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tv   Keiser Report  RT  April 7, 2020 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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we'll do women on death row. by imax kaiser this is the kaiser report as we head into the bitcoin singularity it's the single most important thing that ever happened to humanity sense the creation or invention or discovery of fire. stacey you know to see us through this hardening event this hardening of money coming because what we're seeing in all of this chaos happening over the past well few years but especially accelerating over the past 6 months since the fed started inter intervening in the repo market and
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then we got hit by a pandemic and now we have mass unemployment and things like that that's the fear system leaving and this is the the hardening system the hard money system and touring and to join us through this time we have gear mo who we we met in mexico city said am ex say he was so wise and he told us about hard money so he's actually pretty hard if you pick him up it's really hard unlike plucky who eat took with us through the central banking field idea of corn chaining he's quarantining but he's really floppy you know he can barely hold the world's most famous central banker he's the most famous central banker but this is hard money era so we have a stone cold headed just like your jacket we've been signaling this so we have to join us to talk about briefs for the deepest recession on record says bank of america analysts as jobless claims surge to $6600000.00 they believe that unemployment rate is going to go to 15.6 percent up from 3.5 percent in
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february so that's a huge rise in unemployment rate we haven't seen this and our lifetimes this sort of surge this rapidly well even the 3.5 percent unemployment rate is a bogus number you know they don't count people who have stopped looking for work and they don't count all kinds of people in that number of the actual numbers a lot higher than all the government published numbers are fantasy numbers and we live in a fantasy economy ever so slightly in $71.00 when we went off a currency that have some relation to gold to purify money currency the 1st time in global history be about a global economy run entirely on fantasy ists printing coupons and then pretending that they have some kind of backing and. the numbers are meaningless so if the unemployment rate is 15 percent 20 percent 30 percent it's kind of meaningless because these are mostly gig jobs anyway that don't pay enough to survive on you need $2.00 or 3 of these jobs and the whole problem is not work because workers on
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needed taxes are on needed and earnings for corporations are also unneeded they don't need any of that stuff if i can just call up the european central bank and say hello ira age tall moet hennessy i'd like to buy tiffany's and i don't want to pay anybody for it i want you to give me the money european central bank i want it if you get for me you and all the people you represent in the e.c.b. and he goes yes sir but here it is we're going to wire the money right away and they give to this guy louisville it's all. say they gifted him to fany as a gift from europeans on this look it up you know this is that i think some slop working at mcdonald's is going to be able to call a p.c.b. and say. he didn't. know that's likely to work as a i have no idea why he did that in a british accent it was in fact a french guy pin know who receive that money are are no that was kind of the peak of that era so here we have this great depression looking numbers and the
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unemployment numbers and bank of america sees 15.6 percent unemployment so that that system is looking degraded and sick and in fact sick isn't the 1st words here of this tweet does this chart make anyone else sick fed balance sheet rockets up corporate earnings going straight down further evidence we don't live in a capitalistic society at last 4 decades of extreme leverage to conceal declining productivity to enrich a small elite on full display so as we've been covering here on the kaiser reports earnings have been declining for years now but to spend made up for by on the one hand stock buybacks where the shareholders are losing basically and the company is losing. because it's losing it's cast it's access to cash it's taking its cast off its balance sheet and turning it into free money for the corporate elite at the company and thus basically ravaging their balance sheets and we see that now
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because they've spent hundreds of billions of dollars in the past few years and now they're requiring trillions of dollars of bailout in fact they've spent over 4 charlie in the last 5 years on bell on stock buybacks and now they require a bailout for that amount but also the fed printed money printing has caused the inflation which causes their stock price to rise so he's covering up this huge decline in earnings and do they have big point arrangements drome are the c.e.o.'s of these companies including warren buffett are they just doing something that's patently moronically to destroy themselves and their country and the economy and money or the big question protocol which i believe is self-aware and is part of the seti project the 1990 s. a search for extraterrestrial intelligence remember was the 1st parallel massively parallel computer project that went out there looking for other forms of consciousness that work because it gave birth to be a coin in 2009 as part of the seti project and we have alien intelligence reaching out to our global unconscious and destroying people like warren buffett on the
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unconscious level who is actively. pursuing the money delusion and the having is coming in may and it's the quantum pardoning event and we're entering the big question singularity in 2020 or entering the bitcoin singularity in the 2nd quarter of 2020 well speaking of that you've signaled to the audience what's coming next and this tweet from atom back big question having is quantitative hardening fiat's undergoing lots of politically driven quantitative easing equate supply algorithm starts quantitative hardening next month as we've mentioned many times over the past few years we're entering the 4th turning these are big seismic shifts of like collapses of empires and the rise of new powers the end of a powerful generation on the boomers more powerful simply through sheer numbers we have these new generations of millennia coming on who are bigger than the
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generation before them of boomers and x. that everybody forgets but nevertheless we have these seismic shifts coming up radical shift and the end of a fear out regime and the emergence of something new will have to replace it as a hardening that will happen and we'll see what happens there because it is absolute scarcity which is before bit coin unknown but you don't have that with gold gold is you never know i mean there's always new supply of gold and they could start mining gold from asteroids or from seawater and that's not absolute scarcity because it is awful and scarcely that you can use as the hardest money ever known and humanity and that means that you have the possibility to absolutely transition the global consciousness from being buried under an egocentric consciousness driven . parade of hugo maniacs and plunderers like are no l b m h short jamie diamond or lloyd blankfein to
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a sente and consciousness around altruism and love i mean this is the ushering in of the law is the coin transformation singularity will you talk about that i'll think it may still and i said that that was sort of a signal to for the end of that regime the other thing that we've seen over the past. 10 years has been fracking that was also a real substance you can't have g.d.p. growth you can't have an economy without energy you need energy as an input to develop goods and services around the world and yet here something real met the enormity of the fake mass right the end of its regime where. it never made money ok fracking never ever made money it wasn't making money at $100.00 a barrel it certainly wasn't making money at $10.00 a barrel you're starting to see companies like whiting huge fracking outfits go
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bust so you're starting to see that but the other number that was interesting is you know people kept pouring money into it like investors kept pouring money into it even though it was never making money that you know it was a black hole just a collapsing black hole of oily debt and you know ever increasing amount of people willing to invest and but. the demand for oil is now down 25 percent in the past month so just like unemployment numbers shooting out we see that a collapse in the demand for oil twente down 25 percent and yet the us factor is because they keep needed to make their interest payments on their bond payments you know they have been pumping in function from thing all the way down and you know that the people at the pipe running the pipelines and the tanks are saying stop the sun up enough euro is telling them enough yeah the fractures are able to beat a dead horse more even than hillary clinton messed up and they are as we've said on
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the show for many years people say you know i hear what you're saying on the kaiser report and sometimes it seems to one step removed from what i could what i would conceive as being a practical day to day knowledge that i could use but look at the fracking story we've been covering now for almost 10 years we've said for 10 years a it costs more energy to go and then you get out and it cost more cash that goes in the come out it's cash flow negative and that it's only there to generate fees for the bond sellers who work on wall street to perpetrate this massive fraud called american shale industry we've been saying that for 10 years now the reality of that delusion is hitting home and but for anyone who surprised by this are losing money on this it's too bad on them because we were very explicit in the explaining to them that to invest in fracking at any point over the last 10 years would be like picking hillary clinton to win the next presidential election this
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was only possible in that old regime we're exiting the easy money regime and we're entering a hardening regime because this everything is changed nothing can ever be the same so that sort of fantasy that number those headlines on like newsweek or time magazine saying we're the you know we're better than bigger than saudi arabia of oil and the fact is we were. never it was all a fantasy it was a fiction it was a hollywood film because if we could crumble like that and disintegrate into dust in the texas desert at that at the cost of you know once oil goes under $20.00 and speaking of hollywood that takes me to the whole thing not the having this is the holding. box office in hollywood the domestic box office movie theaters brought in a whopping $5179.00 for the week of march 20th to the $26.00 down 100 percent from 204000000 193406 the same week the year ago those numbers are just
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incredible he says hollywood films are like fracking it's been around for a 100 years and it's all been a losing business for the films in the studios are the box office is a loss leader they don't make money because fraud for them tax fraud it's just like you are saying they are with all of the l.v.i. mates and then getting ready for there was an iran there was hollywood accounting that's what they call the enron accounting is about a fact when i work and i was stock exchange the executive who came to work for me at h o sachs was going to go to enron but then enron went to 0 and then he was working at sony television they were going to go to enron because they were working on the fantasy that was their business model is that he came to the hollywood stock exchange right andy all right we're going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way.
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what is the difference between embarrassing gaps in elder abuse joe biden certainly excels at the former and maybe is the big name of the latter we are told mention of mental health limits to what degree is the public the right. i don't trust medical authority at all ever and the reason for that is i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed out of the diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have health issues they can't figure out if they're going to see a medical professional and they've been going for 10 years and they're still in the same place they should probably take it upon themselves to start testing things out
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testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. going welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser time now to go to the 1st and the best says tony 11 the finest investment banking in bed cohen and krypto from back to the future simon dixon simon welcome back thanks for having me in these troubled times so simon dixon we are seeing trillions upon trillions of bell out money and quantitative easing being thrown around what sort of money is being printed what sort of that not being printed and who will benefit most because everyone same preoccupied with the health crisis right now and you know people have got other things on their minds and it's you know every once in old people are in
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suits situations of desperate need at the moment and the government is for ever cynical addicts and i guess they have no choice but to throw everything they've costs but at some point the slow slog and the financial crisis that's going to become a reality often we get 3 themselves crisis and so what we're seeing right now is in other times of crisis for example the american civil war government simply printed new money called the greenback which is essentially debt free money that was introduced into the economy it's but what we're seeing right now is that the government is using quantitative easing where essentially the central bank is buying government debt and then that government debt is going to be used for all the different packages that they need to gather including helical to money it's really why did they need to already gotten the 1st place and why couldn't they just introduce that we're getting lots of interesting questions they would debating
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whether accounts for these individuals were going to actually be created it's directly at the said giving individuals the ability to have a shared account which really got a lot of pushback from all of this the banking community that would much rather be speaker. this isn't the normal way is mrs usual with the bank in the middle so the flow of farms are going to really unquestionably have so many consequence is especially as we enter into the inevitable financial crisis often we get through this health crisis challenge so the question people always had about the dollar or anything money starting back in 1981 when the world went on a purif money standard for the 1st time in history the question was always well what backs to see money and we hear from policymakers a lot of convoluted theories about economic schools and policies now and 20 and 20 we know that nothing backs the greenbacks they the money it's just printed out of
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thin air like many of us have been saying for years now the stone longer an allegation or a theory it's obviously true one big question people are asking is well now that we know that the money is simply printed out of thin air backed by nothing why do we pay taxes at all simon dixon this is a question that's stopping people to rise up and as a lot of social unrest out there because people realize that taxes are a scam that this that there's nothing backing this money and so why not why the why even collect taxes simon dixon well this is going to lead to the outrage questioning everything so this is really i don't want to be practical but this is a global recession and the financial system as a result close so much happening as a result you know people are going to be asking questions that they are not necessarily all for even the government and ask the question of why do we need to order it through the bull market i'm shocked that in for instance in these repayments when we can just great to get direct without the federal reserve in the
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middle individuals are going to be asking the question well you know why all the accidents in the summer is when we can see that the government's going to. have to bail out anyway individuals are also going to be asking the question which is what next. the lead to the financial crisis all well when i get my fellow called kimani and i've got my income right now the last thing i want to do is use that to pay my mortgage in a time when i probably call the repossessed so people are going to be thinking oh paranoid and there are a personal situation and conservancy and conserving. and that inevitability must be false and the ball gets small in old ages which then leads to the plot so that fractional reserve banking system and then inevitably which i'm full costing will be the central banks all the governments creating their own digital currency and essentially allowing banks to go off without people using that money by giving
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them the ability to open a wallet with a cent for buy if they have $10000.00 in their accounts a bank in it but not with the central banks and i think they're going to see a ruined from central banks on traditional vines as we inevitably experience the john norman consequences of essentially the world's largest rate it's a ponzi scheme that we've seen in all of us part are actually in banking you have a background in banking you've been a big coin in crypto banker since 2011 you wrote the book bank for the future and you outlined a lot of these issues with banks and i've been studying money for decades now i want to ask you a theoretical question and get your thoughts in my view as as you describe the situation with all this money printing and debt monetization and the government in the central bank taking control of the majority of the sovereign bond market the miss the majority of the corporate bond market the majority of the mortgage backed
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security market and the majority of the stock market are we not setting ourselves up for what you might some might call like neo feudalism where you've got a few central authorities with 99.8 percent of all stocks and bonds in. stands and then everyone else is living like a peasant so you just have peasants and lords i mean i mean think about that for a 2nd i'm live on to i asked about the question so the big coin having arrived next month simon dixon some call it quantitative tightening its block will be reduced to 6 the quarter bit coin from 12 and a half that coin and rewards tell us what you expect from us on it so we're going to see exceeds its economy it's just what we're experiencing right now we're seeing and what will console it something that looks increasingly more like communism from sedition acts to get money as the government is essentially leveraging mees these assets and balance sheets in order to actually achieve doing all that well it's
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assets and it's you know in in in in in this situation i don't seem to have any other choice so essentially we're going to see it seated on a b. i mean that's just navigable that people are going to need to get vaccines when that comes free that might also lead to our x. y. d. chip in on since and implements it so that the government can contract and control he was allowed out of their houses and all these schemes that are going to happen as a result of this this house crisis which is going to be integrated into central bank digital currency where governments around the world are going to be scrambling fights and claim that you should be paying that tax because you live in one country if you didn't deal and believe in another country and 2 governments believe that they should be automatically collecting that all not money so you're going to end up with a very very horrible worst bushin will see a current seats of the $1.00 that we have now created 3 banks as debt on the flip
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side you've got bitcoin which is a fixed money supply the ability to own your own money the ability to spend your own money and a month in certain policy that can never change based upon mat's and so people are going to have these choices as she and currency gets worse and worse. but obviously has that stability in a very unstable market like today if i was you to spend goods but people are going to be you've got these opus effects whether people are going to be experiencing well when the government makes actually because it might contain the artist. how is that going with that that i can't control my money were going to be. you know people are going to be able to control these when they try and send to it because in exchange in the bank says you cos and that people are going to look for the 1st time you know a crack in a 98 percent increase in us all their exchange because people accessing fear and putting that in bitcoin. this is exactly what bitcoin was designed for to give
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people this to to the cold to me as fee a currency exercises more and more and it's in control and highlights the flaws in fed curtsey and people can experience the queen which is the exact opposite effect of some of the challenges that we experience in the city center saying that because one of the layers in the stack of the bitcoin protocol is the game theory layer so the incentives are so finely balanced in the protocol that this very elegant game theory of merges and we've seen it jump from the minor players from 10 years ago that to the to the mind to the countries on the sovereign level the miners in different countries are dominating mining for a while the not shifted back and forth different countries now as we head into may of 2020 and you have a full on global fear of currency nightmare and the big calling is having
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it seems as though the big coin is almost self-aware to some degree and that it's happening exactly at the right moment to game fear off theoretically attack fear like it's almost as if a coin was born to it to go to war with. on the highest possible level on the sovereign level so lay the somewhat about you're suggesting that the central banks the world they go digital as a way to exert more control and you're saying as such places a model of communism. or a soviet ization of the global economy total top down control bs of a digital current say what's opens up the possibility of multiple regions taxing people from different countries which is another nightmare concurrently this coin takes a quantum leap through the having it's already the hardest money ever known to humanity and to own it is an act of civil disobedience would you agree that owning big going
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and buying because it is equivalent to civil disobedience simon well really so that exit from the traditional financial system on a you tube channel about 2010 like rates of the baby of the great depression of 2020 i'm really i was just following the trends that the current see is a ponzi scheme and then what it inevitably and saw in this market now i didn't know what the effect would be that would actually do that would expose a weakness in the traditional financial system but i said it would be a black swan event and it will expose the systemic risk in the financial system now obviously that was a financial crisis and they used financial engineering you know it's a great law just you know we've been incredibly goldbach it was 105 for cases upon financial engineering injecting money market i don't say point because.
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i'm the video i think like crazy it was just around the exact same question before . we 1st met at that conference in prague whenever. i'm really these were the conversations that were being there is going to apply in the place in the. whoa when people need an exit from which additional financial system and to me i see this as really an end of force that the old is actually going to meet as something that actually gives people the choice they meet you know all just the big point is not good for paying your mortgage because of the price fluctuations but you know given the world where at these types of paul it's ian price fluctuations of becoming inevitable ever. in a world so you know the flavor reinvents like this that methods for inflation as you have to result in this and you're going to need some reset the financial system
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and use financial engineering that will never. a more controlled tight situation that fear money and a wall that we're not used to living in a good point about the volatility everyone was complaining about bitcoin volatility in the stock market said hey hold my beer all right so simon dixon thanks for being on the kaiser report thanks adam emacs that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report but may max kaiser in stay there ever want to thank our guest simon dick sands c.e.o. and co-founder of bank to the future if you want to contact us on twitter it's kaiser report until next time. thanks. for. joining me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics score business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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is your media reflection of reality. t.v. . in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura made in the shallowness of.
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the swarms of them so moving. over local was before. much of those who heard the food you are most you ever would use to see him we will . we will. move. move. move show you this new beautiful little i mean it's good for a good. movie muslim also this dulce will give you films for good good good. good go to shows a look i look at you the same you believe. the story or the you should go. just thoughts to prove it to me to fill it with the little mist thanks you look it is it's. your stash them understand this new it's the mashed old truck stop the president and please control this project until it's.
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the 3 of producers to go through this for to snap them up when you look as good as the girls with you swear your supporters to your machine station shouldn't for you should cook dorothy one who's devoted to the request. this is a murder that was caught on video the murder was committed by the crepes 3 crips it was an in-house murder meaning that a street crypt killed another great street crypt oftentimes gang members go by cold and one of the code says to never commit crimes against your own again members in this particular scenario or murder investigation there was a. transplant that was a narcotics user he went to purchase narcotics from member of the narcotics was
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