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tv   In Question  RT  April 7, 2020 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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you're going. around. hello there i'm an electric and you're watching in question broadcasting live from our team america national headquarters in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here are the top stories today hold it 1000 cases in the americas prompting the pan american health organization to call for protection and p.-p. p.-p. even the fights but will they get there in time then leaked memos from amazon executives show plans on how to fight union organizing and workers upset about safety and coronavirus fears we're going to discuss with our guest in seattle and if money from the coronavirus rescue bill wasn't enough you might be a luck congress is preparing to rescue package number 2 but could all of this have
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been avoided we're going to discuss that and more coming up all right it's time to boost your news i q. as covert 1000 cases in the americas doubled just this past week the pan american health organization calls for protection and peace supplies for health care workers at the frontlines paho is appealing for cooperation from the private sector in the form of some $94800000.00 in donations now at least $51.00 countries and territories in that region are now currently battling this pandemic so joining us now to discuss cooperation and assistance is dr. he's the director of health emergencies at the pan american health organization dr they thank you so much for being with us so as of april 6th. well skimming more than
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384000 cases are now confirmed at least 51 countries across the region latest numbers double that amount of combat 1000 just in one week so what are the priorities for pa in terms of guidelines training medical personnel is that to access personal protective equipment and also what about testing kits and sharing of the resources across the region. those are the great pick up points for the americas although the americas he's one of the riyals that have been preparing for emergencies for a long time as you remember after 2009 h one n one and then me most of the countries in there make us beyond their preparedness all of them 'd look up there and they may give up plans and also they strengthen in their surveillance so we have more land 800 sites to assess the situation well.
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surveillance of 5 cute respiratory illness steal the priority these are relate that do effects you know prevention and control so we can reduce the risk of the health care personnel but also on the cases so support early detection particularly for those that are in the country already and for doing that we need laboratory laboratories these dual do a testing tests are not enough dear lee we distributed more than 2 100000 we are now procuring around $1000000.00 of those tests because most of the country is run out of those and also we are looking to strengthen it up by c.p.o. for certain how serry service adapting that surge in their capacity the because in several of those places unfortunately they do deal with critique of patients he's.
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slow in comparison with their capacities. yes there are similar problems across central and south america as as we're having here in north america and a new w.h.o. report urges investments in the nursing workforce to face this pandemic polish director caressa etienne said in a virtual conference just today to the medical workers quote we will be tested more than ever before so what is pothole doing to assist those medical workers at the front lines. ok we send a couple of weeks ago or according to the to the countries. we shipped. protective equipment for older health personnel that we'll be dealing with that for as cases but that is clearly another not so we are sending more supplies some more shipments our priority yes is protect their health care workers because they
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have to sometimes decide between saving a life of a person who is a dandy in their house salaries all or putting themselves subseries of course many of them will just go up and the patients in that regard as we have seen the very same schildt you lack of those person out there that we meant and what we when we are seeing these things. we are also recognizing that the best many felt was not they're not asleep. and these is the problem. these it be they make the not began with the health sector i'm not talking about day it began in commerce it was disseminated through time and sport and tourism and harassing economy. and the health care workers are in most of these countries working and going to their to their fellow facilities to treat their patients meanwhile the poor and nice. well
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establishing most of those countries now doctor there there's a topic i think a lot of people find difficult to speak about and that's what happens when all these people die from corona virus spread sample ecuador has emerged as the epicenter for the virus in the continent the coastal town q has been overwhelmed with the high number of fatalities there and the lack of funeral services with families unable to properly bury their loved ones what if pasok i'm in nations for ecuador. we send these you know teams of the shit out of the supply store whether or not they will recall nice in that situation establish the task force is specifically to deal with the number of deaths where happening there houses but also while they were waiting for medical attention inductor you guys we send also
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some additional supply but the guidance to deal with. persons who die for or are not biros is not different and several although the success actually the. persons who die by cubbie might. not represent extra risk for that persons who manage or deal with that but the infection prevention and control measures i mean protecting the persons who are. transporting or dealing with that these paramount. and because of that fear many people do not want such them and they leave them on the streets or other holmes etc and it this is something that has to be solved because these amidst yeah. cos it be them weeks we have to be aware of their persons who are moving who are shaking hands who are caught being cetera but that body has come to be of course managing
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a way that this sense of what we've. be pulling the culture and it isn't a single. big problem and obviously handling those. loved ones with with care and respect in a timely fashion unfortunately dr i have to leave it right there but we greatly appreciate you sharing your expertise with us this evening doctor said oh god day thank you so much. now leaked memos from amazon corporate officials reveal a plan to discredit the fired workers raise are the employees who have been protesting the working conditions there amid the corona virus outbreak so with a closer look at the workers' claims and what's being done to keep them safe here's our tape correspondent natasha suite with more top amazon officials are at odds with employees who are protesting working conditions and now a leaked memo from a meeting with c.e.o. jeff bezos himself along with others who make up corporate revealed specifics about
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a worker named christian smalls in a leaked memo and amazon general counsel reportedly called him quote not smart or to kill it and reportedly wanted to use him as part of a p.r. strategy to make him the face of the entire union organizing movement it's no secret that amazon has resisted efforts of organized labor for years smalls was let go last week after leading colleagues in a lunch hour protest in staten island new york over the company's response to the pandemic we don't have to go by that definition verifies that it's done business yeah you don't like your border down like we started this it was good it is strong but we're told by some news did it's probably going to seem to be a good thing but amazon says smalls was fired for violating a company policy of a 14 day quarantine period after coming into contact with an employee who tested positive for the virus when specifically asked about the memo david's below ski amazon's general counsel said that his comments were quote personal and emotional
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and a statement he says i was frustrated and upset that an amazon employee would endanger the health and safety of other amazonian but repeatedly returning to the premises after having been warned to quarantine himself after exposure to virus covert 19 i let my emotions drag my words and get the better of me but smalls doesn't stand alone in this fight workers in detroit michigan held a similar protest questioning the safety of their working conditions we need a job a those. take action and i invite jeff bezos a visit his facility and do something about the people coughing and sneezing as you're walking and it's just something needs to be done i stand for everybody here beside me and i want these he does he want to be shut down immediately for professional cleaning all we want for them to do is shut the boat enough for 2 weeks with pay why it's like a deep cleaning bill and despite amazon's general counsel claiming they're brainstorming ideas on how to beat the crown a virus according to protesters the facilities are not abiding by the center for
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disease control interventions guidelines for cocaine 1000 safety standards you're not really doing social distancing there's about 5 to 600 people in a building on a daily basis. sometimes in some areas we are shoulder to shoulder and it can't be 6 feet away on the staten island facility remains open despite an employee testing positive for the krona virus small says he's writing governor andrew cuomo hoping he'll shut it down for an extensive clean reporting in los angeles natasha sweet r.t. . tried joining us to talk more about this seattle city council member and activist so i want councilwoman show on thank you for being with us so as someone who has long been a proponent of workers' rights and for imposing corporate taxes on on the tech giant amazon near your home city how do you see the coronavirus crisis affecting amazon workers at home there in washington state across the country and why do you think amazon has been pretty negligent and providing their workers with safety
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equipment. i think what we're seeing unfolding not only from seattle to staten island in the united states but globally twin crises being faced by the billions of working people in the world we just go to virus and capitalism we've seen the same corporations were making massive profits hand over fist before this pandemic all sure now profiting directly to the been damaged or otherwise like the big banks and other corporations benefiting from the dollars of bailouts while working people struggle and i find it stunning not surprising but stunning for the general counsel david's. doing gaijin such complete this on his political gaslighting that at the same time the corporations executives how completely failed to provide even be cleaning in the warehouse in this protective gear for the red house workers delivery drivers and cargo and loads it's
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a good thing for the workers hazard pay for their workers in the absence of doing any of the bare minimum for the workers they are now saying that christian small the worker that they ended up file. well the endangering the quarantine i completely don't accept that on its face value and as a matter of fact the workers that you just showed in detroit on staten island also in chicago also the workers at the delivery station you know. they're showing tremendous courage by going against a corporation which has had a long track record of union busting and demanding their basic rights during this pandemic absolutely i mean this seems like a classic case of profits over people and you have coax co-sponsored a resolution that has just recently passed urging the washington state government to cancel rants and mortgage payments during this kind of virus crisis why is this important to you and how does this you know how to secure housing play a role in keeping people in your community healthy. well you know scientists are
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recommending that not only do we need to maintain social distancing right now it is going to extend into out the year and in fact more than they are if we are going to actually come out ahead of that spend the make and this is a global threat people who loved ones are dying you know the really hard trending stories that you just drop it off people's families members being lost so there is no question that in order to combat this and maintain social distancing workers well except for essential and frontline workers workers will need to stay home and maintain social distancing which will mean that they need paid leave to do you know are funded by tax and big business we will need absolutely need to make sure that homelessness which is already acute in so many of our cities do not need to continue photo because you know increasing all of that is just a recipe for playing right into the hands of this virus and allowing people's lives to be lost unnecessarily that is why as you said you know really demanding governor
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inslee in the state of washington immediately suspend rent and mortgage payments without any consequences and as you know they're also demanding that corporations like amazon be. axed so that he can be provided needed cash assistance to the working families that have lost incomes but i will say this you know as i said this is a crisis of go no bias and capitalism and we can see as you correctly said these corporations even in the middle of this massive crisis they are putting their own profits over the lives of people so we can't really look for in these corporations we've got to form capitalism we need to think we need to raise the question of taking corporations like amazon into democratic public ownership in the ends of their own workers in the community members who can run the corporations for the good of society not for the profits of the few at the top and lastly councilwoman in the last few years we have seen the country kind of experience a surge in labor strikes and a lot of people becoming more aware of unionizing and better pay demanding you know
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equal or fair treatment rather in the workplace do you think there's a possibility that now would be a time to see the mass movement of workers that unite together because of this pandemic. i mean this is the most crucial question and i'm so happy you brought this up because these throughout history we have shown that capitalism is not just going to go back to its old because it's in crisis its workers are organizing in fact militant organizing by the labor movement by working class people in their workplaces is the only thing that will transform society and it's actually more than ever this is the moment for workers to get organized and workers themselves are showing this all the way from bronx nurses unionized nurse asked to in action an addition workers taking action using not unionized workers like me but also workers also taking action i will say this we need to get organized and abetting soon this way and prepare for main forced to be
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a historic strike action does an absolutely crucial for us all right we'll leave it right there that it councilman cush imus i want thank you so much please join us again. now the u.s. economy takes a punch in the gut because of kobe 1000 leaving the country's leaders scrambling for solutions to the u.s. just react too late we're going to discuss that next and then later a sports regina hamm brings us an exclusive interview with tennis player from the a.t.p. tour prison camp will be right back. what is the difference between embarrassing gaffes and elder abuse joe biden certainly excels at the former and maybe is the victim of the latter we are told mention of mental health is off limits to what degree is the public the right to know. and. i don't trust medical authority at all ever and the reason for
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that is i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed at like diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have health issues they can't figure out if they're going to see a medical professional and they've been going for 10 years and they're still in the same place and they should probably take it upon themselves to start testing things out testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. is you'll be a reflection of the of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safer
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a. little community. all you good right. way or are you being led. direct. what is truth what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallowness. while much of the u.s. is living on walk down the minimize the spread of coronavirus essential workers like doctors and nurses remain at those front lines but some other essential workers like grocery store employees are putting their lives at risk and in some
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cases paying the ultimate price are to his charity chavez brings us that part of the story and the new numbers coming out of new york as a proto virus pandemic continues to unfold new concerns are surfacing for grocery store and online service workers as they remain on the front line major supermarket chains reporting coronavirus related employee deaths as grocery stores remain open due to the pandemic according to the washington post workers at trader joe's in new york a giant store in maryland and 2 wal-mart employees in chicago have died in recent days due to a coven 191 family filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the retail giant and while most americans have great appreciation for these workers many of these store employees work low paying jobs putting their lives at risk by exposing themselves to the public and others around them. to make an average of $200.00 a week. i'm. just saying that i.
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can't count on i mean time in new york the total number of poor virus cases continues to climb now surpassing 130000 infections with over 5400 deaths 731 of them occurring in just one day but while this is the single biggest daily increase the governor says there are signs the curve may be leveling off and we're projecting that we are reaching a plateau in the total number of hospitalizations and you can see the growth and you see it starting to flatten again this is a projection it's still. depends on what we do and what we do will affect those numbers. the mare zeroing in on economic challenges as projections show that at least a half a 1000000 residents are already out of work or soon will be. i'm an economic distress the only comparison you can make for that is the great
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depression which scares me to death even say that this as construction is underway at the famous queens tennis center that's home to the u.s. open as it transforms into a hospital facility to treat non-code patients to be the 1st phase of construction for what the ultimate maybe 350 hospital beds in the indoor training center the louis armstrong stadium in queens will also be transformed and be used as a food prep and distribution center where staff will prepare up 225000 packages of meals daily to help alleviate some of the strain off hospital possibly the hardest hit facility in the city well hurst hospital has hit capacity and there's about 545 beds in here and they're all filled with cold the patients but now a sign of hope. new video capturing the moment 19 year old and a 14 nato was wheeled out of the hospital after spending 2 weeks fighting covert 19 and today she has a powerful message for all of us i want to say to them if i did it you can go
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and. get your. reporting in new york trinity chavez r.t. . so as congress is weighing in on the 2nd part of the carrot act many are criticizing that this move by lawmakers and everything around the coronavirus response is just too little too late with some not expecting checks to arrive for weeks some may not see them at all and the trumpet ministration on its heels in a medical response to this crisis so joining us now with his take on all of this post the news with rick sanchez rick sanchez. now rick as a programming note out of an abundance of caution in these unprecedented times r.t. america their management our management have taken great measures to ensure the health and safety of our staff so they have split up the air staff and the crew into 2 groups each working and alternating week taking all broadcasts and then a deep sanitization crew comes in between to ensure there's no cross contamination
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so that's why you guys are seeing rick on for a full week and then me on for a full week right rick how that work out. well i want to welcome you to my home our guest my den my office whatever we want to call it here in the potomac maryland where i'm hiding away as you might say this week one of the most interesting thing that's happened this week is there started to you know what bubbling up right now manila this argument that some people are making and there's 2 sides to the argument and i think some parts of these arguments are legitimate that the lockdown was premature that a lockdown may have been more problematic especially the way it was handled i'm going to cite for you somebody that i've been talking to one of my sources on this he's not a lunatic but he thinks the lockdown is lunacy his name is lauren yass pardon me your last head he's a former health minister of israel and he says governments cannot stop
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a virus by decree all viruses have to run their course and the only way they stop is naturally that says point of view to. i guess go into the numbers on that a little bit i'm going to try and give you some numbers so you and i can have a conversation we have viewers about this and let people you know take this wherever they want but essentially how many people the united states are over the age of 65 because mr last says that what we should do is not lock down everybody but only log down people who are over the age of 65 who are more susceptible than their 2008 is much higher by the way he's right about that you know or so he says. he says that let's consider this now many people in the united states are over the age of $65.00 it's $50000000.00 people right what's the lethality rate of this disease it's 2 percent right 2 percent of 50000000 is what 1000000 people so if you go by the 2 percent of the 50000000 people over the age of 65 in the united states then 1000000 people will die of the coronavirus now here's another question that
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needs to be asked how many people die normally in the united states every year anyway how many people die in the united states from a not a majority over the age of $65.00 of anything 2800000 the vast majority die of the immunological conditions that cause people to die from the corona virus so these people this group of people are arguing that if you look at the numbers in actuality the number of people who are going to die from the corona virus is not that different from the number of people who have died from viruses colds 'd cancer heart disease and all that other stuff and that most of the people dying from growth of ours are people who are going to die of heart disease cancer etc etc so this is the argument being floated that you want to give the argument on the other side i let let's hear it because i've got a couple points i'd like to touch on to go ahead no go ahead go ahead michael thanks and i suppose i just i can't or i mean all of the country i get this is these are the this wasn't your remark and this was the health minister from from
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israel right and i get that but we can't forget that there are a number of people in every country not just here in the u.s. that have these underlying health conditions that are not over the age of 65 there are people my age your age middle age people that seem perfectly healthy but they have underlying conditions i mean somebody is somebody with asthma that is 40 years old shouldn't die because right may catch a coronavirus that that that's not right nobody should die period but when you have moments like this the argument being made is that it just naturally happens. 8 people over 65 and people with immunology immunological issues will likely succumb by the way argument on the other side sure that may be true but here's the problem all of those people of corona virus will almost die at the same time therefore they will flood all health care essentially our health care system can handle it and we will have people dying 1 on the streets that's why we have to lock everybody down
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so 2 arguments 2 points of views but let you know they're both very prevalent right now of a lot of discussions are being how about a lot of people are feeling like they wish they could go back to work you know i continue this tomorrow my friend rick sanchez i'll see you again on the other side of this monitor thank you so much all right that's all the time we have for now make sure you come back at 8 o'clock to catch the frantic. number to question more on you know a chance. she manatee is on the edge of a precipice thanks to continuing destruction of the natural well.
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you just seem laid out a lot of clues that's a group you could lose an election on that if you use it. well you have the people who just. let them everything you can hold up. with and you've. got that over the war. hero that could put them where. there's only dealing in. the same little book you sit around and stuff and. shit them see that was a ruse that. human activity has brought us to the brink of the world's 6th major extinction event and the people in this film just can't take it in. the us is.
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welcomed on contact today we discuss the death of our constitutional democracy with scholar bruce fein assassination presidential assassination which by the way also violated an executive order which prohibits presidential exist and agents 12 triple 3 they continue on a scale that we don't know about because the congressional oversight power has completely collapsed so these people just disappear and we never even know about them or we tribute them somebody else the israelis did it my side let's assign that to them because how many times you know people just disappear out of the in and we know.


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