tv Politicking RT April 2, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT
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extent of the virus outbreak in its country and under reporting both total cases and deaths that has suffered from the disease that's the conclusion of the united states intelligence community and a bombshell report we learned about widens day so where does that leave us officials in their fight against the pandemic for analysis we turn 1st to gordon chang asia expert and contributor for the daily beast he is in new jersey garden in your opinion has as china under reported this cases of the coronavirus. clearly larry china has under reported coronavirus cases and deaths and it continues to do so so for instance this week we're getting numbers 36 or 7 new infections a day but they're not reporting any community transmissions they're saying that any transmissions are from imported cases another words chinese nationals returning to
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china this is a situation which is inconsistent with all of the modeling is inconsistent with the reporting that we're getting from inside the car and i don't really and certainly it is not consistent with the way this virus has acted around the world so i think that we can say with confidence that china is not telling us the truth about the crime of virus infections why why would they not one of a high and low why would they not tell us the truth. you know that's a great question larry and i think it has to do with beijing trying to give the impression that china has recovered and because of that they may want businesses to return to china they want congress inside the country to go back to normal levels they're just trying get back to where it was before the virus hit and that is the
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only explanation i can come up with you know the other thing of course is that they want to show that their system is subpoena or to our us a so they want to be able to demonstrate that they were able to lift the virus. but it is really to figure out why because you know as this progresses we're starting to learn a lot more about what's going on and the inconsistency is don't do china any good. to how gordon chang would you describe the united states chinese relations at this minute. i think they're tense there's a my sense is that there is anger at the top of the american government for what beijing has done it deliberately hid the virus it then tried to tell the world that there was no human to human transmission that led to the epidemic becoming a pandemic and you know as we saw heard from the white house reefing yesterday
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there's a sense that we were misled and i think people in washington are are pretty white hot angry. this chinese they if we don't get the right information dia's think they send out deliberately misinformation. i think that clearly that is what they did you know we saw for instance beijing tell the world health organization that there were no community transmissions and the w.h.o. put that out on a tweet on january 4th were to become infamous and i think that beijing did that because it wanted the international community to sort of keep links with china but what they did of course was by keeping those links at a time when they knew about community human to human transmission they help spread
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the virus around the world so. you know i don't know what's in the minds of chinese leaders but if they wanted to spread this virus. they would did exactly what they would have done so there's got to be some real questioning of beijing's motives here. a national review article posted online tuesday asserted that china has to be held responsible for this pandemic you agree. i do agree larry it's unfortunate but this really was gong to should have only been a local epidemic in the center of china but because of the secrecy because of misleading the world health organization and the united states and others this is now spread to most corners of the world now i don't know exactly how we're going to hold china accountable but there are many different ways to do that but that's
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going to be i think the conversation not only in washington but also in other capitals as well as people understand that it was chinese actions that led to the spread of the virus beyond china's borders so i think that when the virus subsides and believe that it's going to be in the summer the conversation around the world is going to be what kind of regulations the world will happen china and what kind of costs the world will impose on beijing for really irresponsible and reckless behavior we have heard nothing from north korea. do you think they're free of this. you know and clearly they're not. there are hints that we're getting that the virus has spread throughout north korea so for instance they put foreign diplomats under a 30 day quarantine which is completely inconsistent with the notion that there are
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no coronavirus cases there the border between china and north korea was open for a long period when beijing was denying the existence of the disease and because of the substantial traffic. i'm sure that there have been a number of cases in north korea which have now probably be blown epidemic there is a lot of indications that north korea is asking for help why would it ask for help if it didn't have a coronavirus emergency gordon chang as always thanks so much for your expertise. well thank you eric i really appreciate the opportunity is a pleasure now welcome to our show lieutenant general russel honore ray he's perhaps best known for serving as the commander of the joint task force katrina where he was responsible for coordinating katrina affected areas across the gulf calls is
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related to the military he has been critical of the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic he joins us from baton rouge do you do you remain a critic general or have things improved i do remain in a critic because i know you're going to learn. where are we failing well. number one in issue decisive diets to stay. we knew from day one the technique we should be using is people stayed in whole and we selectively. use that across the state level to go with us and we still have some 10 states still not pricey social distance when you're going
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to have a logistics problem and then we do not have enough equipment yet to the doctors in the hospital and we still haven't fixed that problem and from the perspective of how we managing netlist just. i learned a long time ago that you where you don't want to disasters through logistics. our logistics set up after weeks only latrobe he's going to give us the fema to try. support the governors and if you can recycle we use you suspected in there we've got seeds competing with the federal government. so those are the big ones the messaging on what we want people to do when we want your. theory of not having
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to test then point when we have a test and we don't have to test every we know the test is key you're going to find people who'll or asymptomatic knows that are you know you know to protect your workers and we still have testing. i suppose one test test does your diligence the strips and straighten out the messaging and this is been going on now for buck or we since i did my 1st any view about this letter is the military sufficiently involved in your opinion. we're giving you. the struggle to go during an operation like this is a community controller logistics management. we go but decided to give this test the fema. and they're not
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a logistics or was there should never write checks. but we do logistics 247 around the world you know our coach from the one that dismantlement in tracking of the equipment should military share with you it's logistically it use it but they didn't go that way with the fema and not you know any ad hoc group to try and meet the needs of fall out of all equipment p p e n ventilators besides the media has anyone in government waged out to you for any help and there's. no but your loan your messaging where this is if you were to try this is they or i treat the white houses. all the agencies and i have a feeling you're listening to see we're going to cover
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a lot of some lowers coming back to me i didn't want to say bright spot oh it is the sacrifice that our 1st responders the people who are here in hospitals and nurses and doctors and hospitals step across the border or they have shown much courage and they will have to deal with the majority you know the real ugly part of dealing with this kind there is a witness up people dying in the hospital who cannot recover from this very bad virus. we're talking with retired lieutenant general russel honore e. he was commander of joint fed task force katrina and we'll be right back with more of the general after these words.
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tariff long russian airlines. i can't show you my face but i'm going to teach you must door in 9093 this man was sentenced to death. they could charged with capital murder even though he didn't have the gun didn't pull the trigger didn't intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for the week with the center for $23.00. i doubt that it deserved to be. yeah. confined within 4 gray walls teenage son it seems it. can help him to leave death row.
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back with retired general tenor general russell honore ray he's joining us from baton rouge lieutenant general what's the situation 'd currently like in louisiana . louisiana is. it is the better getting worse larry it's going to get worse before it gets better you know bogus every day the. number of people dying and one being admitted because we there 1st test we did it 78 is it going to take a man alone to get the results back right about the numbers of people that's been certified and having the virus. unfortunately it takes of up that mountain time people attested to go in with what is allusion described as double pneumonia then they're certified does not mean the virus and there was then
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a help enough that is the model there was was secondary to dish not surviving those without being used obese or having our it's hard for people with those conditions to survive i wonder what would you say that in this time of peril and there's no other better word for it and you handled katrina so well what would you say to americans now watching and others around the world what advice would you give them what thoughts do you have. number one. i think you are going to work our way out of this is each one of us leap to assume we have the buyers and everybody you meet you have it so the social distance work. except done it only we're going to save us it's us you know no jet planes to attack me 70 no bombs or drop one.
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this actions of the people. who were also affected way to stop this bars from. a prank he says me issues of social business is washing not he is not tension and we don't need to wear a mess for a day or lunch all people c.c. and health and human services tell there's nowhere man star about it to save not when we see the effect of korea and the 2nd chorus there where they were by where and medicine charity now it might be a good idea everybody get on board because if every state don't try to use this social justice is now state whole washington here's where a man. followed me you know tactic assume you got
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it in soon the other person hasn't and that is the only way we're going to stop this virus from attacking us and alfred's enough family but we can get past this but it's going to be the actions that the american people it was based on what the government do i guarantee you know. everything the government is goes people rest. what the government currently was to give us earlier was all it did not treat this lack of political hack job and b shrink with the american people this is a replay with gerald wilson president wilson did in world war i would see it happening and it. thank you general wise words as always thanks so much for being with us and as you can see. a return visit now for my next guest dr bob are not the former chief medical correspondent for n.b.c. and c.b.s.
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news and an award winning journalist to boot you are with us in mid march doc i was surprised you most about what's happened with this since then well that really has become the greatest crisis perhaps in the last 100 years it's unbelievable you know as the president said the other day more americans are apt to die over the next month or so and have you know in decades so i just to make the staggering force of this you know it it literally has been like it's 2 nami where people are playing on the beach reading a book and there's this giant 100 foot crushing wave headed towards them i've been on the phone all day today and yesterday last couple days with hospitals in boston new hampshire new york city trying to respond terms of increase the number of events that they've been able to get there and it's just completely beyond the imagination how sick people are and how many people are dying
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how do you rate the trumpet administration's handling of this. we it's really tough actually about this larry that you know there are a lot of miscues here that the chinese mister early on the bureaucrats and wouldn't try to cover it up then the chinese didn't tell us then we had a lot of warning there then i think you know even more warning with you types the trouble is just gauging the enormity of this now my friends will kill me for saying this but i listen to these white house press conferences every day and i would give the president's team very high marks and i do think that the president gets a lot of credit for being you know reasonably upbeat about this and you know trying to keep the national mood up even though this is a staggering capacity you know catastrophe you know whatever burst that is fantastic you know she's great terms of the modeling. work with since 1983 when i 1st started at c.b.s.
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so it's an all star team but it's felt she said you know this is the nightmare scenario you know the of the ebola sent in those hemorrhagic fevers they kind of burn themselves up because people get too sick to travel here we've found people can travel completely asymptomatic and it may be 25 percent of the infections that come from somebody who doesn't even know they're infected so it is the nightmare scenario but i think that supported become calm and i got a tape i have never seen so much transparency in government you know a question was asked one day why did you shut down the united kingdom but actually they shut it down there's a question about stuff and i love the way that the administration is able to respond incredibly quickly you know i think they'll be a lot of president for being late but i do think that you know day to day i give them high marks for their responses how about the governors of states how are they doing. you know i think it's
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a mixed picture i think some of been very reticent you know some states like arizona really haven't you know shut down at all yet which may prove to be a mistake florida was a little bit light. i think our governor up here in vermont been very proactive i think that cuomo has done you know a terrific job really pushing pushing pushing for these vets i'm talking to the hospitals at one or 2 o'clock in the morning and they're begging for events and we found in fact that there are missing a broken parts to the vents coming out of the the stockpile that's what we believe they came from inside and working to try to replace those parts and they are desperate for these ventilators they're down to just 2 or 3 and you know they're telling me the other day larry is that you know in the last week what you lost were you know the older individuals who had risk factors who the flu might have killed you know tragic but might have killed anyhow now you're looking at young people and one of the most interesting things they said was that it's the younger people who are voting who are cigarette smoking who are smoking marijuana word infects the
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obvious that little air sac there that's where the virus attacks and so the tragedy is going to be you know the younger people who get this virus and then you die before i just did want to get one shot out here to russia i was really moved with that plane that they sent to the united states you know we're talking about moving ventilators and respiratory therapist you know from one sort of epi center to the other and i think that's going to happen between country cut to country to country and i really think russia has set the mark there by showing how you're you move from one country to the other and it was it was very touching i really was very impressed you're a former colleague of dr found gee how would you rate his performance. you know i would give tony. and a plus plus extra credit because you see there hasn't been good enough information the model to really decide what's going on i mean they they've you know they
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haven't known who's going to die you know like among the younger patients in london now they found out that those on ventilators have a high b.m.i. meaning they're overweight they have metabolic syndrome which is sort of diabetes on steroids they found you know pregnant women are on it so there are all these new demographics you who's going to get we've a younger population than italy so the models constantly changes can't we constantly adjusting to this but i would i give them a plus plus and i give deborah never burks an a plus plus 2 i think she's been very transparent you know they're they the models have all been you know surprises us every day at the news conference itself fast things are moving you know this onslaught in new york is going to be you know unbelievable tragedy and yet they're adapting in the you know they're keeping a you know a positive face on this and i think for the president you know there will be books written about this about all the mistakes that were made while america slept but i think right now in the president president faced with this enormous tragedy now is
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the time we really have to do as much as we can you know i'm 1820 hours a day try trying to get parts trying to find ventilators today we were actually looking at a very interesting thing larry and it turns out that you know a lot of these patients when they come into the e.r. if they had a very high flow ventilation of oxygen through their nostrils at a high pressure they may not crash because the biggest tragedy is this people have the disease for maybe 4 or 5 days they start to get short of breath they have 8 hours and then they crash i mean their oxygen saturation falls and they're not on a ventilator they die very quickly and so catching those patients is important so i just learned yesterday in new york that there are these machines that do that i had a call in to new zealand. oh they make some of them in new hampshire where they make others trying to adapt to this so you know it's one of the most fascinating stories of our time and i think that one thing you're going to see in the united states with the medical excellence you know the teams like the c.d.c.
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and dr pao chicken and never burke says that we're going to drop very very quickly you know you look at hospitals like mass general york presbyterian a dartmouth hitchcock you know they're adapting they're looking at it and i think we're going to change the face of this disease i think were you know really going to win a lot of these fronts here as long as we can get the equipment and understand a lot more about this disease than we had up until now so it's going to be fascinating medically even though of course it's an unparalleled tragedy for many do you think that under 200000 deaths would be a victory and he would you know originally these models looked at 2700000 deaths when you look at the staggering number of infections here i think it is a victory if you had 200000 or even 250000. i think the interesting bigger victory is that when we go and look at the background that is right now we're doing a test that only shows active infection there's
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a company in the called bio america that now has a serial logical test me you take a blood test and using antibodies you can determine if somebody had the infection once we have that background information you know if we can get a death rate that's less than one percent that's point 6.7 percent that will be a victory the dog thank you as always stay well. thank you larry great job thanks for really be the forefront of the separate amec as you have been at the forefront of the news for decades we all tremendously admire you thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join me on my facebook page or tweet me at king's things and don't forget to use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking.
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better if long russian lines. it is now a time in america for this sort of class to the workers who are making minimum wage they can't survive they have to have 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs they're rising up they're going on strike. style one of the fallouts of the cult in $1000.00 play won't be much higher wages long kohlberg. your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know what's going to happen and when it's going to. but they haven't told you and they haven't told me they haven't announced. imagine something as big as the earth
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is going to cause tidal waves or earthquakes volcanoes erupt and it's going to chill. so very for a while right. my great grandfather's. nobody would care about the law or prison so you'd have wallace those should have. a terrible life between now and the. your underwear. is not here to deliver you do you agree with me.
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i'm going to. live from the world headquarters of r t america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez hello again everybody i'm rick sanchez we welcome all of you watching from all over the world a public official in the united states has made one of the dumbest comments yet that we've seen and this is how we begin this story today with everything that's going on with karl rove are so by the way and this is important i want to share this with you this wasn't some off the cuff comment said in private or in a meeting everybody's entitled to a bad moment private and i'm probably as guilty as the next.
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