tv Cross Talk RT April 7, 2020 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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this shouldn't be an issue good tool for the one who's doing it with. the low end welcome to crossfire we're all things we considered i'm peter lavelle do you believe in miracles which seems democrats do after the joe biden surge on super tuesday for them to fear of the bernie sanders candidate seat may now be contained however this is far from over taking on trump will be no easy task. to prosecute the war on bernie i'm joined by my guess ronnie
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a colleague in beirut she is a producer and host in the now in new york we have lionel he is a legal and media analyst also in new york we have he is a contributing editor at black agenda report and co-author of american exceptionalism and american innocence a people's history of fake news from the revolutionary war to the war on terror right crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciated let's go to beirut 1st rania i feel like after super tuesday looking at the corporate media that you know the whole lot of gaslighting going on it's already a foregone conclusion bernie's out here and james carville says he should step up step down and leave the campaign but you know for a very long time joe biden had that position but no one said that he should step down i really think this gaslighting it really shows the a lot of collusion between the d.n.c. and the media to frame the narrative because joe biden has a. changed to the same guy but the perception of him is being radically altered and
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it's being done intentionally and it's being done at bernie's expense go ahead and be. 100 percent and you know that narrative started after south carolina where you had the entire establishment as well as the mainstream media. really changed the whole game in favor of joe biden they gave him like over $70000000.00 of basically free hasa to publicize framing him as the best candidate and that really is the reason i think he did so well because if you look at the polls between a week ago and then super tuesday they were drastically different joe biden got a huge bomb from the media portraying him as like the winner of the whole primary after south carolina a lot of people didn't even choose they were going to vote for until 2 or 3 days before super tuesday so that helped joe biden immensely plus you had the entire democratic establishment openly in our faces. with other candidates to drop out
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to benefit joe biden which didn't happen great people to judge dropping out was that when coronation with the democratic party to help joe biden say with amy close . you also have elizabeth warren staying in the race as in order to try to obstruct sanders exactly that's exactly what she did joe biden wasn't supposed to win in the northern states the only reason he did is because elizabeth warren took a chunk of support away from various and as progressive base that a lot of warm milk orders would have gone to sanders he probably would have won massachusetts in minnesota how did she not stayed in the race let's go to a line all right now lionel you must be eating a whole lot of popcorn is watching this because i mean over the last few days to a number of gaffes that biden is committed i mean it's embarrassing to watch but you never see those gaps on c.n.n. and miss them b.c. . you see
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a lot of it on fox and the internet but i mean this is of like pete booted judge who was a manufactured candidate joe biden is now an avatar for the d.n.c. go ahead lionel my dear dear friend peter nobody cares about the game nobody cares about the amount of props nobody nobody cares about this you are by friend has am i proud to say we are denizens of the bubble we are in the said we talk to our friends we should believe how he confused his wife with his sister you know what the d.n.c. is saying it doesn't matter he is that candidate he is going to be the candidate in july and that's it and you know what as long as you keep mentioning him does it matter this ok i actually i'm going to date myself it reminds me of being there with peter sellers you know we have chauncey gardiner running for the democrats right now ok look it up everybody if it's a good good compared i like to live show i like to watch it daddy i want to watch
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janet let me go to you in new york i'll give my pieces were up in front here is that the dead the d.n.c. knows this presidential race is lost and that's why they want biden because if bernie were to get the nomination he could change the way the democratic party is governed. the different the d.n.c. the clinton nights and obama and they want to keep everything the way it is they would rather lose to donald trump with biden than take a chance on bernie sanders that's my theory go ahead danny. we have to remember too in exactly what you're saying in september 2018 huge corporate democratic party donors in the d.n.c. with it were through all of huge donations to its institution just because elizabeth warren was being considered as the primary pick lisbeth warren has fallen far from greece ever since but bernie sanders represents a far more existential threat to the d.n.c.
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and the wall street interests the military industrial complex and the rest of them the blob so to speak and so this was always a foregone conclusion the attempt to rig the election against bernie sanders we saw in 2016 and we saw it at the very beginning of the 2020 campaign where it seemed like the d.n.c. was trying to find anyone anyone they could find to take away votes to split the electorate it didn't end up working and so at the very last minute after nevada the d.n.c. decided it's time to get behind buy it in the person who can be most relied upon with his decades of experience shilling for wall street shilling for the mass incarceration regime shilling for the intelligence apparatus he will carry forward the agenda of the ruling elite and he can be most trusted to do that regardless of the gaffs we're garlits of the embarrassments that he may cause the party what really matters is not beating trump it's and it's ensuring that the rich stay rich
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and the rest of us suffer you know it's go back to the rand i think it's really interesting it's very interesting is that when you consider the money that mike bloomberg pumped into a half a 1000000000 dollars all these control consultants and media and all that i mean he gave a lot of money to some very very bad people who will keep this business model go in and that's exactly what this is about they want to keep the status quo going they don't it's not about democracy not about what people want it's what they want their interests their careers and even being in opposition is a good gig for them. they're doing great under trump go ahead in beirut as an opposition the d.n.c. has brought in tons of money and what danny was saying was 100 percent right by the way about the d.n.c. and the democratic establishment has more to lose from burr under bernie sanders than they do from letting trump win a 2nd term and you know let's not get this wrong i'm sure they have no illusions that joe biden is a terrible candidate to go up against trump and probably won't when they don't care
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at the end of the day. is more a. trump serves the class interests of the democratic establishment way more than bernie sanders ever could bernie sanders actually challenges that and that's why they're fine with another term president feel like is that they've had a great 3 years being in the opposition it's so easy to be in the opposition you can reel in money you know support us every time trump does something that without actually doing anything to challenge any of the policies that trump is pushing or putting into place they don't actually do anything it's all just symbolic nancy pelosi hand clapping you know to make everybody think we're the big opposition we're actually approving almost all of trump's legislative agenda at the end of the day they are more threatened by bernie sanders than they are by donald trump so they're happy they're perfectly fine with another trump presidency but you know what that's going to be a disaster not just for americans but for the rest of the world but they're just kind of willing to sacrifice everybody so that they can keep living large wall life
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sucks for everybody else ok let me go back to lionel in new york i mean you know ever since the very beginning you know i mean it was hillary clinton that said the trump didn't have the temperament to be president he wasn't presidential and all but a lot of skewed is on the stumble me trowbridge really look super presidential against joe biden i mean just the optics of it all go headline. let me tell you what's happening right now let me let me do this right now hello bernie yeah listen i love the whole democratic socially. cami the thing you did love did do me a favor you're going to be out will give you a 7 figure book deal like the last ambassador to ukraine your 4th or 5th lake house a job for your wife and your family and that said thanks a 1000000 now i am scray and that is it let me tell you something donald trump is the greatest president of my lifetime and
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if anybody thinks that any of these democratic clowns any of them could have done 10 percent of what he's done for this country and the world it should delusion let me try to make it even simpler the democratic party this iteration is dead or moribund through a pipe dream forget it oh over her you had nothing yet never ever even came close to identifying you connecting with mr or mrs o. merican you want to do this grab a ton bird climate change crap what would your message what was bernie's message what was all of their message out tell you what it 'd was i'm not trump and as we say in the south that dog don't hunt so guess what it was your chance and you blew
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it ok ok everybody's getting there a bit of steam under the years here ok i will our other 2 guests are not big fans of donald trump so it's a focus on the democratic party here danny how it there never guessed it's alright it's alright. one minute danny before we go to the break here this is what they're doing with joe and bernie is dividing the party irreparably go ahead danny one minute before we go to break yes that's what exactly is happening and we have to look at this as who is benefiting and who won't benefit from the destruction of the democratic party i see. the more democratic party as being in need of replacement so what really needs to happen is that bernie sanders in this conflict between the establishment well hopefully dr enough energy of ordinary people to begin to think about other alternatives because yes the democratic party establishment will do anything to destroy bernie sanders and that will alienate a lot of the base that the democratic party needs to weigh in ok we're going to go
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to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the war on bird to. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to get us out of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids and ask and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments and there's a lot of conflict within the game between the teams most of the conflict i would say over most of them most of them money has made. us want to know the children
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because he knows each other and this could be just the state of california alone to make $6000000000.00 a year of prison complex and get some 20 year life where. you don't care anymore nobody cares about you so you don't care mind anything. welcome to crossfire we're all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the war on bernie. ok go back to the root. of what i think is very interesting here is what some of the things that danny were saying because you know we all know that the primaries are the is the silly season that's what we call it for a good reason but you know traditionally the party comes together ok in papering over the differences i don't think that's going to happen this time i cannot see
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going on i know a lot of bernie bros and they're excellent people really nice people and really well educated people and they and they we have i have differences with them over policy as i'm a conservative but have a lot of respect for i'm ok for a lot of them that i've met they're not good a vote for joe biden no way we're going to stay home what do you think go ahead in beirut. i mean i think it's a mixed bag i think some will and a lot while there's no telling like what the breakdown will be but i don't think that joe biden will have the sort of enthusiasm that he needs even without the burning prose the burning supporters but even you know there might be like let's say there's going to be a significant number of people that after this this entire nominating process is finished and it's completely clear that it's been stacked against bernie sanders and they end up giving it to joe biden and there's going to be a lot of people who are irreparably alienated from the democratic party and will never want to do anything as a democrat ever again the democratic party is going to lose
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a big chunk of support and that's going to make it very very difficult for them to win an election against somebody who has a huge support base donald trump that's very committed that will come out and vote for him so i think this is definitely going to hurt them in the election in the long term it's going to hurt them as a party yes. i don't think they care i think they're willing to blow up their party if it means keeping things the way that they are where you have a bunch of elites controlling everything and making a ton of money off of it yet because they have no moral compass ok it's been demonstrated over and over again here let's go to to lionel you know you know i know how you feel about donald trump but the interesting thing for me in looking at this rivalry inside of the democratic party it took trump to take to do to basically destroy the legacy of obama took down hillary clinton and because the democrats can't get themselves in order and actually present a platform to run on because they're not they're just demonizing one candidate and
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propping up another that has nothing to do with policy trump and directly and now that he can chalk up destroying the democratic party and it's their own damn fault go ahead lionel. well you know peter let's go back to when i was a kid and by the way i am not a conservative or a liberal or a republican or even a democrat i don't even know what those terms mean but there was a time peter and you may remember this when the democrats stood for something antiwar human rights gay rights civil rights you name it they were industry they stood for something i could check off what they are platforms were now it says breathtakingly. blather i don't know what they're talking about say what you want to buy donald trump like them don't like them it doesn't matter nobody is ever scratched your head said what is this guy about what programs does he want
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what exactly is he offering me and promising me for some particular reason i haven't left the democrats they've left me and this isn't progressive this isn't liberal and the sad part is a young people today believe this crap stands for something and psycho. babel that's the problem you know it's go to danny here i mean i actually was quite liberal a good part of my life but i agree with lionel on not point is that they left me ok they don't talk to me they're not interested in my problems the minute i am the problem according to a lot of people in the democratic party that is such you know they talk about diversity and inclusion but what they do is they push people out there pushed a lot of people out here you know danny explained to me why the democrats think hillary 2.0 is going to win this time around and joe is even weaker than hillary clinton because joe can't even get a string a few sentences together i mean what are they smoking what are they thinking about
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here i mean this you know joe he says he is he says senior citizen you know this is this is cruelty this is and i say this with a straight face i've by all accounts he's a nice guy ok but if he can figure out who his wife is and his sister is does he belong in the oval office go ahead danny. well what you're saying is exactly right there is a huge political problem presented by joe biden's incompetence and his shady policy record we have to understand right now that the democratic party is in full overdrive and hiding in concealing the past 40 years of neoliberal degradation and list war in the assault on working people that it has been totally complicit in and this need to hide that policy agenda which has all to merely been a highlight of joe biden's entire campaign no one seems to want to really go at him
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for what he has actually done in his long lost reus career serving the establishment when what is really going to be a problem for him against donald trump is that you don't have to as lionel said you don't have to look very far to know what trump stands for and also what he's done he can go to the left against joe biden on issues of war and peace he can say that he signed a peace deal with the taliban he can say that he's always been for removing troops from syria were garlits of whether it happens or not and then he can move to his right and actually appeal to his base who he needs to appeal to on issues of immigration in the economy while joe biden will have to spend over time hiding his policy agenda from the democratic party base which sees medicare for all the green new deal all these things as beneficial policies and the vast majority we're talking about 80 percent want a green new deal 58 percent want medicare for oh that's what he's going to have to
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hide from the. look so the democratic party establishment doesn't care danny but you said i think twice or 3 times he's going to have to go into overdrive his time is he can't go into overdrive. already ok let's go back to beirut here and i get a little bit over 100 right ok you know but one of the things you know when watching this whole saga spectacle play out. you know what i mean when you look at the entire what i think was 24 candidates and one point you know and again you know that the idea that terry in politics the diversity and all of this for the 70 year old white man what happened here ok what happened here i mean i mean the only thing that joe biden is ever excelled at is being mediocre in beirut well i mean i don't think it's a sara lee about whether he ended up with a white 70 year old man i mean that would have also been bernie sanders not a good bernie sanders it's not so much about that it's so much the policy it's more
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about the policies that joe biden represents you do have this new sort of woke identity politics that the democratic you know neal liberal establishment has embraced and a very superficial way and so it's not about the fact that joe biden's an old white man it's about the policies he supported throughout his career whether it's the crime bill and pushing that whether it's literally whipping democratic votes for the war in iraq the most destructive. foreign policy decision of the 21st century or you know whether it's opposing busting and basically like you know be friending segregationist back in the day and also you know it's just and that's what's so shocking about this is joe biden's entire record is the opposite of all of these superficial woke up and the politics. slogans that the democrats have been you know throwing around for the past 5 or 6 years you have.
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lionel you want to jump in there go ahead you know peter there's something i've got to say 2 things 1st to you my good friend and my new friends here. there's something about bernie sanders that i like he's a rebel he has been bernie sanders for 30 plus years what you see is what you get this is what he said he's authentic he believes in whether it's right or whether there's something to be said for that and agreed and number 2 i feel so sorry for yet again young people who put their money and their time and their effort and their belief in somebody only to have a pulled away and let me tell you you know who is going to be the person responsible for the ultimate double crossed bernie because he never had it in his mind at all to take this all the way and that's the sad part because i'm telling you i just wanted to see maybe at the thought of look at me politically or ideologically there's something about him that i'd like dammit he stands for something and that's refreshing you know you danny one of the thing i go i guess
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ever since super tuesday actually even before it i mean in my small circle that i talk on a very regular basis about politics there's one theme and most of my friends are conservative but most people almost all conservatives i know watch bernie very closely it's very interesting why doesn't he fight back why doesn't he take a punch it's politics after all. i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that in electoral politics especially the democratic party at this time so-called civility this idea that you can challenge the establishment you can't challenge the way things work in the d.n.c. but you can challenge the policies all of that has to do with why bernie sanders doesn't challenge the democratic party head on he does so in the way he organizes his campaign he does so in the way that he stands for things like medicare for all in a green new deal but he does not go up against the d.n.c. establishment i'm guessing some of that has to do with fear some of that has to do
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also with the fact that he wants to run within the democratic party establishment he wants to win an election within the democratic party in order to do so you have to kiss the ring of the d.n.c. and how the d.n.c. does things now i think that's a monumental mistake on bernie sanders this part especially after he was attacked with the russia gate farce when they tried to the washington post in the f.b.i. cia they tried to say that russia was trying to help him when he went along with that i think that was one of the 1st steps of bernie sanders looking weak in front of the democratic party establishment you know it's very interesting back to beirut i saw that in a way it with bloomberg what a fumble what an unforced error the bernie committed right there i was i was astounded by here's a policy wonk guy that can tell you all kinds of things about everything i mean he's been in politics for so long and then he fumbles a fundamental thing that will stick to him it's go back to beirut the last 40
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seconds here is what is bernie going to keep fighting or is it is going to let the media destroy him go ahead beirut. i think bernie in the movement here bill are going to keep fighting i just don't know if they can win i'm just i'm a generally cynical person so i've kind of been cynical at the process from the beginning i didn't think they were going to let bernie when regardless and i still think that's the case the question is what do we do about it what do we do about it do we do what happened in 2016 where everybody just gets behind the nominee because that's what happened and i think that was a mistake and trump still won or do we do something different people even start having that conversation and unfortunately i don't see that happening ok i'm wrong the move it around bernie sanders yeah i don't see that could problem is the problem is that the democrats have to start reimagining politics but they seem completely incapable of doing it that's all the time we have many thanks to my guests in new york and in beirut and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.c.c. you next time remember. and
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for the. this is a story of women and women with troubled histories and complex court cases we know some of us. out there. where not. the person that believes that she's innocent be considered the most dangerous of criminals she's in a still. falling off 23 hours of the day tell me that it's not enough punishment in the world of women on death row. so right now we're driving through both neighborhoods and you can see time and distance from each gang. so this is jordan. this is the territory claimed by the
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green street crips during war time bonnie hunt is now less likely to come in here because there's one way in and often one way out so once you come in and do a shooting you're trapped in their neighborhood and they can return fire so it's not the safest way to to avenge a shooting so often they'll go on the outskirts of the neighborhood hoping to get a great street kripke that's a lot of times when innocent people get shot. so in the next couple of days someone from this development most likely will go over towards nickerson like they have the last couple of days and commit a shooting and vice versa so all these neighborhoods now are in play. for him you know. several months ago. a gentleman with the moniker of menace from 15 hill was caught inside the gang territory of the village voice
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a couple of the village boys. went outside jumped on men to beat him down and stuck to mr ashby you. and. they took the trash here and brought them back behind another house and tortured them they sodomized him they sliced him up with a machete and when they sliced him up they put in the end his chest the village voice. and then they continued to torture him then they wrapped him up in a rug a burned and dumped him in long beach there's one thing about beating a guy down or killing them but the torture of the sodomy all that stuff that's that's just what gang members do so they fall menace right around here beat them down put them in the trash can and then they will am. to this location here. with a murder and assault them sodomized him and torture him. they're not concerned with people watching them commit crimes or being prosecuted because of that. they'll go
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after witnesses they'll intimidate them and if they have to the old even try to kill them you can see how they're marking up their neighborhood and his village voice. my personal opinion is a lot of gangs get a sympathetic ear to the general public and when the public's posed to exactly what these guys do. then everyone agrees that we don't want to in our neighborhood.
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