tv In Question RT April 9, 2020 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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hello there i'm a military man you're watching in question broadcasting live from our to the american national headquarters in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here are tonight's top stories 1st up opac and russia agreed to cut oil production to historic levels are essentially ending a price war that has pummeled the oil market a live report on that straight ahead plus the construction starts in montana for the hotly contested $8000000000.00 keystone x.l. pipeline we'll tell you how coke at 19 and saudi arabia fit into all of this. with no end in sight to the nationwide coronavirus lockdowns can voting by mail be a viable option for the november elections we're going to discuss that all right
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it's time to boost your news i you. know packing and other allied oil producers made a deal during a virtual meeting today that will take oil production to historic cuts artie's rachel levin has been following the story all day and she's joining us now with more details to this deal rachel well manila saudi arabia and russia have agreed to a historic deal which will see the world's top will producers cutting output by $10000000.00 barrels per day amid a sharp decrease in demand from the coronavirus pandemic the deal was made during a virtual meeting between opec members and other allied or oil producers on thursday and during that conference russia's energy minister called for unity and warned that if oil prices are not stabilized it will have a massive impact on the global economy but you know these circumstances require
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swift and timely measures all of our oil producing countries must poor efforts to change the situation related to the substantial over. doctrine of oil in the world . the ongoing lockdown in response to the corona virus has made global oil demand drop by an estimated 30 percent resulting in a push to decrease the market's all supply by around $20000000.00 barrels per day this agreement will implement cuts of 10000000 barrels per day until june with the cuts tapering off in the following months according to a report saudi arabia has agreed to decrease its current production level of 12000000 barrels by 3 point $3000000.00 barrels per day while russia has agreed to cut $2000000.00 barrels a day from its current production of $10400000.00 while both russia and saudi arabia have indicated their willingness to cut oil production they have also said that a deal would depend on whether the u.s. agrees to join but despite ongoing talks with the saudis and support for other
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countries being required to cut production the trumpet ministration has fought back against placing limits on u.s. oil insisting that production is already falling on its own in a statement u.s. energy department said quote with regards to media reports that opec plus who will require the united states to make cuts in order to come to an agreement a report demonstrates that they are already projected cuts of $2000000.00 barrels per day without any intervention from the federal government now this deal comes weeks after a breakdown in talks over production cuts between russia and saudi arabia that resulted in a price war and an increase in production which sent will prices falling to their lowest point in 18 years now while this deal adds hope for more stability in the markets the u.s. has still refused to agree to such terms for oil production leaving room for conflict as the coronavirus locked down continues reporting in the newsroom rachel blevins archie. despite the worldwide pandemic
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a canadian company is pushing forward with a major oil pipeline project t.c. energy has started work on the controversial keystone x.l. pipeline and current construction has local communities worried not only because of the environmental ramifications but also because of coronavirus artie's alex one hell of it has the story. much of the world is at a standstill but when it comes to the oil industry some believe the show must go on canada's t.c. energy started new construction on the keystone x.l. pipeline this week work is being done at the canada us border in northern montana originally proposed in 281200 mile long pipeline from the alberta tar sands to the gulf of mexico is being built to move 830000 barrels of crude a day the project has been tied up in legal battles for years and still is but that's not stopping t.c. from moving ahead adding to the pressure made of groups that made it clear. that
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they want more to be delayed especially in the times of covert 19 i think the energy decision to move for reconstruction the matter of a pandemic is in morrow it's an apple corps and all right. it's dangerous the $8000000000.00 project is a financially hefty one for an industry that is facing economic challenges since the beginning of this year or oil has plummeted benchmarks like brant crude in a west texas intermediate have lost half their value in a few short months some blame saudi arabia 1st slashing oil prices others blame the global economic slowdown caused by the coronavirus it's most likely a combination of both that said money for the project is coming from somewhere and with private sector investors scared off because of current trends that somewhere is the home of the tar sands the province of alberta canada saudi arabia's predatory dumping of oil means that the market is not functioning and there are no prospective private sector bitters of the keystone x.l.
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project at this time in other words without this investment by alberta the pipeline would not be built has invested 1100000000 to jumpstart the project and plans to invest a total of $5300000000.00 mostly in loans giving the project push forward but with projections of as many as 11. construction camps to support to build some housing up to a 1000 people local native communities are afraid of what that might bring in you have native communities all long it's row who are sincerely worried about 90 infection some of them are already dealing with the infection as it is the push but doesn't end their investors services recently downgraded t.c. energy's credit rating from stable to negative and the canadian feds are keen on cutting greenhouse emissions which doesn't help the pipeline cause either many believe further investment in the project may be foolhardy especially when you factor in that the work is being done during a global pandemic for t.v.
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i'm alex my live in. ok so you may not know it right now but we are in an election year and several states have yet to vote in the current democratic primary now earlier this week the wisconsin governor tried to postpone the elections to a later date because of the coronavirus and republicans in the state filed a lawsuit a judge sided with them and the primaries went on as planned this week so meanwhile lawmakers here on the hill are sparring over whether or not the u.s. should act and measures to make it easier to vote by mail for the presidential elections this fall in this topic to falling straight down party lines so here to weigh in on all of this is steve gruber he's a conservative radio host of the no panic zone broadcaster and a new regular voice that you will be seeing here on r t america steve welcome to the show nice to meet you nice to see you 1st can we discuss your neighbor across the lake wisconsin we are in the middle of this
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pandemic the governor did what he thought was best to protect the health of his people by pushing out the elections republicans in that state clearly didn't agree with that so one why not and 2 what's it to them this is a democratic primary. much more born of the united states supreme court did not. agree that's the important thing here manila because the supreme court said what tony evers the governor of wisconsin was trying to do was allowed voting to continue past election day but only for mail and ballots and you see that's the big game and that's the big prize here in the local the 19 pandemic worldwide for democrats they want something in return is and i hear a lot of discussion about for the stimulus package is going to be put forth by mansi pelosi or blocked i should say by nancy pelosi as the president tries to push these things through you see the democrats really want mail in ballots not just in wisconsin they wanted nationwide this is the big prize they're focused on and so when the supreme court says you cannot continue to vote after election day that's
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pretty important you know cd a day of voting is important and they were not going to allow continued voting at a precinct but they're going to allow a number of ballots to continue to come into wisconsin for another week and you can see the problems there obviously it's i realize is they're short votes and they say well we can mail in ballots for the rest of the week we need 100 votes needed 500 votes whatever the case may be it's right for the opportunity to fraud and to defraud the election and i think it was the right call by the supreme court and the right call by the republicans in wisconsin and it looked to me like everybody was safe they had their masks on they were doing their social distancing they handle themselves pretty well but i'll stay on that note of voter fraud the incidence rate i mean there have been numerous studies for the last 20 years the incidence rates are something like point 0003 to point 0025 percent i mean you're literally more likely to be struck by lightning than have somebody go in and commit voter
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fraud in any way so how do republicans respond to that. well the fact of the matter is you're more likely to be struck by lightning than to be caught cheating in election nobody believes there's not voter fraud in america nobody really believes that alessio is jill stein when she did her. one of the recount in michigan for example in 2016 they want to se michigan they found numerous pretty sayings that had more ballots in the box than they had voters in the precinct clearly there was a problem with southeast michigan that being detroit wayne county mccollum county oakland county it was never followed up on but clearly when you have more ballots in the box then you have voters don't appreciate that would indicate to me i'm not real bright but it would indicate to me the possibility that maybe just maybe there's something wrong or irregular about that election now the problem that really bothers me is that it was never looked into it was never further investigated would just started recount demand was suspended in michigan wisconsin pennsylvania it was kind of brushed aside and nobody talked about of the get so
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very small percentage that you mentioned there that's how many people get caught but for anybody to say there's no order thought of america i think that there diluting the but it's definitely worth exploring looking into a little further like you said steve and besides that controversy of you know the pushing out the dates in wisconsin what about the fact that 180 polling sites got consolidated down to just 5 for the entire state because of obviously coronavirus fears so if this is a harbinger of what's to come for the general election and other states to this what disproportionately impact poor people and oftentimes those happen to be black and brown people they can't get to the polls they they have to take time off work they can't do that isn't that a good case to make a vote by mail a normal thing a reality. most states have early voting now milledge you know most states have absentee balloting that is available many places no reason but absentee balloting so the idea the notion that somehow it's too hard to vote is is utter nonsense this
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is a common cry from. democrats if they have voter suppression whatever they lose an election they decide hey it's time to change the rules let's move the goalpost because we don't like where they are right now and in order to win we want to change the rules by mail is not secure in any way there's no protection i don't appear in person to show my idea much beyond letter id is that is the right idea in this country voter id is what we should have in america because every country in the world i don't care if they're a democracy dictatorship a 3rd world country a western civilization that doesn't everybody has voter id there's nothing wrong with that and so when i present myself in person and show my id that's the best way to do it can you have absentee ballot sure but the idea that you would have mass voting by mail is a terrible idea let me give you an example one of the postal service or whoever's taking of the ballots doesn't like the yard sign that i have doesn't like that candidate does my ballot actually make it to the post office or is it just kind of
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follow along the way and if you do that say for a week or 234 weeks it could really have an impact on a small preceded it could change the outcome of a state representative race or a state senate race i mean these are important considerations when it comes to voter security now i'm not saying there's widespread fraud in america but i'm saying there's probably a lot more fraud than people realize and we should work a lot harder to make sure that elections are secure share and honest so i would suggest we have voter i.d. you have early voting for a couple of weeks and you have mail in ballots for those that certainly can't make it but widespread mail in ballots terrible idea i like the idea of taking my ballot putting it in watching it count it and leave i don't trust other people to touch my ballot while steve certainly a lot of things to consider it's not going to be an easy battle to consider either and moving out to the elections which would be historic in and of itself and the manner in which we vote nowadays so we have to leave it right there steve gruber
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i'm looking forward to seeing you on here more often thank you so much. thank you. 2nd potential covert 1000 vaccine is being tested right here in the u.s. researchers opened another safety test of an experimental vaccine this one using a skin deep shot the experiment uses a vaccine developed by novio pharmaceuticals taken into doses and required monitoring for weeks leading to phase 2 of the trial now if trials are successful it could be ready by the end of this year. and british prime minister boris johnson was moved out of intensive care and on the road to recovery that's good news johnson has been hospitalized since sunday just days after testing positive for cope at 19 according to his office johnson has been moved back to a regular room at st thomas hospital and said to be in good spirits. and president trump has just signed an executive order to drill get this the moon but
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that decision is not sitting well with others around the world we're going to discuss that next and then later at the sports h.q. regina hamm brings us some breaking news out of the biggest m.m.a. event on the calendar stick around for that can't miss this. i don't trust medical authority at all ever and the reason for that is i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed at like diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have health issues they can't figure out if they're going to see a medical professional and they've been going for 10 years and they're still in the
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same place they should probably take it upon themselves to start testing things out testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with arguments and there's a lot of conflict within the game and between the 2 teams most of the conflict i would say overwhelms romani in the most. close one you know the
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children's children is good because the state of california makes 6000000000 clues that you have to preserve complete just to get some point in your life where. you don't care anymore nobody cares about you so you don't care mind anything. all right remember the phrase drill baby drill 1 well it now appears the trumpet ministration of taking that expression literally to new heights drilling on the moon all by executive order however as you can probably imagine it's not sitting well with russia and other members of the international community so news with rick sanchez host rick sanchez is joining us now with more on this strange story you got
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to tell us more. drill baby drill drill moon drill on mars it doesn't matter just drill and of russia doesn't like it or india doesn't like it or china doesn't like it tough that's what the trump administration is essentially saying today they're essentially saying look we're going to encourage the united states to mine the moon for a minerals because we have a right to engage in commercial exploration there was this thing called the moon treaty it was established back in 1979. it was kind of an agreement that stipulated between different countries all over the world that there should be real careful when it comes to this kind of stuff going into outer space mr trump says look we're not signatories to it we didn't sign it we're not going to abide by it we're going to do our own thing. look by the way but all the this is ministration as if it has
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been extremely if nothing else it's a doozy asked dick about all kinds of drilling we're not even talking about the move we're talking about everything from. you know mentally protective lands yeah right hands so it. yes but it's been part of the game plan right now this just like . my daughter's a reasonable extension but it certainly is that it's an extension of what's going on in russia doesn't like it what are they going to do you don't like it but it is what it is i guess the fair question here is i mean does anybody really can maybe laid claim to owning the moon or own ing mars or anything else in outer space. so you know if you think about it what the united states is saying is look let the market decide who wins this is fair game new ground to be explored and we think we have the right to explore it as much as anybody and we think you know if anybody
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else wants to do it fine but we think we're going to go there 'd we're going to win . be careful what you wish for be careful what you wish for because when it comes to for example space exploration if you think about it russia has right now an advantage. because it is the one that has a specific so use program that allows that capability for people to go into space yeah we have big big backing off of for some time china is now with again india as you know is in the game what i broke that story about 2 months ago so yeah i mean who knows how it's going to work out but that's the organ with the drums ministrations make ok rick i mean there are very few things that the united states and russia are friendly with right now and usually space cooperation is that story you know the going taking the saw use up to the i asked yes russian cosmonauts american astronaut but something else happened today that seems to bring a decade of cooperation between the u.s. and russia is coming to an end what's that all about. so look 10 years ago
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i think it was 20 a lot of the united states had shuttles remember we used to celebrate those things we don't run from of our daddy and watch the shuttle launch as well they stopped when they stopped the united states did not stop going down. base what the united states did was it piggy backed off of so use rockets in other words and ask the russians hey from now on you guys take us up into space and the russians agreed to do it for $89000000.00 per seat for our astronauts to go up in space with the cosmonauts at the same time that's been a pretty cool program it's very it's worked very well and the spirit of cooperation between the 2 countries has been very very strong so people by the way the last one of those 'd trips with cosmonauts and american astronauts on the same show use rocket going up in outer space happened this morning at 4 o'clock in the morning the u.s. astronaut was kristie cassidy she becomes the last american now to go into space on
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the so use in a shared project with the russians this is kind of cool this is kind of important this is kind of neat they going to be up there for 6 months by the way if you're wondering i think some people at home are probably listening to go and they're still doing this with all the stuff going on with everything yes they decided in fact here there's a cool quote let me read it to you this is from nasa no virus is stronger than man's desire to explore we quarantined the crew for several weeks to ensure that nobody was infected but we're going to continue on so you know here we go this is the big this is the end of something that was very important this is the end of something that brought this sense of in the spirit of cooperation between you know big bad russia we were all you know raised to think when we were kids and the united states and now it's going away but but the united states is saying they will continue to fly missions with russians and continue to cooperate in space this
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program though per se the one that i just explained how you it's the one that is that is over but when you do these 2 stories together the one we started with and this one here's what makes it interesting the russians still have the capability to go into space to explore while art ministration our government is saying we're going to go. there explore be careful they beat us to it and rick we got a note just thinking we got a note that and jeff bezos are trying to take regular civilians up in space for a lot cheaper than 89000000 a seat so just saying. that's by the way and i'm glad you mentioned that that's the last part of the story that we're not going to do with the russians very we're going to do it with our own private lawyer who the private sector is going to do goes up into space and you know let's let's let's see how it works maybe it'll be better maybe not something maybe one would maybe not that could be the future of space all right rick sanchez appreciate your insights and your take on this thank
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you. great story yeah thanks appreciate it i guess. right let's head over to regina hamm at the sports h.q. regina 1st you have see 249 was going to happen and now you have some breaking news what happened less than 2 hours ago this broke because less than 48 hours ago you have $2249.00 was still on its way to happening on april 18th the location was a secret but it was rumored to be a private island that a casino california you'll see president dana white insisted nothing would stop it from happening and that includes covert 19 well all that now is done in a tweet from e.s.p.n. brett okamoto the details are going from saying you will see 249 has been cancelled all you have see events have been postponed indefinitely due to covert 19 dana white says he was ready to promote the event but things are out of his control and much more on that obviously was to come white said after speaking with higher ups that yes can he need to stand out and not do the event of the season comes days after he said nothing's going to stop it another events are going to happen in the
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next few months he confirmed that the high profile event was going to be held at the taj palace casino resort in california which stands on trouble and meant it was not subject to california's shelter in place laws in the main card is going to feature tony ferguson justin gacy for the interim lightweight title he was called after he'd be. here. was unable to attend due to. travel restrictions the co main event on the women's side of his drawing title tween current t.v. and rose numbers eunice and jessica yellin done day was called off after the machine us withdrew she had to cool the related deaths in her family white double down assisting they're still going to fight somehow on a private island it's going to happen and it will still be a few weeks. for those not in the know when a soccer team is restarted after an offense by the opposing side a free kick is given so let's take a look at some of the best major league soccer had to offer back when fans filled the stadiums.
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and extreme athletes are finding very creative ways to beat their boredom while unself isolation canadian snowbird sebastian to fall is playing the game everybody played as a kid the floor love the goal is to get from point a to point b. without touching the floor and in sebastian's case he decided his dining room table and a yoga foam roller was going to be a really good idea red bull extreme athlete is one of a number combating theirself isolation with fun methods to keep things interesting and challenges for social media to console though he just wants to make people happy while they're stuck at home and you know that's really made me happy manila
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and hope it'll make the of sea fans happy since now today they got some bad news and we comment about that one i have to feelings about that one it's pretty cool but the mom in me says get off the furniture and you don't see the end or he jumps off of the. nature onto the floor and the person in me just screaming please don't break the catch. glad he didn't bust his butt doing it all right. ok one more thing before you go something you don't see every day what you're about to see here are people out of worse back ordering food at the mcdonald's drive through in massachusetts because many fast food restaurants are allowing customers to walk up or in this case gallop through to buy food because indoor dining is closed because of the corona virus pandemic so that's different all right that's all we've got right now make sure you keep up with everything in question at all times by downloading our brand new free app portable t.v. which we bought some of our military and even more.
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comes at a time when demand for crude was already some her calling this the ultimate perfect storm how this all ends the stance. i would say we could have prevented this pandemic we weren't ready for a number of reasons because you know the problem is that companies that are making vaccines and other virus they want to make a profit the so they don't make them if there is no virus to make them against and so after sars wanted disappear very quickly there was no incentive.
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dr mehmet oz joins us for an end one on one on this edition of politicking. welcome to politicking on larry king dr mehmet oz joins me an old friend for an end f. discussion mainly on his advocacy for the ending malarial drug that president trump is calling a game changer dr oz is the cardiothoracic surgeon and a host of course is the a mentally popular dr oz show he joins me from new jersey dr before we talk about this drug what's the effect of long term confinement on people
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