tv Americas Lawyer RT March 25, 2020 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT
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tash held back had no plan for the future and instead took all of their money everything they got in tax benefits everything they got from the government and the stock buybacks take it from there right you know we've spent the last couple decades giving corporations these massive tax breaks they've been making money hand over fist the big big banks have pulled in more money than ever airlines are doing great but instead of putting that money aside which is kitchen table economics always make sure you've got enough money for a couple of months these corporations decided to go ahead and essentially artificially inflate their worth by buying back their own stocks which puts more money into their pockets and it ties their money up in the stock so they can't spend it on other things they can't spend it on you know expanding they can't spend it all worker raises it's all tied up in this you know artificial stock that they've created so when the market tanks they lose all their money they lose all their value and that's the exact opposite of what the stock market was actually
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designed to do the stock market was invented so that corporations could get money could get this capital through an initial public offering and allow the risk of the company to be taken on by average people out there the corporation didn't risk losing money well they broke that rule it rages me delta airlines delta airlines they had one month one month setback for this kind of a problem they're raking in more money than they can spend their credit line you know they haven't really called on their credit the credit line is not supposed to be used for this kind of a rainy day problem the credit line is is used for things like expanding business those types of things but instead what they did as you said the the money that they have there have been great years and they were just greed piggish buying back stock trying to prop up their company make a look bigger than it actually was so. oh now we really see what what are the smart
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companies take you take microsoft you take any of the tech companies they have more cash than they know what to do with but these folks don't have that mcdonald's the these are people that they they employ hundreds of thousands of people now they they have a revenue of 21000000 dollars 2x1b2x1b dollars and they have cash on hand right now to be able to take care of their employees and take care of this downtown that $800000000.00 and what did they do with it just like you said they bought back stock they paid huge dividends they wanted to do everything they could to increase the chances that the people at the top are going to get big bonuses isn't that what it comes down to absolutely 100 percent and that's all the stock buybacks are about and you know we were we've been told repeatedly 40 years now about this whole myth of trickle down you give these companies more money they're going to put it into the workers they're going to expand their business everybody
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gets raises it's been shown time and time and time again it doesn't ever work in practice and now even more so than just oh oh people didn't get raises now the chickens have come home to roost because they could have done the right thing even if they had just put the money aside and said let's get through a full year in case everything goes south but as you said that it would take about a month or month or 2 months look you've got to say knows how does a casino not have enough cash to take care of their employees when things go bad same kind of problem adelson wanted to make look like he was the biggest dog on the block so he did incredible numbers of buyouts buy backs of stock and paid dividends and really the people that are suffering right now are going to be his employees florida governor rhonda santos has been sued for failing to close down florida beaches during the pandemic and it's leading to all kinds of new cases of viral.
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affection he's the guy the decision stops with to scientists he has the 10th amendment of the constitution says that when there's not anything that's reserved specifically for the federal government when it comes to taking action on health safety and welfare that the states are supposed to do that or they can do it goes all the way back actually even before the goes back to for the 10th amendment goes back to the revolutionary war where people were dying of yellow fever and in philadelphia the leadership said well we have control we're going to take these people or when we're going to put them quarantine dishonest has really dropped the ball here as he did and when you consider the fact that even the big attractions in florida disney world universal those places that already shut down before spring break in and like right here we have all seen these pictures going around social media thousands of people packed on of these beaches and of course once the counties and cities finally said ok we're going to close our beaches everybody go
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home the reports have been popping up for several days new case here they got it in florida and they brought it back to their little hometown because these college kids people forget this they can't go back to their college town they can't go back to their dorm room they have to go back to mom and dad who now are exposed to this virus because colleges all over the country shut down so they're going back to their small towns and spreading this thing like well to sell us made a decentest made this decision because he's an experienced be because he really he had no he was he just had no no type of experience to put him here but that's part of that's only part of it the other part is he made the decision because a lot of his big donors were in the hospitality business right and if you close down the beaches there in the hospitality in the hospitality business suffers then that it comes back on him so instead of doing what he should have done and said look this is a real. this is
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a pandemic these kids as you point out are going to go home they're going to infect everybody that they come in contact with because really you know they're not a they're not at risk as much as mom and dad right and that's another scary part of this you know a lot of these kids may even be asymptomatic meaning they're carriers of it but because they do not have enough of the proteins that this virus binds itself to they may not show symptoms or they may show mild symptoms that do resemble just a little cold and they go out and about their daily business they stop at gas stations all the way back home you know touching those handles going inside touching the bathrooms it is a disease trail the entire way of love i hope we can follow it but there's no real way to follow the disease trail it's just completely out of control there were thousands tens of thousands of people on beaches they had one idea we're going to go there and party we're going to drink we're going to have a great it's spring break we've been working hard they're not really thinking about
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what's going to happen when they go home dishonest that was his job his job was to think for i thought it was interesting that he closed down the beaches in palm beach only in palm beach only in palm beach he closed them down march 20th and left everything else open several senators are in trouble after it was revealed that they sold off millions in stock after clearly being warned about the looming pandemic all the way back in january this might if to vote ugly story of the day this is it this is where you had feinstein it's democrats and republicans you have feinstein you have richard burr you had kelly laufer pick it up from there and will will fill the you in hoffa's in there to what it's really discussing because all of these senators were sitting there in that meeting back in january the public didn't even know this thing existed back then they're told here's the thing this is going to hit the united states it's going to be horrible it's going to be bad for the economy so these. 5 people at least that we know of left that meeting made some
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phone calls and started dumping all their stock because they knew what was about to happen and actually as of monday burr has now been hit with a securities fraud lawsuit over his role i hope hope we see more than this and it can't just be we're suing you for money there has to be criminal charges because loffler she's the worst of all because not only did she sell her stock but she also purchased stock in telecommunications companies that would benefit from people having to work from home ok knew what was coming yeah and here's here's here's the point of all this the point is that we're talking about january we're talking about january 24th when the information starts disseminated what i thought was most interesting is burr asked for top secret meetings from the health and education committee and he saw these top secret meetings take place the next thing you know within a month within a matter of actually 2 weeks he's out getting ready to start now the loffler story
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is even more intriguing and more discussing because loffler is hubby runs the new york stock exchange he's the guy in charge of new york stock exchange and so so she says well gee whiz he didn't have anything to do with this idea of having to do with selling this selling it is this was our advisor our financial divisor now it's just not sellable is it no absolutely not it's very clear what happened she at the richest member of the senate by the way over 500000000 a net worth probably goes home or even after the meeting makes a call to jeff sprecher who is the c.e.o. of the intercontinental exchange which owns the new york stock exchange and says listen bad things on the horizon so in this same timeframe where she's dump and stock and burn feinstein or dump and stock sprecher starts dumping stock millions of dollars of $16000000.00 right and so he say. money he saves the i.c.e.
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intercontinental exchange money and there is no way that he just has such good timing that he knew to do that no his wife was on the committee she was warned this is full blown criminal activity at the head of the new york stock exchange so ok so right now you say well they're on their investment that feinstein don't forget fun fact understand feinstein goes if you'll remember we did stories on feinstein all the way back to the iraq war remember the conflict hubby had yeah and she's making decisions that are putting billions of dollars in hubby's companies and so at some point don't just say ok you got a perp walk i'm and the problem is it's what we talk about all the time why in the hell can't we perp walk somebody who's dressed up in a suit we perp walk everybody else we can't we purport corporations when a corporation makes a decision to kill people with a defective product or when when they get in when they engaged in destroying an
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entire ecosystem and leaving children and families with cancer why can't we say we got to put them in jail just like everybody else this is a great example this is one you really want to take a look at as it develops yeah look we 5 of them that we know off by and this story is still developing i have no doubt as this goes for oh it's going to find a lot more of them and again these are only 5 in the senate god only knows what's happened in the house of representatives once their financial statements come out we'll be able to take a look at the good folks at pro publica who did a great job with this daily beast did a good job with it they're going to look into this and we will have more names of welcome out of here and the trick is to be tried don't be tribal about it put on blinders if it's democrat then find that the you have to deal with a democrat same way deal with a republican vice versa that's the only way you can change any of this type of culture in that congressional bubble that exists in washington d.c. thanks for joining me ok thank you coming up goober. or c always asking the
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president for some serious funding to keep the popular wide sharing service afloat as its usual customers have all but disappeared due to the citywide closures over the call of our that and more when we come back. the stock market i could imagine trading in a 1000 again on the dow and that would be an appropriate level given the true underlying economic factors the bond market. should be 4 or 5 percent in the in the 30 day interest rate ok that would mean bonds would be down 506070 percent but that's that's something that's return to normal valuation and that's what we need right. trade and
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investment to become magic spells to conjure economic development. most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the invest for chapter of a trade agreement as opposed to something very different but what one investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys sacred sites all the environment. that means local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can be sued. the nationals are taking on the whole nation philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop tour of the way from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a french company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage democratic
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choice over trump corporate law joining us as we try to fund don't want to party. from donald trump in 2016 to 2023 is part of the electorate that responds to antiwar anti interventionist rhetoric in fact there is evidence to significantly help get trampled like that but the fact remains the establishment is keen to downplay and even demonize any candidate who questions policy orthodoxy why is this . has asked the president to include financial assistance force drivers and delivery workers and in the covert 19 economic stimulus packages there's. being debated on
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capitol hill artie's regime joins me now to talk about this 1st of all richard let me talk about this our use discussed it is i am with what's happening with the democrats and the republicans on capitol hill it's just it's just it's like children they can't come and get anything done when you take a look at all of this that the trash they're trying to build into the bill when all we need is one thing solve this problem so let's just pick it up from there is who were asking for a bailout here they're not asking for a least that's what he says on paper in the letter that he wrote to president trump that would be the c.e.o. of direct cause or shockey now the cea says he doesn't want to bailout for it over but he wants protections and benefits in support for workers who are on the front lines of the bring food to people who have to stay home and giving transportation and rides to people who might need to go to work or elsewhere that the company is bookings they have declined by 60 to 70 percent across most of the country so it's
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hard to imagine that this financial aid the c.e.o. is asking for would not benefit the company as well and this is so bad because the c.e.o. has for a long time fought employees of rights to be classified as employees the workers he for a long time has said that they're not employees they're independent contractors and the whole purpose of doing that is to deny them health insurance and other benefits so this seems a little man misguided well it's good that he's asking for help for them it does seem a little bit like he's mixing his words here you know well you can't have it both ways is what you're saying either they work for you or they're independent contractors and now he's trying to merge the 2 according to his need but i'm wondering how is it protecting its drivers to begin with i mean isn't that part of the probably were thrown in the car with just about everybody doing anything to protect these workers as they call them contract workers. they said that they're
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suspending their carpool service which allows more than one passenger to ride at a time and meeting strangers but it's now also saying that it's taken congress' recommendation to provide drivers with up to 14 days of financial assistance if they're unable to work because of a positive diagnosis or because of government quarantines and it's also promised to provide protective gear sanitizers and masks to drivers but it's reportedly fails to deliver so far and who has not also not said whether it's going to notify passengers of potential exposures to the coronavirus while using the right share platform you know drivers are already struggling to earn a living wages working for many of them can't afford to take time off unfortunately and cars are shoddy is really starting to see that his company can be successful without those drivers so he's asking for these new protections but if you really care so much you should classify them as employees well it's hard to tell what
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congress is there it's a it's a a dummy bubble i like to call it the dummy bubble the d.c. dummy bubble we have palosi trying to load everything up in this legislation republicans trying to load up for corporations and legislation that is going to give people some relief while we work our way through this but you've got a whole gaggle of dummies palosi dummy. mcconnell dummy they all have their special interests and so i don't really see much being done if i look at the story my conclusion is you've got a bunch of dummies trying to figure all this out i'm wondering has congress the dummies shown any interest in protecting these workers in this sharing economy. you know they say that they have insurance but again they've got to put the writing on the wall some members of congress just a few of them have actually called on hoover and other right sharing and sharing economy companies like post new it's instant car to take action to prevent covert
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19 from becoming the thing and that is shared in the sharing economy and some of the ideas they've suggested include creating a coronavirus health fund that workers can tap into if they need to get tested or if they need to be quarantined and they've also suggested that the companies pay workers their average pay even if they aren't working those average hours but again that's something that these companies are have to decide to do on their own as far as congress is concerned is concerned they just can't seem to get along with the that's the problem with pitting democrats against republicans and having these 2 parties because they're actually just one party and that is really the corporate party working on behalf of these corporations like you over which i was heavily lobbied against worker protections and it's a catastrophe it is a bubble d.c. bubble catastrophe and i hope i just pray that we hold these folks responsible for the disaster that they're causing across this country just because the kid you
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gather just for a minute and work something out that's going to help americans all 'd over this country so anyway bridge you thank you for joining me ok. thanks like at this point all 50 states in the us of issued states of emergency in response to surging coronavirus cases which have restricted every facet of our daily lives but as millions of us are being forced to stay home to help contain the outbreak just what are our rights i have legal journalist molly barrows with me to talk about that molly your 10000 foot on this to start this discussion what is well 1st of all the constitution allows states to basically quarantine people if they want to it's the power to keep us all safe within its borders and healthy and whatever qualifies as being safe so yeah so if you don't listen to government state orders whatever level it comes down from and they can all do it whether it's state local or federal if you don't listen to their orders to isolate or quarantine in their federally give i
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mean and they're you know not not volunteer i should say right now we're just under a volunteer isolation orders that they're not if they're manned into any mandated corps and then they can put you in jail in some states it's a misdemeanor and others at the felony they can find you in wyoming i think you can be fined up to $10000.00 another put you in jail for a year another one finds up to $10000.00 other fines or $50.00 to $1000.00 i think it just depends on the severity of the epidemic and the last time we saw anything actually regularly or severely enforced according to the c.d.c. was the flu pandemic in the early 1900 tear in this country so it's interesting i mean our rights are certainly compromised but it's more about the state of emergency i mean it's the 10s of millions it all flows from the 10th amendment the 10th amendment is a member of constitution that says what the feds don't do can be reserved to the states yet so the states have the right and they are actually more than a right they have a constitutional duty to protect health safety and welfare and with that duty for
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example in florida dishonest has blown it yet because he had the right to say nobody on the beach to prevent all the disaster that's going to come from that is just it should. now starving because of dishonesty is bad decisions dishonest have the right to say right now our airports that are where people are flying in from new york in new jersey and he told them not to come. exactly told not to come in and oh by the way when you get here would you please so of course don't come find anybody so the point is he could have done a lot more good news yes he absolutely could have and in fact the inverse to tampa just recently announced that they've got 5 students who tested positive for corona virus and guess what they were spring breakers he made the decision only close to beaches now is being sued for not closing the rest of them and this is something you brought on themselves so yes states have the discretion to enforce that but really at this point because it's not mandatory you can make civic decisions like forcing the closure of beaches or having businesses shut down which is essentially a deterrent to people who want to gather who are going to pay attention like some
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of those invincible spring breakers that we heard so annoying sound bytes from but you know the bottom line is they're putting a lot of the onus on the individual and like you said the federal government the c.d.c. has the power to stop anybody that they suspect of being exposed or coming from a country like china you know other countries where it's been a problem let me get going to be clear they didn't get a new then they can get them all the airplane detain them gap quarantine and then i say we're going to you know you're not just come in here here's the point he can do that with. state travel he can do that new jersey in new york 'd is come they're coming down here in a flood and that's this they're interested in them and they're trying to get away from the pandemic up there and coming here to san is has no player he has no plan and i don't think it's just him i think you have other governors i do know don't understand or they're not willing to really pull the trigger on this 10th amendment right that they have to go as far as they need to go i think you're 100 percent right but i'll even occurred to me while you're saying that let's take an even
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bigger picture point of view do you think this is a problem with the g.o.p. led leadership to a certain extent because they're more interested in who's going to not donate to their campaign make a campaign contribution or are they going to set. powers that be higher levels you aren't perceived as taking it seriously or maybe don't understand it as well maybe they clearly don't understand it themselves and it's not an act you know so i don't know well i'll get g.o.p. d.n.c. right i don't really care that green got a bunch of buffoons in this d.c. bubble right now that are made decisions and the truth is they can't make a decision on how do we help people because the democrats want to pack it they want to pack everything up with their green everybody has an agenda other than have green agenda the corporate the republicans want to pack it with everything that's going to help their corporate friends and at some point i mean there's got to be payback for these people that are running they're going to be running elections coming up and i think just think we have to tune in to what's really happening here
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and we don't believe that there is a d.c. bubble that is so restricted in their innovative thinking that they can't get past this this deal do you think do you think palosi or because mcconnell do you think that they understand what's happening in america's kitchen table right now i don't they i think they've shown that over and over and over again before this pandemic even became an issue that with other legislative to show that they were making they basically are not in touch with what with what's happening with the american public they are isolated and so as a novel not to drag the mainstream press and to do that they're reporting on these people and it's all the separation from want and this is where you see the rubber hit the road because we're not getting help to the people that are living and breathing and effort and dishonest in florida is responsible for the same thing thank you for joining me mo you can follow the night congress can't seem to get their act together long enough to actually actually help the american public
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multiple stimulus bills have died in the past few days because democrats and republicans keep loading them up with their pet projects dimmick. gratz want to crack down on environmental damage republicans want to hand out hundreds of billions of dollars to corporation meanwhile american workers aren't able to pay their bills and the economy continues to go under there's only $1.00 solution and that is to put money into the hands of the american workers congress need to set their pet project to the side for now and give us a straight relief package aimed at workers not corporations instead both sides in congress would rather squabble like idiot children about it as workers struggle just to make it by day to day that's all for to find us on twitter and facebook at facebook dot com slash r t america's lawyer you can watch all our t. american programs on direct t.v.
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channel 321 and also stream i'm live on you tube and be sure to check out our tease new portable app where you can watch all your favorite shows on my pap and tonio and this is america's war your where every week we tell you the stories about corporate media and how their order not to tell the stories that we tell on this show because their advertisers won't let us have a great night. you know i mean even at their cd i don't think about a potential many. kind of going on that. if i'm not big now i think it's higher than. africa mafias safe and. to utopia but once they.
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leave the country each util. will not some of the the be a mom and i couldn't you know it's already this you didn't get it out it meant. from the cinquera mainly out of the they sold the. lead. core of the man who. was the persona that all this can be the norm in lending. childes seems wrong why don't we all just don't call. me old yet to shape our disdain comes to educate and in games from it because
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betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. because there's survival guide book stacie just like all the stores simply. use it . be sure it's going to get it back. next year. oh heck no good repatriations look at the us a 7 yr. old to separate those guys are ignored.
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hello there i'm a military man you're watching in plus 10 broadcasting live from our to american national headquarters in washington d.c. here are the stories we're working on for you today 1st up the white house and senate have struck a landmark agreement on a 2 trillion dollars stimulus deal to help americans in the age coronavirus details on that next in a live report plus the world health organization officials say at least 20 coronavirus vaccines are in the works with the race to find a cure now on a global scale details coming up then gene editing can this help with finding a treatment for coping 1000 and maybe even preventing the virus will discuss with
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