tv The Alex Salmond Show RT April 9, 2020 9:30am-10:30am EDT
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this program delivers the most famous lines from the declaration of arbroath which is a subject matter of a brand new film from wesley rather childish jerk than the composer patrick doyle. and this program will look at the history the cultural significance and the political impact of scotland's very own independence declaration but no fuss to your e-mails and your messages and 1st stop as telly commenting on the the scene is the norm island which one of the hit show has had a viewership of over 500001 facebook tell me said i'm not a great show you're shining a light on the complex situation in northern ireland fascinating indeed and make fabian and some other lanes talks about the the end through. the members of the northern irish assembly calling it fascinating and insightful gotten ross says as an enjoyable discussion a good irish speaker was one of 2 good irish speakers they have gotten
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a modern ferguson educate the young that's the future and when the game garden says jesus commandments love your neighbor as i have loved you she's talking about the shows in northern ireland but that something could be generally applicable particularly in dreadful times like the present wendy and then fiona graham great sin about the show but yvonne ridley the lady who shocked international prominence when she was captured by the taliban she says what a fascinating interview for von ridley. says i thought so too she's an amazing lady i was impressed by how she caught the being arrested by the taliban and robert wadley in the simelane says enjoyed the interview immensely ridley's life story and what a truly remarkable you're absolutely right robert she is a very remarkable lady indeed. and then to the declaration of arbroath i've asked professor ted cullen from his home in the southwest of scotland to let us understand some of the real historical significance behind that 700 year old
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document ted cullen tell us what was going on when this declaration of a brawl for the select up of the pope was that what was happening in fact in 20 that inspired the declaration well i think the major issue is that what was not happening because robert bruce had been around for a long time fighting for the kingship he had when i asked huge victory of the battle abundant but and then 1514 and that bottle was still colossal that he should have brought him whatever he wanted because he defeated the english all heartedly however the king of england they were the 2nd at the time refused to really to recognize bushies and right to be regarded as king of scots and any desperation bruce arranged for this letter to be sent to the pope and i mean you will see him put some heat on edward in england to get him to recognise my table so was an
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affair. an evil p.r. complet full of the blues family or a robin to back them up well i think it was 2 things of course anything that would support of the bruce family was the same show to bruce him self but on the other side i think bruce who had quite a high aspirations i mean what he was trying to do after the difficulties of the past no member of us had been going on since 1200 $86.00 m. and after these difficulties what he wanted to do was to think about what would be the best kind of kingdom for himself to create and out of that came some of the rhetoric that appears in the declaration. and the language is beautiful and the decoration and raechel attributed to band of the limits of the chancellor of scotland the abbot of a broken well it's extraordinary and then the power and the cleanest so 1st
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thought that comes for that how do you explain law or one explanation as that when you were writing to the pope in this period you had to use the people cool shoes and the people cool shoes means a kind of fancy way of writing you had to write a wee that would keep the pope is listening to umpteen petitions every day he's falling asleep so what do you want to do you want to see things that are going to weaken him up and think a great idea i never had. before least of all from somebody in a remote place like scotland and how important was that you know the almost the political means of the document saying listen the scots have been here for a long time was uncalled for of the people out a lineage of history is as great of them not of the english is not very much part of that that the medieval mind and it's part of the propaganda and. you know one can see that it's a brave idea the legend the other religions in scotland were moscato the daughter
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of pharaoh and that again suggests that the scots went way back and came the picts were supposed to be descended from other ancient peoples and probably around it came across there maybe even an aliyah so it's great propaganda to say that yes they're specially chosen by god and because the preacher in st was under and under was the 1st of the disciples to meet christ i was also good pope good publicity as far as bruce was concerned. attended we're going to have a clue specifically it to us that the concepts and the declaration to get you know and tap a taste of them 1st in those us phrase where it's basically looks like some of them john the divine will that you know said all people are created equal whether they be greek of jews so they wish this is quiete an unusual concept is it not so sort of medieval documents i mean whether scott says outlets that. looking or
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was just part of the propaganda game well it could be part of the propaganda game of course and dan wouldn't think the scots are any more altruistic than anybody else but what he's actually trying to do it here is to shame the pope and to saying listen pope you are responsible for this violence you are responsible for not helping us out and there came a war with the english and all are created equal in that sense you just have just as much responsibility for the welfare of the scots as for the english on the fringe or anybody else. well let's have a look at that the 2nd that and probably the most interesting concept of all in the document. listen to it. yet this flotilla that should give up what he has become seeking to make us put our kingdom subjects to the king of england or the english we should exert ourselves at once to try
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things out as our enemy and to subvert of his own right and ours and to make some other man who is barely able to defend us have came. out. so in many ways this is the beginning of the document that the this is the rest of us what seems to suggest some form of contractual government or even populist sovereignty which offended by any modern concept was beveled to lead to hundreds of years before i don't when i was actually pointing the way to the the modern concepts of democracy and well it sounds impossible but you know it that's something the u.s. should arise and we country in the north beyond which there's no dwelling place at all as a document says but i believe and this is the 1st team that we have and actually explicit reference to the contractual theory a monarchy if you will in any area anywhere at all it to serve
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a great moment basis in scottish history i think it's the beginning of the silver until the people and i think that there's there's some evidence to back up but it's in its own great except tremendous thing that there was a lot of scots trying to work over the question of where the ultimate sovereignty in the chips lie was that the people see was that the continent also was of the people where was it and i think that some of this comes out and in this idea of popular sovereignty that that bruce's suggesting and how would you rate professor karen this document and terms of what older or european importance foster world important should it be right up there with some of the great decorations the history. i think it should be and damn it i recent am i think it's very good that it's not one that you know extra west or variants of absolutely crucial documents that say that's exactly where it belongs i wouldn't want to claim that this had
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a huge influence on the rest of europe but you know you never know we were in the medieval period we have so little to go on in there you know you have to really. quis as much information as you kind of whatever references you actually have a professor cullen is quite strongly that the best 705 s. it was going to be that the centerpiece of of modern demonstrations for scholars in the past presumably will now take place next year god willing but how quickly has that the idea of buying the declaration gallop pace over the last few years as a summit has come of the blue a something that has been gaining ground for a while has been getting going for quite a bit it was a big coming point 3 was i think the the a 1st appearance and the 1st translation into english of the document and man in 161819 a glorious revolution and after that the breakthrough i think came in 1970 when
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there was clear in interest in the whole thing and you will remember that a self and of of events that were taking place around us and right things have crew and since then and quite a big we for good or ill to the states and canada over the place and then of course it was a capsulated and a us senate resolution and was to be said that was quite a sight on the cap of scotland for the us senate to look upon the declaration of a process as an inspiration of the desolation of american independence. it was remarkable and i think you and i went north and washington it again when the 1st of these celebrations to place with scott of the year and all the rest of it and the unbelieving press boy over here in scotland who thought this was a lot or nonsense senator trent lott a majority senate senator and that and then at washington and of course the
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influence by the way of moving it forward but he fought by one mel gibson how do you think it would community of the now 20 with a foot regarded the impact that that letter is having today i think that he would have been very happy and that notion that there were that this was being courted but then we must recall that they were talking about human universals for so long as a 100 of us remain alive we shall never surrender it is not for glory not riches not on earth that we're fighting but for freedom alone which no honest passion will lose but with life itself nobody can really argue with that statement it's i can appeal to freedom it's an appeal to who inclusion it's an appeal which guzzles and i think that's the important point here it's something that appeals what i
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would wait as a ted cowen thank you very much indeed. join us after the break we're told today the signal should know wellington the lady who electrified the opening of the scottish parliament by singing robert bubs back in 1009 about the cultural significance of the declaration of arbroath and to billy kay of the commentator about why it's still having an impact and modern politics in scotland join us. this is a story of women women with troubled histories and complex court cases you know some a list believe who lives out there. where not. the person that. she's innocent be considered the most dangerous of criminals she's in
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a still. 23 hours of the tell me that is not enough and. well the women on death row. please. welcome back another with a stylist historical significance of the declaration or broth what does that mean to the scottish culture i spoke to sheena wellington on the phone from her home and on the show well into us famously sagal bubbles robert bob most of the opening of the scottish 999th one tasha how big an impact to the declaration of a role in the whole period of bruce and what was the focal cultural of viable in
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scotland in the 1960 s. and seventy's. i think it was actually stronger than people give it credit for i think there was a sense of growing identity in what you might call the border babies as they came of age and there were lots of things happening including a lot of and and a kind of feeling that scotland had a government at that time which had been elected in 1959 where they voted for. them i think there was a sense that it was time we stood up and made those views known so it's quite an interesting phenomenon was that because scottish history was starting to the study of the declaration were brought to the period of the was when the band was very seriously scottish politics was starting to change with the initial rise of the s.m.t. in the in the 1960 s.
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. didn't enter the cultural and music revival it seems strange for a little national audience it's uncertain souls about this period to be recognizable to the people close again to the the boston providence to the west and to folk for cats but that was the case wasn't it was really and what we found i think what was found in the folk revival was the same that we did have a culture which was not the hands crossed take the blue the blues and that sound very pretty which was what we've been presented with here too for it was a kind of a rough edged scottish maiden that heard coming from. nice park you know how don't risk being there especially welcome when you are part of that great folk music cultural a viable of 1000 sometimes in scotland would you ever for one second think you would end up sitting in front of the dignitaries from new elected members of
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a reconvene scottish parliament in 1990 well i've got as parliament was entering that we all think and i never thought i would actually end up singing there but a little great risk to the self-confidence of i think the cultural scene in scotland and it was a tremendous honor for me you know well done be thank you very much indeed thank you. come here to. talk to our or so they are brought back a lesson has been very important for the revival of of scottish history it's been important for the great cultural vive on scotland in the 1970 s. and on ones but come it really still have political significance spoke to billy kay who's just on a a serious on the b.b.c. sons on the back on nation of arbroath but really can we really see that
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a sudden 100 year old document is still having an impact on modern scott absolutely it's one of the phone decency of the nation it's called the pedigree all the nation by one of the historians and it still has tremendous significance is this is the 700000 of our city on the 650th and it s. which coincided with the 1st we have of what i'm scottish nationalism you could see the establishment that are timeless source skeered of the declaration of the roots of the try to plead the celebrations of it and there's a famous incident during the celebration when the secretary of state for scotland really it all. us was doing of reading and a theme a scottish nationalist went to dark eyed the 70 and showed it out hypocrites much to applause from the nationalists and the audience at the same event you had people heckling the dissent of many who want to loyalists and unionists some things
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never teach and scott dietz aside it i think they had enough jason to the fact that it was a letter to the pope and day throughout that period it began to take on significance and it began to be recognized and i think important important document to modern nationalise there's a song from a period which went here to the man who took the oath that declaration obama's birth freedom and right of course is both no english subjugation so for more than nationalism it wrong bells because it was an international document it was steeped in european history and scotland has reached out to europe and not we sometimes and with nationalism and internationalism. ok i want you to explain something to our international audience so many were people watching mosul and america will know that the american senate copulated it will the 6 tartan day because of that was
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a bit of that the ceiling of the declaration of arbroath that many people in scotland would to prove the idea that the declaration of war brought was an inspiration to me back waste of independence and america how can it be that people in america think that many people in scotland tend to to run down that idea well this is they are actual senate resolution it process has a special significance for all americans and especially those americans of scottish descent because the declaration of our birth the scottish declaration of independence was signed to the process 1320 and the american declaration of independence was mortal and inspirational document that's good enough and be our best in the pv it that the american declaration the st there was a huge scottish influence the american society or the unit estes like princeton call it was a presbyterian college funded by money from scotland its principal wetherspoon same
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the medic and they clearly said and then that other slate seems well since saying that these men were steeped in their the boots in the works of the scots and later met so they would be aware of the declaration of ruth as are many of the document obviously but it does have some very modern concepts at least so it's kept me the idea of contractual government or perhaps even popular sovereignty rings frew that the equality among nations is something that international authority of captain 20 of the pope john the 22nd of course now in the united nations that would be these of any model concept an extraordinary thing but end their studies of you find any other medieval documents and you know points which. quite the same stock american concepts i don't think so i think it was unique in that there were certain political things going on at the time a which also made you understand that cohen saved for example the english head of
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another 1000000000 in the wings the son of john helio and the abbess but it got him to overtake bruce so that clause about getting rid of any king if he if he didn't support that independence was also a date that the english and joined the only old if you force another came upon us we'll get rid of him too so there's that bet i think that always has been an egalitarian principle in the scottish intellectual history he was the king of score it's not the king of scotland so i think it's him with imbued and with him baby got to go to his study and this is really the beginning of it this concept of the community of the realm where we took thompson's be a ins a mind's a month or that and some people would see and be reminded but did it as in black $8.30 and let's celebrate that. there's a bottle of one class about how long would it take me
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a declaration to get to. the papers there was no email in nice things so when my board to buy buy a fast car once i got the problems with the stop the logic of what it was it would have been taken by by ship and then over the line and it's taken several weeks to gambia then several weeks that a spore and so was a very very soon process. in my program there's a lovely sequence by the alexander mccall smith from one of his scotland street novels someone recognizes the declaration of the truth and the convict in the novel says i'm sure the pope did not get very many latest from the truth and did so yes bit it's good this international residence is good i still a resonance but it's also the it's also part of a history to be i mean top india is being celebrated to be in york i was the last year and did has been celebrated that's the thing about the declaration for example
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is a wonderful story with the russian connection russian language connection in the program we have becky smith who were there because of the job debates in russia was hitchhiking sori was hiking in the north caucasus mountains with her family this is a few years 2014 and the border guards showed and russian we are you from and she applies in russian we're from scotland the family wouldn't they didn't behind that he's a liar and began a conversation the gods give them something to drink and give them something to eat and to bikies a storm this meant the ball quitted the fema slangs from the declaration about the world he was a georgian he did to fight with scotland because scotland laid georgia had a lot to me about which was always aloof and scotland and georgia were always looking over the. shoulder at that lobster nida in a such a poignant story and the shoes that you know even the north caucasus mountains so
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when a soldier can quote from the declaration of a breath of course i haven't been overtaken by the global imagines and then i was going to be a boon to rally this week and i broke with the modern independence march of claiming manhood deprivation those as a source of inspiration you think that when the world gets back on to its access that we're going to see that that sort of connection between lesser start to document and the push for independence and the scotland of today absolutely all of the celebrations are sporting a going to happen i was duty the ultimate concert or on saturday which involves you know a light and involved the bank will be about. ali have and various people who were celebrating the declaration of the truth and the will go ahead no on the 701st and
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of f.c. and they should do because it's such an important i call any document in scottish history would have been tragic if it wasn't celebrated but fortunately through legally less fine film and through my fee part to a regular documentary at least people can access this document and realised what it meant to scotland and what it's meant to the world. and lastly billick a committee of the realm back in the 1320 this phrase resumes to go beyond the usual hierarchy we huddle with the commander of the realm of thought to 700 years later closer to the cost of scottish independence will still be promulgated and people are looking back to their declaration with a bit of fear i think that i've said go in yourself what further clues go and keep the flame alive and make sure you went back again. so we can thank you so much
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thank you. the declaration of roe for 700 years old it is a medieval document it was sealed not assigned it was an e-mail to avignon it went by ship and by horse and 2 weeks to get there before all the ancient document is very modern and it's concept firstly as sophisticated as all the stuff about the history of the scots as they are for the purposes their stablish the credentials of scotland got here before they wish according to the declaration the languages that it tells a cop but the roman historian solace that quotes from said john the divine that all people are created equal that means the port where that should be the case these are interesting concepts but even more interesting is 2 things about the document 1st leg seems to go beyond the usual feudal medieval cast list of the barnes and noble's good king robert the clancy who wrote the document it talks about something
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called the community of the realm of the community of the realm can't be the feudal caste less so has to be something else sort of embracing that was something beyond that the something which we covered in the people and then most revolutionary of all as suggest what the people the community of the realm might do if good lord robert doesn't come up to snuff and doesn't fulfill what he's made to do doesn't protect scotland against the english then they'll get rid of him and get someone else and that seems to be some sort of look at a contractual relationship between the government and the government or what we might term in modern days popular sovereignty and that is a concept which in the modern world has decided the fate of nations as a concept which might still decide the fate of scott. so from thais myself and all of the show is good bye for now and we'll see you next week. or so why here we would. lose our time is when i heard welcome
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a kid. this is a story of women and women with troubled histories and complex court cases you know some of those deadly leave. out there. where not. the person that there's a cheesiness and believe that they are considered the most dangerous of criminals she's in a still. all they all 23 hours of the day tell me that is not enough punishment in the world of women on death row.
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she says she cheated she didn't play. welcoming our viewers from around the world live from central london this is a u.k. . britain approaches 3 weeks in coronavirus lockdown as ministers hint it's likely to be extended only this weekend and that's as medical professionals say the prime minister could be out of action for at least a month. economic experts warn the world could be heading for a crisis worse than the great depression almost a century ago. as highly visible violent crime and stabbings continue to full due to the locked down so called invisible clyde domestic abuse and online fraud skyrocket. a conspiracy linking 5 g. technology to the virus continues to spread online prompting attacks on the
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communications mast on top of them if defun doctor later this hour. after almost 3 weeks britain's coronavirus lockdown looks set to be extended beyond next week that says the prime minister remains in intensive care and doctors say he could be out of number 10 for the rest of the month or he can shout it was dusty joins me now and shut up believe we've got some figures now released on the latest death toll in the country yes absolutely in the last hour we have received the latest figures and the total deaths across the united kingdom now stands at $7981.00 that's a total rise of $765.00 in england alone is actually less than yesterday's total in england but although the cut is flatlining slightly we are by no means past the
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peak so now all eyes tend to these knock down measures of course the official line is that a final decision. it will be made as of next week but if we look quite closely and listen closely to that language being presented by the heads of government like dominick rob deputizing currently for the prime minister who is ill in hospital well then we can see that it's quite likely if not even set in stone almost that we are looking towards an extension of these lockdown measures you remember on march 23rd when burress 2 johnson announced these measures it also came with a guarantee of riverview within a 3 week period which brings us up until next week of course though a lot of raised eyebrows at the time 1 particularly from the science experts and medical experts that said within a $21.00 day period there would not be enough progress and therefore they anticipated a much longer extension some experts even anticipating well into may befall these measures are listed one step ahead though is wells who have already announced that
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they will not be lifting these measures next week and it seems like the government too is headed in that direction. where they have decided to make an announcement. we review and that's we. will do. it also comes as jeremy hunt to is the chair of the health select committee has suggested that these measures could continue for at least another month on the plus side though it doesn't seem like the government has much of an appetite to really ramp down clamp down on these extension measures through the form of curfews or punishments like we've seen across europe in various different models really trying to heighten and tighten these measures toughen up on the public to make sure that they abide by the rules to stay at home here though probably a lot of it will ride on what happens this weekend of course across the united kingdom we will be experiencing a bank holiday weekend a very good weathered bank holiday weekend that if you remember the last time the
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u.k. saw quite a nice weekend in terms of the weather many of the public did indeed flout those lockdown measures so a lot of it could really bank on what happens this weekend as i mentioned over goddess of the weather well has already said that there will be extending as lockdown measures so too have the devolved nations like scotland and northern ireland saying suggesting they too might follow suit particularly nicholas sturgeon we know she's not shy to hold back on extending measures if and when she needs to do so remember the time when she close schools well ahead of the united kingdom so though she has not quite yet extended these lockdown measures she says it could be a guarantee. really clear i don't want you know just being nice but a single minute longer have to be changed but equally i do what is tribute surely you know we do see the greatest jewels here in egypt who will.
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last which is great and talk with that we stick with it as long as necessary and i would be clear to people he's there's a lot of media situation that is now weekly all these measures being lifted up to the east to be changed. well all of this comes as boris johnson the prime minister spends a 3rd night in intensive care at cent thomas's hospital here in central london the latest from downing street via his medical team on the ground at the hospital is that his condition is improving he's able to sit upright and indeed i engage in positively with clinical experts there it really does seem like boris johnson's own personal battle almost in part isn't captivates what the country is going through this fight against the coronavirus shadier thank you very much indeed for all of that report say that n.h.s. staff are being threatened with the sack if they speak out about their experience dealing with the virus and investigation found that many n.h.s. hospitals are clamping down on doctors speaking publicly about their work is the
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law that the policy is designed to prevent public scaremongering but many doctors and nurses are concerned that they won't be able to share vital information for those reports of hospitals gagging orders against n.h.s. staff who complained about the shortage of personal protective equipment well for more on this i'm now joined by former n.h.s. trust chairman roy lilley roy good to see you thank you so much for joining us it can't be right surely that frontline staff are being gagged from speaking l's. no it isn't ride by i understand absolutely how this has happened the stuff originally i think were frightened frustrated at the fact that they weren't getting the personal protective equipment that they said they needed the government response was to say result the wyo to say to deride and there was a clear conflict between what the government was saying and what was happening on the ground so what happened i mean you know star for a now all our staff are grown up in the social media era they took to twitter they took
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a walk sat and they said to be look this is what's going on and that's how we got a photograph of some nurses wearing bin liners instead of proper protective equipment and it's the reality i think of working today that trusts approach this is very silly i mean when i was running a trust which is some years ago now when i used to say to my people if you want to go to the press go to the press that come to me 1st because you may not have all the picture and i may not have all the picture myself so this is really about good management good leadership and trust. of creating an environment of trust between management and people on the ground so clearly so clearly a lack of that good management because as a result of those doctors and nurses blowing the whistle on the shortages that is why now we're seeing them getting the kit not just because the government was aware of this and trying to do on its own exactly i mean i think i mean my own information is that the kid was always on its way there was a huge logistical problem which is why the army cut it and they're going to spend
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a huge show and i think that that probably is a sort of more or less see the end of the problem now but it but they just bring it on themselves i mean proper leaders would see that was a truck may go and talk to the staff and say look they had this is the situation and tell them what the situation is and then they don't have to take recourse and the other thing really is i think that the public want to know what it's like to be in the front line where in a mosque where you could be pretty old. and to work in the pressures of intensive care i think it's a good thing for the public to know what the treasures are because it brings out a sort of an admiration for staff for them and the huge sense of your showing it was a good understand authorities saying that we don't want any scaremongering what don't want to cause any extra panic but of course on the other side the aren't the public feel that they're not getting the information then you can get a vacuum conny whether the room is a worse than the truth yes i think that put it very well the rumors are worth worst
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the truth and the great trick here is to if there's going to be rumors make sure they're good rumors and the way to do that is to make sure the staff through all 3 to talk about what they want to talk about it is a problem many to talk about it i'm frankly 8 they're treating the staff in the way some of these trusts that we age it's i mean it's not only stupid but it's not a way to treat people who work at their socks and that brings me on to the next point roy briefly the abuse of medical staff it's appalling isn't it one of those on the front lines being targeted while they're trying to do this incredibly challenging job yes i have enough i think it's appalling that we've heard stories about taxi for not taking not taking any just started to work because they feel they might be infected with coronaviruses and now it's these are horrible times and they're confusing times with peter a big rush right when they're frightened they do stupid things the only way to overcome that is to tell the truth the truth may be an impediment to managing message but in the end it's the only friend
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a story has really thank you very much indeed for joining us live here naughty appreciate aren't. the world trade organization is one of an economic downturn on a similar scale to the great depression of the 19th thirty's some of the more positive for cost of just the global economy could decrease by 13 percent but that is still larger than what was experienced during the credit crunch over a decade ago others have predicted a bleak a future suggesting it could shrink by a staggering 32 percent meanwhile the u.k.'s economy is also predicted to shrink but economists have said that g.d.p. was already in decline before the pandemic dropping by point one percent but the services and construction sectors flatlined off the bricks at the general secretary of the trade union body said that the government needs to implement a recovery strategy. well as have a look at the figures across the world who are now of one of the hoff 1000000 cases that's according to johns hope skin color johns hopkins university is tracker
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almost 90000 have died and over 330000 have reached covered the worst affected are the united states and spain italy and germany. still to come this hour. as crime rates fall over all as a result of the knock down there rob warnings of an explosion in invisible fry such as domestic violence. and also unfounded claims linking 5 g. phone towers to the spread of coronavirus leads for attacks on his infrastructure if i'm a doctor looking to debug the myths. during
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this crisis the question us always ben and jay powell over there is federal reserve and other central bankers and flavor reflate are pumped up. quick enough to do. any downdraft in the stock market i know economically that's got a lot of problems associated with that but that's the big question. the world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. who dares thinks. we dare to ask.
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this had quite an impact on street crime and stabbings bond as he said on the reports crimes behind closed doors all the rolling seemingly totally unchecked. lockdown london the city that is or at least was the knife crime capital of the u.k. before the corona virus crisis hit before with 19 knife attacks were very epidemic plaguing more thorough tease and those in charge openly admitted that they were struggling to contain it were going to treat knife crime like an infection we're going to stop going to treat the infection coronavirus was the game changer new powers for the police to enforce the u.k.
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wide lockdown and most families confined to their homes meant that highly visible problems simply melted away there's been a massive forward in violent crime 40 percent in some parts of the country one of the largest forces the west midlands had a 41 percent drop in serious violence and 39 percent reduction in knife crime compared to last year overall crime is down in cleveland sorry sussex durham and cambridge are said right from the beginning of this it will be really interested in doing details analysis of all the crime figures across the whole lot down period because effectively what we go is a massive social experiment in terms of closing down all the pubs and clubs and basically closing down public space the people aren't socializing in public space and that's bound to have an impact in relation to violent crime i suspect a very large chunk of it is related to the closure of pubs and clubs which every
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where every night now certainly every friday saturday night are just a hotbed of violence one way or another for the police to deal with but as these very visible stabbings them burglaries reduce invisible crime much like the invisible virus is taking hold in some very different parts of society so many people stuck indoors campaign this fear that the message dick abuse and violence against children are both skyrocketing the national domestic abuse helpline has seen a 25 percent increase in calls and online. requests for help since the lockdown receiving hundreds more calls last week compared to 2 weeks earlier what experts warn the restrictions don't just run pop existing abuse they also cut off escape routes for vulnerable people sadly the predictions are coming to fruition that in fact when men are in a very very dangerous situation of women and children within the home smaller than
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ever before we have a combination in fact i mean we have already met who are violent and abusive and coercive within the home that success based change by the problem of kind of at 19 but isolation doesn't just make people a potential threat to others there are concerns that it's also fuelling a mental health crisis as some struggle with loneliness and the anxiety of trying to pay the rent or feed their children anecdotally we're getting from members there's the start. increase and forward looking if we continue to keep these. structures in place there is a risk that mental health issues will increase over the coming weeks and months and there's also another type of crime on the rise behind closed doors online fraud from fake coronavirus treatments to con artists impersonating banks offering government bailout cash or even demanding payment for breaking knocked on the
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street shouldn't and more people who wouldn't normally be using the internet for shopping chatting and information are now at risk the lock down certainly provides opportunities for new types of fraud whether we'll see a huge amount of increase in fraud. is another matter if people are going door to door than they're going to be very obvious in a lockdown situation so they're going to be at risk of being saying by the police if they're called to the area to suspicious behavior so. while it might all look much more peaceful out here in the u.k. sitting on a potential time bomb of abuse and suffering and the long lost with the government able to give any idea of an end date. it's likely to get into the kind of crimes of only visible to the victim it seems will only become apparent but it's bought through like the study of the u.k. . dairy farmers according to the government to reimburse them as milk demand
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plunges in the wake of the pandemic they say the closure of restaurants and cafes during the lockdown is contributing to a collapse in the milk market 5000000 liters a week of being poured away as the usual demand from the food service sector grinds to hold their own association of british dairy farmers urges the government to compensate badly affected dairy farmers for their losses chairman peter all this says that the scheme would also help to protect the milk market in the long term the scheme will ensure both short term and longer term food security in ease the stress on the industry removing the excess distressed milk from the marketplace will help to stabilize the current spot price without causing long term market distortion it will also allow those affected dairy farmers to continue to pay for invoices for farm inputs to the wider local rural supply industry beyond the farm gate and will prevent extra cows being cold which will exacerbate the problem in
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the beef supply chain to discuss the collapse of the milk market in more detail i'll be joined by a dairy farmer in the next town. thousands of so-called 5 g. truth organizing online to protest against the roll out of the war as technology and claim it's to blame for corona virus if one is a spate of recent attacks and 5 g. infrastructure across britain the theory states that radio waves emitted by 5 g.'s suppress the immune system and people from ruble to illness its popularity stems from the theory that would have been where the disease originated in china was one of the 1st to trial the technology over the claims of the been debunked or lack scientific research to back them up. to take a closer look at this conspiracy and why people may see a link between it and corona virus are now joined by dr gero by a 0 thank you for being with us 5 and a 5 g. apparently suppresses the immune system really no it really does not very
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low energy radio waves in fact considerably lower strength and the current 40 network we're all very accustomed to and to make up for this because it doesn't really have it penetrate buildings and walls walls human beings all that world need to be a lot more mass to make up for its relative lack of strength it really isn't affecting human physiology or immunity in any way whatsoever if a people are seriously seeming to think that the virus can travel to the 5 g. waves. well the the whole definition of a virus is it doesn't boot very easily it's not alive and if you consider that even a cough or a snake which has got some considerable power but i did can only provide 2 meters maybe a little bit more of a push there really is no scientific basis to say that it can right weight basically and the virus is a very hardy so it survived its at best a couple of hours in the air and we're expected to believe that it's riding a wave of radio waves over valleys over cities and through well walls inserted into
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people and it really doesn't make any scientific sense so clearly this is all a load of nonsense but why is it the people choose to believe in these types of crazy conspiracies well i think people are scared i mean it's clearly a very frightening situation for the not just the country but of the world so people will start to look 1st to go for it but this really is a very poor one and when you consider that some of the countries with the best 5 g. infrastructure such as south korea have got some of the lowest death rates whereas you've got other countries which have got no infrastructure at all for 5 g. have got appalling death rates you know so the countries like iran jobs might i can see why people would look to scapegoats something such as this but it really doesn't make any sense in this sort of scapegoating it is it gaining more traction because of the lockdown because people are spending more time boredom being online
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. well again i think you touched on it and go last story people who aren't used to being online are spending much more time online and what they say about the devil making work for idle hands i think a lot of this will go in search research the thing about the internet is it's a wonderful thing but also we don't know the provenance of a lot of the information that's on there and so it's very easy for anybody literally to write anything and tap some will 30 to it and for others to continue to believe it and spread it. the reason i became alerted to this and wanted to debunk it is because it was even happening in my little corner rules which. is absolutely no reason to believe that there's any greater death rates because i don't think there's even 5 g. available so the reason to fall foul of this virus is person to person contact the reason it's being spread his because people are not looking down if we escalate properly that it doesn't get spread just briefly
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a lot of controversy the fact that 5 g. technologies is being used or embracing lots of chinese technology and of course woo hand is where this virus started. yes but you know if you're using the line of theory and logic it's also a place which has shut it down most effectively to the point that they seem to be out of lockdown and we're not so if this is the main source of it i can't see any reports that the 5 g.'s been shut down that's because it's nothing to do with it they've taken very good steps to impose isolation answered make sure that it's well policed and because of that the virus has fizzled out or it's not completely gone but it's starting to wind. that the secret is to lock down or to hear about it thank you very much good to talk to you or not. take that. 5 g.'s and you need to sing from ation circulating about the pandemic county case martin
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andrews has the lowdown on some more coronavirus myths and urban legends. are you suffering from information overload let's debunk some myths and get the lowdown way here to separate the facts from the fiction. comping is not a crime coughing at home or in the streets into our hands isn't illegal of course but anyone who knockoffs on the work is like the police doctors or nurses as a threat will face serious criminal charges the crown prosecution service says such behavior could constitute a common assault and attacks on emergency workers during this corona virus outbreak specifically could be punishable by up to 2 years in prison. is a danger to pregnant women the world health organization says pregnant women are at no higher risk than the general population and there is no evidence to suggest an
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increased risk of miscarriage but the government says that they should be shielded by minimizing social contact for up to 12 weeks so it's best to err on the side of caution. see save me neil cos pills are treating coronavirus patients with vitamin c. following successful results in china a clinical trial on the effectiveness of intervene if it's been see on patients infected with every 19 began in the middle of february the reports is expected to come back soon it's interesting what with the jury well it's still out. trial isn't easy in the vets from c i v very high doses given intravenously in some studies in china we don't know the results of that. it's not fact sunny bosio body won't store it so safe as once it needs and then less to access it. taking the high doses of its roots is not helpful you probably get enough to see in
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your diet if you think you don't. eat enough fruits and vegetables then take in the supplements are they better and won't do any harm but huge amounts and taking big doses of it to save will not cure it's not ultra violent lamps kill coronavirus now many theories have been circulating on the internet and social media including the use of ultraviolet light hospitals often use u.v. to kill germs in theatres all aboard trees but the world health organization says that labs should never be used to clean or sterilize human skin as they could cause irritation instead wash your hands with soap and water. bill gates is to blame no he isn't it's just another crazy conspiracy feed did however award grants the perp rights institute in summary where scientists worked on developing weak of forms of different strains of grain a virus that could potentially be used as a vaccine to prevent spirity diseases in birds and other animals most vaccines are
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made this way pirbright scientists do not currently work on human coronavirus is likely you will have a strain a 2015 peyton's that people have mentioned on twitter and facebook that was used to replicate chicken cells so now you know the release of this disease was unplanned and bill gates isn't out to bring chaos to the world but slow down for today be safe because and wash your hands. on a larger note one postman is spreading cheer so local residents are dressing up in different fancy dress costumes every day joel mattson has done a ray of get ups including little bo peep cheerleader and mary poppins he believes his costumes bring a small to people's faces during the lockdown and he told us that he will keep on going as long as possible you know my own for about 2 years no. or get in or quite a lot because it was quite personally and just seemed when the lockdown started
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a scene how but it was affecting people how upset people were and how afraid in the worst of our i thought i just need to do something to train together not a little bit and only do away with a charity thing called the box india dept where we dress up on boxing day in government at the safe for charity and i had a few outfits to light about from previous steps of don't look at a fancy dress parties i've been in and now i'm getting donations from people all over the country what happens is i put a post on facebook in the morning with a little bit of a clue as to what it would be so today it was it's going to be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious dog day to deliver mail and that was the hint that i was going to be mary poppins and people i started with in the at the front door as far as the windows things that you know one of 5 customers dancing the mary poppins songs in the street and everything it's been fantastic i want to train there with as long as i can every single day if i can one is in half an hour.
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to. with the coronavirus now with fish we've declared a pen demick the world faces the additional burden of an oil market collapse this comes at a time when demand for crude was already known some perks calling this the ultimate perfect storm how this all ends is going to experience. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see the kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with arguments and there's a lot of conflict within the game and between the teams and most of the conflicts i would say over the years run in the most of them is me. close one you know the
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children's children is good because the state of california makes 6000000000 dollars you have to prison camp which is good so when you live where. you don't care anymore nobody cares about you so you don't care about anything. because. i don't trust medical authority at all ever and there isn't for that as i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed at like diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have health issues they can't figure out if they're going to see a medical professional and they've been going for 10 years and they're still in the same place they should.
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