tv News RT April 13, 2020 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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no dairy thinks. we dare to ask. monday the 13th of april when the headlines from outside international the new york governor pledges a fund to support medics but health care workers hit back saying it was his budget cuts that led to today's dielike of resources there. the trade everything will agency every single. state. the outbreak worsens here in moscow city leaders bring in a digital permit system now to control travel around the capital and the wider region. the last thing affects of social distancing what lies ahead what a leading american doctor says that we should all permanently ditch handshakes for
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a start to stop the spread of illness we discussed so isolation will affect all future interact. what's being promoted in the name. is actually the erosion of human contact human souls are if you social isolation is a privilege for those that don't have to the place where in close proximity or die of starvation not an option for several billions of peoples around the world. welcome to the program assistant 2 pm here in moscow this monday i'm kevin nolan with his 30 minute world news roundup falling in 1st is where we are then on the numbers as we head into a new week at 4 months now since the 1st infections began to cause concern around the world and as of now more than 1800000 cases have been logged more than 114000 people have died the number of people known to have recovered from covert 19
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is standing this hour more than 431000. so instead these latest developments to new york the worst affected states in the world's most affected country the governor of new york's planning to launch a fund to support medics but the skepticism from unions back at him who blame him for budget cuts which they say have squeezed resources and left them ill equipped for the pandemic with more on that and the similar struggles elsewhere in the world is a senior correspondent were a guarantee of. isn't is astounding that something super tiny a virus which isn't even technically considered alive has humbled us through law technology for all our knowledge and hubris ami's robots rockets with powerless we have nothing to fight it with but there are those who fly to
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a godless every day into the jaws of infection or warriors in this life and death battle the incredible doctors and nurses and health care workers on the front line of the fight physios radiograph was pharmacists who kept coming to work kept putting themselves in harm's way for years we took what medical professionals did for granted this is a given they didn't get parades all fireworks it took a pandemic for the world to wake up to the service that sacrifices that medics make is a process well the commitment of that i make tonight for health care workers and for the entire nation is that once the crisis is over a massive investment plan and an upgrade of career paths will be put in place for our hospital system we think the federal government should set up a hero's compensation fund to compensate our health care and other front line
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workers for what they did here oh they're thankful now they are on camera he didn't mention how under him and his predecessor they eliminated 20000 hospital beds to cut costs the french president doesn't mention how successive governments try to skimp on health care for years longer hours few abed's nurses doctors less equipment and less money. for the world while military budgets explode. that politicians rule the dice on which hospital to close next and no one can claim that they didn't warn us for her.
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the end result has been that we don't have enough of anything that we need not beds nor hospitals no ventilators 1st world nations with astronauts in space ascending the nurses to work in trash bags here troll to use one mouse over and over again their cruel items over and over to their mouths or if you're given this condition and told to you for the entire week don't applaud politicians they were warned time and time again that this could happen sure it would have been expensive to prepare the turns out it would have been cheaper than doing nothing the world is not prepared for a fast moving global risperidone pandemic that could kill up to 80000000 people devastate economies and create social chaos. and yet those medics that we try to skimp and save money on they can't for us every day in america france or russia
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these medics who to work every day knowing that there's a serious risk of infection and with the dignity to avoid mentioning that they warned us were unprepared as health care system one that was already broken prior to this and is completely destroyed at this point we were unprepared as a country it's unfortunate how it everything played out how every personality sponsible for making sure we were protected so that we could do our work properly and save other people fail to do that they completely let us down they betrayed us every single agency every single federal government does every single person that was dared that was supposed to provide us what we needed that was supposed to assist us and give us support during these difficult times so that we could do what we needed to do would be properly if the clique failed to do that we were left
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alone. to figure it out on our own we're going to be damaged as a result of this i don't know what are we going to end up i don't know what we're going to look like after this but if we're never going to be there say health care is never going to be the same healthcare workers are never going to be the same this this as completely destroyed. everything that it could and even. our trust. well they're growing coals in from snow over the urgent need to develop an exit strategy from the covert 1000 looked on the present mccomas jude to give a nationwide address on monday evening a paris correspondent sheila do you told me what we might expect to hand them to them. president michel is due to address the french nation on monday evening where it's expected he will announce that the lockdown will be extended again it's been in place since march 17th but the suggestion now is that will go on until at least
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made may is also suggestion that he will announce schools will not reopen until september this comes as the death rate for coburg 19 has been decreasing in the country over the past few days and the suggestion is the number of people in the intensive care unit has also gone down now for 4 consecutive days but what is the exit strategy as many are saying the lockdown just can't continue indefinitely but one medical institute is warning that needs to be a strategy in place and it's warning that so far it isn't clear that one is and without that they could be a 2nd even more deadly wave that could overwhelm the health systems left in lockdown with no exit strategy in place will inevitably lead to a large rebound in fact as the immunity of the population is estimated to still be very low profile one to 6 percent meanwhile there's pressure on the government to
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try and get the economy moving we know that france is already in a recession and some people are suggesting that this is the worst recession since 1945 remember some 30 to 40 percent of businesses are just completely shut down with no ticking at all now the head of the employers union in france is made it is actually warning that when we do go back to work that french citizens may have to work harder and longer we will have to ask ourselves the question of working time sooner or later public holidays and paid leave to accompany the recovery and to facilitate by working a little more the creation of additional growth well as you can imagine that's not everybody's cup of tea and in fact workers unions office. serious. it is utterly indecent to ask people to work more it's not up to them to pay the costs of this coronavirus crisis and there's huge pressure on the president in this address tonight it will be one of several addresses has made to the nation since the start
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of the pandemic and the lockdown here in france and it comes at a time when some 38 percent of people in one poll suggest that they just don't trust the government to deal with this crisis but will be watching to see exactly what president says i will bring you the latest here yeah here a digital permit system starts rolling out of moscow this monday to try and could tell non-essential travel around the region the man is also shattering the majority of a non-vital enterprises to the outbreak in russia is worsening another daily record this monday with $2558.00 new cases with more than 1300 of them here in moscow says could taylor has more the capital's new restrictions but i'm just standing opposite the mayor's office right here in the center of moscow and it's located on the main street all the way down to red square not direction it's kind of the equipment of london's oxford street paris is shanties a new york's 5th avenue so usually it's actually jump packed with cars and people
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but today you can see there are relatively few cars and almost no pedestrians why well new hotshot knocked out matches have come into effect this monday so from now on until the duchess of april trouble within the city will be regulated by a strict cost system to house it was bought $33.00 stages where the trip up the fright and the 5 stage will actually be to limit movement within a neighborhood now so far around $780000.00 parts have already been given out just to give you an idea must the house around 13000000 residents i'm actually one of those 780000 you can see right here this is my permit it comes in an electronic form. it's got serious information so it's obviously got my name it's got my email address it's got my possible information it's got the time limits of mine it's going to last until the 13th april but the most important thing it has is right here at the very top and that is a sin old code not this is the code it's
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a policeman comes up to me it says can i see your comment that is the code i'll give him he'll check it into system and then heard from you also let me carry on and i'll be trying this with me everywhere i go if i'm going on a tux if i'm going on the tube from walking down the street the only time that i will safely leave that i hope is fun throwing up my rubbish or walking my unfortunate imaginary dog or going to my local shop now this is a significant tightening of the restrictions until now we've just been requested to sit at code but given the recent surge in the number of corona virus cases here in russia the moscow authorities said they were really left with no other option but to impose more stringent measures so that the latest count is that i'll just tell you that 18000 cases here in russia around 2500 new ones in the last 24 hours and the death toll partly stands out 148 now moscow was russia's largest city accounts around 2 of cool russian codes it 19 cases now you don't actually need to
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look at the figures to see that increase just looking around on the streets are noticeably more on kill it says in fact of the 2 recently came out showing a few of confidences waiting to trump told us suspected coronavirus. patients not to clinics on the outskirts of moscow now on average jane 1300 people have been transported by ambulance as the top flight hunted just a week ago these new restrictions with police it brought in because unfortunately some people are still refusing to abide by the state otto diakite something that took it so says his office the only busting situation but the. good news is is that the positive results of this new process didn't seem to already be showing because according to the app that rates how well the city itself isolates most currently it's rating at $4.00 out of 5 that's up from this time last week
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a $3.00 so it seems that the system is beginning to show the positive benefits of people coming together be more disciplined yes the sun is shining yes bring has arrived but it's a health crisis to people are staying in and doing that part to ensure the health and safety of all the thought i must have bites. actually says kid taylor reporting there will russia has so far conducted more than 1300000 coronavirus tests one of the major test manufacturers is getting backing from the russian direct investment fund which is the government vehicle for economic investment. chief executive carol dmitri of direct where rusher is in terms of testing. well we already manufactured 500000 cuts and we own that track to have more than 1000000 best manufactured every week and what is unique about a system that we've invested in to look at the wages systems and we believe testing is very important is a system that is one of the most precise and more systems in the world we can test
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wasn't going to be our well known mobile units that looks like a suitcase and it can be used at airports and schools and different places and factories and we believe at best it has to be much more ubiquitous and we believe that russia is moving forward to do more testing we can find 100 units of virus which basically means that we can identified that person on the 1st day of the infection and this is important because of the test and systems you know find people one week later to weeks later but identifying people early it allows us to treat those people sooner and allows them to in fact 5 fewer people so we believe in early testing as a key criteria of success insofar as the virus and by the way out deaths have been used in australia in u.e. in other countries and we believe in international cooperation we believe it's very important that counters share information shared the knowledge is share approaches we have a local or from china you know lots of countries have
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a lot to learn from russia i think international cooperation is vital to fight for the virus well and among so the gloom and misery right now a little bit opposed to the tea with a lot does coasting a tranquil silence around the world is whose mother nature is breathing a sigh of relief at least the air is clear in a normally polluted cities and want life making the most of the nearly deserted streets and great pictures coming up people have been sharing them online.
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election members the future for the world are there be safe to go outside again soon to see you know this is out international on the way could our personal interaction be changed forever as we get used to all the social distancing these days will a leading american doctor says we should permanently ditch and shakes for our future health we talk about it when we're back.
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the outbreak of the corona virus has become a black swan event for the global economy is no longer whether the u.s. and other economies will slip into recession the question now we have. long the recession will last it's going to get worse before it gets better. again but i would shake your hand but the way we personally greet each other could
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be a bird a change forever as one of america's most prominent experts on infectious diseases suggest that we all give hand shakes the elbow for now on it's been claimed that stopping the centuries old tradition would not only prevent the spread of corona virus but also the common cold i don't think we should ever shake hands ever again to be honest with you not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease it probably would decrease instances of influenza dramatically in this country you know the nielsen's been discussing with an expert panel just how the pandemic might affect how we are in the future. if it was somehow universally adopted out how big a difference would it make you know sense what what what was being promoted in the name of health is actually the erosion of human contact and human solidarity and it seems to me that if you begin to medicalize human relationships and contacts into is being suggested it simply makes the divisions and the tension that already exists so much more difficult to bear i think that's something we should very
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strongly oppose and that is that a lot of people are talking about now and i watch television i see people very close to each other there are strangers talking to each other or people shaking hands and i guess they're disgusted i think that's quite unsettling this is a class pandemic that is several billions of poor people around the world crowded in corridors in the world's megacities they're forced to do jobs that involve physical contact and close proximity to others they have no other choice social isolation is a privilege for those that don't have to either face work in close proximity or die of starvation in the future after the pandemic is over such things as no longer hand shaking or having those physical contacts not an option for several billions of peoples around the world how easy do you think it will be after being told for so long to move away you know social distancing isolation supermarket rushing how do you expect the public to react when when the measures are lifted as there is as
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the measures begin to recede hopefully we will see ourselves going back to i think older farms of social contact think a portion of global humanity is going to be more cautious there's going to be of course the psychological trauma of having emerged from this pandemic but again i see the world from the viewpoint of that's 34b5b that are the most outcast and the most downtrodden and their secondary concern is shaking hands in physical presence maybe there 1st is that still going to be daily survival in this in stream leon equal global says. i agree that we live in what the pandemic has done is that it's created it to tear system it made it even more rigid many respects what a pandemic has really done is reinforce trends they're already exist in existence in the economy prior to that but it accelerated it it intensified it and in that sense divisions and differences in lifestyle are going to become even more pronounced what happens now are we still helping to be monitored cut it encourage
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people to test snitch on each other to the authorities what's your take is the next stage in exchanging our freedoms for security which is basically to make our private lives negotiable and i have a little bit worried in the way in which there's all this stock work to governments into using these new apps that will monitor us but it does seem to me that it does give enormous power over to the authorities and my understanding of human history is that whenever you get all your freedoms the authorities didn't just go back to you there is a very potentially quite a quite a difficult situation coming up as far as question of freedom is concerned. here lots to think about is now let's check out some world these in brief there's been a corona virus outbreak onboard this french navy aircraft carrier saying they're saying 50 cases have been registered on the shelves the goal which is the top to the mediterranean port of 2 long 3 sailors are in hospital as a precaution while the remaining crew
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a quarantine on board now for 2 weeks now wearing face masks. now while some police use drones to check on social distancing compliance in germany they're selling this thing out big old airship it's a look for groups of people around the picturesque lake constance near the swiss border the thirty's say it's better for high altitude monitoring and what's more it's quieted to the say over the sunny easter weekend we saw those pictures yes they're gathering scene in berlin parks packed despite all that advice have strong advice to stay at home this next. what we go here well on a positive note this alfresco concert comes courtesy of spanish police no less who gave star for the madrid hospital a tuneful that a time out some of the medics joined in to deliver relief from all the stress there on the right now singing along to popular national songs nice to see. talk of
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creativity whiling away the long hours stuck indoors is definitely bringing out people's hidden talents all around the world but here in russia it's isolation art it's approving a hit it's a facebook group where people are uploading images of themselves recreating masterpieces with whatever comes to hand at home it's become a huge hit worldwide as mentioned with more than 400000 followers so let's finish with a little exhibition should we. 2 2
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good stuff well that's it for now i'm kevin i would hear about international h.q. in moscow armand in the bulletins at these times every day to keep you posted throughout all this on our web and social media teams are working around the clock as well plus we download our up to get any breaking news as it happens straight your mobile device for now to stay safe and thanks for watching. it. seemed wrong. just don't call. me. yet to shape
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out just to become educated and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when she's to look for common ground. she manatee is on the edge of a precipice thanks to continuing destruction of the natural world. who just seem laid out a lot of bills also. losing much of a later period. but it is. less than nothing you can hold up. for. the war. or the. only
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dealing in muslim lands as a little boy here. and stuff and. shit them see that is a win is the. human activity has brought us to the brink of the world's 6th major extinction of it and the people in this film just come take it anymore. thinking of getting a new phone the ones we got her she. didn't know what to do he was trapped in this tiny little wired coach we don't need a crate with him he was. freaking out and she won't let us bring him anywhere near . reading dogs or caged in in human conditions on the phone i mean 67 years
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you know they've been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the thunder nothing they have no protection. because you. know it's ok. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a group businesses are involved like agoa mom center there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the sands of care for dogs bred in commercial rating for so many most of that opposition is coming from a huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dog.
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slow and welcome across all things were considered i'm peter lavelle the outbreak and spread of the corona virus has become a black swan event for the global economy there is no longer whether the u.s. and other economies will slip into recession the question now is how deep and how long the recession will last it's going to get worse before it gets better. crosstalk in the corona recession i'm joined by my guess and live in houston he is president of lipo oil associates in new york we have helen i need ski she is an american journalist with r.t. and in great barrington we cross to pete earley he is an economist with the american institute for economic.
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