing limited exercise we are told it is necessary. we are at war i urge you at this moment of national emergency. to stay at home it's the most difficult crisis that our country is going through since our postwar period could you imagine that just a few weeks ago that a simple walk outside would require a permission slip and without one you could land yourself in jail yet despite the
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fundamental crackdown on our basic rights the masses are following the rules anyone who wants to raise a debate about this is being shut down very often and the log downs that are imposed or are not targeted sufficiently so that for example i think you need to provide a bit of space who are children to play in the parks for people to get a bit of fresh air that can be done in a sensible way what i worry about is that many government just in a black and white way say stay indoors and i think that going to all kinds of negative effects and people will eventually go against that more than a 1000000000 people or self isolating in more than 50 countries 34 countries have made this compulsory including france italy spain and greece countries in europe the continent that gave birth to democracy and while we are not being sealed in our
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apartments as people were in china high tech surveillance is being used to ensure we comply mobile phone operators are in talks with governments or health authorities about using geo location data to monitor where we are when epidemiological point to you there's a good argument for using the g.p.s. systems of understanding the direction and trajectory of the infection and we know it goes but obviously it raises all kinds of issues i've worked previously and freedoms legislation is being passed without the normal so. to me that's because lawmakers also have to abide by social distancing measures emergency bills giving to kone and powers to elected governments all while the guardians of our civil or human rights say cattail mint is ok as long as it's limited rights shall
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not be subject to the restrictions 6 of those which are provided by war and the sewer to protect public health but human rights watch also says a broad quarantines and lockdowns of indeterminate length rarely meets the criteria in spain in italy france the u.k. there is no definitive lockdown duration and what about our right to the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health self isolation for weeks for months is hardly the gold standard so if the price to pay is relative imprisonment at home economic collapse and the end of liberties and the values that we have been taught to hold on to so tightly so dearly is the cure worse than the disease jollity you can ski r.t. paris. wall street should european stock markets and breathing a little sigh of relief you can report this wednesday booking recent trends with
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a jump in prices on opening it comes after the u.s. announced plans to unveil its biggest economic stimulus package in the country's modern history 2 trillion dollars of businesses and individuals impacted by coronavirus this agreement is really an outstanding agreement to them to all americans i say help is on the way. big help and quick help. huge amount of money huge amount of to and fro just sort of that deal was struck after $5.00 days of intensive debate and after democrats twice blocked it going through insisting on concessions the legislation will provide direct payments then and unemployment benefits as well as loan programs however the international monetary fund isn't so upbeat with its predictions for what lies ahead the economy around the world it says the health crisis will cause a global recession this year. the human cost of the coronavirus pandemic our
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already measurable and all countries need to work together to protect people and limit the economic damage is the outlook for global growth for $20.00 twentieth's negative or recession at least as bad as during the global financial crisis or worse but we expect a recovery in 2021 we wanted more on this we heard from the chief economist and c.e.o. at saxo bank who told us covert 19 has spread on the back of globalization. so i think it's important to understand from here us and this is the worst crisis i've seen in 30 years for the western markets this is only parallel to that we can find 1920 s. and 1930 s. in terms of magnitude of the shift you remember that 3 things happened at the same time the global supply chain broke the global demography down because people got contained and had to stay ahold of the social distancing and finally we had the oil war that at a time where the market needed a little bit of support and cruiser and created
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a huge amount of capital destruction in the energy sector a little bit a national level but also a company that will i've never seen 3 macaroon poles at the same time comes to the market and hitting it in the way to date so this is the biggest president are it's pretty clear that the paten off travel holiday and business trip over the last 1020 years has just exploded the preceding the airline companies the the mandans producing new airplanes the amount of discount travels around the world a country like china in his own sense 500000000 people into the risks that are well in the database so of course globalization through travel has become a global and interconnected baseness and that's one of the ways we see the the virus spread so quickly. well that's it for this live update from marty's main studio h.q. here in moscow i'm kevin oh and thanks ever so much for watching this pre-show to all of us see it every day we'll continue to bring you live bulletins from here and
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r.t. u.k. i can tell you is going to be on in just about 2 minutes 3 minutes time with a partridge there or more of the developing stories our teams around the world are working on this r.t. america are also over in washington d.c. they'll be on a later stage in the service for us to keep you posted around the clock you can find the latest headlines at r.t. dot com and of course keeping the speed of our social media too so yeah i'm certain times a lot on the go for all of us to think about but we will do our best to keep you posted informed and it's over the coming weeks with great news updates from our studios around the world documentaries that are really informative and entertaining talk shows from all of us here in r.t. international and me kevin o. in front of a good. job and i'm going to be up there so i don't think about that. or.
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kind of where on the. course of it now i think it's have in. africa mafia has promised them safe passage to europe but once they. leave they are leaves because speech util. will let some of the leave your mom and i couldn't you know italy let's you know get it out i mean. this all the. let me guess all court of the united for thought it was the persona that i can't even use coubertin woman len you.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see if that. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. for a mate in the shallowness. welcoming our viewers from around the world live from central london this is archie u.k. . president putin an ounce says russia is to go into lockdown with all but essential shops closed for a week as the country tackles coronavirus. u.k. prime minister barak's johnson clashes with the opposition leader over coronavirus testing that's as the heir to the british throne prince charles tests positive for the virus after experiencing mild symptoms. the government continues to be criticized for not protecting the self employed as lacking clarity on where that utility workers are deemed essential.


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