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tv   Keiser Report  RT  April 2, 2020 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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do for the one who's do would be. happy max keiser this is the kaiser report you know stacey i was thinking about this whole world economy and the way things are going and it's like we're flying over the bermuda triangle you know and all the dials and everything and the best part of going in opposite directions are we're going upside down our way up side up we're not sure it's like all so fricken confusing that's because things are getting real and we're seeing what some in the alternative finance space would call a 4th turning there's a huge shift going on we've been covering here for 10 years the whole process of de globalization and the dollar is ation the dollar is ation of course has been
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happening as we all see around the world the central banks start accumulating gold then we've seen the deagle bliz ation and charm and brags that were a sign of that but now of course it's like celebrating rapidly thanks to this pandemic and i want to look at how that break in this supply chain the global supply chain happening right now is with the most fundamental resource of all and that is money and it's being called on a 40 m. and on obtaining them inside the mad shortage in gold the ultimate doomsday preppers asset of course we've seen shortages across all sort of commodities and especially in the agricultural sector whether you can find whole wheat flour or milk or eggs at the local supermarket it's very difficult but there's a mad scramble as you said with the billionaire class retreat gold as their toilet paper yeah there are some crazy prices up there gold is hard to get hard to obtain
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you're paying for a spot gold you're paying for the gold $2212200.00 for an ounce of gold a gold dealer and else. where things are crashing in price so again the the the cockpit of the crazy machine is showing all kinds of bad info that's true and it's funny that a lot of people say oh it's a conspiracy theory that even what they see right in front of them that they see that's gold price that there was some sort of break in the contract on the co max that they're having to change the contract for that has been an operation with dozens of years that they're now using different delivery sized bars you know they're using the 400 ounce from the london rather than 100 ounce from new york that all that sort of stuff is going but if you could be bait for example and you know you there's a certain brand of wheat flour that sells for $3.00 for 2 pounds you can find you can't find it in your local supermarket but if you go to
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e bay you can find it for 33 year to $55.00 so that suggests there's a shortage somewhere right that people are willing to pay up to that many times over because of this break in the supply chain and what we're seeing is that as people are starting to realize that it's people that printing won't get us out of this won't get us out of the situation you're seeing a mad dash for gold and you're seeing the fact that it's also meeting the supply issue of flights because gold suppliers are in talks to use charter cargo flights to transport the precious metal which usually moves around the world in chlorophyll planes and has then left stranded as global trade grinds to a halt the gold market is antiquated you know it's hasn't been updated for decades and so the way that the various contracts are subtle paper contracts are different sized bars and this wasn't a problem because nobody took delivery of these gold products they just took delivery of paper for decades because the gold bullion banks in the minors and
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the derivative traders were all kind of working together or colluding some might say to. satisfy their own interests that were not necessarily. in the interest of people that we're looking to operate in an economy that's based on hard money if you know if you catch my drift and now people are asking physical demand the man of the physical gold they find out that these are the logistics and the way these contracts are constructed are completely. misaligned and they're having a little of just a problem in that they don't have a problem because when do you know this really shows another huge reason why gold is inferior to big coin in many ways but don't tell peter schiff he's living in his own dream world and this is the sort of weird denial that's been going on since january you and i were reporting here in christ report that surely the entirety of china especially will hand region the who who by province being totally shut down
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surely that's going to have some impact eventually right on the supply that's where we make everything and the world just kept on going around their business as if it was all going to be normal because the central bank there's always the central bank put the fed always comes and rescues us with more money and the more money has been an answer for decades for the last 2 decades anytime things go wrong even if it's something like an attack like 911 they print money and it all goes away and here we see one thing that i've been kind of sitting around for 2 and a half months waiting for some sort of solution is it's quite clear that we need personal protection equipment especially facemasks the economy of japan is like the 3rd largest in the world 2nd largest in the world they economy of singapore the economy of south korea have not had to do total shutdowns like us they haven't had to do it why because they have $73.00 cent masks anough for all of their population to use that and thus avoid pandemic spreading so here's the great mean to explain
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the situation on america's in the process of diggler position and the dollar is ation easier to print money then making masks that's drake and the famous mean doing. mask. and of course loving the money printer go. for it that's interesting because in the substrata stack that we call the american economy deep down in the bowels is a layer of lawyers an american is famous be highly footage is. of one suing everybody and so why they're no masks why were there no cockpit door locks before 911 even though it was an easy fix that everyone kind of knew that this was a risk but because of the lawyers because of the litigious risk because it's a lot easier just to print money and then say well we did everything we could because it's an immaculate solution nobody sues the government for printing money but if we queued chain of grocery stores allowed for one store to have masks and
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another store didn't have masks then the people who didn't get mass would sue the grocery store and they'd be tied up in court in the litigation for years and years so that you know this might be a good opportunity in america to get rid of all those lawyers that would be hugely beneficial but i also think it's part of this. dollar is ation situation we've had to liberalization and dollars ation financialization of the global economy because it's the us empire and we've been able to run this empire where we get to like most empires before us whether it was the spanish of the roman everybody else does the work and then after a generation or 2 you forget how everything is made and you feel like you start to feel it divine right of kings sort of thing they you're you're you're born to rule you're you're you eat well you eat a novel colorados and you eat at nice restaurants and you are superior obviously to the driver or that insta cart delivery person a you this is a divine and as it should be situation until it suddenly isn't so with the masts
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they're all made in who by we shut down by and obviously there are no mass anymore so where are all the elites all the wealthy all the so-called entrepreneurs of the dust. yes they're nowhere to be found because we don't have them anymore in america 70 bodies sitting around waiting for these mass to be delivered everybody sitting around waiting for food to appear on the supermarket shelves when they're counting on somebody who is not valued in this economy and an economy that is financial lies that is based on a dollar it doesn't value all those people that we as a society 340000000 people here in america cannot exist right now we cannot function without all those people who are delivering the goods and also packaging the products and to sell to us to give to us we often say on the show how the black plague europe created the middle class because it was the shortage of workers after the plague that then gave workers some bargaining ability and we had the beginning
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therefore of the middle class what we know as the middle class and the end of kind of the lord sort of model and to feudalism right the end of feudalism exactly good to get that word for some reason i know it's got 2 vowels right there after the initial consonant and that can be mine and all mine and but nevertheless you know it is now a time in america for the sort of class the workers who are making minimum wage but can't survive they have to have 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs they're rising up they're going on strike. so one of the fallouts of the copen $1000.00 plague won't be much higher wages long overdue. you know this is the way nature is this is the way guy throws down boomers have enjoyed the benefits of a financial eyes all dollars system since we've had since $1071.00 they were the 1st and they were 20 years old when that happened well the 20 year olds now are the
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generation z. and this is a huge radical shift as radical as what happened in 1971 and they are in control if you want them to come bring you food you're going to have to give them the. it's money because they're just going to sit out there with a bag of food and say how much she can give me there is one thing that is also unobtainium. even though the price keeps dropping so if you look at the gasoline prices here in america a nearby it's only like a buck $75.00 a buck 80 to go fill up your you know your tank per gallon well oil prices they keep on going down so down that again it's like bermuda triangle crazy mind blowing deflation physical crude price wyoming sour trades at negative $0.19 per barrel wyoming sweet is that $3.00 per barrel oklahoma sour 5 canadian western $5.00 all u.s. and global yields can fall close to 0 as inflation dropping faster than rate cuts and these are more and that whole fracking patch and the tar sands up in and canada
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so to their cost of production was only possible because of the negative interest rates the free money the financialization the dollar is ation of the world now as things get real as everything is topsy turvy in this be we have china world. you know this is the sort of crazy you see broad as we've pointed out in the past for every barrel of oil there are 60000 barrels of paper oil just like for every ounce of gold or thousands of miles of paper gold and that's where prices discovered is in the derivatives market and now the gold market which is purpose with the banking industry when both collapse simultaneously they become coterminous then you have weird freaky bermuda triangle like pricing that throws off signals that no economists prepared to talk about on mainstream media only through shows like this that we've been actually prepping people for 10 years to get ready for the psychotic post modern world can anyone even begin to wrap their mind you
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know it's about confusing few tile with futile don't do it there are too dirty. separate words and when i come back after the break much more coming your way. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is faith.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallowness. i can't show you my face but i'm going to teach you must store in 9093 this man was sentenced to death. they could charged with capital murder even though he didn't have the gun didn't pull the trigger didn't intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for the week with the scent of a $23.00. i doubt that i deserved to be. confined within 4 gray walls he fights using hot turn on to help him to leave defense room.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to jim consular of consular dot com author of a new book which is very timely living in the long emergency james howard kunstler welcome back i'm max nice to see you virtually well you know you predicted it you've been talking about it you've been writing about it and now we're here we're in the long emerge and say and trump wants to make a short a merge and say your thoughts on the disintegration of the economy and all of our quote just in time supply chains jam with your thoughts i don't know kind of hard to blame it to blame trump for a long thing to make it a short emergency but you know whether he can or not is another matter and it seems to me that we really come to an inflection point where an awful lot of the
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arrangements that have made us comfortable are probably going to have to change and we really don't know how we're going to do that because you know we're really kind of stuck in the myth and operations that we're used to and we haven't even begun to imagine making new arrangements for things it's like when i hear tom say that he wants to be a short pandemic it's like watching charlton heston as moses you know parting the red sea and commanding this to happen and it's ludicrous it shows tremendous hubris and i think that's part of the problem now new york is one of the biggest economies in the world and in the u.s. 18 percent of g.d.p. in america is health care and yet the health care workers in the best hospitals are wearing garbage bags for protection what's going on here. well probably more evidence of what was a racketeering up operation in medicine and you know one of the.
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prime goals in over the last 2030 years was just optimize the efficiencies their corporate operations rather than you know optimizing the delivery of real health services so you know they decided well you know maybe we don't need this equipment maybe we don't need the ganz maybe we don't need the mask so you know we'll save. one percent of our operating capital by you know not getting it so it's pretty easy to understand if you recognize that medicine has been in record tearing operation for clinton few years it's quite easy to understand our last week 3300000 americans filed for unemployment and stock markets had one of its biggest rallies in history you know there's always this odd relationship between main straight and wall street they tend to be mutually exclusive when main street's doing well wall street tends to go down and vice versa but for the past 20 or 30 years this friend all wall
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street know main straight and we've saw stark evidence again of this 3000000 print on the unemployment number markets scream higher but that's not a surprise that's exactly what's been going on for a couple of decades now only more emphatic now because you can see that the reality of human activity has been reduced to 0 so there is absolutely no relationship now between what happens in finance and what happens on the ground with people doing stuff and producing stuff or in this case not producing stuff finance is now completely divorced from the reality human activity and human production it's very difficult for people to grasp that point just like it's very difficult for people to grasp but the exponential nature of the pandemic and how they infected cases double every day whatever it is 6 or 7 days and it's projected that in the us
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forgot to say millions of cases and we're going to see in the globe many. as of cases it's hard to wrap your mind around the the mathematics there and so too it's hard for people to understand how the worse the economy gets the better it is for wall street because they can go to the central bank and plead poverty and the central bank is always got the open spigot of fresh cash will there ever be a time when the central bank. says know that the central bank says wait a minute we can't debase the currency forever do you think that'll ever happen in our lifetimes jim oh absolutely because you know what you're suggesting. implied in your question is that there wouldn't be any consequences for any of this but there will be i mean i think we'll see the time not far off when all of the unemployed hungry people on long island you know march to the hamptons and go after the hedge
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funders you know that's hardly out of the question in the end the other consequence will be you know they can keep on printing and channel stuff thing in and jamming new money from thin air into these various places that they're jamming it but if they keep on doing that long enough the dollar won't be worth anything and it won't matter won't matter how much they print because you know the the all the money they print will be worthless money and as we both know there are 2 ways that you can go broke you can either have no money or you can have plenty of money that's worthless exactly hyperinflation currency collapse you know it's shocking to me that how the mainstream media plays into the worst tendencies of the kleptocrats let's take an example imagine a hedge funds there a moment ago let's take an example of a hedge fund guy bill ackerman he was recently on c. and b.
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say they gave a platform for the full half hour crying literally crying about how horrible the stock market is going to bay and sure enough it was an act he was short the s. and p. $500.00 cash 10 1st over a $1000000000.00 in less than a week so this is a big yes let me point out he are almost all think short and distort ok it's illegal early years to be for many years you're not allowed to. really manipulate markets and this obvious. way and i don't blame bill ackerman for being a slave bag but see n.b.a. say to give him a platform for a half hour to conduct a massive fraud like that i mean what's the world coming to it's hard to imagine what the world's coming to in journalism you know it's obviously reached a pretty dark place. and not just in financial reporting but especially in political reporting and you know one thing that tells you is you have to go looking
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for sound information in other places than the new york times and cable t.v. so you know it's really as simple as that. it's a little bit hard to tell why and how it came to be ok for people in those positions to operate in such extreme bad faith and dishonesty but i suppose that that's just another matter of a cultural consensus forming you know societies give themselves permission in effect to behave a certain way and to some extent the election of donald trump gave the media the mainstream legacy news media permission to lie and be dishonest and act in bed faith about just about everything and they're just continuing that now kind of out of habit it's a reflex for them now but it's very dangerous for society and i would agree by the way i've just been told bill's last day was act when. small correction on
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that but remember and that was the you know boss the out so. i could be messing up his name too but who warned about the ravages of plunder one plunder becomes a way of life. it of facts the entire society if you have plunder at the top it are you going to see plunder at the bottom you can see the looting at the bottom when you have guys like bill ackman plundering obviously plundering the system and. and a whole a show of hoax and fraud you know why should we expect the apolo a and the platypus not so it equal measures of plunder well i suppose that there's going to be a certain amount of disorder and that will include a reaction against this kind of plunder and this kind of opportunism we must bear in mind the fact that there are you know scores of millions of americans out there
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who are not in finance and not in political power but who are plenty smart plenty intelligent enough to know when they're being played and they're pretty well armed . and you know sooner or later some of the disorder that we're inviting into our lives is going to express itself in probably an angry rebellion this is this is certainly the most this is the this is the moment of the greatest uncertainty in our lifetimes and it's hard to say where this is going to go but the potential for disorder is really enormous always sought a movement started with the occupy wall street movement and we've been covering on our show the global answer action against banker occupation we've had you on many many times in your work as always tied the ecological all emerge and say what the financial emergency and how those 2 interact with each other and now you know we're
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at the point where your prophecy i don't want to you know put too fine a point on it but your work of the one emergent say you know this is what we're this is where we're at so i come i ask you what is the what's going to happen next it's been kind of weird for me too because i feel like i'm living in a prequel of my own books i wrote a 4 novel series of books about. fictionalized american economic collapse and it took place in the aftermath of that it was called the world made by hand series so i feel like i'm living in the prequel of those novels and really what happens next is that history really compels us to make different choices and different arrangements and these mainly revolve around the necessity of downscaling our activities to make them consistent to make them comport with the capital and resource realities that we're moving into and. to
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become more local and to expect that the trust horizon for a large institutions you know whether it's federal government or any distant thing that's. in your life you know that's going to dissolve and you're going to have to become much more interdependent with the people around you i think the catch is really how are we going to rebuild our local networks of production in interdependence in the usa because that's where we're going that's where the journey is taking us there are tremendous opportunities in that for young people to go into business local 8 in one way or another to rebuild these complex fine grained networks making things growing things distributing things and i hope that people see where those opportunities are. you know that the other catch in that is that there is little to be a period of considerable disorder between the time that we recognize where this
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journey is taking us and where we're at now is the sort of beginning of the dissolution of our former arrangements well america is you know all about manifest destiny and we have no borders we we have no limits it's our world everyone's just a guest of america you know how are we going to make the transition to living like japanese people in origami shoe box as i don't know how that's going to work in america well we're not necessarily going to be living like people in other cultures you know we will have a version of our own downscaled american culture and it could be a very fine culture as as our culture was a very fine culture before we got to this. hypertrophic place that we're at now at this now this hyper complicated in the hyper complex society that we ginned up so we can get there does you know there's we're still going to find joy in existence in being in this marvelous reality of this world that we're in but you
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know it's going to take hard work and it's going to take becoming upright people rather than people who indulge in bed faith and dishonesty and. it's going to you know really challenge our moral and ethical scheme of things and a new scheme will emerge you know this is an emergent process meaning that americans will respond to what reality is asking them to do and what is compelling them to do and we will make new arrangements for things james howard kunstler thanks for being on the kaiser report it's a pleasure to talk to you always max and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max keiser and stacy herbert want to thank our guest james howard kunstler of consular dot com if you want to reach us on twitter it's kaiser report it's next time by.
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the world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person with those words. no dairy thinks. we dare to ask. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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it's a let me. ask i would then we'll. take i could not predict that could not trouble getting low to show one. can you love lose even on the other. hand you may go to c.b.s. don't want to come to the floor to have all of the kook on the standards of the hour now as you had done bush. in the local people are going to. be. the new one who is still more on the little known much of the snooze through learning one thing for normal so when you hire them and when he tried to use into a good. joke. on
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the. one on the media house on the net passing them. there's a movie. on cadillacs there's a museum on jellybeans there's a new on a screen however we don't have a museum wanted to have quality why not so that is that is what i'm pushing pushing society to create. it will be elaborate. it's.


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