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tv   News  RT  March 30, 2020 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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is it in sorrow to to self isolate only leaving the homes when absolutely necessary is the toughest step so far in russia's bid to contain the spread of covert 19. new york 1st responders struggle to contain the outbreak in america's worst hit city president trump claims that keeping the u.s. death toll below 100000 would be a very good job. you're talking about 2200000 deaths if we could hold their own as we're saying 200000 it's a horrible number we're all together i've done a very good journey. home renters around the world urged landlords to freeze payments because of the crisis we hear from an activist group in canada.
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that's joining us here with your global news headlines this is r.t. internet. let's start by taking a look at the latest figures on the global covert 900 pandemic more than 720000 cases are now been confirmed globally that's an increase of about 10 percent in the past 24 hours almost 34000 people have lost their lives and more than 150000 people have recovered. well here in moscow we're now into the 1st day of a citywide partial lockdown it was announced by the mayor of moscow just last night people are officially required to stay at home. whenever possible in order to
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prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus let's go to article on the he's in situ in the city center seem like there was still quite a lot of cars on the road this morning when i was heading in how does this all in theory work. good morning to you from just outside the kremlin well i can tell you that for a whole bunch of reasons the cold but 19 outbreak in this country and this city moscow in particular wasn't as disastrous as in some other places around the world again that's a whole combination of factors including order early border restrictions early testing and quarantine measures for people who are traveling into this country so this this is why authorities in this country had a chance to learn from other nations and also somehow try to balance between
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light and strict measures when trying to flatten the curb i guess we all know what that means by now but i can tell you that the growth of corona virus infection cases in this country was still steady so that's why measures had to be straightened every week and this is why we heard the russian president last week announcing that the russians won't go to work for an entire week unfortunately the people in this country some of them did treat this as a chance to go out or some even went on holiday 'd and perhaps this was the reason why moscow which is a pioneer and this in terms of these measures which is actually the city with most confirmed kovac infection cases this is why moscow had to impose rules of complete
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self isolation this is how the moscow mayor called it and this is what the russian prime minister made and was talking about today in the morning so let's listen in. some of the self isolation rules apply to people of all ages exceptions for those who require emergency need to get food have to get to work if the work hasn't been stopped by order of the government or have another compelling reason so let's just quickly go through the restrictions that have been imposed by the moscow's mayor office now muscovites can only go out leave their homes in case of emergency to buy food or medicine so pretty much the essential oils unnecessary movement around this city is forbidden but the borders of the city for now do remain open people do have to keep social distancing of 1.5
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meters and also compensations have been ordered for those who lost jobs well neal you were saying that the roads were quite busy perhaps that was a bit earlier in the morning but perhaps you do know that. we have this app for traffic in moscow which shows a score for how much the roads are busy from one to 10 and i can tell you that usually during the morning rush hour it gets to as high as 678 points well at the moment it is 0 so when i was heading here to the studio in central moscow the roads were pretty much empty i can tell you and there were very few people in the streets so indeed this is the reality of self isolation when pretty much nothing except for emergency services police government offices grocery stores and pharmacies pretty
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much everything else is shut down yet of course that answered only maybe late last night probably quite a few people waking up just to find out about it it seems that the effects astounding to kick in now the many thanks auntie correspond to the. president trump has claimed that keeping covert 19 deaths below 100000 in the united states would be a great achievement for the administration the viruses so far killed more than 2400 americans. you're talking about 2200000 deaths 2200000 people from the us and still if we could hold their down as we're saying 210-0000 it's a horrible number maybe even less but 210-0000 so we have between 10200000. we altogether of done a very good. new york is by far the worst hit city in the united states accounting
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for almost half of nationwide infections in hospitals overflowing central park has even been turned into an emergency field hospital tents with dozens of beds are being set up there he's america's the has more on the situation in new york city has 7 days left one week before the city's hospitals its medical infrastructure collapse that's the crucial day to think about is sunday april 5th meaning which i've said we're getting through this week it's tough. we have what we need for next week but it will definitely be a very hard week but after next sunday april 5th is when i get very very worried about everything we're going to need the more you read about what's happening in new york the more horrifying it is it's out of control and by all accounts all of them it's only going to get worse health. biblical.
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i kid you know. people come in they get into bed it they die the cycle repeats 911 was nothing compared to this we were open waiting for patients to come home never came. ok now they just keep coming and they're all aging don't delude yourself into thinking only the old will die or we'll get there all 8 imagines he service is getting more colds now than they did on 911 just let that sink in the city is terrified they're scared of the virus they're fearful of how unprepared they are that terrified from a mental standpoint it's a serious strain on on us when you mess the we're doing over $6000.00 calls daily in the last few days we've done over $44000.00 calls just even some perspective we
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normally only do about $4000.00 calls a day and $911.00 which was the busiest a.t.m.'s we did 6000. 300 calls wesley in the last couple days we turn over 7000 so we're we're tired we're doing a lot of double ships we're very busy we're running around no one stress isn't that if i can get infected you know we signed up for a job that's dangerous that we know we can be killed in the line of duty we know we can get sick while we take care of others the stress has been that we're not able to get tested properly. so the city has not provided dedicated testing for 1st responders so the problem with that is we don't know if they're bringing it home to have families just look at this in the middle of a pandemic nervous is a protesting that don't be quick to judge many of them being sent to their deaths there's not enough mosques they're being asked to use mosques that are intended
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only for a few hours then being told to reuse them for days some of them lacking gallons of wearing trash bags trash bags imagine if you were given this issue and told to use what entire we only hear and over again it's extremely difficult when you need what you need to do what you've got to do and you don't have it you have to improvise so some of us are probably once we come out once we start losing the mask and we don't have it anymore we're going to have to with substandard equipment it puts us at rest we can do better we should be doing better in this day and age and what's supposed to be the richest country on the planet it's unacceptable that nurses should be interesting people should be without the equipment they need god forbid you fall over and break the law you call an ambulance they're busy there aren't enough they have to go get the guy that's
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suffocating from pneumonia from a severe coronavirus case you decide to go to the hospital you a self where emergency rooms of full of severe coronavirus cases you get infected you talk to a nurse who lacks basic personal protection equipment your chances of infection go up they call provide for the nurses and the nurses con provide for you what happens when we don't have the proper equipment is that we pretend silly expose ourselves which we have been not only do we. well as ourselves but we've been exposing the patients that getting have the virus we've been bringing home to our families and bringing it out into the community this is an on mitigated disaster they they had a choice our leaders all of them from china to russia to europe to america the choice was to save business save bank accounts keep things open let the infection
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spread or save lives closed borders closed businesses quarantine it works we know it works and given these 2 choices lives or businesses you'd have to go back to the civil war to talk about borders of states like that i think it would paralyze the economy a lockdown is what they did in war on china and we're not in china we're not in war on new york has made its choice. north of the border in canada the situation appears to be more stable around 6000 covert 9000 cases have been registered 65 people have died but nationwide containment measures have had a severe economic impact got into a new poll almost half of canadians say they or someone in their household has lost think um the movement called keep your rent is urging landlords to temporarily stop
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charging rent for those left out of pocket we spoke to one of the activists. i'm an out of work carpenter that can't make the rent i live in a neighborhood with thousands of people that are faced with the same situation in a city and a province and a country with millions of people that are facing the same situation we have just seen wide spread loss of jobs increase in costs and yet rent is still due to the overage of covert $19.00 this is pushing people over the tipping point in a lot of ways so tenants are coming together to organize together and spread the word there are no guarantees ahead of us their number one priority needs to be the safety and security of themselves their families and those around them that may need the money that the rules dictate be handed over on the 1st of the month movement in toronto putting up posters across the sitting telling tenants to stop
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paying rent they're also dropping leaflets into letterboxes lords pushing back. where i grew a number of tenants who are planning a rent strike this would be catastrophic for landlords who need that money to be able to make their payments. broadchurch he again says that despite awareness of the rent problem nothing has been done so far. everyone knows that rent is coming up every tenant every landlord every politician and everyone in the media and there have been no movements if working class tenants keeping what little they have left under these circumstances puts individual landlords in jeopardy those concerns need to be taken up not with tenants but up the line if they have an issue with putting food on their table then they'd need to make choices and they need to put pressure on their financial institutions and on their lenders not on tenet's note and created this situation we are simply trying to deal with it. but we know that the
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pandemic in schools they global schildt each of face masks and other equipment but inventors is stepping in to tackle the problem of these jaclyn bouguereau explains . right now the world is facing a completely unprecedented situation and folks are having to adapt fast any and all ideas are on the table because the fact is shortages of essential materials and medical equipment is a global problem shortages are leaving doctors nurses and other frontline workers dangerously ill equipped to care for covert 1000 patients due to limited access to supplies such as gloves medical masks respirators goggles face shields to gallup and a prince we have tremendous numbers of ventilators but there's never been an instance like this where no matter what hugh have it's not enough that would be the case and then there's the story of the italian doctor who has now fallen victim to the corona virus who shortly before he died revealed in an interview that doctors on the front lines had run out of protective gloves but desperate times call for
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desperate measures and many people are answering that call take in italy for instance where a start up is making ventilator masks which are urgently needed out of snorkels the focus of you today on a website people can download for free the file we creatives which will allow everyone around the world to turn to dive a mosque interest. and potentially save lives how about a snood that kills more than 95 percent of viruses including coded 19 yes i said a snood those things that are somewhere between a scarf and a hood might soon be found on millions of n.h.s. workers. 'd employed weapons or. chemistry. 'd will be. we once it's a full production. we went out we called the stations were used as well. and were also. with various well.
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just throughout the globe then there's a 3 d. printer for hands free door pull to reduce contact and public place. yes the design for which is now online free for downloading we call upon everyone who has access to a 3 d. printer to d.v.d. print this part and to make this part of ala bill to his local community in order to make the door handle safe. it's designed for the current crisis my wife's been to a hospital recently and she was telling me about people opening the handles with the open doors with sleeves and things on the way out so i got some time on my hands because i'm a freelance designer so there's not so much work around now so i started thinking how can i know what can i do to help her do lots reprints in the logs and computer aided design so why cops were come on making this post so you didn't have to touch
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it with your hands both the snood and the door pull came out of a hub for scientific research in the u.k. the main i science park the center is managing director told us about their importance 1st of all is a device to open doors without a chair the door handle allows you to all of the doors with your 4 hour as opposed to use your hands that is a 2nd device a special sort of mascot this coat sit with the truth seed it's called the virus to take shield. the throat sirrah the mask this is coat sit on the basket with the curtain that attaches itself to the virus and prevents distraction to where also discussions now about producing the visors for the health board as well i don't think you need to be einstein to help yourself or others you only need to type make your own masks or hand sanitizer in
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a you tube search bar to get thousands of hits and my local shop has flyers to fill out so that you can help your elderly neighbors with their shopping every little bit counts right now do we all wish things were different yes 100 percent and is extremely frustrating to learn how woefully unprepared most governments were for such a catastrophe yet it is. there's no cool donation even prefix to complain about it have told me doctors go to the front without orders and without equipment this is serious we no longer trust the government if governments wanted to secure a supply for health care workers they could have purchased them in bulk when they were still available knowing what we know now makes that all the harder to stomach but it's times like this that can bring out the best and people and now that the creative juices are flowing who knows what we'll see next. the good works in india are heading out of the big cities because of a nationwide law that will bring you that story and others after the break. you.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm sure business i'll see you then. back india's big cities are usually teeming with migrant workers from the countryside but a nationwide lockdown has left millions without work and heading home on the plates of buses have been provided to get them out of the cities in more front line medics in india who treat coronavirus patients now have an extra problem to deal with some
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of them are reportedly unable to leave the hospitals where they work and they've been evicted from their homes as landlords fear that they may get infected the government has expressed its concern. i'm deeply anguished to see reports that doctors and paramedics are being ostracised in residential complexes and societies these doctors are saving our lives putting their lives at risk their landlords should not do this this is wrong and we've spoken to the head of a doctors association in india and he said that many people have no understanding of just how the virus is transmitted. these me also information regarding the way the us. nor the nature of transmission of the way is what it is and what if you want it is when the little daily. news and. the only sterile tree i make sure are gee that's nearly all us and ensuring their
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immediate action will be taken against the perpetrators and our beach the police. where this was happening and they were in states. so there should have been happening so that is points made the ministry was very positive. in his prime minister's citizens to remain calm and to avoid panic buying in a radio broadcast over the weekend he apologize for the hardships people are facing during this long down bad certainly all many people might be angry with me wondering why we have locks everyone up in their homes i understand your problems and your frustration but but in such a country as india with a population of 1300000000 there was no other way to fight covered 1000 years. but here in moscow and also the surrounding region all restaurants have been closed since saturday to stop the spread of the virus but deliveries are still permitted and some businesses are stepping in to revive hope where it's needed ripples in
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times of crises you have 2 options you can either panic or you can think what can i do to support the community now i'm here to see how it started out as a full suggestion of sending flowers to doctors and nurses in hospitals across the city has spiraled into something of a mission because while flowers will certainly help boost morale it's really things like coffee chocolate and other supplies that will keep these key workers go away and it turns out there's plenty of people willing to help with that. actually i had a call with my caller here's a doctor i asked him how i can i help you he said ok you can take part in that probably you can give us some coffee because right now we don't have it and as to see a launch the hash tag fighting together as a way of getting people on board an online community of mums who were already sending flowers to doctors and nurses are answered the call putting their own
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concerns and stresses aside to focus on supporting those who need it most. subordinates. more than 100 people have responded to our cool and the donations keep coming and i think everyone who sees our posts cannot stay indifferent and they send money. one local restaurant in moscow also decided to pitch in it's a challenging time for businesses but the pandemic putting some at risk of closure and leading to uncertainty about what the future holds but they using this opportunity to turn and negative situation into a positive. it was to doctors and some swedes which. i'm with everyone from us through we improve their moods and so that they know that we support them and ready to thankful to them now like all of us close and out they don't have anything to do people are
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scared and upset and so it's also for them it's kind of like emotion though. to make something. they really hate we have one of the beautiful cookies the doctors the nurses don't have the time to have a sit down meal. currently the initiative is supplying boxes of snacks and drinks to 2 clinics in mosco but they're hoping this will follow suit and join the project so that more hospitals in moscow and elsewhere can also benefit everyone can help every little help will count and if we combine all these help together as
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a community i think this could be a really good thing. unsurprisingly the goodies are going down well hospital staff have taken to social media to post them messages of gratitude. from doctors that are is absolutely amazing because once i saw about the worst so i have just taken this cup of coffee with milk and they was like oh my god is this rio is from people as the saying goes a small bottle of kindness can create a big wave and if these little care packages that could make the world of difference for those working around the clock until we're doing this difficult time . keeping you out of today with the world's biggest news stories thanks for staying with the it's a national join me for
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a half. play. around and go back and get. legislation. that. i'm no good. and it. took. 6 tries or financial survival. when customers go buy your supplies. in elf well reduce and lower. that's undercutting but what's good for food markets it's not good for the global
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economy. it's a let me. ask i wouldn't. take i could. not trouble getting moles to show a woman. he loved food even in the. sun to make it a c. because the ones who took a listen to what they were over the kook on standards in the uk not as you. wish. the local police local. the new one who is to moan moan much of this news florida night 2 for not. hard to use in did.
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them. one on one with your house on the. low and welcome the cross for all things are considered i'm peter lavelle the atlantic alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 global security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often washington and brussels diverged on important foreign policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests or fade into oblivion.


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