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tv   Eat the Press  RT  April 3, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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seems wrong. just don't. get to shape out. educate and in gains from an equal betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. in london julian assange standing trial on whether he will be extradited to the u.s. to face espionage charges the stakes could not be higher. even life is on the line freedom of speech is also on trial though you wouldn't know the mainstream media. if you can't win every single time. on the american economy the american economy is not just buying. there's labor involved people are families are values. that has to be respected at some point you simply can't.
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give them $6789.00 and expect them to do something that's not. an act of terrorism. this is a story of women women was troubled histories and. you know. the person that. the cheesiness of. the most dangerous of criminals she's in a civil. all the last 23 hours of the day tell me the condition. of women on through. let's take a look at today's menu to see what we're serving up on this edition of eat the press so let's talk about the way that you've handled the response in new york city
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c n n's jake tapper plays hardball and asked the tough questions to new york city mayor bill de blasio about his own mishandling of the corona virus outbreak in his city honest editing mistake or fear mongering the video c.b.s. claimed was a new york hospital was actually footage of a hospital from overseas go ahead let's give it a shot donald trump versus jim acosta accosted cherry picking the president out of context quotes was he influenced by an ad from a left wing group we'll take a look i'm also incredibly appreciative push underway to stop broadcasting the coronavirus press conferences live c.n.n. has already limited their coverage why and could the future of the news industry be in jeopardy because of the virus local ad dollars are drying up causing layoffs and pay cuts is facebook about to come to the rescue. i'm steve
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malzberg let's see the press. by. then welcome aboard everybody i want to start by wishing heartfelt best wishes to everyone out there who is suffering in any way from the coronavirus and to all those who have lost loved ones my condolences and all of our condolences go out to you art go out to you and i want to well so wish the best to chris cuomo of c.n.n. who announced this past week that he has tested positive for the corona virus i've been harsh on him but all bets are off when it comes to this it's a whole different. story everything else goes out the window to get well everyone and get well chris right but now we're all used to the you know the back and forth
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the confrontations between c.n.n. white house correspondent jim acosta and the president of the united states well earlier this week the president decided to give it one more try watch. go ahead let's give it a shot. what do you say to americans who are upset with you over the way you downplayed this crisis over the last couple of months we have a very much under control in this country the coronavirus is very much under control in the usa it's going to disappear it's like a miracle it will disappear and it's people like you and c.n.n. that say things like that that it's why people just don't want to listen to c.n.n. e-mail you could ask a normal question the statements i made are i want to keep the country i don't want panic in the country i could cause panic much better than even you i could do much of it would make you look like a minor league player but you know what i don't want to do that and instead of asking a nasty snarky question like that he should ask a real question. all right agreed nah i want you to watch something i want to show
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you something there's an anti trump spot that has been running all over the media put up by priorities usa action and a reportedly a george soros backed group and i'm going to run side by side some of the quotes that i brought up and trump quotes used in that ad and you decide if a cost got his talking points for that question from the ad watch we have a very much under control in this country we have a totally under control because it's going to disappear it's like a miracle it will disappear one day it's like a miracle it will disappear we're doing a great job with it it will go away with it with a great job so what do you think folks did he use the anti trump ad to take the one liners out of it out of context of course and then throw it at the president i believe he did and that's my opinion but you have to decide in the fascist suite is
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going to have more on that ahead by the way later on in the show now last sunday c.n.n.'s jake tapper tweeted out that he was going to have the mayor of new york city go to blasio on his show on state of the union i didn't answer that tweet and i said so you know wondering you could ask bill de blasio tough questions about his horrible response to the outbreak of the coronavirus and i was pleasantly surprised by what i saw watch. just go about your lives continue living as you have new yorkers should go about our lives continue doing what we do should not stop you from going about your life should not stop you from going to chinatown and going out to eat we want people still to go on about their lives. we want people to rest assured that a lot is being done to protect them. that last clip was from march 13th just about 2 weeks ago in retrospect is that message at least in part to blame for how rapidly
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'd the virus has spread across the city jake we should not a focusing in my view on anything looking back on anything that makes me look bad and tapper kept at it watch mr mayor you say you don't think you should look backwards but you've criticized president truck for quote actions that are far far behind the curve kudos kudos to jake tapper i got to give him credit in shame on mayor bill de blasio and finally something i have never seen. on a night on a news show on television and it was craig maldon on of all places m s n b c watch but never actually done this on the air can you lead us in prayer for 30 seconds. yes it's all our fault that are we bar the instant you had the ability understanding that we are not competent in and of ourselves to handle this kind of global calamity so we look to your lord to be the source the
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spirits of help the light that we've made to strengthen all of 1st responder strips of the things of our broadcast people stress that all of us whose lives have been devastated have disrupted so they give us the peace of this is all it is to him christ playing with terry. and me did had to explode it and i said b.c. i can't believe it good for mel that it was highly appropriate. now and joining us now to discuss what's been going on in this crazy world of media is the president of accuracy in media adam gillette you can find him at 8 i am dot org and welcome aboard the i welcome back hey they have thank you so much for having me back live to be here. my pleasure let's pick up on that moment of prayer and it's n.b.c. now we just saw the negative reaction to the my pillow founder mike lindale who
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said a prayer and ask that people really embrace their religion at one of the recent pressers at the at the white house want you to watch i gave us grace on november 8th 2016 to change the course we were on god had been taken out of our schools and lives a nation to turn his back on god and i encourage you do since time at home to give them to home to get back in the word read our bibles and spend time with their families and here's just one example of the media trashing lindau and then granted and suster and blast him in return what did you think of the media treatment of my pillow guy after he made that prayer at the white house well it's exactly what you'd expect of their base at m s n b c their base at the washington post the new york times are rabid anti christian generally progressive so they're just trying to virtue signal and appease that base
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put out content that that base wants to read if they reported accurately that a successful businessman promoted prayer at a white house meeting which really isn't particularly controversial their base wouldn't be that interested in it but if they go after him and slam moment attack him and attack christianity their base it's right up. and here's a guy and who was a volunteer ring that his company was going to help with the coronavirus effort in making masks and medical supplies they ignored that and they just called and basically the my pillow guy what's he doing there well he's contributing but you're right they have that agenda and nothing's going to stop them from their agenda now i want to move out of onto the the coal to stop. these presidential task force press conferences daily briefings stop airing them live in their entirety watch i think regular information in times of crisis from the government on sort of a science and facts and policy are essential but i personally can't help but feel
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these daily sessions are are bad for the country and in even dangerous from public health perspective i have said that i don't think that you should really listen to what he says you should listen to what the experts say i'm not actually sure if you want to be honest that we should carry that live i think we should run snippets i think we should do it afterwards and get the pertinent points to the american people because he's never ever going to tell you the truth now and then made those remarks on monday night and then by tuesday c.n.n. did already started to editing out the press conference you know it's morally outrageous what has become incredibly clear is that particularly in an election year these are activists not journalists initially the charge against trump on handling this crisis was that he was absent he wasn't doing enough so trump starts giving regular briefings what happens his poll numbers go up will suddenly as soon as his poll numbers went out these press conferences became a big problem and the media decided we'll shoot he's doing too much we got to stop
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showing the press conferences i bet you anything if his polling numbers had suffered during the press conferences oh yeah they would be airing them back to back to back now that they see the political people are responding to him they'd probably like to run reruns of angel cuomo. i'm absolutely and by it both c n n n m s n b c have now stopped taking all of the press conference it's outrageous now i want to show you something that c.b.s. did on c.b.s. this morning late lead like the end of march to get it they aired video claiming it was a new york city hospital dealing with the corona virus but it actually had previously on sky news and it was from an italian hospital watch let's take a look. this is the main hospital in the thumb of coffins it's one of the most advanced. and c.b.s. acknowledged what they did i mean how does this happen. well it's
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unbelievable because yes we all make mistakes they make mistakes inserting videos they're doing so many stories i make mistakes as my wife reminds me you make mistakes but it's amazing that their mistakes always seem to fit the media narrative that they're trying to put out there and they never missed it make a mistake in the opposite direction they never goof up and it triggered something positively to conservatives or to the president all of their mistakes seem to fit the same narrative it's funny how that always works out and about your fine organization accuracy in media recently got buzz feed to make a change. talk about what you guys did i see that they changed the headline they didn't go far enough but they did make a change talk about that you know we all but most of the c.b.s. is the amas n.b.c.'s but they largely preach to the choir in my opinion the most dangerous and most influential quote unquote news outlets out there are folks like buzz feed and now this because they have a following that's all across the ideological spectrum and they're primarily
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followed by easily influenced young people after that story broke last week about the unfortunate man who consumed aquarium cleaner and died because it contained chloroquine phosphate some news outlets reigned with the story that i made a korean cleaner and died buzz feed ran with the headline a man died after self medicating with a drug that trump promoted as a potential treatment for the coronavirus trump promoted hydroxy chloroquine as a prop attentional treatment he never promoted aquarium cleaner and he never promoted phosphate and this is such a bad headline because not only is it searing the president but now if course if hydroxy chloroquine turns out to be a drug that could help people how many are going to be afraid to take it because they read a lying headline that it killed a man so we rallied or activists we went after them on twitter the e-mail on facebook and they change the headline. yeah no they did it congratulations kudos to
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you adam thank you very much and everybody go to a i am dot org and you can check out all the great work data accuracy media does so speak see you again soon. ok folks we hope that piqued your appetite and i want you to stay right where you are for the main course which is coming up right after this break on to the press. your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know what's going to them when it's going to. but they haven't told you and they
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haven't told me they haven't announced. imagine something as big as the earth. is going to cause tidal waves or earthquakes volcanoes erupt and it's going to tell. so very for a while right. my great grandfather's quote. nobody would care about the law or prison so you'd have wallace the should have. a terrible life between now and the. end is community there are people who believe that it's ok to suffer actual food on the table it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that got kids asking and as a parent. i can come up with a possible. there's
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a lot of conflict in the game between the close of the conflict i would say. money and also that money has made. us want to know each other on each other this could cost the state of california alone to make $6000000000.00 and you have to prison complex and get some point in your life where. you don't care and want to buy cares about you so you don't care about anything. now earlier in the show i showed you some clips from an ad that has been running in very heavy rotation all over the cable news media and it's all about blaming president from for the advance of the coronavirus and here with more much more in fact on the spot is our tease natasha sweet a touch of what he got force. well yeah steve even though president has been
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staying ahead of the curve helping the u.s. to defeat the crown a virus and eventually getting us all back to work the left is doing everything they can to somehow blame him for covert 19 and this anti trump ad from the soros funded priorities usa action will show you just how desperate they are to paint the president and negative lights this ad aired more than 1000 times over a week span of march 21st to the 27th according to advertising analytics priorities usa was the top advertiser for the week they spent $6000000.00 airing the initial ad and the liberal super pac has pledged to spend a whopping 150000000 in the 20 twentieth's cycle supporting the democratic nominee and against president trump the coronavirus this is their new home we have a totally under control one person coming in from china one day it's like the miracle that will disappear when you have 15 people and within a couple of days it's going to be down to close to 0 you know we think you've done
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a great job of keeping it down to a minimal i like this stuff i really get to the surprise that i understood you know i don't take responsibility at all now it doesn't take a genius to see that ad was pieced together by many sound bites taken out of context there's no question the coronavirus narrative changes each day sometimes by the hour even advice from the center for disease control and prevention is being looked into regarding masks initially wherein one was not recommended and this week we're hearing a different tune from health professionals and city leaders who will finance democratic super pac is targeting ads in the 4 major swing states of florida michigan pennsylvania and wisconsin for new creatives that launched march 24th that will run through april 6th are focusing on president trump's response to the crisis and how joe biden would do things differently news busters also reporting more news coming from soros but this time from his progressive outlet called open democracy
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apparently they're using this. time of crisis to insert their propaganda against the family unit they claim this pandemic may have revealed the limitations of the private single family households and they actually even had the nerve to suggest abolish the family and the private household citing an increase in domestic violence as families stay home the article says quote the private family quote mode of social reproduction still frankly sucks it genders nationalizes and races us it norms us for productive work it makes us believe we are individuals or many would argue that faith family and values are the very things which built our country having a family and the ability to work are all blessings and part of the american dream. and it's interesting in that article suggests working in is a bad thing during a time when many people would simply love to have their jobs back steve. excellent report and excellent take on this and i got to say there's no one virus related ad
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like this week and that nonsense you just feel this is not so misleading but you know they have every right to run it every right to institutes view that information not sure steve you know under the 1st amendment you are completely right even though the ad is very deceiving and clearly edited to discredit president travel but will it be enough to impact the president's chances of re-election of course only time will tell but with a 50 percent approval rating for the initial stages of a crisis and an overall increase in approval ratings i'd say it's likely will be seen more of these ads coming from the democrats steve yeah absolutely natasha thank you very much thank you. and joining us now to discuss this and so much more is investigative journalist and co-host of boom bust ben ben welcome my friend thanks for having me on steve. my pleasure so when you look at this spot and what these groups are putting out there you know if this is just such
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a poster child for what's wrong with the way the media is used to promote misleading information know when it comes to politics but as i said to natasha they have every right to do it under the law. well they do have every right to do it and the reality is i think when we look at what's happening right now there are an enormous number of eyeballs on news media and local news media more so than we've seen in many years right now people are hungry for information and when the ads pop up but all of a sudden you're on these in the commercials the question will be whether or not this is affective or not my suspicion is that it's not effective because you have people in essentially 3 camps you have the people who are in the pro trump camp they're going to support from no matter what you have the people who are the anti trump they're going to be against him no matter what and then you have everybody else which is the majority of the people kind of in the middle of that who right now i don't think necessarily have an appetite for a lot of politicizing of this and i think most people will look at it and say i'm interested in when this thing comes to an end i want to know about my rent i want
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to know about my job i want to know about whether or not i'm going to have a job in a month from now i can leave my home people are very concerned about what's really happening with them and when you politicize it you drag people back into this ugly arena where i think most people just don't want to be right now. let's move on to into the talk out there about the future of the news industry. especially when it comes to to local news and will it be able to survive the virus buzz feed you know has cut pay and laid off some staff and believing they've caught the virus so a media killer a lot of newspapers a local news outlets are affected so where are we headed with this specially this section this sector of the news yeah i think look in reality as the news media as we know local news especially newspapers have been dying for some time you really have essentially 2 camps here and terms of the funding model you have those like
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the wall street journal in the new york times who have moved to a subscription model in the past in order to survive they're probably ferry much better right now than most other into these on the other hand you have local news organizations t.v. broadcast. and newspapers that are still reliant on an advertising model and right now they're hurting very badly because those those ad revenues have already been drying up as i said for years it's been trending that way but right now those revenues are dropping to nearly 0 there's very very little money being spent right now on advertising and the reason for that is because who spends money on advertising merchants do to get people in their door but right now merchants are closed and no one can come through their doors so there's no reason to advertise right now could it ringback be a killer of local news it could contribute it could accelerate it but it's not the killer the those old models have been defunct for some time. all right so i see where facebook is pumping $100000000.00 into local news and this is on top end
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of $300000000.00 that they've already spent on this is you know troubled industry so what exactly are they doing and why are they doing it how does it benefit them so a couple of things that they're doing here one is facebook is reliant on creating newsfeeds where people go to facebook and they scroll through those news feeds and they're reliant on local news to do that because what facebook is trying to do is move away from kind of a a global and even national news model to more of a localized news model saying here's what's happening in your community they're trying to become very focused on facebook groups and on local news and so in order to do that they've been pumping money into what's interesting though is facebook made the announcement about the coronavirus that they were going to put out $100000000.00 right but what they're actually doing is they're taking $25000000.00 and that's going to be in the form of grants to specifically newsrooms local newsrooms but $75000000.00 of it so 2 thirds of it is actually in the form of
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either ads on facebook or they're going to buy advertising on local news stations for facebook so facebook will actually be advertising itself so they're getting something for it is not truly a grant they're just buying time with this. right right so there's a method to the madness now we have less in a minute left but finally one of the biggest tools being used now by large groups of people to get together kids whatever zoom zoom is a subject of a lawsuit and it involves facebook so in less than a minute give us your best legal take on what's going on there yes so essentially the xoom specifically through its i.o.'s format on the i phones on apple devices was sharing information with facebook anytime someone log into zoom even for people who did not have facebook zoom says it was a mistake it was an oversight and they didn't realize it was there and they say they have since corrected it but one of the things that that's happening right now is because you have a lot of people moving to these different systems like zoom and skype those companies when they necessarily hadn't had
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a lot of scrutiny on them in terms of privacy in the past right now they're getting hit with a lot of scrutiny and what we're finding is there are a lot of holes in their actual design model. great justin thank you so much for joining us appreciate it it just shows you always have to be careful when you're when you go online nothing is really private thank you my friend steve say help. well that didn't take too long folks you had to know it was coming and leave it to c.n.n. to start it all this past week they ran a piece with their climate correspondent bill weir designed really to steer you into thinking that climate change will just you know be just as bad or worse as the coronavirus watch a lot of lovers beware see there from a very surreal brooklyn where for some reason i can't stop thinking about all the disaster movies that start with someone in power nor in a scientist. who are somewhat of a power during a scientists and then we're attempts to eat quake the coronavirus with climate
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change watch think about both kill the most vulnerable and will cost trillions both will reveal heroic 1st responders and scientists and inspiring neighbors as well as deplorable hoarders grifters and profiteers and both are reminders that life as we know it depends on predictable flights and growing seasons and supply chains but what if the age of predictability is over and then we're goes on to imply that this hall pandemic that we're going through could have been prevented luck watch but if we could go back in time just a few months would we take science a lot more seriously would we know that the countries that wait for their people to start dying before acting suffer the worst and the countries with the most transparency decisive leadership and mutual trust fare the best an eerie calm is
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funks the purpose of this piece mother earth can bounce back if we let are and it shouldn't take a global pandemic recession's 1st just or smart science more smart leadership in a sense that we're all in this together so think about the next time you wash your hands for 20 seconds to say people you will never meet and life as we don't. just despicable exploitation of what we're going through with the coronavirus just to push through an agenda on climate change which never ranks in the top 5 of voter concerns by the way shame on you c.n.n. shame on you that's our show for today folks i want you to stay curious and stay hungry because our show reappears 10 30 in the morning eastern time on sunday and of course you can also watch full shows right now on portable t.v. through our portable t.v.'s go to your app store and down low if i'm still.


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