tv In Question RT March 26, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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hello there i'm an electron you're watching in question broadcasting live from r.t. american national headquarters in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from all around the world here are the top stories today the 2 trillion dollar coronavirus rescue package has finally passed in the senate the but he missed bill aimed to help millions of americans so what's in it and will corporations again get a bailout a live report is coming up next plus france announces a military driven operation to clamp down on the spread of covert 19 as the global economy tries to batten down the hatches and survive
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a growing public lockdown then over in the u.k. parliament is closing a week early due to coronavirus fears this while a london court has denied bail for wiki leaks founder julian assange we're going to discuss all right it's time to boost your news i q. kovac 19 again dominating headlines with now 170 countries and territories territories reporting new cases here are the latest numbers worldwide there are now more than 490000 confirmed cases and more than 22000 deaths and here stateside confirmed cases now topping $69000.00 and deaths related to the virus over a 1000 and back here in washington d.c. after days of debate republicans and democrats came together. pass the largest ever
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stimulus package for americans impacted by the coronavirus shutdown now this bill is heading over to the house and president trump has already promised his signature artie's rachel blevins is joining us live with a breakdown of what's exactly in this bill rachel well manella this gun and 11th hour vote is being called historic after the republicans and democrats who have disagreed strongly on this 2 trillion dollars stimulus package passed it with unanimous support late wednesday night president trump who has already promised his support took to twitter where he wrote 96 to 0 in the united states senate congratulations america as part of the stimulus package americans with an annual income of less than $75000.00 will be eligible for $1200.00 in rebate checks married couples will get $2400.00 and families will get $500.00 per child that amount decreases for those who make over 75000 and if your annual income is over 99000 then you don't qualify it all now americans are already feeling the impact of
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the coronavirus shut down and unemployment claims in the u.s. have hit a record 3300000 in the last week hours before the deal was passed senate republicans criticize it for being too generous with unemployment benefits but they later relented and agreed to the terms of the package they passed addresses the crisis by giving unemployed workers $600.00 per week for up to 4 months on top of the state benefits they already received they would also get an additional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits the deal 6 to create a pandemic unemployment assistance program for those who have lost hours and wages due to the shutdown but don't qualify for sure to tional benefits the package also makes independent contractors and part time workers eligible for federal benefits over lost wages and it offers small businesses $350000000000.00 in forgivable loans now the health care industry has also been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic with states across the country reporting. shortages of surgical masks ventilators
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and other supplies while senate democrats an issue to criticize republicans for being too cheap with their proposal for aid the final number they agreed on is now above $100000000000.00 that you will create to fund your reimburse hospitals doctors nurses and providers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic they also eliminates more than a $1000000000.00 in scheduled payment were duction to hospitals treating uninsured patients and it boosts reimbursements for facilities treating medicare patients diagnosed with the coronavirus by 20 percent we have also seen ongoing criticism for the deals attempts to take care of corporate america and develop companies like boeing which is lost billions after its negligence resulted in the deaths of $346.00 people the deal comes with a $500000000000.00 lending program that is meant to bring relief to industries hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic it also includes rules banning stock buybacks for companies receiving aid and banning elected officials and their immediate
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families from receiving aid and it also says aside $17000000.00 for companies the government sees as crucial to national security a list of bowing would be included on now the largest economic stimulus package in u.s. history is now headed to the house where a vote is tougher friday morning while it is likely to pass it has received heavy criticism from representatives who argue that the tax should have been made public before last night and as the government is still not handling the crisis in the most effective way reporting in the newsroom rachel blevins archie. and unemployment claims took a sharp uptick over the last 2 weeks and now some 3000000 people have filed for benefits after countless businesses were forced to shut their doors amid this virus outbreak some economists like those at bank of america have already said america has entered a recession and just this morning the chair of the federal. reserved powell said
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this when it comes to this lending we're not going to run out of ammunition that doesn't happen to help from the fed will be when the economy begins to rebound then we'll be there to make sure the rebound is as strong as possible. so joining us to break it all down investigative journalist and co-host of boom bust ben swan so bad 1st the federal reserve of st louis is estimating america's jobless rate could hit a whopping 32 percent that is almost 10 percent greater than the jobless rate during the great depression what are these numbers signaling to you. you know it's a very bad sign obviously when you're talking about a unemployment rate of up to 30 percent you're talking about tens of millions of people being out of work and i don't think we're looking at that in the any kind of long term capacity remember the numbers that just came in for these these jobless claims are people saying i need unemployment right now because i don't have income coming it that's obviously a very difficult thing for a lot of americans but the reality is is that once the economy starts moving again
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and all these stay at home orders have been lifted many of those people if not most of them will be able to go back to a job the sooner this comes to win it the problem is if you drag it out over the course of months at a time some of those businesses will close up and there won't be jobs to go back to so it really comes down to how quickly can you get people back into work and then in the meantime you know those 2 trillion dollars that's been passed by the senate now the house is looking at it and also the 4 trillion which is a separate issue the 4 trillion dollars that the fed says it's going to pump into the economy those are meant to kind of be a bridge so that businesses can stay open so that workers can continue to get paid and get health insurance so that those who are temporarily unemployed don't stay unemployed yes i mean that's a little bit of a stopgap measure or a big stopgap measure but then the world of the world is so much smaller than it was during the great depression we are all now interconnected interdependent we we
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rely on one another each each and all different countries we saw the ripple effects around the world for the next couple of years during the economic downturn of 2008 is this a bleak near term future for everybody that. well i again i think it really comes down to how quickly do you do you resolve this so you know obviously with it with a pandemic you don't really have control over the spread of it beyond just trying to limit contact that's what we're going through right now but beyond that when it comes to a supply chain issues for instance what's happening in china right now china is getting back to work they're getting workers back. in the factories they are now saying they have 0 new cases that they have found a way to eliminate that now you've got to take it with a grain of salt because the chinese government's not always forthcoming but that's what they're saying at this point if that is the case and workers are getting back to work then that helps with the supply chain issues that we're looking at so you're right the world is a smaller place right now and it does certainly take more time to to see an effect but i do believe here in the united states you have a lot of service workers who are waiting to get back to work so people who are you
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know barbers or hairdressers people who work inside restaurants and retail are all just waiting to get back inside and consumers are waiting to be able to go back and to use those services as well so some of that economy should come back rather quickly the question is how long do we have to wait before it does yeah and because of that there's obviously so much uncertainty right now people are are scared people are taking money out of the stock market they're withdrawing money from their banks i mean they're putting cash you know under their mattress like the old days is a lot of this downturn of the market's preventable simply by keeping confidence up i mean is that a realistic thing well i think it is realistic to be honest with people and tell them where we're at and what's happening i you know it's funny it's almost comical if it weren't so scary right now the idea that people would go and get cash and stuff it under their mattress because the fed is printing cash so fast i cash may not be worth anything anyway but look at that at the point that we're at right now
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a lot of people don't have confidence that we have seen 2 days in a row of the stock market finishing up and and sizably up and it's been doing better why is that because we're hearing that if course the congress as they're going to intervene in that's going to prop up certain industries but i got to remind viewers with a law that whenever we get to this point where government begins to try to stimulate the economy by putting money into it that also means the government picks the winners and the losers some companies will inevitably lose as a result of that some companies will go under the ones that survive the big corporations that serve. a lot of it will have to do with government intervention that's not the market at play that's about having friends in high places who work how do you check them is a great example absolutely we will leave it right there you can catch more of ben swann later on today at 4 pm on us thank you so much for that ben middle of things . and investments being promised by governments worldwide on the back of mass quarantines artie's charlotte dubinsky take
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a look at why the money wasn't injected what earlier and how long nations can keep up the spending. economies across the world have ground to a halt kilian measures have been announced. to governments offering to pay full salaries you cannot work there is a scramble to inject colossal amounts of money into the system to turn to the economic fallout of the pern demick the costs are expected to exceed germany from economic crisis to natural disasters in recent decades has not done so implemented with no clear end in sight the real question perhaps is now how long could the world afford this this pandemic has brought the 3rd and most serious economic financial and social crisis of the 21st century the strict measures applied around
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the world although essential to control the spread of the virus plunge our economies into another president said paralysis from which they will not come out easily or automatically already we know that some $67000000.00 us citizens all worried about how they going to pay their credit card bills because of the pandemic other fears about finding money for the more essential basic needs of life accommodation and food while the multi-trillion play it out for now will keep things taking a long. over some point that will end governments will have to choose between keeping the economy running or treating populations it is impossible to leave even in self isolation and to cure people who do not continue the economic activity that quite simply allows us to live in this country our daily lives
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eating out to restaurants going to the cinema meeting friends perhaps for a drink or even having a haircut these are all activities that contribute to keeping our economies taking the money top sliced off by our government taxes then goes towards paying for essential services be that the doctors and nurses who are currently at the frontline of the war against kuwait $19.00 all the ability to purchase ventilators and other essential medical equipment government money and money comes from a healthy working a corner me we have already been. containment measures finally and this will not be over the virus will not magically disappear. and world leaders are participating in an emergency g 20 summit be a video conference to discuss the global response to the coronavirus pandemic and
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its effects on the global economy in the opening remarks the saudi king and the human said the human crisis needs collective global response now the virtual summit also included leaders from the world health organization the united nations and world bank among others. and the u.k. parliament is closing a week early due to coronavirus fears this while a london court has denied bail for wiki leaks founder julian assange going to discuss this with our friend george galloway and then later at the sports h.q. regina hamm brings us some tennis players helped. fight the coronavirus pandemic around the globe see how.
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think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the investor a chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but what when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys secret sites all ruins the environment. that means if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can be sued multi-nationals of taking on the whole nation's philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop tour of the way from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a fringe company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage democratic choice of a trump corporate law joining us as we try to find don't want to party. after
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a number of u.k. officials even prince charles were diagnosed positive with the corona virus last night the house of commons shuttered its doors and parliament has shut down this as the people of the u.k. are left to sort things out for themselves amid this pandemic meanwhile at belmarsh prison a frail julian a songe sits in his jail cell after bail for the wiki leaks co-founder was denied
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for more on this we will go to former u.k. m.p. george galloway george let's start with parliament going dark for the next month before m.p.'s decided to pack it up did they pass any sort of bills to help the people who will suffer from the fallout of this virus shutdown. well no bills required under our system the government has the power to make these orders and they have they 1st of all injected 330000000000 pounds into the british economy mainly through state backed loans rather than hard cash then they dealt with the self-employed belatedly to day and then a very controversial with will be a lot more trouble still to come turns out there's 4 and a half 5000000 people in britain who are self employed and they were the last to be dealt with but the state is paying 80 percent of wage war course wages
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for the foreseeable future and it has of course or the shut down of all non essential economic activity on the pharmacies and food shocks so really quite tectonic shift in the british economy and we'll have to see how it all works out who's going to pay of course in the long run will be the $64000.00 question but they have printed the money just goes to show there was a money tree a magic money tree and all a lot from it it's called the print to us in the in the bunkers of the bank of england on george's now why people say all money nowadays it doesn't matter just make more. exactly well i mean though it will be hard for people to argue against us in the future we need more health service workers we need better equipment more intensive care beds more ventilators what do you mean you don't have the money you
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had the money in 2008 for the bank curse you had no money in 2024 the big bailouts going to be a new political world when this is all over now george the u.k. seems to have been slow to respond to this outbreak why was the government's response so slow to this given. that for the time being you guys are still a part of the e.u. and just a short flight away is italy and spain who have seen some huge numbers why did the u.k. respond so slow. well actually everyone responded to slower china gave everyone a win door of 4 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks and nobody used it particularly well and even when italy did the people were slow to respond and the death has been simply enormous as it has been in spain which likewise wasted a lot of time fronts ways to time and of course britain wasted a lot of time we were at least 2 weeks late in ordering this lockdown this shut
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down this distancing in a meaningful way having said all of the manila the british death door fell yesterday by 50 percent that's not a small thing and that's before the impact presumably of the intensification of lockdown distancing saw could be a very tentative could could be the things that have now been done are beginning to work let's hope so i hope so george for everybody's sake let's move over to your friend julian's case the magistrate has rejected julian's plea for bail on what grounds do you think that decision was passed. well this is not in my view of course it's not our t. america's or our corporate view in any way but i think this is one of the most shameful decisions. ever been made by
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a british judge julian our son tj's clearly a prisoner. fundamental risk because he has an underlying lung condition in the time of the coronavirus in a maximum security jail where very large number. or people have reported symptoms well the 1st british prisoner in a prison died yesterday and where our hundreds of prison staff are reporting illness with symptoms that could very well be caught on a virus infection and yet this magistrates a low level of court in britain. turned her face against the appeal for bill she didn't even order of the it could go to a slightly safer are prison than the belmarsh guantanamo he's currently incarcerated in i'm utterly ashamed of it and i hope we don't
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live to see the death of julian assange in a british prison in which case i'm not sure we could have a look at anyone in the face again and george lastly i mean i'm sure you've heard the news that a number of nonviolent inmates here in the us are about to be released from their jails due to the spread of coronavirus it seems like this idea is not a principle to julian is that upsetting to you being that you are friends with him and he is a high risk person. exactly not only in the united states of the letting prisoners of rikers they're letting prisoners out in iran from the everett in prison because it's not safe for a prisoner and therefore not safe for the staff to be keeping all these prisoners unnecessarily locked up they are in such time as this john our son john remind your viewers is not even actually
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a prisoner he is the subject of an extradition request he's not been convicted of a crime being held in belmarsh untried on convicted of any crime he served his 12 month sentence true for skipping bell so it actually shouldn't. be behind bars and you were a troll but determined to keep them in the most a perilous conditions to please the united states i think if donald trump could find a mormon or 2 to study this matter he or them to pull stumps. of this fogl because it reflects badly on both the united states and the british justice system it would be better you know to forget about this crazy really crazy idea of putting on trial for being a public show in 2020 c'mon yeah and at the very least george this is
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a human rights issue so hopefully we can move forward and we see some justice for julian so we'll leave it right there george galloway as always appreciate your insights. a pleasure. let's head over to regina hamm at the sports h.q. but you know a lot of athletes have some more i guess time on their hands with what's going on but one group is actually using that time for some good who are they it's pretty great you know the a.t.p. tour and the dead e.t.a. are postponed until these june due to the current itis pandemic and that time to start is from around the globe are coming together to help combat the virus on all fronts in a statement from his family we're going for roger federer what it is to graham saying these are challenging times for everyone and nobody should be left behind america and i have personally decided to donate 1000000 swiss francs for the most vulnerable families in switzerland our contribution is just the start we help others may join supporting more families in need together we can overcome this crisis stay healthy the 20 time grand slam tennis champions a nation comes at
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a time work sports clubs associations and other stars are helping with relief efforts federer is still recovering from knee surgery he underwent february and hoped to make a return to women in june that may have to wait as the season isn't set to resume until june 7th due to the current virus hispanic. part also donated his time to helping those impacted by the virus world number 2 rafael nadal took to social media helped kick start a red cross initiative the 19 grand slam champion teamed up with the red cross responded project helping to raise money for medical supplies hospital infrastructures and vulnerable families and it all asked his fellow spaniards to come together during this difficult time as an example of national unity. and check this out it's been every but who said you can't have fun in your own house right one sports producer actually did that making a makeshift curling ring with his room and this more is normally played on ice for 2 teams of 4 players hurl 40 pound rocks at each other to a target the small berm is used to help it down the ice instead here aruba and
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surfer will have to do the job as well and it is a pretty comedic thing to watch manila i would love to try that if i had a room that's all wrong regina that's a long book but because the room is supposed to pick up all the junk on your floor meanwhile this person is cleaning out of the room. it's a little weird it looks a little funky but yes when you're in your house what else are you going to do although to be fair to the sad day for baseball fans be opening day or we're really excited about it that supposedly might be mid may now i'm wearing orioles are interest some reason might really is but with the cool thing is a lot of teams are playing are virtually on and they'll be the show there have an opening day match it's kind of pretty cool well people figure things out until hopefully never of the stuff and thank you so much and you don't go anywhere we'll be back at 3 pm with a lot more news for you new yorkers wait in long crowded lines to get tested for the coronavirus and the trump administration just labeled the venezuelan government
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a state sponsor of terrorism even offering a reward for information leading to nicolas maduro arrest we'll get you all of that about 30 minutes on the site will be back and that's it now on the military and they treat you as part of the t.v. free. the stock market i could imagine trading in a 1000 again on the dow and that would be an appropriate level given the true underlying economic factors the bond market interest rate should be 45 percent in the 30 day interest rate ok that would mean bonds would be down 506070 percent but that's that's a rate that's return to a normal valuation and that's what we need right. now and i'm going to be out there so i don't think about our own money. for.
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he's urged people respond of fears during. dr drew pinsky will offer his controversial perspective on all of this on the city . on the politicking on larry king my 1st guess you know him for many years on television and radio offering medical addiction and relationship advice he's dr drew pinsky and he's making news lately for his rather controversial remarks regarding the world's reaction to the coronavirus pandemic let's talk to him about that he also hosts the podcast as dr drew and dr drew after dark and he joins me from here in los angeles all right one.
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