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tv   Documentary  RT  March 28, 2020 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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all of us face that want to get us back to figure for what big diff. is good or bad for hope there's one is what we do believe that if you're a genius or not if you don't. get frustrated big the. us big big i don't see or be out of a desire because prevail don't want to sign it just. sources on those i mean i don't it is only. this sort of distrust to me as if examined this you know not that exam i was the 1st going is unfair i see it up chris i don't fix it is stone there are just all streetlights very good in your hope in. this will be done . to attract foreign investors you're a promise canada that it would integrate the international arbitration system called dns into the treaty. the cornerstone of the system is the deterrent effect for states when a complaint is made. when estate
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nationalizes a business it seizes property and the state then compensates for this expropriation . but if the state raises the minimum wage or passes an entity g.m. along all or prohibits disruptors it can affect a company's gains. this is an indirect expose creation since it's a loss of earnings. sufficient ground for suing a state before a private international arbitration tribunals. do not. give up in the process of this is the strongest on my demands for the press. targeted at the demand on the hike is on the move to intervene before. for an obvious mocking up over. a real scandal. interact expose creation
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written into the sea to and other treaties opens up a real pandora's box. complaints against government measures that bother investors are likely to increase. arbitration tribunals are a massive deterrent to the state. and his article the social use of it is that they have to. stand in. their name again these are all in again is the glue that is assume it droops hide behind these as we don't seem to get is because i didn't get you know the gong annual routine us tonight. skivvies dispenses again the conspiracy chief did grocery just as you like us to take on the other back into. this industry as the. new news i want to take some of this on the hope. that gift. by example.
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this rescission up again that is to simply deal with the reports of the she says we're going to hold human was that they give us again you. don't look enough. to get through it don't you that you have wealth and if it destroys you to hate you more this will be skewered you could. no token so matter of one example does it. do sucks your don't live on. this is your government if him and i saw most of us a betrayal to the rich customer does a trip to the beach see how he does it it is for to make it's going to check out visit to see me. there are a range of other massive expansion of the law for the rest of 2 us. so what happens when we introduce a couple of the new traders like santa and the other big one is the trans-pacific partnership. promoters advised yes of long like to say well we already have 2 or
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3000 of these trainees what's a couple more teams that combine with a seat and the pain takes us from still having a minority role in the world to be calming and establishments of the institution why the foreign investors have their most powerful rights at the international level of any private charter in the world most people think about trade they think about goods and services being a strange between countries and the investment component the investor chopped or a trade agreement is about something very different is about establishing a special system of international protection for foreign on this. p.d.f. you will see that is the season. the cool it could be new
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leak key over who leaked even the thoughts on foot length if you know is he going to be is that he still missing c $98.00 xenia do you see 20 you know he can see and if it wasn't thank you people the folks who would want peace and we exist to commit that we would have all the. great beyond the level of people. own juices a simple quote. don't believe. they live less on a security and i've got to live more or less you know. getting 12 hour delay when i was saw something big like. those a vision. is going to develop these i'm what you could be the. defense minister of new homes in economy tests on consuming they put out is all i'm going with the only for. those who've been thinking over the net it will.
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in these arbitration. multinationals impose their will most often in great secrecy . secrecy is not only an obstacle in forming citizens it is the keystone of the whole system allowing for the most shameful arrangements. and this is what happened in germany when the swedish multinational vattenfall a large energy producer indirectly attacked the city of hamburg in 2009. the federal state that remained secret for years and was unveiled thanks to a professor of international law marcus kind of. tradition are secret because no one prevents the parties from the go see it in anything and then in the public hearing they will say whatever they say but the
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real negotiations will takes place outside. in 2007 vattenfall obtained a building permit for a coal fired power station in the suburbs of hamburg. following the 2008 elections and to petition the elected green party review the permit. the discharge of hot water into the elbe to cool turbines threatens the aquatic fauna vattenfall would have to comply with and the pollution measures. and how did vattenfall react by immediately filing a complaint before an arbitration tribunals demanding 1400000000 euros in compensation under pressure germany secretly negotiated with wagner fall into 2011 and suddenly one day the case was closed we only know at the
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end that they reached the said i listen this is very important the only publicly available information is that they said that. end of the story i am marcus k.f.c. scrutinize the tribunals decision. it mentions a mysterious compromise between vattenfall and hamburg signed in a local court. and so that's what i said well if they reached a settlement in front of domestic court in front of them this is a piece of information that i can request and the federal government refused. but the city of hamburg sent it to. the city gave a new permit which is less restrictive than the op that's the 2nd. button flooded one bunny button 5 wanted a change in the product and that's what they call. as unbelievable as it may sound
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hundreds of green party didn't impose the environmental standards that it considered just. i can just imagine the conversation that took place between the federal government of germany and the city of hamburg so the federal government said well look we signed this treaty we are bound by this internationally germany has international obligations and you have to fulfill that we can't you cannot become a break international law i mean this is also a powerful argument especially in democracies especially in countries like germany but all over the world. even germany is caught in the trap of its treaties and gives in to blackmail. in total secrecy the state signed an agreement on march 11th 2011.
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that same day japan suffered the worst earthquake in its history. the fukushima disaster shook the planet and just specially germany. pressured by a 50 year old's anti nuclear movement and following protests in 450 cities across the country until a miracle was compounds who lacked. she moved to abandon nuclear power with maturity suppose. anything ya plans and then. the bottom line. to me. in. this name isn't. the name. on easy kinda can in any.
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can you know it's been you can consequently. it's a can in a. fun thing you know and think that counted. as. a dog industry comes to life in los angeles every night. dozens of women sells the bodies on the streets many of them underage. police reveal a taste of the daily challenge if you're going to explore for a trial here in los angeles we're going to. see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the 6 trades.
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that's the crucial point of the book a bottom line of the book namely i think you're pretty much the. with your looks but if you have other things that you're good at either music or running or doing intellectual work or politics then one should take advantage of one's advantages and project ours and forget about the fact that you may not be the best looking person on the block. your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know what's going to them and when it's going to. but they haven't told you and
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they haven't told me they haven't and they'll still. imagine something as big as the earth is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes erupt and it's going to tell. so very for a while right. my great grandfather's. nobody would care about the law or prison so you'd have wallace that should have. a turtle weiss between the. 2 chancellors decision became the 13th amendment of the law on atomic energy when it was voted in 4 months later. the 7 oldest german plans were
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immediately closed among them those the bones bottle and crumble which also belong to the swedish multinational vattenfall. immediately vattenfall challenge the legitimacy of the nuclear law at the constitutional court of karlsruhe the highest court of justice in germany. but as a foreign investor vattenfall can also attack germany in a private arbitration court. it had already won once it could and would try again in may 2012 it filed a new complaint in arbitration. the child takes place in washington although it essentially concerns europe. well good morning new.
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in. the claimant's the federal republic of germany respondents in the interest of transparency being streamed so that the public. sentiment is about. to greet. the. compensation claim. 1000000000 year. as a consequence of the 13th amendment claim of their production licenses for the criminal and for the and. they were simply withdraw. to dispute.
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his right as such to face up. rather this dispute concerns the manner in which germany has chosen to implement its decision. and its failure to prompt to protect claimants investments in particular concerns germany's failure to pay any compensation i don't. most in this protection treaties is to provide protection against expropriation. difficulty however when we talk. to draw the line between expropriation all the while. on the other. hand there is no easy way to. make this distinction. of course. the protection that investors enjoy. of the treaty is
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influenced how to walk the regolith it. doesn't matter if a pall over i was adopted or in the most democratic way. it can still violate international obligations to the state i was undertake in the international treaty. it is for each individual state to decide where the law they want to sign such treaties were germany is trying to do. is to explore the fukushima disaster. to create a narrative that would excuse its wrongdoing. you can put perfume on it but the bottom line here is that the international peace to govern this dispute. legally germany cannot challenge the ratified treaty. but this swedish giant failed to meet its obligations. it did not repair its damaged power plants
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a great danger for the population. claimants now see compensation for their own business failure billions for plants which were not tarrie is all their problems but apparently in. reality a burning transfer meter is totally normal as are busting pipes also normal involvement how soon of us are corroded barrels with radioactive waste . showing you a promotional video off the power plant in that video none of the events that are listed here on the site feature and plans but both of them have been standing still . not because from fukushima not because of the moratorium not because of the 13th amendment but because of a multitude of incidents. brutal
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until east. defeated. a nuclear physicist from greenpeace called as an expert witness took a close look at all the plans failures. and here experience. is actually saying most of the well in school feel awfully cables with the defeat of. in china. can be easily through a ship so i fully clued the comments in this machine transform our thoughts and even. their machines from the how to see. early to be in then. again this is an enormous.
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hoot. it's a. feature link. in the. discounting which truth can save wouldn't it if this were an infant book all through it. thus germany is in famine toward descriptions of fires quote unquote and pictures of corroded barrels quote unquote country but nothing to the ultimate determination as to whether in 2011 germany has admitted in this over trade that its decision to accelerate to phase out was not based on concerns over safety of the nuclear power plants but mariner on an alleged change perception of the general risk that nuclear energy poses to the german population that is. politics. that
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involves lawyer is sheltering behind the law behind strict legal language so as not to recognize the multinationals responsibility. what is very clear that this group of people or many of them have been educated in a particular way they are all educated in this particular way of looking at international law as sort of a technical matter and at the same time thinking that giving companies as many rights and privileges will benefit the global economy so lawyers are not trained in thinking about consequences of their cases lawyers are trained in thinking about a way apply the law. there's only a french for this and the french term is that. so this is what this really applies here people think in the various this case is very controversial and has generated
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much public debate now why is that because it's an arbitration which should never have been brought under the energy charter treaty and under the exit convention. the reason for this through the amendment. was different. action is that correct that is correct. if that is a public perception how would that do legally translates into. the investment protection. during the show i make a number of assumptions and i don't ask you to do anything but sure that this would be because it is almost impossible hypothetical because you're. assuming that the public is wrong and has the right to roll some of the perception changes in the public how does that translate. to legally introduce you to. and i was
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listening to the. opening this morning. claiming that the 13th and was a political decision and i've said it quite often i wonder when political has become such a dirty word that. it comes from the greek but political us which means relating to the people to the citizens to the state. and democracy is nothing if not political it is government off the people by the people for the people. it has to be political that's a definition and it's certainly not as he was. refusing any political or democratic consideration multi-nationals consider themselves outside politics and above the law but laws still exist.
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while vattenfall trial against germany is proceeding in washington the federal constitutional court in karlsruhe where the 1st complaint was launched gives its judgment. the court declares that abandoning nuclear power conforms to the german constitution and that the companies affected will have to receive a financial compensation. to yours or missioner are women too young does. this rover on trade schools mr there's foreman appear your friends are. into also. from here you. seem to be leashed industrially not traditionally for them. to be going to be. involved in guns i'm not. i mean i was going to. show the.
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same views in addition. to going to the. country giving the free. and as you said bush here didn't. just must confide to me just insurance he says they spotted 5 days communion and this was stopped so long it can also be humbled to be undone in a key concern in love as opposed to haste and and extend the sheets cutest. 20. sharpness of sorts for the woman through. a nice weeks in the. oil or.
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it is up to the german government to set the amount of compensation to be validated by the bundestag. in an arbitration case it's very different. the amount of compensation is much higher and is set arbitrarily by business lawyers with no democratic legitimacy. a considerable portion of legal costs $4.00 to $10000000.00 is to be paid primarily by the state. the problem with having too many claims amount of gold is really hitting the markets in a serious way people want their gold now because they realize that the world is collapsing and then they go to get their goal and these exchanges what i call max or al b.m.a. are saying. no we don't have the gold actually we're. here and so that's causing
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people to they want their gold even more than all the countries that have repatriated their gold ever since we told germany that they don't even have the gold on their own soil then they repatriated their gold now everyone wants to repatriate they want their gold back and sell the physical price of gold is now zooming higher and the paper price soon will become a meaningless price. you know what i'm going to get there so i don't think. i kind of but i wonder. if they now want and it's higher than. members of the african mafia is safe. to europe but once they. leave they count speech util. will not some of them the be a mama not
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a fit and you know. this you need to get it out in. the soul of the. lady. of the. phone all. of those who heard something. new.
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we'll show you that look beautiful the media good looking good. muslim also those girls with the view of going to go go go. go go to shows so look i do assume you believe it's tour of duty you should go. to starts to. get to needed so it would be the little one wished they'd say look it is it's. just ashton understands to just meet them mashed on. the street the president and please introduce more to. those who have petitions to go to school to snoop or come up with new yorkers are those the girls are with you or your supporters to your she shouldn't feel you
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should put dorothy what was your design. what. drones are used to enforce a lockdown in the u.k. is police are given extra powers to contain the spread of covert 90. but as governments around the world to use mass surveillance to restrict the movement of their citizens we look at whether george orwell's book $984.00 is fast becoming a reality also to come concerns for the safety of those who can't work from home unions in europe are demanding employers doing more to protect the delivery staff from infection and as russia recalls its 5th death from cope with 19 tougher measures are put in place to prevent the spread of the virus.


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