tv News RT April 7, 2020 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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here's the thing. we ask. british prime minister boris johnson is in intensive care 11 days after falling sick with corona virus the foreign secretary is taking over his duties. health organization mark 72 years since its founding the w.h.o. representative to russia spoke to us about the global effort to overcome the pandemic. the epidemic does not have a life of its elite people can change it and this is the critical moment. when the couple in their eighty's keep the robots alive through the lockdown despite being separated by the german danish border we bring you their story.
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here with your global news update this is r.t. international. let's start with the latest figures on the covert 19 pandemic the number of cases worldwide is now past warm point 3000000 the united states has the largest number of infections followed by spain and italy almost 60000 people have lost their lives and 293000 have recovered. the british prime minister is in stable condition in intensive care according to officials speaking in the past hour a spokesman said boris johnson does not have pneumonia but has received oxygen treatment the prime minister fell sick with coronavirus 11 days ago and the foreign secretary dominic robb has taken charge temporarily. the problem is this condition
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worsened and on the advice of the medical team has moved in to a critical care unit so in light of those circumstances the prime minister asked me is for a secretary to deputize for him when necessary boris johnson has had carved one suit all tested positive for it by a little over 10 days ago and for the majority of about about a week and a half he was in downing street self isolating but the end of last week he began to show continued to show symptoms i'm sure not reason on sunday evening rob 8 pm he was taken to some thomas hospital which is not too far from where he is and where the houses of parliament. and he's been treated to that now when he initially when that overnight he was told. the government was trying to keep the media briefing obviously saw one of the projects that the constable nice it costs were all about to be ok but last night they said it's horrible to say about his condition but more
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serious than the thing that's all i had seen in the suv in intensive care unit is now the prime minister just a few weeks ago was speaking about this crisis and. really revealed something which in hindsight is quite shocking and might give an insight into what's taking place i know shaking hands can decide that i was at a hospital the other night where i think there are a few that are actually if you create a virus of patients and i shook hands and everybody you'll be pleased to know that i continue to shake hands so it's not clear exactly how the prime minister has contracted this disease but it's definitely as i mentioned taken a look for the westies now in intensive care it's unclear exactly when that base is just a proportion because the government's out of reach john the latest stop the prime minister was fighting to get difficult to 3 but in any case we've seen. all across
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this. fellow so to. speak with such as outgoing. or former labor leader not. all wishing the privatised go well ours was most of the hard so all eyes will be on. the hope for. the 90 pandemic has highlighted the crucial role of the world health organization which is today marking its 72nd anniversary more than 70 countries have joined the w.h.o. trial program to find effective treatments for covert 19 and the bodies coordinating the global race to find a vaccine the w h o representative to russia spoke to us about the challenges facing frontline medics . the americas and the divides are in the center in the very at the center of the fight against coverage not only fighting against the corona virus but
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also maintaining all other health services which are necessary going. on growing record ducted house needs of the planet are not the initiating and they have to be maintained rhyolite the same time we're seeing that also midwives pregnant women are getting in fact it but births go wrong unlike h one n one the spine influence of which was killing pregnant women directly here fortunately we are not seeing this trend but nevertheless caution is really needed . the epidemic does not have a life of its only people can change it and this is the critical. this is why russia has been searching to see spared for a many weeks because the measures taken were all in very good obviously at some point we had a group of unrecognized contacts which always can happen but this is now being
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dealt with russia has increased its testing to 61000 of test for a day so this will enable really identified not only people who are sick or dare immediate contact of us also to identify potential carriers of people who are completely healthy but have been in contact and also there is a possibility opened up to do testing requests so people who may think that there have been in contact somewhere but cannot really put their finger on it also be able to test that is by and large going to enhance our knowledge about their virus is finding its hidden ways through the population and really insist on social distancing isolation treatment of those who need treatment so do. interrupt the transmission i think that's that's the secret of russia development and i think this is exactly what the strategy is about. this is a precious time to learn and to reinstate some critical
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principles and human values but there are also programs coming into place to assist to support our to actually give more sense into this time together and really use it badly not just the certain way that it passes but really use the time and every moment that we can be together to cherish our each other and to really be productive in this new i would say world that we're seeing today. russia has almost 7 and a half 1000 confirmed cases of covert 92 thirds of them here in moscow chief doctor of the most hospital treating coronavirus patients tested positive himself last week but he remains on j.t. marty crew went to the facility. all right let's have a look at the patient this patient has tested positive for cope with 19 what and to viral treatments are you giving him it's calyptra has it been effective it has the
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fever has gone how well the easy he's 38 when we received the 1st group of patients and started analyzing the cases we were shocked i understand because all of them were under they expect the bache yes. thank you so much guys for your work thank you. the night between april the 1st and 2nd it took us just a few hours to organize the clinics it was emotionally draining. they wanted to make my own contributions to the fight against the pandemic i wanted to help the doctors. volunteered because i saw that my house was greatly needed there is a shortage of medical stuff when i go home i started thinking i should have stayed longer. what do you usually wear as a protective suit was the longest time was 6 hours you get used to it. the worst
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case is. the sports indicator low intensity. is this how viral pneumonia yes the way he thinks there isn't dangerous for the person but what is frightening is that it might be contagious. are you scared of working here why what's the point is the scare it won't change anything should i just hope coming to work. the u.s. death toll from covert 19 is now approaching 11000 new york is by far the worst hit state with nearly 5000 fatalities the governor cuomo describe the situation as frightening and disturbing artie's trinity church has reports. today the javits center now america's largest hospital officially taking coronavirus patients. originally dedicated to non kovan 1000 patients the now 2500 bed facility is
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staffed with over a 1000 doctors nurses and other medical staff to help care for the drastic influx of infected patients governor andrew cuomo reporting the total number of confirmed cases in new york now surpasses 130000 with over 4700 confirmed deaths nearly 3000 new cases in new york city alone overnight it's very hard to see the number of deaths we're having. it's frightening it's disturbing that amount of loss the undeniable truth here is that this virus is a deadly enemy and we will lose and we are losing people who are vulnerable to the virus many overflowing facilities having to store bodies of virus victims in street trailers this as officials warn they may begin burying the city's code in 1000 dead in local parks but i'm not
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going to go into those kind of details i'm only going to say we will have the capacity need we need as i said over the weekend we met a way we may well be dealing with temporary burials. so we can then deal with each family later but again i'm just not going to detail when we have something to say oh we will doctors and nurses around new york city sounding the alarm demanding additional protective measures and much needed personal protective equipment as they remain on the front lines we are demanding that we get all the hornet supplies that exists a p.p.a. so that we can protect ourselves our families and our beloved patients and communities we can't do it if we're dead every day when i go to work i feel like a sheep going to slaughter my colleagues and i are. having our last will and testament i'm 28 years old we fear that we may not survive this pandemic and yet we show up every day to this hospital to take care of our community while officials
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say they have enough and 95 masks to last through the week the mayor says that the city still needs p.p. ease because hospitals are at risk of running out to be a tough week people have to be careful and conserve on the crisis standards we're working on. meantime the governor is also calling on local governments to crack down on social distancing violators increasing violation fines from $500.00 to a $1000.00 and i want to be frankly more aggressive on the enforcement because all the anecdotal evidence is people are violating it at a higher rate than before while the governor is extending new york's pause once again this time until at least april 29th the state posted its 1st drop in daily deaths suggesting that social distancing is working and flattening the curve reporting in new york trinity chavez r.t. . most european countries are under lockdown because of the coronavirus. couple living on either side of the danish to the border rafah themselves cut off
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from each other but it hasn't stopped them keeping their relationship alive. i think i mean we can't be a part she can't sleep nor they can only we call one another at least $3.00 to $4.00 times a day and even at night. when i'm writing in my mom's. side we have to whack that maverick out to have that time most know when you're sitting home but it is what it is and we can't. winner. very soon we will leave for something like that.
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happening. for us there are no borders we're seeing each other and we're holding on to it and it doesn't matter if it rains if it's windy as we sit here every day and we'll keep doing it until the board is so good. at it i never thought in my life that i can be this much in love when i'm 89. this does come will be looking at some of the most bizarre conspiracy theories over the coronavirus pandemic coming up after the break.
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welcome back covert 19 has provided fertile ground for conspiracy theories one of the most popular ones doing the rounds on social media is that the virus is being spread by chinese 5 g. technology and in the u.k. some people have been fighting back setting fire to 5 g. cell towers the governments condemned the theories as dangerous nonsense on the shoddy had was dashed the reports from london. as the corona virus spreads around the world getting accurate information about the disease becomes ever more important but as waves of new cases continue to pop pop so to a cover 1000 conspiracies the latest one thing that there is a link between 5 g.
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in the virus so much so people are now setting fire to 5 gymnasts across the united kingdom. with the world in lockdown in the social media age there's a heavy reliance on the internet which is becoming a breeding ground for those wanting to spread conspiracy theories to support any of the year a series of fake news posts have surfaced online and scrolling on any web form or platform you'll quickly come across that thing crude both yours and foes prevention measures rumors of scheming geopolitical plots the virus as a biological weapon even an experiment gone wrong but one of the most prominent is linking 5 key to corona virus and the hysteria has pushed the world health
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organization to intervene and to even declare it. to be high demand for timely and trustworthy information about 19 w.h.o. technical risk communication and social media teams have been working closely to track and respond to myths and groups. some serious believe that 5 g. is the root of the global corona virus outbreak because they claim it systematically breaks down the immune system on top of that viral post claim that the technology originated who had the very same chinese city at the heart of the initial outbreak of covert 19 after comprehensive analysis though the claim was debunked by fact checking organizations in january not to mention that of radiation watchdog found no 'd scientific evidence that 5 g. post. threat to the human health system while it's widely accepted knowledge but by experts that the virus came from a natural animal source but even with 5 g. being found to be safe the number of mass targeted by vandals has increased sadly
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we have experienced cases of vandals setting fire to mobile masts disrupting critical infrastructure and spreading false information suggesting a connection between 5 g. and the covert 1000 pandemic there is no scientific evidence of any link between 5 g. and corona virus and despite the scientific evidence some celebrities are even jumping on this 5 g. misinformation bandwagon a lot of my friends have been talking about the negative effect of 5 g. though i haven't fully verted i find it very interesting i don't think 5 g. gives you call that 19 i seen good can confuse slow the body down in human process . doctors in the world health organization ask governments to halt roll out of 5 g. i would see you know to 5 g. and the fight against misleading information is taking us a real turn the u.k. is communications regulator ofcom was even forced to intervene and punish a community radio station for broadcasting unfounded claims about the roll out of 5
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g. with the government even stepping in to denounce the so-called fake news as dangerous not only point but the most thank you again for mentioning. the stories i have got about that they play a role in the spread of the disease that's just. dangerous nonsense as well but considering the government has advised the public to stay at home the internet has unsurprisingly been relied on like never before meaning separating fact from fiction especially when it comes to the link between 5 g. and current a virus is vital but there's no doubting the tenuous connection has for some people across the united kingdom to disconnect from their technology so i don't stash the r.t. london. there are also plenty of false allegations circulating in the united states over china's alleged role in the crisis china now seems to have the situation under control with no new coronavirus deaths registered in the past 24 hours but some
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u.s. politicians are saying beijing should not be trusted because of more pain explains . the u.s. surgeon general says that the worst of the pandemic is still ahead invoked memories of dramatic events from u.s. history this is going to be our pearl harbor moment on $911.00 moment only it's not going to be localized it's going to be happening all over the country and i want to merica to understand that usaid is now the country that's the hardest hit no doubt about the outing and some pretty big mistakes were made while the clock was ticking here's a list that some of the experts made about what went wrong mistake number one back in january the u.s. centers for disease control refused tests from germany and thus lost crucial time even now not everyone has access to tests it's hard to track who is infected we know that it is an underestimation. mistake number 2 the us government
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miscalculated thought it had proper supplies and resources right up to the last minute we had tremendous numbers of ventilators but there's never been an instance like this where no matter what you have it's not enough mistake number 3 us states have been left to manage the crisis on their own support from the federal government has been weak we have a state emergency management agency but if he were right why would we ever need a federal emergency management agency it's because individual states can't possibly do what the federal government can do but it's always easier to blame someone else now got us officials saying that china has it information the world health organization a recent intelligence community report confirms that dissent from ation began as early as november when it misreported the seriousness of the disease based on chinese reports there was an outbreak of a serious a but not communicable disease that was easily contained and will hodgman the chinese government's early handling of the disease and failure to adequately report
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information to the w.h.o. breached article $6.00 and $7.00 of the international health regulations at treaty to which china is signatory and legally obliged to uphold these breaches allowed the outbreak to rep at least spread outside will han its blaze of origin the chinese nonetheless have been lying since the started if the chinese had been honest from day one if they had talked about how serious this was in the flight bans would have started much sooner travel would have been restricted much sooner and the world could have been really prepared for this and we weren't and so now we're suffering and we're losing american lives and the u.k. has also signed onto the plan to blame china a british think tank recommended an international lawsuit saying that up to 4 trillion dollars could be paid by china just g 7 countries and that's after a 20 trillion dollar lawsuit from some american firms meanwhile it should be pointed out that china is sending. medical personnel to europe right now and
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supplies. and it's sending supplies to the us to fight the coronavirus so you know jimi to you in the us should be grateful to china instead of. inciting more hostility the world health organization is also being accused of covering up for china reevaluation of world health organization leadership is urgently cooled for by consistently bending to the chinese communist party from downplaying the severity of the coronavirus to systematically excluding taiwan it is lost the credibility necessary to be effective will tell organization is supposed to fight disease is not tyrants in the middle of a public health crisis but off the americans be this far as we need to have a serious reckoning with the world health organization but why would they do that it's a pretty serious allegations and make against a bydel international body that knows so much important work the us is very proud
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not to take responsibility for its own failures the u.s. prides itself on being number one the best in everything and so when it fail so miserably as it has in this crisis it looks for a scapegoat and this in this case it is chosen to blame china we have an election in november idle resource and the trumpet ministration is deathly afraid that if they get properly blamed for their failings that trump lives i mean it's really as simple as that and so they're trying to defend elect plane by calling this the china of iris and blaming china and it's absurd and it's just graceful the spread of the coronavirus isn't really anyone's every country is it had been better prepared especially the united states which is now the worst here but instead of trying to learn from their own mistakes u.s. leaders have decided to point fingers it would mop and. new york. as
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the pandemic continues rest assured we had our tea will be here for you with all the latest info bringing you coverage on our website on social media plus of course around the clock live broadcasts from our studios in moscow london and washington stay informed stay with me. join me every thursday on the alex salmond sure i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport i'm showbusiness i'll see if. this is a story of women women with troubled histories and complex court cases you know
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some. believe. the person that. the cheesiness of the day are considered the most dangerous of criminals she's in a still. all the off 23 hours of the day tell me that it's not enough and it. will give women on death row. kaiser this is the kaiser report as we head into the bitcoin singularity it's the single most important thing that ever happened to humanity sans the creation are invention or discovery a fire. stacey you know to see us through this hardening event this
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hardening of money coming because what we're seeing and all of this chaos happening over the past well few years but especially accelerating over the past 6 months since the fed started inter intervening in the repo market and then we got hit by a pandemic and now we have mass unemployment and things like that that's the fear system leaving and this is the the hardening system the hard money system and touring and to join us through this time we have gear mo who we met in mexico city said am ex say he was so wise and he told us about hard money so he's actually pretty hard if you pick him up it's really hard unlike plucky who eat took with us through the central bank and feel your scorn painting he's quarantining but he's really floppy you know he can barely hold the world's most famous central banker he's the most famous central banker but this is hard money era so we have a stone cold headed just like your jacket we've been signaling this so we have to
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join us to talk about braced for the deepest recession on record says bank of america analysts as jobless claims surge to $6600000.00 they believe that unemployment rate is going to go to 15.6 percent up from 3.5 percent in february so that's a huge rise in unemployment rate we haven't seen this and our lifetimes this sort of surge this rapidly well even the 3.5 percent unemployment rate is a bogus number you know they don't count people who have stopped looking for work and they don't count all kinds of people in that number of the actual numbers a lot higher than all the government published numbers are fantasy numbers and we live in a fantasy economy ever so slightly in $71.00 when we went off a currency that have some relation to gold to purify money currency the 1st time in global history be about a global economy run entirely on fantasy ists printing coupons and then pretending that they have some kind of backing and. the numbers are meaningless so if the
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unemployment rate is 15 percent 20 percent 30 percent it's kind of meaningless because these are mostly gig jobs anyway that don't pay enough to survive on you need $2.00 or 3 of these jobs and the whole problem is not work because work is on the needed taxes are on needed and earnings for corporations are also on needed you don't need any of that stuff if i can just call up the european central bank and say hello iran as the mh louvin tall moet hennessy i'd like to buy stephany's and i don't want to pay anybody for it i want you to give me the money european central bank i want to look at as you get from you and all the people you represent in the e.c.b. and they say because yes sir here it is we're going to wire the money right away and they give to this guy at louisville well no then to say they gifted him to fany as a gift or you know from the european sense that look it up you know this is that you think of some slob working at mcdonald's is going to be able to call up the u.c.b. and say oh.
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