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tv   Americas Lawyer  RT  April 1, 2020 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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saudi arabia can't hide from a 911 victim lawsuit that a judge said last week is going to go forward by a fair and cousins with me editor the trial lawyer magazine what a great ruling right i mean this judge all the way along the way has been very methodical about this case and it's going to take place. you know this is a case that's been fought for well over a decade at this point almost coming up on 2 decades and it's still having to work its way through there because again there's a lot of intricacies in this case there's a lot of things that have to be proven just for it to be able to move forward but what's so significant about this particular ruling is that the day before this judge in the united states ruled this you had officials over in turkey that issued an indictment to 20 saudi nationals for the death or murder of jamal khashoggi so now we're finding out a little bit more about how could shogi him self was actually connected to this 911
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victims case yeah well you know what's interesting about this story the man in it he was talking to the lawyers who are bringing this case he was given them he was kind of a whistleblower deep throat source of information months before he was murdered by the saudi royal family there i've said it that it was the saudi royal family it was these 5 knuckleheads that they've now said were responsible there was a secret trial that they had closed doors a secret trial the interesting only enough no mention of the royal family been involved the royal family was a huge part of it they're the ones that arranged for the saudis to leave the united states after the $911.00 attacks right and so hopefully as this thing plays out which is probably going to take years you know anybody who's expecting rapid results on this this takes time but. but it's going to be worth it because we still
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have to flush out saudi arabia's complete role we know you know most of the hijackers and $911.00 came from saudi arabia there is evidence to suggest that saudi arabia had been funding them you know funding other organizations and that's part of what he wanted to find out and he was working with these lawyers he had uncovered evidence of witness intimidation with this particular case so he was doing what a good journalist does and saudi arabia has essentially 0 tolerance for that and that's why they took the bone saw to it what i love about this judge is she says even on the intimidation she says look i met with the lawyers they gave me the information in camera i'm letting this proceed and the the point is this all rolls right to the to the rule family that's where it's going and you know the truth the truth is the most bothersome is the u.s.
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intelligence operatives that have all this of it all this information won't share it they won't share it with the turkish government they want even help with the 911 case very very troublesome right we're at we're having to have trial lawyers come in and weed through the facts journalists and other governments because the u.s. government has been born worthless this former staffer is accused joe biden of sexual assault in the media is refusing to talk about this this this story makes me so angry along with so many of the other stories out there right now but here you have they have got their stonewalling this woman who's come forward with tara reid they've stonewalled her since 1993 the media won't touch it and they're still ignoring tara reid even though they're with she the day they occurred she when told her brother she went told 2 other witnesses this isn't a made up story. they're protecting this knucklehead who you know the democrats are
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so sold on him that they're in all of this they're going to this ride that they absolutely are in and at this point they're actually trying to downplay it and say ok wall it even if it's true hasn't donald trump been accused of doing this to more women than joe biden it's a said that we've seen the has tag the lesser of 2 rapists and that's actually to mock these corporatists who are trying to make this argument here and listen we don't know necessarily did this happen did it not this this needs to be investigated but we have to put the benefit of the doubt in the woman here and that's what joe biden himself has said in the past you know what's really troubling to about it is the time's up time's up is an organization that's tied in the hold me to organization time's up ties directly to joe biden through the p.r. people who run biden's campaign all right she goes to them tara reid goes to time's
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up under the same kind of story everybody else says in 29 and 2019 this happen to me they ignore her they say we're not going to do they refused to do the story we're not going to do the story because joe biden was already going to be the you know part of the promise land for the democrats interesting you do stories on this pretty regularly what's the response you get from the i mean the boneheads out there that are just so democrat they're so tied to being their only identity their only tribal identity is i'm a democrat and they stop thinking beyond that tell us about some of the responses you've got a lot of e-mails from people saying you know you can't you can't discuss this i had somebody tell me the other day it was my job to support joe biden that they were e-mailing me to tell me what my job was allegedly supposed to be well but but the truth is here this is a story this is a real thing that joe biden has not had to. address because the media is not asking
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him about it he is done countless interviews since this story emerged and not once has anybody asked him hey you have been accused of this you want to give us your side of the story might be specific about that c n n has a town hall meeting ok they can ask him anything they want they ask him about everything except this after the story had broken shut totty m s n b c chuck todd has him on this very personal kind of interviews talking about everything everything about his life but he never asks him one time about this woman who has accused made this accusation that is legitimate there's no i mean if it's not like there were no witnesses ok there were no direct witnesses but that day she wouldn't talk to people she told them what happened and when they when she tried to push back she met a total stonewall remember joe biden is the guy who crucified anita hill
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ok don't forget that that has been part of the story anyway what c.n.n. m s n b c the intercept thank goodness again comes to help. you know i think to me right now in journalism it is the standard intercept comes in ignore c.n.n. ignores and him as n.b.c. a.b.c. n.b.c. c.n.n. jimmy kimmel has joe biden on the air they're talking about feel good stuff they're chairman chairman of the kimmel that day the story breaks everybody knows about it kimmel doesn't ask one question about it right and you also have to give a lot of credit to katie helper from the katie helper show she's the 1st one to really talk to terror redan air that interview crystal ball over at the hill rising on the hill has done it as well and that's what needs to happen but these independent media outlets the non-corporate own who do not you know engage in this kind of tribalism they're out there talking about a story. they're telling people listen this is
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a thing that nobody said yes 100 percent we definitely did but it's really what it is this is an allegation joe biden himself has said we got to believe women all of his defenders right now and said we gotta believe women and here it is when it's not politically convenient let's not be here let a list of people stop of organization stonewall a.b.c. stonewall n.b.c. stonewall c.n.n. stonewall jimmy kimmel specific stonewall anderson cooper stonewall chuck todd stonewall i could go on forever these are people that call themselves a journalist of their jokes and still somebody gives this woman a chance to tell her story the public can hear it the joke continues states are starting to implement quarantines to to cut down on out of state travelers who are trying to escape quarantines in their hometown happen right here in pensacola louisiana man they're lined up in droves coming to pensacola in the sand as little
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too late. you know he finally said ok we'll put up this checkpoint at the border if you're coming from louisiana a 14 day quarantine if you're flying in from new york and new jersey 14 day quarantine and those are the kinds of things that it seems harsh i'm sure to some people but we have to do this if you want to flatten that curve as they say if you want to make this thing go away and prevent infections you have to keep people from these high risk areas from traveling all over the world that's how the thing spread to begin with and there's some people out there saying well we're losing our freedoms over this now you're not losing anything but if you don't listen to this if you try to violate these quarantines you're risking your life you're risking the life of everybody else you come in contact with ok so here's part of louisiana story the mayor literally comes out the america will nobody told me we shouldn't do madi graw this was a week into the end to this the federal government. didn't tell me we shouldn't do
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this so we did it anyway so you have thousands of people infected over there now they're trying to get the hell out they're trying to go everywhere they can georgia mississippi florida pensacola florida you cross the bridge here there's louisiana lined up to try to get in and what's so crazy is dishonest says well you know what we're going to we're going to impose a quarantine it's going to be voluntary so they're stopping there literally these people are being stopped on interstate 10 is they come in they're being questioned and the dishonest says well we're let them go but we're going to follow up on their voluntary quarantine he's letting them fly in from new york into the airports saying well we're going to let them voluntarily quarantine now what are the chances of that actually having this guy has been behind from the from the very start the senate has been so behind on the beach issue we left the beaches open now he's letting this this virus just come in by way of tourism because i suppose he thinks
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it's good you know i suppose good for the economy right and on sunday you know they issue this stay at home order for florida and then you read more into it you find out this is only for south florida because over the weekend it was announced you had this huge breakout of coronavirus at the villages and i'm sure a lot of people who've never even been to florida know what the village is i'll explain it that is a hot spot it is a retirement community it is very right wing it is also rather wealthy most presidential candidates on the right always go down and they do speeches at the villages. and now they've got a massive outbreak so now to say if this realizes oh my god that's my base those are my voters if these people get sick and die off we're talking about a political shift in this country and it can't be and since the beginning he's been chasing voters he's been chasing voters he's been chasing money for contributors
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that's why he didn't close the beaches he closed the beaches interestingly enough in west palm beach but didn't close the beaches anywhere else in florida until after it was way way out of control so i you know all along the way he's been behind the power curve and you just got to wonder is it just because of is it just a lack of experience in decisiveness what's your take i think a lot of it has to do with inexperience and decisiveness is a huge thing too because you don't want to if you're on the right side of this in the right is downplaying it a little more than you know the left at this point so politics do come into play you don't want to freak people out you don't want to be on the opposite side of the president when he was saying this is not a big deal he's changed his tune now and so dishonest was going along with that and always remaining one step rhode island don't you love it the governor of rhode island says look we've got all these new yorkers coming rhode island they're sending people door to door to find out if people are seeking refuge in rhode
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island so then como says you can't do that that's discriminating against new yorkers so she says 5 i'm going to go door to door and find out about any people they've traveled in rhode island to escape hot spots of this virus that's a hands off effect that is that's hands on boy and you have to be that way and look it's going to be rough but if we do this if we sit tight for 234 weeks and can we can knock this thing out and go back to normal but if we don't we're looking at months and months of this inventor joining me thank you. coming up during this prone to virus pandemic many federal agencies like the. e.p.a. are changing operations to adjust to this new reality but how do we know for certain that they are taking advantage of this. this crisis to weaken regulations on big industry that's exactly what's happening with. that and more when we come back.
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geysers financial survival guide liquid those that you can convert is it as quite easily. to keep in mind though as a tremendous place of. record. micrographs friends aren't slights against you know whites or men for example there's their slights against women or nonwhites so it's always you know the idea is that statements that directed toward a privileged group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so that's kind of the whole framework and it's it's a political framework that's used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and say well rather than ignore the more than we
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need to call attention to them but it's not all slight so it's a very political and on. the environment protection agency has suspended its enforcement of environmental laws in the wake of the corona virus outbreak the new policy gives big industry a license to pollute during this global. pandemic artie's rizzi to santos joins me now from los angeles with the latest barrage sure he see the stories these stories tell you the same thing they tell me chemical plants can do whatever the heck they want or refineries can do what they want pipelines can we off shore wells you know
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'd in deep water they can only if it's a free for all it is a corporate pre for all or corporate polluter for example for all which industries are going to benefit most with this directive as you see this story we have how do you see this unfolding well they deviate regulates chemical coal and power plants the oil and gas industry as you said still manufacturers and so on it's supposed to keep tabs on gas leaks contaminants and pollution in the air as well as the waterways but now the e.p.a. has told companies flat out that they won't face fines or enforcement actions from the agency if they no longer monitor and report their own pollution violations if companies exceed clean air and water limits or league chemicals into the water they're going to face consequences as long as they claim that those violations are in some way caused by or connected to the fall out from this virus the e.p.a. directive comes after a plea from the oil industry's largest trade group the american petroleum institute
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which expressed worry over how the coronavirus outbreak has greatly impacted the global oil industry which now faces its deepest crisis since the 1973 oil embargo but the energy sector was already in trouble it was the worst performer of the last decade according to the s. and p. $500.00 and now the e.p.a. has also granted oil refineries relief from their legal obligation to produce gas plans that are designed to reduce emissions this rule gives corporations a lifeline while putting human lives on the line. let me give our viewers something to look for if you're around if you're a corporation a chemical corporation a refinery corporation if you're if you're around that there's what you're going to see i want to watch smokestacks they're going to be doing unusual things in the next next few weeks i want you to watch the waters the waterways around you you're going to start seeing as things in the waterways foam that you've never seen oddities achieve never seen fish kills and you've never seen all of this is going
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to be happening with this indefinite this this is this is you guys can do what this is get out of jail free you can pollute as much as you want you can get away with chemical industry you can do what you want to do refine our industry you can do what you want to do if the if the pipelines leak so why you know it's only indian land we don't have to worry about that that's the attitude these folks are take and i'm wondering are there any legitimate reasons that really justify some of these e.p.a. policies when and why they should change during this process which sure critics of the new policy say that in some cases yes there are legitimate justifications for changing some policies you know many regulated industries have been forced to reduce their staff just like other industries so if there's no staff to monitor pollution changing the policy is there maybe some argument that that could be necessary but the problem is code that 19 may now be used as
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a blanket excuse to cover a wide variety of violations by baby industry polluters critics say if those industries can keep operations running can keep staff on board and keep earning revenue and there's no reason they can't have the budgets also keep the pollution monitors in their staff on board as well. well this is their opportunity to continue trashing our natural 'd resources obliterate our rivers just do what ever they want to with the air and we're going to see it firsthand trust me i do this for a living i follow these corporations and take them to court for a living you watch in your neighborhood if you're close to any of these plants you're going to see a real difference in what's coming out of those smoke stacks and what's in the water and just in the next few weeks we're going to start seeing a real difference to this regime a thanks for joining me ok this to me this story gets you know there's not i wish we had more time to talk about it so we could go back historically and show viewers
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what historically has happened when e.p.a. is given reprieves like this it's a disaster thank you for joining me. well ordinary citizens are having their daily lives torn apart by government regulations under this new reality brought on by a coronavirus hollywood stars have taken upon themselves to ask their fans to dig deep into their pocketbooks and donate for the covert relief but are these multimillionaires levers are they asking that of his of their friends and what are they doing themselves this story to me i've got molly barrows with me to talk about it this story is so outrageous i've had to endure people have actually sent they've sent these videos to me britney spears talking about you know this is a woman who's been institutionalized i mean she's she's going to go off on cuckoo britney spears she's actually one of the few that's doing it right now there's a lot that are doing it wrong that we could take away oh ok oh if you go on her instagram page she did because i think she's had issues with mental illness in the
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past because her father keeps her money i think she is from i mean she's from kenner louisiana having daddy if you can. are high and mighty for very long i'll give you britney spears about madonna madonna in her weird bath to i'll take well they run her kimono pontificating related ideas and if you listen to what she's saying you go this woman is cray cray yeah and so this is supposed to bring this is supposed to uplift us or how about she that it whether i have the gal good though. i love me some wonder woman but they're just out of touch it's like i think these are people that just don't know how to connect because they live in a world that's completely different from 3 quarters of the rest of the global population who are struggling from paycheck to paycheck are living hand to mouth are now suffering without jobs because of the economic slowdown that we've had due to the coronavirus and then you've got guys like bobby flay that chef t.v. star he's got 150000000 or something and he's like oh i've started to go fund me
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page you know help you help me my employer you know welcome to capitalism it's. the heart of it. to me i come back to this all the time they're in a celebrity bubble ok yeah these are people that you know i guess well most people are studying humanities and calculus and history and things that we we actually focus on him in high school in college they're studying how to play the role of macbeth are there so they're not really high information to begin with they really aren't so they're in the celebrity bubble and what i was talking about the there were all the celebrities are singing john lennon's imagine 1st of all it's not company no it doesn't come from a half of them are about a step and a half off on the range right and then 2nd of all if this is the question is the question gee if we do this are the people watching are going to feel better about
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it i mean what is this mentality this celebrity mentality we see with politics only absolutely i mean look at the accusations of people jumping lines to get testing when it came to different sports leagues same with the ultra wealthy same with politicians even in new york there were stories coming out where people were paying to get tested or even pain have access early access to vaccines and that sort of thing so it shows again the disparity between access to health care and social media is an outlet that you know as other people pointed out the coronavirus levels the playing field but nothing really highlights that any better than social media because these celebrities if you don't have it to give genuinely it's going to show if you're a selfish self-centered living in a bubble type person and this is what seems like something good for you to share and it's completely out of touch then all you're doing is giving the public an insight into just how shallow and terrible the out and being really there are williams give your money to help ok now most people are out of jobs they're wondering can i pay my rent they're wondering can i even buy food for my family and
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you have these folks that are in this ridiculous very laughable ugly ugly so. lever the bubble wheel low information because really if you really consider what's their background it's not like they came up as real intellectual zeroes are really hard work in their own business i'm sure a lot as entertainers strive to get out there so i put them all into an educated pot but i do know what you mean i mean it attracts certain people to certain fields that they might not be as well read as other professions i completely agree with you about that but i think you appreciate that you know david geffen had to billionaire had to delete its whole entire gram account because he was like hey you know kicking it with corona you know myself i was living on my 560000000 dollar ya ya yeah anything about it people were furious and that's what you're saying jennifer lopez i am self i saved my family and my boyfriend a cool compound in miami and their self aggrandizing their narcissistic if they are
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low information in more importantly the most dangerous their board they don't have anything to do so madonna sitting in her freakin bath tub i are more afraid of that are a lot of it around in our kimono pontificating like we really care about what most of what madonna's take is on as well and what they could be doing to donate that money to make sure test gets everybody that that teens are vetted that we have access to health care the way they have and we have to do the same thing taking care of employees to and that's a policy that we're solid on have that we don't go doing commercials about right thanks for thanks for joining the things. finally tonight some good news the supreme court actually did something good this past week and they potentially created a little more transparency for our elections after they've destroyed the electoral process the court decided to let a lower court ruling stand in this previous ruling had allowed the federal lection commission to reveal the name of a trust fund that had been pouring money into the dark money groups these dark
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money super pac groups are not required to reveal the names of their donors but this new ruling could change all of that ever since the. court demolished our rights as voters with citizens united in the mccutcheon cases billions of dollars have flowed to politicians through super pacs and the public has been forbidden from accessing the names of these doe donors with this new ruling those dark money rules well they're going to change providing at least a little bit of transparency in finally allowing us to see who is buying our politicians that's all for tonight find us on twitter at facebook on facebook dot com slash r t america's lawyer you can watch all our t. american programs on direct t.v. channel 321 also strain on live on you tube and be sure to check out our tease new portable app where you can actually watch any any program you want your favorite shows how might have been so on your own this is america's lawyer where every week
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we tell you the stories that corporate media is ordered not detail like the ones we're told are not they can't tell the stories because their advertisers are the political connections don't allow for the great no. if. i were him will. pick i'm. not going to. show. you look who you know not. to make the seabees the. look there are a lot of the kook on the scene do it in the not as you attempt on. the
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pulpit to keep. you. little move along much of this news tonight in one thing from the. so would you hire the model he tried to use into doing. one joke i learned that. not a non not a new one on the media house on the land. your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know what's going to happen and when it's going. but they haven't told you and they haven't told me they haven't announced. imagine something as big as the earth is
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going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes are going to wrapped and it's going to help. so very for a while right. my great grandfather's. nobody would care about the law or prison so you'd have wallace there should have. a terrible life between now and the. thank you. thanks.
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live from the world headquarters of the r.t. america in our nation's capital this is the news rick sanchez has been a long going to her body i'm rick sanchez you know whether you're picking us up in taipei or to como or any place in between as we broadcast around the world we welcome you you may be watching us for example on portable t.v. it's an app either way we're glad you're there among the developments happening this hour there is a plane filled with relief supplies i think we've got some pictures we can show you here it is this is the plane that has just arrived from russia interestingly enough the governor of new york has been talking throughout the day in fact almost with.


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