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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  April 10, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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now i know why everyone is having a hard time except for bank robbers you know no one is showing their full face in public if you saw a guy with a ski mask and rubber gloves on you think well what response will genuine let me show you where the safe is anyways we've got a great show for you tonight we're going to talk about pandemic profiteering some surprising recipients of stimulus money and some really morbid news about rikers island and yes i know rikers island is already a very morbid institution but 1st i'm joined by redacted tonight host lee camp and redacted tonight correspondent natalie mcgill to discuss the end times thank you guys for joining me. as a guest on my show. you're invited open invitation to you so guys i want to know what your plan is for when society comes to an end and we need to ration pages of leaves book for toilet paper and people with guns shake you down to
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your last box of pasta because that's all you have in your house and that's how you pay taxes now because they're in charge because they have a lot of my book is going to be currency when. you do a really great for a come on come on. but i want to talk about i think on a lot of people's minds like how the country responded to the crisis after right after 911 like what's the difference between now and then i remember they were like oh if we don't go outside the terrorists will win and now it's like if you go outside the virus will win and so i think what this horrible is $911.00 was it's obviously easier for us as a country to rally around 2 cities in d.c. and now you just have the same happening everywhere at the same time it's kind of like there's a national sinking up of everyone's periods. of fear and everyone's mad at each other. hey since you read the scientific side. well i think there's
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a lot of similarity to $911.00 absolutely but then it was the nation came together to be like reading the. top like it was like let's bomb a country everyone got behind bush and they didn't even don't bomb the country or the people who actually did it they went after iraq right iraq had nothing to do with 911 so it was just like this anger like what just kills people who cares and and and so i think that is the difference whereas now it's an internal virus we're fighting an internal enemy but it's so confusing. that we're going to be a bomb and i mean we can talk and i mean i don't read the drone but if people are watching and if they were i'm fairly sure when the rial was on that air they would like the other difference i think is it's showing holes in the american system in the unfettered capitalist system like these things are falling apart because there was no buffer there for
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a crisis people are already pushed to the brink they're already working there is all they're already having trouble of in their family and then you put this on top of it and all the structures that are supposed to protect people are not there and so i think it's exposing america in a way that 911 did not yeah i mean i think even after the number of infections subside i think the virus is still going to win and if the way we run this country remains the same after all of this is done like if we don't shift from profit based health care the values with if we don't. even entertain a $15.00 minimum wage for all the people who are like delivering our food and like you know supermarkets the virus or yeah everybody gets the virus yeah i mean this is there's a lot of things that the desperately need to change and something i talked about a redacted tonight is the other show is that. workers are uniting in a way that we haven't seen in decades because now you're seeing like why is everything still running for the most. part it's because these workers these low
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wage workers there are the ones that are on the front lines in a way making sure our society continues and yet they get paid the least they should get paid would just buy every package delivered you get what jeff bezos gets and just as it should get $7.00 an hour yeah let's see he goes to space with $7.00 that's. why i'm going to get to mars on this toilet paper roll but anyways. yeah that is interesting i wanted to point out that during right after the influenza pandemic there was a general a general strike in 1919 so the mutual aid society kind of developed during the 1918 pandemic because the government again was unreliable for certain like quarantining measures and safety measures those mutual aid societies and workers unions came out stronger rather right after the pandemic so i think we're seeing
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that actually again and that's why we have a history teacher. thank you. but yeah i wanted to talk about like what is the american perspective on the coronavirus because it is a global phenomenon and i think this video really captures what the american point of view is this is the lieutenant governor dan patrick of texas talking about how how he would contribute to the economy in this time of crisis let's take a look no one reached out to me and said as a senior citizen. are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping to be america that all of america loves for your children and grandchildren and if that's the exchange. we can't lose our whole country we were having an economic collapse i'm also a small businessman i understand it you're basically saying. this disease could
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take your life but that's not the scariest thing to you there's something that would be worse than dying. yeah. not being able to buy dog sweaters out of wal-mart at all hours of the day we will sacrifice for our continued nonstop consumerism society why would you want to sacrifice for this america. i don't know i feel like grandparents they're like oh i have left is sugar free men so right i mean oh oh oh i love the name is where there's a risk that you would be great if it was like just completely literal like you just saw lines of like grandparents just marching up to walmart and keeling over like a lion after a while like that storming the beaches of normandy. we were going to save one side or capitalism but i don't i'm and then they bulldoze them to the that's that's pretty grim but yeah i don't like what he i mean you know we're having fun with it
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but what he's saying is i mean how disgusting a human being is he and how disgusting is it that tucker carlson also wasn't like oh you can't do you. like i eat with a reaction like oh that's a measured point of view ok. i'll kill myself oh myself you know what america i'll kill myself while i'm singing the national anthem that's what i'll do yeah i think it is like a typical american perspective i think there's like some things about this crisis that will be worse in america because of course uninsured americans could be facing nearly $75000.00 in medical bills if hospitalized for the coronavirus i feel like the medical industry they're becoming like drug dealer or like crack dealers you know you get a free sample and then they say you know i said you know. there's more where that came from oh man you want more health care trump the other day did say that he. it's like they'd found one or 2 insurers that were going to cover the
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coronavirus treatment and then like it should just be covered the u.s. government should step in and say guess what we're covering the growth of our street because really all health care should be covered by our goddamn government but instead he's like we found one insure the children and that might be really good and we did it when. we sent the new secretary of defense to go chat with the head of they. talked him into it i think is definitely the sense of american exceptionalism like we are like this where the best country in the world all the time and now when you hear people say that it's usually people on the frontlines we're like a nurse or doctor like we're the best country in the world why is this happening. when you have been a and yet we just have to be like we love you nurses and doctors please don't quit please don't leave because we can do is like a block from. the cairo to. get all the people to run around going to movies even
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warn their like wheat or slogans are not true but i have to be sure that say it in a phone number one hand there is a lot of the real. crazy. so i also want to move on to florida florida was one of the later states so we see like a patchwork of states taking taking the shutdowns and quarantines into their own hands and florida was one of the later states to deal with that we saw those beaches like filled up with people and you would think like florida the senior citizen capital of the world or of america would be a little bit more careful when it comes to the boomer remover. but i did want to show you how tensions are rising at this city commission meeting in lake worth city there was this ugly fight between commissioner omar omari hardy on one side and the mayor pam. oh and city manager michael bornstein on the other take
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a look you're calling me disrespectful because i've been a rep to people but this gentleman has turned off people's lights in the middle of a global health pandemic that's what that gentleman did i know order and you think i'm disrespectful when you're all i'm thinking at point of order this gentleman that we have the ability the number of things i point to be critical and large gatherings we could have closed the beach we could have put a poor tournament on on iran's i don't mean it off by recess also not within your power and sort of a talking about this last week can we call people to tell these this and made them pay off in their last 2 ought to turn their lights on and off what you don't care about that you don't want to me but every other year you go around to better people for their vote. and we're going to we're more about your relationship with that guy than you care about the relationship of the people who don't go to. your. spiritual speckles what you've done the working people in the city. you fail to act
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when you're a leader you fail to act you said you didn't do anything you failed to later the city manager michael orenstein said he appreciates hardy's luth for exuberance but added the 30 year old commissioner just needs to calm down. and i just say as someone he was a community reporter and covered like all the city council meetings the most exciting thing i knew. and i was so much better if i had a meeting about like. he stole my act yeah. no but seriously that's that's what drives me nuts is it's like this is not polite well he's absolutely right is it polite to turn off someone's electricity in the middle of a global pandemic like people should be furious and instead it's always dealt with like you're being disrespectful right now listen we're going to keep destroying people's lives but we're going to do it at a moderate tone. you can't be yelling in here you know we have
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a certain way we run meetings really if people drop dead during those meetings that really is nothing we can do no something really that's that's the only a microcosm of what's going on over florida i think that's like an entire state of people voting against their own interest interests and that's how you end up getting elected officials like that mayor that he was yeah yeah finally finally they put a lockdown measure and that was after trump asked governor to santas to put it like come on man and he was like well just to sell forward a 1st look no matter how do you know i know well and this is what happens when you have. it's going up against science you know they just lie will will just ignore science and it'll be fine and i would say well you know if they didn't go and die from crown of ours well that's darwinism but they don't believe in darwin you know they're not a problem you know they they still believe humans are running around on dinosaurs at some point yet yeah that brings me to a really i really wanted to show you marc lyndall is the c.e.o.
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of my pillow and he and trump invited him to talk at a taskforce press conference and this is what he had to say a friend of mine mike lindela my pillow boy do you sell those pillows it's unbelievable what you do mike come on up come on up fill this place come on up. you have to say what you're doing because it's been really incredible. my pillars of the u.s. for 3 integrated company which has been forced to adjust to the changing business environment as a result of the pandemic and i wrote something off the conference committee. god gave us grace november 2016 to change the course we were on god had been taken out of our schools and lives a nation to turn his back on god. and i encourage you do says time at home to get
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back to home to get back in the word read our bibles and spend time with our families our president gave us so much hope we're just a few short months ago we had the best economy in the last some employment and wages going up it was amazing with our great president vice president and this administration are all the great people in this country praying daily we will get through this and get back to a place that stronger and safer than ever. thank you. please come and i did not know he was going to do that but he's a friend of mine and i do appreciate it thank you but they are much less. than that i have no idea if we have to go to a break but we're going to come right back and talk about what just happened.
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join me every flows like so i will be sure. to give us a little bit public school i'm sure.
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i don't trust medical authority at all never and the reason for that is i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed out of the diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have health issues they can't figure out if they're going to see a medical professional and they've been going for 10 years and they're still in the same place they should probably take it upon themselves to start testing things out testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. welcome back still manly caravan and i'm joined again with natalie mcgill and lee camp thank you. it was. like.
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i just broke bones a movie on god god wants us to be dying from this virus or you know. just how old are you all over the earth is the religion you know little religion goals for yourself by the way if you make it through this i mean when you do if you do you know maybe you shouldn't have stolen the cup of noodles when you were. but i think a lot of people are looking for book recommendations right now he's like well i got something i read ok this is what you can read all your i like you know every one of the line after that it's going to bring out the slapshot bring out with lexy it like you can bring the oxic leaned back in the great. little guy even at the white house oh well he is you may be wandering around in the basement a little. but he is making ventilators he's you know donated some of his
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business to producing vending machine a floor below machine yeah you know he's good motion. that's right i thought pills were used to suffocate you ventilate but i mean it is kind of worrying all the doomsday preaching he's doing and then you're like he's responsible for bridges a new. road to enter some bible verse in order to get a ventilator going through it free 19 clearly and for the free advertising as well because the only time i ever see my pillow ad is like when i'm watching old like seventy's eighty's sitcom on like antenna t.v. or any t.v. and they just try to squeeze it in between like the life alert commercials and yeah stuff about me. i see it so that's the feeling over the next. killer health section and maybe he's worried he's going to lose his customer base if it's mainly old people buy him special pillows yes. so guys what else what other
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important stories are you seeing that people aren't talking enough about. in particular the welsh town where a bunch of got loose i think it to me is like a more of a commentary of like it's kind of an unfortunate byproduct of coronavirus where it now like there's not as much pollution the animals are taking over the way in the. way of how difficult it was because there weren't enough were there were you know there was like nobody around like there's a desert in town because everybody was on lockdown and they kind of just let. it go should recheck wales all right. they own that and said there you have the we'll have a go ambassador. they couldn't do much worse than the ones we already send to the u.k. but 6 no i think the story is not getting enough coverage is we are trying to create war with iran as well as well but with basically we're trying to provoke them into war as they are dealing with the ground of our horrific way or her and sanctions
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are really killing them and literally in terms of medical devices and medical funding and all that stuff and we're trying to provoke them into a hot war with iran and recently a leaked memo by lieutenant general robert white which is rare for the higher ups of the military to say anything but he came out and said look going to war with iran is insane right now like we are not anything we could we had were these he sent guess what the military is also dealing with corona virus spreading through the ranks of the military there's a navy ship that's like filled with guys with coronavirus like. the positive positive of coronaviruses that it has decreased some of our war mongering because the troops can't move around as much because they're trying not to all the bunched together and stuff but it's just like really right now you could. well of course because they like to use a crisis to try and harm other places in the world it's disgusting. but any opportunity we get and i know you have some gentle vinces yes coronavirus somehow
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lead us to the fight with iran but guys thank you so much for joining me for a good talk a good good. opening to. see since you. now america is a very unique place when it comes to unemployment during the coronavirus jobs aren't disappearing so fast the way they are in america as they are in other countries throughout the world governments are protecting employment workers keep their jobs even in industries that are shut down the government covers most of their wages through direct payments to employers our government on the other hand is counting on increasing employment unemployment benefits it's like unemployment is rising like toilet water and we're just the trying to flush the toilet and we have a plunger but it's like too gross to actually plunge the toilet we never do that we'll just call the plumber when our house is no longer inhabitable you know some countries like germany already had job retention systems in place but several
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nations with no experience in that area like britain ireland and denmark were able to introduce brand new employment guarantee programs on the fly during the epidemic in both the us and britain the government is asking restaurant workers to say home but in britain workers are receiving 80 percent of their pay and are guaranteed to get their jobs back in the us well if you bootstrap 0. 8 you bootstraps another unusual thing about america is that health care is tied to our employment so now millions lose coverage during a pandemic. you know what as an american i'm starting to take this virus very personally so many workers are on the hunt for insurance and private insurers are taking advantage and misleading customers about their coverage of course new research has shown a rise of misleading marketing of short term health plans brooking's launched an investigation and by investigation i mean they made some phone phone calls
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pretending to be a woman who was worried about coronavirus coverage and they discovered pretty quickly just scratching the surface since people were quick to reassure us that coburn 1000 related costs would be broadly covered despite plans occupants or other statements indicating otherwise in the conversations we heard misleading and sometimes false information about how close the $980.00 is has thing in treatment would be covered by the plan and the circumstances under which it would be a preexisting condition so one of the millions who are uninsured the would be many more who will still be in debt during this crisis or be put in debt during this crisis because they were lied to about their coverage but in all fairness their sales people it's kind of their job to lie and sell things and our economy runs on lies and dead grandpas i don't make the rules now let's talk about the stimulus bill or we can just call it a bailout ok bailout the airline industry which is prone to booms and busts clint
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to flee spending more than $45000000000.00 on stock buybacks over the past 8 years now and stock buybacks are more sinister than they sound yes they reward shareholders and help keep executive pay high but also instead of investing in quality goods or services companies will buy back their stocks to prop up their company's value artificially the biggest u.s. airlines spent 96 percent of free cash flow last decade on buying back their own shares. airlines been seemed to prepare for this rainy day which is weird because i know i've had several flights cancelled for a slight drizzle or passenger like sneezing but that and that was 3 cronan times and now it's a hurricane so they're getting billions of dollars in grants and loans it's true that part of the stimulus package is a ban on buybacks however it's not only the airline industry that will benefit it's a bailout of the entire travel industry and with that travel agents the
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$25000000000.00 allocated in loans and loan guarantees for the airlines will also benefit eligible businesses improve to perform inspection repair or replace or overhaul services and ticket agents my thumb is the travel agency i've put a lot of work into booking my flight you would not believe the amount of tabs i have open kayak skies scan or expedia ok cupid. cupid flies now to the grimmest story of all i'm sure you saw the news couldn't get any more depressing but i have a surprise for you prisoners at rikers island in new york have been offered a unique work opportunity to earn $6.00 an hour on a special project as shortages ravaged the american economy their assignment is to make up for one product that will soon be in extremely high demand great.
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they're digging mass graves not only are they making $6.00 an hour and paying the cheapest rent into your city the president of the prisoners are also getting personal protective equipment you can even get that in some hospitals the next thing you know nurses will be committing felonies just so they can be locked up and get their hands on some latex gloves if they will have clarified that these graves are not necessarily intended for covert related deaths the area where the prisoners are digging was long ago identified as a potential resting place for a search of bodies in the event of a pandemic by a 2008 report put together by the new york city office of the chief medical examiner now it could be any pandemic that eludes grace not necessarily the coronavirus but maybe the next one that comes along in 2 years after politicians refuse to make any structural changes to our health care system those grays will
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get another opportunity i'm sure and that's all the news i have through there's no new redacted tonight tomorrow but we'll be back with all new episodes of redacted tonight and rejected tonight v.i.p. next week and you can get more redact this ny on youtube dot com slash productive tonight and all of another great place to get rejected tonight is the portable t.v. app download the portable t.v.'s at portable the t.v. backslash download keep saying save and keep thing inside and keep fighting. join me every thursday on the alex salmond short and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. with the coronavirus now officially declared a pandemic the world faces the additional burden of an oil market collapse this
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comes at a time when demand for crude was already low some are calling this the ultimate perfect storm how this all ends is my experience. this is a story of women women with troubled histories and complex court cases you know some of us did leave. out there. were not. the person that. the cheesiness of the day are considered the most dangerous of criminals she's in a still. all the off 23 hours of the day tell me that it's not enough punishment in the world of women on death row. city on.
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how. when i don't think if this is a no fly zone incident they don't want to learn how to focus i mean don't. the sweet time will tell me. something. that's. very uncertain. things. will
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go on the baby had a fever of 380.30 we're hoping that. that it will all be ok. hello there i'm you know and chan you're watching in question broadcasting live from our team america national headquarters in washington d.c. i want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here are your top stories today the state of new york in ramping up mass burials at a nearby island this public cemetery now helping handle an influx of unclaimed bodies as the number of virus victims are being recovered from their homes by national guard troops then we will speak with the c.e.o. of mammoth bio sciences on rapid testing technology port hope at 19 so what will
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this mean for.


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