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tv   In Question  RT  April 8, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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whew hew. hello there i'm going to watch and you're watching in question broadcasting live from our team america national headquarters in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here are the top stories for today the u.s. is still leading the way with the most confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide with new york city remaining the epicenter of the outbreak will get you the latest in a full report plus julian assange has extradition hearing will proceed as scheduled this as the 1st coronavirus death is reported in the very same prison where he is being held then at the european union's top scientist has resigned after his
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proposal to set up a program to combat coded 19 was rejected we're going to discuss all that and more coming up all right it's time to boost. covert 19 continues to live up to its name as a global pandemic and the total right now topping 1400000 cases with 83000 deaths and some 300000 recovered cases now the u.s. still leading the way with that now with 400000 confirmed cases 13000 deaths and 22000 recovered now a new report shows between just yesterday and today more than 1900 americans have died because of the virus that is a new one day high now take a look at this chart here it shows just how quickly the corona virus outbreak gripped this country the numbers of infections here in the u.s. was just less than a 1000 about a month ago and today that number up
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a staggering 400 percent now let's take a closer look as cities across the nation brace for a drastic influx of cases. new york remains the epicenter of this outbreak chavez picks up the story there. as new york remains the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak frontline workers are being pushed to the brink. the n.y.p.d. telling me more than $7000.00 of its uniformed members about 20 percent of the force are out sick and at least 13 have died. but the department also sharing some good news confirming that 276 members have fully recovered and have returned to duty and i'm not for a moment forgetting we have lost some of our 1st responders their families are grieving. but thank god for the vast majority they've come through quickly and they've come through well with more than 142000 confirmed cases in new york and
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more than 5400 deaths hospitals continue to struggle to keep up with the influx of patients lack of p.p. and personnel it's overcrowded over 9000 patients are going to have to wait for a long time just to get upstairs to a bed where they're probably to share a room or going to hallways with other covert action patients but while it appears the curve may be flattening in new york officials say the state has hit its highest single day death toll yet confirming 779 deaths on tuesday the number of deaths will can continue to rise as those hospitalized for a period of time pass away the longer you are on a ventilator the less likely you will come on the ventilator meantime both government and state officials under scrutiny many saying the delayed response hinder new york's fight against the deadly disease new york governor andrew cuomo initially saying at a press conference on march 2nd the state was fully prepared we are fully
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coordinated we are fully mobilized this is all about mobilization of the public health system and while president trump is criticizing the world health organization of its response to the coronavirus they called it wrong. really they missed the call. they could have called it months earlier they would have known. they should have known and they probably didn't know a new report suggests that as far back as november u.s. intelligence officials overseas warned the military in the white house about corona virus sweeping through hunch china one source saying the timeline of the intel side of this may be further back than we're discussing but this was definitely being briefed beginning at the end of november as something the military needed to take a posture on the president claims as recent as yesterday that no one had even heard about the virus until 2 months ago many are now questioning whether the administration could have dreamt up the crude virus response we have reached out to
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both the pentagon and the white house for comment reporting in new york treated each other as r.t. . and while thousands of prisoners could see an early release as detention centers look to stop the rampant spread of coded 19 there is one nonviolent offender who is being kept behind bars at all costs and u.k. judge ruled julian assange must stand trial for extradition here to the u.s. despite this ongoing locked out argues rachel livens is joining us now live from the news room with more details to his story rachel well manella v.u.k. judge presiding over julian a saunders case has ruled against the weak you expounder after his legal team called her his extradition hearing to be delayed because they say the coronavirus lockdown has prevented them from meeting with him and a hearing on tuesday represented argued that in those circumstances in his vulnerable condition to force him to endure all full of it until hearing in may we respectfully submit it would be unjust we respectfully submit it would be a process of the judge showed no mercy for
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a saw and arguing that because the extradition hearing is still 5 weeks away that should give the courts enough time to return to normal despite warnings of the u.k.'s lockdown could last until june the westminster. court also heard of events that the u.s. government tried to obtain the d.n.a. of a songes children by collecting their soiled diapers from the trash after they visited him in london's dorrian embassy but the district judge ruled that even if the claim was true there was no evidence that the u.s. was trying to harm a saunders family by stealing their d.n.a. she also ruled that his partner has no right to a private life and her identity will be made public on april 14th that 4 pm leaving just a few days for a possible review from a higher court this comes after the same judge ruled that a songe must remain at the maximum security belmarsh prison with no chance for bell at the time she claimed he was not at risk because there were no confirmed cases in
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the prison but the editor in chief a week you extolled r t the quote that he questions how honest the prison has been about its coven 1000 status and whether inmates are actually being tested. but there was no cases of call the 2 inside the prison in belle mars and she had full faith in the prison authorities controlling the situation. only a few hours later the same of the norm the 1st instances were confirmed as most and they've been growing ever since. to certain the cases are much more than reported he has not been tested as most prisoners are most spending the time most of the day most of the entire. he went on to note that his son has an underlying lung condition which would put him out of increased risk if he was released and living in normal society a lot alone forced to remain in prison where the guards are potentially exposed to the virus every time they leave and come back to work the state of
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a songes health has become even more concerning amid the coronavirus pandemic the united nations expert on torture previously warned that a songes imprisonment alone amounted to psychological torture he warned against forced extradition to the united states noting that a songe may not survive it given his mental and physical state as of now giuliana saunders extradition hearing is still set for may 18th despite the fact that he can't communicate with his legal team and witnesses won't be allowed to travel amid a lockdown that is raising concerns the u.s. will be able to force the songes extradition without due process reporting in the newsroom rachel love and archie. so far more on this and the news coming out of europe will go to form a new campaign george galloway so george 1st we know the judge denied him bail last week despite julian having a known lung condition and corona virus now spreading at belmarsh prison one inmate even dying of it now so can you give us an update on your dear friend julian
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condition. well it's difficult to contain ones are this separating scandal which seems to get more. disastrous every day the news that people who are stealing the diet course of julian are songes children to check the d.n.a. and i mean what kind of man does that for a living what kind of government asks a man to do that for a living the fact that julian's partner are on their children's identity and therefore very quickly address will be made public on friday if the high court does not intervene and the sprayed no rapid spread of coronavirus inside belmarsh joe is confirmed one death is confirmed by a 2nd death is denied by is widely held to be true 150 members of
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stuff of belmarsh prison are on self isolation for fear of having caught the virus it's impossible to conclude of all this then this and i say this with all gravity it is clearly the intention of the british government that julian our son should die in belmarsh jail thus ridding both governments of this turbulent priest this man who did nothing but preach the truth and reveal that it is staggering do your rituals report there are about a supplement to. with my own sources the very bookish on my old man not. seen the 2nd council junior counsel to julian our son she could barely contain his outrage in the court today he was literally quickened with rage and anger he
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demanded 14 days on the revealing of the identities this was refused by the judge who gave 4 days for the defense now to seek a high court ruling on this matter it is a shame a sordid scandalous shame and i'm ashamed to be british this evening and george it's unbelievable how storen as you said and strange and bizarre julian's case is getting with the diapers and people wanting to out his partner and their children and not considering releasing julian on a humanitarian basis is is just unfathomable to me george but on the other on the other side of town. there's word now that boris johnson's condition is improving the chancellor's office says he is now sitting up in bed though he'll continue his stint in the i.c.u. so it looks like nobody should count johnson out just yet so how do you see his
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condition improving impacting u.k. stimulus package talks george. will if true of course this is good news about boris johnson's condition there's no one to vote famous oxygen tube we spoke of yesterday which isn't to be confused with a ventilator which is an oxygen jupe he was not on a ventilator he was only on of an oxygen tube the normal way of knowing if this news is any more dependable than previous news that we have heard but we hope of course it is he is not in charge of the gov. it would be scandalous if he were dominant rob is in charge of the government but only up to a point as i described to you yesterday however since our interview they have believe or not rushed out. a list of designated survivors and
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as you work your way down the list you get to hoping borders johnson gets back to war quite soon because the list goes down and i mean down to unprecedented depths people know the designated survivor so we're only 8 coronavirus hospitalisations away from having someone called liz truss as our prime minister you'd have to be british to perhaps get quite here thinking who george oh my what an interesting. it seems like they hurried up to put this list together because they realize they had no backup plan after going to grab i guess though i don't know what i'm not sure that's right and good for them good on them and lastly george the head of the european research council dr morrow ferrari has just stepped down citing his disappointment with the e.u. response to the pandemic and mainly because he had his idea for the special program
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dedicated to combat inc of in 1000 rejected by the research council unanimously so do you think this reflects more poorly of the e.u. states or are we looking at a rogue scientist type. noise no rogue scientist he's he's a man of unimpeachable credentials and the key word in what you just said was unanimously they unanimously rejected his plan which if they had accepted it would have placed the e.u. on a much firmer footing in facing this pandemic i'm sorry to say this and i'm an opponent of the e.u. the e.u. has covered itself in disagree. in this crisis they're left to rot they're left. to rot they are fighting amongst each other over mosques can you believe they are stealing mosques from a job of terms i was just on from that steals the mosques of his own friends but
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the european union governments have been stealing our quick money and. destined for one member country or another just a little stealing it like a thief the e.u. has proved itself washed and useless in this existential crisis big trouble for the e.u. when we come out of this all right we'll leave it right there george galloway always appreciate your take thank you. all right when we return america's favorite pastime be the thing that lifts all of our spirits in this age of coronavirus and i'll be is considering kick starting the season as early as next month we're going to discuss that with the legend and huge l.a. dodgers fan larry king of course and then we'll head over to the sports h.q. where regina hamm takes us to russia where one bizarre sport is getting the red carpet treatment again.
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join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being legs up with. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura maybe in the shallowness.
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we all know that sporting events are currently on hold due to the coronavirus outbreak but major league baseball may be staging a comeback sooner than later the powers that be at various clubs and mel b. in cooperation with the c.d.c. and i h. and government officials are contemplating a return to the diamond as early as may pushing the season only a few weeks late from opening day so could this be a reality and could this be the cure to the coronavirus lose so many people are experiencing joining us to weigh in biggest dodger fan in the country and a host of politicking larry king now larry we have that in common i'm from l.a. i grew up a dodger fan too we haven't heard anything from our club talking about this just
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yet but the end will be is considering putting all 30 teams to play in fanless fields of arizona which so far hasn't had a huge coronavirus problem what do you think of this is it a good idea bad idea. so it's an idea it's a i don't see how it's going to work you know a 1st the reason clubs aren't talking is they're not allowed to baseball is estes club not to speak out individually baseball will do the talking and right now this is all conjecture to pounding the plan would be to all a club as in certain hotel rooms in phoenix they would play the games in phoenix and other stadiums nearby would no crowds in the stands and they were televised the games and they would count they can all is of all is free possible midnight how to going to allow those crowds to get for example the dodgers could not assemble because governor newsome has put a ban on people although for more than 50 people gathering together. i think it's
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highly unworkable it's a delightful thought to see baseball on the diamond again to see those wonderful boys of summer it's is a great sport and i miss it you know what i watch on em l.b. i watch old games i asked world series games from 12 years ago it's it's it's a way of keeping up with this magnificent sport as for this proposal i mean i hope they can pull it off of like someone mentioned today if they pull out of mike trout the great angel outfielder out if he goes home for the birth of his baby he couldn't come back for 14 days hauling cow as a house girl has his chances of getting the title of the allen the slugger title filed. correct and so this too i think to many question marks the n.b.a. is thinking of coming back sometime in june they would have to pick up with
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a 3rd of the season to go. hear nothing from. and football of course is a. memory until mid august for football there's no dory until the whole thing is said but the whole to do that this is sad all the way around i feel. i'm not only trapped in my home liam i am i a bode yeah but i don't have baseball on base was a sport you talk about every day is saying about whatever sport the issuing about the i know area and i know i know that these guys aren't supposed to be talking with there is other talk but you know these guys are speaking out on social media because of this possibility that they might all get shipped to arizona a lot of these guys aren't too happy about that because one they're obviously afraid for their health and to a lot of these guys have kids they would be separated from their families for the entire season you mentioned mike trout could possibly miss the birth of his baby
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that would be terrible. it doesn't seem workable the people that they don't want to talk out of the club owners so you won't hear from any club owners speaking publicly or say one baseball or have one voice but that voice is stilled and it looks like they're investigating this i don't frankly monella i hope it works i know i wish i don't see how it can work god take me out that a ball game take me out with the crowd yeah buy me some contract and i don't care if i ever get back and now i don't have to worry about getting back christmas no one didn't stand. on that note before we head over to sports waxed poetic a little bit about america's favorite past time for us could baseball be the cure to the coronavirus blues and why do american fans love baseball so much baseball is ingredient in the american fabric it's fathers and sons it's everything that is
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that is sport about america was invented in america it's part of our grain it's part of what we live for popcorn and peanuts and cracker jacks and the feel is clubs in the hitting cages in the batting practices in the infield practices all of baseball. oh darn we lost larry king and he was just in the middle of piecing together why this country loves baseball and with that let's head over to the sports h.q. then with regina hamm who we don't have baseball regina but some amateur sports are getting their moment in the spotlight right now since everything else is canceled they are and you know i can i can agree with the larry i am also a huge baseball fan not having it is awful i know you they try to have a simulated games like this isn't this is not the same thing but i'll take it but
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on that note with major sports gone amateur sports are finding their time in the spotlight and in russia foreign vehicles are getting their chance to be treated like formula one researchers or is there a grand for milan track as we know it but it hosts the bison track show the only track race in the country $15000.00 spectators watch 20 tribes compete on a variety of different types of tractors with 5 liter gas tanks or less than 1.3 mile track both mud sand puddled and fire trap even those that are in racers their risk to racing cabins last there's always this list of the racers in tipping over especially on high speed sections races last about 5 hours in temperatures in the tractor to reach 122 degrees fahrenheit thankfully no one is usually seriously injured if they do tip over and most are trying to get beading but the goal of the whole event is to actually get young people into working and. who doesn't love a delicious chip being that chip is
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a chip goal and it is one of the most satisfying shots in soccer for those not in the know a chip or a drop shot is a ball that is kicked from underneath and watches itself past a player even better the goalkeeper so while we're waiting for the 2020 addition of those goals time to take a look back into the best ones of 2019. right so we're going to take a. thanks. thanks thanks. thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks. thanks thanks. thanks thanks thanks
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thanks thanks thanks you know manila it's always fun to watch you know i'm a last soccer we unfortunately 2 weeks in before a season got cut short so we're still have to probably wait a little while longer you know and getting back to baseball we talked about it before larry's right you know we all miss going sitting at the stands sitting there rooting for our team i'm i'm a very much fish out of water in d.c. with the team i root for but you miss that you know periods when your team scores a run or you're just sitting there singing at half time sorry that it happens that much i must miss boards were saying or somebody doesn't actually rich thank you and you're saying let's you know take me out to the volume as larry really making words i'm in my brain is dreaming of sports when you're saying that you're all together and we miss that camaraderie ship i mean maybe we could do it but just 6 feet apart from each other yeah i would get in
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a cul de sac and sing what what i think really stinks is that if m.l. b. does move forward with this i think it shows more than anything that they're putting profits over their players and for someone like like poor trout i mean he has his record that he's trying to contend with but he also has a kid on the way and stinks and one wonders as well you know donald trump. last weekend spoke to the commissioners of a lot of different leagues in the presence of a lot of the major sports leagues did that play into it we don't know you know i don't i don't like i don't like any of it as much as i'd like to see the sport come any sport come back summer but all right well we'll be right there we're going to have think you so much for that and we have a lot more news coming up at 7 pm eastern as states set up individual lock downs to protect americans from catching the coronavirus some ask why it hasn't been done on a national level prompting the old old debate of state versus federal sovereignty going to take that discussion and more on that coming up the sound of a military analyst here.
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humanity is on the edge of the precipice thanks to continuing destruction of the natural. you just seem laid out a lot of blues also. losing elections from the reason. why
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you have to appear to be. less than nothing you can. get all of that. there's only dealing. you know my son as a little boy can't sit around and stuff and shit and see that today was the. human activity has brought us to the brink of the world's 6th major extinction event and the people in this film just come take it anymore. good earth survival guide book stay single malt to start settling at least.
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be sure it's still there you don't get it back. oh it's no good repatriations forget the rest of 7 years. go up a separate kaiser or. city on. this is a ridiculous situation right the whole world's crazy that's what it seems like and i'm supposed to be at work right now that was actually looking forward to travelling the world again making films because.


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