tv Politicking RT April 7, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT
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not at the beginning certainly not i mean again in the last 3 weeks i think there's been a lot of effort good effort by everybody including the president you say that at the end of all this said needs to be a temporary recovery authority what would that authority do well it would it would waive rules that get in the way of people getting back to work and made us ranks 55th in the world in the ease of starting a business just ahead of niger in just behind afghanistan i mean did it take you have to go to 10 different agencies to get a permit to start something that's ridiculous. you also said so this this temple grandin at were in that act then.
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if the temporary recovery authority would. would have the authority to wind of rules that would require allow require and allow states to for example create one stop shop for new businesses it would streamline if you thought through permits so we could get infrastructure jobs going it would waive the thousands of rules that govern public schools that would make it hard for people to get schools back up and running and you know you could you describe this as an economic call up your lab raid on the. yeah i mean it's unprecedented even in times of war we haven't been disabled from moving out of our homes mean this is a situation where. where businesses that don't serve the public
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thinks keep going but the businesses that do serve the public which is probably 25 percent or more of the economy. you know restaurants and all kinds of service organizations have all had to close down this is extraordinary it's it's an unprecedented economic. sort of. a bank where people are not allowed to work and we can survive it for a little bit but not for 6 months i assure you don't get better. it will get better when we have more tests available because in we can manage we can manage the virus the the tragedy the biggest mistake made is we were prepared to clear up quickly when the virus came to test people so we can
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determine who's had it and sellers of those people can go back out in the workforce . who's now and not good enough people need to be isolated and then you have to have a kind of a regular testing regime in order to resist to get people back to work and we're still way behind the 8 ball on getting a test of will get large the u.s. surgeon general by setting motor all madam says the week ahead is going to be a pearl harbor or a 911 moment for most americans. how much is that concern you know how much does it worry you. well certainly that statement is very concerning. i'm not confident here it's i cure it i think the americans have
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done a good job of self isolating it looks to me and i'm hoping that the hospitalizations and the deaths of plot tode and will start to decline so. you know my hope is that we can get past the next couple of weeks get more tests available and get americans back to work again. the i think that will happen well i think there's a decent shot that by the end of april. we will have enough under control that we can begin starting businesses up again and having a test monitoring system like the one that was proposed the other day in wall street journal by contrast oh ruber. results are rolling series of tests.
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that isolate the people who are sick and let everybody else do their were the years share and if the parents in the united states elections in november. well i'm a little worried about the election process with all the primaries being delayed and. and such should mean you might have to go to. mail voting or even online voting. you a lot's going to change as a result of this and one of the things that ought to change is that we should do more things like tell of medicine which are obviously much poorer fish and going to a doctor's office a doctor can see 50 people in the time we could probably see 5 people with 50 people alive in time you can see 5 people. lives would be incredibly efficient to
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do that you know is i think this should also be a wake up call for. for this kind of red state nation that we've created i mean it's madness that you have a rule for everything what kind of disinfectant is you just you know. you have to have a same gender attendant where you are when you're transporting disabled people in new york i mean all these things sound good in the abstract but if you're trying to solve a problem you can't go around with a 1000 page rule book in your face and. this is the tragedy of this the the pandemic that is that the people 2 months ago were allowed back because they had to go through the eye of the washington needle well unless it was a shall learn from the past well we learn lessons from this. boy
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i sure hope so i think this is a wake up call that america needs a serious spring cleaning of the regulatory state and it's not what conservatives have been called for it's not to get rid of regulatory oversight is to make it simple so that people can actually roll up their sleeves and get things done if regulation should focus on goals and principles like the constitution it shouldn't give people 1000 page rule books and to say how many inches away from the sink the socket has to be a lot of these things make no difference whatsoever in our band telemedicine because it might somehow be viewed by somebody who shouldn't view it it's some so much more effective so let people do their work so i think coming out of this we need to have a serious awakening to the need for a spring cleaning commission in all of washington i mean it's just. you know an amazon jungle of red tape probably it came into this country and and what it fed
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on was a patient with a defective immune system and the immune system was defective because americans the public health workers in seattle or around were not allowed to use their best judgment because of all the red tape and this should be a wake up call to clean it out it's about time. the mystic are pessimistic. you know i'm optimistic and i believe in the american people if you look at all the front lines health care workers and all the things you're doing the dedication and you know really risking their lives going in and dealing with infected people for 12 hours or 15 hours a day i mean what a great character the people of this country have and the tragedy is we've created this regulatory state that doesn't let them be themselves you know people in america and schools everywhere you know longer of the right to do what's right and
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so you know all we need to get this country going again is to give back to americans the freedom to get things done i mean this is a can do country i really believe in america and i think this this whole crisis if there's a silver lining to it it's to make us realize that we can't regulate every single choice of life the point of a free society is revealed to be free and it's really important to have government i'm not a libertarian not trying to get rid of government the government should set goals and give people the freedom to get things done in their own way and it be a lot it's be much better government and americans will rise to the challenge so i thank you for enjoying paying you for being with us and stay safe. right you to face so much.
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that's philip howard the author of common sense will place in the failed ideologies of the right and wiped and we'll be back with more politicking right after this. aeroflot russian ad like this. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make among comparable good uses like a jackhammer good drill down i think find the true news with rick sanchez because it's time to do news again and question more.
6:42 pm
this is a story of women women with troubled histories and complex court cases you know some of us david lee. who lives out there. where not. the person that. she is innocent believe they are considered the most dangerous of criminals she's in a still. well below 23 hours of the day tell me that it's not enough and it. will give women on death row.
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welcome back to politicking no restaurants and bars have been particularly hard hit from the economic shutdown many in the industry or about how long it will take where in theory about john tapper has talked a lot about this with your t.v. personality host of executive producer of reality t.v. series bar rescue he joins me from las vegas john from your industry standpoint how bad is this although it's devastated larry i'm sitting here in las vegas and the last they get strip is boarded up think about this the casinos don't even have locks on it doors are they never contemplated locking a door before so the doors are literally boarded up with security guards outside of everyone we're in a complete shutdown here in las vegas as the industry is in most places but it's particularly devastating here. are we can we say that all
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restaurants are closed except for takeoff orders across the country. pretty much i don't know of any that are open even in states that are permitting it right now i think that you know people have taken this very very seriously and not only is it just to go and go every it's it's you know it's a different world today it's about trusting a brand trusting what they do so we all have restaurants will order from and restaurants we will go to order from based upon who we trust to be doing it right and safely now so what do you do john just talk about what what can you jon taffer do well you know a number of things are i think the industry is changing in a number of different ways a great brand doesn't mean it's a great brand today unless it employs practices of sanitation and safety that redefine it and it's interesting larry i've been working with the national
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restaurant association and various people trying to help and if we close our eyes and we fake what restaurant brand is no for cleanliness none pop out not that none are unclearly i'm not suggesting that but nobody owns this space of safety and clean and predictability so i think the industry is going to change larry i think that marketing now is going to be about trust much more than even what we have you might buy something that's slightly maybe inferior in flavor than another product if you trust the brand more so it's redefining how we communicate with customers and it's redefining how we act and that's just the start where we're not sure exactly how it winds down but there's several different scenarios well as a state of your industry before this hit. oh are you having a wonderful year you know i've been touring the country i do
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a lot of motivational speeches and educational seminars i mean we're having 700000 small businesses start in every quarter i mean the restaurant industry was up spending was up consumer confidence was up that and that's why this so hurts so badly because as an industry we're on a roll our biggest problem was finding employees in today's economy we had business so this is cut off our legs when we were running not walking and you know it's things of a lot of food going to waste you know i yes and of course we're giving it away you know here in las vegas hundreds of pallets of food have been given away by the casinos and such but restaurants all around the country are trying to do that but in very many ways health codes prohibit that we have a liability if we give away food and it isn't refrigerated properly so then states in areas where we can't just give it to charity because health codes prohibit that
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we're giving it to employees we're giving up their friends we're doing everything we can but that raises an interesting point larry about how the business reopens because all the government relief programs now in stimulus programs now are focused on payroll rent utilities covering those type of expenses but you know larry when all of this food is given away and thrown away because it's wasted every restaurant in america has an empty refrigerator so now they need the money when the stimulus kicks in and emergency procedures are over and we open up again after the pandemic every restaurant needs the money to put in a completely new fresh food inventory in many cases completely new frozen food inventory and there's no provision in the current stimulus for that so we're hoping in the restart stimulus that there is some consideration to move dollars through for restaurant inventory because of course larry that affects farmers food manufacturers everyone down the chain. are you happy with the way this
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administration has handled this. you know how i believe that we you know he didn't step into it in the best of places i'm not sure that that everything was set up to handle this properly but i do believe in might be a way to get the federal government in such that that i think that everybody there is doing everything they can right now with what they have to work with and it seems the past week or so are some things are coming together the hospitals are getting set up in certain cities like javits in new york accent or i think we're starting to maybe get our materials and our beds and everything ahead of it so you know i don't want to get ahead of myself but i sense we might be turning a corner in new york now which would be terrific well andrew cuomo has certainly shown and this has a major resume to the front. oh he has you know he's shown himself as a manager to sure larry and as a leader in
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a way he's presented himself but but in as much as i'm very impressed with the way he's handled this you know i can't help but remember when de blasio wanted to close new york city down and come up push back on that for a while and said you know i think came out of gotten on board a little late but i think he's that magnificent in a way he's am a bit since that what have you saw the restaurant workers or what what what happens then. you know that's a really scary scenario and i am when we talk with industry leaders you know we're looking at maybe 30 to 40 percent fall out of independent restaurants you know before this pandemic started unemployment was low jobs were plentiful so if they left work a for their restaurant they could go find a job someplace else the fact of the matter is we're probably going to as a bunch of them on the other hand new sanitation standards and practices might add
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some bodies to a restaurant as well because of the procedure changes consequently things like that so there could be a positive side to it i think some of them are going to come become delivery drivers and i've suggested to my friends that are in the restaurant business that it can't work inside the restaurant now you know you know start working on deliveries because a restaurant conserve 100 people in an hour within a restaurant larry but serving $100.00 deliveries within an hour is a different thing so such delivery support is is i think a key element now restaurant employees can pitch in and make a few dollars and at least keep the kitchens going well nationwide chains benefit more than the local independent restaurant. you know i think it's how they reap is ition them selves and we're starting to see it on the advertising now that they're repositioning they're showing that their employees are in gloves and they're wearing hats and they're wearing masks and you know it's the it's the national brands that step out and present an image of trust
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and safety then to going to when you know all bets are off and all communications you know if the burger is steak and juicy and wonderful larry but you don't trust the standards of the place to hell with that burger so so trust is going to be such a key element in food service as we move forward and we're going to see brand shifting embarking on communications and such to building trust again i think it's all about trust every business whether it's the local deli the restaurant the supermarket we're going to start going to where we trust their practices and that's a game changer and how do you build trust because you just reopened how do you get the guy in the neighborhood to trust eating at your restaurant. you know it's interesting i was on social media yesterday and i saw a picture for a restaurant and it was a gentleman about my age laying a liaison you noodle and pan larry and the caption on
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a photograph was our famous lasagna will be available for curbside pick up at 5 o'clock but the guy was wearing street clothes he was wearing a mask he didn't have a had on he was wearing classical arms but that was it that's exactly the message that we can't send so deep images that we send have to show cleanliness and people in white clean clothes and maybe masks on their faces certainly the right gloves materials it's all the visual messages that we send and the way we present ourselves now has to build that trust it's a whole different way to marketing that are can you can you describe for me what vegas looks like. yes i drove down the strip yesterday on my way to a grocery store so i diverted every every day i married these are the largest hotels in a world right here and last they guessed and net completely closed the driveways have nothing in them they're roped off into street you can see
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a security guard standing in front of each of the doors to city is completely closed down there's not one casino open not one restaurant in any of the casinos open i went to town center which is our outside stuff and i'm not one car anywhere where it looks like a war zone and it's horrifying and when we look forward i worry when is the next time somebody like you and i are going to get in an elevator and go up to the 30th for. how much business the you have a. what would you know my company is closed down my media company and i'm doing this obviously from home so my media company is close all my friends restaurants and bars of course my production is closed bar rescue shut down in the middle of the season so about 102 people a lot of their jobs then a consulting practice is narrowed down our media practice we're at
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a crawl right now erin and you know we're all just trying to make a difference just like you are we're trying to make a difference i want to give people some hope in the future you know there's little things that restaurants can do in a reopen for example let's say that we have to spread tables out loud to create more distance between people if we do that let's say we lose 30 percent of our seating capacity well that means we lost 30 percent of our revenue capacity i used to run one specials for an hour hour and a half from let's say 12 to 130 now i'm going to run early bird specials for lunch late bird specials for lunch i need to turn that one hour lunch into a 3 hour lunch so i can see the same amount of people that day so these are the kind of changes we'll make as we go into this are you are you optimistic or pessimistic. right now i am optimistic and here's why you know for entrepreneurs and people that get it when this ends could be one of
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the most exciting times that we've ever had i know this is going to be struggle but marketers are going to have very incredible opportunities to read the fine and bubble up to the top and be that one who creates the formulas that tomorrow marketers and communicators and operators and procedural people there's to be huge opportunity for these people to reestablish all these businesses so in as much as i sit here like you are in quarantine in my 25th day or so i'm really looking forward to today this new marketing world this new business universe there's a lot of excitement within that premise if we can get past where we are now john tavener thank you so much and stay safe. same here larry see the friars club thank you audience for joining me on this edition of politicking we're all kind of in the home i'm sure so remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at change things don't forget use the politicking hash
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tag and that's all for this edition of politicking. heteros along russia and like this. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make among come from good uses like a jackhammer good drill down and think find the true news with rick sanchez because it's time to do news again and question more.
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pretty good. if you want to work. on you know. paul. this is a story of women and women with troubled histories and complex court cases you know some of those deadly leave who lives out there. where night is the person that fears the cheesiness and believe they are considered the most dangerous of criminals she's in
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7:00 pm
hello there i'm an election and you're watching in question broadcasting live from our team america national headquarters in washington d.c. i want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here are the top stories today colbert 18 cases in the americas prompting the pan american health organization to call for protection and p.-p. p.-p. even the fights but will they get there in time then leaked memos from amazon executives show plans on how to fight union organizing and workers upset about safety amid coronavirus fears we're going to discuss with our guest in seattle and if money from the coronavirus rescue bill wasn't.
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