tv In Question RT April 8, 2020 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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hello there i'm going to channel your watching in question broadcasting live from r.t. american national headquarters in washington d.c. going to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world and here are the top stories today the internet obviously playing a crucial role in keeping kids educated people connected and certain jobs are still functioning so this advocates say grooves the internet should be a public utility and ecuador is becoming latin america as a coronavirus hotspot with many bodies turning up in its coastal cities and on the streets will discuss and then president trump takes a jab at the w.h.o.
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saying he plans to pull funding from the organization we'll tell you what that's all about all right it's time to boost your news i q. mark over $1000.00 continues to live up to its name as a global pandemic the total now topping $1400000.00 cases with $83000.00 deaths and some 300000 recovered cases and the u.s. still leading the way now with 400000 confirmed cases and 13000 deaths and about 22000 people have recovered now a new report shows between just yesterday and today more than 1900 americans have died because of this virus that is a new one day high now take a look at this chart here it shows. just how quickly the outbreak has gripped the
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nation now the number of infections in the u.s. about a month ago about a 1000 people and today that number up a staggering 400 percent so with millions of americans staying at home to flatten the curve imagine if you had internet access during your quarantine well for one thing you probably would be able to watch this broadcast and more importantly you would be uninformed on almost everything happening in this global fight that is why voices are growing louder to make the internet a public utility including some voices here in the u.s. but based on the f.c.c. history on this topic making the internet a public utility is far from reality here's the f.c.c. chair. does the government and how we rule in subsidizing parts of those arenas or do you think the more important part is encouraging the private sector to take the lead and the reason is that there is only so much money that the c.c. has under its purview. right fair and transact has been following the story she's
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joining us in studio do we know exactly how many americans don't have internet well it's funny that you ask that because honestly we don't really know now the f.c.c. they actually did a study and they found that 21000000 americans don't have the internet but then microsoft they did their own private study and found that it was actually 163000000 americans that don't have the internet and living with the coronavirus right now it's going to reveal the cold hard truth about this big digital divide especially for students where like you see in this tweet many young people they are relying on free wi-fi it starbucks mcdonald's for work study even submit job applications and that's no longer an option during these mandated stay at home orders so with almost virtually everything online it really is calling into question whether or not the internet should be a utility the same way that we now see electricity monella wow well parent now we did happen to see some people on capitol hill talking about some of the money from
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the coronavirus aid going towards stuff like this like the internet our internet companies chipping in at all in all 5 of them that's right you know shockingly the most awarded hated to company in america is known as comcast did recognize what's going on and said that they would be offering for a limited time free service they want to pull the plug on people and even hook up new customers and when it comes to those students who aren't connected well then you have school stepping and giving kids i pads and laptops to kids who couldn't afford them but that doesn't necessarily mean that they will be connected to the internet still but this again will it's all nice for right now but the big question is what happens when this is all over that's where many say it's been proven more and more that we should have the right to have internet access and here. these are good american companies their profit motives don't line up with our social needs to make sure that everybody gets access they're not in the business of making sure that everybody has reasonably priced internet access that's how we utility
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functions and that's the way we need to treat this commodity they're in the business right now of finding which neighborhoods and harvesting just making more and more money from the same number of people. is this strictly like an american problem or other countries experiencing the similar problem well europe is definitely not but there is another country that's experiencing it with the united states and it's india actually they're dealing with this digital divide the united nations actually says that internet access it is a human right and in europe that's what you do see but citizens you know they do have internet but they have to pay a tax for it so with this whole fight on this digital divide it puts both countries in the dark as far as the united states and india in the next wave of high speed internet where manila united states was the country that invented the internet so it's like come on guys pick it up here can you imagine right now being trapped in your home and absolutely no i have no internet just wow just mind blowing to think
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about something we take for granted. thank you for that update. coronaviruses also taking a toll on latin america where many countries are struggling to keep up with the pandemics rap particularly in some of the poorest areas are to correspondent john hardy has more for us from miami. and ecuador's coastal city of y a q cardboard coffins were stacked up outside the more the country of 17000000 people as more than 4000 cases of corona virus and at least 200 deaths ecuador's health care system is having a hard time keeping up with the rising cases increase in fatalities particularly in some of the poorest rural areas where bodies like this one sometimes lay in homes for days before being removed. many latin american countries are seeing a sharp increase in coronavirus cases adding stress to the already fragile economy in mexico social distancing is required as streets are sanitized and neighborhoods
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disinfected mexico has close to $3000.00 cases of coronavirus and rising. in peru the military is guarding the country's borders with ecuador and chile to prevent people from illegally crossing over peru also has close to 3000 cases of corona virus and more than 100 deaths chile has the 2nd highest number of coronavirus cases in south america with more than 5000 at this point and 43 confirmed deaths brazil has the highest number of cases more than 14000 a number that continues to soar 3 weeks ago brazil a country of 212000000 had less than a 1000 cases of corona virus brazilian president. has been one of the world's skeptics when it comes to the deadly virus at times disregarding his own health department social distancing and isolation orders. there have been daily protests against full sonora by those quarantined in their homes banging pots and pans as
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a sign of anger and south paulo open graves remain ready for what will be an influx of bodies as the country's death toll has increased 30 percent since the start of the pandemic there to more than $700.00 meanwhile in the central american country of nicaragua the country's president daniel ortega hasn't been seen in public for more than 25 days now not even attending the funeral of a close friend recently ortega has also been one of the more vocal skeptics of the coronavirus allowing schools and businesses to mostly remain open in his country nicaragua is only reporting 6 cases of the virus and one confirmed death some say perhaps this is strategic by ortega laying low staying out of sight and then reappearing just in time for easter sunday for a. john hardy. uncertainty is nations in that hemisphere brace to face the worst economic consequences of this virus analysts share some dire predictions of
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a potential lost decade for a latin america so as government struggled to respond and access liquidity in need for rapid action in response at least 81 countries have requested emergency loans from the i.m.f. so joining us now to discuss this and. he's an economist and former f.a.a. dorrian central bank official and i thank for being with us so as we just said there can you 1st address that remark coming from some bloomberg analysts predicting that this pandemic could be a loss of basically a full decade for latin america. high miller you know good to be here a definitely we're in for you seeing a very very severe economic recession due to the coronavirus is some people are projecting a negative 30 percent. g.d.p. shrinkage this year they're more conservative the minus 5 percent but the situation is dire the united nations economic commission is predicting that over $30000000.00
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people will join the ranks of everybody in latin america this year and $23000000.00 out of those will be extremely poor which means less than $1.00 a day so this ration is extremely bad. unfortunately the projections are not optimistic at all. and that is what has been the response so far from central banks in that region with you know this rapid and uncertain spread and foreign investment just walking out the door what tools do the central banks there now have to fight the pandemic. well that we've seen a huge outflow from developing countries us most certainly also in that in america we are the verge of currency. the crises in the region and what are called currency competition doesn't even make sense why because there's nothing to export anyway most markets are paralyzed around the world in this situation is dire we have the.
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1000000 people that could die in latin america according to impute imperial college study that was published recently and in that case basically governments now have a role to save lives save lives by providing health care equipment and health care services. originally at the mergence a level but also enough food for the people aisha and also enough income because most people who have been excluded from working and enough in america around half of the adult population is not a salaried workers at the happily population lives from day to day so we need to inject liquidity as soon as possible and that's what central banks are trying to coordinate with governments but we will need support from abroad especially an extraordinary special a special drawing rights on behalf of the left and on that note i mean more than
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half of the 5 percent of workers across latin america are part of what's called the informal economy so how realistic is the the need and the implementation of the stimulus package and how is it going to get to those people and these people are off the books. right so we've been working on that for several years and it's in countries in that an america and live we propose right now is an urgent moment for central bank digital currencies right so basically what people even if they don't have the bank accounts they do have a cell phone and the cell phone can be a. temporary account number and central banks can credit in those cell phone numbers with money and then have automatically just. a quick decision have a cell phone numbers become account numbers and then do all the know your customer due diligence later this is a humanitarian emergency so that's what we've been going with the central banking
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community for a while now and i think it's the moments to move forward unfortunately in countries like when there's a little back the currency was already and cemented him up and running with over 200000 accounts the current president learning what i know decided to shut it down to favor the banking system now a different that he's regretting that decision absolutely looks like it and let's go let's talk about your home country let's go to ecuador your home country has seen some devastating consequences from this virus if the pattern holds up for for all of latin america could we begin to see protests on the streets across all of latin america and more political divide and even some social consequences. yes most definitely the situation is very critical and the estimates that we just saw in the industry. are. simply on the low end just yesterday the minister of health and now the number of deaths possibly that related to grown
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a virus double the amount that's been officially reported because we don't have enough testing so people are definitely getting very mad their activity and social network is already very explicit and very critical because people can't really go to the streets and protest perhaps that will slow down the possibility of the protests but the activity online is definitely already a proxy of what is to come now we are also on the verge of elections early next year and if there are no certainties as to the possibility of a change in government or if there are attempts changing the date of the elections like there have already been in ecuador and and that's happened in other countries as well people will definitely take to the streets they don't they won't even care about the virus because. the situation is so complicated absolutely a lot of complicated fires burning all across latin america i wonder as out own
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this economist and former central bank official thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us today. thank you manila to get right to the president on take a jab at the world health organization but not without getting back we're going to discuss that later at the sports each kill regina hampshire's a boxing birthday and the wednesday edition of this day in sports history all the right that. thank you earl. what is the difference between embarrassing gaffes in elder abuse joe biden certainly excels at the former and maybe she's the victim of the love we were told mention of mental health is off limits to what degree is the public the right to
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know. and. i don't trust medical authority at all ever and the reason for that is i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed at like diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have health issues they can't figure out if they're going to see a medical professional and they've been going for 10 years and they're still in the same place they should probably take it upon themselves to start testing things out testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. is your media a reflection of reality. in
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trump is the last thing that ever you h l n says he will pull u.s. aid because he claims that the world health organization is covering up for china's failures to fight the coronavirus so joining us now from our global out of iris our faith desk with all the latest on this ben swan also co-host of the us as a band what is going on with president trump and his newest beef with now what the devil you h.-o. you know he's that pretty angry with the w.h.o. basically the president says if you go back and you look at the way the w.h.o. has handled the coronavirus pandemic from start until now he says basically they've called it wrong across the board when they said you know it was not time to close borders when they refused to call it a pandemic for a long period of time the way they dealt with china across the board he says they've been wrong so the president is saying that the u.s. should cut its funding which comes out right now manila to about $400000000.00 for 2019 which was approved for the w.h.o. he says it should be cut that's about 15 percent of the budget the w.h.o.
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for their part is saying don't do it now is not the time to cut funding in the middle of a pandemic so not really surprised i would say that right here i don't think any of this is really a surprise and hate to break it to you but it's really not so these ones i mean are are they separate from the cares act like that p.p.p. program what is it sure you know there's nothing new in terms of these funds these are funds that are already been allotted by congress and designated by congress to go to the w.h.o. the u.s. pays about $400000000.00 a year to the w.h.o. every year so this is money that's already been approved that is separate of course from this $2.00 trillion dollars got a couple of headlines for you about that though because there's a lot going on with this remember this this s.b.a. program so there's 2 of them ok it's important for people to understand there's the p.p.p. which is the payroll protection plan which was essentially funded by congress to the tune of law. $350000000000.00 that's where small businesses go to the government through the s.b.a. and they say hey these are my lost wages for payroll for the last 2 and
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a half months can you can you cover it for me and if you don't lay off workers you get that money that is separate though from something else which is the e idea which is the emergency loan program now under that rule and under that ideal program manilla businesses were told apply for this grant it's a grant you don't pay it back it's not a loan you get $10000.00 if you apply within 3 days about the occasion this started on friday but as of today wednesday nobody's received any checks and so apparently the s.b.a. is coming under fire now for the fact that they haven't seen a single check out to anyone for that $10000.00 grant that was supposed to have come they say go now ben i'm going to ask you something a little bit off topic i often find answers i'm not sure if you were able to listen in on perrin's story there about about the internet becoming a public utility i know that's kind of in your will house there the calls to have this become a public utility are louder than ever what's your take on it. so my take on that is
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1st of all it's nothing new right this is this is been going on for some time the problem is right now it's very unlikely that that would happen certainly under the current f.c.c. asia pai who is the f.c.c. chairman has been very against up for some time he's actually gone a long way to getting rid of things that create internet fairness as it is so he's not really interested in that i don't think you're going to see that happen with the current f.c.c. let me just say this that while those calls have been going on for some time you would have to make a pretty strong case that right now people don't have internet access or have a lack of it right now and i don't see that happening right now i mean more people are online and so far the internet is holding pretty strong but from what we heard there are discrepancies in the numbers you know the f.c.c. is saying you know there's only 20 some 1000000 people that don't have it only and then other numbers are saying it's up to one 3rd of americans and they're putting america as numbers against india as numbers saying that the discrepancy is that
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great between the haves and have nots i mean is that something worth considering though oh i think it i think it absolutely is but remember the the f.c.c. and all of this is not an issue of fairness it's a political issue it's not an issue of reality it's an issue of politics and in terms of politics right now certainly with a trumpet ministration you're not going to see that happen you're not going to see it with a republican senate because republicans are not going to go for making the internet a utility and with an f.c.c. chairman who constantly goes for media consolidation he continues to change the rules as it goes and he's against essentially you know any kind of internet programs that require internet carriers to even carry websites right so he's against all of that kind of thing but i don't think you're going to see it right now it's not or it's not a reality of a political nature let me throw this idea out there bad could this possibly co-exist like like nedda care versus private health insurance i mean if i want to have it a comcast or oral 18 or whatever at my home. maybe it's somebody else that is in
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a lower income bracket they need the help maybe the government can offer you know another mode 1 of getting internet to people who will listen and i think what you're describing is a very likely scenario because there's nothing that internet companies would love more than government subsidized internet service which means that they still charge the prices that they want to charge and the government guarantees in place that i think that's probably likely because there's probably a lobbyist sitting right now in washington d.c. under quarantine writing this right now as we speak it makes it makes sense for them it's the same thing we have with the college system right government is the lone psychologist keep raising the prices what happens under that scenario though is that you have more and more people internet by the way does not become more affordable in that case government subsidizes it and for people who don't qualify for subsidies they pay more to offset we see that in the health care system we see it in the in the college system we see it everywhere i think it's very possible that could happen but i don't think that's
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a positive solution at all gosh i thought there was an easy silver bullet ben never a great all right then son of a keeper covering all of these various areas of corona patent coronavirus impacts for a spence one thank you if you got it in a time. all right let's head over to the sports h.q. that's where regina ham is regina boxer is celebrating his birthday and baseball history happened in georgia 46 years ago on all this on the same day all within about the same period in baseball though as one of many fashionable sports that are looking to hammer out a plan for their c then there is one major milestone everyone can agree on that's being celebrated as we take a trip back to that moment for was a dish of the day in sports history that milestone 1974 atlanta braves right fielder hank aaron hit home run number 3715 breaking the record set by yankees great babe ruth aaron hit the homer off los angeles dodgers pitcher al downing in front of a crowd of 53735 people the hall of famer. johnson $755.00 home runs total
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during his career as does record kill barry bonds in 2007 fast or 8 years later though you nettie get it if it's gloves can also triple g. was born in kazakhstan triple g. started boxing is just 8 years old and during his career corrected collected these super w b a w b c i b s and i.d.e.o. middleweight titles here maine undefeated 370 until he squared off against this guy right here canelo alvarez 2017 or the fight ended in a split decision records aside the glove get remains one of the greatest pound for pound fighters of his generation and in 2150 masters golf retired was earned his 2nd green jacket and 6 major title than 25 real became the only player ever to win 4 consecutive major professional golf titles not the same year though he has even became known as the tigers slam. the national football league is insisting that it's $22.00 a season will go on as planned despite concerns from the current virus so teams are
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using this offseason time to make tweaks to their style before the boys a fall take to the field in what can only be described as music video like the tampa bay buccaneers debuted a fresh new look ahead of the start of c. then the net and now held by 6 times 0 quarterback tom brady the bucs showing off fresh red set for their home look and for the 1st time ever peter pants and a jersey look rounding out the new 2020 diggs an all white set for the road as a franchise looks to make a mark in its brand new era with brady but not to be outdone the lot of falcons same day also debuted as their own new look ahead of the season the club will have 4 new jerseys including a black white gradient and a throwback to the team's 1966 look in the original release date for the uniforms was until next week but an online leak forced the falcons to move the announcement up to today and you know glad they did it it's nice to see all that fresh new looks coming i know manilla you don't like the rams you look at midnight and you know you
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can't hide it can't hide when disappointment. i mean i'm no you know fashionista fashion maven but i know an ugly logo when i see one i think everybody you know it's just one of those things i guess they're trying to keep fans engager trying to keep them excited and the like look at this it's just all these beautiful new things like having a wrong for a record a shiny object in they like it and i doubt the season's going to start anyway so maybe i'll just keep those ugly buress right put him back on the box exactly that's that's my prediction all right regina have bank you so much for that and sit tight don't go anywhere we are back at 5 pm with a lot more news like can america's favorite past time be the one thing that lives our spirits in this age of coronavirus the l.b. is considering kickstarting baseball season as soon as next month we're going to discuss it with a friend of the show the legend himself larry king he's a proud dodgers fan everybody knows that so keep up with everything in question at all times check out our brand new free app it is called portable t.v. you can watch the news 24 seventh's that's up on anything you might have missed you
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follow me on twitter at manilla hand i am an old hand ok back here at 5 pm and remember to put it more. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok to eat this stuff. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments there's a lot of conflict in the game between the 2 close to the conflict i would say revolves around money and most of their money is made. this war you know the children. each other is good because the state of california alone makes 6000000000 dollars a year of prison complexes you get some point in your life where. you don't care
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