tv In Question RT April 8, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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yes of the world the public school. i'm sure those lows also you the. hello there i'm going to watch and you're watching in question broadcasting live from r.t. american national headquarters in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here are the top stories for today the u.s. is still leading the way with the most confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide with new york city remaining the epicenter of this outbreak will get you the latest in a full report plus julian assange has extradition hearing will proceed as scheduled this as the 1st coronavirus death is reported in the very same prison where he is being held that the european union's top scientist has resigned after his proposal
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to set up a program to combat coded 19 was rejected we're going to discuss all that and more coming up all right it's time to boost your news i q. covert 19 continues to live up to its name as a global pandemic and the total right now topping 1400000 cases with 83000 deaths and some 300000 recovered cases now the u.s. still leading the way with that now with 400000 confirmed cases 13000 deaths and 22000 recovered now a new report shows between just yesterday and today more than 1900 americans have died because of the virus that is a new one day high now take a look at this chart here. it shows just how quickly the corona virus outbreak
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gripped this country the numbers of infections here in the u.s. was just less than a 1000 about a month ago and today that number up a staggering 400 percent now let's take a closer look as cities across the nation brace for a drastic influx of cases new york remains the epicenter of this outbreak artie's 20 charges picks up the story there as new york remains the epicenter of the cruel new virus outbreak frontline workers are being pushed to the brink. the n.y.p.d. telling me more than $7000.00 of its uniformed members about 20 percent of the force are out sick and at least 13 have died. but the department also sharing some good news confirming that 276 members have fully recovered and have returned to duty and i'm not for a moment forgetting we have lost some of our 1st responders their families are grieving. but thank god for the vast majority they've come through quickly and
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they've come through well with more than 142000 confirmed cases in new york and more than 5400 deaths hospitals continue to struggle to keep up with the influx of patients lack of p.p. and personnel it's overcrowded over 1000 patients are going to have to wait for a long time just to get upstairs to a bed with a problem to share a room or going to hallways with other covert action patients but while it appears a curve may be flattening in new york officials say the state has hit its highest single day death toll yet confirming 779 deaths on tuesday the number of deaths will can continue to rise as those hospitalized for a long period of time passed away the longer you are on a ventilator the less likely you will come off the ventilator meantime both government and state officials under scrutiny many say in the delayed response hinder new york's fight against the deadly disease new york governor andrew cuomo
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initially saying at a press conference on march 2nd the state was fully prepared we are fully coordinated we are fully mobilized this is all about mobilization of the public health system and while president trump is criticizing the world health organization of its response to the coronavirus they called it wrong they call it wrong they really they missed a call they could have called it months earlier they would have known and they should have known and they probably did know a new report suggests that as far back as november u.s. intelligence officials overseas warn the military and the white house about coronavirus sweeping through hunch china one source saying the timeline of the intel side of this may be further back than we're discussing but this was definitely being briefed beginning at the end of november as something the military needed to take a posture on the president claims as recent as yesterday that no one had even heard about the. until 2 months ago many questioning whether the administration could
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have dreamt up the crude virus response we have reached out to build the pentagon and the white house for comment reporting in new york treated each other as r.t. . and while thousands of prisoners could see an early release as detention centers look to stop the rampant spread of coded 19 there is one nonviolent offender who is being kept behind bars at all costs and u.k. judge ruled julian assange must stand trial for extradition here to the u.s. despite this ongoing lockdown artie's rachel blevins is joining us now live from the news room with more details to his story rachel well manella the u.k. judge presiding over juliana songes case has ruled against the weak you expounder after his legal team called through his extradition hearing to be delayed because they say the coronavirus lockdown has prevented them from meeting with him in a hearing on tuesday or represent argued that in those circumstances in his vulnerable condition to force him to enter all full of it until hearing in may we
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respectfully submit it would be unjust we respectfully submit it would be oppressive but the judge showed no mercy for a songe arguing that because the extradition hearing is still 5 weeks away that should give the courts enough time to return to normal despite warnings of the u.k.'s lockdown could last until june the westminster magistrates court also heard of events but the us government tried to obtain the d.n.a. of a saunders children by collecting their soiled diapers from the trash after they visited him in london's dorrian embassy but the district judge ruled but even if the claim was true there was no evidence that the us was trying to harm a saunders family by stealing their d.n.a. she also ruled that his partner has no right to a private life and her identity will be made public on april 14th that 4 pm leaving just a few days for a possible review from a higher court this comes after the same judge ruled that a staunch must remain. and at the maximum security belmarsh prison with no chance
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for bell at the time she claimed he was not at risk because there were no confirmed cases in the prison but the editor in chief of wiki leaks told archie the court that he questions how honest the prison has been about it coven 1000 status and whether inmates are actually being tested but there was no cases of coverts to inside the prison in belle mars and she had full faith in the prison authorities in controlling the situation. only a few hours later that same afternoon the 1st instances were confirmed inside belmarsh and they've been growing ever since and i am absolutely certain the cases are much more than that are reported he has not been tested the smallest prisoners are now spending the time most of the day most of the entire day in their cells. he went on to note that his son has an underlying lung condition which would put him out of increased risk if he was released and living in
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a normal society let alone forced to remain in prison where the guards are potentially exposed to the virus every time they leave and come back to work the state of a songes health has become even more concerning amid the coronavirus pandemic the united nations expert on torture previously warned that a songes imprisonment alone amounted to psychological torture he warned against forced extradition to the united states noting that a songe may not survive it given his mental and physical state as of now giuliana saunders extradition hearing is still set for may 18th despite the fact that he can't communicate with his legal team and witnesses won't be allowed to travel amid a lockdown that is raising concerns the u.s. will be able to force the songes extradition without due process reporting in the newsroom rachel leavens r.t. for more on this in the news coming out of europe we'll go to former u.k. m.p. george galloway so george 1st we know the judge denied him bail last week despite julian having no lung condition and coronavirus now spreading at belmarsh prison
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one inmate even dying of it now so can you give us an update on your dear friend julian's condition. well it's difficult to contain one's outrage separating scandal which seems to get more sordid and disastrous every day the news that people were stealing the diapers of children or songes children to check the d.n.a. and the i mean what kind of man does stop for a living what kind of government asks a man to do that for a living the fact that julian's partner and their children's identity and therefore very quickly address will be made public on friday if the high court does not intervene and the spread no rapid spread of coronavirus
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inside belmarsh jail is confirmed one death is confirmed the 2nd death is denied by is widely held to be true 150 members of stuff of belmarsh prison are on self isolation for fear of having caught the virus it's impossible to conclude of all this done this and i say this with all gravity it is clearly the intention of the british government that julian assange should die in belmarsh jail the dust reading both governments of this turbulent priest this man who did nothing but preach the truth and reveal it it is staggering to hear rachel's report and i supplement it with my own sources the very bookish on mild mannered. senior 2nd counsel junior counsel to julian a son's could barely contain his outrage in the court today he was literally
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quicken with rage and anger he demanded a 14 day stay on the revealing of the identity as this was. refused by the judge who gave 4 days for the defense no do seek it high court ruling on this matter it is a sordid scandalous shame on the shamed to be british this evening and george it's unbelievable how sordid as you said and strange and bizarre julian's case is getting with the diapers and people wanting to out his partner and their children and not considering releasing julian on a humanitarian basis is just unfathomable to me george but on the other on the other side of town. there's word now that boris johnson's condition is improving the chancellor's office says he is now sitting up in bed though he'll continue his
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stint in the i.c.u. so it looks like nobody should count johnson out just yet so how do you see his condition improving impacting u.k. stimulus package talks george. well it's true of course this is good news about boris johnson's condition there's no one of the famous oxygen tube we spoke of yesterday which isn't to be confused with a ventilator which is an oxygen tube and he was not on a ventilator he was only on of an oxygen tube there's no way of knowing if this news is any more dependable done previous news that we have but we hope of course it is he is not in charge of the government it would be scandalous if he were dominant rob is in child joy of the government but only up to a point as i described to you yesterday however since our interview they have
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believe on not rushed out a list of designated sub viber and as you work your way down the list you get to hoping borders johnson gets back to work quite soon because the list goes down and i mean down to quite unprecedented depths people know the designated survivor so were only 8 coronavirus hospitalisations away from having someone called lives across prime minister you'd have to be british to perhaps get quite careful kinko oh george oh my what what an interesting. it seems like they hurried up to put this list together because every life they had no backup plan after going to grab i guess so i got a no no i'm not sure that's right and good for them good on them and lastly george the head of the european research council dr morrow for ari has just stepped down
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citing his disappointment with the e.u. response to the pandemic and mainly because he had his idea for the special program dedicated to combat in covert 19 rejected by the research council unanimously so do you think this reflects more poorly of the e.u. states or are we looking at a rogue scientist type. no he's no rogue scientist he's he's a man of unimpeachable credentials and the key word in what you just said was unanimously they unanimously rejected his plan which if they had accepted it would have placed you on a much firmer footing in facing this pandemic i'm sorry to say this and i'm an opponent of the e.u. the e.u. has covered in disgrace in this crisis they left it too late to rot they left spain to rot they are fighting amongst each other over mosques can you believe
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they are stealing mosques from a drive off terms i was not just donald trump that steals the mosques of his own friends but the european union governments have been stealing a quick money and p.p. eat destined for one member country or another just simply literally stealing it like a thief the e.u. has proved it so what's than useless in this existential crisis big trouble for the e.u. when we come out of this all right we'll leave it right there george galloway always your take thank you. dr bernie sanders has just ended his presidential campaign paving the way for intel biden we're going to discuss this with next with our friends cutting our heroes and then later at the sports and brings us some feel that state of the 2020 and if else either.
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what is the difference between embarrassing gaffes in elder abuse joe biden certainly excels at the former and maybe is the victim of the latter we're told dimension of mental health is off limits to what degree is the public the right to know. is your media a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safer a. solution for community thank. you good in the right way or are you being. done to. watch is true
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watch is free. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or i'm a blue shiloh's. i don't trust medical authority at all never and there isn't for that as i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed at like diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have health issues they can't figure out if they're going to see a medical professional and they've been going for 10 years and they're still on the same place they should probably take it upon themselves to start testing things out
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testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. my. residential democratic presidential hopeful bernie sanders has suspended his campaign effectively ending his bid for the white house today sanders made this shocking announcement just earlier today on twitter his departure appears to solidify joe biden as the presumptive nominee for the democratic party so why did sanders end it and what will a trump biden showdown look like this fall for answers let's turn to our scottie nell hughes host of news views hughes all right scottie my friend let's start with
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the events of the morning bernie sanders suspending the campaign but he doesn't appear to be giving up his delegates why would happen. to your proper and ready monella because obviously trump versus joe biden is going to be quite entertaining and exciting by the time we get to november no 1st of 3 give me a heads up that bernie sanders is going to be speaking to his supporters and then his actual announcement you want to make sure that the fight for justice continues and this is why bernie sanders today that he's going to remain on the ballots in all 50 states so that is don't give that would be seated at the d.n.c. which will allow them to have a larger voice in the party's platform with the emphasis on medicare for all and the green new deal so he's going to keep those delegates making sure that they're still going to be counted at the d.n.c. whenever it is held later on this hour wow power play from bernie wow ok i didn't see that one coming so was bernie sanders suspending his campaign do you think that
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kind of came as a surprise to you or to much of america. well that was the thing you know yes and no he was the front runner out of the gate it was a bernie sanders any cause some fright as i remember i was the more establishment ring of the democratic party however the sanders campaign started to kind of re-evaluate what their path was owing a string of losses from last month plus all of the other candidates who dropped out and endorsed joe biden even though their party platform might have been more like bernie sanders it was already mathematically impossible for standards for actually amassed the 1991 delegates that were going to be needed to secure the nomination however it was looking like we were going into a brokered convention and he noted the dead in good conscious that keeping his campaign bernie sanders said it would actually interfere with the important work that was required at this hour of those in power so this was showing that this everything going on with 1000 was having an effect and that the critter virus did impact this decision now the other line of thinking that always goes along with
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campaigning you know it comes to fundraising and the majority of those that donated to bernie sanders campaign was a large number but were small donors knowing that the crowded virus is going to highly impact this standard of living and these people in that category who are most likely giving to his campaign so it's going to be definitely a major hurdle that he was going to have to deal with going forward now that's a good point there about his supporters how do you think this this calling it quits is being received by his obviously very very loyal grassroots supporters especially after we saw what happened with them back in 2016 where a lot of them just didn't show up for hillary. well in that i think this is deja vu for many of them because they've been through this before and a lot of more worry based on what we found out about the 26000 campaign and how the d.n.c. ad worked against bernie sanders then a lot of them are screaming hey foul again it's obvious that he did not want here to be the nomination and so we're putting a lot of blame on people like elizabeth warren for not endorsing bernie sanders or
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when she eventually dropped out the biggest crowd right now is those saying you know what i'm done i'm going to form a 3rd party this gives us 4 years organize before 2024 or i'm just going to stay home to think of the democratic party does not want to happen because that's what happened in 2016 and we saw the result where donald trump was elected a large part because the berner very center supporters did not get behind hillary but yeah obviously i think this could have just backfired against the d.n.c. it's got to be so last night before we're out of time have we heard the biden campaigning thing have we heard president trump say anything well that is a big part right now biden on america came out and said i want to bring you guys all in he said bernie did something rare in politics he had to just run a campaign he started a movement one that is good for our future and for that and for the president and our nation in the future that's big however president transfusing on the moment said this is just what the democrats in the d.n.c. did it 2016 all of you bernie sanders said to supporters comes apart as one issue
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trade now also know whether directly correlate or not you had the dow jumped significantly following the sinner's announcement showing that wall street was probably the happiest about bernanke's centers dropping out this time a lot of bummed out people i know that all right got it now hughes thank you so much for chime in on this wealthy again hopefully very soon. thank you. and ecuador's attorney general's office announced its former president was sentenced to absentia to 8 years in prison rafael correa served as president from 2007 to 2017 and currently lives in exile in belgium he is being convicted of bribery. in a nod to the u.s. taliban's peace deal the afghan government has released 100 low risk taliban prisoners just today and this comes after the taliban threatened to walk away from talks with the afghan government and possibly the u.s. as well afghan officials say they freed prisoners based on their health age and
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length of remaining sentence. ok let's head over to the sports h.q. with regina hamm it is just barely spring everything seems to be on pas but there is one sports league planning for later this fall fall seems to be the big time for everybody especially the national football league they're insisting it's 2020 season is going to go on as planned despite concerns about the current of ours so teams are using this offseason time to make tweaks to their style before the boys the fall take to the field in what can really only be described as music video like tip of the buccaneers debuted a fresh new look ahead of the start of the season now held by recent 6 time super bowl champion quarterback tom brady the buck showed off a fresh red set for their home look at for the 1st time ever in all pewter pants in jersey look rounding out the 2020 diggs though is the all white road set the franchise is looking to make a mark in its new era with its new quarterback but not to be outdone the atlanta
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falcons on the same day also debuted their own new look ahead of the season the club for new jerseys for the season including a black white greeting and a throwback to the team's 1966 look and the original release date for the uniforms wasn't really expected till next week but an online leak forced the falcons to make the move. and. balls on the many professional sports looking to hammer out a plan for their c. then but there's one major milestone that could be celebrated as we take a trip back to that moment for when this edition of this day in sports history and what a big moment was 974 atlanta braves right fielder hank aaron hit home run number 715 breaking the record set by the yankees great babe ruth aaron hit the homer off los angeles dodgers pitcher al downing in front of a crowd of 53775 people hall of famer went on to not 755 home runs during his career and that's to his record to 2007 when barry bonds broke that professor 8 years genetic gloves when he was born came to this earth born in kazakhstan triple g. start of boxing is 8 years old and during his career collected the super w.p.a.
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w.b.c. i.b.s. and i.b.o. middleweight titles and that guy right there he remained at 370 until he squared off against canelo alvarez in 2017 the fight ended in a split decision records aside and remains one of the greatest pound pound for pound fighters of his generation and then 2001 you're going to find out some interesting news tiger woods golf great 65th masters earned his 2nd green jacket 6 major title 25 year old then became the only player ever to win 4 consecutive major professional golf titles granted not in the same year though because she became known as the tiger slam and still sits in the history books. and everybody loves you know we call tiger woods tiger king. tiger king of golf but tiger woods you know tiger woods jack nicholson arnold palmer all of these guys this week leading up to the masters they are in the history books winning a green jacket is probably the is one of the top achievements in golf speaking of the green jacket that's not such great fashion and also not great fashion which
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apparently all the other teams are getting new better uniforms than my l.a. rams we did the rams a few weeks ago and it looked not as to it interesting interesting is a good word for it i think you know they're trying to keep the hype up the hype that and it's all going to happen we're going to get the season we're going to play don't worry about it and you know we know using these jerseys seem to be i guess the way to do is keep fans interested no no no don't worry have hope the bucs get new fashion and tom brady they do well to be fair tom brady is probably bringing the fashion really get him a does have another very good as they can do to. make the team look good or it will be where i care regina how big you for that are we have a lot more news coming up for you at 3 pm today the internet is not a luxury but a public utility that is what some advocates are pushing for amid this coronavirus crisis and ecuador is hit hard by kobe 1000 as all of latin america starts to see some cases and some struggling to bury the victims of this virus we'll have all
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that and more coming up at 3 pm so sit tight little channel see you back here in about 30 minutes. humanity is on the edge of a precipice thanks to continuing destruction of the natural world. you just seem laid out a lot of bills that's a cool losing myself and only to a few. feet away. from everything you didn't. i think that all of the war. or the.
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dealing in the muslim world as a whole book you sit around and stuff it and ship them through that disables the movement. of human activity has brought us to the brink of the world's 6th major extinction of it and the people in this film just come take it anymore. hey folks dennis miller here or about to be joined by suzanne somers she's got a new book a new way to a and well what are we waiting for i'm not getting any younger right after this
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suzanne somers on dennis miller plus one. a welcome to dennis miller plus one this will be fun she's a great day suzanne somers is on the show she's a successful actress new york times best selling author singer businesswoman tough chick too she survives and things along the way she's known for her acting roles in three's company and step by step she's written 27 books we're talking about acts 23456 might be this one it's a book about aging she's also written poetry book autobiographies cookbooks health guides her new book and it's such a lovely picture is a new way to age which is available now in book.
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