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tv   In Question  RT  April 8, 2020 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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hello there i'm a military man you're watching in question broadcasting live from r.t. american national headquarters in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here are the top stories this evening 1st the state governments have issued closures and lockdowns to combat the coronavirus pandemic but why haven't we seen anything on a federal level i give you details next in a full report then after 911 americans gave up their privacy and returned for security in the form of the patriot act well there's already talk of creating a coronavirus surveillance system we're going to discuss this with an expert plus
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the granddaughter of robert f. kennedy is found dead in the waters of the chesapeake bay not far from washington d.c. we're going to discuss this latest kennedy family tragedy all next all right it's time to boost your news i.q. . after orders such as shelter in place or stay at home were issued in hot spot areas around the country some are questioning if the federal government will go even further in the name of safety can we expect drastic changes in our future here's our t. correspondent natasha suite with some of the answers. signs like these beach and park closures had some americans concerned that the government's response to cope at 19 will eventually lead to march along but some security experts say that's
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simply not the case. droops of military vehicles for the national guard has some of the u.s. on high alert wondering if are. he's are already being violated which shelter in place and state how mandates and hotspot areas $15865.00 individuals currently tested positive for covert $1000.00 that represents a 10.7 percent increase over yesterday you need to stay at home but when you have to go out we are recommending that we use non-medical grade masks or facial coverings and not take the ones that are reserved for 1st responders some believe things will be taken a step further by declaring martial law but with something like the covert $1000.00 pandemic be a legitimate cause for it well it's been imposed in places like pakistan and thailand it's never been implemented in the us on a national basis and according to defense secretary marc esper in new york
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washington in california the president has approved mobilizing national guard troops under title $32.00 status which provides them full access to federal resources but still allows them to be managed by the state government to be clear this is not a move toward martial law as some have eroni asli claims or right now the military is able to distribute food and medical supplies in california you can see them here helping to create a field hospital in santa clara near san francisco for covert 1000 patients but there are instances in which the national guard can be deployed to maintain order according to william banks' a professor of law at syracuse university the insurrection act may be invoked only following an invasion insurrection or widespread domestic violence and that only states attempting to leave the union would enable the insurrection act authority but with mandates like shelter in place ordered in san francisco or stay at home in los angeles there is a huge difference when it comes to states' rights in the u.s.
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restrictions in will haunt china the epicenter of whether congress originated were extremely strict after the cove in 1000 outbreak even to the extent of forcing people into isolation centers unlike. the u.s. has state sovereignty so while we are being encouraged to stay home as much as possible there are states with a much more casual approach and states like arkansas businesses have the option to remain open even in a national emergency situation governors possess primary authority when it comes to taking control of stopping the spread of disease within their states right now travel is not banned within the country although highly discouraged if there weren't event to warrant martial law such as a massive disaster or an invasion and local authority was simply gone then martial law could essentially happen but if authorities can keep order that invoking it would violate several constitutional rights reported in los angeles and suites our . privacy or public health that is the question in the time of
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code 19 mass surveillance can be a useful tool and helping stop the spread of the virus but does that mean people will have to give up their civil liberties parties alex my limits has the report. beyond the front lines. there's another kind of war being waged against the corona virus from smartphones to eyes in the sky high tech has become a powerful weapon to fight covert 19 here's israel's prime minister and a who not been done much to we will dramatically increase the tracking possibility and the quarantine of those who are positive we started today to deploy the digital technology that locates the people that were in contact with corona patients we will tell those people themselves for 14 days like israel authorities in south korea and taiwan are also using smartphone location data to enforce quarantines in russia moscow police are getting similar results with the help of facial
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recognition enabled cameras the police force has busted over 200 people who have disobey to quarantine orders instead of isolation countries like kenya have chosen another route focusing on social distancing tell you has tapped into smartphone applications that use sensors not only can these devices accurately calculate the distance between people they can also track when crowds begin to form however although the intention seems admirable many earth questioning if privacy rights are being considered when using high tech to fight the corona virus for example in the u.k. britain's national health service is tracking the spread of covert 900 with the help of american privacy by a later pallant or a big data company is also in talks with france and germany and is currently working with the u.s. government as well in the u.s. the situation gets even more complicated to better be able to enforce stay at home orders as well as look for large crowds u.s.
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public health authorities are turning to loosely regulated advertisers who can pretty much track a person's every move and while advertisers use that info to sell you stuff the intelligence community can use it for let's just say other. since let's face the facts since 911 individual rights have eroded in the us abuses were exposed by edward snowden as a reminder but that doesn't mean that things can't be done differently like now in the fight against the coronavirus civil liberty advocates have some suggestions 1st data driven decisions must be made by health officials not other government bodies such as law enforcement in addition surveillance tools need to be justified of clear purpose and its potential impact in the fight against covert $1000.00 must be established wing it out against its costs which include its effect on individual rights 3rd tight restrictions should be outlined to how and by whom the data can be used and finally the data collection should expire when the virus goes away so
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should related surveillance these measures are not only reasonable but doable in fact right now engineers and other experts from around the globe are working on using smartphone technology to track the spread of the corona virus while respecting privacy all things considered technology can be a very important tool in times of emergency such as now even though we might have to give up a little more privacy for things to work and as long as mergence the measures don't last the emergency money would be fine with that all in the name of combating covert 19 for r t m alex mileage. so as the u.s. government continues to make comparisons of the coronavirus with some of america's greatest tragedies like 911 or pearl harbor many are wondering if similar legislation following those major advance will take shape now such as seeing the
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patriot act after $911.00 so joining us to discuss all of that charles moreno he is the c.e.o. of sentinel security solutions and former secret service supervisory age at charles thank you so much for being with us today so we have already. in and murder is a financial legislation rushed through congress in response to corona virus but do you think we will see patriot act style bills float through that might perhaps further chip away at our privacy or civil rights because of this new pandemic. thanks for having me not right away i think something like that even consideration of something like the patriot act or even the foreign intelligence surveillance court the pfizer courts which were implemented after september 11th and are our preventative nature right to prevent a future terrorist attack against this country i don't think that's what we're seeing right now and really necessarily would be quite useful in terms of the way
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google 'd for example is tracking people in real time as it relates to the covert 19 you know following september 11th with the implementation of the patriot act in the fight to courts which expanded surveillance techniques and technologies to law enforcement the american public and congress were behind that very much to keep themselves safe privacy advocates on the other hand came out very strongly against that and it still goes on today regarding the patriot act and finds the courts from these groups because they really thought that the time line was indiscriminate right it never ending and also in what they viewed as a as a lack of controls now on the other hand what we see with the google rollout of their covert 1900 tracker and the sharing of that information with medical professionals is we see a greater acceptance from those privacy advocates in terms of the way it's being
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use while they still have the underlying concerns similar to longevity and controls it just the fact that the medical community is handling this information is giving privacy advocates greater. greater comfort. as we know a lot of people that handle medical data is sometimes it gets into the wrong hands and and can be used for nefarious reasons as well but but take one case for example in louisville kentucky kentucky has been under a mandatory lockdown for weeks now by governor andy bashir and they've found a precarious case there of one man who lives with a confirmed positive coronavirus patient and another roommate who is suspected of having the virus so this man was supposed to self isolate for 2 weeks while this man apparently kept leaving us house so our judge placed and ankle monitor on this man could this be a peek into our future especially given that in china they were forced to download
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this app that somehow monitors their health and tracks their movements. it's a great question the ultimate goal 'd here of these types of programs has to be the overall safety and security of the american public i don't think anybody can argue with that you're discussing a specific state lockdown here related to cove it the states actually have a lot more authority in these types of cases than the federal government does for example deployment of the national guard we see them helping in on the medical side right now so in that situation you're really are dealing with a criminal offense and what you have is you have the state who is aware that they have a repeat violator of the state home order and they have decided that the ankle monitoring is the way that they're going to ensure this individual stays in the home so there you have a state example of how they're choosing to enforce their mandate for
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a certain individual to remain in the home. well i think a lot of people learning in that story find that kind of shocking and especially given that states right now have more power than the federal government and that's just you know a topic that we're we're starting to come across now is that should the federal government step in at this point and what about concerns of physical security as well with the number of store closures in basically every town every city restaurants are shut down some places are boarding up their shops their their windows to prevent looters from ravaging their wares is there any growing concern with the number of people out there who have lost their jobs the government checks haven't arrived times are getting tough that we could possibly see people resort to these desperate measures like robbery or looting and are police forces around the country ready in case something like that happens. well i would agree with the times are certainly tough both on the health and financial side of things i don't
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think that that's the majority of what's causing the problems here with the local crime as it relates to close businesses unfortunately during times of crisis and this is a political to both the local criminal acts as well as the greater threat against the the homeland is that you're always going to have unfortunately bad actors during times of crisis. on the side of policing you also have large police departments that are also dealing with this crisis just like every other organization an american citizen is to take the new york city police force for example they are also balancing a high level of infected personnel that are impacting their operations so each of the departments are going through very much the same challenges that the american public and businesses are on the same hand and then on the other hand unfortunately
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you do have bad actors that are going to take care take advantage of the situation be at local break ins or cyber crimes in terms in terms of trying to scam people out of the money it really comes in all all shapes and forms and what i would say you know to those that are doing these types of crimes is is give it a break you know we should be coming together as a country in all ways shapes and forms and that includes giving our law enforcement professionals who don't have a choice to show up to work just like the medical professionals and are working each and every day to keep us safe give them a break let or prioritize lead and focus on what needs focusing on right now and now and stop it on that note we'll leave it right there because that is a great last word hopefully they will listen charles marino c.e.o. of sentinel security solutions thank you so much for sharing that expertise thanks for having me. and another tragic death in the d.c. area this one the granddaughter of robert f.
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kennedy and her 8 year old son sparking chatter once again of the so-called kennedy curse we're going to discuss that and then over in sports regina hamm brings us some of the best chips on the pitch from major league soccer one to a throwback very back. what is the difference between embarrassing gaffes and elder abuse joe biden certainly excels at the former and maybe is the victim of the latter we're told dimension of mental health is off limits to what degree is the public the right to know. is you'll be a reflection of reality.
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in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. i don't trust medical authority at all ever and there isn't for that as i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely ill. evaded with very drastic dietary measures and i went to
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a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed at like diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have health issues they can't figure out if they're going to see a medical professional and they've been going for 10 years and they're still in the same place they should probably take it upon themselves to start testing things out testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. the bodies of 40 year old navy kennedy mickey n. and her 8 year old son gideon have been found in $25.00 foot waters just 2 and a half miles away from their family home along the potomac river in a maryland suburb maybe it was found over the weekend and her son just hours ago
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today this after mother and son paddled out on a canoe to retrieve the boy's lost ball but witnesses say the pair were whisked away by a sudden gust of wind so joining us to discuss this sad story host of news with rick sanchez rick sanchez so rick on many levels in this sounds like a tragic local news story but these are kennedys so the family lineage turns this into a national story people are talking about the so-called kennedy curse again what are your thoughts. well it's pretty simple i mean when you think about something like this you have to ask yourself i want every single person who's watching us right now who knows their own time or history that asked themselves the question how often in your family has someone. tragically and in a newsworthy matter how often has someone in your family been accused of murder how
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often has someone in your family been accused of rape and it's been the headlines on the news cast well. this is amazing just think about this for a minute stay with me here we're talking about a family. one of which was the president united states john f. kennedy who was assassinated publicly as we've all seen the zapruder film and somewhat controversially his brother who would have been the next president of the united states there's no doubt about you know robert f. kennedy or of kay assassinated right in los angeles again on national television. teddy kennedy their other brother. takes his quote unquote girlfriend on a drive home after a party drives over a bridge she dies crazy and john f. kennedy jr the son of the president out of the lake for the united states right or is flying his plane suddenly apparently he doesn't know it because if there's a weather issue he drives plane right into the water and does. what one of the
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kennedys accused of murder one of the kennedys is accused of rape i mean this is a family that has seen so many tragedies and now i think we have this video of this search of what's been going on for the last 6 days on maryland in maryland i should say essentially a city that's like right on the coast of the chesapeake river which leads out to the atlantic ocean anyone of us who has who goes to the lake or goes to the beach knows that you know from time to time there are current from time to time there are issues that could become problematic this is a very simple story the mom maev kennedy townsend was in the backyard like most people trying to stay away because of everything going on with the coronavirus. the 8 year old son gideon was with her they were playing kickball and suddenly somebody kicked the ball into the water somebody had to go get the water to retrieve it you know how it is we all do this somebody has to go to the water well they decided to go to a canoe to go get the ball and as they got into the canoe suddenly
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a big gust came and it just blew them away a neighbor who lives just down the street says he saw them for the canoe with them still inside about a mile away contacted the police they got a helicopter they started looking immediately but by the time they got there for some reason they couldn't find it. unfortunately we just learned this morning her body was found in 25 feet of water. the son apparently has still not yet been found we don't know why it was just a little while later that literally a couple hours ago just found a little boy a little a little ways away from where mom's body was. that's yeah it's just like waiting for any parent or a project. well i mean look at i think you alluded to this at the at the very top of the story in the news media we do these stories all time and sometimes we have to choose what is a story what is salient what is newsworthy what is noteworthy the story for global
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network newscasts like ours the one that you and i do usually the death of a family unfortunately is not newsworthy if it's just a local story this goes beyond that there is something people have noted with this particular family that makes it really interesting in the fact that we're now learning that this this this this wonderful apparently by all indications a mother who loved her family and her daughters and her son who apparently she died with all those what a horrible tragic story but one that really is a in a sense to a bigger story about a family that has been seeing tragedies now for decades yet and not that long ago just a few months ago another kennedy cousin apparently died of a drug overdose overdose that the family compound in massachusetts i mean it's just like you said what family has experienced death after death after death after death on end and real quickly rick we're about to be at the time but i want to talk about one more wild domestic story here involving one of our own nasa astronauts and her
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spouse because apparently it's been overlooked largely by the media it involves the nasa astronaut her name and mcclain and her estranged wife summer warden who is a former air force intel officer they were going through an ugly divorce and custody battle over their 6 year old son ward and made the accusation the mcclain hacked into her bank account from outer space while she was stationed on the international space station pick up their record. so her war judges decided to counts of law and they say her story doesn't add up you know she says look she was up there on the space station she was hacking into my computer account looking at my banking records sounds like there's a case one fortunate. at least the dreams of those who told him so the court didn't actually go so what a bizarre story these are as weird as i believe there we go rick these are water cooler talks if we were all still at work by the water cooler so well it will bear
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rick sanchez looking forward to our chats tomorrow thank you. all right let's head over to the sports h.q. with regina hamm regina most of the world doesn't know or i don't i don't know those that shot in soccer have different names there's one in particular you're going to highlight they do and you know who doesn't love a delicious chip but be matched up with a chip goal and it is one of the most satisfying shots in soccer for those not in the know a chip or a drop shot of the ball is kicked from underneath and goes right past a player even better the goalkeeper so while we're waiting for the addition of the 2020 let's take a look at 21000. so why did you pick a. certain.
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extent. that olympic games are postponed until 2021 due to the current a virus pandemic but when they finally do happen crowdy will make its official debut and run hopeful that means training right now won't stop even the face of danger olympic hopeful jennifer shang keeps up her training all while hospitalized cope at 1927 year old post her daily workout social media to keep in shape for the games eating is represented for the aging games and is working to keep her in the
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big dream alive she currently competes in the day discipline of karate in the under 50 kilogram category where she ranks top 25 in the world g.t. she's called is working on keeping her talent up in hopes of qualifying for a spot in the postponed summer games in 2021 she supported by her husband who also competes on the international stage and we definitely wish that she gets better soon it's amazing to see the athletes miller keep training in spite of even having covered 1000 that is impressive wow i mean it's my impression that she looks like one of those people that are having the mild symptoms so i mean either way god bless her and i wish her well because i'm well and i'm not even doing that at home exactly as she is she's the chair. just you know under olympia not olympia because all right thank you for that ridge about ok that's all the time we have for now but make sure you keep up with everything and question at all times by downloading our brand new free app called portable t.v. you can watch there 247 and catch up on any news you might have missed you can also follow me on twitter at manilla chant remember the question or i'll be back
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tomorrow starting at 2 pm in start. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok it's over actually it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as
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a parent. i can come up with logical arguments there's a lot of conflict in the game between the teams most of the conflicts i would say are over balls around money and most of them money is made. up so close one on each of those he knows each other is good because just the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year of to prison complex just to get some 20 a life where. you don't care anymore no i cares about you so you don't care about anything. during this crisis the question always been. jay powell over there it's federal reserve or the central bankers and flavor reflate or. quick enough to birds downdraft in the stock market i know economically that's got a lot of problems associated with that but that's the big question.
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this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss. in washington coming up oil markets try to stabilize the head of an upcoming meeting between some of the world's largest oil producer is looking to put a stop to plunging prices how much hope actions have slowed down coronavirus and factions well talk to our panel about reopening the economy and when that could actually happen tomorrow 3 or that may be stocks but countries across the world especially spain are worried about what will happen to growing crops and the need for migrant workers we have a packed show for you today so let's go and dive right in.


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