tv Keiser Report RT March 28, 2020 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT
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the environment. that means that if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can do a survey. of taking on the whole nation's philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop oregon from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a 4 inch company sued egypt because egypt raise its minimum wage democratic choice over trump corporate law to join us as we try to fund don't want to. i have max keiser this is the kaiser report this is day 29
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a walk down that's right we've been here in this very location for 29 days and so far you know we've been both it's a tragedy but it's also very interesting because so much of what we've said over the past 10 years and if you go back to shows we've done even before the kaiser report you go back 15 years so much of what we've been talking about for so long is now coming to the to the surface it's it's happening and so stacey talk to me a little bit about this one of the constants throughout all of our episodes of all of our various programs has been mention of my hair so just so you know in case my hair is not perfect as it usually is this is because we did not have anybody to look at me from behind until the edit situation or anything i think i have a comment on the go ahead and put the comment because this is very poor it's your show you're the man in the photo i think if if the concern is for hair i think
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the top and the pants are going to become louder as a way to distract attention from the hair but i've been observing women for a very very long time and that was my my observation i could be wrong now we'll move into the serious side of the program because we have to cover the fact that we have a global pandemic everybody is on lockdown max and i have been on lockdown since for 29 days many people are just in lockdown for the last 2 days or so so we have many many weeks apparently ahead to go and what we have noticed is a theme that we cover all the time on this show is that there is always a banker always a c.e.o. or always a corporation ready to plunder whatever they did even in the good times but in the bad times especially so we're. seeing this passage of this 6 trial chilean dollar we don't know how many trillions actually we'll find out later some time remember back in 2008 when we 1st started recording it was like we want tarp $700000000000.00 you know now it's like trillions and you're like ok whatever
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nobody could even make sense of it now i want to look back to this tweet somebody sent which was reminding us of during the 2008 crisis when we have the oracle on b.b.c. this is my earliest memory of max throwing worthless at the black hole of debt yeah well you know never feed a black hole of debt you know and this is what the strategy has been now for 15 years it's actually goes all the way back down greenspan that there was a black hole of debt inside the economy because there's no accountability in the banking sector because of all the rules that were got no rhythm during the clinton administration then during the bush administration and during the trip administration all the all the checks and balances for banking industry types of been removed so the debt has been growing and this solution is to kill the black hole of debt not to feed the black hole of the so 6 trillion dollar bailout money is feeding the black hole of debt that's just more debt the national debt in
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america is going to become more than 100 percent of g.d.p. it'll be 200 percent of g.d.p. it'll be 300 percent of g.d.p. and so the dislocation and the mispricing and the economic stress will only continue as long as the solution is to continue to do the same thing that created the problem and that is to create more debt part of why we are so vulnerable and why you're seeing the global economy have to shut down is we financial is the entire global economy and it's all driven like private equity and one thing private equity does as you know from the eighty's if you have any cash or any pension sitting on your balance sheet they will swoop down and take that and give it to themselves load you with that and take your assets so therefore we this is part of our issue. have our corporations in america have very little cash on hand because either you have to go large like apple and warren buffett or you've got to have like just load up with debt because if you have cash they're going to take it from
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you that's the thing about the debt but when you use a word like financialization what does that mean it means that anything that produces an income like let's say in the present business or in the hospital business or you're in some utility business anything that has a predictable income stream you can go to wall street and they'll pay you 102030 times the value of that asset that is generating that income in the form of debt and then you take that debt and you do a few things with it that are all equally bad one is you buy back your own stock that's fraudulent use be illegal and it's stock market manipulation too is to make terrible investments because yes actually getting free money so you make mal investments and you invest in boondoggles and you invest in things that don't work if it's the government you invest in wars that don't go anywhere but make a lot of people rich and the list goes on and off we have also been warning people that gold is that safe haven gold and bitcoin are safe havens most people think of that and say oh i'm going to make money i'm a speculator i want to make more fiat's. what we're talking about is like when this
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system falls apart when there is no more central bank when there is no more government as we know it that is when gold and picc line that they don't need those institutions to bequeath it with value then these are outside of the system that is falling apart and we saw all of this in the beginning of this week we saw all those 1st a huge move in gold on monday it was like $80.00 which was the biggest dollar move in history and then the next day it was like $125.00 breaking records again so we're going to see records being broke all the time as the system unwinds and you know of course we're going to go into that right now with what might have happened because of course nobody knows a lot of these things about this pandemic in terms of the virus but also the consequences and the financial system which is so complex nobody knows what's
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happening but there are some theories about what happened with gold earlier this week and i want to turn to this tweet from royce the bog of gold money dot com i've received some important information relating to what's going on in gold markets today some banks fail to deliver physical in the comix far f.p. as a result these banks suffered large losses will soon be announced they've also decided to exit the comix market now there remains a big shortage in physical 'd and the comix to nomination so rumors are the comix will announce a force mature and allow banks to deliver l b m a r s instead this should be announced imminently and then of course right after that that c.m.e. did announce that you're allowed to accept l b m a bars which are $300.00 ounces versus $100.00 ounce bars at the c.m.e. ever since we talked about across j.p. morgan by so over the financial eyes world is over leveraged and they have made claims against gold and silver more than the exist than supply of gold and so over
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. and if the only reason why this doesn't crash already is because they settle all their trading in paper not in gold and silver but now with this new crisis the new chapter of this is really 2008 crisis park to call 2020 the problem with having too many claims anonymous gold is really hitting the markets in a serious way people want their gold now because they realize that the fear money world is collapsing and then they go to get their gold and these exchanges where the cold max or al b.m.a. are saying no we don't have the gold actually relented out of here and so that's causing people to say want their gold even more than all the countries that have repatriated their gold ever since we told germany that they don't even have the gold on their own soil then they repatriated their gold now everyone wants to repatriate they want their gold back and so the physical price of gold is now zooming higher and the paper price soon will become a meaningless price it's like the black market
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a lot of these countries were in the dollars or $1.00 price and the local currency is another price like venezuela the venezuelan boulevard x. price but the black market value dollars is another price same thing with physical gold versus paper gold what we've been saying should happen for years is happening the coal backs on the l. b.m.a. are collapsing and that's what we need just so you know e.s.p. means exchange for physical so people were converting their paper into physical and the physical was not there you know this is part of the supply chain issue as well we see all over the world that the c.m.a. did blame coronavirus of course this will be blamed for a lot of things and it could be true i mean the other supply issue of course we're seeing and i've been monitoring this is looking for toilet paper on amazon we ourselves have plenty but i've been looking just to see because i was mocking people who are out hoarding thinking well america produces 90 percent of its toilet paper here we actually manufacture it that's something we actually manufacture and
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make sense because we have the u.s. dollar. same thing however $1011.00 days now on amazon i have not seen a single roll of that will say you do wonder like wow like what what is going on in our supply chains and how complex a system this complex system by the way is being taken down by a very very simple coronavirus you know the flu is way more complicated than this coronavirus i think it's like 4 strands of r.n.a. it's so simple as parent leave the code for it fits on one single page and this simple simple little tiny virus is taking down our hyper complex globalize just in time system yeah i think the covered 19 is written in perl and the flu is written in c. plus plus or the other way around or the other way around you know some code is welcome i'm just going to be all kinds of comments i just told them. but you know this is a fulfillment of my life's work one of my goals all my life goals is to crash the comics and they'll b.m.a. that's been a life goal of mine for 30 years and so i'm so over 19 it's tragic but i am
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achieving some life goals so of course all the chaos and panic we won't get answers to this but the follow up question from royce the boss on this was the c m a p r is out there propaganda 2 important facts have been withheld one which banks were short $16000000000.00 more physical and c.m.e. vaults and required a bailout and 2 how well b.m.a. metal in london be used to settle delivery in new york during coded shut down another sad day for so-called free market right the g.l.d. which is the symbol for the exchange traded gold surrogate that you can participate in gold it's tricky because you're not in the real you don't have a direct claim on that goal in the directs the the way that the prospectus is written is that you would could be saddled up with your demand in paper not actual physical gold sprott up in canada does have a need t.f. that is back with actual physical gold people can check that out and gold money of course you can buy it so one of the only places where i must say. there are
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investors but there it is where we are able to buy gold so they still have gold and regardless of the price discrepancy between physical and papers were smart he saw this coming he's ready to go out and of course to cover that before so i guess we head into the next time you see us will be day 32 of 1 lockdown and my hair may be very different i might try cutting it or are dying it or something like that where nothing that would bounce off of there don't go away coming back right after this.
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your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know what's going to and when it's going to. but they haven't told you and they haven't told me they haven't announced. imagine something as big as the earth. is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes are going to wrapped and it's going to chill. so very for a while right. my great grandfather's quote. nobody would care about the law or prison so you'd have wallace the should have. a turtle life between the and the. is you'll be a reflection of reality. in
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the world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallowness. welcome back to the kaiser report imax kaiser time now to turn to an old friend of mine chris fenton and los angeles california he's got a book out right now it's very timely it's called feeding the dragon and sod the
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trillion dollar dilemma facing hollywood the n.b.a. and american business chris welcome to the kaiser report thanks for having me back i'm a big fan and it's nice to reconnect with you after all these years yeah it's awesome man this pandemic is the best thing ever anyway chris fenton on october 4th 2019 they general manager of the houston rockets tweeted support for protesters and hong kong this resulted in billions of dollars of losses for the n.b.a. which has 500000000 fans and china so tell us about what the n.b.a. story tells us chris yeah well that was actually a very relevant day for b. i actually was at my kid's soccer game when i when i saw the tweet come up on my phone i didn't even know who daryl morey was but i obviously know who the houston rockets are and knew their importance in the u.s. china cultural and commercial exchange and in particular to the sports industry
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because yao ming one of the most famous basketball players bought time and definitely the most famous ever out of china played for the houston rockets so when i saw that tweet come up i thought to myself oh my god that's that's going to be very painful for the n.b.a. . what was interesting though is i had i didn't even ponder for a 2nd the ramifications that tweet was going to have here in the united states of america it was actually right as i was finishing my book too so i had i had the main mission of the book that i had i have written and it is pretty much and in the form it is today. was to write about the fog of war of cultural and commercial exchange between the 2 superpowers and all the different colorful exciting dramatic crazy sort of events that occurred during that exchange and the importance
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of that exchange in regards to keeping the 2 superpowers in communication with each other so that we don't move into some sort of cold war scenario where we're not talking to each other and we're actually escalating tensions between each of us so when that tweet came out i remember thinking wow that's going to be a problem for the n.b.a. but actually plays really well in that the mattocks of my book which is hey the n.b.a. is actually been playing this very well they've really opened that market michael jordan and david stern david stern the former commissioner passed away recently and michael jordan obviously went there in the early ninety's really opened the market to american culture in the culture of basketball which really opened the whole market to the sports industry which nike and several others followed into. so i thought wow that's that's sort of an interesting relevant to a bit to my book what happened was that it woke up the american populace to the
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fact that this smart innovative strategic way of bringing china into the fabric of the n.b.a. in order to open the market more more. with more vigor was actually seen by the american public as a form of pandering to the chinese government and awesome so in a way playing the soft power game and objectives for the chinese government in a way that was causing american values in american principles in american security to be slightly compromised so. then i had to go back through all of my writing and go wow was i doing that too and when i came away from it i said jeez i am complicit in this i didn't even think about it when we were in that fog of war back in those days and now it's something that we all need to talk about it can't be
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that 3rd rail issue that shows side the brooklyn nets owner called it it has to be discussed and we need to talk about it seriously in regards to how we want to approach china moving forward so to put this into hollywood scriptwriting terms you have something at the midpoint on page 50 of the script where the main character is going through there are and transitions suddenly toward the end of the 2nd act i think is the way you would put write the script on this chris fenton but you know what's interesting is that there's an old saying history is written by the victors and the losers write the songs and so the but i point being that what you're describing is that if this isn't new cold war and what we're seeing in the pandemic is that china is responsible for a lot of the vital infrastructure of products here in america like ventilators and things like that then there is a potential with america's number one export hollywood to be subjected to the same
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sort of revisionism that america has been guilty of from many years and rewriting other countries histories and so the hollywood product i know with films like top gun which is obviously something from the reagan era which really launched really a certain american militarism around the world as being rewritten reshad rescript it to appease or to accommodate this huge chinese audience so we talk about soft power is a way on the right saying that america's number one projector of soft power the hollywood film is at risk now of losing its ability to shape the global narrative in america's favor crew. fact that hollywood does have a lot of power in regards to helping promote western democracy and the barriers they are. but how they would oscar has to be very careful how they approach each individual market in a way that doesn't offend them and actually creates relevancy and puts the wind at
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their back in the back of the content that they're bringing there so they can monetize it well. the way hollywood has approached china up until this point i would argue has been wrong and i have been a part of that i am fully complicit very self-aware and have self reflected on this that said we do have a real opportunity both politically and financially in regards to the chinese market politically in a way where if we continue a smarter form of what we have been doing in bringing american products and services into that market we will by default slowly diffuse soft power into that market that brings some sort of infiltration of western democracy into it whether that how it would movies hollywood television shows
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entertainment content from books to video games to the educational system the collegiate educational system here in the united states to even automobiles everything we get in there that's a product or service helps that initiative financially it's obvious everything we get in there into the fastest growing market i mean let's set aside the covert $1000.00 issue right now but the fastest growing market normally and will be for the next generation is china so for shareholders for investors for management for everybody. working at various companies to provide products and services if we can continue opening at market it's very smart financially so there's a political goal and 8 financial goal and both of those are things we can't neglect or ignore because i know the amount of china hawks out there is not supplying daily
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right now especially with the qubit 19 situation and way frankly i've gotten a lot more hawkish too but we can't let that get us to a point where we decide to completely separate let's talk about censorship because i believe that's what you're referring to what they're mad kulpa talking about there was a slippery slope where you allowed in hollywood not you personally but the hollywood industry was allowing for chinese censorship and revisionism on the product and these are artistic products hollywood films are works of art. and they should be above censorship in that way but what more and more of the distribution model are on electronic platforms and streaming sir talking about google we're talking about apple we're talking about other high tech corporations that have been complicit and completely in bed with the chinese government and censoring chinese people from having free speech and anonymous what would we would describe as
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a dry dry kone and matter and that has spilled over into the hollywood product how are you going to divorce yourself from apple and google and these other big tech companies that are streaming the product that people are because a lot of screens of china i understand that but they streaming model is really the golden goose with this they and others now banking huge on streaming and that's dictated by the big tech companies and the big tech companies have established their their place in this and they're ok with censoring chris how i'm going to get around that citrus thing i mean right now the u.s. streaming the. and he said are big and us streaming really aren't streaming that much over there at the moment that bad pretty much monopolized by 3 big. companies whether it's 10 cent by 2 or alibaba. so the streaming situation i mean even netflix is not in that market right now in
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fact i would argue netflix has said sort of you know what why are we even bothering with it and they've continued to make very sort of push the on the local non censored for the china market content mainly because they've said you know what we're not going to get in there so let's go back to the basics of what we are as a filmmaking strand may environment the bigger companies that are trying to get in there the big tech companies that you've talked about of the ones that are in there that are trying to get more and they're yeah there are look we're all complicit in this and quite frankly there is no way that we can get a better more strategic and evade of approach to china and less we all do it together in harmony or in some sort of collective way to do it because quite frankly the chinese public does love the products and services that these companies
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that you're mentioning have and bring to that market so there will be an underlying pressure for the government to relents in regards to some sort of stronger action by a collective but going at it one company at a time or even like the way congress was trying to get le bron james to speak up on behalf of john kahn protesters or whatever it is i mean that's just sacrificial lamb strategy that will take out one or 2 companies because they did the right thing while everybody else continues doing the same so the best picture award 'd at the academy award to say i went to a south korean fell and it was in the south korean language and. i believe there are subtitles to it and president trump reacted quite negative to relate to that suggesting that according to him america 1st policy we wouldn't shouldn't have anything but an american language film an american film winning the best picture at the academy awards do you see some reciprocity going forward suck china have
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released the film and america that for trey of america and have a highly negative fashion was that ok or should that be censored press i mean we're a democracy that defends freedom of speech i don't think we should be looking just because china is acting in a way that is not appropriate for democracy doesn't mean that we should follow their lead that just puts us in the same boat is as their and i would say we should defend the right for any sort of content that we feel is worthy of the of the filmmaking community and we're the audience has to see regardless of subject matter to be allowed in theaters and screening freely like it always has been regard list of the policies that china has the policies that china has we need to approach collectively we need to talk about him out loud they can't be quiet we can't be secretly you know censoring burger version subscripts or whatever because we feel
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like it's going to offend them we need to bring it out of the open and we need to do it in unison with other industries and other companies kyra chris fans had a great script a 3rd act need some work out thanks for being on the continent for hey max any time and happy to speak about any of this stuff so thank you so much and stacy great to meet you finally and really enjoy everything you guys are doing and thank you all right great well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with may max kaiser and stacy herbert want to thank our guest chris fans and he's the author of the fascinating must read feeding the dragon now it does not start bristling. if you'd like to get in touch with the. kaiser report on twitter that's next time.
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things in the environment just in case there's a real connection. welcome to redacted tonight this is a comedy show we're americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents i don't have to tell you that things are bad we're in the middle of a global pandemic the economy is collapsing and perhaps scariest of all the w w e is performing their advance without an audience it's going to be a slaughter. just to know what. let me enjoy. it seems oddly romantic now doesn't it feels like they're about to make out at any moment and i think we.
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